Dec, JASEM ISSN 1119-8362 Full-text Available Online at J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. 2017 Vol. 21 (7) 1281-1285 All rights reserved https:// and

Evaluation of Compressive Strength Characteristics of Structural-sized Apa ( bipindensis ) and Opon ( Lannea schimperi ) Timber species columns found in


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria *Email: [email protected], Tel: +2347061276187; [email protected]; [email protected]

ABSTRACT: The work centers on the compressive strength characteristics of Nigerian Apa ( Afzelia bipindensis ) and Opon ( Lannea schimperi ) timber species columns of nominal lengths 200, 400, 600 and 800mm and a nominal width and thickness of 50mm by 50mm. The data revealed that, Apa and Opon have an average density of 652.74 and 472.60kg/m 3 respectively. The mean moisture content (MC) of both species were less than the fibre saturation point (FSP) recommended value of 25-30% and the average strength at yield of Apa and Opon are 35.65 and 14.00N/mm 2. The derived continuous equations for design of Apa column and Opon column are = . . and = . . respectively. The results of the reliability analysis show that Apa and Opon timber species have reliability index of 0.64 and 0.65 respectively for a service life of 50 years, assuming other serviceability conditions are met. This design procedure is distinct and more effective than the usual procedure of classifying compression members as short, intermediate and long using their slenderness ratios. The paper therefore recommends the adoption of these equations for the design of compression members from these timber species in Nigeria.


Copyright © 2017 Rahmon et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CCL), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

Received 04 September 2017; received in revised form 30 October 2017; accepted 17 December 2017

Keywords: Apa, Compressive strength, Opon, Reliability, Structural-sized

Timber is one of the materials used in construction The main characteristic of these timbers under and is a sustainable resource (Porteous and Kermani, investigation is their buckling characteristics when 2007). It is one of the few natural and renewable subjected to compressive load. According to Robert construction materials that exists but has its (2006) buckling is a mode of failure that generally limitations in general use for construction, carpentry results from structurally unstable member due to and upholstery (Apu, 2003). Also, timber is an compressive action on the said member and it organic material and thus is subject to deterioration depends on the geometric properties of the member. with time (Robert, 2010). Structural timber is the This study brings to focus current reasoning and the timber used in framing and load-bearing structures, integration of advanced technologies to suit the where strength is the major factor in its selection and available climatic, natural and human resources to use (Aguwa, 2010). Most woods used in the building solve the problem of transportation, by making construction are softwoods but in structures like cheaper, better and more reliable structural system in bridges and railway sleepers, hardwoods are specially highways (Aguwa, 2011). The environment, the used (Karlsen and Slitskouhov, 1989). Afzelia weather condition and the soil affect the growth of africana is a timber specie locally known by its as well as their strength properties. Most of the Yoruba name Apa and trade name Afzelia. Other timber strength properties recorded in British and common names for the specie are: Doussié European codes were based on timber obtained from (), Apa (Nigeria), Mkola, Mbambakofi trees on those areas and the laboratory tests were (Tanzania), Chanfuta, Mussacossa (Mozambique). conducted there. Since all our timber structures are Afzelia is a transition species found between the constructed of timber from Nigeria, there is the great savannah forest of dry areas and the dense forests of need to determine their strength properties and humid regions. It occurs throughout West Africa, subject them to structural reliability analysis in order and parts of Tanzania. (Timber Research and to prove their degree of structural performances Development Association, 1979). Lannea schimperi (Aguwa, 2010). A significant element of uncertainty is locally known by its Yoruba name Opon and its is also introduced through lack of information about vernacular name Rusty-leaved Lannea. The wood is the actual physical variability. The aim of this study whitish and light weighted (Oyen, 1987). is to evaluate the compressive strength characteristics of structural-sized Nigerian grown Apa and Opon

*Corresponding author email: [email protected] Evaluation of Compressive Strength Characteristics of Structural-sized 1282

timber species columns using constant failure rate dimensions were determined before test. The density reliability method. is given as:

