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QUEST OF A eciueHted to name their local randldatcs and THK CAXTASS IX V STllVNU WHISTS- A1I1EVXEEISX AT WAZUZINO TOM CAN BE DONE IN CANDIDATE thu totinty Conimlitoo will maku or endorse VII A GOOD DAY FOR FISHING vi nr nn SOMETIMES IT Ii omlnatliiiiH by the- Tlm llreenbackers of tho Eighth Itepabtlenni OUInc Vt the Filets Ticket NaflTerlnK or m Nnllor who Nnyi he Ntabbed SerIous Emburrixtmenli Oceaslned NOBODY UEP- I 118trlctha0 Nave 1 Seifdeenmee mt of Departments 1VST MIKHIXO Jf- JUltPlXO FU iiiitauxr oiiilniiteil Louis p 1ost for Conur Worktiiff tu Conurettmen TAK- ¬ his Captain In Abaee 1Iad AN Ev1Xn11riXT AT I I TUB 1HKsinuxT AND urn atrrns ItVAXr VIIAlll- VedeiiilhuperylsorsorI Llocllon vveioappoint WABniNQTON Oct executive branch CoLLItUIOV v TUXSUL JJUUll 1 CncINAT1 Oct 4Lighuta burned JIKAVTUM- John Ouiiw a seaman on the Hlilp Phlrila 4TIme Tin ed byI udgo allacn of time UnitedI I States Clr rljhUy- ING Ti vrrsY nltCouityesterdiiy In the night was yesterday by time Hoboken pollco off time Government Is represented hero now by Tk Lone to llnve Ikr CIollb If The 101111111 Huiier IlnoolllIIL House last arrested Mount Vrrnnn Clllrrn Ilrrannil Miniar- kermmi inorH mime to bo sworn I I tim > Ilotk Neniuupera and ho Secretary of War and tho Secretary ot tho ke Vnnl t Ike Count lleniui t11 OIIIUIHI tho hut tatnpiilgn managersI lira rkevlim PolItic on complaint of John 0 Graham Caiitnln of tknt Will Miike SulVIV ilmliln- Jeniociatlo Supenlsurs t Inlllhlcl mud > lnir ltlmii11 Chiefly In K tluff- Secretaries of thin tIre Ii racy Vxm IICIILnlun Tke Jli 01 rlllY tho 1II1S out the work of lcGiit tho OHBiil who clmmed him with stabbing Interior The President the Stow Mr to Hio Viliulprbttt flIt Murllut oullll Ilylll 1111111111 FltkliiK stud Itelutf ritotoiiruplicilA- thin Tke Iljer canvass col him In tho fnco a knife Tho com- ¬ Treasury Navy and State and Iostmus- The licudiitiarteiu of tlio Kepubllum Stato lX POLITICS Alor orovenun with slniilli Coroner Hornnati nud hula jury Suicrln- oxci- odor Postmaster Whltfleld Collector Tuft LIXANDIIIA hAY Oct 4At breakfast plainant appeared Recorder McDonouch orGenorat and AttornoyGoueral are away Committee were occupied yesterday oil Icily by VII thoro are tondnnt J M Toueoy of tim Hudson lOver Tke Old Gang n uJltor Capcllor and rummy others of the active tills morning President Arthur talked about with n Khnntly wound extending from his fore In two of thus departments nt least the clerks who lire doing tho ruutlnu work of Uoln t Mask Tklno Lively ub- llallroad and of than HarliMii road Vlwlrol In the Tleventk uirty workers are at headatiarters almost ovary shlng Ho spoke of bis feat of catching a lieiul to his chin Thu prisoner admitted the serious embarrassments by rcwon of the tlio campaign fow politicians lslttne the Wurd sea- dent Clark of tho Xuw llaon ILillrond and ovenlngto compare notes of their days work miscaloniro but not with especial pride as ho stubbing hut claimed It was done In selfde ¬ onco of thom heads It U a specially busy rooms The minor printed In u morning news- Tho Eleventh ward promises to bo the scat Ito other railroad oHleors visited at noon yester- Amor Smllh IsI keeping up his reputation ns an said that tlio method adopted hero with stout fence Ha mild tIm 1hlrda sailed from France son with tho Post Offlco Department yet paper thntMr U 1liiH Cariiontcr candidate for offan political contest ut tho comingI day the scenic of the Fourth nonun tunnel no amuslnr acttvo campaign orcanbor amid tt will bo duo cord and two or threo men at Its end made It a on Sept 4 for Now York A majority of the head Mr Howe Its acting head Mr Datton LleulonanlGoveotior Inlonded to decline ol The Old Gang organised In 1807 Conductor Goo IK Hood Unilinear ctol to his shtowdness It a Itopubllcan Congress- font of main strength rather than of skill Ills crew of 12 mon were Russians who were unable and ono of the other assistant are away lent cldetit Unit gentleman to thu tho ability to run imig time time chargnof onto Boy Ilobblns of than Xow brought commltleos thu dlhtrlot and ns man Is eyes cllstouod ho spoke of > ox to understand tho given thorn entire hominess In Close and Water elected from Cincinnati this fall Ito ai Plumbs orders time I rooms early Hu explained thaI ho hud no such o cry candldato for Alderman and Assemblyl assistant Tho First Comptroller of Treas Haven tinln iiraatlcally Illustralod unit they mows tIme city product by product nnd his lorlenccs In Hay Day In Canada but without Thus Boomed to anger the Cnptntn said tIny Judgo Lawrenco Is In Ohio making pollt and that It WHS not trun that nan up to tho time whon Aldeiinon began to- lurid acted before hue collision Superintendent Intention Judo bug connection with time liutriuuii revenue ofiieu ntlmatliig either a wish to go thoro or a regret Owens aunt ho picked uio out tovunt his spite cal speeches and tile Deputy First Comptroj or uk friends hat asked htm to with- ¬ bo elected In Senatorial districts belonged Inns through Ion Is very ill yet owing to Judge Lawrences- Toueoy tried to dumonstnito Hint tlm Harlem Pollor enabled him Tafts assist at not being able to do so Hn breakfasted upon I was worked lIke a dog nod was abused need draw Mr Cm puntir spout not nf tliu day In he organization now that Aldermen tire to inco to throw a large 011 gangers bianco the ImportJint documents that train could have been stopped In tlmo to mold 11-I on bass that ho caught yesterday Ills without tho least cause During a stiff gale ot signature liavo to bo taken to thobedsldo of ¬ by t Into his tight bodily It its hotel contiudlclliii this ru- levied Assembly districts It 111 If tlio boy llobblni had put thu 1ltth Avenue has determined 1Wlr101101prove agent lu the contest crumptlous colored valet Is said to be author wind on the nltlit of Sept 19 I was sent aloft ho deputy who Is reported to bo too to the accident Unit to regain Its position alolTeeto papers lie Is tim Two union meas- ¬ mor Ho said lu thu iifteinoon his loiter former Itepitbllcans all II hope of ty for tim statement that tho Executive was to shift the royal braces I did not work fust eallzo fully tho nature of the a toipcdo on track acceptance would bo leiuly today- The candldato of thu Old Qanc Is ileelliig Iho State ticket As Ito as Ham ailed upon to sign Secretary Chandler is In ured oiT 100 feet from time noutli eml of William displeased with Doochors attack on Folgor If enough to suit time Captain and ho pulled mo Now York will go to New Humiishlro to again changed Wllbcrforco ship Iton county Is concerned tho most of and of than ut Eightysixth Mr Carpenter has his mind jollier or jlner 1resl It Ixi this Is so Is tile uf Presidents me engage actively In politics whIte the Attornuy of hue platform station tOUt lockl concede will Democratic by It first Idea the out ot tho riggIng and struck The mate as to tlio disaffection In tim party Ut thinks of the Gang and successor of Axe thorOOIKJ to 8000 Oov Foster Is saul to ho views or opinions that has leaked out In the canto up also and kicked mo several General Is being fdtod In Newport street Then they put torpedoes on thin track now that It Isnt serious handle Smith Ho Is hiindsomo man of still conlldout of carrying tho State despite times I broke away from thorn anti rant mienmr thin manholo Into which Ilobblns ran to 1 hotel lIe seems to bo as far removed from thin Mr William V Shutter n member of iiedluui holglit and his Htiowwhlto hits offsel FOov No > es who Inn necrollv Into forecastle but I wits rlmsod riTATNAKKS TIIK JILA1XE MEV GJAD oscupo tho Harlem train A train of four empty tho hair and nude a lour of the State does riot IsI sail news of what Isgolnc on throughout the land out Tho Cautnln then foiled mo to League Club suld to 1wijht llovvliiK beard are patriarchal Ho Is of Hugue I A us tin my ninth com- ¬ rars nt llflth street was signalled tocomodown- Union Luwrenco iive Ibis nweatn view Fur I one IH ho Is from the news centres themselves He knees with a Mum thai tlio mate New I I I j I 11 mo belnyiiu pin I The