f >•' Terms #8 a year, in advance.

tfaa^ l_ [ merchandise! .** "l _ _ °8“' siaiiHMii'O dune 23,1882.—Vo!. 4. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 28 1865 * PORTLAND, _;_- _ POjBTLAMB DAILY the ladies—for the men rail away at my ap PJ&ES8, were MISCELLANEOUS. SALE & JOHK proach— attending school at this place MISCELLANEOUS- FOR TO LET. CARDS. ICGILiaABT, a BUSINESS BUSINESS CAKDb. Editor, where 1 has ibr dam ■ ■ 1 1 seminary been situated —1 -*k ■ r ■; sss paUiohed at N*. S3| KZCBANGE SXJUMl'.bj years. One of these ladies, in reply to mj home The Catarrh Beal Batata for Sale. N. A. FOSTKJS & VO. question wby she had not gone to her Eye, Ear, CITY Dana & Co. OT PORTLAND undesigned cffar thn fjll.w Beef, Moiau,. lorty miles down the river, answered —AXD— ng described Pork, ecu of properly in Portland, to “What Is the use? go every- THEp belonging the r>iH tORftraa U ailt I'auss is at#8.0i Your people estate of Jc*"ph Noble Esq decerned. Fish SEWING MACFINJESI BBLS pnt>U*hed and lam as and Salt, 100 Me« Bi.f per yc-ar iu uuv&ixce. where; yon overrun the state, T H R O A T ! 1. Store! le ween ixchang* and Lime Btreela, W Bbl.. M B 0 street. < ,“p“k r:-:xMAn;*?i* .'rMPkb»bL»pabiiBQ^everyThura well off here as at father’s house. UNTI E S ! frontirg ot xotiange Hr. JcbnM. Baker tO Bbl. iea- Po k c aaoni my Portland, *y iir.al *2.90 per annum, iu advance; 82.21 I the wisdom of her u' arlv will desgeae the prim set. Lather Dana, W«K»D!IUM, TBIil 4k COn Mu-onva o Mules,,« If at once acknowledged opposite p*ifi xritbin six month®: and 92.60, ti psymVMX bt 2. Stora an; lai d. No 12 I xonarg, street, cc.‘u- Trinidad Mo aaaea. for there is no doubting the fact that delayed beyond six months. action, piid by Hr. E. H. Patten. S25M£| Maine. :agents, Barbados. Mo aaeoa. our is sensibly felt in this ouNorth Hot. *A presence quite 3 Lot oflandiituwe andl'op'arstreets. _[uneldtf ntd ..Mi Idle Siren* Musrov.da sugar, Kates of AdBrertitint: state. 4. Parcel of land fituale on Coogrets street. 11 B. Sugar. THREE situate on HUNDRED DOLLARS 6 Store and land Per e s reel atd l ug inch oi :r. of No.,210 fte«dlt>Midl-rimnoag*a!vmyi on Land, gCru.tud, Uranalaled apace iaagtk column, ocnatitater and land in thi Wholesale and rowdcrod 8uaar* 'tMtVAU.” t PriM t/ilPhiladelphia Ledger.] and store-house rear. Retail. ■aaiau CclTte bugarr. G. Houos a..d ltnj on fork st te'. can bs SJ .SO square aully first ;t cent? They For sale by per week; per wee* The Siamese Twins—Oan the Brothers seen oa to Mr. Jarats *Rcr; 1-brtx. insertions or application Btad'ey. WABHEN'S low, i«1.00; eontinamaB eve- and Union inPOBYEB THOS. oilier after exist 7 Lot builcingson wharf Mr. Al- XX. X. LYNCH, ry day first week, 60 cents separately? $300 For 0 ne Year’s Service. i.nin DAVIS, MRS. pheus Shaw-wiligiteiiiforma relation to this 129 Commercial Bt n »*»«! one Siarnso Twins have been from FIRE AND weft,««vS«?“r%^rf,it3onion?orle6t *1.90; o0 certt« Ihe lest MANCHESTER, property. WATER-proo} March 19,1965. mcliTud.w per week alter. for be Bookseller, Cinder head ol public view lor the last lew years. It was Application pnrehase msy made to the sub- Stationer, a.ziub^misntb,* $2.00 ^per so uare ]per THE INDEPENDENT scribers Kjom No. 86. No. Ill New AMD MANT7MACTUBMR OF week; one inso-tion, «i,do. well Known oi them that they had married ONE Broadway Y.rk, FELT aud HUNDRED DOLLARS, JOHN T. UEABD. COMPOSITION, Hew Pcr square drel woek, two sisters, settled down near -AMD- Crop Sugar. •1,0 J per three Salisbury, SKiHCALUWkLL, Ja. Premium Account Books. kq»«re alter; insertions or 1c-bb 91.C0; in North on a Paged HHDS. Superior Moaccvado Carolina, well stocked planta- New York, March 18,1966 mai 20.Ew Sugar, #f» three insertions, #1.00; one week tion. In addition to this, they have CLAIRVOYANTI $100 State PAPER HANGINGS. G-ravol £Loo£Lug ample b«i, Yellow Sugar, now landing from AdvertieeLnunta iunds invested Bounty Advanced; S3 Uxohango * *?? BSxe* lawrtfra ir. the Maikz Stati through tueir agent in New —AND— For Sule. No, Street, Portland, Me. SOB FLAT BOOPB. ember," from Maonaas. 1 r.alv by rx3^B ( wiiion a l^rge circulation in evt ry part oi York. a Noith Carolina **• ** Through medical Making snbiorlbor offers his farm, situated In mariaai .. WOBlNfOM, wO) Slw por square fur first insertion, and Yar- _Jnceldtl geuilemau now within our we meutft, 46aores of in- B. HERSEY, Agent, 1 Po,..and Pier. 60 cents per square .q»r caoL swruon. lines, had the Eclectic THE containing good laid, eutaeqaeut oiher Physician, about 6 ajres wood land. A CHAS. J. marlidlmll_No JL.