MATERIALS AND METHOD 2 Material procurement - Afzelia bipindensis (Apa) and Lannea schimperi (Opon) timber species were Where: ρ = density in kg/m 3, B = Breadth in cm, D = bought from Tanke, Odo-Okun and Saboline Depth in cm, H = height in cm, W a = Air-dry weight sawmills in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. They were of sample at test in grams (g), V a = Air-dry volume of naturally seasoned for seven (7) months for the sample at test in cubic centimeters (cm 3). samples to attain equilibrium moisture content (EMC) environmentally. The natural seasoning was Mechanical property test: Compressive Strength - chosen over artificial seasoning which is faster Compressive strength test was carried out using a because the proposed timber structure is column Testometric Universal Testing Machine. The which is always completely exposed to natural following procedures were followed: atmospheric weather conditions. The timber samples were prepared and tested in accordance with the i. The timber was cut into various sizes (200, 400, British Standard BS EN 408 (2003) Test for physical 600 and 800mm); twenty samples for each of the and mechanical properties of structural timbers at the sizes and then labeled. Wood workshop of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Timber ii. The machine height was now adjusted to the sizes lengths of 50mm x 50mm section obtained from each of the specimen. Then the timber was fixed for sawmill was cut into lengths 200, 400, 600 and loading. 800mm. A maximum height of 800mm was used due to the limited height of the testing machine. The iii. The speed of the test was calculated according to physical property tests of the timber species was BS 373 (1957) standard as 13.020, 26.040, 39.060 carried out at the structural laboratory of Civil and 52.075mm/min for the length 200, 400, 600 and Engineering Department, University of Ilorin, while 800mm respectively. the mechanical strength test was carried out using a iv. The nominal length, the test speed, weight, Universal Testing Machine (UTM) of capacity breadth, width of the samples was inputted into the 300kN at the Agricultural and Biosystems computer. Engineering Laboratory of University of Ilorin, v. The machine was started and load deflection curve Kwara State, Nigeria. can be seen on the computer, the machine was stopped when the sample fails or when the curve Physical property tests: Moisture Content - In starts to deflect downward. Accordance with BS 373 (1957) immediately after vi. The buckling was measured, and the sample taken each mechanical test has been conducted, a small out of the machine. sample for determination of moisture content was cut vii. The steps were repeated for the remaining from each test piece. The sample size was 50 x 50 x samples. 50 mm and consists of a transverse section from near viii. From the load deflection curve obtained after the the point of fracture. The sample was weighed and test, the stress and strain is calculated then dried in an oven at a temperature of 103 ± 2 °C Stress, (217 ± 4 °F) until the weight is constant. The loss in σ N/mm 3 weight expressed as a percentage of the final oven- Strain, ε % 4 dry weight is taken as the moisture content of the test • Member slenderness was calculated as follows: piece. Percentage Moisture content, (m.c) is given as: Slenderness ratio, 5 Where: Le = 1.0L, , , A = B*D and . . % 100% 1 λ = Slenderness Ratio, Le = effective length, r = Where: W a = Air-dried weight of sample at test in radius of gyration, I = moment of inertia, A = cross- grams, W 0 = Oven-dried weight of sample in grams. sectional area, L = Length, B = Breadth, D = Depth.

Density - Density of a material is the ratio of the mass RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS to the volume. In the 50mm x 50mm standard given The density of an air-dried timber has a direct by BS 373 (1957), all test pieces weight and relationship with the strength of the timber. Hence, the higher the density the higher the strength of the JIMOH, AA; RAHMON, RO; JOSEPH, SG

