1 1.1 Essegei-Shqiperi Smokthina 03.10.2002

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1 1.1 Essegei-Shqiperi Smokthina 03.10.2002 NR i HEC-eve Koordinata (x,y) Periudha e Data e dhenies se EMERTIMI Tipi Nr. sipas EMERTIMI NIPT-I Admin BASHKIA Pellgu koncensionit( Fuqia (kW) FEE koncensionit Hec-i Koncensionit subjekteve X Y vite) ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI Giordano Gorini , VLORE VJOSA ska 1 1.1 SMOKTHINA 03.10.2002 Smokthina K22301011W Aldo Franceschetti 4463574 4386896 ROT 35 9600 2 2.1 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2002 Arras K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4621289 4442201 PESHKOPI DRIN ROT 35 2400 ska 2.2 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2003 Funares K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4570520 4442121 LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN ROT 35 1000 ska 2.3 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2004 Dukagjin K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4685932 4400662 SHKODER DRIN ROT 35 640 ska 2.4 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2005 Nikolice K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4482552.176 4484493.557 KORÇË DEVOLL ROT 35 500 ska 2.5 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2006 Bulqize K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4596535 4434824 BULQIZE DRIN ROT 35 600 ska 2.6 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2007 Lure K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4633354 4432840 PESHKOPI DRIN ROT 35 600 ska 2.7 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2008 Orgjost K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4655654 4462428 KUKES DRIN ROT 35 800 ska 2.8 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2009 Lekbibaj K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4684074 4419806 TROPOJE DRIN ROT 35 1200 ska 2.9 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2010 Velcan K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4514909 4463743 KORÇË DEVOLL ROT 35 800 ska 2.10 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2011 Zerqan K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4597277 4448529 BULQIZE DRIN ROT 35 400 ska LUMI SARANDE ska 2.11 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2012 Borsh K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4435080 4402775 BORSHIT ROT 35 250 LUMI 2.12 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2013 Leshnice K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4412770 4436987 SARANDE ROT 35 250 ska PAVLLO 2.13 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2014 Shoshan K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio TROPOJE DRIN ROT 35 3000 ska 2.14 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2015 Ujanik K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4500495 4434321 SKRAPAR DEVOLL ROT 35 400 ska 2.15 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2016 Kerpice K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4512972 4433221 GRAMSH DEVOLL ROT 35 200 ska 2.16 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2017 Barmash K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4460045 4467608 KOLONJE VJOSA ROT 35 200 ska 2.17 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2018 Lunik K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4572254 4442259 LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN ROT 35 200 ska 2.18 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2019 Homesh K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio PESHKOPI DRIN ROT 35 150 ska 2.19 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2020 Muhur K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4616140 4443972 PESHKOPI DRIN ROT 35 250 ska 2.20 