2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4


1. The “Letter of Forty-Two” was written during this man’s regime, and was prompted by an incident in which the legislature refused to dissolve. This man released the black box from KAL 007 to South Korea. This politician foiled a coup by giving a speech on top of a tank. This man signed the Belavezha Accords to create the Commonwealth of Independent States. For the point, name this man succeeded by Vladimir Putin, the first President of Russia after the dissolution of the USSR. ANSWER: Boris Yeltsin 048-12-66-14101 2. This city-state's women were allowed to compete nude in athletic competitions along with men and had relative independence because their husbands ate at the syssitia. Its elites were called the "peers," or homoioi, and underwent the (uh-GO-gay) agoge. This city-state had two kings whose power was checked by the ephors, according to the constitution of Lycurgus. It used a subservient community called the helots as slaves. For the point, name this militaristic ancient Greek city-state. ANSWER: Sparta [or Sparte; or Lacedaemon] 080-12-66-14102 3. This action was authorized after the Revisionist Anti-Party Affair purged all opponents of Resolution 14 from the government. This military action began with the order to “crack the sky, shake the earth”. This event prompted Walter Cronkite to state “we are mired in a stalemate”. It began with an attack on the ARVN 1st division at (YOO-ey) Hue and an assault on Saigon. For the point, name this military action during the Vietnam War that occurred during the lunar new year. ANSWER: Tet offensive 048-12-66-14103 4. Hindus claim this ruler destroyed a temple of Rama at Ayodhya. His attempt to conquer Samarkand was foiled by Mohammad Shaybani. He abstained from alcohol in order to win the Battle of Khanwa against Rana Sangha, and he used encirclement tactics and matchlock rifles to defeat the Lodis at the Battle of Panipat. Descended from both Genghis Khan and Tamerlane, this Turkic conqueror left his territories to his son Humayun. For the point, name this founder of the Mughal Empire. ANSWER: Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur 080-12-66-14104 5. This man’s death starts Tacitus’s Histories and ends his Annals. This target of the Pisonian Conspiracy used a ship meant to sink to try to kill his mother Agrippina the Younger. This student of Seneca sent troops to crush Queen Boudicca in Britain. The Year of the Four Emperors followed his suicide in 68 CE. This emperor built the Golden House on land cleared by natural disaster. For the point, name this emperor who ignored the Great Fire of Rome. ANSWER: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus 104-12-66-14105

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 1 of 14 6. In 1548, the Great Jingjiang Levee was constructed on this river, which caused a rising of the bottom of Dongting Lake. The triple city of Wuhan lies at the confluence of the Han and this river. This river was the home to the freshwater dolphin, baiji, which is now functionally extinct. A hydroelectric dam located near Yichang on this river is the largest in the world and is the Three Gorges Dam. For the point, identify this Chinese river, the longest in Asia and third-longest in the world. ANSWER: Yangtze river [or Chang Jiang; or Ch'ang Chiang; or Da Jiang; or The Great River] 066-12-66-14106 7. One text from this religion, by Robert Athlyi Rogers, is called the Holy Piby. Some followers of this religion follow the ital dietary laws, and followers of this faith seek to reach the "I-and-I." Marcus Garvey is regarded as a prophet in this religion, while God is referred to as Jah. Followers of this religion often smoke ganja and wear dreadlocks. For the point, identify this religion which regards Haile Selassie as the Messiah, a religion which originated in Jamaica. ANSWER: Rastafarianism 189-12-66-14107 8. This author of Salmonia and Consolations in Travel invented a device that used a mesh screen to prevent the combustion of firedamp. Temporary blindness from a lab accident prompted him to hire Michael Faraday as an assistant. Though Joseph Priestley discovered it, this man popularized the recreational inhalation of nitrous oxide. For the point, name this English scientist and inventor of a mining lamp who used electrolysis to discover calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. ANSWER: Humphry Davy 029-12-66-14108 9. This ruler reorganized his army with the Ordinance of Thionville, and he established a court known as the grand conseil (grahn con-SAY) at Mechelen. The Treaty of (pick-kee-NYEE) Picquigny ended his hopes of aid from Edward IV of England. In the Treaty of Conflans, this ruler gained territory from his rival, against whom he founded the League of the Public Weal. This son of Philip the Good was a rival of Louis XI. For the point, name this Duke of Burgundy known as “the Bold.” ANSWER: Charles the Bold [or Charles Martin; prompt on Charles] 014-12-66-14109 10. The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis called for this man's marriage to Elizabeth of (val-WAH) Valois. This ruler was responsible for sending a governor-general who started the so-called Council of Blood during trouble in the Netherlands; that governor was the Duke of Alba. This ruler spent four years as a ruler of England while he was married to Mary I. This man sent a force under the Duke of Medina-Sidonia against Mary's successor. For the point, name this ruler who assembled the Spanish Armada. ANSWER: Philip II of Spain [or Philip I of Portugal; prompt on Philip] 023-12-66-14110 11. United States v. Kagama allowed prosecution to begin for a crime committed in one of these places. Lewis Meriam compiled a report on these places for the Interior Department that led to legislation allowing for greater self-governance in them. Private ownership in these places was promoted by the Dawes Act by granting U.S. citizenship to people living here who accepted individual parcels of land. For the point, name these lands set aside for members of tribes like the Cherokee or Choctaw. ANSWER: Native American reservations [or Indian reservations] 121-12-66-14111

