Advance, Cristobal.12:00 M 3a00PM Jcfcdan, 1st Lieut. H. E., Transportation Lilienthal; leaving for New York January TRAVFL TRAVEL I Glenorchy, Rio Janeiro. 12:00 M 3:00 PM Corps, -3 Orders . Nail Lloyd 1st Lieut. J. M.. Veterinary Corps. TAMPA, Fla. Cracowaner's; Daniel The Friday Army Cracowaner, women's ready to wear, no¬ Tribune PM lBt Lieut. F. Almanac Stavangerfjord. Ctlana. 9:00 AM 2:00 Stuart, M., engineers. tions: 6 West Alex¬ «.;- ..- Thirty-second Street; Francis, Hlo do Janeiro 8:00 AM 11:00 AM JVcw Yorfc Tribuns j Sherman. 1st Lieut R.. Army Service Corps. ander H. Meyer; leaving for New York Mexico, Havana . ?:30 AM 12:00 M Washington Burtau McClung. 1st Lieut. C. D.. air service. February 3 to 7. Meeting of th<« I Ithuaníán Development Iroquois. Turks'a Island 9:30 AM 12:00 M Loveless. 1st Lieut. C. C, infantry. TAMPA, Fla. Maas Bros.: E. C. South America Corporation, ilotol 2 p. in. Cracuo... 9:30 AM 1 :«o PM Jan. 12. Tha War De¬ f Fury, IMMUNES Weather Divino Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, WASHINGTON. j Raw-son, 2d Lieut. G. W., Veterinary Corps. toys; Jerome Waterman, handkerchiefs, Report Science Lecture. Hotel Bosscrt. Ancon, Cristobal .12:00 M 3:00 PM partment to-day made public the following Lieut. J. nouons; 11.0 2 Hess, 2d R., field artillery, Broadway; leaving for New p. rn. orders : 2d Lieut. J. Veterinary Corps. York in March. AMERICAN Son rises... 7:19 sets.... Meeting of the Allied Loyally League, IS Masterson, E., early WEST COAST LINß 4:50p.m. AMKK1CAN PORTS Miscellaneous Fla.. C. A. a.__.¡Sun Fast Forty-ilrst Street, i p. m. Knechtel, 2d Lieut. E. A. jr.. Transportation TAMPA, CracoWaner's; *nd :e H'fiios A-rus via Truiuiuiritii* ft- P- Fast Mail Moon rises.. 1" i-S a.m. Moon sets ..11 :30 a.m. A. SUIT, to New Jones, dry goods, sllk3. ltnens, muslins; Steamers BALTIMORE, Jan. 12.Arrived: Strs Lib¬ Dougherty. Col. J., General Corps. G West leav- NEW MOUT erator, Rotterdam.; West Zula, Portland, York City. Evans. 2d Lieut. G. W. engineers. Thirty-second Street; Meyer; DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE YORK-PLYMOUTH Local cloudiness ami Ing for. New York February 5 to 10. \ la Jamaica Cristobal Forocaat..Increasing Meeting o'f the American Socletj of Me; Santoi-e, I'olton; Royal Transport für), George, Col. C. P., General Staff, to New Druhoz, 2d Lieut. H. H., infantry. TAMPA, Fla. &¦ and warmer t«>-d«y r to-morrow colder and nrol>- Mechanical Engineers, 29 West Thirty- Liverpool via (jueenstown; Canibau,, Ham- York \._ .Steinberg Co.; Oscar FRRfi *"KOM NEW VOKK. New York'-"CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON City. Steinberg, dry goods, women's wear; 225 . O- LDRU .eb. fl St. P,_J .no,, ably fair: southerly winds, becoming strong ninth Si reet, 8 p. in. burg-; Allaquash, New York. Sailed: Strs Major G. V., adjutant general, to SÇ MARCH 30 ! p,«^ v, Henry, West 135th Street; Mrs. Cohen; leaving PMa. uoo«. Feb. >'. to-night and shifting t«« est and northwest Dinner of the Brooklyn Edison Company. North Pacific (Br), Leghorn; Katherine . for New York early in February. 211 New York »n M*!i to-morrow. Hotel Bossart, 7 p. in. Park (Br), Liverpool; Cape Henry, Savan- Colby. Major F. T.. U. S. A., to director of Orders TAMPA, Fla..Steinberg & Co.; Adam Also Regular Sailings between NEU Dinner of the Anglers' Club. llot"l Penn¬ nah. military intelligence, Washington. D. C. Navy Kat_, women's dept.; 225 West 135th Panama (Cristobal) and Valparaiso Manchuria YORK-HAMBURG Local Official Record. The follow in«, of¬ sylvania, 7 p. in. , Jan 12.Arrived: Strs City of M escalfe. B., U. S. A., to New York ¡Street; Mrs. Cohen; leaving for New York end Intermediate Ports . p .} Lecture Charles Theodore on Colomobo Calcutta and Colombo: 1m- Capt. ficial record shows temperatures during the by Carruth (Br), City and Bridgeport. Conn. WASHINGTON, Jan. Bureau of In February. Mongolia ln_t twenty-four in with "ll Heat« Angélico," Academj of Music, mein iSwu.l), Norrkoping; Indian, Phila¬ A. to 1,2..The TAMPA, Fla..»Maas Bros.: C. A. Mc¬ .,'.FeV 1 hours, comparison S 1 ;. in. Mooradian. Captt P.. Sanitary Corps, Navigation to-day issued tho following or¬ the corresponding «Into of last year: Brooklyn, p. delphia; Ontaria, Philadelphia; Ceralvo, Camp Abraham F.ustis. Virginia. Kay, piece goods, silks: 1150 Broadway; EASTCÖAST BLACK Dinner of the. Council of Foreign Kein Norfolk; Harvey H Brown, Norfolk; Lake ders : Ba-r A- Lilienthal; leaving for New York Regular Sa lungs from ENGLAND to SEA SERVICE 1! 