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2021 Rajan K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4460401 4461308 KOLONJE VJOSA ROT 35 200 ska 2.21 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2022 Marjan K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4496161 4461627 KORÇË DEVOLL ROT 35 200 ska 2.22 ESSEGEI-SHQIPERI 08.10.2023 Treske 2 K12314001K Vincenzo Jorio 4480770 4459327 KORÇË OSUM ROT 35 200 ska 3 3.1 EMIKEL 13.03.2003 Lenie K23418201C Vincenzo Jorio 4516578 4448612 GRAMSH DEVOLL ROT 35 400 ska 3.2 EMIKEL 13.03.2004 Corovode K23418201C Petrit Ibro 4486069 4434178 SKRAPAR OSUM ROT 35 200 ska BULQIZE DRIN ska 3.3 EMIKEL 21.07.200313.03.2005 Tucep K23418201C Petrit Ibro 4589726.779 4458617.633 ROT 35 400 - shtesa e kontrates LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN ska 4 4.1 AMAL 19.04.2007 Xhyre K08027612N Petrit Ibro 4554522 4450030 ROT 35 250 Jacques Mercier , Faik Teodori , BULQIZE DRIN Emilien Marquis , 5 5.1 TEODORI 2003 19.08.2003 Ternova K42301006L 4594375 4441970 BOO 35 8385 Lulzim Laloshi , Shefikat Ngjela Jacques Mercier , Faik Teodori , Emilien Marquis , Zall Lulzim Laloshi , 5.2 TEODORI 2003 19.08.2004 Bulqiza K42301006L Shefikat Ngjela 4597235 4443276 BULQIZE DRIN BOO 35 5350 02.10.2003 - shtesa e SKRAPAR OSUM ska 6 6.1 WONDER POWER kontrates Bogove K39003403C Vasil Gjika 4493456 4428359 ROT 35 2500 7 7.1 SPAHIU-GJANC 03.10.2003 Gjanc K43825004R Dalip Spahiu 4487602 4474470 KORÇË OSUM ROT 35 3700 ska 8 8.1 ENERGO-SAS 19.08.200518.08.2004 Sasaj K64006850W Vangjel Ngjelo 4430352 4405842 SARANDE Lumi Bunecit BOO 35 5500 ska - shtesa e kontrates LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN ska 9 9.1 HIDRO INVEST 1 19.08.200514.08.2009 Stranik K89504202H Florian Draxler 4541553.997 4455680.039 BOO 35 4600 - shtesa e kontrates LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN ska 9.2 HIDRO INVEST 1 14.08.2010 Zall Torre K89504202H Florian Draxler 4543243.01 4459029.131 BOO 35 3000 Aldo Ceccobelli KALIVAC GREEN 06.06.2007 ,Shpëtim Arbana , TEPELENE VJOSA 10 10.1 ENERGY SHPK Kalivac K72326018B Enyal Shuke BOT 35 100000 11 11.1 REMI 19.09.2007 Egnatia K57604601T Ismail Leka 4555600 4448288 LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN BOT 35 5000 2 12 12.1 HEC-i Tervolit 30.12.2007 Tervol K73621202N Zabit Skraqi 4532893 4434463 GRAMSH DEVOLL BOT 35 10000 3 Matteo Segafredo HYDRO POWER PLANT Verbe- ,Roberto Donzelli KORÇË DEVOLL 2.1 13 13.1 OF KORCA 31.12.2007 Selce K81830009N ,Manuel Toffanin BOT 35 2800 14 14.1 MUSO HC QYTEZE 03.03.2008 Qyteze K86504601R Pëllumb Muso 4507937 4465511 DEVOLL DEVOLL BOT 35 250 15 15.1 ERMA M.P. 16.04.2008 Çarshove K84606001N Maksim Fejzulla 4443656 4461242 PERMET VJOSA BOT 35 1200 2.5 ELBASAN SHKUMBIN 2 16 16.1 ANSARA KONÇENSION 25.04.2008 Labinot Mal K83622201L Saimir Qosja 4562995 4429665 ROT 35 250 PURE ENERGY LIBRAZHD DRIN I ZI 17 17.1 STEBLEVA 25.04.2008 Stebleve K87922601G Ali Fejza 481951.175 581940.049 BOT 35 3400 18 18.1 GJO-SPA POWER 25.04.2008 Lapaj K87920201S Silvio Allamandi 4640986 4453629 KUKES DRIN BOT 35 12600 2.5 19 19.1 DUKA T2 05.05.2008 Tuçep 2 K48130531M Hysen Duka BULQIZE DRIN BOT 35 1400 Aida Nani ,Georg PERMET VJOSA 2 20 20.1 LENGARICA & ENERGY 26.05.2008 Lengarica K83026602A Schweighofer 4450350 4453332 BOT 35 6200 KOKA & ERGI ENERGY BULQIZE MAT 4 21 21.1 PESHK 26.05.2008 Peshku K88027901B Ersi Salaj 4587680 4430159 BOT 35 1900 KOKA & ERGI ENERGY BULQIZE MAT 4 22 22.1 STAVEC 26.05.2008 Stavec K88027902J Mehmet Koka 4590563 4428859 BOT 35 6000 POWER-ELEKTRIK- LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN 3.5 23 23.1 SLABINJE 26.05.2008 Sllabinje K81813003S Naimir Kurti 4537369 4459144 BOT 35 9300 24 24.1 KISI-BIO-ENERGY 29.05.2008 Kacni K86907701E Imer Memetaj 4607994 4438314 PESHKOPI DRIN BOT 35 1100 2 25 25.1 