Aeolus Flight Academy Inc. 01

1- Which instruments are related to the pitot-static system? a. indicator and altimeter. b. Airspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical speed indicator. c. Airspeed indicator, altimeter, vertical speed indicator and heading indicator. d. Airspeed indicator, altimeter, vertical speed indicator, tachometer.

2- Which instruments are related to the static port? a. Airspeed indicator and altimeter. b. Altimeter and vertical speed indicator. c. Airspeed indicator and vertical speed indicator. d. Airspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical speed indicator.

3- The pitot-static system needs to be checked every … a. year. b. 2 years. c. 50 hours of flight. d. 100 hours of flight.

4- Which instruments will be affected if the is completely blocked? a. Airspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical speed indicator. b. Altimeter only. c. Airspeed indicator only. d. None of the above.

5- Which instruments will be affected if the static port is completely blocked ? a. Airspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical speed indicator. b. Altimeter only. c. Airspeed indicator only. d. None of the above.

6- If the static port is completely blocked, the vertical speed indicator … a. will show the indicated value at the moment of the blockage. b. will work as usual. c. will show zero. d. will over read in a climb, under read in a descent.

7- If the static port is completely blocked, the altimeter… a. will show the indicated value at the moment of the blockage. b. will work as usual. c. will show zero. d. will over read in a climb, under read in a descent.

Page 1 of 5 Aeolus Flight Academy Inc. 8- If the static port is completely blocked, the airspeed indicator … a. will show the indicated value at the moment of the blockage. b. will work as usual. c. will show zero. d. will under read in a climb, over read in a descent.

9- If the static port is completely blocked, the heading indicator …… a. will show the indicated value at the moment of the blockage. b. will work as usual. c. will show zero. d. will over read in a climb, under read in a descent.

10- In the standard pressure region, on the ground, the altimeter needs to be set … a. according to the local atmospheric pressure. b. to 29.92" Hg. c. to the altitude of the aerodrome, as indicated in the CFS. d. to show zero.

11- Airport elevation: 430' Altimeter setting: 29.82" Hg. Find the pressure altitude. a. 330 feet. b. 420 feet. c. 440 feet. d. 530 feet.

12- Airport elevation: 340' Altimeter setting: 30.12" Hg. Find the pressure altitude. a. 140 feet. b. 230 feet. c. 440 feet. d. 540 feet.

13- On the ground at CYHU, your altimeter shows 90'. If pressure increases by 0.01" Hg, your altimeter will show … a. - 190 feet. b. 80 feet. c. 100 feet. d. 190 feet.

14- Indicated altitude: 1000' Altimeter setting: 28.92" Hg Temperature: 30° C Find the density altitude. a. 1235 feet. b. 3000 feet. c. 4235 feet. d. 5470 feet.

Page 2 of 5 Aeolus Flight Academy Inc. Questions 15 to 17 are related to the following information: You park your airplane overnight. The aerodrome elevation is 90’ ASL and your altimeter shows 90' like it should. The next morning, the altimeter shows 1220’.

15- What happened to the altimeter ? a. It reacted to the arrival of a low pressure system. b. It reacted to the arrival of a medium pressure system. c. It reacted to the arrival of a high pressure system d. Someone came to changed the altimeter setting.

16- From how much did the pressure change ? a. 11.3" Hg b. 1.13" Hg c. 0.11" Hg d. 0.01" Hg

17- After this change, the aircraft’s performances will be … a. worst. b. as usual. c. better. d. extraordinary.

18- On the airspeed indicator, what does the bottom of the green arc show? a. Maneuvering speed. b. The beginning of the precautionary speed arc. c. Stalling speed with flaps out. d. Stalling speed with flaps in.

19- Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to (TAS) ? a. The true airspeed is the real speed of the airplane in the air mass. b. The true airspeed is the calibrated airspeed corrected for air density and temperature. c. The true airspeed decreases with altitude. d. At altitude, the and the true airspeed are different.

20- After a climb or a descent, when the airplane goes back to level flight, the needle of the vertical speed indicator shows zero because of… a. the calibrated leak, which ends up equalizing the pressure between the capsule and the case. b. a delay in displaying the rate of climb or rate of descent. c. the contraction of the aneroid capsule. d. the dilation of the aneroid capsule.

Page 3 of 5 Aeolus Flight Academy Inc. 21- We consider that the compass is not reliable … a. in a climb. b. in a descent. c. when accelerating, decelerating, including while turning. d. All of the above.

22- When turning from a north heading, the compass will show … a. a turn in the right direction, then will lag. b. a turn in the opposite direction, then will lag. c. a turn in the good direction, then will lead. d. a turn in the opposite direction, then will lead.

23- The angle between the true meridian and the magnetic meridian is called… a. magnetic deviation. b. magnetic variation. c. magnetic incline. d. magnetic angulation.

24- The compass error caused by the aircraft’s magnetic fields is called… a. magnetic deviation. b. magnetic variation. c. magnetic incline. d. magnetic angulation.

25- The compass acceleration error is more pronounced on _____ headings. a. north or south. b. east or west. c. north only. d. south only.

26- We can consider a compass reliable when … a. descending at a constant airspeed. b. climbing at a constant airspeed. c. in straight and level flight. d. All of the above.

27- The calibrated airspeed (CAS) is … a. the indicated airspeed corrected for the air density and temperature. b. the indicated airspeed corrected for the instruments and position errors. c. the true airspeed corrected for the air density and temperature. d. the true airspeed corrected for the instruments and position errors.

Page 4 of 5 Aeolus Flight Academy Inc. 28- The true airspeed (TAS) is … a. the indicated airspeed corrected for air density and temperature. b. the indicated airspeed corrected for the instruments and position errors. c. the calibrated airspeed corrected for air density and temperature. d. the calibrated airspeed corrected for the instruments and position errors.

29- What is the definition of Vfe ? a. Maximum speed at which it is allowed to fly with flaps extended. b. Minimum speed at which it is allowed to fly with flaps extended. c. Stalling speed with full flaps down. d. Stalling speed with flaps up.

30- What is the definition of Vso ? a. Maximum speed at which it is allowed to fly with flaps extended. b. Minimum speed at which it is allowed to fly with flaps extended. c. Stalling speed with full flaps down. d. Stalling speed with flaps up.

31- What is the definition of VSi ? a. Maximum speed at which it is allowed to fly with flaps extended. b. Minimum speed at which it is allowed to fly with flaps extended. c. Stalling speed with full flaps down. d. Stalling speed with flaps up.

32- On the airspeed indicator, the normal operating speed range with flaps up goes from _____ to _____. a. Vsi the beginning of Vno b. Vsi Vne. c. Vsi the end of Vno. d. Vso the beginning of Vno.

33- If we sort these speed symbols in ascending order, we get ... a. Vso, Vsi, Vx, Vy, Vfe, Vne, Vno. b. Vso, Vsi, Vx, Vy, Vfe, Vno, Vne. c. Vsi, Vso, Vx, Vy, Vfe, Vne, Vno. d. Vso, Vsi, Vy, Vx, Vfe, Vno, Vne.

Name: ______Date:______

Mark: /33

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