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Abstract The administration of injec- tions is a fundamental nursing skill; however, it is not without risk. Children receive numer- ous , and pediatric nurses administer the major- ity of these vaccines via the intramuscular route, and thus must be knowledgeable about safe and evidence-based programs. Nurses may not be aware of the potential consequences associated with poor practices, and historically have relied on their basic nursing training or the advice of colleagues as a substitute for newer evidence about how to administer injections today. Evidence-based nursing practice requires pediatric nurses to review current literature to establish best practices and thus improved patient outcomes. Key words: Child; Evidence-based nursing; Injection intramuscu- lar; .

AbbyPediatric Rishovd, DNP, PNP Intramuscular Injections: GUIDELINES FOR BEST PRACTICE B. Boissonnet / BSIP SA / Alamy Alamy / B. Boissonnet / BSIP SA

March/April 2014 MCN 107

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. ver the past decade, the childhood (2011), and the World Health Organization (2004) have schedule has increased in complexity. De- now all strongly discouraged the practice of aspirating for pending upon the combinations adminis- blood when administering an IM injection. A randomized tered, children now may receive as many control trial found that the standard injection technique as 24 via intramuscular consisting of slow aspiration and injection followed by O(IM) injection by 2 years of age (Centers withdrawal of the needle was more painful and took lon- for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2011). Pedi- ger than rapid injection without aspiration (Ipp, Taddio, atric nurses administer the majority of injections and thus Sam, Gladbach, & Parkin, 2007). Additionally, aspiration have an essential role in maintaining safe and successful is not necessary because large blood vessels are not pres- immunization programs. The administration of injec- ent at the recommended injection sites (CDC, 2011). tions is a fundamental nursing skill, yet it is not without Despite the evidence and recommendations from profes- risk. Complications from poorly administered IM injec- sional organizations, Hensel and Springmyer (2011) have tions include sciatic damage (Mishra & Stringer, shown that nurses are not aware of these new recom- 2010), unnecessary mendations and continue to (Celebioglu, Akpinar, & hold strongly to practices Tezel, 2010), muscle con- taught in fundamental tracture, bacterial - nursing courses. es, cellulitis, tissue necrosis, , local atrophy, Site Selection, and accidental injection Needle Length, into a joint space (American Academy of Pediatrics Age [AAP], 2012). Recommendations for the Successful injection prac- route and site for pediatric tice stems from nursing immunizations are estab- knowledge of pharmacolo- lished from clinical trials, gy, microbiology, anatomy, experience, and theoretical and physiology (Nicoll & considerations (CDC, 2012).

Hesby, 2002). Comfort Alamy ERproductions Ltd / Blend Images Most vaccines are adminis- techniques, positioning, vac- tered via the IM route. In cine preparation, and site selection should be assessed prior order to prevent complications, nurses should be familiar to each vaccination and determined by the child’s age and with the anatomy of each IM site and know how to cor- development (CDC, 2012; Hensel, Morson, & Preuss, rectly identify each site by the presence of bony land- 2013). It is essential for pediatric nurses to apply evidence- marks (Nicoll & Hesby, 2002). This might be an obstacle based practices to their daily routines in order to improve for nurses who may not have received any formal educa- the quality of care for children and their families (Christian, tion or training on site selection after completion of nurs- 2012). The purpose of this article, therefore, is to provide ing school. Variation from the recommended route may evidence-based guidelines for the administration of IM vac- diminish vaccine effi cacy or increase the possibility of cines in the pediatric population. local adverse reactions (CDC, 2011). Aspirating for Blood: Newborn to 2 Years of Age The IM site for injection is selected after considering the Should it be Done? child’s age, the volume of to be administered, and the Aspirating for blood prior to injection of vaccine or med- level of muscle development present (Figure 1) (CDC, ication is an established nursing practice that has been 2012). The anterolateral aspect of the , or the vastus taught in nursing schools at least for the past 40 years lateralis, is the preferred site for infants and toddlers (Crawford & Johnson, 2012). This procedure, originally (birth to 2 years) due to the large muscle mass (CDC, identifi ed as a safety measure, was meant to prevent acci- 2012; Jackson et al., 2013). The vastus lateralis is part of dental injection into intraarterial or intravenous spaces the quadriceps muscle and is easily accessible (Figure 2). (Nicoll & Hesby, 2002). Historically, nurses were taught When identifying the site, nurses should look for the por- to pull back on the plunger and then to look for tion of the muscle below the greater trochanter of the blood return within the syringe. If blood was found, they femur and above the knee joint. Injections should be admin- were to remove the syringe, change needles, and insert the istered into the middle third of the muscle (CDC, 2012). needle into a new site (Wong, Hockenberry, Wilson, Perry, A study by Groswasser et al. (1997) used ultrasound & Lowdermilk, 2006). According to a study by Ipp, Sam, to evaluate subcutaneous and muscle layer thickness to and Parkin (2006), however, nurses who reported aspi- determine appropriate needle length based on either the rating did so too quickly (less than 5–10 seconds) and United States technique of bunching the muscle at the paradoxically were unlikely to visualize blood in the injection site, or the WHO technique of stretching the syringe. Leading authorities including the AAP (2012), skin fl at between the thumb and the forefi nger. The re- the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices sults from this study are refl ected in the recommendations