£iuAL £i orcur-fl at tml raft*. day an opportunity of minute and lull cluding two story 30SDMACSBB, JaeM dtf Ho. 18 Union atroet. wood and houses, end barn witn c»l **w Iranate/itauV'rn/g.ja^n* * lotiu ad» homo, car.iagn be paid particulars in regard to them. Ever since the From 618 Broadway, New York, has returned to Muacovudo Molasses. tEfcivO, FOUR HUNDRED lar an oro aru of about 40 trees, good fruit. There Fr esco and Banner war began have continued to Portland, and can to consulted at her offie. rso 11 DOLLARS, wbart lor Painter, they reside on is alBO a V. BcbutssfRone*.';,!* rendin/ co.'tMs- 20 eeau Block. gjod shipping hay. Ihefacili les Alexander Reeves, dUO HHDfi., their Clapp's for sea are unan 144 ?9i Hue for oneinportfra. : le ttan plantation, and lived in the same cresting pas-td. 8aid laria was No. Middle Street* 75 lie.ee*, char^- fifty quiet Paid to the Rboruit T>b Substidtb at the time oasis for aud One the of occupied by Capi. Adams and is oauit iaOtrtio:*.. harmony us ever until within two years. qf Greatest Cures on Record. form'rly Gray, PORTLAND, MR. Tailor* Ac for being situated two milts liom Yaimouth bale. tstf**" AjucoflfcwoiLicacJoa- ,jn-a ioanitre al bt. Iho of ft baainew character ft- the Publishers. Hum, negroes prospered, except lence, and for the benefit of the afflicted, I desire to mastered Yarmouth Falls, Gapt. Ko.heus Urlukwater EXCHANGE ^ that into United States Service. near the _Jnneltf ST., Prarnnhw o or cry xeonter when out of from it make known a premises. description temper any cause, short description of my disease and Uanutetutfl to order and In the beet Molasses and was to eodtf HKNBY HUTCHINS. manner, sugar! dispatch. apt workitseil off in the nnt the _ striking unexpected cure which I obtained from Mrs. To Citizens of Portland, 3. G. HtJNKlNS, M. D., ttarr and Nary Uniforms, and Bore Gar- one that came to hand, from which the best 0*aO BUDS., t Prime New CAMD t Manchester’s Medicine. Upwards of two years A Desirable Farm for Sale, ment*. hasS mo. escape was to out oi the au Tiee., J LA -SoS, ana keep way. The since I was taken The additional sum »n SURGEON & sick, which gradually increased of Prides Comer Weitbro *lr, six miles trim PHYSICIAN, 29 cbm G 8CCAB, now Tuesday Morning, March 28, 1865. brothers never would have had ■eptldu iccry landing from probably any until I was so far reduced that I never to ATPortland; ooa;alnsICO acres o: excellent land barque "C. B. H mil.on."and lor.ajobv expected diT OFFICE NO. 8 CLAPP’S BLOCK, difficulty, but that their sisters, ►Hi ably dedinto til auo. p sture and CHASM a. wives, though be well again. I tad the attendance of six eminent FIFTY woodland; BBOrUMBS CO, Incidents in Sherman's turned away their and childien were DOLLARS, the whole has a sou.horn cant, ii well wito oi by a MARKET Scotch °>*f»llP» Wharf. hearts, and never SQUARE Canvas, Campaign. physicians, received the slightest benefit nevrr fat ing brook. A new two story br ok House the cause of this enstraogement. to the $60 at the -VOS SALS EY- _Wldger,'. We clip the following extaacts irorn a Up until I commenced Mrs Manchester's Medi- paid expiration of the term of eerviee of in ilirn riyle, Bsrn an i oiherontbuildiug., well Board at United States Hotel, long p riod that each had five an ueing Hew Molasses. children, prosper- flip,ilied with sxcel snt water, a n orchard of 100 north dtt account of Sherman’s after cines. My disease at that time was as follows:—I ^ swtepiug march, ed well enough, but one had a sixth, auu tins Apsle and P'ar t-eesjos oomo Int' bearin JAMES T. PATTEN AGO, was feble—confined to WOJ HHDS. 1 Prime new awoke aud to such a extremely befi. My flesh Recruiting Office, City Building. Te ms Ii eral. F r particular ofthr sub- CARDMM J8 MO* leaving Savannah, given by a correspondent [envy jealously degree rpy inquire Bath, He, 19 had all the whites of were scriber on the remises. Abijah Emit WILLIAM F. SONGSY A irea, i fraSSAS, landinglrom barque a that the two not bouud disappeared, my eyes yeJ- Parties CO., Sc. .or of New York paper: sisters, being together desiring to enliet aa or Substi- Address, Stivers l’la nsP. O. lego, sale by like the twin would no live tyw, als3 the skin yellow; 1 had a dull h.avy pain in (Cate Songey, Cooper { Co.) CHASE brothers, longer tutes, will there. b baperior Uleaaiiad 1 ,OJ BB0THEK8 f CO GENERAL apply febUdtf marlbdkwSw* V?Of I £.91,1 SIIKKMAM AND IDE N EG HOES. under the same we the right side, and it was very much