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 2 of 14 12. This country mass-produced a bolt-action rifle that operated by using a namesake long firing pin to pierce a paper cartridge; that was its Dreyse needle gun. Its army was reformed by the work of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau after Napoleon crushed it at Jena. A military historian from this state rivaled Antoine de Jomini and called war "the continuation of politics by other means" in his On War. For the point, name this country home to Carl von Clausewitz, a militaristic state that was the nucleus for the German Empire. ANSWER: Prussia [prompt on Germany] 080-12-66-14112 13. After this battle, Dumanoir was captured off of Cape Ortegal. This battle began with an attack led by Collingwood. The losing side's line was split between the Redoutable and the Bucentaure, leading to the capture of Admiral Villeneuve. Before this battle, the signal “England expects that every man will do his duty” was flown from the HMS Victory. For the point, name this victory for Horatio Nelson during the Napoleonic Wars. ANSWER: Battle of Trafalgar 196-12-66-14113 14. A collection of this thinker's essays on race prejudice was published under the title Race and Democratic Society. This anthropologist's Ph.D. from Kiel University was rescinded and the Nazis burned his book The Mind of Primitive Man due to its content. This man spent his life studying the British Columbian Kwakiutl tribe. For the point, name this longtime professor of anthropology at Columbia University who taught Edward Sapir and Ruth Benedict. ANSWER: Franz Boas 023-12-66-14114 15. This man married a member of the Chotek family on the condition that their descendants would not have succession rights. This man was heir to the throne after his father died and his cousin killed himself in the Mayerling affair. Shortly before his death, he deflected a grenade from killing him and his wife Sophie. This man was killed in June 1914 by a member of the Black Hand, Gavrilo Princip. For the point, name this Archduke whose assassination in Sarajevo helped spark World War I. ANSWER: Franz Ferdinand [or Francis Ferdinand; do not accept or prompt on partial answer] 052-12-66-14115 16. One political party of this name used the slogan “God, Guns, and Gritz” in support of Bo Gritz for president in 1992. An earlier political party of this name nominated James B. Weaver for president four years before fatally endorsing the Democrat who delivered the “Cross of Gold” speech in support of free silver, which was only one of their primary stances. For the point, name this third party active in the 1880s and 1890s that supported agrarian reform. ANSWER: Populist Party [or People’s Party] 014-12-66-14116 17. This people’s practice of cheek-scarring was chronicled by Priscus. One of their leaders sought a dowry in land for Valentinian III’s sister Honoria, who had sent him a ring, and ruled alone after his brother Bleda died. Beaten by Theodoric I and Flavius Aetius at (sha-LAHN) Chalons in 451, these people are spuriously linked to the Xiongnu who raided northern China. At Pope Leo I’s request they turned away from the city of Rome. For the point, name these raiding nomads led by Attila. ANSWER: Huns [or Hunni] 104-12-66-14117