108 volume 39 | number 2 March/April 2014

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. by the Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices children and adolescents will vary from 5/8 to a 1-in. today. If the muscle and is bunched, needle and from 22 to 25 gauge, depending on technique a 1-in., 22 to 25 gauge needle is necessary to successfully and body mass (CDC, 2012). Childhood obesity is a penetrate the vastus lateralis. In neonates, defi ned as the growing problem in the United States; however, currently fi rst 28 days of life and preterm infants, a 5/8-in. gauge no data are available that address needle length require- needle may be used if the skin is stretched fl at and the ment for younger children who are overweight. needle is inserted at a 90-degree angle (CDC, 2011). A randomized study including 59 macrosomic neonates Adolescents (birthweight over 4,000 g) found that infants who were In adolescents, body weight and mass contribute to the immunized with a 1-in. needle achieved signifi cantly needle length requirement and must be considered prior higher titers after the than to any injections (Koster, Stellato, Kohn, & Rubin, 2009). those immunized with a 5/8-in. needle (Ozdemir et al., A study of obese adolescents and young adults found that 2012), thereby confi rming the importance of adequate higher antibody titer levels to the hepatitis B surface anti- muscle penetration during vaccination. gen were obtained when patients were immunized with a longer 1.5-in. needle compared to a shorter 1-in. needle. Ages 3 to 18 These fi ndings reinforce the need to identify adequate The deltoid is the preferred site for IM injections in chil- muscle penetration and correct needle length; both can dren ages 3 to 18, once adequate muscle mass has devel- affect vaccine reactogenicity (Middleman, Anding, & oped there, usually around the age of 3 years (CDC, Tung, 2010). The CDC (2012) has recognized the role of 2011; Nicoll & Hesby 2002). To identify this site prop- body mass and indicates that some obese adolescents erly, nurses should expose the entire arm from the may require a 1.5-in. needle to reach muscle tissue. Ad- shoulder to the elbow and palpate the acromion process ditional guidelines founded on research utilizing ultraso- (Figure 3). Injections should be given 3 to 5 cm below this nography and BMI percentiles continue to be published. landmark (Nicoll & Hesby, 2002). The deltoid is best for One study on immunization of adolescents at the deltoid low-volume and IM injections not exceed- site recommended a 5/8-in. needle for those weighing ing a maximum volume of 1 ml (Barron & Cocoman, <60 kg, and a 1-in. needle for those weighing 60 to 70 kg 2008). If the deltoid cannot be used, the vastus lateralis (Koster et al., 2009). may be utilized in this age group (CDC, 2012). For tod- The dorsogluteal site is not recommended for use in dlers, a 5/8-in. 22-25 gauge needle may be used only if children due to the potential for injury to the the skin is stretched fl at and the needle is inserted at a (CDC, 2011; Nicoll & Hesby, 2002; Rodger & King, 90 degree angle into the deltoid. The needle length for 2000; Smalls, 2004). Additionally, the rectus femoris is not

Figure1. Pediatric Vaccine IM Administration.

NEWBORN INFANT/ TODDLER CHILD/ADOLESCENT (0–28 days) (1 month–2 years) (3–18 years)

Injection Site: Injection Site: Injection Site: Injection Site: Vastus Lateralis Vastus Lateralis Deltoid Deltoid Only if muscle mass is adequately developed

Needle Size: Needle Size: Needle Size: < 60 kg > 60 kg 5/8 in. 1-in. 5/8 in.–1 in. Needle Size: Needle Size: 22–25 gauge 22–25 gauge 22–25 gauge 5/8 in.–1 in. 1-in.–1.5 in. Technique: 22–25 gauge 22–25 gauge Technique: Technique: bunching or fl attening bunching (1 in.) Technique: Technique: fl attening fl attening (5/8 in.) bunching (1 in.) bunching fl attening (5/8 in.)

