SYDENHAMS FOOTBALL LEAGUE NEWS 2019/20 EDITION NUMBER 50 Hello and welcome to the latest edition of your Newsletter, if you have anything to contribute, please do get in touch by email-
[email protected] You can keep up to date with all the news from around the League by following us on Twitter at - @Sydwessex You are more than welcome to use any material (excluding attributed photographs) but it would be appreciated if any material used is acknowledged. It is hoped you enjoy reading this each week. With readership quite widespread, not only within our own competition, but across the three counties and beyond- if ANY club has anything they’d like to have published in here, whether that be a request for helpers, promotion of forthcoming events, items required or available for sale please contact the Newsletter Editor. As a general reminder- Match Reports, player news and photos are always welcome- it is your Newsletter! JOINT PRESS RELEASE SYDENHAMS LTD STATEMENT It has been a privilege for Sydenhams to have worked with the Wessex league over the past 17 years but we have now taken the difficult decision that 2020/21 will be our last season as sponsor. The league has meant a huge amount to us all at Sydenhams and we would like to take this opportunity to applaud the exceptional work of the Wessex league and everyone associated with it, we are truly honoured to have been part of something so special for nearly two decades and wish you all the very best success for future.