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 3 of 14 18. This man spearheaded a literacy campaign as the second-in-command to Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr. This man commissioned a religious building dubbed “Mother of All Battles”, which contains a book written in his blood. This man was often represented by foreign minister Tariq Aziz. He launched one conflict after accusing a neighbor of slant drilling. For the point, name this dictator whose 1991 invasion of Kuwait set off the First Gulf War, a longtime dictator of Iraq. ANSWER: Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti 048-12-66-14118 19. One rebllion in this nation occurred after pyramid schemes involving two-thirds of the population collapsed. Ramiz Alia succeeded one leader of this nation who declared an official policy of state atheism. That communist leader used the Sigurimi police to put down dissidents and was named Enver Hoxha. Its King Zog was exiled after this nation was invaded by Italy in World War II. For the point, name this nation which in 2011 saw anti-government protests in Tirana. ANSWER: Albania 048-12-66-14119 20. Tom Owen investigated a recording of this event, which resulted in criticisms of Bill Lee. Before this event, a dispatcher told an involved party that he didn't need to follow another individual, who was carrying a bag of skittles and an Arizona fruit drink. This event took place in Sanford, Florida, and resulted in a discussion of "stand your ground" laws. For the point, identify this incident in which a hooded teen was fatally shot by George Zimmerman. ANSWER: shooting of Trayvon Martin [or equivalents mentioning George Zimmerman; or any answer mentioning the death of Trayvon Martin; prompt on answers similar to Sanford shooting] 189-12-66-14120 21. Only one member of this duo was implicated by the VENONA cables of obtaining reports from Emerson Radio and a proximity fuze. A supposed helper of this pair, David Greenglass recanted his testimony about them. In their trial, judge Irving Kaufman was convinced by Roy Cohn to send them to the electric chair for violating the Espionage Act. For the point, name this Jewish-American husband-wife couple executed in 1953 for giving atomic secrets to the Soviets. ANSWER: the Rosenbergs [or Julius and Ethel Rosenberg] 104-12-66-14121 22. Thousands of fans of a Shakespearean actor with this last name tried to burn down a theater where Charles Macready was performing in the Astor Place Riot. A cavalry officer with this last name defeated a force twice as large as his led by Samuel Sturgis at the Battle of Brice's Crossroads. This man of this name massacred the African-American garrison of Fort Pillow. For the point, give the last name of a notorious Confederate general who was also the first Grand Wizard of the KKK. ANSWER: Forrest [or Edwin Forrest; or Nathan Bedford Forrest] 080-12-66-14122 23. This poet wrote, “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven!” while recalling his time in Revolutionary France. He wrote that “Nature never did betray the heart that loved her” in a poem addressing his sister Dorothy. That poem begins by noting that five years have passed since he last visited the title structure on the banks of the Wye. For the point, name this British poet of “Tintern Abbey” who collaborated with Samuel Taylor Coleridge on Lyrical Ballads. ANSWER: William Wordsworth 014-12-66-14123

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 4 of 14 24. These institutions made profits by working on small, nearby farms called "granges." Jobs to be filled here included the "cellarer" and the "sacrist." These things contained scriptoria where ancient manuscripts were copied. William of Aquitaine founded a reforming one at Cluny. In England, they were dissolved by Henry VIII. Inhabitants of these locations carried out the Opus Dei and often followed the Benedictine Rules. For the point, name these medieval structures where monks lived. ANSWER: monasteries [or abbeys] 080-12-66-14124 25. The Nassau agreement gave the MacMillan government the ability to construct four of these in the Polaris class, and the Russian Project 941 designed the Typhoon class. Another type of them would commonly be used in “wolfpack” tactics, and enjoyed very little retaliation during the “Happy Time”. One of those was responsible for destroying the Lusitania. For the point, name these vessels which include the German U-boat and commonly use torpedoes as weapons. ANSWER: submarine [or more specific answers; or U-boat until it is read] 048-12-66-14125 26. Established by Ralph Lane and Richard Grenville, this colony was once led by the artist John White. Francis Drake transported several of its settlers back to England. Virginia Dare was born in this colony originally financed and organized by Sir Walter Raleigh. The word "Croatoan" was found carved into a tree at this place with no inhabitants present. For the point, name this island off North Carolina, the home of the "Lost Colony." ANSWER: Roanoke Colony 190-12-66-14126 27. While serving in this position, William McAdoo invoked the Aldrich-Vreeland Act to prevent a panic. One man who held this position advised the president to “purge the rottenness out of the system” through liquidating labor and stocks. Besides Andrew Mellon, Roger (TAW-nee) Taney attacked Nicholas Biddle's Bank of the United States by withdrawing federal deposits. For the point, name this Cabinet position responsible for the department that contains the IRS and U.S. Mint. ANSWER: United States Secretary of the Treasury 121-12-66-14127 28. At the 1948 Democratic Convention, this mayor said “we are 172 years late” while defending a civil rights plank in the platform. With Augustus Hawkins, he names a 1977 “Full Employment Act.” This presidential candidate’s running mate was Maine’s Ed Muskie. He won the Democratic nomination after the assassination of Robert Kennedy, but was narrowly defeated in 1968 by Richard Nixon. For the point, name this Vice-President of Lyndon Johnson. ANSWER: Hubert Horatio Humphrey 052-12-66-14128 29. One attempt to do this was dubbed Operation Foxley. George Elser was sentenced to 5 years in prison for attempting to do this using a time bomb, and this action was also advocated by the Black Orchestra. Another attempt to perform this action was the 20th of July Plot, which led to the execution of Claus von Stauffenberg and the suicide of Erwin Rommel; that attempt was Operation Valkyrie. For the point, name this kind of unsuccessful action to change the leadership of the Third Reich. ANSWER: attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler [or equivalents, including things like depose or overthrow instead of assassination] 048-12-66-14129