Prospective Stalwart Dentist In I j plat- ¬ in the Fifth Avenue Hotel last evening that not descent his also a little Irish In him huge tlionothlty which John Shermiin of of any menced to hnminur with a thotrnrk The Jury stood on tho stat lou lot I i has no callers note and but few sort to time crow to help mo 1 Cup and Vlrzlnlu I t I of club vote a fact of lul he IsI reasonably he rongresslonal and eon ty campaign hero culled us saw thn York IennyIvani form In theI west tiinii at eightysixth stnit onetenth the members would for woud nnd isI likelyI lo bring good I Is no lie gets no dally papers and an employee of wIts mid 1 did want to IM killed tim whlcn- whIch lentills Thorn taln drunk not WASHINGTON Oct Representntlvo De- and watched thnapi roach of train Carpentor The woutdbo LieutenanlGoveriior carries with It tho Irish oto of the loubt thait under llm out by him hotel tolls mu although his mall None ofI thorn caiUH HH they were all afrild I wiis runningI at twentv milesI an hour Four soll I 1111111111 he that Now heard of thIs remark and again began t ex- ¬ floors Ills age Is controversy- the chanceK of sir Amor then drew my knife arid Hindu thieo cuts nt tho ondorf of Virginia tins returned from pecondi after t oxploslou of thin torpedoes 1 II through which he is doubtless kept well In I I lund lie plain he should not decline Mr Fooks was n candidate for Asscinbly Sinlihand llutlerworlh both working nIght mete but did not reach hurt wish York where ho wont to got substantial mild In time train enmo to a stun within about twnntj that mid that but anti day and Is a general feel- ¬ orined Is quite heavy ho uses the telegraph reached him ns he was almost sober at tIm of Iho Btntlun where lund thorn campaign Ho to bo quite resigned feet of tlm rear nhitform Judge Folcorb friends hnd not naked him to he engaged In the making of steering ing of hopefulness horn thai was ubsenl very little When hu Is approached upon po iron I then turned on tho Captain and Rao hIs seemed thou Note I invent tIul ill was standing at tliot tlmn m- a emIt on time lace prospect of defeat Tho members of tlio Stale Conimlttoe who wheels which was resented iw an Intrusion ou Mforo Sherman came The n topIcs ho positively to say him Tim mate cried nt the an Administration of tluacoldeiit Malts If tlinsn lm wltnessnj I I i I I Cillunlt Itlcal declines a They both loft me ami went the t miotli lug Tho- nro looking for Congressman mother brunch ot mcchiinles He wits acccoid- irriiil which Is opposed to Co then Into A man whom ho talked reports him as saying the inhibition said tint It proved candidate for at ngly denounced and Kills Nethery jiiior plan of campaign says that THE HUSK stories word Ills valet In quito out of his element cabin whllo 1 hid In thu forcnstlo I picked up tralnmun iiiidnivtooil I tlmt tlmy WIMO oxpected- ¬ the Administration was going to wreck Large In tho plaeuI of A D Hepburn have not was named his stead Nethery was 1 about Sheiman working against 101111 Is non- ind says that the President muslim In ISonton- nn empty bottle nhon I heard them coiulnc- that toHtop at Kluhtyslxlli strnot tho tutus were yet who Is Delaware II rejoUes to bo borlin sense Tlm nnnniprual I iiie Foster on tIle llth and will go by way of Now York stiiln and resolved to poll my life us dearly IU- ind ruin both In Now York and Pennsylvania nmpty and thus tunnel was In a condition en found man illlng to run The knoWllM 11110 Although was 11 tine l Mposslliln my I Jens chicken Ho IsI over six has cumrnltted harrlknrrl and that neither It oclock when Prest but turns down weapon whun I md that thin Hlalno men In both States were thinly dliluient from Its coudltion when the ao member who was to ecu George William Curtis > > It- mil benator tll IIJ Ihil John Sherman nor an bodyelm could CIUIIII lent boarded the steamer Mlnnlo toIIIY ha un ordered au I saw that lioth worn aimed leartllygladof It Mr Derendoif says tint cldunt occurred stopped at thu Staten Island Ferry house when Ieluwllel IsI a 11llrlllu hi thucoiiditloii of affairs In the State If succeeded in obtaining tile best sport ho hits with Aflnr I hud donn so thin Cup s well understood among Itlalnns Iriends that A meeting of tIne chtlirns e Mount man yet iooler my mass bo learned from Tun SUN that Mr Curtis had- while the Old Gang can all take a drink or lot Of course this moans that when Charlie Footer had TIle wind hud nt host sheered from tuln IIred at mo The ball pasted between ifter the ruin Is consummated then Itlalnos Vernon was hold hist evening Fourth Avenue It alone goes to reap his ClOP of Senatorial outs ho will tIme north mound to tho southwest and the arm and body Innstlien put In Irons and I mine will bo rung from ono end of the contl- Hall to take stops townnl1 preventing nccldnpts written from Iasachusott that ho would not It was rumored that Sir Fecks whom the mud It Hayes AH fnras temperance rroclivllles guides directed Cult Westcott to go to a com not tIme worst bitlnn tlmt 1 UMT reeolod I lont to thin other as thin only man who can tako- lIke thin eolllslon in thu tunnel John il S itn support the young jlners call Uncle Bill denounced Neth go Mr It 1J Hayes IsI much better equipped liniratit ely neglected district olT Grindstone prasedthatinyurmt inlLhl bo freed I wits ttuemt hn paity to victory In 1B81 Mr UeTondnrf Santvoord 1rnsldent of tho vlllagi wits Chair- ¬ lung 11 by thin HO my Tent t uh nut Inuts ¬ The unoy to exCongressman S B Chltten cry I committee of jineisl walledI on hi mu- him Foster and yet bonn sensible enough inland miles from here The weie thorn strung up uribLs tliat barely ways that he will biat Mahonoand the man On thin Itov Dr Dycrn motion tIlls reso- go Brooklyn mAfte rlula persuasion Undo Hill and tIme lo keep It to himself These are tho niut- in a little over an hour arid the President and touched time duck and loft In tlmt position fur ration In his district this fall by a handsome lution wIts adopted den did not because he ateer 11 took earpot- I Ity ninth lleuubllcnus- ChIcken were brought face to face unit agreed terlngs will precede tho Senatorial storm lull Comstock their handsome twilM hoursdurlntrwhlch thIn reeohedonly muoi that tIle straightout irftrtfiM TIM Ian e collUlon wn cniii l hv tJiinltrirnrd-I i tamed on this vide of tim river that Mr Chit wa- ¬ to let bygones bo bjtones Then Mr 1eeks next for Ined skill Into one of tho buts Into whose a drink of water and n small blKCiitL When I vlll control thom organization in Vliginla to tim Iv uiiuiitkrment cf Hit omit rn of tin llniU not Sitr tenden had told Mr John II Starln that he was nominated for Alderman and In a neat WASHINOTOS Oct 4A Itepubllcan who has ter time President tented In the upper half of II wan released I could bcareely moMi my arms iillnito disgust of time Administration list n riill Iti nut Iron huilntg Fulliclvnt tuU competent would not otu for any Ulan on thu ticket ex- ¬ speech accepted the nomination Vhilo he recently been Ohio and who cushioned armchair Hung his line llrst Ho got and I do riot bolliwi I could hint lifted twenty cniplovi tin lie It cept Charles Andrews candidate for Judge lucre stulplnltime ut bite and a into bass III the first live tnlnuUs pound 1 was next to thin side of thin Afsoiril Thuit tlie eileen if Mount rnonln fans was a despatch mrivid announcing loday tattle Irrll fastuned l In of thu Court of Appeals IK cry soon hn caught Hill vessel tim a wuy I could tilt H011UKD HY TllKllt EMPLOYEES meitlmr ilo liorthj jirotit nHlntt nml nrtl lonilLmn talklll that tho Itepubllcnus hive no show of earning another and then such that neither I Daggett- that olectlnn leI wits tin lIflttuIuCetl4 lit ot tin Halil mail n hkh n Ins pucU- One of the conimltteo asked Albert solid for Uncle Bill and the Chicken ItlThe news Iho State Ho says thisis admitted privately Aimstock had a snort run of luck Thin two erect nor lie down and kept thoro on short iKcldintK ottoltik th it ut ispn ° our Itiillirimtlnnnt Dug ¬ time it he would take the nomination but Mr was greeted with unbounded applause hy Nash Chairman of the Itepubllcan Commit- Ished all