Aron Lund Divided they stand AN OVERVIEW OF SYRIA’S POLITICal OPPOSITION FACTIONS Divided they stand AN OVERVIEW OF SYRIA’S POLITICAL OPPOSITION FACTIONS Aron Lund Divided they stand AN OVERVIEW OF SYRIA’S POLITICal OPPOSITION FACTIONS FEPS in cooperation with the Olof Palme International Center For further information please contact David KITCHING, FEPS Policy Advisor at
[email protected]. Publisher FEPS Foundation for European Progressive Studies Dr. Ernst Stetter, Secretary General Rue Montoyer 40 1000 Brussels, Belgium E:
[email protected] Author Aron Lund Produced by NetworkMedia GmbH Managing Director Guido Schmitz NetworkMedia GmbH Stresemannstraße 30, D-10965 Berlin T: +49 30 255 94 179, F: +49 30 288 94 199 E:
[email protected] Creative Director Björn Andresen 6 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 9 PART ONE: THE REVOLUTION 13 The opposition before 2011 20 The Syrian revolution 28 The tansiqiya groups 36 The quest for opposition unity 39 PART TWO: THE OPPOSITION 63 National Coordination Bureau (NCB) 80 Syrian Democratic Platform (SDP) 95 Building the Syrian State (BSS) 96 National Change Current (NCC) 98 The ‘loyal opposition’ 100 Syrian Sunni Islamism 104 The Kurdish opposition 112 Independent dissidents 125 Maps 140 IMAGE CREDITS 142 ENDNOTes 143 ARON LUND 178 Divided they stand 7 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (WitH coalition membersHips) ADO Assyrian Democratic Organization (Assyrian-Christian party) (DD, SNC) AKP Justice and Development Party (Turkey’s governing Islamist party) ASM Arab Socialist Movement (socialist party) (NDA,