[Frontiers In Bioscience, Scholar, 10, 309-325, March 1, 2018]

Molecular role of in anhedonia linked to reward deficiency syndrome (RDS) and anti- reward systems

Mark S. Gold8, Kenneth Blum,1-7,10 Marcelo Febo1, David Baron,2 Edward J Modestino9, Igor Elman10, Rajendra D. Badgaiyan10

1Department of Psychiatry, McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, USA, 2Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Keck School of Medicine, University of South- ern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 3Global Integrated Services Unit University of Vermont Center for Clinical and Translational Science, College of Medicine, Burlington, VT, USA, 4Department of Research, Dominion Diagnostics, LLC, North Kingstown, RI, USA, 5Center for Genomics and Applied Technology, Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB), Nonakuri, Purbe Medinpur, West Bengal, India, 6Division of Neuroscience Research and Therapy, The Shores Treatment and Recovery Center, Port St. Lucie, Fl., USA, 7Division of Nutrigenomics, Sanus Biotech, Austin TX, USA, 8Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo, USA, 9Depart- ment of Psychology, Curry College, Milton, MA USA,, 10Department of Psychiatry, Wright State University, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dayton, OH ,USA.


1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Anhedonia and 4. Anhedonia in RDS Behaviors 5. Anhedonia hypothesis and DA as a “Pleasure” molecule 6. Reward and anhedonia: potential therapeutic targets 7. Anti-reward system 8. State of At of Anhedonia 9. Conclusion 10. Acknowledgement 11. References


Anhedonia is a condition that leads to the loss like “anti-reward” phenomena. These processes of feelings pleasure in response to natural reinforcers may have additive, synergistic or antagonistic like food, sex, exercise, and social activities. This interactions with the concurrent reward deficiency disorder occurs in addiction, and an array of related states leading in some instances to more severe and neuropsychiatric syndromes, including , long-lasting symptoms. Operant understanding of depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the neurogenetic antecedents to reward deficiency (PTSD). Anhedonia may by due to derangements in syndrome (RDS) and the elucidation of reward gene mesolimbic pathways and their terminal polymorphisms may provide a map for accessing an fields (e.g., , amygdala, and prefrontal cortex) individual’s genetic risk for developing Anhedonia. that persist long after the traces of the causative Prevention techniques that can restore homeostatic drugs are eliminated (pharmacokinetically). Here we balance via physiological activation of dopaminergic postulate that anhedonia is not a distinct entity but is receptors (D2/D3) may be instrumental for targeting rather an epiphenomenon of hypodopaminergic states not only anhedonia per se but also drug craving and and traits arising from the interaction of genetic traits relapse. and epigenetic neurobiological alterations in response to environmental influences. Moreover, dopaminergic 2. INTRODUCTION activity is rather complex, and so it may give rise to differential pathophysiological processes such as Anhedonia is a condition that leads to loss incentive sensitization, aberrant learning and stress- of the ability to experience pleasure in response to