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 5 of 14 30. The event which kicked off this effort happened to the fifteen-year-old girl Claudette Colvin nine months earlier. The case Browder v Gayle ruled unconstitutional the policy that this 381-day-long effort protested. Taxi drivers got in trouble for charging 10 cents in support of this effort, which took off shortly after the arrest of a seamstress. For the point, name this effort that happened shortly after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. ANSWER: Montgomery bus boycott [prompt on partial answer; prompt on Montgomery public transportation boycott and the like as well] 020-12-66-14130 31. During this event, ten schoolchildren and a man named Enoch Brown were killed. This conflict included the Battle of Bloody Run, and during this conflict, Jeffrey Amherst gave out blankets which were infected with smallpox. This conflict led to the actions of the vigilantes known as the Paxton Boys, who were from Pennsylvania, and this conflict led to the Proclamation of 1763. For the point, identify this uprising lasting from 1763 to 1764, led by an Ottawa chief in the Great Lakes region. ANSWER: Pontiac's Rebellion [or Pontiac's War] 189-12-66-14131 32. One character in this series explained that when he came to a difficult name in The Brothers Karamazov he would “just bleep right over it.” Another character has the alter-ego “Joe Cool” and starts several novels with the line “It was a dark and stormy night.” Vince Guaraldi composed the music for a Christmas special based on this strip, whose songs include “Linus and Lucy.” For the point, name this comic strip created by Charles Schulz that features Snoopy and Charlie Brown. ANSWER: Peanuts 121-12-66-14132 33. This organization destroyed its equipment at Scapa Flow to prevent the equipment's capture. This organization formally handed over the Goeben and Breslau to the Ottoman Empire. In 1918, the Kiel mutiny took place within this organization's High Seas Fleet. This organization was built into a proper fighting force by legislation introduced by Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz. For the point, name this force that fought during the First World War on the sea for Wilhelm II. ANSWER: Imperial German Navy [or Kaiserliche Marine; accept equivalent answers that indicate the navy of Germany or the German Empire's navy; prompt on partial answer] 153-12-66-14133 34. Members of this group were recruited at the Menger Hotel. The uniform of this group, consisting of brown trousers and a blue flannel shirt, was designed by Brooks Brothers. Members II and Allyn K. Kapron were killed at Las Guasimas. This unit fought alongside the Buffalo Soldiers at a battle in which they charged on Kettle Hill. For the point, name this unit which stormed San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American war under the command of . ANSWER: Rough Riders [or 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry] 048-12-66-14134 35. This war included the Ottoman campaign along the Pruth River, which won them control of Azov. At the outset of this war, Frederick IV invaded Schleswig and Holstein, and Augustus the Strong invaded Livonia. In this conflict, the Battle of Narva was won by Charles XII, though he was later decisively defeated at the Battle of Poltava. For the point, name this war in which Sweden’s dominance in the Baltic region was successfully challenged by Russia under Peter the Great. ANSWER: Great Northern War [or Second Northern War] 014-12-66-14135

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 6 of 14 36. This country broke off diplomatic relations with Gabon over the treatment of Premier Johnson’s Minister of Education. In this country the Public Order Act was written to replace the War Measures Act. A crisis in this country began after James Cross was kidnapped by the FLQ. The October Crisis was handled by this country’s Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau. For the point, name this country which has an official bilingualism policy between English and French-speaking populations. ANSWER: Canada 149-12-66-14136 37. This culture's early incarnation is called the "Basketweaver" civilization for its ornate baskets. For its religious gatherings, this civilization built large underground rooms called "Great Kivas." In Mesa Verde national park, this civilization's "cliff dwellings" are preserved. Their name means "ancient ones," and until a thirteenth century migration, they inhabited the Four Corners Region. For the point, name this Pre-Columbian culture, the ancestors of the Pueblo peoples. ANSWER: Anasazi [or the Ancient Pueblo; prompt on the Pueblo] 080-12-66-14137 38. Kutirnahunte I crushed the forces of this ruler's son and successor, Samsu-Iluna. This ruler turned on his ally against the Eshunna, Zimrilim, by sacking Mari. A successful siege of Larsa ended this ruler's rivalry with Rim-Sin. This ruler developed a set of 282 rules that include such ideas as killing a man's son if that man builds a house that falls on the owner's son. For the point, name this ruler who set up a Babylonian law code with punishments often along the line of "an eye for an eye." ANSWER: Hammurabi 023-12-66-14138 39. This man is the most recent player to record five seasons with 30 home runs and 30 steals; he shares that record with his father, Bobby. This man played his first seven seasons with the Pittsburgh Pirates before signing as a free agent with the San Francisco Giants. In 2001, this player broke Mark McGwire’s single-season home run record with 73. For the point, name this accused steroid-using baseball player who broke Hank Aaron’s career home run record in 2007. ANSWER: Barry Lamar Bonds