20. 191.. 1920. 1919. tlons. Hotel Astor. 7:30 p. in. Charlotte, Norfolk; Lak a. ft.... '.".' lo 0 p. m. 29 25 Hotel Aslor, 7 p. m. ion and Jacksonville; Indian. Philadelphia; Lake City. Utah. to linen goods, muslins; 1150 CONSTANZA S. High Com- Lilienthal; leaving for New Oa), a. m.... á. 1 p. in.... 5. S p. m.... 50 Address by Alfred W. Martin on "Industry Sailed: Sir John Adams, from Philadelphia Florida. missioner, Turkey, as radio officer. York early In February. WHITE and Humanity," S in. for Galveston. Lowe, 1st Lieut. C. C, to New York City. to naval TAMPA. Fla..Maas Brus; Earnest PACIFIC LINE STAR th«- Copper 'Union, p. Hough, Pharmacist L. E., torpedo LIN! Barometer Readings Meeting of I'ark Community Council« OALVESTON, Jan 12.Arrived: Strs El Field Artillery station, Alexandria, Va. Maas, ready to wear, skirts, blouses; 1150 (Tho taclflc Steam Navigation Co) N. P. S. t>, Klghty-flfth Street and Madison Oriente. New York; Edgefield, New York; Bradley, Lieut. Col. F., to Ross Field. Ar¬ ¡ U. S. Broadway; Baer & Lilienthal; leaving for Y..CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPaiJw 8 a. ta. 1 ro. m. K Baton Sa- Joyce. Commander C. S., to command Ne>v York fLapland .:; ,. M j.n .30.02 p. .30.02 p. .30.11 Avenue. Oeorge Jones, Roug»; Butte, cadia, Cal., and March Field, Riverside, S. January 16. NELSON LINE William Randall will talk on the condi¬ bin«-<; Tamesi, Tampleo. Sailed, Kd Lia, Cal. Toucey. WASHINGTON.Woodward & Lothrop; «H ft W. Nelson, Ltd.» Adriatic. 2 p. IV». .-k 5 tions in at New York. t.egersdadt, Ensign S. F. H., to U. S. S. C L. Bast, H. tCalls at General Weather Conditions Palestine the Bahai Library, Daly. Lieut. Col.' J. O., assistant to military boys' clothing; Hunlsberry, Plymouth. Omit, «ou-li m ,*2 41. Madison Avenue. JACKSONVILLE, Jan 12.Arrived: Str attache. Denmark. Robinson. | men's clothing; _'M Fourth Avenue; Is NEW WASHINGTON*. Jan. 12. The Canadian Tuesday evening dance at the Hotel Bilt- Mohawk, New York via Charleston; bark Lilla. Machinist H. L., to U. S. S. Grebe. expected January 11. YORK- LIVERPOOL Northwest disturbance of Sunday night ha., more. Alberto 'Span), Valencia. Sailed: Str Pi- Following lieutenant colonels promoted to McClary, Lieut. (J. G.) D. B., to U. S. S. moved .Jr.* to northern Cake Superior, with in- Dinner of the Agricultural Publishers' As¬ muh, Hoston. colonels: Gulfport." ÍGIfTíTAFRlCA ^C°.maCedric .j_ N j. ¿ creased intensity, but without precipitation, sociation, Commodore Hotel, H^O p. in. , Jan 12.Arrived: Strs Tex- Butner, H. W. Newbold. H. L. Madison, Capt Z. H., to assistant, naval ad- By Baltic except some light snow in the lake region. aSco, New York:. No -1« (Mr), Sagua. visor to American Commission Peace Mis- British Tire Concern, . t,r HOARD OF EDUCATION Sailed: llth. Following majors promoted to lieutenant J¡ There also were light snows Sunday night in LECTURER Bonito, Tampico! Baldrig«', colone's : »ion. UNION-CASTLE LINE Orte.a . F. S portions of Eastern New York und New Eng¬ W U. C. Redfern, Ensign H. to U. S. S. Benhani. ! To (The Union-Castle Mall S. S. Co.. !"| land and ruins MANHATTAN Westervelt, I.. Biiwie, jr.. Deems. jr. Have Branch Here Ltd.) NEW YORK- -GIBRALTaK^* in the Gulf states. Elsewhere "Music In Finley, Capt. If. D.. to Camp Travis. Texas. Weber, Lieut. H. C. (Medical Corps), to, the weather was fair. It is considerably Italy To-day." by Giuseppe A. naval Great. Lakes. III. NAPLES GENOA colder H Randegger, Wadlelgh High School. 