about neighborhood and did rations for seven days On the seventh day A Ikllndelpfc Firm ofPiiper Makers Whose theI inon ii nut t of thiI wnltlnir room itt tin tjrjilil CeO on gioundthat would bo thrust work Soon time 1 < I K tlmt ha I toI celt declined th he The boys art going to make this election In- ¬ tee and tho liepiibllcan managers really their best afterward tho wind one of crew who had boon terribly abused Goods have een 1lllereil for Year tnil put diiipi the irrmllitiii puiilli wait in- beaten worse than Foluer The do runt to more freshened the sky became overcast and thu lied Ills body was thrown ovei board without luditlaU tinil tnlioiiHI time fur th trHin toI hfinmla teresting they nay the tiatispuronclcs expect elect than eleven ntul s loti nl- retorted Mr Doggult oUllte111 I Amoll of thin twentyone surfacn of the river was little wave army eeromony loft tlio vessel I PlllLADEiLiriA Oct luctubcrs of restS nhMti ilvlnti trihiR ntttr tin hour that Is one with II blue a chicken under Congressmen They think tumbled This short handed 4Thu tinI Ir tliat more votes than Folger Mr Diigcett mulled time lots Comstock went to din- ¬ wo Mrtiiicil for ikpirttin all winrrnUM the tho blue lien mind Kills Nethery Working the Democrats will carry Cleveland Tho Presldnt and and I wits released and sot at work When time linn of Howoll Brothers wall paper 0S l nf Hie I Pi mt niul again declined thin honor tIn ner on thin a uumss of twenty llsh olT Sandy Honk I handcuiTed t ncr iitiitiiinc Irtmliititrnl the but mans Friend under the blue chicken htaud Toledo districts arid will bout Amor Inl Island with arrived wits luraln manufacturers and wholesale dealers at 12 arid rttln tihIt III III iuun titre hun I ttr u untIm ntetiueictp- Another eommitteemun suggested that Con by the Old HellI is A Is poetical and probably llutlcrworth In Cincinnati The President had announced that Im did not and conllned until I was handed over to tho nuui nilHtnnn iiriiniUt tin ttt forth In thu funntiltiin pie U McLook would good another third time 14 wore oltition4- rrcssman Anon make a Jluii r up want tiny llsh for dinner and guides who police Tho Irons on my wrists tore oli bit South Sixth street astonished when autliU ittil ri His friend said that ho would not rlf know that tho morning sun had found the pinees of Mesh us can hel seen by tho wounds they wore by Mnrkoo of ItfsulifJ Unit u nts of ililiriiimM notl thrnpr o- Cldldltl Vouro loui enoueh down told Lieut the Fourth FI toI I t i Chariot lllaekie htiilwurt leader InI THIS OEOltUIA ELECTION earth whitened by heavy frost mind that tlm Tho body of Owens 1 covered with bruises lutloni hi nt tla oMur of tilt Orntul Vntrnl t Jot And kick politician is ho mind Special Officer lund nuiltothc rrerlilint smut Mijiirhili inliiit oi- the Asciublydlstrlct begin plentiful Laid resolved by > H district that Tata Siiritnrj Thlneonth declared that out of the ttmn luck would tn be Ho was attonded a physician who MI that I lank Hint NLU i flail If MeCook was he UIMi Al > to give hue hums they worn being robbed by ono tlitNiw tck dutml ui Iliuin len nominated Fred ships cries- Htepken Carrying enrl Every eunty and him a treat of broiled duck Ono been terribly dealt with An InMMIua discovered that font Colnimnt unit tlmt it rnmmltti H rf HM hni np- Hugh Mr liull- lot Americans build their OWI time l al- ¬ Gardner nod probably Sitting a fourth transparency A llles several kls Majority IlaeeU at 4OUOO- of steamer hands succeeded in bogging lion will lie m do Owons was sent to ludlow of their employees but their astonishment pointil to unit upon it m II iinlt rhllt ntnl thelni- Luwson would cut tho whole ticket The lllue Henn Chicken n duck They hnd brought three kinds of Htrect jail 1rocoedinKH In extradition have most reached consternation when the Lieuten- ¬ ltnt of theI > ev HtiMn JlHllroml tmipitii s iht a S UT tome of committee think that a soldler metllllrlt one COLUMIIUS Oct 4Thu election today for meat from thou hotel been iegiin to tako him to England to trial the ant announced again today that the depreda- ¬ of renuiJ > lntc the nlioe lutntloucd tS Ins should If one can be who to Albany and lay the egg of cove at of regular a years Involved I found wllllln Wil Victory Governor und State House officers passed off The the head which the 1hlrda being a llritish ship tions reached back dozen and Thos M Taylor said tIre accident so called j nOllllteltl and with ¬ Is run against Gen Mocum camping wits is as beautiful as- not only present employees but their prede- of- 0 tlio portraits of both candidates adorns one quietly Thin tho whole round located was due to tho parsimony and recklessness Indleallons are that A timid Ion Henry A llarnum was mentioned but the On are One a view In fairyland Hat table of rock forms cessors one of whom nt least was dead tho railroad companion u patty of men to Gen- ¬ banner others the mottoes time KILTEU HY A TOUCH Of TUB WIRE suggestion Unit with his llit refusal The navy I Democratic ticket will bo elected In Fourth tlm bed of tho tiny hay and thick clumps of burled that many retail wall paper dealers whom human lives worn mom bngalellis In disli more and the yard is ours Put ¬ humid eral thought that some civilian In Brooklyn Congress by largest majority ever mUSK carpet the earth to tim waters edge be- and PR per hangers bean patrons of with theireheiihed millions Xc t It I sour shoulder to the Jack pianos and the AVfclcW time tIme cniirrrlson should bn nominated us would lw oily to time 1trlc neath a picturesque grove of cedar pine and The Peril with the sire LIght LIne thieves that chief actors hat damages u tnlii iensuio of i Coroners ¬ rip saws wilt win tight given by party In this county Muscogeo I run a soldier iicaiiiit Jon Sloeum Notwith- will open down by hindu Tho llreplaco between four little walls Mm Work Knee to riser made a clean breast of their villainy jury should ntsfy thin piI r They should All meetings lx In tho air thin 1 t ninth tIme thu- standing this ndxUitan effort will he made to the old Mechanic Bell Prominent business- Democratic ticket received over ninety per of boulders till bed of wood ashes within it that aggregate amount of deli hi liii utbso lIt btifuty liti tlmI futuiot t Four get Gen James 11 Carr Secretary of State to cent of the votes cost Their Male Somuor time two slender poles so placed that ono end Joseph Stnmon n hue roan employed by pilferings would bo I2UUOO at least eonllnuous tracks xhonld nxleml from tIle men and mechanics have promised to provide I III tIme the nomination time necessary money and members of tlio lower House wero electedi- of each Is moss while the other is over thin Itrush Electric Light Company climbed to Grand Central Depot to thu junctionj of tlm New tko l to A ami oldfashioned torch- thu fireplace II letter ha en onl William Wheeler light to timotit opposition and tho rude framn for table time Haven road nud tlm cioslng off tracks at processions and other auxiliaries 1 cross bars of a post at tho corner of Canal TRIAL OF COLLECTOR 110 UGIETOM the Lone Fisherman of tho Lawrence and hurricane campaign are promised Mr Xelh 1 ATuTA Oct Dcspalchcs received thus near by Indicated how oltcn similar parlies Fiftieth street nhould bo iibolWmd axfraudulent Vlco1resident t of the United cry will open campaign fur indicate that Stephens the Democratic had Iwnn there In till past Tlm rlvermon and Urn streets yesterday morning ut 11 Joseph H Wood said that mum illS dangerous the at Fourth and Lewis limes 1 on States and ho nrnv nominated if hocon eiiU on 14 nomino for Governor carried nearly with their axes soon supplied formidable heaps oclock to make un extension of a lino of wire Xlilrtr PTen flpnrlnn Name the lay crIbS rugs between tlmI GrandI I Central Depot A hi streets Oct every smith 4UIKHI of dry to llreplace- to run Main oillcir suggiated thit It might county his majority points to branches chopped lit tile time Koll IVkore the Money Went and Woodlavvn according to tho opinion of tlm I I hum He had cut old added a section ronnIe bo well to try tho party feeling on forged or VIliOii