131-12-66-14139 40. This man’s government killed American journalist Charles Horman, although CIA agents most likely played a role as well. Upon advice from his “Chicago Boys” advisers, he promoted pro free market policies. This man’s agents killed Orlando Letelier as part of the continent-wide Operation Condor. This man rose to power after overthrowing the democratically elected Marxist Salvador (ay-END-ay) Allende. For the point, name this dictator of Chile from 1973 to 1990. ANSWER: Augusto Pinochet Ugarte 052-12-66-14140 41. Marianne Moore suggested one of this company’s products be called the “Pastelogram.” One president of it went on to be John F. Kennedy’s first Secretary of Defense. That president of this company was Robert McNamara. This company produced an unsafe product called the Pinto and a flop called the Edsel. A scandal in 2000 involved this company’s usage of many failed Firestone tires. For the point, name this Dearborn based auto company, a major rival of General Motors. ANSWER: Ford Motor Company


2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 7 of 14 42. This man led an attack that killed five members of the Law and Order Party. This man also failed to prevent Osawatomie from being burned by Missourians. Among his actions in Bleeding Kansas was the Pottawatomie massacre. This man’s most famous action was stopped by a force led by Robert E. Lee, which was an attempt to grab arms to distribute to slaves. For the point, name this abolitionist who was executed after a failed raid on Harper’s Ferry. ANSWER: John Brown 140-12-66-14142 43. This organization’s second leader was Donald Richberg; its first, retired general Hugh Johnson, introduced a logo including a gear and three lightning bolts. An opinion striking down its “codes of competition” was written by Charles Evans Hughes in the Schechter Poultry or “sick chicken” case. It used the motto “We do our part,” and complying businesses displayed its blue eagle logo. For the point, name this New Deal agency with the same acronym as a modern gun lobby. ANSWER: NRA [or National Recovery Administration] 104-12-66-14143 44. A temple to this deity as Ultor, or “Avenger,” was ordered by Augustus for his new Forum. This god had a sacred shield called the ancilium and served the same function as his female counterpart Bellona. This god names a field west of the Quirinal and Capitoline hills. He impregnated Rhea Silvia, a Vestal Virgin who gave birth to this god’s wolf-suckled sons Remus and Romulus. For the point, identify this namesake of a “campus” in Rome, a god of war. ANSWER: Mars [do not accept “Ares”] 104-12-66-14144 45. This man's decision in Chisholm v. Georgia led to the adoption of the Eleventh Amendment. The evacuation of British outposts in the Northwest Territory and the opening of the Mississippi River to the United States and Great Britain were among the provisions in a 1794 treaty named for him. Along with and James Madison, he wrote the Federalist Papers. For the point, name this man who served as the first Chief Justice of the United States. ANSWER: John Jay 030-12-66-14145 46. This legislation resulted in the incarceration of Anthony Haswell, Matthew Lyon, and James Callendar. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were written in response to this legislation. This legislation was passed in the aftermath to the XYZ Affair, and was violently opposed by Republicans under Thomas Jefferson. For the point, name this legislation designed to suppress dissidents against President John Adams and paired with three Alien Acts. ANSWER: Sedition Act [or Alien and Sedition Acts]

014-12-66-14146 47. This politician led a World War II committee investigating defense spending. This President worked with the “Do Nothing Congress” and desegregated the U.S. Army. He initiated the “containment” policy in a doctrine benefiting Greece and Turkey, and his domestic policy was the “Fair Deal.” In the election of 1948, this man had an upset victory against Thomas Dewey. For the point, name this President who ordered the use of atomic bombs against Japan. ANSWER: Harry S. Truman 196-12-66-14147