ENERGJI UNIVERS 29.05.2008 Kabash 1 K82109507S Bledar Vorpsi 4659562 4411470 PUKE FAN BOT 35 5200 25.2 ENERGJI UNIVERS 29.05.2008 Kabash 2 K82109507S Bledar Vorpsi 4661196 4408732 PUKE FAN BOT 35 600 26 26.1 STRAVAJ ENERGY 29.05.2008 Stravaj L11823001A Ymer Dashi 4541636 4450384 LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN BOT 35 3626 5 27 27.1 STUDIOPROJEKT 17.06.2008 Vlushe K62021001S Xhevair Dërmishi 4487354 4436413 SKRAPAR OSUM BOT 35 14200 2 LUMI SARANDE 28 28.1 BISTRICA 3 ENERGY 17.06.2008 Bistrica 3 K82118005R Sazan Piro 4417649 4421179 BISTRICE BOT 35 1570 2 LUMI SARANDE 28.2 BISTRICA 3 ENERGY 17.06.2008 Bistrica 4 K82118005R Sazan Piro 4415096 4417856 BISTRICE BOT 35 1335 29 29.1 SELISHTE 17.06.2008 Selishte K86921702N Ramazan Biba 4611191 4440621 PESHKOPI DRIN BOT 35 1350 2 30 30.1 ERDAT LURA 25.06.2008 Lura 1 K82321008Q Silvio Allamandi 4636571 4436135 PESHKOPI DRIN I ZI BOT 35 4812 2 30.2 ERDAT LURA 25.06.2008 Lura 2 K82321008Q Silvio Allamandi PESHKOPI DRIN I ZI BOT 35 2549 2 30.3 ERDAT LURA 25.06.2008 Lura 3 K82321008Q Silvio Allamandi 4637977 4439245 PESHKOPI DRIN I ZI BOT 35 3632 C & S Construction LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN 31 31.1 Energy 25.06.2008 Rapuni 1 K81914029T Arjan Çukaj 4568744 4448024 BOT 35 4100 C & S Construction 2 LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN 31.2 Energy 25.06.2008 Rapuni 2 K81914029T Arjan Çukaj 4567124 4444848 BOT 35 4150 32 32.1 SUHA ENERGY 25.06.2008 Suha 2 K82005014R Bardhyl Cano 4439741 4438750 GJIROKASTER VJOSA BOT 35 3400 2.1 33 33.1 STRELCA ENERGY 25.06.2008 Strelca 1 K91610007H Valeria Fava 4511920 4457271 KORÇË DEVOLL BOT 35 1700 33.2 STRELCA ENERGY 25.06.2008 Strelca 2 K91610007H Valeria Fava 4509735 4460231 KORÇË DEVOLL BOT 35 1300 2 33.3 STRELCA ENERGY 25.06.2008 Strelca 3 K91610007H Valeria Fava 4512640 4460682 KORÇË DEVOLL BOT 35 5300 Željko Kokolj ,Sait BULQIZE MAT 34 34.1 ALBANIAN POWER 25.06.2008 Martanesh K81918013H Vokshi 4586441 4434095 BOT 35 8800 5 Bardhyl Muceku RRESHEN MAT 35 35.1 PRELL ENERGY 26.08.2008 Prelle 1 L17610901S ,Fabio Scuero 4619323 4419669 BOT 35 6600 2.5 Bardhyl Muceku RRESHEN MAT 35.2 PRELL ENERGY 26.08.2008 Prelle 2 L17610901S ,Fabio Scuero 4617630 4417019 BOT 35 4100 ENERGJI ASHTA K82417005V Peter Stelzer , SHKODER DRIN 36 36.1 22.10.2008 Ashta 1 Dietmar Reiner 4652701 4384109 BOT 35 57000 ENERGJI ASHTA 22.10.2008 K82417005V Peter Stelzer , 2 SHKODER DRIN 36.2 Ashta 2 Dietmar Reiner 4654686 4379220 BOT 35 HEC-i KABASH Holta 29.10.2008 GRAMSH DEVOLL 37 37.1 POROCAN Kabash K82403009G Liljana Delia 4532925 4437664 BOT 35 3200 2 HEC-i KABASH Holta GRAMSH DEVOLL 37.2 POROCAN 29.10.2008 Porocan K82403009G Liljana Delia 4533320 4440896 BOT 35 1500 38 38.1 HEC-i BISHNICA 1,2 29.10.2008 Bishnica 1 K82403011S Refat Mustafaraj 4531020 4454204 LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN BOT 35 450 2 38.2 HEC-i BISHNICA 1,2 29.10.2008 Bishnica 2 K82403011S Refat Mustafaraj LIBRAZHD SHKUMBIN BOT 35 2500 39 39.1 EURON Energy Group 07.01.2009 Orgjost i Ri K97519201C Gezim Çela 4655654 4462428 KUKES DRIN I ZI BOT 35 5000 39.2 EURON Energy Group 07.01.2009 Bele 1 K97519201C Gezim Çela 4655149 4461657 KUKES DRIN I ZI BOT 35 4200 39.3 EURON Energy Group 07.01.2009 Bele 2 K97519201C Gezim Çela 4656969 4460240 KUKES DRIN I ZI BOT 35 7800 39.4 EURON Energy Group 07.01.2009 Topojan 1 K97519201C Gezim Çela 4652195 4460615 KUKES DRIN I ZI BOT 35 2860 5 39.5 EURON Energy Group 07.01.2009 Topojan 2 K97519201C Gezim Çela 4655149 4461657 KUKES DRIN I ZI BOT 35 4400 40 40.1 MALIDO-ENERGY 28.01.2009 Klos K98824001D Fuat Hajdari 4644246 4430412 MIRDITE MAT BOT 35 1519 41 41.1 T P L A N I 29.01.2009 Valbone K61521026Q Flamur Bucpapaj 4701854 4408064 TROPOJE DRIN BOT 35 2300 10 42 42.1
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