Copyrighted Material
Index NOTE: Page numbers in italics refer Airmen’s Memorial Fund, 24 to photos and illustrations. Air Ministry (England), 255 Air Ministry (France), 255, 258 A. Iselin & Co., 31 Albert, King of Belgium, 214 Aberdeen Daily World, 202 Alcock, John, 9–11, 16, 16–22, 21 Acosta, Bert Allen, Frederick Lewis, 251 America, 177, 242, 244, 245 Alliance Française of New York, 264 Columbia, 109–110, 143–144, 235 America, 105–106, 235 quest for fi rst Paris-to-New York Acosta and, 177, 242, 244, 245 crossing, 256 crash, 121–123 Aero Club of America, 23–24, 28–32, delivery of, 169–170 42 Lindbergh and, 203–204 Aéro Club (Paris), 42, 51, 210, 212 three-engine design of, 177 Aero Digest, 72, 103 transatlantic fl ight of, 240–245, aerodrome, defi ned, 9 241, 243 Aeronautical Club of New Jersey, 96 See also Fokker, Anthony H. G. Aircraft Corporation of America, “Tony” 125 COPYRIGHTEDAmerica MATERIAL First movement, 269 air mail American Legion, 107 advent of, 20 American Legion Hartney and, 55 crash, 123–124, 124, 129–131 Levine and, 98 design, 107–108, 108 Lindbergh and, 90–91 American Magazine, 225 Potez biplanes, 46 American Newspaper Alliance, 167 Sikorsky and, 57 American Non-Stop Trans-Atlantic in U.S., 36, 57 Flight, 126 312 bbind.inddind.indd 312312 66/10/11/10/11 33:36:36 PMPM index 313 America Trans-Oceanic Company, barnstorming, 86–87 104 barographs, 5 Amiot, 146, 257 Bar-Zim Toy Company, 173–174 Amundsen, Roald, 103, 126–127 Beamish, Richard J., 263 Anderson, Harold M., 196–197 Beech-Nut Packing Company, 125 anti-Semitism Behan, Margo, 201 Columbia fl ight and, 239–240 Bellanca, Giuseppe Mario Lindbergh and, 269 Acosta and, 109–110 Arc-en-Ciel (Rainbow), 254, 255 Bellanca high-wing monoplane, Argonauts, Inc.
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