Insert needle at 90° angle to skin for all IM vaccine injections. The fl attening technique refers to stretching the skin out over the muscle before the IM injection. The bunching technique refers to squeezing the muscle between the thumb and fi ngers before the IM injection.

March/April 2014 MCN 109

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. advocated for use in children by most authorities (CDC, led to decreased pain scores and crying time among 2011; Nicoll & Hesby, 2002), yet some nursing textbooks 2- and 4-month-old infants after vaccination. After injec- continue to identify it as well as the dorsogluteal muscle as tion, the infants were quickly swaddled and positioned possible sites for injections (Carter-Templeton & McCoy, onto their side/stomach while the provider comforted 2008). them with “shushing” followed by the use of a pacifi er Last, the “Rights of Administration” (Harrington et al., 2012). Two other nonpharmacologi- should apply to each child with every medication admin- cal methods, ingestion of sweet-tasting and istered. These rights include the following: the right pa- breastfeeding, have also shown effectiveness as calming tient; with the right vaccine or diluents; at the right age measures for young children who received IM injections. and interval; with the right dosage; utilizing the right Moreover, a Cochrane review concluded that breastfeed- route, needle length, and technique; at the right site; and ing provides pain relief as evidenced by reducing crying with the right documentation (CDC, 2012). time and pain scores of infants (Shah, Herbozo, Aliwaias, & Shah, 2012). Thus, nurses should encourage breast- Comfort Measures When IM feeding mothers to begin breastfeeding before adminis- Injections are Administered tration of the injection, and to continue for several min- utes afterwards. There are no reports of adverse events to Children associated with breastfeeding during immunization, and Numerous evidence-based reports in the literature have infants are not likely to correlate breastfeeding with the detailed effective comfort measures for reducing discom- injection process (Taddio et al., 2010). Sucrose also can fort association with IM injections including vaccination. provide safe pain relief to infants; and it has been found Those measures can be divided into three categories, de- to decrease both crying time and behaviors such as gri- pending on the type of intervention: nonpharmacologic macing. An optimal of sucrose has not been identi- interventions, pharmacologic treatments, and injection fi ed in the literature, and additional research is needed to procedure. determine the minimally effective dose (Stevens, Yamada, Lee, & Ohlsson, 2013). Taddio et al. (2010) suggested Nonpharmaceutical Interventions that sucrose should only be recommended for infants Infants who are not breastfed during vaccination. Nonpharmacologic comfort measures such as positioning, breastfeeding, and distraction are ideal due to the ease of Older Children implementation, multiple modalities, and effectiveness. In Implementing distraction techniques as a means to re- their study involving 230 infants, Harrington et al. (2012) duce the pain of injections has been widely researched in found that the physical intervention of the 5 S’s: • swaddling, • side/stomach position, Figure3. Photograph That Illustrates Proper • shushing, Location for IM Deltoid Injection. • swinging, and • sucking

Figure2. Photograph That Illustrates Proper Anatomical Location for IM Vastus Lateralis Injection.

110 volume 39 | number 2 March/April 2014

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. the pediatric population. The gate-control theory pro- Suggested Clinical Implications poses that cognitive attention may affect the processing and awareness of pain (McCaffrey, Frock, & Garguilo, • The IM site for injection is selected after considering the 2003). Nurses should consider the cognitive development child’s age, the volume of drug to be administered, and of the child and select age-appropriate techniques and the level of muscle development present. stimuli for distraction (Schechter et al., 2007). Tech- niques may be parent-led, child-led, or initiated by the • Needle length recommendations vary depending upon provider, with the latter two identifi ed as being more ef- the child’s age, weight, and technique of the nurse. fective (Taddio et al., 2010). Deep breathing or the use of • bubble blowing and pinwheels in younger children is an- The technique of aspirating prior to injection is no longer indicated. other inexpensive option (Taddio et al., 2010). Very few studies have sought to determine which stimuli may be • Numerous evidence-based strategies are available to most effective; however, research suggests that the level promote comfort and minimize pain during childhood of engagement of the child is more important than the vaccine administration. stimuli itself (Schechter et al., 2007).