115th Medical Corps hospital, SANDERSON & SON, Gen. Agent» Eastern New York and New Eng¬ near Willard, Lieut. Commander i... A., to navj About will be 20 N. Critic . ¡- \; colder to the southward and Street, Seventh Avenue. Illus¬ Williis, Lieut. Col. R. H., to Haz.elhurst $25,000,000 expended Broadway, Y. Thon« Broad- Î384 JaBB land, slightly trated. ' yard. Boston. Or Any Steamship Ticket A ¡rent. generally warmer elsewhere. Field, Garden City, L. f. on the erection in KufTalo, N. Y., of a International Mercantile Marine "intelligence Work with the A. B. F., by Kellam. Lieut. Col. F. C. A. jr.. to Walter Del Deo, Lieut. N. V.. to U. S. S. Adams. Coir.p-jt The«e will be snow Tuesday rom the lake Colman D. Frank. Public School 06, Maruula, Pascagoula, Miss. Westen, Lieut. A. T.. to naval recruiting tire plant and cotton mills for the'pro¬ 9 Broadway Nrw York region eastward, continuing in NBWPORT Va, Jan 12.Ar- Reed General Hospital. Takoma Park, D.O. Wednesday Eighty-eighth Street, near First Avenu.. NEWS, Morris. Capt. R. B.. to Jackson Barracks. statioin New York City. duction of cord fabric, the Northern New England, and there will be ".lean Francois Millet," by Dr. John H. rlved: Sirs Westwd'od, Norfolk; A.imao, I -» by newly local rains Tuesday in the east Gulf slates, Randall, Public School 1.2, 18_«1 Street Norfolk; West Galoc, Norfolk; Newa (Dan), Louisiana. incorporated Dunlop America. Limited follow« .1 oy generally fair weather Wednes¬ and Wads worth Avenue. Illustrated, Edsinore; Independence, Philadelphia: Milne.*. Capt. G. S., to Fort Sam Houston, ! day. Elsewhere east of the Mississippi^ River "Out of tho Beaten Paths." by C. .1. Mexicano (Nor), Philadelphia; Upo Texas. an extension of the British Dunlop the weather will be fair Tuesday and Blanchard, American Museum. Seventy- Mendl (Spun), Ictulgue. Sailed: str« Al¬ Quirk. 1st Lîeut. J. T., to Camp Sherman, Buyers Coming Company. fred Wednesday. It will be warmer Tuesday in seventh Street and Central Park West. Noble (Nor), Norfolk; Mexicano -Ohio. Illustrated. (Nor), Havana. Dental Corps All the rights of the orifiinal Ameri¬ the lower lake region and the Atlantic states, NEW OBI,HANS. Jan 12.Cleared: Sirs Continued from page eighteen and colder by Tuesday night in the upper "Sonata Pathétique or Beethoven,'. by Bolvernon (Nor), Progreso; Holden Evans. Following have been appointed first lieu¬ can Dunlop Tire Company will be ac¬ ANC H lake region and on in the Ohio Eleoynore M. Payez, Hunter College, . Wednesday Lexington Avenue Tampico; Imperator (Nor), Bltiefields; tenants, regular army: L. Miller Co.; Miss H. quired by Dunlop America, Limited, and Valley, the lower lake region, the middle At¬ ami Sixty-eighth John Ludvig Nowlnckel (Nor), Progreso; Chesser, Capt. P. P. Jones, 1st. Lt. J. H. TOLEDO.W. l'aawngrr tfreigbt Ser«,»« lantic states and New Storm Street. Illustrated. 1st Rodefer, waists, petticoats, kimonos; C. C. which will be operated by an American England. "Britain and Ireland," by Grace P. Cald- Juneau, Progreso. A. Lacey, Lt. G. D. Sickenberger, floor coverings; L. A. Gedres, staff. The board of directors will be NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL i warnings are displayed or. the Atlantic coast well, NORFOLK. Va, Jim 12.Arrived: Sirs Kpes, Capt. B. M. Whitney, 1st Lt. H. S. linens, white W, L. Leninn. assist- Vauban to V-tropolitaii Temple, Seventh Ave¬ Victoria t.r), AlfredAiiren Noblo.\oDie goods; made ot' Americans as well as repre¬ . from Delaware Breakwater Bangor. Me. nu» and Fourteenth Street. Illustrated. (Fr), Vancouver; Caldwell, Capt. W. C. Cowan, 1st Lt. IS. W. anl manager ready to wear department; J___fl| "Life and Industries of tho (Nor), Newport News; Lake Färber. Beau¬ Morgan, 1st Lt. R. E. V. 116 West Thirty-second Street; A. Fallt). sentatives of British interests. Carmania.Jan. 29 Mat.