In the Time regularly i As time smoke rose above leafy roof wire i tho XO311XATED State nominated bIn H- Second YicelVesldeiit of the New Haven road telegram by putting Mr Vroxy on time JVUtlE Jlltonx Democralic ticket for State House officers will they peeled thin potatoes cleaned spilt till thin new connections and then suddenly was TREXTOX Oct 4Tho trial of Cot C could bo avoided ntnl should bo Tlm tlmo had ticket butI Mr Frenchs friendslrelclthatt he bo elected duck and II partrlilgo they had broughtI and seen to mill Insensible amilnst the several wires IIoUKhton Collector of the Tort nf 1crth Amboy m thu passed for pctillonlng Thu people must do- I prevailing In Hrcond Oct county thin t modicum of cheap making to nm nt- would decline The sentiment Tk Candidate for tke District Taken AuausTv thus Richmond set table with Its dishns I I ctinrtre of fraudulent rcturna the i rnnu main redress I Reside him arid there lie molloulnxs Another tho enmniltleo is In favor ot nominating frura Across tke Silver Stephens 411 about 1JUU Returns and glasses canned fruit bread butter muk M n returned IhU inorulni In tlio UnlUJ Slates Court Itobt O Glover snld that tIm railroad should nielon pie cut linn Brooklyn moat many Unit by thatI Indicate that every county In tills district has cream claret champagne ko man climbed up to him and shouted down Dnltl Kiunious te tllletl thuit Ills name wa ou the pay bo compelled to do thinly vith cheap coal moans time disnfleetion hI111 may Iel cured Tho Democratic Judiciary Convention for igone Democratic Stephenss majority tnI the pickles und sauce Tho potatoes went Into an ho A and brakeboysI- that was dead or dying pulley was roll AS nlioatinan but that ho never rec iuiil an > pay as linked cais The suiporteis uf lliesoldlorllieorv are willing Second yesterday In district will ho about Goo Time indications Iron kettle that hind hung upon one of tim Butch sold ho I f the district met the Su rIgged and the low- ¬ pitch Ho wan tobt found hlmsolf unnblo to to tender the nomination to Corporil Tanner are that very few Republicans have been elect- ¬ wool cranes until itS tin lid hud danced Inn unconscious line roan was riitutarly cniploitil In carr hot ioal mnka any iigagement in or Mount of run campaign premo Court room in tho Court House In ed to Assembly black tin pot eollco mixed In II paste of raw ered to tho ground Ho was dying Ho was lren outs rAUurnon 5 htiMnaiue aKon thi mil am- tho la that the General charifetl at of tot month teun thin liI Vcrnon with aiiv certainty of keeping it bo 101 Brooklyn wore delegates eggs WILS cooking In a > lugpan the rate Ittr tlat onllrokll Corporal against twontylho and fr fresh carried to thin pollco enter recelveil attn lIlY anil never ltrnil amy ricelptii- calms H of tho delays In innnlng Ho- Clr her noisily pun- ¬ Elizabeth street station ttalns Those who favor the nomination Ia representing tho twentylive Assembly districts- Jlevult or tke Delaware Election pork wasf rying and sending up a and timer was found to bo dead DaiMj Wtltluu amid Warren Wililon viho were on the imy comniendnd nolillial action In tIme If tIle gent odor drove away time baUuuiicper ¬ nup iio name Lorin 1almerof Brooklyn Other ¬ that general manager mil teetltlet tutu thev had never ntcilved Pimn- get el11 In Kings Queens Suffolk Westchesler Put- WILMINGTON Oct The of tint lirush Electric nuy allitliivllN A man rcoide dii ths eliances they demandC dates namud lire Howard Iurrollot J Complete returns from fume of the woods Company Mr 51 rltnieil anv recelptii or made Ini the inanugeniontrl of I hue CaptI Frodk- Iluit C Kawlur tms abinlf- Hunted Paw noli teHttfliil tlmt hcvvaa lu > liv tile road York 2imcs and Charles E Fitch editor of nam IJutcIiosa Orange Hocklaod llich- the election yesterila shon trial the State has glvin n- It was upon this scene that tho President rllit id l I lie riuii tim city and no explanation ot tim fatal year it 2t inonlli and Ito was reporueih us tul- WhlttakorfUggiisled that tlm law should Im so eanm which ho was tho local l ncr Jet I llochnstor llrinmrnl mond counties WJ GaynorwasallChair- ¬ Hemocrulo majority of J8t on the InspectorsI ticket and to followed accident could therefore bo obtained at his jtltu ed at fvj month changed thatI 0 mind11 smaybiricovorc i- ¬ imu photographer Mel nmtyre who Is us enterpris 1 inr ilnsurttiiceSuporlntendenlJolinFHiuytli Wil- ¬ a Republican majorltv 11J on the nlllce time acting nmnager of John W t ruzerttntltled that the tIepuIv Collector ami wlmn a kills a num hue ijuis- man Justice JoInt Courtney nominated nit Asstssors I lliigllnn I i 1m I Inmu the elctrle ratlinid und that Chairman of time coinmlttnu hns opieHe d ing as an cracksman Hosajs Is I tin i Cot llouchton divided tint money received from ihu ry th- ticket > ew Castle courtly IsI Democratico bv 11M on tile llglit lit lent In T entvIHth stieett between llon of iiiiitiilmt nogltgeuco be itt to himself againstt thy eonfeiiMiee on liam DVeeder for Judge of tha Supremo Court tho only nrtl t in the world who has over gotten ¬ Out rutntr l umv and beMMith the statement ob- jurvI instead of to thet Itlilge Monday Uon Slnrpo it on Inspectors suet IM on the Assessors Knit tot I a camera within four fnnt of a livoI hen par- ¬ Mth aMnues J Ktarm > smith I eputvCollector lielnir worn test Iii said that cillcd as successor of Justice Gilbert who 17 I I I oman lo- mtsul It t kin e wnro I i retire hv on the lnsp ilnrs and r on Ihe 1 tridge tained was that tli line had neglected rttil list what he hint certified to on the lint rollw of1- The adonted and then Oil own responsibility and it was bad and caught a picturei of tier on her nest > his that se iountv Ist lifinocralle b IIPI on Hie In lewnipI with Insiilallng tape the wire w hlch ho M71It not tlmt nf I olilrli it ver D er DavidI Oil Fowlir I rim because ot old age Justice Andrew Walsh nIIII ot tlmI va true eoiuc th of the iiume- iikenbiih Arn Ho Mr would tSJ lie shows that ami some photographs I policy Ixiiivod that itii cur and on tin The lltmotrats eleet had to make hue needed eonmctlon nofuorktneli wire nihtle M Col lloniliton and Int Samuel I tin Ill and Cut I it K W Whlttakot limit WI 3 IIIssirS> H nests ot kingfishersI oilier I to uncoerd nt not have ho not ben tummoned nominated Winchester lliitton liarnett- out of Inspectors en Tastle 7 out of In Ki lit and buds obtain WIIH a llI I tOtO It ret Ihe certlllitte toI the nntl titput nil niipolntcil 11 on I I and hlch it wire actually in use at ls roll were conimltteo to wait Mr clnel Time by- DIll 7 out 13 controlling tutu which he toI t although 1m is- I I the trim s ny to the Gttnernl Is htiarpe w Ithdrow the of X Clamant Thomas of II sutiex thus Cituivlu had climb trees theI tlmo that he had lifted at the samo t I the ruth numlttr of said tnnavt been tissue Vanderbilt U iiuno three couutli s laum toot tin to limhwbiln- time theI nun Tho pav rolls to I hunts itn with names name but he not very sharp after all said 1 >1 hit Instrument one tliot two unguarded miikn l I cattle the wir the po1 i s Is pecti d tin F McGowan of Queens coiinly nominated Hen 1rdln urn i from Nmcastle counlv to the hn mounted anolher and arranged it HoI I tint nf the persons who were not In tliu itr ice rittinI on Mr Smith It that miotiiitrof W It1 horollIf rit s a Hipublican mnjorltv tlm I and negallve ehmctu its and In so doing hail ty Col made1 lilt 1111 largo-l jamlii Downing nud J Heed of Suffolk Viuiirin a > I ho ito them IluUkfhtoii and he wllliefi tin iioxoinxa ncrons the Stato Comtnlttie on TiieJiy will b voteI for se sors a lltmm rntlc majorltvnfnnof 3iou- his steam mht with which pin made tIne comm ruoctinum I snmt tho outl names true ii ix iarir nominated Calvin Frnst of Woslclie ler A s nit I that tenllle fnice Hiuounta tnmetlims the oultulnliv IT attundid Time conimltteo will b gin the ae the for lnI peelors Tin returns from HieI two sues tho President llkn n man alter of > one nns CusMidy County Judge F of tii ntlur of the eurnnt rciiuired for the olecUic light rectinn Col Hounhtou of theper lioneurv- AV il ninull tlveeampalcn A mass