Pharmaceutical Interventions Pharmacologic interventions involve the administration of evidence to make a recommendation for or against this pain relievers and the use of topical anesthetics. Routine technique. Furthermore, some experts in pain manage- administration of Tylenol, before or at the time of IM ment believe that this method may actually increase pain, vaccine administration, is not recommended due to the as the child may feel vulnerable and overwhelmed with possibility of reduced antibody response (Prymula et al., little control over the procedure (CDC, 2012). If possi- 2009); alternatively, an age-appropriate dose may be given ble, allowing older children to choose their preferred for treatment of discomfort or fever if it occurs after vac- method of administration may decrease anxiety and en- cination (CDC, 2012). Eutectic mixture of hance their feeling of self-control. (EMLA) is a topical anesthetic that may be effective If the IM injection is a vaccine, research has also in reducing pain associated with IM immunizations. shown that nurses should consider the order of vaccine EMLA decreases pain as the needle enters the skin and administration, for some vaccines are known to cause may reduce muscle spasms associated with pain (Schechter more pain than others. In a randomized control trial con- et al., 2007). Research indicates that EMLA does not in- ducted on infants receiving two immunizations (Pentacel terfere with antibody response of – and Prevnar), pain was lessened when the most painful –acellular pertussis, Haemophilus infl uenzae injection, Prevnar, was administered last (Ipp, Parkin, type b, and hepatitis B vaccination in the newborn, or Lear, Goldbach, & Taddio, 2009). This simple adjust- cause any unexpected adverse reactions (Halperin, Hal- ment by nurses could be an effective modality that can perin, Mcgrath, Smith, & Houston, 2002). The relatively easily be implemented in clinical practice. long onset of action, about 1 hour, precludes its use in Last, the position of the child during vaccine adminis- most offi ces (Schechter et al., 2007). To combat this, some tration may also affect pain. Lacey, Finkelstein, and Thy- providers may order topical anesthetics prior to the visit so geson (2008) randomly assigned children ages 4 to 6 into that parents are able to apply them at home. two groups. One group was placed in the supine position Skin cooling sprays, or vapocoolants, are inexpensive and the other in the sitting position prior to vaccination. and they contain chemicals that produce a cooling effect They found that the children placed in the sitting position when applied to the skin. This is thought to reduce the sen- were less fearful about the injection than the children sation of pain at the time of injection. Some children may who were supine. Other studies suggest that when infants identify the cold sensation as painful, or the sensation may or children lie supine, they experience more pain than actually increase their focus on the injection procedure when sitting upright or being held by a parent; therefore, (Taddio et al., 2010). Research on the effectiveness of vapo- nurses should not place children in the supine position coolants has been inconclusive, and additional research is when administering injections (Taddio et al., 2010). needed (Schechter et al., 2007; Taddio et al., 2010). Conclusions Injection Technique The administration of IM injections of vaccines may be The injection technique of the nurse is another important the single most important health promotion intervention variable to be considered, especially since we now know that pediatric nurses provide for their patients. Immuni- that aspirating before administering an IM injection may zations are a routine part of well-child visits, and nurses in fact add to the pain of injections (Taddio et al., 2010). are charged with ensuring that the “Rights of Medication Some parents, children, and adolescents may prefer to Administration” are applied to every child. Nurses must have two individuals simultaneously administer vaccines be diligent in reviewing best practices for IM vaccine ad- at different sites when multiple vaccines are required; it is ministration. Use of the most current evidence-based thought that this method may reduce anxiety associated guidelines for IM vaccine administration allows nurses to with the anticipation of the subsequent injections. Ac- practice safely, thus increasing the likelihood of improved cording to the CDC (2012), however, there is not enough outcomes for pediatric patients and their families. ✜

March/April 2014 MCN 111

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Abigail Rishovd is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at Caring Ipp, M., Sam, J., & Parkin, P. C. (2006). Needle aspiration and intramuscular vaccination. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent , 160(4), 451. Hearts Pediatrics, Hartsville, SC. She can be reached via Ipp, M., Taddio, A., Sam, J., Gladbach, M., & Parkin, P. C. (2007). Vaccine- email at [email protected]. related pain: Randomised controlled trial of two injection tech- The author and planners have disclosed no potential con- niques. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 92(12), 1105-1108. doi:10.1136/adc.2007.118695 fl icts of interest, fi nancial or otherwise. Jackson, L. A., Peterson, D., Nelson, J. C., Marcy, S. M., Naleway, A. L., Nordin, J. D. ..., Weintraub, E. (2013). Vaccination site and risk of local reactions in children 1 through 6 years of age. 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112 volume 39 | number 2 March/April 2014

Copyright © 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.