Í Forecasts for Special District*. -Western James Japanese," by mont; Lewis Luckenbach, New York; Port¬ Walter Doughty. St. Anselm's land Maru (Jap), New York; Corrales, Following have been appointed first lieu¬ TRENTON, N. J. -Yard's, Inc.: Miss; NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH New York.Snow and warmer to-day ; to¬ Hall, Tluton Avenue and 155th Street, tenants, regular army, and to .sta¬ Culberson, ready I«. wear; 1150 Broadway:! morrow local snows and somewhat colder. the Boston; Hlckman, New York: Vlneleaf assigned CHERBOURG and* Bronx. Illustrated. (Br), Glasgow; West Cobalt, Savannah; tion opposite name J. M. Biggins. I RESORTS LIVERPO0I Eastern New York.Increasing cloudiness "The Purpose ot Government," by Charles Potomac (Br), Halifax: Bavaria (Dutch), Murray, J. A., to Camp Dix. . TRENTON.H. M. Voorhees * Bros.: Miss Kaiser'.. Aufrüste and warmer to-day, snow in north and cen¬ F. Ackley, Public School 56, _07th Street Phila¬ N. Egan, handkerchiefs; Dry Goods Union, I.AI.IC.V.IOD. N. J. WARD LINE Victoria.i-"'-.U| und Hull Glasgow; ,.ndre_d F Luekenbaeh, Russell, C. W., to Fort Logan. Colorado. li NEW YORK to CHERBOURG tral portions ; to-morrow colder and probably Avenue, the Bronx. delphia; Noodfarer (Dan). New York; Telfer, A. M., to Washington. Ci'J Knurl Avenue. Direct service on f»«< twin-screw fair. New Cambridge, TORONTO. Can..Sandham Co.; ¡3. A. steamers from New York to and SOUTHAMPTON Thorgerd (Nor), York; Olsen. J. L., to Camp Mead, Maryland. Sanilhani. furs; Breslin. Southern New England--Increasing cloudi¬ New Orleans; Coahoma County, Mobile. F. V., to American forces, Siberia. ¡Vlauretania .Jan. 28 Mar. 10 ness and warmer to-day, snow or rain by Sailed: Strs Ganiiyniedes (Dutch!. New Bockcy, TORONTO, Can.; Sterling Co.; CI. Sler- HAVANA ) WEEKLY Apr, f to-morrow colder and clear¬ York; West Cobalt, Havre; West Catanace, Scogin, C. W.. to Alcatraz, California. ling, piece goods: Breslin. Imperator.Feb. 21 3 Ma«, I night probably News TROY. N. Y..A. K. Oriental LAUREL HOUSE Apr. ing. Shipping Buenos Ayres; Cambridge. Antwerp; Po¬ Coast Artillery Toroslan, MEXICO NEW YORK »o PIA Park Avenue. '< L A E W [sailings MOL 11! New Jersev and Eastern Pennsylvania.In¬ tomac (Br). Tampico; Vlneleaf (Be), A. to New York goods: K O O D, N. J, (Nor), Curacao; Craigs- Oliver, Chaplain C, City. TROT, N. Y..M. Lurie «v Co.; Mr, Phil nl T» Progreso, Ver« «Crtus and Templen. HAVRE and creasing cloudiness _i_d warmer to-day. prob¬ HIGU WATER Tampico; Troja, Stanley, Maj. S. W., to Cambridge. Mass., Daniels, dresses and 37 West. Booklet information, "Dowi SOUTHAMPTON r::ii\ ; to-morrow fair mere, Cristobal; Victoria (Fr), Queens- spring goods, Recular Sailings to Nassau. Bahamas. Jan. 24 Feb. ably by night in north A. M. P. M. town (for orders); Lake Fonda, Bristol; and coast artillery school, Fort Monro;-, :»titb st. Through the Ye.irs," on request Royal George. 24|Mad| and somewhat colder. Sandy Hook . 1:1!' 1:34 Craincreek, Guayabal; Aslinahco No 4, Virginia. TROY. N. T..AV. P. Herbert £¦ Co.:! First ("la.* Vmerican hotel Literature and full InformMon on rtçue*l. NEW YORK lo PLYMOU1H. Delaware- Partly cloudy and warmer to¬ Governor's Island . 2:16 2:30 Havana; i;oahoma County, Liverpool. Seeds, Capt. E. C, to Cambridge. Mass., and Miss T. «'. Ball, waists: 1123 Broadway. j plan Now York and Calm Mail S. S. Co. Hell Gate ., HAVRE and day: to-morrow fair, somewhat colder. 4:13 «I :44 PKNSACOLA. Fla, Jan 1" -Arrived: Str» coast artillery school, Fort Monroe, Vir¬ t TICA, N. Y..Nathan & Co: F. R. Rath- Noted for excellent cuisine and socia Foot of Wall Street, New Ytirki LONDON Western Pennsylvania.Rain or snow and Tlllamook, Blip fields; Africana (Ital), ginia. bun. domestics; «0 Worth Street. charm. Saxonia. Ir>,'4| wanner to-day : to-morrow local snows and ARRIVED YESTERDAY New Orleans; y,-|iS >1 Vivian Pierce, Bar¬ Soucy, Capt. E. W., to Camp Eustis, Vir¬ UTICA. N. Y..Sltrin Bros.: C. Sltrln Auxiliaryheatiiigbyopenwooc1 JKaXBCVBMSOCaWX somewhat colder. bados; Jennie V Merriam /(Br), Mobile. ami II. Sltrln, auto goods; Walllck. fires in all rooms. Stork Exchange NEW YORK to PA'IT.A> Vessel Port Departure died: Str Lake Filbert, Chilean port». ginia. UTICA, N. Y..Maher Bros.; W. C. Mil- Broker.. DUBROViXlK -and Geo. Duff, Capt. P. H.. to Camp Eustis, Virginia. In the heart of the famous TRIES!I Washington. Brest.Ian 1 to New York «ïale. furnishing goods, shoes; Flanders. Leavenworth. Capt. J. P., City. N. A. £¦ pine Winter weather Pannonia.'n . H Dallas.Marseilles. ...Dec 20 Nash 1st Lieut. E. jr.. promoted to captain. UTICA, Y..John Roberts Co.; country. sports, Matura. Grenada.Ian 3 W. J. Itazlett, men's furnishings, hosiery;! Attractive features at NEW YORK.LDERRY.GLASG Going On To-dav Santa Marta.Crlstohal.lau 4 Promotion of following second lieutenants Breslin, permitting. «_j Cornelea.San Juan .Ian tj to first lieutenants announced Tex. L. Martin, women's wear; Golf and (ïun Clubs. Columbia .Feb. 7 Mtr.