Subjects Demonstrations Recipes cooked

Rough Puff Rough 500 Rough Puff pastry (full pastry each) Make either 502 Lebanese cheese parcels (1/2 each) or 514 Pork and fennel rolls (1/2 each) CTH required 14 caramelised onion confit 1/2 per 2 Using pastry trimmings for 502 Eccles one qty if filling for the class or ‘

Teaching points

CTH Students should make sausage rolls otherwise students can make either of the savoury options and share making the onion confit as a nice accompaniment

Students should be aware that the onion (and celery) need to be finely diced for the sausage rolls

The cottage cheese for the Lebanese cheese parcels will benefit from being drained for as long as possible. The filling seasoning needs to be bold

The onion confit is a perfect bottled gift or accompaniment to a cheese or meat sharing board, as an alternative to a or relish .....

Use leftover pastry for Eccles cakes as they are very forgiving. Make up a single batch of filling to share. An alternative suggestion for trimmings would be sugar and cinnamon cheats ‘palmiers’ if short of time as it is a shame to waste the pastry!

Use good quality flour and to avoid an unduly sticky pastry which will be tricky to handle. Quality coldbutter may benefit from being wrapped in cling film and hit with a rolling pin before cutting into cubes to make it more pliable and therefore easier to incorporate as the layers are developed Students should cut off a section of plain pastry roughly 2.5cm x 2.5cm to be cooked plain which should be presented for marking

Ideas to use leftover pastry – eg: savoury style Eccles cakes – soften onion/leeks and with walnuts, variations on a – ideas for creative pastry leftovers?

Theory points

Rough puff pastry pictures p 501

Basic method:


The base of a folded pastry – flour is mixed with a little of the fat and the water to make a soft dough which is lightly worked in order not to develop the gluten

The détrempe should be even in texture without any wet or dry patches. It should be soft but not sticky It should be allowed to rest in a cool place for at least 10 minutes The texture of the fat and the détrempe should be the same When adding the water start with 6 accurately measured tablespoons all at once Quantity of water will depend on the flour, it will vary brand to brand – season to season

Rolling and folding

Rolling and folding will produce crisp layers. When cooked the water in the pastry will change to steam and the air trapped between the layers will expand causing them to separate and rise up

Ridge the pastry gently then roll lightly along the length of the pastry Ensure the pastry does not stick to the work surface at any time Keep the sides of the pastry straight and keep corners at 90?. Uneven pressure on the rolling pin will show up as a wavy side edge Always roll along the length never from side to side The pastry needs to be three times as long as it is wide Brush off excess flour before folding or the pastry will become grey Fold the bottom third up and the top third down – always fold in this order Make sure your folding is neat and accurate otherwise the layers will not form on top of each other – this will have an impact on the rise Turn like a book with the spine on the left hand side, mark the number of rolls with finger marks in right hand bottom corner If the pastry becomes more elastic during rolling it will need chilling Ideally the pastry should need no more than 4 rolls, if it is still streaky with butter, do another roll and fold If the fat oozes out at anytime the pastry should be wrapped and chilled Rest the pastry every 2 rolls to allow the gluten to relax

Using a folded pastry

Once all the folds are in place the pastry can be rolled from side to side and top to bottom. If a circle is needed, roll a large square and cut out the circle Allow the pastry to relax before cutting Cut straight down do not drag the knife as this seals layers together Knock up the sides by cutting lightly into the edge of the pastry in the direction of the layers Don’t let glaze run over the edges of the pastry or it will seal the layers Always pile up cuttings to preserve layers never gather into a ball

Students should know the basic quantities for rough puff pastry. (250g Flour : 150g fat)

Students should be able to describe the method

Students should know the most likely reasons for the failure of rough puff pastry

What to look for when assessing Presentation of food and working area should be clean, neat and tidy. Food is the correct temperature. Method will have been as independent as possible with the student making a good effort to suggest solutions to queries they may have

Rough Puff pastry

The pastry should be light and crispy There should be obvious flaky layers The pastry will be cooked through without evidence of grey, greasy patches For the MAX 5 Marks available all these elements need to be in place

Sausage rolls

The pastry should be light and crispy The pastry and filling should be cooked through The onion & celery should be a small, neat dice and completely soft, The colour is golden brown and even The rolls should be even in size The glazing should be neat and tidy

For the MAX 5 Marks available all these elements need to be in place

Cheese parcels

The pastry should be light and crispy The parcels should have a thin layer of pastry which is properly cooked The parcels should have been well sealed to prevent the filling from escaping The glazing should be neat The sizes should be even The colour should be an even golden brown

For the MAX 5 Marks available all these elements need to be in place