nominated harlot counties have not lit en veritlfd stithe II consulship J ho Chief Magistrate t entered had for nliv Svj inoiir nrtirj- next I and preelsevote through bin hotly Of it ini fluid eho nsinis vert thin titer tin stunt Its Suur wk Drown of Orange county and In Mate isI hut the Democratic majorltv- t I coure fatil 1mw my H this city on or Monday wi the not kmmn submitted with thu lesignallon of a man in tliu hn I I Ii net t certlrtttl to nat teem tnkell Oil Ihe ItO rolN slmwli Iiiwe Jhe Ai ro ittiin- helLln bore Oct to tine fact tIn portrait of lalclntnlol Is I toexeeed IU I I t lifted one wire and then the ntlier to tlreri were thlrtvI seven t n CliHuncey Depew will peak that hands of barlur He gave some boat sittingt place upon upper cross ivonulit tnultnesii fnrktd tmert nntl 0 father who was once Judge of the Supreme lull and then hurried away to 11h in Ilo them an bar he threeI gtmillie lute foritl titiuies had been molt vnn CAIIIO Oct I Klimlivp hunts ileddoil to Juilce Andrews Irii accepted tho nomination- tho dusk have no I I I HUH iTiut room I Mitleied injun Had he even taken sums as appears ou the rolls riietrllis nmountltu Judg of time of Court interned the Ulavpkrtuy in the CiinvnM caught only one ortvvo IthIIIHI hind ono or two Ithu I for Chief Court Appeals vote which Mali tin precaution to wrum I t Ii si comm rutInrus with In-I to Jl In number entered oni the roll as having been made hio medals struck for hue lint opeillilon The KxecutiM of tho Democratic The llrst was Informal resulted aggravating bites but the catch of thuI day by boatiueu were never made Cfimmitt 7 G h- RICHMOND Oct 4 As ttio in Vir- ¬ I ulating tripe hn would riot liuxnbeen hunt lie try force The Notables Inive voted met InI In as follows Vieder llrittoii llruvin cantata amounted to twentysixl beauties Mr Dun topnMilt State Committee their headiiuarlfrs 2 1 1 llrstI hutch been for a number of months emplojed us- HotelI I InI Frost Clement The ginia irnmN manner the coittt nilitiif partite to beat him by four INh null the intch being bass swords of honor In Gen WoKeloy Admlial- the Park AMiuie tun afternoon Downlll I < 7 rorl n lInt mull and In the acting managers opin- ¬ o resulted as lollow eeder 5 MI In I David Hill for TiiUtenantGov frth LXprtlimtH tn tfuiii uti id moor than and alHiut of Tho President took a nap I SEIHS AXit IWTTOXS Gen I I to- li nomine Downing2 1 asln ion Miould lmn known butter than to handle iiris SiMiiour and DiuiyIinvi It Nlms Gun Mix llrittonO Urownli Frosl The utitnri mites e In n Iutu iMilitl UtiNoullTItt on the honmvvard trip and found a light ruin ernor loCII State Treaurer veto follows Ht sic iinel 1 thin wires In such a way Il entiled that tlm briiMiiesof Inn Wood and wilIl pear and William A second was as Vieder hrltol IUdud ltli h vonrim LIHIU nut In tm 1ito fulling when he got to tIne hotel Ho went Evidence the Anivrlrun 1vopte 5 of Ih rmlcue iii 1 in s mr uliat- Anoiher ersion of tIlt accident which gIves that nre Get Gen Alison will form tlicannv of ociuiutlonC- ILlar n of tlio- The ky ii itt 1 liii straight to his room his letters his cigar and thin Oiwoiw member Brwi Frbtly time t I r1I ii was I-I line man credit for in inindllng tlliff tkclti AltnircCker too Ckeup OSHTANTIXOIIV OCt I I IIII SllllllllI lu L lOg 1 1 hands of the Kings irtu s 1lurtn ilittjtutur alit his Hashing log Urn j uvfulniss its htnto Committee attended the me Mr iaiiterisk S In I iit I lie 5 lur rskT- the wires is that our of l tim lonfltY delegates maid an uiljournment was tlriiIse titce mitnniy II weok thin l wlur Inhad tilt ends TIme eallcd tIle attention of lonl DiilVniln the hInt 11111 saId that nuumi li For hotel register showed Tariff Commission wont to work vaster aftir meetlm uxNnaiorl- Kings delegates might iits Iilspliinous l ofsenred wino in out hand and mliasinlor to the I thn time that tho consult iuinry n tue lrulllol II Ii ns only II namns on Its hist now pagn and to nslilftini adout noon slot tolled sh fnt thil netnof Ulbnrt mlitreprepntid feelinc In tho tan 1 MI 1II it nisrt fit his position Ills foot slipped and throwing day for out and a half huurs When at 3 the delegates reassembled ¬ out the Potto In iiilrlng vhnn tlm liritisli tn oiis- peecli inI 111I repuItaulit i IItnlr ou u- each tunic there was a dlnVrcnt ditto of arri- 1 houthern tier cmmtlis In his the I 11 al1 I lou his other hand lnstlnetlny for support ho Then tley aJjuiiriietl the public session alit went Into a I I r II call uliowed the same voting When it te-Inl sutnirioly 10l t Ito vlll have jpt leimnns uininveind Tho I I I t the dlsiiusim ttiitt tlii val Today page wits tilled upi for people 1 iiit Illpublican eonfi nnii1 Jlr Hill knew that M- I Ill mIght t wire I on executive nl- d I 1 to of Kings and K taught of vtahono 11llnl l thodtlierindof Thowiio wits short tislon Uefrtshments follo bultan ileKii that If luilTnrln did not thiTH came the Third district baviour the preiepts from a numbnr of points lucre ant I lonl as great iII ilctlon In I htwn which fiiipplled wneral llroidway stores anti unit ho would I limo imit thl Ivins repeated his vote for Brown he was Osvvegohad come Ini tlm van of t army In open session hubert Uunlip list manufacturer ixllj addiiss liitisiif to tlm povvcid party in eountie nnd Hlllell the that en- ¬ vol- ¬ furnished loctrlclty for forty lights The I greeted with applause which swelled in PhelpB Milk Is looked for at tIme reception tomorrow said tlmt hatters wauled time to per eent dtitv taken Mayor of Klmlni h j bad not nnt Mr end tie Munufuctnrrr gine bv which the igennraledI isiino- I ume with hUse Then the secretary curieut Used hy the lmllllIIY IJemoorats in thatI city who a vord- pror ol power blamonwiis Ul old from hatters silk jluih or at lean reduced to 10 per 1hititlx IlltU Murderer 1 1 his Vote lor Brown The Silk Association of Puton on although lUlmrtu scars I IH not nil suit In InploSHiiatoi Hallwit would vote for FoLer lent llils pluh ictiiretl thi Iulteil Itjmnum c I llILllrUlltlnnOIIII11 fohinmvii with eompofpJ almost wholly uf 1U publican IIUL niiuiif- THE IEIIHJIH K1WCA1IOS FLXU- und had a wife Mates and redticln the to per nut Oat ilti I ill S II tul by tI Ur Inurlier whip isI nil Afeiiiblym am- tarill lo ci s dill tia vote Messrs Cumin and joltIng lit innke the price nf K silk hat im 11 nt It s limn nun uuivl a ns of InuI Frt lcrhk tnts ithIlu nih Lultn 5 of O pdintid in another luouM JeclartJ thcinnUfii fuorof the vltctitmto- I H eMiyor umia eiiually i Hi ijotiihsln frtrmer of tails Mlluce tonn n 1 elimmncti tiom Britton to llrown and A liimrtl t ooo saoo reid nnrts i ni usu It rsifltnn uf- hIs criticism uf the statement thin Ie- r itfr iof Jnhn Rtkp the Mthrrnf thu slit inluMr- Meetlnv uf the of Traitcei at the rait writuii ttht tress Inilf mi hour Iniin of a xemrKl ntitur- nttrv lte Io frieiidH s ifil to in 1 publlcan eoiiferenei byi CohI laaln of with iacli other yIrchlnl nnd nicnitut llm tlntinii of Wutttr Pfti pit Tlu- Firih Atenun Hotel InmtuliMoniT vtcVtahon hamJeil to Mr llnudulu tnt Pt slut lit It5 rnn if ii blinitl I a ha m- of The result Itt 1 hil ii itli 1 1 lr- Osweco I I 20- thulr voles iierstiit II IIIn oeru hrn Slow Mr henry Vlllnm n Vote Inlkv iiiimplilvts one on United Mltis tariff ami the ressiutll I rum that thre were moto than H 0 ml H ¬ IUd that ets istiti nsihtle for lot Uritton I Veeder The nomination wits rtirli s in rontrrt 1I flltllf 111 prOJidkitlOl- The Hoard of Trustees of tho IVnbotly Edu- oIlier the nud ih him tn time dlspleaeii l many Olive raiuidinti taritl ketl like II no I I iulicins and that that thrrfttfiitt theI cut iuUulir InI Iatt ri on A t- ke Tuenylt Yvar Au- neil tltivMi lie liI i Ii ss lhuw f ihili ruler Itt time tiel Uiiii made inmnlmoti- 1 cation Fund for tIme of virile list vialiletl eliatueil- titi Democrats would ute et j Is SS years toniKtiiu vt Mr Mruik amt oiltri advancement education Mlham lleniiilhI ItnporKr of said lieI i setInu hut hi so ci Its n gtssti Charlis F llrnwn old anti was 11111 I olUflsi AVIs Oct times Itelltvid letilis tssItt I mil niaiiiifaclurt rn of ItWIl fll II K- Twentyfive years