
Bulletin of the GHI Washington

Issue 34



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We are pleased to announce that the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) will sponsor a GHI research project on “Natural Catastrophes in Comparative Perspective: Responses to Flooding in and the United States.” The project will be jointly conducted by Uwe Lu¨ bken (University of Cologne) and Christof Mauch (GHI); the project will start in May 2005. More information will follow in the upcoming issue of the Bulletin.


The GHI is happy to inform our readers about a large donation by the Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur. The gift includes about 250 volumes, and is an important addition to our collection of books on post-1945 German history. Among the major works in this donation is the series Vertra¨ge der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Serie A Multilaterale Ver- tra¨ge, published by the Auswa¨rtiges Amt. It documents treaties con- cluded by the Federal Republic from its founding to 1977. There are also five volumes of the forerunner to the yearbook Berlin in Geschichte und Gegenwart, the Schriftenreihe zur Berliner Zeitgeschichte, a chronicle history of Berlin, several volumes from the 1960s and 1970s of the Statistisches Jahrbuch der DDR, and several volumes of the journal Deutschland Archiv: Zeitschrift fu¨r das vereinigte Deutschland that complement our collection. We want to thank Dr. Anne Kaminsky, the director of the Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, for this generous gift.

GHI BULLETIN NO.34(SPRING 2004) 235 Our collection of the collected works of important German writers was expanded to include the works of Heinrich Bo¨ll, Erich Fromm, Oskar Maria Graf, Friedrich Hebbel, Martin Heidegger, Heinrich Heine, Johann Gottfried Herder, , Stefan Heym, Carl C. Jung, Ernst Ju¨ nger, , Erich Ka¨stner, , Siegfried Lenz, Christian Morgenstern, Erich M. Remarque, Martin Walser, and . We also added works on Berchtesgaden, Cologne, Marbach am Neckar, and Vienna to our collection of German city histories. Another acquisition worth mentioning are the eleven volumes of the Schriftenreihe der Enqueˆte-Kommission “Zukunft des Bu¨rgerschaftlichen En- gagements” des Deutschen Bundestages. These volumes analyze civil en- gagement in Germany from different angles. We also added two new journals to our collection: the Journal of Modern European History / Zeitschrift fu¨r moderne europa¨ische Geschichte, a cooperative venture by re- nowned European historians; and the journal Rechtsgeschichte, published by the Max-Planck-Institut fu¨ r Europa¨ische Rechtsgeschichte. We would like to express our gratitude to the following people and institutions that donated books to the GHI library: Hans-Joachim Christe, Bis-Verlag, Suzanne Brown-Fleming, Bundesarchiv, Professor Detwiler, Matthias Deutsch, Astrid M. Eckert, Axel Gayko, Michaela Ho¨nicke Moore, Dieter Hoffmann, ICOM, Institut fu¨ r Kulturforschung, Sven Felix Kellerhoff, Christof Mauch, Gisela Mo¨llenhoff, Wolfgang Rathje, Andreas Rauch, R. W. Ritzmann, Bernd Schaefer, Herbert Schellenberger, Dirk Schumann, Christoph Strupp, Richard von Weizsa¨cker, Westfa¨lisches Ar- chivamt, Richard Wetzell, Jana Wu¨ stenhagen, and Thomas Zeller.


Publications by GHI Research Fellows

DAVID C. GEYER and BERND SCHAEFER, eds., American De´tente and German Ostpolitik, 1969–1972. Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Supple- ment 1 (2004)

DIRK SCHUMANN and ANDREAS WIRSCHING, eds., Violence and Society after the First World War. First issue of the Journal of Modern European History (2003)

“Publications of the German Historical Institute,” published in collaboration with Cambridge University Press

PETER BAEHR and MELVIN RICHTER, eds., Dictatorship in History and Theory: Bonapartism, Caesarism, and Totalitarianism

236 GHI BULLETIN NO.34(SPRING 2004) Information on ordering this title is available on the Cambridge Univer- sity Press website, www.cup.org.

Transatlantische Historische Studien, published in collaboration with the Franz Steiner Verlag

ANSGAR REISS, Radikalismus und Exil: Gustav Struve und die Demokratie in Deutschland und Amerika

ANJA SCHU¨ LER, Frauenbewegung und soziale Reform: Jane Addams und Alice Salomon im transatlantischen Dialog, 1889–1933

ANKE ORTLEPP, “Auf denn, Ihr Schwestern!” Deutschamerikanische Frauen- vereine in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1844–1914 Information on ordering these titles is available on the Franz Steiner Verlag’s website, www.steiner-verlag.de.


