Nor’ by Nor’ East APublicationofthe NewEngland Chapter of TheHudson Essex Terraplane Club Clickonthe blue hyperlinks in thepdf to automatically sendemail or accessawebsite. To receiveaPDF version of thenewsletter,email
[email protected]. Visitusonthe Volume 38 No 7August2010 National 2010 Left: TheSouers latest project, anotherHudson Italia.Welook forward to seeingitnextyear! Rememberthe amazing change of theJet Convertible afew years ago? Photoby: Tom Brintnall Right:Sarah Young’sJet that she hasbeen workinghardonfor the last fewyears. It is great to see it out at theNational! Photoby: Tom Brintnall Nor’ By Nor’ East August 2010 NEC pResident’sMessage IamwritingthisasIampackingfor thetriptoSpokane,WAfor theNationalmeet.Iam flying into Seattle to visitanold High School friendfirst thendrive out to themeet on Monday morning. Shouldbeanicetrip. OurJulymeet at theMcWalteR'shome wasgreat again. We missedCarl&pRiscilla Weber, but they were on their waytothe Nationalmeet.DaveTuttle &Itook careofburning the burgers &dogs forlunchand therewas plenty of side dishes to shareaswell. Ihaveheardthatanold NEC friendfromPennsylvaniahas passedaway. BobKerchnerwas aregular at theWeber'sfallmeet foryears. Bob wasone of theearly members of theHET Cluband hispresencewill be missed. Hudsonly, TomBrintnall Editor’sMessage First we wouldliketostart by apologizingfor thelatenessofthisissue. As you can seeby Tom’s President’smessage thematerialwas into us long before theissuemanaged to be put together.Thisunfortunately