| WACO, _1-Ü4 DAY Connersvtlle.Macorls.Dec 31 Becker, W. E. Conway, E. N. T. Grand. ANDREW ,1. MUKCHT, Mgr. STATE .TICKET. NEW **«'i,ft Yamlilll.St. John's.Jan 0 Olive.-, A. Leavitt. J. W. WACO. Tex. Williams Dry Goods Co.; American Museum of Natural History; Munwood.Matanza...Jan 7 stream, Port Arthur; Dresser. C. W. Lewis. R. S. J. R. Sellers, notions and furnishing.'); UO admission tret Lake Huron .Norfolk.Ian it vin«- and Savannah.' Worth Street. B Museum of Art: admission New II Murphy, W. W. Demervitt, R. E. .OK ' CRACAO and MAI _K Metropolitan Brunswick.Norfolk.Tan PORTLAND, Me, Jan I!!.Arrived: Sir Hendry, E. Powell. J. F. WASHINGTON- Lansburgh A- Broc; PORTO RICO, fn Belvedere .Philadelphia ...lanío, Lake Cannonsburg, Norfolk. Sailed: Str Mrs. A. S. Flynn. infants' «-««als, children's Philadelphia..Jan. 16iZulia. . ti .mei-te-in Museum of Safety; admission Tregllsson.Boston Hastings, F. H. Hohenthaler. W. coats, women's 220 Caurei in the Pines Caracas.Tan. 28|Maracalbo -i Lake .lanlOj Lake St Clair, Norfolk. undermuslins; Fifth A.-.m.I at ions tur 1'. free. i Farragut.Baltimore .Ian 10 PORT Jan 12.Arrived: Gilbreth, J. II. Parkard, H. A. Avenue, room 1900. Superior \ an Cortlandt Pari; Museum; admission' Spartan Prince.Bo.ion .lau 10 ARTHUR, Tex, Richardson. R. M. Black, C. M- HU. s l)AJ.l_E'_T «S; CO., <_f Commerce in Me. Cretic.Naples.Dec British Marshal (Br). Barrow, England: Healy. T. H. Gunn. C. T. Miss llagan, r^ady wear; 132 Fourth CONCERTS AND DANCING. P. .¡e Satrustegui. .Valencia.Hoc .4 Avenue; room 1.105. «.o. Hotel Astor. I2:_0 p in East ''ape, Fernandina; Lai«.-- Gakona, Harkins, H. A. White, L. A. BRANCH GEO. A. Meeting of i_- Child Stud} Circle of the Tongrier. Rouen.Dec '__,' Galveston; I.h'c Grama, Tampa; Managua Huge. D. H. I.oomis. P. W. WATERTÖAVN, N. T..Long's: M. A. OFFICE, Rotli p. Sholoin u .ien'_ AsBOclallon. Porrc_.San Juan.Jan 7' (Nie), Blueti.-M. Oylerlc (Br). United Argn, R. W. Jolis, E. P. Long, ready to wear; care of '¿"1 Fililí HUHN & SONS, BROKERS. Slxtj tliir«; sir.-H and Lexington Ave-' Serglne.PCrnainbuco.. Dec 30 Yoro Ceiba; cruiser! E. L, Callaban. J. W. Avenue and Elks Club. BOSTON«;.*4.4I San Kingdom; íílond), Supple, ¡ mW 1 It AM«. I. SII.7TK, nur. 2:30 t« m. Jacinto.Havana.Jan ! .I'-aime d'Arc (Fr), Gulf water..; Lake Handlet«. F. B. jr Cameron, A. F. WATERTOWN, X. V. Long's Inc.: M. M.'K.flKSI ,\ddn ofessor Marguerite Clement Engländer.Antwerp.Dec 26 Otisco, Mobil-., Quliulstan (tloiid). (.moa MeCullougli, S. McCormick, W. 1.. A. Long, read} to wear; "77 Fifth Avenu«-: ! PROVIDENCE r.?r".i.-, SZ«-? ...i ].'¦.: Pri blems In France au.l Momnouth.Manchester.Dec "4 via T'orl Corte.; S \V R. Hart. Flanagan Ä- Co. How Mot.' 11 Mexico.Havana.Jan S Pauldlng, Tampico; Read, M. M. (hase. M. X. A. LAKEW00D, N.J. ALL Oi T.1ÜI-; _>'_'... II-K001I-I Jfl.Oh &4U Th y Ara Carnegie Hall, New York: Sunahln ., WATERTOAVN, Y..Frank Ernpsall Dtie Soconv, Tampico. (ïrum, A. F. Rafferly, L. C. & Co.; H. Joy, York, reached ^TJoTiJlfast of Both Priacn Include lias 7'u Tn-morrow SAN Jan Sirs' general; Mrs. by frequent expresses ;vjm **J tw . Boat FRANCISCO, 12.Sailed: Campbell, D. W. Amoroso, A. D. B. j the N. J. Central For m *«*~rf «w ^«w «n l» mmm «it» *« Leaves Pi«-r 69 North River Dally 4 _ut_f». Rehearsal ol the St. «'.¦cilia Club, Waldorf- Pan no nl a.Palermo.Dec 31 Tokiwa Maru. Havana; l'oint Judith. Bal- B. C, ICnott, silks, dress goods: W. F. Glveus, R'way. booklet. In- at 5 P. M Phone bprl'ia 9491 Astoria, 10 a. m. Fort Hamilton..Ian timoré. Dailey, gent's furnishings; 1I«1 West Thirty-second cîudinn hotel Information, address To«vn« Communie GgwEñfltF Meeting of >he Daughters of Pennsylvania, R< 10 Infantry Street; A. Fantl. ! ¦ hip Committee Lakewoodr önpreas PoeiciT^ks/itiantíq«.1''«¦»¦vica " glna d'ltali..Gibraltar.Ian 3 PORT TAMPA, Fla. Jan 12.Sailed:! t O aldorf-ASturia, p. m. Sir WHARTON. Tex..ii. Oshraan Co.; ir. !ii.' of th': Jobbers' Association of Muhamar.Ant! la.Ian Kongosuli Maru (Jap). Osaka. Thome. Col. G. to national guard of Porto Duo SAVANNAH, Jan 12.Arrived, Rico. San Juan P. R. Oshman, dr> goods and shoes; Pennsyl- ATLANTIC CITY. N. J, NEW YORK.HAVRE Drena Fabric Buyeis, Waldorf-Astoria. Thursday Sohr Florence I0th:| va n 1 a. 1 A LOU 1" a. m.; luncheon at 1 p. in, VaUban.Bueno-; Howard, Brunswick. Sailed, Blanton, Maj. S G., to Camp Holabird, AYa. Va..Hicks HALVE.IAN. v. ..