Street Directory for All Election Districts (Election District Boundaries Effective 03/05/2021 )

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Street Directory for All Election Districts (Election District Boundaries Effective 03/05/2021 ) Prince William County Department of Information Technology Street Directory for all Election Districts (Election District Boundaries effective 03/05/2021 ) This report lists, for every street segment in Prince William County, an address range, the subdivision/area, the precinct, the House district, the Senate district, the Congressional district and the zip code. Persons noting errors or omissions in this list are encouraged to notify the Prince William County Department of Information Technology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Office, 5 County Complex Court, Suite 140, Prince William, VA 22192-5308 or by telephone at (703) 792-6840. Date of this listing **** 03/05/2021 ****. Please call the GIS Office if more current information is required. Please note that a zero (0) address range indicates that there is no information available. Legend Street Type L_Lo Low address, left side ALY Alley MEWS Mews R_Lo Low address, right side ARC Arcade PYWY Parkway L_Hi High address, left side AVE Avenue PIKE Pike R_Hi High address, right side BLVD Boulevard PL Place Precinct L Left voting precinct CTR Center PLZ Plaza Precint R Right voting precinct CIR Circle PT Point House L Left Virginia House of Delegates district CT Court RD Road House R Right Virginia House of Delegates district CV Cove SQ Square Senate L Left Virginia Senate district DR Drive ST Street Senate R Right Virginia Senate district EXPY Expressway TER Terrace Congress L Left Congressional district FWY Freeway TRWY Thoroughway Congress R Right Contressional district HWY Highway TRL Trail Zip code L Left zip code LN Lane WAY Way Zip code R Right zip code LOOP Loop Street Directory Final Report: March 5, 2021 Address Range Precinct House Senate Congress Zip code Street Name L Lo L Hi R Lo R Hi L R L R L R L R L_ZIP R_ZIP BRENSTVILLE A P HILL CT 10931 10941 10930 10942 104 104 51 51 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 ABBEY MANOR LN 13701 13729 13702 13730 105 105 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 ACACIA LEAF DR 8461 8675 8460 8674 109 109 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 ACADEMIC LOOP 8931 8991 8930 8990 108 108 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 ACADIA PARK DR 9001 9145 9000 9144 108 108 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 ADEN RD 11301 14149 11300 14148 101 101 51 51 28 28 1 1 20181 20181 ADEN RD 11201 11299 11200 11298 104 104 51 51 28 28 1 1 20181 20181 AIREDALE CT 9855 9929 9856 9928 107 107 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 AIRLEA DR 11900 11940 11901 11939 101 101 51 51 28 28 1 1 20181 20181 AIRWICK LN 8601 8637 8600 8636 109 109 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 ALAN CT 9839 9855 9840 9850 106 106 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 ALBERT WAY 14001 14111 14000 14112 105 105 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 ALBERTSTONE CIR 7901 7991 7900 7990 109 109 50 50 13 13 1 1 20109 20109 ALEXANDER HAYS RD 11721 11809 11720 11808 104 104 51 51 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 ALEXANDER SOPHIA CT 7481 7513 7480 7512 103 103 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 ALLAIRE DR 15499 15583 15498 15584 112 112 13 13 28 28 10 10 20155 20155 ALPINE BAY LOOP 14881 14995 14880 14994 110 110 13 13 13 13 1 10 20155 20155 ALTHEA LN 15601 15619 15600 15620 112 112 13 13 28 28 10 10 20155 20155 ALVYN LAKE CIR 9199 9329 9200 9330 108 108 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 AMERICA DR 13601 13667 13600 13666 114 114 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 AMSTERDAM CT 7941 8121 7930 8120 110 110 13 13 13 13 1 10 20155 20155 ANACORTES TRL 15101 15113 15100 15114 112 112 13 13 28 28 10 10 20155 20155 Prince William County Government- Department of Information Technology, GIS Office Page 2 of 314 5 County Complex Court #140, Prince William, VA. 22192 Ph: (703)792-6840 Web: Street Directory Final Report: March 5, 2021 Address Range Precinct House Senate Congress Zip code Street Name L Lo L Hi R Lo R Hi L R L R L R L R L_ZIP R_ZIP ANCHOR MILL PL 15001 15067 15000 15066 105 105 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 ANDREW HUMPHREYS CT 10551 10603 10550 10602 104 104 51 51 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 ANGEL FALLS ST 9301 9359 9300 9360 108 108 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 