Evaluation of Compressive Strength Characteristics of Structural-sized 1283

timber and vice versa. The average density of Afzelia 652.74 and 472.60kg/m³ respectively.. This implies bipindensis (Apa) and Lannea schimperi (Opon) are that Apa has a higher yield strength than Opon. combination of both buckling and compression depending on the ratio of its height to its cross- Table 1: Average density of timber species Average density (kg/m 3) sectional dimension. From the test carried out, it was observed that all 200 mm samples failed by crushing, Specie Apa Opon Minimum 594.77 464.52 while the 400, 600 and 800mm samples fail by Maximum 710.70 480.67 buckling. The minimum and maximum shortening for Mean 652.74 472.60 Apa timber was 5mm for a height of 400mm and Standard deviation 132.34 78.64 21mm for a height of 800mm, while that of Opon COV (%) 11.64 9.27 95% Confidence limit 594.74

Table 3: Slenderness ratio, Stress @ Yield and Young’s Modulus relationship for Apa and Opon Mean Height Mean Slenderness Mean Stress @ Yield, σ Young’s Modulus (N/mm 2) (mm) ratio, λ (N/mm 2) Apa Opon Apa Opon Apa Opon 200.00 14.46 14.12 41.83 16.55 2175.91 921.88 400.33 28.94 28.85 39.17 12.86 1693.17 649.30 601.67 45.51 42.52 31.57 13.98 1183.76 560.62 801.33 57.80 57.16 30.03 12.60 1047.82 407.11 Average 35.65 14.00 1525.17 634.73

Verification of design equations : In other to derive a at yield were obtained from the design equation with continuous column design equation for both Apa and the experimental slenderness ratio as input alongside Opon timber species, statistical regression analysis the experimental stress at yield. The ratio of the was performed on the stress at yield and slenderness theoretical to the experimental yield stress was also ratio results for Apa and Opon timber column. The calculated. It was observed that the ratio of the result of the regression analysis yields Equation 6 and theoretical to experimental yield stress ranges 7 which is the desired column design equation for between 77 and 121% for Apa timber, and between both Apa and Opon timbers respectively. 67 and 149% for Opon timber, both having a mean = . . (6) value of unity. This implies that the theoretical result = . . (7) is in close agreement with the experimental results. To examine how well the theoretical equation best fit the experimental results obtained, the values of stress JIMOH, AA; RAHMON, RO; JOSEPH, SG

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Also a single factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 1.2 was performed on the theoretical and experimental y = 1e -0.009x R² = 1 stress at yield using the null hypothesis (H 0: μ1 = μ2) 1 that the means are equal at 95% confidence interval. 0.8 For both timber specie, it was observed that F < Fcrit and α (0.05) < P-value. Hence, we accept the null 0.6 hypothesis H 0 that the means of both the theoretical Reliability 0.4 and experimental values are equal at 0.05 level of significance. This means that the theoretical stress at 0.2 yield derived from the design equation agrees with 0 the experimental results. Therefore Equation 6 and 7 0 100 200 300 can be used for the rational design of Apa and Opon timbers respectively. Time (year)

Fig 2: Reliability of Opon timber Reliability Analysis: The result of the reliability analysis shows that Apa and Opon timber species Conclusion : The overall conclusions emerging from have reliability index of 0.64 and 0.65 respectively this study indicates that Apa has higher yield strength (which is greater than 0.5, the minimum index for a than Opon and thus will be more suited for Structural reliable structure according to Adedeji (2008), Ajamu use. Direct relationship exists between physical (2014) and Abdulraheem (2017) for a service life of properties such as moisture and density, and 50 years, assuming other serviceability conditions are mechanical properties such as yield strength and met. elastic modulus. The equations derived from the regression analysis on the experimental results can be Table 4: Strength Analysis of Apa timber used to obtain the stress at yield if the slenderness Height Average Cumulative Remaining Strength ratio of a structural size timber column from the (mm) Strength Strength (Q i) Strength Rate (d i) 2 (σ) (N/mm ) (R i) specie is known. With the results obtained and the (N/mm 2) (N/mm 2) associated equations derived, the strength of both 200 41.83 41.83 100.77 0.4151 timber species can be accurately predicted, thereby 400 39.17 81.00 61.60 0.3887 600 31.57 112.57 30.03 0.5125 encouraging the use of these natural and sustainable 800 30.03 142.60 0 1.0000 construction materials.

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