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 8 of 14 48. This song claims that "unity and law and freedom are the foundation of happiness." During one period of time, this song was paired with the Horst Wessel Song. This song was written by Hoffman von Fallersleben to a tune composed by Joseph Haydn for the "Emperor" Quartet. Since 1950, this song has only been performed using the third verse. For the point, name this song that used to start by celebrating its country as being "above all" before the fall of the Nazis from power. ANSWER: German national anthem [or Deutsche Nationalhymne; or "Das Deutschlandlied"; or "The Song of Germany"; or "Das Lied der Deutschen"; or "The Song of the Germans"; or Deutschland Ueber Alles] 023-12-66-14148 49. This man examined the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in his book Grand Inquests. As a clerk for Justice Robert Jackson, ge wrote a brief that argued for upholding Plessy v. Ferguson. He wrote the majority decision in the case of U.S. v. Morrison, which overturned parts of the Violence Against Women Act as violating the Commerce Clause. He presided over the impeachment trial of President Clinton. For the point, name this man who preceded John Roberts as Chief Justice. ANSWER: William Rehnquist 030-12-66-14149 50. American preacher Jonathan Edwards died from this procedure’s failure, while James Phipps was the first to undergo a less dangerous form of it. Its modern form, devised after observation of milkmaids, uses similar material found in cows and was devised by Edward Jenner in the 1790s. For the point, name this procedure, whose mass use by the World Health Organization until 1977 led to the first successful disease eradication, which grants immunity to a blisterous virus. ANSWER: smallpox inoculations [or smallpox vaccine; prompt on vaccine] 104-12-66-14150 51. A whistleblower employed at one of these places, Karen Silkwood, was killed in a car crash en route to a meeting with a journalist. Hyman Rickover oversaw the building of the first one in the US at Shippingport. An incident at one of these locations popularized the film The China Syndrome and sparked protests against them at Harrisburg in 1979. That one was located on Three Mile Island. For the point, name these structures which use uranium to generate energy. ANSWER: nuclear power plants 080-12-66-14151 52. After events in this city, Time ran a feature with the title “Angrier, Nastier, Uglier.” Vera Caslavska was forced to retire after looking away during the playing of the Soviet anthem, while Tommie Smith and John Carlos were criticized for their actions here as well. This city was where two African American athletes gave a notorious black power salute after winning medals. For the point, name this North American city, site of the 1968 Summer Olympics. ANSWER: Mexico City [or Ciudad de Mexico]

052-12-66-14152 53. A good example of a "concentric" structure of this kind is Krak de Chevaliers. Gaps in these structures from which objects could be dropped or projectiles fired were known as "crenellations." The front entrances of these structures were reinforced with portcullises. The keep was a tall tower inside these structures, which were largely rendered obsolete by cannons and were surrounded by a moat. For the point, name these fortification where lords in medieval Europe lived. ANSWER: castles 020-12-66-14153

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 9 of 14 54. This group’s Rapid Reaction Corps is headquartered at Imjin Barracks. This organization, which was first headed by Lord Ismay, staged a series of exercises called Able Archer 83. Among its creations is a standardized phonetic alphabet, and one of its notable actions was an intervention during the Bosnian War. It was created by the Treaty of Brussels to counteract the influence of the Warsaw Pact. For the point, name this military alliance of western nations, which, in 2001, invaded Afghanistan. ANSWER: NATO [or North Atlantic Treaty Organization or OTAN] 048-12-66-14154 55. A 1495 meeting in this city created the Imperial Chamber Court and the Imperial Circles. Pope Calixtus II and Emperor Henry V made an agreement that resolved the Investiture Controversy in the 1122 Concordat of this city. The Elector Frederick the Wise negotiated another meeting at this city where a former monk legendarily declared, "Here I stand; I can do no other" in defiance of Emperor Charles V. For the point, name this city that hosted a "Diet" condemning Martin Luther. ANSWER: Worms 080-12-66-14155 56. In the west, this uprising was led largely by Job Shattuck. Its members imitated a North Carolina group by calling themselves “Regulators.” During it, the unpopular James Bowdoin (BOW-dun) lost his governorship. This uprising lost to a militia under Benjamin Lincoln after trying to capture the Springfield arsenal. Its participants were poor farmers seeking debt relief. For the point, name this 1787 Massachusetts rebellion that made the Constitutional Convention more urgent. ANSWER: Daniel Shays’ Rebellion 104-12-66-14156 57. Opponents of it included Marcel Lefebvre and other followers of the SSPX. Its documents included the “Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy” and the “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World Today.” Paul VI continued the work of his predecessor on this council, which sought to affirm ties with “separated brethren” in the Eastern Orthodox and Protestant churches. For the point, name this ecumenical council initiated by Pope John XXIII in 1959 that sought a spiritual renewal of the Roman Catholic Church. ANSWER: Second Vatican Council [or Vatican II; or 21st Ecumenical Council] 030-12-66-14157 58. Charles Beikman spent five years in prison after his time at this location. Larry Layton was released in 2002 after spending 18 years in prison for his role on the Port Kaituma airstrip in killing Congressman Leo Ryan after Ryan visited this location. Over 900 people died at this settlement as members of the Peoples Temple. For the point, name this settlement in Guyana that ended after a massacre in 1978 when its namesake directed its members to drink cyanide-laced Flavor-Aid. ANSWER: Jonestown 023-12-66-14158 59. While serving in this position, Thomas Reed gained the nickname of “Czar” for the promulgation of his namesake rules. George Norris led a revolt against a man who held this position who was known as “Uncle Joe,” Joseph Cannon. Prior to being nominated for vice-president, John Nance Garner held this position, and while serving in this position, James K. Polk instituted the gag rule regarding petitions for the abolition of slavery. For the point, name this position that is the second in the line of presidential succession. ANSWER: Speaker of the House [or House Speaker] 030-12-66-14159

