Advance, Cristobal.12:00 M 3a00PM Jcfcdan, 1st Lieut. H. E., Transportation Lilienthal; leaving for New York January TRAVFL TRAVEL I Glenorchy, Rio Janeiro. 12:00 M 3:00 PM Corps, -3 Orders . Nail Lloyd 1st Lieut. J. M.. Veterinary Corps. TAMPA, Fla. Cracowaner's; Daniel The Friday Army Cracowaner, women's ready to wear, no¬ Tribune PM lBt Lieut. F. Almanac Stavangerfjord. Ctlana. 9:00 AM 2:00 Stuart, M., engineers. tions: 6 West Alex¬ «.;- ..- Thirty-second Street; Francis, Hlo do Janeiro 8:00 AM 11:00 AM JVcw Yorfc Tribuns j Sherman. 1st Lieut R.. Army Service Corps. ander H. Meyer; leaving for New York Mexico, Havana . ?:30 AM 12:00 M Washington Burtau McClung. 1st Lieut. C. D.. air service. February 3 to 7. Meeting of th<« I Ithuaníán Development Iroquois. Turks'a Island 9:30 AM 12:00 M Loveless. 1st Lieut. C. C, infantry. TAMPA, Fla. Maas Bros.: E. C. South America Corporation, ilotol 2 p. in. Cracuo... 9:30 AM 1 :«o PM Jan. 12. Tha War De¬ f Fury, IMMUNES Weather Divino Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, WASHINGTON. j Raw-son, 2d Lieut. G. W., Veterinary Corps. toys; Jerome Waterman, handkerchiefs, Report Science Lecture. Hotel Bosscrt. Ancon, Cristobal .12:00 M 3:00 PM partment to-day made public the following Lieut. J. nouons; 11.0 2 Hess, 2d R., field artillery, Broadway; leaving for New p. rn. orders : 2d Lieut. J. Veterinary Corps. York in March. AMERICAN Son rises... 7:19 sets.... Meeting of the Allied Loyally League, IS Masterson, E., early WEST COAST LINß 4:50p.m. AMKK1CAN PORTS Miscellaneous Fla.. C. A. a.__.¡Sun Fast Forty-ilrst Street, i p. m. Knechtel, 2d Lieut. E. A. jr.. Transportation TAMPA, CracoWaner's; *nd :e H'fiios A-rus via Truiuiuiritii* ft- P- Fast Mail Moon rises.. 1" i-S a.m. Moon sets ..11 :30 a.m. A. SUIT, to New Jones, dry goods, sllk3. ltnens, muslins; Steamers BALTIMORE, Jan. 12.Arrived: Strs Lib¬ Dougherty. Col. J., General Corps. G West leav- NEW MOUT erator, Rotterdam.; West Zula, Portland, York City. Evans. 2d Lieut. G. W. engineers. Thirty-second Street; Meyer; DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE YORK-PLYMOUTH Local cloudiness ami Ing for. New York February 5 to 10. \ la Jamaica Cristobal Forocaat..Increasing Meeting o'f the American Socletj of Me; Santoi-e, I'olton; Royal Transport für), George, Col. C. P., General Staff, to New Druhoz, 2d Lieut. H. H., infantry. TAMPA, Fla. &¦ and warmer t«>-d«y r to-morrow colder and nrol>- Mechanical Engineers, 29 West Thirty- Liverpool via (jueenstown; Canibau,, Ham- York \._ .Steinberg Co.; Oscar FRRfi *"KOM NEW VOKK. New York'-"CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON City. Steinberg, dry goods, women's wear; 225 . O- LDRU .eb. fl St. P,_J .no,, ably fair: southerly winds, becoming strong ninth Si reet, 8 p. in. burg-; Allaquash, New York. Sailed: Strs Major G. V., adjutant general, to SÇ MARCH 30 ! p,«^ v, Henry, West 135th Street; Mrs. Cohen; leaving PMa. uoo«. Feb. >'. to-night and shifting t«« est and northwest Dinner of the Brooklyn Edison Company. North Pacific (Br), Leghorn; Katherine New York City. for New York early in February. 