Constitutions, Declarations and Decrees COUNCIL VATICAN SEC

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Constitutions, Declarations and Decrees COUNCIL VATICAN SEC Constitutions, Declarations and Decrees COUNCIL VATICAN SEC Constitutions, Declarations and Decrees SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL Constitutions ■ DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON DIVINE REVELATION DEI VERBUM ■ DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH LUMEN GENTIUM ■ CONSTITUTION ON THE SACRED LITURGY SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM ■ PASTORAL CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH IN THE MODERN WORLD GAUDIUM ET SPES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/00-index.htm (1 of 3)2006-05-31 22:45:52 Constitutions, Declarations and Decrees COUNCIL VATICAN SEC Declarations ■ DECLARATION ON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION GRAVISSIMUM EDUCATIONIS ■ DECLARATION ON THE RELATION OF THE CHURCH TO NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS NOSTRA AETATE ■ DECLARATION ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM DIGNITATIS HUMANAE Decrees ■ DECREE AD GENTES ON THE MISSION ACTIVITY OF THE CHURCH ■ DECREE ON THE MINISTRY AND LIFE OF PRIESTS PRESBYTERORUM ORDINIS ■ DECREE ON THE APOSTOLATE OF THE LAITY APOSTOLICAM ACTUOSITATEM ■ DECREE ON PRIESTLY TRAINING OPTATAM TOTIUS ■ DECREE ON THE ADAPTATION AND RENEWAL OF RELIGIOUS LIFE PERFECTAE CARITATIS ■ DECREE CONCERNING THE PASTORAL OFFICE OF BISHOPS IN THE CHURCH CHRISTUS DOMINUS ■ DECREE ON ECUMENISM UNITATIS REDINTEGRATIO ■ DECREE ON THE CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF THE EASTERN RITE ORIENTALIUM ECCLESIARUM ■ DECREE ON THE MEDIA OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS INTER MIRIFICA file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/00-index.htm (2 of 3)2006-05-31 22:45:52 Constitutions, Declarations and Decrees COUNCIL VATICAN SEC file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/00-index.htm (3 of 3)2006-05-31 22:45:52 Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation DEI VERBUM : Index. Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation DEI VERBUM General Index PREFACE CHAPTER I. REVELATION ITSELF CHAPTER II. HANDING ON DIVINE REVELATION CHAPTER III. SACRED SCRIPTURE, ITS INSPIRATION AND DIVINE INTERPRETATION CHAPTER IV. THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER V. THE NEW TESTAMENT CHAPTER VI. SACRED SCRIPTURE IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-DeiVerbum.htm2006-05-31 22:45:53 Dogmatic Constitution on the Church LUMEN GENTIUM : Index. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church LUMEN GENTIUM General Index CHAPTER I. THE MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH CHAPTER II. ON THE PEOPLE OF GOD CHAPTER III. ON THE HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE OF THE CHURCH AND IN PARTICULAR ON THE EPISCOPATE CHAPTER IV. THE LAITY CHAPTER V. THE UNIVERSAL CALL TO HOLINESS IN THE CHURCH CHAPTER VI. RELIGIOUS CHAPTER VII. THE ESCHATOLOGICAL NATURE OF THE PILGRIM CHURCH AND ITS UNION WITH THE CHURCH IN HEAVEN CHAPTER VIII. THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF GOD IN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH APPENDIX FROM THE ACTS OF THE COUNCIL NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20P...i/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-LumenGentium.htm (1 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:53 Dogmatic Constitution on the Church LUMEN GENTIUM : Index. file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20P...i/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-LumenGentium.htm (2 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:53 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM : Index. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM General Index INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE: RESTORATION AND PROMOTION OF THE SACRED LITURGY CHAPTER II. THE MOST SACRED MYSTERY OF THE EUCHARIST CHAPTER III. THE OTHER SACRAMENTS AND THE SACRAMENTALS CHAPTER IV. THE DIVINE OFFICE CHAPTER V. THE LITURGICAL YEAR CHAPTER VI. SACRED MUSIC CHAPTER VII. SACRED ART AND SACRED FURNISHINGS APPENDIX. A DECLARATION OF THE SECOND ECUMENICAL COUNCIL OF THE VATICAN ON REVISION OF THE CALENDAR NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Pr...Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-SacrossantumConcilium.htm (1 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:53 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM : Index. file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Pr...Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-SacrossantumConcilium.htm (2 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:53 Pastoral Constitution on the Church in The Modern World GAUDIUM ET SPES :Index. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in The Modern World GAUDIUM ET SPES General Index ■ PREFACE ■ PART I ■ PART II ■ NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-GaudiumSpes.htm2006-05-31 22:45:53 Declaration on Christian Education GRAVISSIMUM EDUCATIONIS : Index. Declaration on Christian Education GRAVISSIMUM EDUCATIONIS General Index Introduction 1. The Meaning of the Universal Right to an Education 2. Christian Education 3. The Authors of Education 4. Various Aids to Christian Education 5. The Importance of Schools 6. The Duties and Rights of Parents 7. Moral and Religious Education in all Schools 8. Catholic Schools 9. Different Types of Catholic Schools 10. Catholic Colleges and Universities 11. Faculties of Sacred Sciences 12. Coordination to be Fostered in Scholastic Matters Conclusion NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Pro...Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-GravissimumEducationis.htm (1 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:54 Declaration on Christian Education GRAVISSIMUM EDUCATIONIS : Index. file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Pro...Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-GravissimumEducationis.htm (2 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:54 Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions NOSTRA AETATE : Index. Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions NOSTRA AETATE General Index Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-NostraAetate.htm2006-05-31 22:45:54 Declaration on Religious Freedom DIGNITATIS HUMANAE : Index. Declaration on Religious Freedom DIGNITATIS HUMANAE General Index Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Pr...s%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-DignitatisHumanae.htm (1 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:54 Declaration on Religious Freedom DIGNITATIS HUMANAE : Index. NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Pr...s%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-DignitatisHumanae.htm (2 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:54 Decree AD GENTES on the Mission Activity of the Church : Index. Decree AD GENTES on the Mission Activity of the Church General Index PREFACE CHAPTER I. PRINCIPLES OF DOCTRINE CHAPTER II. MISSION WORK ITSELF CHAPTER III. PARTICULAR CHURCHES CHAPTER IV. MISSIONARIES CHAPTER V. PLANNING MISSIONARY ACTIVITY CHAPTER VI. COOPERATION file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-AdGentes.htm2006-05-31 22:45:54 Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests PRESBYTERORUM ORDINIS : Index. Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests PRESBYTERORUM ORDINIS General Index PREFACE CHAPTER I. THE PRIESTHOOD IN THE MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH CHAPTER II. THE MINISTRY OF PRIESTS CHAPTER III. THE LIFE OF PRIESTS CONCLUSION AND EXHORTATION NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/ 22:45:54 Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity APOSTOLICAM ACTUOSITATEM : Index. Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity APOSTOLICAM ACTUOSITATEM General Index PREFACE CHAPTER I. THE VOCATION OF THE LAITY TO THE APOSTOLATE CHAPTER II. OBJECTIVES CHAPTER III. THE VARIOUS FIELDS OF THE APOSTOLATE CHAPTER IV. THE VARIOUS FORMS OF THE APOSTOLATE CHAPTER V. EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS CHAPTER VI. FORMATION FOR THE APOSTOLATE EXHORTATION NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvi...20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-ApostolicamActuositatem.htm2006-05-31 22:45:55 Decree on Priestly Training OPTATAM TOTIUS : Index. Decree on Priestly Training OPTATAM TOTIUS General Index PREFACE I. THE PROGRAM OF PRIESTLY TRAINING TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY EACH COUNTRY II. THE URGENT FOSTERING OF PRIESTLY VOCATIONS III. THE SETTING UP OF MAJOR SEMINARIES IV. THE CAREFUL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPIRITUAL TRAINING V. THE REVISION OF ECCLESIASTICAL STUDIES VI. THE PROMOTION OF STRICTLY PASTORAL TRAINING VII. TRAINING TO BE ACHIEVED AFTER THE COURSE OF STUDIES CONCLUSION file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-OptatamTotius.htm2006-05-31 22:45:55 Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life PERFECTAE CARITATIS : Index. Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life PERFECTAE CARITATIS General Index Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Pro...%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-PerfectaeCharitatis.htm (1 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:55 Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life PERFECTAE CARITATIS : Index. Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Pro...%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-PerfectaeCharitatis.htm (2 of 2)2006-05-31 22:45:55 Decree Concerning The Pastoral Office Of Bishops In The Church CHRISTUS DOMINUS :Index. Decree Concerning The Pastoral Office Of Bishops In The Church CHRISTUS DOMINUS General Index ■ PREFACE ■ CHAPTER I ■ CHAPTER II ■ CHAPTER III ■ GENERAL DIRECTIVE ■ NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvisori/mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-ChristusDominus.htm2006-05-31 22:45:55 Decree on Ecumenism UNITATIS REDINTEGRATIO : Index. Decree on Ecumenism UNITATIS REDINTEGRATIO General Index INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. CATHOLIC PRINCIPLES ON ECUMENISM CHAPTER II. THE PRACTICE OF ECUMENISM CHAPTER III. CHURCHES AND ECCLESIAL COMMUNITIES SEPARATED FROM THE ROMAN APOSTOLIC SEE NOTES file:///D|/Documenta%20Chatolica%20Omnia/99%20-%20Provvis...mbs%20Library/001%20-Da%20Fare/0-UnitatisRdintegratio.htm2006-05-31 22:45:56 Decree on the Catholic Churches of the Eastern Rite ORIENTALIUM ECCLESIARUM : Index.
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