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 10 of 14 60. One ruler whose kingdom included much of this mountain range was Massinissa, and this mountain range was the site of some fighting in the Jugurthine War. One of the more permanent rivers whose source is in this mountain range is the Moulouya River. The highest peak in this mountain range is Mount Toubkal. The main inhabitants of this mountain range are Berbers. It separates the Sahara from the Mediterranean basin. For the point, name this mountain range in northwest Africa. ANSWER: Atlas mountains 066-12-66-14160 61. This commander hired economics PhD Michael Meese and anthropology PhD David Kilcullen to be part of a brain trust called his "guys." He took Stanley McChrystal's job after an unfortunate Rolling Stone interview, having earlier coupled a "hearts and minds" strategy with counterinsurgency tactics during the "surge." This former head of coalition forces in Iraq and current Director of the CIA was the subject of Paula Broadwell's book All In. For the point, name this man who was plagued by scandal after his affair with Broadwell was revealed. ANSWER: David Petraeus 080-12-66-14161 62. The US was represented by Harry Dexter White at this meeting, and the G-20 summit has sometimes been called the second version of it. The system set up at this meeting, which eventually gave way to the Washington Consensus, was ended by the Nixon shock. This meeting also set up the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. For the point, name this 1944 conference which set up the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and a fixed system of monetary exchange rates, named for a New Hampshire resort. ANSWER: Bretton Woods conference 048-12-66-14162 63. At one convention, this man deadlocked with William McAdoo for 100 ballots before both men lost to John W. Davis. Known as the Happy Warrior, his presidential campaign was hurt by his call to repeal Prohibition and by his links to Tammany Hall. In 1928, Franklin Roosevelt was elected to replace him as governor, while this man lost a presidential election to Herbert Hoover. For the point, name this Governor, the first major party presidential nominee to be Catholic. ANSWER: Alfred Smith

052-12-66-14163 64. An offshoot of this dynasty built a house of worship with red- and white-striped arches above recycled Roman columns. This dynasty began after the First Fitna. A remnant of this dynasty ran Cordoba after a massacre of its ruling family in 750 CE. During its tenure, Abd-al-Malik had the Dome of the Rock built, and this dynasty's army converted North Africa before conquering Spain. For the point, name this dynasty run from Damascus, an early Islamic caliphate preceding the Abbasids. ANSWER: Umayyad caliphate 104-12-66-14164 65. This painter’s Middle Eastern scenes include Arab Horses Fighting in a Stable and one depicting an Assyrian king watch the destruction of his wealth and slaughter of his harem. This artist of The Death of Sardanapalus painted a bare-breasted woman in a gold dress holding a bayonetted musket and hoisting a tricolor in a work glorifying the July Revolution. For the point, name this French painter of Liberty Leading the People. ANSWER: Eugene Delacroix [or Ferdinand-Eugene-Victor Delacroix] 014-12-66-14165

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 11 of 14 66. This architect conceptualized an affordable home that blending in with the landscape, his Usonian homes. One museum designed by this architect is an inverted ziggurat which viewers travelled to the top of on an elevator and then descended on a spiral ramp, viewing artwork along the way. One of this architect's most famous works features concrete cantilevers over a waterfall. For the point, name this Prairie School architect who designed the New York Guggenheim and Fallingwater. ANSWER: Frank Lloyd Wright 066-12-66-14166 67. This man's piano piece La lugubre gondola served as a memorial for his late son-in-law, Richard Wagner. Heinrich Heine coined a term for the hysterical adoration displayed at his concerts by his fans. Goethe-inspired works by this namesake of a mid-nineteenth century "mania" include his Years of Pilgrimage suites, his Faust Symphony, and his four Mephisto Waltzes. For the point, name this composer of the Transcendental Etudes, a Hungarian piano virtuoso. ANSWER: Franz Liszt [or Ferenc Liszt; or Liszt Ferencz; or Franz Ritter von Liszt] 029-12-66-14167 68. One early scene in this novel features characters putting on a play featuring the villainous Hugo and the heroic Roderigo. This work begins with the line “Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents.” The title characters’ father is a minister who becomes a colonel in the Union Army. In this novel, Professor Bhaer falls in love with the tomboy Jo, whose sister, Beth, dies of scarlet fever. For the point, name this novel introducing the March sisters, a work by Louisa May Alcott. ANSWER: Little Women [or Good Wives]