211 New York »n M*!i to-morrow. Hotel Bossart, 7 p. in. Park (Br), Liverpool; Cape Henry, Savan- Colby. Major F. T.. U. S. A., to director of Orders TAMPA, Fla..Steinberg & Co.; Adam Also Regular Sailings between NEU Dinner of the Anglers' Club. llot"l Penn¬ nah. military intelligence, Washington. D. C. Navy Kat_, women's dept.; 225 West 135th Panama (Cristobal) and Valparaiso Manchuria YORK-HAMBURG Local Official Record. The follow in«, of¬ sylvania, 7 p. in. BOSTON, Jan 12.Arrived: Strs City of M escalfe. B., U. S. A., to New York ¡Street; Mrs. Cohen; leaving for New York end Intermediate Ports . p .} Lecture Charles Theodore on Colomobo Calcutta and Colombo: 1m- Capt. ficial record shows temperatures during the by Carruth (Br), City and Bridgeport. Conn. WASHINGTON, Jan. Bureau of In February. Mongolia ln_t twenty-four in with "ll Heat« Angélico," Academj of Music, mein iSwu.l), Norrkoping; Indian, Phila¬ A. to 1,2..The TAMPA, Fla..»Maas Bros.: C. A. Mc¬ .,'.FeV 1 hours, comparison S 1 ;. in. Mooradian. Captt P.. Sanitary Corps, Navigation to-day issued tho following or¬ the corresponding «Into of last year: Brooklyn, p. delphia; Ontaria, Philadelphia; Ceralvo, Camp Abraham F.ustis. Virginia. Kay, piece goods, silks: 1150 Broadway; EASTCÖAST BLACK Dinner of the. Council of Foreign Kein Norfolk; Harvey H Brown, Norfolk; Lake ders : Ba-r A- Lilienthal; leaving for New York Regular Sa lungs from ENGLAND to SEA SERVICE 1! 20. 191.. 1920. 1919. tlons. Hotel Astor. 7:30 p. in. Charlotte, Norfolk; Lak<i Greenwood Nor- Price. 1st Lilut. G. K., U. S. A., retired, to U. S. S. I" ¦N. '"' i and to Salt Chandler, Lieut. (J. G.» C. C, February to 20. Brazil & 3 a. m. :¦. ra. HO "JS Dlnne; of the Bronx Bar Association, folk. Sailed: Strs Lake Ellenorah, Charles- placed on active duty proce«?d R. L, Barnes. TAMPA. Fla. Maas Bros.; Mr. Merck. Argentine Y.-C0N5TANTIN0PLE--VARNAgar,,). (& 0> a. ft.... '.".' lo 0 p. m. 29 25 Hotel Aslor, 7 p. m. ion and Jacksonville; Indian. Philadelphia; Lake City. Utah. to linen goods, muslins; 1150 CONSTANZA <Ro__,_.,_. .? '* Commnnder R. destroyer Broadway: ;' a. m m. the Lake New York: 1st Lieut. J. R.. cavalry, Coffey, R., Black 28 12 p. 26 25 Dance of Hebrew Sheltering flous-'. Plynus, Lake Crystal, Breitunger, resig¬ ;i, Atlantic fleet. Ba-r _. Lillcnlhal; leaving for New York Arrow... ,., N(i(. Jar ¦». 12 noon.. '.":' 20 1U p. tn. _j 25 Hotel Astor. ,:¡. p. in. New York. nation accepted. Squadron Januar« 20. centra~l~america of the .New Jan Dunn, Lieut (J. G.) R. *.. to U. S. High t-îegu'ar Patlttifes between Highest, ''_ «at 12:30 Meeting York __.ological So- CHARLESTON, fi C. 12,.Arrived: Knechtel. 2d Lieut. E. A. jr., to the State TAMPA, Fla..Maas Bros.; Ike Maas, RED degrees p. m.) low¬ 8 in. .strs from ETernandtna; Commissioner. Turkey, as intelligence of- STAR est, 25 it 10 p. vn. »verane. clety, Waldorf-Astoria, p. Onekama, Apache, Hospital, Fulton, Mo. general manager, millinery; 1150 Broad¬ Panama (Cristobal) and Ckarope.ic* LINE 28; average Dinner and «lane of th« from New York ami to Jackson¬ Baer _. NF.W of proeet-de«! U. S. to El way; New- an«! - same date last year, IS: average same dalo Society May¬ | Mitchel. Chaplain F. J., A., to U. S. S. Panther. Lilicnthal; leaving for Intermediáis Ports YORK PLYMOUTH for flower Descendants in 'New York Stat««, ville; sehr Marguerite M Weyrnss, from Paso, Tex. Knn-ght, Ensign T, J.. York Januar) !3 to 25. ?'