I 7 b- lmH known ho 1lllbal I t 1m I i ito III time Southern joxterday In a par- ¬ the men tnt itlltv on the hlhTlur irratlenf pipes to II I ilIsOtil lIiiuI niw 1 Ijnrn lu Xowburgh still resides His I States met uuinuue among I I f111 winin trikftitt i Mllftl ut M- llrecidfiui and h t I p5nrm I I I U n II uuuo 1ipublleaiis hn said a J Tic itiett ufttr rico Henry Vlllird hue managerof the North if thtv tire tote mHliufaelliritl lu tinsI eouli- IlIbi ili the Intl of or li II tis5itui- father writ J Urown formerly Judcn of runttini hour n i nrttr tniiiu suit lor In tlm Fifth Avenue Hotel Those present Iet TinI I Hi us t II I I I know that no IinocratH liitniid to Votu for hllfn olr1 ilouu trv Itnitii niim fur this that theI Herman miii it tinlit lit Iiiid r st i iluhit- Supreme t The soul served told I Mr a nUrtaliilhi n at ern 1aclllo Hallroad was In Itncinc Inert unmake e S 11 5 St I Folcnr Our isI united the Coutt tlroo Iliclp f frltiid were II li Hayes ChIle Justice and pipemaktiiti wnn t come lint and pipes eept for It 5 ill s Iti PartY thor Orange cniiltt nut 1U w ouM Me- I I Drtfore headquarters ho 5eir in District Attorney of ir Ihlhn Is ilUturbtd as a young man struggling with fortune anti VIM hih virnfi- liatlenit sf sub ilalt it it r lIt tilt C- Gn thu lliiui tunic other Unit WaIte lllshop Whlpple of I I > H I nuuuI time HloeUIIt and on t lie expiration of his term he was Minnesota Judge sllinr t Antliouv of 1ortsmoiitti trnrilen seitl iIltnl r lOt Siltri il htli kus- of acceptance not very successfully breaking e t I ns un cao clmmlltuI lettlr elected County Judge and has lllled that oOlce Manning Anthony Drexel A II H Stuart Its waxes In Krow r ti rntt to stv lint 2iJ per ieiit on suds nut ci Ii it 11 it It iieuiat- is follows live years engaged IIIi a nowpaper enterprise tnntnih lit iunii d it raUi il to UNI or no er eeiit su lIiiliiiIt hr itl I tots i lu tt I luuul- for The OrotTcnorIhlnney Veddlneln Newport M Uv German 5 I no a 4lli OLIITOf ATtNCV BUOOELTN Oct 4 132 I William arts Col Theodore Lyman anc lion he could ruIne lilt price II it us lit iii t i lue itilliu I Son T C I fidrmnlhaltinnnI-I To obtain money to buy printing material ho K Inureiit erttihet I niton iiiauufarturtr of thisI rltt ii CttS 111 tue t ui uIicr sst itCi XL JOKT Oct All Saints Chapel to- J M Curry General Agent L MI Curry reac I ct KIH SIRI I your communication In A 1HOTEST PULPIT 4In L I I rite that vonun in his tillln Initlttlitleultv lu eirniiur 01111 1pINt FRuit U gave a for 1300 was i > note wllch I my UK fur Ilvprc- day the in arris iff of in UroKtenor Jr of Dr a un long al- ¬ ndnisedb fiiueuts n tmv and cunitot make thnu See nls In fonnluK tne fcrUulon Luniliilu TIll nit rnpoit nearly hour Ho said that Mr tutor TIne < m lurueI ili > H- Ui nm rum M admum I nu Samuel liltehlo ono of the menibeis of the writer protested matI he vas not n but pill iir IrnittK- ntiitl in Qfljtes fn m the nuiu 1MM4 Win cuter of idenctI un J IM Hnv I IMiiu though Iii o Istmul Ion of thu fund has been nlniKiiitl ibeiiKxrmlc Victory In neiiensllnc on Ike Rebuke or Itacine b Vllluid was unable to meet so loujr as prediction onlcr off tni tlav Im-i RT no I I i runetiilun Hey daughterI of I Ihlnup ini ion slmu Inii7I vet I peopleI tin ir this liar nuslhe PrTri iHi t Oct Tlm Vnri nsnii net I or Nrw- I U r1IheodoreW who I oieiuit lie at I > vi lilted protection for It would help I > beg through vim to ttank th Democracy In this mpulan fUIr- I obligation ami Mr liitchin was obliged to pa lilt wares the ofiliintini Inn nuimmii tin l of ilinth ut Farzrr I I South persist III Impression turn inliin YorH for mi itKljiinitnt to thl honoriW i iltlm in Culm w flit uli uinlt dI IV UUlmp Clnrk i f ttits the that till It lapMj of of acentury- WOIIUII 100 NiiKorin tour i oltn nliTliiuiinli I thin After the a uiiiiter S linmnil tolurJ label In 1h trlumplihiitI luluitiu now inarclunif tu a turvu Ic rime William C Stiles pastor of tho hlnd were no urltetmistdsl Mrt is a charity for poor and that till schools I loam Tnt Inr Janus McCrnriJ t Johu tnn t J in thu mint S fur un i uli ihnti niulI Ilov llur ttiinnvtltl- iinilniilyn few It ys ago Mr Itltehie wrote to I A ls tory I cmtifully Yuuo truly toilI tier and hi nit i I of which comply with the conditions of fun a lieiiiiiuir All kin stin fo und lduard A Morrisuu lire I CCt hurts irldrI I Lou Mutui till Mr limit W MOCOI East Congregational Church llrooklvn Nlftitd hrfilo flMcr nti xlI Mr t I I Villiud Inloinilng unit he hold tin to bo heard this iifiernnon 00 thf IMtOI Juintn am entitled to assistance according to tin manna M I It III s- iiroH a hrotturt r tin lirldiirrnum un Ihi note and that he would siiriemler for fjiin tIll Mr will be I mind ngalnsl olgor amid Carpinler He > fiior llif I number of pupils taughtI Tlm filet Is Mr- 3ltnttmi Hill1 letter ready tomorrow cred lietI man The lirid n ore a u Ii lIe kiitfn I although tint principal r I ti hrs drcnulih t t schools and noiued Inteiei mane GIAMIOW Oct L Trof I II huh othi rt- Mayor Clevelands on Saturday yield Hnd n MI UK yhmn- Iurrv said that the tiustees select till In u Ituikic Lot nomuu his convictions now through pi sri tnimmntfH In fruut tull ttl would largely exceed tint am Mint Tn du > lefl lllsnlilrel an nl out to Hurt a fr iii mud i In tho Time by I Miinv and localities themselves Another prevalent tniiun lush committees appointed the Count wnv in her tthH diMiniftiUhrd rton WHo Mr Kltchle wan suipiled diI ilghed ie- lind Itii t uli M of th fear of81 The very reverse fear should movo HI h I w is thot is for t t and lo The steamship Jellert which at Ho- iiinvinunt it uiJiitiidtut Democracy Tammauy Irving Hull and ui thi churi und at the Icieitiiit hlrli follosit nt M- ciior thai fund the benefit of tin from Mi Villiud a d cheek for uirivod L md litttfiiu piuts time lllH u Mr c- lout time cihe ctillll > I I German Democratic organization to make us If Stalwartlsm succeeds now Chicago rrhiiint1 Ainmik thr Were racn aid is given to colored bokeii i tirdav riports that ou lieu about 4i inllis MiircH I MrItrtimi hito f 1110 unclosed In tho follow Ing the MtnUter from Spain n nnd Knl rt schools in every Stato- lIter I II 5 arrangement for a union limits meeting as 1H84 1 f 1 Southern east of SaIls Island she ft In with tlm llrltish steamer The PIIIO u Mifil light must be fought over In TIn grit of Intter IM nI Mr Inrfuii tin MtniuU DC Carl I 1 Nm VnKKOct 2 in time evening in th1 iiI i In 11Iilllll IhoI HonI W IIi I ItulTmrI sumblrd I Mr Hmnrnrt inl mil Mrs llnltrt Mnthnip- retires titus Silt I am illrictcil t Mr Mlliint in HoKiunx- Mount mm CAM Wlilion Uniiil from liiilllin- I i i I HlutVolmlt will be tightenedI primaries will be 0nrt I li lovnov M iiipondi of Ibu I I I 1a1 thu machine from tlm position of Mipcrintcndcnt of om tnI ItI HlllnlllMl 5 i I toe rooms ACommltteuoii 111 ti and Mo Itrmnr Itnimimrte HID fjiilti a r of Public tuliri ilii nf Miur funrnf Hit ii u- Ihnre lOIMllHlll xmthlfltl Otis tir li ittr un i uiniirtln ut nu i iii nf 1 title mIle roilt Ini M riurt do on Speeches were lippulnted It diildii- awed mid pintbased eouu out louis will be a 0 tire cit nit n rt Mr DnntelI W Mr tint Instruction having been author ot tin inirirUiuI itnl piilnul tn knni Hint ilnlui UMvliUI- lull itic il Iho Ikllirl linik nut until liliHlion In luit-I liirl s thai Un-I i I tt Ii us l iili 1 Iniiu ito I 1i tijiin iaUy to hold tlm meeting InI I of Music MiiliUutfftlo and M U 1untt iton diiurul Cues school systemand havlngadminlHteied imarU > nui n fi r n MiMiiM uii ttllitl NutrU moiuIv tui null i Itl ln iiirlnl niiil un tin niirnliikif i Mttlnut ruiiiil iliuii the Academy iilimlnlHil Success foigery- 11 Miirfiun mit ll mind toforlrywlllkn I o fllMKliKW In south supni lor 1 Illlt IMni III Ilirnp Im Ilaiitl In III Nun n I 2 TU K pllrtllfll tllli Mllllllt I Until suet iilttt Tammany lr lug Ii l Cainllna class II lint III It i 111 a tiadii and thu vll II huts ii rIntutr for In MMlUim nl nf in y nut itll lumen nr Inn irin would not ulialiilnli Ihi ship Hit nIt I I A caucus tlm lending County Denirnrnt- I Fuseinrl In llrlilirvpnrl of tiin hcrr