¦' il« Arres. ..Ian lath: Sir Brasher, Genoa; Edgewood, WHEELING, Hoge DrVJ IAEA VEITE.TAN. -ting l'aughtors of the EJmplré Orcatna.Cdatobal.tan 8 Maryland. floods Co.; Mr. Maxwel, women's wear; 377 LA 31 State. Waldorf-Astoria, 2 p. ni. Havre and Ghent; As.«I nip pi, Charleston; E H.. to France. SAVOIE.JAN. Creole.New Orleans. ...I. rr 10 City of Rome, Boston. Schelling. Maj. Paris, Broadway. LA TOI: HA INK.EEL. '. n m .of th«« Manhattanville Alumnae Due Scott, 1st Lieut. A. Ii.. to Pennsylvania WILK.ES-BARRE.Herzog's Dress Shop. KOCIIA MB LAI U Vssoclation, Wal'lorf Astoria. 1 p. ni. Friduy TAMPA, Flu. Jan 12.Arrived: Sirs State Mis» ft. C. ..FEB. the Canadian l'*ur Atenas.Santa Lynchburg, Mobile: Norman Bridge. Tarn- College, Pennsylvania. Murtin, dresses; -101 Fourth NEW YORK.BORDEAUX i«;. Company, Marta ...Ian Beall, 1«t Lieut. E. S., to Camp Custer, Avenue; room I 503. I.V_rre.|e.,S..j:;. Pro» i'l.nre >|i, .. I.:¦. 7(L Gei>. W. C. . Sailed: Sehr F NIAGARA l'ier s ¦>. IValdorf-Astor Gorgas. .Cristobal .Jan »I pico. Emily Northam, WILKES-BARRE, Pa..J. J. (From ». \. P..)..JAN. OUTSIDE STATEROOMS. »I.«* Jt l& of th Postei Santa Sagua la Grande. Michigan. Berginan: ATLANTÎC CITY,W.ü. - ('Bli'lf.O (From Pier S4, N. P. ) 1» lip-i Advertising Asso- Luisa.Cristobal.Jan 9! FEB. DaHy, including Sunday, .. UP 1 'W ;t Stephens, 1st Lieut. F. O., to Bergman. fall merchandise; 2" West f ejation, Kf urf Astoria. 10 a. in. Guantanamo.Hi!boa.Dec 30 Camp Devens. Street. COMPANY'S OFFICE. 19 STATE ST.. N r. Prom Pier IP. E. It 'Ph«,_i :« i- *.' of the United . .Twenty-slxtli i A-vAiïxewcaiv ¦"i.-keu al Pier or on >l Meeting Daughters of the Wegmere.Havre.Jan 7 FOREIGN POUTS WILMINGTON, Del..R. Topkia' Sons; Raaliotq. i!_ti .¡ek« _5_ onfederacy, Hotel Astor, HV.ÎO a. m. Boissonnault, 2d Lieut. H., to Camp Custer, .tudy >a>. fbeater ('iul>. Hotel A.M.BORG. Jan I. Air. Attisan, women's ready to wear; ¡"70 .ofDislinctioBaw}R(?8lCon\i6rt Astor, OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Arrived: Baku- Michigan. Broadway; C. .Macrae. CIRE. Tti'Or OAR AG V.. p. ni. shlka Maru (Jan), Philadelphia via New Denny, 2d Lieut. T. R., to Camp Meade. Stanley U ST RALI A RAYMOND-WHITCOMB TOl'R? of th" Sail To-day WILKES-BARRE, Pa..H. Levy, shoes; . SUVA. NEW ZEALAND Meeting Stage Children's Fund, Inc., York. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Hotel AetOT, ; p. Kermoor, Hamburg. .. .10:00 AM 1:00 PM' ADELAIDE, Jan 8.Arrived: Schooner lieutenant colonels have The Palatial Passenger Steamers The «.ling of th for Political Aleppo. i"d .1 str Following been WINSTON-SALEM. X- C.Sornlck «S- Best in Travel Society Study, Calatz.l'i:0. AM 1:110 PM Wood, Gray's ; Port promoted to colonels, regular army: M. il-KM Astor, p. m. Turrlalba, Cristobal..., 7:00 AM 10:00 AM Stephens (Mr), New York via Table Bay Sornlck; Sornlck. men's and women's; R. M. S. "NJ83ara" R. M. S. "Makura" 225 Fifth Ave.. N. V. Tel I utich.ui at the New York Gen. U. F. ami Fr- Upton, L. a. Pierce. P. E. furnishings: Pennsylvania. Madi.oii Federation of Hodges mantle. 26,000 Tons Tons Women's ciubs. Hotel Astor. i p. m. Hayti .12.:00 M ADEN, Jan -1.Arrived: Str Kohnan Smith, H. A, French. C. G. WOODSTOCK, Va..Loyer Co.; J. [TKiWMO-(._ATiA_fnccrn'i 13,500 To oí 3:uOPM¡ Sail from Niagara The Sen..Por i. t_- .ting the New Vor:« Urban l.'