¡ thirty-three years, 30. Waldorf-Astoria. 7 p. in. Huellos Ayr-s. Sailed: Str Rozan Maru Signal Corps Euback, Lieut. (J. G.) W. C, to U. S. S. TAMPA. Fla.- -Maas Bros.; G. L. Glass, CHERBOURG-AM WERP Dame of th«- Bowiloin .Musical (JapI, from Colon lor European port. Eaglo 40. house carpets: 1150 Broad¬ ROYAL MAIL Lapland . furnishings, .m Clubs, , ., p !- Humidity 8 DELAWARE BREAKWATER. Jan 12. Burkhead. Capt. C. H., to Carlstrom Field, way; Baer .¦ (The P.-..* «1 Mail Steam Packet Waldorf-Astoria, p. m. ' Holzl, Gunner A. F.. to U.> S. High Com- Lilienthal; leaving for New Oa), a. m.... á. 1 p. in.... 5. S p. m.... 50 Address by Alfred W. Martin on "Industry Sailed: Sir John Adams, from Philadelphia Florida. missioner, Turkey, as radio officer. York early In February. WHITE and Humanity," S in. for Galveston. Lowe, 1st Lieut. C. C, to New York City. to naval TAMPA. Fla..Maas Brus; Earnest PACIFIC LINE STAR th«- Copper 'Union, p. Hough, Pharmacist L. E., torpedo LIN! Barometer Readings Meeting of I'ark Community Council« OALVESTON, Jan 12.Arrived: Strs El Field Artillery station, Alexandria, Va. Maas, ready to wear, skirts, blouses; 1150 (Tho taclflc Steam Navigation Co) N. P. S. t>, Klghty-flfth Street and Madison Oriente. New York; Edgefield, New York; Bradley, Lieut. Col. F., to Ross Field. Ar¬ ¡ U. S. Broadway; Baer & Lilienthal; leaving for Y..CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPaiJw 8 a. ta. 1 ro. m. K Baton Sa- Joyce. Commander C. S., to command Ne>v York fLapland .:; ,. M j.n .30.02 p. .30.02 p. .30.11 Avenue. Oeorge Jones, Roug»; Butte, cadia, Cal., and March Field, Riverside, S. January 16. NELSON LINE William Randall will talk on the condi¬ bin«-<; Tamesi, Tampleo. Sailed, Kd Lia, Cal. Toucey. WASHINGTON.Woodward & Lothrop; «H ft W. Nelson, Ltd.» Adriatic. 2 p. IV». .-k 5 tions in at New York. t.egersdadt, Ensign S. F. H., to U. S. S. C L. Bast, H. tCalls at General Weather Conditions Palestine the Bahai Library, Daly. Lieut. Col.' J. O., assistant to military boys' clothing; Hunlsberry, Plymouth. Omit, «ou-li m ,*2 41. Madison Avenue. JACKSONVILLE, Jan 12.Arrived: Str attache. Denmark. Robinson. | men's clothing; _'M Fourth Avenue; Is NEW WASHINGTON*. Jan. 12. The Canadian Tuesday evening dance at the Hotel Bilt- Mohawk, New York via Charleston; bark Lilla. Machinist H. L., to U. S. S. Grebe. expected January 11. YORK- LIVERPOOL Northwest disturbance of Sunday night ha., more. Alberto 'Span), Valencia. Sailed: Str Pi- Following lieutenant colonels promoted to McClary, Lieut. (J. G.) D. B., to U. S. S. moved .Jr.* to northern Cake Superior, with in- Dinner of the Agricultural Publishers' As¬ muh, Hoston. colonels: Gulfport." ÍGIfTíTAFRlCA ^C°.maCedric .j_ N j. ¿ creased intensity, but without precipitation, sociation, Commodore Hotel, H^O p. in. KEY WEST, Jan 12.Arrived: Strs Tex- Butner, H.
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