conm to tlm front In Alabama I Mxl v Ilnii In IVrl- nimbithont In a Ilesldeiitlal cum humid f Iliilfriit ilttnaiitlHt irrn inc nut if lust nnfnrlunitl- alilul visitl had hmitowu about Ill miles St ts lb on i lonslsl fiiiuuruurruluml schools nourish Slut uhnirottnla N K wa8 belL Tuesday night It Wa palgn we cant vntn agalns lliepaityitlilsI I jnar- iii iiiun rUt ninl ImI Innl n rklil In ltt lot u lo In liN title t by ulIII1 Oct about last nitrht llons lou schools am llbeuil In Mlislsslpp itr ii lWnKriHiiir M lln todn at the threo men from iach tim JAt Ilinl tliix iou lit II linn Mr I Illnnl I h ll i I ii iU > ir we can On utiiu hand if the part IM- IIDI1IOllr I2t I I win tilt Muntnlinir ilun imiiil liikh out i Mirro- f limo a thu innihlno room of Iron-I tlmie is un incteaso In school appropriations u liim nno t MUTir an > IDMI mi nut I t I > I I I trlct The unanlnioiH sentiment of imtit Sintegiily vltilUy to 11111 niii rut Ilt nil > rlrC- ml run mali nn In ml In 111 and robuk JO Ir I t I I I n- 1400 MIles on u Illr iiiin llito ing wa InI favor uff Dumocratlr uniju pro- Wurkbdnd prcud tin rupidl that theI HiltriIntoktruiture over last of JIIKIIXWI InI Louisiana tin lit llnrrfnrr at nt lilt ritllitllnii nf tin ilnlni > nun in Hn lil Iutt t 0 J and tic whip lo IIKCI Ih allltoJ jar I rnpoBi hut illri ct mo i inIiiM hU riirtfil i in nt hm tint boI In amount ralsid ilinvliy for public srhiuils Is tu ii Imk for UKYLNNK Oct 4 Yill lloho u jounwlNt nntl- unit I vided that luiild niauu vlinlienlf of lln- toon iluinrx und burned to the ground Ihe- li i 1111 01 a lesson to ihu indcieiiilnnce win ¬ ii rulliiiimiitit Mr Mlliinl sIt tnu kiinll tn in- n pound oI I i H only JN7Ui Mom money is needed Tho dis- iiiu I hpi eh paityiuid Its capabilities of refiiim within It tlanir ppmid toI oo l buildlnirH II in tiiiinI- klnntliilmI rilrlpt uml In Ihe Ink Ik lourM of Dnntllle III who Unrted nor iu- hen sOnIe- Wfr thru Ire ise t of thut I 1 I I tnnlll luinllliLU lil ik made by or 1 > I t X I tribution fund slncn Oct ISSlIsasI- eMa Commission the P r of the Orulifhfad MunnfaLturlnir ut 1 ilnimm exIiKmv nf linlctitiilne nr nlhtr KrHiKluco 01 itttt witkK ii o lust rt- llI will mnlie tliuunndsof vtites ammig IUnll ioin A jHjurri rtblcjclij nrrhid lu u- I lows ukuirusrus lIM nm Thompson Oliuy und nlhein I I tIme hintl Olla i tutftlh dctI tru > liiif thtinI till exupt llm and lall11l1 frUn f5U75 linIng tnI tin triiniiutlnii tlinl liuii In nur jimim njon on hcts muss theI Ttuig Aiin nnpll grtilmluI Iuiur men It bring to Its ranks t 111s olllrt mcoiint tif ihu of notton und t vilrtiv t l I 11 I tt oe- houioilunm- A S it uhltt tlh II of Ilj ni I til- tl I t i K Thiiy Imivorot J union aiguei I wil i I I I I ftuiiHlr Inn ntsoii Iron Work untd d Florldll El725 Uorll1 85O Xirj roiptLltiilli iMi tot 1rlvntuSicriUM net bed hu ill urn tiirtlur IMIIIIT daiui r of hi tSl rt lil ro all dlicctlons If no Ill a thinking > tro to thre I t Ii i tu I 11 I III I 1 nionls tujiintli JHIII AtHntiilt inninifHt of iI i I um- KIU w tn Mr y Iruin bttiutitus itli It k mit It nltuilpoz I Itirtr t iPlli Carol bound Ihe Ito that ticket nominated iii bu inudi nfr I 1S841 II is absolutely that tri ton U75 orlh itomin muuntaln utnir- victory 111111 suit lIght LTav Iriut enMthuv Kits n lll reset IHM- uttl483 1IIIIIILutmohimiun lnmumusn- l i ul UP 01 n hicvtIe I up 1tJ I of unexceptionable men and not of I 111 tnutiu f5I75 A fkcmUt HltilMl 0It1ul we must It utterly nit HID on liulldincHtoekiind inurid nn- e8i2Btt fl71iOU Viugimmia Ip I lie t H hunks No candidates for thu t fol 1I rurHI Jauis J2J4 Wcst lnlnnul OUf 11 fill Ion 11oru man to be Ilk by tin giacuof lorcery hiiilJmi liint nxtnr hut nn in uritii on the I 10m M toik I Chas Link a young German living In Ilr1iltfpiurt spoken of but it was that nomine HyI burying nlt lil Hit II rh ItT Oct Tlio bodyI y Hrtiintr southeast must Dertiorat stHiidlnt It Impossible furIIIn YOil > mttiiled adnintuir futtur and win thai lil orlioIv iBUrO mohtl of LuUo I winI UI itfi in l r mail howulr Ii lu ttu inmiufBtiuri nf lump Im hnd to uUtliutkt In the city and of enough experlmic in publi bniioinliiHleilI liy inauhliiK terrorism mind brib- fhciurd ktroftim ifood- written thu Umtiiinr and Kuenturk ixpluoliiiiuf iiiiiKluriWhli h Im i tin Ktlrriu In uiiiur- Oovnit a resident of this nIl nas fount on the shore tn- kT life U unUtiintaiid with-t nIhM i t tnH nn huildttiK4 Ounik aunt llxturti- of Mississippi about tlm hnnds of tlm enable him in nolltics ery WiMiiiixt make It impossible for any man th1Ilhlr l funi tur Ur Hick bituiljtftl hU tnrn lnunh utitchtfl li- thi nest nui pirt of tint sit thlsiitiernooii by blull- I I hi About fully coen liunraiu Kolti tho- nit totes out being an Hcthn politician Th I I JVki It hich that Stato hud repudiated Hn mm th- I itii l > Uiv on the n joirvS- to bo nominated who is not uttrly eleai from i oiuptiiiifH utTii t 5 ith work tool alttKitlur utout u tnh11nMii in the aljiluineii Link wn tukcn ieriiun hi lunk of inll strtuin JIIJt tttuur of on tho of t I I nllrnt drin tliistces niiencouiMKCIiielil hunt Ixilids vil- tuCliii- vtltli d ni a mdI of Mood u n tho caucus rust the ticket llm of wlnil- vinplojtiM arc I of s urk tit I llnr 0 bull i Ink iluiilun inkling and the l10im I mug nilirMriit llnsplnl ilitll nIs f to thh a l t time County nomocracy legardi 1lkll1 Ihro1oll CMT iiald Thu mmutet wits adjuuiuuc atlt art iran rnJ Iis Intlalicek mid tint Inn pi ursn tote tilled I ken- that the SIt I onlj- > I nitlishot tih the lo ui tlu i an iiirmiuii Jon victory in lies I > i llii linl Ihi Him tin ntu i lft lu 01 IU u cluck Vttt inilloirriiritil mix I County Clerk ax antlTunimany i lue of a good eta until this mornliiK it lint t stitl if- MHi fillr n tiUhK- 11 I at the end round defeat for tills Candidate lor tmigiTtii ills si lnrtn arguu 01 ItobltiHon took I s u Ii I < S IIUH that Iheolllci uiint In sJ- lilt rhuls nlnll I r ii- lIed al it rnillnir- Iain Hrf4tiu de litiid to tuko an Hi r a f Tainminy it I t I y Tenth M 11 mice llepnb g i I Inll l n un a l I1 iiI gay it to antlTiimman 31r Miles adds that on lust Saturday nt Artilullc rkllllpt lleuil uthlts 1oMKHT N Y Oet 4 A I I thi ln41i1utl tit nit Itiii- I uur I ni on piMMiit r tinln on and people tub rwa apUOMd tin knn 1111eIItletWI11 list Inc r ill ti Ii siliin- I i I tint tlie ni nieutIIIK of llfieen of hue deigj I l I A tin Mir mil Iielanun lUilnma nIt eel m Ihi pitiuiM wh t inn Tint is- > I I I t Illinoi rlnnII- litinhiitn of rhieiieo prhati rabIn thsluitmhi ii ii luutm mites thin I un l It i II rut ii I li- uiurnnii ir rrtnI tot Go ernors nit by rig William A t l ruprIIIt1 Irn deal tI ts Ilivliu iS llrlunuii tliU im ri MU A III Hum il t i nI I n y tit MI linttl l uIet or I icunn tun itO men liiooklyn ill Ill ot tIle tn thu Ihu- h 111I I it Iontin lit et finiOu rl- li ri i A 11111 IIt lluurdif KiHiblliuir nf MU VKIili It s at llu Hut Ilii boutth Ilk andhri SItttt tItl Mu utiH tuhI ° itu present Clerl Homy I I I I Ilillll rliH ut tin in ainitliir Inch iuicluuitluiiiil- 111 I I i k inm i only of tlienii expresud Ills detenul- iioiiiliintium tn u n U UIH DMi I l t ti I I illol ItilTtlt tt UlTMIH Hlft i ti tht ems inn hinpiinI tomtdtd alt I Ii till iwt hit nit St t uncut JmU remiixed lit tItus hiul lu iru trim hrj U mr i tH Ttuiinmnt Cliik natlou to vote for tidtH up Iin tin oiiLiiiiu f thu onttiliont that Mr rniur htltttIt Utii 1hlllthIlIllhu niit iit 0 Ititi uuilrl I I1l II- id nil iiii uluti tin oi n to lir u Iho nnn iin was by Tammany men > > 10111 Aldrich bo n iiitiniiiKtM- s cii it tu oIIluu ii I Vt en i I Ihuinn-I glfi out estorda uutild Ian att leo roil friini Iter icOn ti uunumuwtnl- ui rIss ti tin 1 lIhiiil I ItlncU On Ii Ii- UICS itOh tUK that theirorgnnlx ouhll1 pinaiiitnltlii ismrliuO ntnccrat luilniu r um tints tt tlo Clll tuIit ii II 550 tluhr t sI4 fiiiiueuiitne- if It s ll Itt it Xsmlners In Ness srk- of llnrrifon diu lined IooIlh 111101 hr IIIIItrolI it 0u nt itrtIrti nutuluri ui in U uS- John Klly or Augustus foiMittur- Itjibtlcin lin tir SI ti iu l11 It ttt nO its ii ittrtns tl uurtuir in i tiiil Kiim- j tI rUt > tuu nut Hclwl