-airu.. Sail To-morrow Maru (Jap); Seattle for Yokohama. Following majors have been promoted to Boyer, general merchandise; Herald Vancouver, Ü. C. eruide, address John P. Pi- '.._,. GRID'S 6REÄTESTHOTEL ¦- r_<_, V. W. C. A Building, 171« West l_7th ALEXANDRIA, Jan C.Arrived: Str Sq uare. U SUCCESS] l ta -et« and Canada i-tre. t. San Juan, San Juan.... AM lieutenunt colonels, regular army : sailing*- apply Canadian Pae, Steamship Linea, Montr« al, i 8:30 12:00 M Marsódak, New York-. WORCESTER, Mass..John C. Marlnnesi R.V.. 1231 »roadway. N. Y.. or to Canadian» tun bj Professor -larguent" Clement Sail Jan 7 Charles, O. J. Simmons, B. T. Co.; G. L. A'oung. millinery; 432 Fourth AT I,A NTIC CITY, N. J. Thursday ANTWERP. -Arrived: Strs Am- f n- Australian Loyal Matl Line. 440 Seymour: Short :in im«: ¿m>- Williams, Capt. A. S. promoted to major. handkerchiefs, hosiery. [inuíiA from Grand Co.Irai P. Fullam, deceased, :i legatee and benefl- KNT.-Tn Arthur M Du lt««i-, I: rt 'O. BUENOS AYRES, Jan .: Arrived: regular army. gloves; Dry Ooods Union, t:i2 Fourth Ave¬ .clric trains dally. City con- clary; The Title Schooner F nu'. Guarantee and Trust Co., Un Bois. Helen .!. l.obhé. I'rn-st -, ml. Henry Kreger. Gulfport, M las. The following second lieutenants pro- noes in the country. WiiiLer 5 ;is Trustee of a Cund created under the terms Henry A. Du Bois Hannah I. I' CALCUTTA, Jan .-Sailed: Str City of moted to WORCESTER, Mass..J. Mclnnes Co.; .-¦, Saddle Horse. Daily1 of the will; Bfs. Lecture Shanghai New Vori:. first lieutenants, regular army Miss _rt_. Kitty Scully O'Brien, legatee and Emily 11. Reed. Pnion and Ne« Ha-.- Très* (Br), Spellman, handkerchiefs; Dry Goods DANCING.- and Accountancy Foy. L. W. G. M. 432 beneficiary, to all persons interested ns Company, to heir« and next m Mary DUNDEE, Jan Str Union, b'ourlh Avenue. KOTEi. "Training Demanded 11.Sailed: Clan Mac¬ Vinson, W. H. Bre-sler, D. L. <;i;am.\t.\n creditor«, legatees, next of kin or o herwise, n.'J. Du Hols. deo-a.< I. SEND nui: riw: by Present-day Business," a lecture Kinnon (Br). Ne« Vor:.. WORCESTER, .Mass..M. Berberian «£-. rene« Fat llron.. ville, V. ^ in the Estate of \> GIBRALTAR. Jan Blizzard. J. C. ¡: Whittemore, K. S. Co.; 1'. N, Margaret 1>. Fullam, de¬ HEKEAS Ali Kami« r T M «on fc worth while for the man 7.Arrived: Str \._1- Berberian, furnishing goods; Park ceased, who ..i the time of h< r -l-atii was a execul r determined to increase his I'.-Jo (Br), New Orleans. Clark, H. jr. Kennedy, F. K. jr. A venue. --I-n-, i'lvlng named In th< laut :¦ power, will be given Charles B. GLASGOW, Jan II -Arrived: Strs Mal- Clark. T. E. Trenholm, D. De S YONKËRS.Marshall, Matlieson Co.; AV. SEN! GREETING York, '¦..** by Couehman, G. P. A. (Mo.), at v»rn Range (Dr), Boston; Urquhart, T. L. Ciomelin. J. S. M. S. Adler, Goods 8:15 P. on the (Br), handkerchiefs; Dry Union, pon «'e.- etitíon ot William Fr< deric hattau thi i oí New Y<>«-; M., following Philadelphia. Stuck. R. I. Smith. J. B. 432 Fourth Avenue. Layton, residing at 'aî' evenings: GLASGOW, Jan 11.Sailed: Sirs Preto¬ Warren, P. W H. T'. VOUNGS'J'OAVN, Pa. l... l-'or- Huntington.. S-.iti'oll. Sohoonover, George County, New York, you and each of you an County of Ne«' York .ive a «¦« rial! (Br), St John, N B; Cassandra February, 1920. at uursonal proiiert«. \tro\ ant Degraff, B. R. Boughton, L. L. half-past ten o'clock In ihc fo neon ol that will and ¡-y»;,nei ... Vlai I:. J. Galtytnore (Br). Boston via Halifax: llth. YORK, Pa. -.lames McLean A- S. A convenient and de Ilgblfui place to i!i-- January 15.Accountancy Institute of _all«-d: Str Anglo-Mexican New O'Connor, G. La Reichelderfer, II. A. Sons; day, why account ot [troc -e ling of Wlll- atiio i. h-- m,: .-,.::,i-:.t«I 55 Brooklyn (Br), York. H. N. Fulton, -..¡lists, Curs; Mrs. Kliuedist, .p>-nd .«our holidays Good and lum Frederic Layton. as 15 eeutor of of tile Hanson P lace, HAVRE. Jan 7.Arrived: Strs Rapldan Gilbert. Davis. W. B. lir.ens, pk-ee goods; J. K. driving the Last Borougli of Manhattan, it, ''otflKy Brooklyn. Telephone, Prospect 8000 New Rust, C. E. P. S. Lambert, linens, motoring. > -. li'-rit saddle horses two Will and Testament ol said should oi is", .v l'ork, deci ai For Admission CardB to this (Br), York; Tasnianian Transport Beard, piece goods; AV. K. men's fur¬ inn be ¡ndli-inl'.v ,1. deceased, lecture and 32-pug«> Bulletin of (Br). New York via Collier. W. A. Chandler. N. B. Ottermlller, courue.