ANVIL DR 10001 10199 10000 10198 106 106 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 AQUA VIEW CT 10201 10261 10200 10260 102 102 50 50 28 28 1 1 20181 20181 ARCADIAN SHORE CT 8033 8059 8034 8056 110 110 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 ARCARI DR 11891 11893 11890 11892 102 102 50 50 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 ARNOT LN 12801 12877 12800 12876 107 107 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 ARROWLEAF TURN 8101 8287 8100 8286 112 112 13 13 28 28 1 1 20155 20155 ARTHUR GRAVES JR CT 12649 12699 12646 12700 102 102 50 50 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 ARTO ST 13001 13215 13000 13216 109 109 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 ASBURY RIDGE CT 11501 11539 11500 11538 101 101 51 51 28 28 1 1 20181 20181 ASHLAND AVE 8001 8069 8000 8074 106 106 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 ASHLEYS PARK LN 9221 9225 9222 9226 108 108 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 ASHLEYS PARK LN 9201 9219 9200 9220 108 108 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 ASHTON AVE 0 0 8154 8618 106 106 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 ASHTON AVE 8251 8619 0 0 106 106 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 ASPIRE CT 12897 12937 12896 12938 111 111 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 ASSETT LOOP 11221 11289 11220 11288 106 106 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 ASTER RD 12101 12207 12100 12208 104 104 51 51 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 ATLAS WALK WAY 7301 7399 7300 7398 103 103 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 AUBURN RD 9501 9659 9500 9658 104 104 51 51 28 28 1 1 20181 20181 AUDUBON WAY 15745 15823 15744 15822 112 112 13 13 28 28 10 10 20169 20169 AUSLEY CT 10601 10625 10600 10624 101 101 51 51 28 28 1 1 20181 20181 AUTUMN GLORY LN 9097 9149 9100 9150 108 108 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 Prince William County Government- Department of Information Technology, GIS Office Page 3 of 314 5 County Complex Court #140, Prince William, VA. 22192 Ph: (703)792-6840 Web: Street Directory Final Report: March 5, 2021 Address Range Precinct House Senate Congress Zip code Street Name L Lo L Hi R Lo R Hi L R L R L R L R L_ZIP R_ZIP AYCLIFFE LN 8751 8755 8750 8754 108 108 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 BAGPIPE CT 9901 9939 9900 9938 102 102 50 50 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 BAILEY LOOP 1 271 2 272 101 101 51 51 28 28 1 1 22134 22134 BAILEY ST 1103 1993 1104 1994 101 101 51 51 28 28 1 1 22134 22134 BAILEYSBURG LN 10105 10121 10104 10124 104 104 51 51 28 28 1 1 20181 20181 BALATON LAKE LN 9101 9173 9100 9172 108 108 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 BALLAGAN CT 9495 9573 9502 9572 107 107 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 BALLS FORD RD 12219 12975 12018 12976 105 105 13 13 13 13 1 1 20109 20109 BALLS FORD RD 12977 13045 12978 13044 109 109 50 50 13 13 1 1 20109 20109 BALTUSROL BLVD 7663 7999 0 0 110 110 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 BALTUSROL BLVD 0 0 7662 8000 110 110 13 13 13 13 10 10 20155 20155 BANCHORY PL 10101 10121 10100 10122 107 107 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 BARBEE RD 12201 12359 12200 12360 101 101 51 51 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 BARN OWL CT 8801 8843 8800 8844 114 114 50 50 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 BARRETT DR 8001 8509 8000 8508 106 106 50 50 29 29 1 1 20109 20109 BARRONS REACH LN 12893 12933 12892 12932 107 107 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 BARRYMORE CT 13831 13971 13832 13970 114 114 50 50 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 BARTOW PL 9051 9057 9050 9056 106 106 50 50 29 29 10 10 20110 20110 BARTRAMS FOREST LN 6597 6681 6596 6682 112 112 13 13 28 28 10 10 20169 20169 BATHGATE WAY 12981 13041 12980 13042 107 107 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 BATTALION SQ 11797 11851 11798 11850 104 104 51 51 28 28 1 1 20136 20136 BAYLOR PARK CT 9301 9313 9300 9312 108 108 50 50 13 13 1 1 20136 20136 BEARHURST DR 8201 8465 8200 8464 103 103 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 BEDDER STONE PL 9627 9721 9600 9720 102 102 50 50 29 29 1 1 20136 20136 BELGROVE GARDENS LN 8601 8707 8600 8708 105 105 13 13 13 13 1 1 20155 20155 Prince William County Government- Department of Information Technology, GIS Office Page 4 of 314 5 County Complex Court #140, Prince William, VA.
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