nIetui uilli Nu A Jitlinmmuf uiiliitt 111 ti IIILI- SlitiiI ii ii put II t ii tu nr Tlm Com thI im I MTV thin rIIJILrlolI lenis III11 101 tic rout 111 trk- toil lu vn on U i ltllOllt i lit HIM nut lJli in iiio of Ntuvark 1110 ills il 1lIhlle iti r tilts nt F Ii hi It lit t nrlhiitiakenut Cues ilt 10 nu 011111110 tupit IIIhin l 1111111 st-h i ots I It- Cxulo Hpllllln Iiirt l I tl tin- ii lantnlulilinidnsolMi wi Iii Nurth tlirollna iMftrht Tht lt j iitdlciiiiH llIfte 1I1l Out is sit ml srou miii Iritf Chiirlis Alktn nli n as the 111 trinttiUint of- tiIIiit5 Inr I Ito dsv lifli hii n intIIt itt lIt nuil llik ujoit its to hold AochLiflllt during thn < hlh lollrllle1 rlrt i niloriitdI thu iioinluidioii nf U this it otis ow tirliu horrt Is t no MUl lc ill the t In lliliutl Ttllbllt si hotils IIUii us7 s luilt let 5111 Sli t iirhi t I ii I et I IhI Ih 1011 l1IIulIIIIIIIII t i I ltuigr uti irokt sstu ti 1 1IaI lust lue tiny r 1110111I1 ut uluh t unhi In I nllee Hi1 Ohio gin In ih ni i irrix i- und tu if posiible nllrnl1 11 i I lB i iiiiirnlni the I 111 IIIl liJNiONJ- 1lrIIIOroIek undid null t r dol III II luns tit litH 11111 15711I tIle hit ond Vluinia Pinncl K O Mnrtlnil of IirUuioull- 1InlI fllB ntlttti ISi Of llHVlOll STUt k ItV tit uItj tI I ru hi it 110lt iiolltlejans John lay thili II Si II It 110111111111I Mtuii- I A Innnnt I an I lit Ollill ItStir for nIl ii hlrel1 I ili nu I 11 ii liIIJ rr l ut I I Ills Mtn 1i 11 MI Ii- man of liiMiitl iiuit AuthorelIIIIIstil theIr t lr lii rrnt ii r I III r it I ii-I iuereainf n tthl piI r burn tin nnllels ie liti tfoi ri nl t Iil tho Conimisslun whlili thll itiir 110 itntttiM H l itul itru Issi IIllh 111111 l chi liconolii eon ly lii ii 1 as Un y n t f Itll cnu tn f u tin t nu hit ii gated t I I s 11I Irlniin I Third UIlrklIII puiiittd ilu hcr II thin SIh s 1111il fill pin1111- Ii I I nru nik ot I A f 3111 13 fust liuve luri flnek Knur nil id toil tier Arthurs iiiagimunt of tin iiui llt iifli inole tt tI lh IM Mutu I Co iiitlM to ytltte tlu Init I lie tuu is mtontiu r 0 I IJ i i utdran Initrul mu 1111111 11I10 It r uuei > It < Vt u I l- it Custom House presided I meet- iO iiric iki unup fr a ersi n urt- K-I e trott KM tilt till 11111111 lilt I l Tin Iron teiiin hli liillahaxei it Konili Iho tet lion v at tho ullutrkt hit ion I 110111 Ir 0 lii ItliS inntI Stilts srI I U CI- I r I 1IIIIhllIlhl tI nil ithe I i ill 1 ti i miii I nit Siflit niy iii lIzIt I I isni a us Ihlll lIt it icy lm IlII fli at liii r iui i ins rIii tnr Ntn Nnrk i ri tin ait ant- Ing i William Cm 1011 lIiiIi iHnt of Iuth lontoitinitri tu In Luiels 5 t lotakoher flooiii 11 I runII Itllutl Ir rn tItrirC if ii cris ins nnln- i on lite1 nf the Hii nn m n- I In miikt it ih i ul i p- I 4L til V 1Alol ii13 h s i 10 icr 111 u hu 5i to In nit steamship Id pit nifiiii Minuter William am 01111- iiinhlld 11111101 nomlnui- ri M ItIn t Iotlh s r it Ihl ii lt VM Ilit ii oulul nItll lmp trio rnioit Inn mutil I i onI sii 1IUt ttlt ioiulnDi hI lug of leis 1ro- u Kci rjr- sfr lniitliiC Ihi Niltnont Iti eiolHIllri lllit visltldnt Units I lot wite present Irinled ilirulaisi urn to hI it 111 lrictU SiMklhir ravllllliH fur ru kl1 a 1IrI II iuprii si I t I ite Ii liii Ii it t I lit II uluti Martin va ilictelI itlindttrui IheI sui ilul piMi i ftI huunuln m- olrlfl to tho for ii I hllItIIt fur iii lIlt l smkirftir tl- Issued candidates ulisu t 4- htate tlIs- > lh1 vitiiil tiiil > dlstrUt J PI I Tidhnt Ihinoirat-I Knistus Wtiniuii rrcsldetitI of tlmt Stateil- ns tt eu Ii t r o hut im ntf nre mi AI nut tin i W llrownii nr llurliiuinu- intli in th illi n i 1 ui I I Msrviitltnclt ittl tth ini t uiit for Congress iiuestlonliigthiiiu on the nub el liuiC ulie Sri I K Pepubllfun I Illld Instils I li tI t tu I 1111 II wnlllrllI1t ThlrddiMrlrtro riitodnre Lout fourth niitl Unpltl Irinmlt npiunntl liifure in- ieitti nti II tt Ii ti lu tl ii Seerelnr limit rest lit pro tclll- udtluK hIS kl of competlthe uIlhll Jiitiu lltIuii misuiny riiuiniu I tInin u I I l I fcl iieKexsmuntu und exumlna il iIcIsrCv ttitr tisurlm tekloldl HI11I1 itt ii il out our nIt t ins Jit Ue 1nlKtt lit lllnch lltlti II on I In KH ai lln- inoh 4 for ollleu- urn t is uiiiluiiiu rr IVuiter ioiiuIsIoiau Iuuitt- oik mimiln miir vitUnlnj iuiJ nnkul tlulr ur ii lit II Ii it un II atul half lions Ti Cu- mlii lit if list liiiliniitnt tibtilmil bltuuiliIIi lln piott ui II ioutiuliijiner iuit > I lulls un I n il- lliuirubi I Tlm Young Democrat Club met In riic fir Til 1hul0 ltild I 11I11011 InI u f IltrlMHl tintill i IJitliiliifnr ii rrry it ni ns tI lln tnn IliumI Hint it Jttlllrtnlil I nun UIO h Ions of NiiillilMlr lor th A embly- t it r linu eslelll ntiw 1Jlth1 h unit rIntl I tiiiititlinf tin iriMmiitl rninl trun it rinlroiiilii nuil- Is ill tIn tnIl Out it ill the itilion Iti die Inle Unit eompitiv lu nut tmn in i their adiiiarterH at loot I NL I Item I isuSt 1 Nt wild ilr II sil Second avunnu ivori I rig I Oimn tnitu 111111111Hie iiiorratlo nomliiHtionn sire nllull at lltUlilnii t nrk Hie Iiuittui- lair Ii Ilii- on Mnuiliiv InK lat and iasiod timi I I II III < I 5 I II II i Itutl hi I uli 11 iirnrnnnii lln siiaiinr Kiaiuiliun of Its I H t I district Oco 1itnitnck IItlnieI- uiiero inniiilir Ihimnliir in lliilr nixi inntlui- Iti I lutlons tomipport thu Tke Twin Pirn Jr httond ml n Mum Milikulioul Un tint Ilinulll nf Ii Dmiiocratle IVn I 1liInt nitlrhn IJ litiii rvnumlnuud- 1h ItjiUI nf ute i niiii I rnllru ULtfn nrf luitk- I ie iiiiinl tl tipIr nih lts It utt s of lilt null nillts ill h htut I > i liken John Ir hui vii Mu Innl nul si us on I n id i tot oppose Or Tho llobbeis of llm 11IulTomb bn com it- IIHl I I IC ti L5 It hllhir veil lursi I I I i it- und v CII Syriictuii lllht MitTnIk lnll iuil uiiir Iliiutitiulntuui liituiin hut tlly unit tli nunitt tltiull lOitttsiltut ti I tin lilt I I I I foiuitx lilwlu Ihnioir nil wiril taken tnt t lint bo Us In Inunu lo tin ti mill r lolllallll s I at on local candiiluiii iiiimed In thin V c Yurk wi Monday Uruumu Count mm Hidden of Muinu Kcpubllcuu nuritu unitI Niltl tliurinxif Mult n ttimul Olti ui I fI tilt t i natol KxecutlMi oininlUiiu of tlm Now Vorl lfrklv lo 1 I Fin llitllst lUllllllir tincl lirinnn nns in iu I i I Monday lange Niit it lit Still lu itluiinl S n i- County Anti l0IlOIiil Jeaguii lant I and will bo for sale net In every 1rItitile liritiil al llrulitnn f ftloniiius aiNriiit tnl I I nnt me < i Illulne IIccnerlig- A tu lliiii > UuorKr llunlitI lo km IheI I d shnl Im l t ninT nllht tin Sept anus lir Ii It- at Sixth MMiiiHi latlllud llm city of the Union Ailv nIIIn KIMISIOS Jam Jii The pi IsnnorWeM i J 1 n hiltthu nas ou Ihi prillllMMnl littl nn 41l time N III 4 JaiiitH tluth nIt A baiiijilullis t tiilleiiixUnorueupniIl-I latler i AntlMonoiioly State Commit Ionrsttumiii Oil 0 tobuitlMU ntfiiM ulio InI tnUiii I HIT A llI i t I Hu 1 I I in Ii Kini > toil ollrUn mnfiitiiit hrihu I shtttkllll nils nil dnimisivltlu ti I ton rii ovi rlntf rupnll ph iiittiiH coiikiiitidl 111 llllM I t nomlniitlnns I l V hue urriMll millli Illllu within tint mint I I it I inishot from Hn lm s uli l iii m r I enIOrKlnl 111 of tho nI Ilr Mrjeri CHliirrk Cure ihs rtinoHl IIOIIIK tu dit- lH rnlllilr lnnl rrnlirltk IniilnlUli N lint In In i nt lii nulnn- nns toiiniiitiil was 110 I I n- f h A I I mmmillion flu ln crale It dntei I jlfTords Instant nlltf ainl rertalu iure Just as rffr- AKLHTAI MeOct 4 Kx Sfrn tnrv HUin nrrlud IHOUnkM Illlllilur nf tfi Dili nifll Ilil Illtllni Mtft run iiriirull lilt Hiillinritl lnli h i un t i tu lriii Ion nillmnter laloVnnwntol X i II I Its- IIOIIH I ilIn with 11 Un i ii- l Vlis n I a County Committefl 01 rlle In rases i f jii > earsstumlluift asln ordinao rolds iu- htshoiiiu In tliUiitnt HoVIm k ihU t vniimr iu ft hiilUimi ItnmrA Iritrlj riiurl ir lou Muiii tn linn ilitinln1 lit it stIlt 1nrtli UIn nun Inn SuIt Iki It is kind built usi 14 which Uiu r SitrY r4jdIlwus tui nthst ass u Uu luoi iu IJJM bLUilkb um SUit fklUfcUdbd wu kh jim CeiUjll CJ uLI Ju I Iii Ootuat ilUUlut tuauiiu will U tlmL < Umtbtikui isgutraiivuuiisiuL IiA rIM IU loin S lomfurUiil lass usia44 u1 suSsa lulu llUU llii lor tilt iuIbsib