« -i-llli THEREFORE, you and r:irh of U* Clan ¦¦¦¦ Aíter-Buslnosn 01 Sydney, C B; 8th, ' golf and ail outdoor sports. Evening Vccountancj ;«r«d Buoine-aa nishing goods; William J. Long, blankets, IN TESTIMONY eil ¦-.. show in-js ..-. orinlna. write c«r t« Administration (1'acu Cuurst-B) now Wisl.y (Br), Montreal via Sydney; C B. Atkinson, J. H. Rill. R. H. WHEREOF. We have I.,. le Sin leobone either of th<; ¿bov«- well-knnv/n xi-hnnla upholstery goods and (lour coverings; Chas. caused the Seal of th«- Court of our \n-.k t_* HELSINGFORS, Jan 2.Arrived: Strs Mixson. A. M. Johnson, W. H. woolens und Address C- G. TruBse!!, tie- Surrogates' Court of Count> of N"e\« .t Gra«-cla Chambers, piece goods, Dry Manager. said* Count} of New York to be hereunto Hall of in Ih'1 '¦ '¦n (Swed), Savannah; Schale, New Wing, A. G. Clover, G. W. Ooods Union, 432 Fourth -I Records, Coutnv vaft York. Avenue. atibo ..ii the of " '.-¦ .«»« Rehm. W. F. Harding, F. C. L. S. lay Pehruar>. HONG KONG, Jan 8.Arrived: Strs Ka- VOUNGSTOWN, Ohio.-Strouss . that «fa\, ! Francisco; Luke Cherry. T. G. Thompson, W. (_ goods: A. ¡I. Levy, representing; 1150 said County, at the County of New York. said will and testament should not *«. Fannlngdale, Manila, for Nielsen, G. C. P. Broadway; (Jaer «Si Llllentlial. iho 22d of San Francisco. Sadler. L. OLD daj December, In -.lie year of our mitled to probate a« a "ill of real at I P*«' LA PALLICE. Jan 6.Sailed: Str West¬ Sherman, R. G. Morrow, G. L. VOUNGSTOAVrN, Ohio.Strouss-Hlrshberg PQIWT COMFORT Lord one nine hundred and nine- ern King, Norfolk. 'Crouter, E. E. Rymer, W. C. Co.; William j. Breen, laces and embroi¬ S°.N PTESTJMONV WHEREOP -e h»^ LIVERPOOL. Jan 8.Sailed: Strs De- Horan, E. C. Paine, A. G. deries, fancy braids and trimmings, cot¬ HOTEL C^AMBERLIN DANIEL .1. DOWDNEY, caused the seal of !«.. Surrogates' ¡not Afternoon fender (Br), New Ryan, W. J. II. ton piece goods, silks, satins and velvets; FINE WINTER GOLF Clerk of the ill« aaid County of New York t«. he reunte York; 10th, Herbert G Sherrill, F,. M. 1150 Suri'ogates' Court. Morning Wylie. New York: arrived: Strs Jebba Driver, C. F. B. F. Broadway. iiliiliiE 1*¦>« I. Seafood atlixed. WITNESS, Honorable JOUI* ". Hurless, (Br>, New VOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. L. STILL, GEORGE E..-In a Surrogate of ouv said OottWiT Orleans: Patrician (Br), New Millard, W. W. Heckman, R. M. women' Benedict, airuij-au pursuance of an COHALAN. Orleans; Sachem ,Br), Halifax; Scandina¬ Burrowes, R. M. weur; Breslin. liuüi __i.-1 'i'u order of Hon. .lohn P, Cohalan, a Surro- of Ne"' York, at said County, the tlnrty-'W vian, N Gallagher, H. T. «if the in Lectures St John, B. Von Gremp, W. W. W. J. ZANESVILLB, Ohio.H. Weber & Son; U_0. F. ADAMS. ratc County of New York, notice Is day of December, the year <«f I^rd I in Davis, II. Weber, 132 Accountancy LONDON, Jan 10.Sailed: Strs West waists; West Twenty-seventh ,«*" t** lieirbj given to all persons having claims One thousand nine hundred and «en Doty, K. McMillin. W. D. Sir« et, third Fortress Monree.r_a_.Bir.*\¿LVn. Jj¿ Pool. New Vork; Yaldura (Br). New York; Holleman. A.E. «our. .tg.,in>: Georg« E. Stilt, late (if the County ,].. S.) DANIEL .1. DOWDM-T. llth. Aslitabula (Br), Wade. A. B. of New York, deceased, i" Clerk «i! the Sun ogati ouit- Classes, (Br» Beaumont; J-itrl Ferguson, G. H. Kyle, J. G. present the same, giving (ex-War Pilot). Si John, N B. with vouchers thereof, in the United States, DALY, 1IOYT _. MASON, Welch. R. O. ' MAI,MO. Jan 8.Arrived: Sir Baltic Hodman, J. il. Mortgage «S Trust Company, one of Uie sub- ._,¦«..] ..-. for Pel ¦' .«'ii. r. Accountancy immediate technical (Swed), New York. Doan. D. B. Pov.ell. W. D. MAINE'S .VINT Kit rib« rs. at it ii ac of busi¬ 15 William Street. Buyers Coming PARADISE ransacting MANCHESTER, Jan 11.- Arrived: Sir Smith. E. A. Smith. J. F. ATLANTIC CITY -MacBlwoe ness, No. r«5 Cedar Street. Borough of Man¬ N<-w York City. for Ac¬ IV estorn Light. Norfolk. Thomas, H. G. C. Company: POLAND SPRING In on or --the first session preparation louisell. W. C. S. .-,.. men's, women's «"vol. hattan, ill« 'il s of New Y