Postdoctoral / Habilitation Fellowships

ANGELIKA EPPLE, University of Hamburg, “Stollwerck und die Schokolade. Eine Mikrohistorie der Globalisierung 1850–2002”

MARCUS GRA¨ SER, University of Frankfurt, “Bu¨ rgerliche Sozialreform und welfare state building in den USA und in Deutschland 1880–1940”

INES KATENHUSEN, University of Hannover, “Biographie des deutsch- amerikanischen Kunsthistorikers Alexander Dorner”

JOCHEN KIRCHHOFF, University of , “Deutsch-amerikanische Bez- iehungen in der Wissenschaftspolitik”

THOMAS SCHULTE-UMBERG, University of Hannover, “Kirche, Katholiken und Amerika. Eine Studie zum interkulturellen Transfer zwischen US- und deutschem Katholizismus in der Nachkriegszeit (1945–1960/61)”

Doctoral Fellowships

BJO¨ RN MICHAEL FELDER, University of Tu¨ bingen, “Lettland im Krieg 1941– 1947.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Beyrau

NADINE KLOPFER, University of Tu¨ bingen, “‘Beautiful Surroundings’: Stadtverscho¨nerungskonzepte in Montreal und New Orleans, 1880–1920: Sta¨dtischer Raum und gesellschaftliche Ordnungsvorstellungen.” Ad- viser: Prof. Dr. Udo Sautter

GHI BULLETIN NO.34(SPRING 2004) 237 CHRISTINE KNAUER, University of Tu¨ bingen, “Die Desegregation des amerikanischen Milita¨rs und der Koreakrieg im o¨ffentlichen Diskurs der afroamerikanischen Community.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Udo Sautter

SOLVEIG KO¨ BERNICK, University of Leipzig, “Hugo Koch (1883–1964). Leben und Werk des Fachschriftstellers, Gartengestalters und Architek- ten unter besonderer Beru¨ cksichtigung seines Beitrags zur Entwicklung einer sta¨dtebaulichen und gartenku¨ nstlerischen Gestaltungstheorie im er- sten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Thomas Topfstedt

SANDRA KRAFT, University of Heidelberg, “Wir haben sie so geliebt, die Revolution!” Die Radikalisierung der ‘68er’ in vergleichender Perspek- tive: Deutschland, Frankreich und die USA.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Detlef Junker

DANIEL KREBS, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, “Approaching the Enemy: German Prisoners of War in the American War of Independence.” Ad- viser: Prof. Dr. James Melton

JO¨ RG MUTH, University of Potsdam, “Die Wehrmachtsoffiziere im Spiegel der Erinnerungen und Dokumente der amerikanischen Generalita¨t 1935 bis 1955: Auswirkungen auf die Wiederbewaffnung und das Geschichts- bild in der Bundesrepublik.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Manfred Go¨rtemaker

KEVIN OSTOYICH, Harvard University, “Fear and Passage” (examination of support networks that aided the emigration of German Catholics during the latter half of the nineteenth century). Adviser: Prof. Dr. David Black- bourn

LAURA PIPPEL, University of Bonn, “Studium hinter Stacheldraht: Die deutschen Lageruniversita¨ten des Zweiten Weltkrieges.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Klaus Hildebrand

BRIAN PUACA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, “Education Re- form From Below in Postwar West Germany, 1945–1965.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Konrad Jarausch

ALEXA STILLER, University of Hannover, “Die Volkstumspolitik der SS 1939–1945.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Claus Fu¨ llberg-Stolberg

EVELYN ZEGENHAGEN, University of the Bundeswehr, Munich, “Zwischen Emanzipation und Integration: Die o¨konomische, soziale und politische Kontextualisierung deutscher Sportfliegerinnen der Zwischenkriegszeit.” Adviser: Prof. Dr. Merith Niehuss

JUTTA VON ZITZEWITZ, Humboldt University Berlin, “Fotografie und Ur- banisierung in New York, 1945–1965.” Adviser: PD Dr. Michael Diers


The GHI was again fortunate to have a number of excellent interns who made valuable contributions to our work. The interns conducted research in libraries and archives, helped prepare and run conferences, assisted editors and librarians, and cheerfully performed all other tasks that came their way. Two of them even extended their stay at the GHI for another month. We would like to thank Ryan Fogle (American University), Michael Grimm (University of Munich), Helena Johnson (Williams Col- lege), Jan Ko¨ckritz (University of Freiburg), Katja Ko¨hr (University of Dresden), Gudrun Lo¨hrer (University of Cologne), Symi Rom-Rymer (Boston University), Michael Schmiedel (RWTH Aachen, now Berlin), and Rebekka Weinel (University of Heidelberg).


SONJA DU¨ MPELMANN joined the GHI in December 2003 as a GHI/NEH Research Fellow. In May 2002, she received her Ph.D. in Landscape Ar- chitecture from the Universita¨t der Ku¨ nste in Berlin, where she completed her dissertation on the Italian landscape architect Maria Teresa Parpa- gliolo Shephard (1903–1973) and her contribution to the development of garden culture in Italy in the twentieth century. Before joining the GHI, she worked for the Stiftung Preußische Schlo¨sser und Ga¨rten Berlin- Brandenburg and as a landscape architect in Switzerland. In 2001 she researched the exhibition and wrote the catalogue on the horticulturalist Karl Foerster for the display at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and in Potsdam.