052-12-66-14168 69. In his play Mirame, this man wrote, “Give me six lines written by the most honorable of men, and I will find an excuse in them to hang him.” The Marquis de Cinq-Mars collaborated with Philip IV of Spain in a plot against this man. He saw to the annulment of the political clauses of the Edict of Nantes, and this man oversaw the siege of La Rochelle, a Huguenot stronghold. For the point, name this founder of the French Academy and adviser to Louis XIII whose byname of The Red Eminence referred to his religious position. ANSWER: Cardinal Richelieu [or Armand-Jean du Plessis] 030-12-66-14169 70. This vessel transported the historical figure “Jemmy Button,” a member of the Yamana tribe, to Europe. While traveling on this ship, one man became persuaded that some of the ideas of Charles Lyell were inaccurate. Under the command of Robert FitzRoy, this ship surveyed Tierra del Fuego while carrying a certain English naturalist aboard. For the point, name this ship which was the residence of Charles Darwin during his 1830’s observations. ANSWER: HMS Beagle 052-12-66-14170 71. Ayllus were communities in this empire led by a curaca. This empire's successor adopted a system of forced labor called the mita in silver mines. One of this empire's leaders seized the Chimú kingdom in 1465; that man was Pachacuti. A civil war in this empire broke out between two of Pachacuti's descendents, Huascar and Atahualpa. Shortly taking control of this empire, Atahualpa was in turn defeated at Cajamarca by the Spanish. For the point, name this empire centered in modern-day Peru. ANSWER: Inca Empire [or Incan Empire] 121-12-66-14171

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 12 of 14 72. One movie featuring this sport features a character who asks for a "hot doggo," and one whose mother comes to a classroom to make sure her son participates in discussion; that movie featuring this sport includes Harry Flournoy and Don Haskins. Jimmy Chitwood features in some late-game heroics in another film about this sport; that movie features Norman Dale, played by Gene Hackman, as a high school coach. For the point, identify this sport featured in Glory Road and Hoosiers. ANSWER: basketball 189-12-66-14172 73. People living under this government referred to coping with food rationing as “System D”. Several of its opponents were captured at the Winter Velodrome. This regime, which employed the Joseph-Darnand-headed Milice secret police, was headed by a figure who had previously commanded his nation’s army to victory at the Battle of Verdun. For the point, name this regime headed by Pierre Laval and Philippe Petain, the government of Nazi-occupied France. ANSWER: Vichy France 048-12-66-14173 74. After John Mephisto posed George W. Bush a question referencing this phrase, the latter went beyond it and added "so help me God." One of many phrases coined by speechwriter Peggy Noonan, it followed soon after a reference to "one resort he'll be checking into," in an acceptance speech at the New Orleans RNC. This pledge was broken soon after a recession hit in 1990. For the point, name this George H. W. Bush pledge to not collect more money from the American people. ANSWER: "Read my lips: no new taxes" [prompt on partial answer] 020-12-66-14174 75. This nation shelled a dormitory as part of Operation Searchlight in one conflict. One leader of this nation came to power via Operation Fair Play and was named Zia-ul-Haq. While being led by Nawaz Sharif, this nation set off one conflict by infiltrating the Kargil district. Its first leader proposed the Two-Nation theory and leader of the Muslim league named Muhammad Ali Jinnah. For the point, name this nation which often fights over Kashmir with neighboring India. ANSWER: Pakistan 048-12-66-14175

2012 NHBB Set A Bee Round 4 Page 13 of 14 Extra Questions

76. In 1409, a Church council in this city attempted to elect Alexander V as the new Pope, but ended up creating three Popes. This city's rise was ended in 1284, when it lost the Battle of Meloria to Genoa. In 1173, this home of Galileo attempted to finish building its cathedral by adding a poorly engineered campanile,which now has a four-meter tilt. For the point, name this home to a "leaning tower." ANSWER: Pisa 019-12-66-14176 77. During this event, participants pondered a sermon with the question “who was then the gentleman?” and went on to kill Simon of Sudbury. It ended shortly after one of its leaders was killed by William Walworth at Smithfield. Leaders in this event included Jack Straw, John Ball, and Wat Tyler and it was directed against a poll tax. During it, participants executed the Lord Chancellor after storming the Tower of London. For the point, name this 1381 uprising against Richard II by the English lower class. ANSWER: Peasants’ Revolt [or Wat Tyler’s Rebellion or until “Wat Tyler” is mentioned; do not accept “Peasants’ War”]


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