309 Molecular role of dopamine in anhedonia natural reinforcers like food, sex, and exercise, and deficient as observed in Parkinson’s disease and RDS social activities. Newer models consider motivational behaviors (9). anhedonia; lack of motivation and activity without pleasure and consummatory anhedonia (1). 3. ANHEDONIA AND FOOD ADDICTION Meanwhile, the debate regarding the neurobiological basis of anhedonia remains unsettled. There While it is important to continually perform is, however, a broad consensus regarding the both animal and human research conceptualizing involvement of the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward the commonality of food and drug addiction, it is pathways. These pathways do not exist in isolation clear that highly reinforcing drugs of abuse reduce but rather are found embedded within a complex interest in eating while withdrawal of some of these network of interrelated systems; opioidergic, drugs increase eating (14). In clinical settings “never noradrenergic and serotonergic, to name a few, each get too hungry” is an anti-drug relapse mantra (15). of which exhibits a unique function within the context Anhedonia during withdrawal states or due to other of pleasure-related behavior. causes appears to result from the neurochemical effects of both substances such as glucose and Anhedonia, accompanied by hyporesponsive opioids. Neuroimaging data, related to reward circuit reward circuits (2), is an important characteristic of responsitivity and weight gain, adequately address this neuropsychiatric syndromes including mood disorders, concept in humans (16, 17). Work by Ahmed (18), in schizophrenia, and all Reward Deficiency Syndrome the Oxford publication “Food and Addiction” proposes (RDS) behaviors including substance use disorders, that in nonhungry, nonthirsty rats, the taste sensation post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline associated with ingestion of sweetened water is personality disorder, and schizoid personality disorder clearly more rewarding than artificial sensations from (3). Keedwell & Linden (4) found that the brains of intravenous cocaine, independent of prior cocaine participants who were clinically depressed had to work history. Moreover, this conclusion was generalized harder to process rewarding experiences. Anhedonia to intravenous heroin; however, heroin was more is also a side effect of antidopaminergic neuroleptics potent than cocaine in competing with a sweet taste, or drugs which block dopamine (DA) especially with chronic heroin use (19). binding to postsynaptic neuronal loci (5, 6). One reason for the high prevalence of nicotine addiction Along these lines, Johnson et al. (20) in people with psychiatric illness, especially those on proposed that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder psychiatric medications (7) is that smoking is used (ADHD) may associate with disrupted dopamine as self-medication to counter boredom in an attempt signaling whereby dopamine D2 numbers to reverse antipsychotic-related anhedonia (8). The are decreased in reward-related brain regions. They clinically anhedonia has profound implication since it correctly point out that the same pattern exists in various as a risk factor for suicide particularly in patients with RDS behaviors; drug or food (sugar) addiction and substance use disorders (SUD)s (9). obesity. In simple terms, these authors hypothesize that chronic sugar intake could lead to reduced mesolimbic Increases in dopamine levels in mesolimbic dopamine signaling or a hypodopaminergic state that dopaminergic pathways including their terminal fields; contributes to ADHD symptomatology. This mesolimbic the striatum, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex, are the reduced signaling may have real relevance in low sites where the rewarding effects of natural rewards, dopamine tone in ADHD as measured by Badgaiyan as well as, drugs of abuse underlying the subjective et al. (21) raising the question of “the Chicken or Egg.” pleasure or “high” pursued by drug addicts occur. The DRD2 A1 , with a well-known 30-40% lower However, the precise nature of dopaminergic action D2 receptor density than the normal A2, has a genetic is a subject of complementary/competing hypotheses association with ADHD. This DRD2 A1 deficit would encompassing reward anticipation, learning, and suggest an additive insult; a co-morbid enhanced motivation (10-13). Work by Schultz and associates craving for sugar or other neuronal releasers of in monkeys demonstrated several thousand-fold dopamine at the (NAc). reward variabilities in the speed of phasic DA release and site. Also, Badgaiyan et al. (21) found that in ADHD offered a means to understand the relationship the phasic dopamine response to stimuli is heightened between DA and anhedonia. They found that DA thereby providing continued impetus to seek out sugar mediates the (epigenetic) reactivity of the organism and possibly anhedonia (“sugar blues”). to the environment at different time scales. In simple terms, environmental cues will change the quantal 4. ANHEDONIA IN RDS BEHAVIORS neuronal release of dopamine from either fast impulse reward related to much slower and lower quanta Reward Deficiency Syndrome, first coined release when the environmental cue is uncertain (13). by Blum et al. in 1996, (22) has received considerable These environmental cues will impact postsynaptic attention and represents a conceptual framework for dopamine tone even when dopamine function is understanding the role of, for example, dopaminergic

310 © 1996-2018 Molecular role of dopamine in anhedonia genetics and epigenetics in not only drug and alcohol the brain as suggested by the RDS model (28). abuse, but all addictive, impulsive and compulsive Serotonergic, opioid, endocannabinoid, GABAergic behaviors. There are many clinical subtypes, and even and glutamatergic mechanisms are implicated in schizophrenia has been included in this list (22). addiction by credible evidence. For example, a recent study using magnetic resonance imaging points to Addictive drugs enhance the functioning of a role for polymorphisms of catabolic enzymes like the reward circuitry after they are self-administered Catechol-O-Methyl –Transferase (COMT) in white by laboratory animals. The core reward circuitry is an matter integrity (29). Three standard triggers for ‘in-series’ circuit that links the ventral tegmental area craving and relapse are (a) re-exposure to the addictive (VTA), the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the ventral drug, (b) stressors, and (c) reexposure to people, pallidum via the medial forebrain bundle. As mentioned places, and objects (environmental cues) previously earlier, although originally believed to encode a set associated with drug-taking behavior. Drug-triggered point for hedonic tone, these circuits are now, thought relapse involves the NAc and the to be far more complex, being involved in the mediation DA. Relapse triggered by stress involves the central of encoding for attention, reward expectancy, nucleus of the amygdala, the bed nucleus of the stria disconfirmation of reward expectancy, and incentive terminals, corticotrophin-releasing factor, and the motivation. Moreover, ‘hedonic dysregulation’ or lateral tegmental noradrenergic nuclei of the brain anhedonia, of these circuits might facilitate addiction. stem and the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Finally, relapse triggered by environmental cues involves the The crucial addictive-drug-sensitivity basolateral nucleus of the amygdala, the hippocampus, component is the ‘second-stage’ dopaminergic and the neurotransmitter glutamate. Knowledge of component in this reward circuitry (23). Addictive drugs the neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, have in common that they enhance dopaminergic neuropharmacology and neurogenetics of the activity reward synaptic function (directly or indirectly or even of addictive drugs is producing some strategies for trans-synaptically) in the NAc. Nucleus accumbens and nutrigenomic treatment of DA levels regulate drug self-administration to maintain RDS behaviors (30). In fact, one interesting natural a desired hedonic level and keep NAc DA, within a substance L-acetyl-carnitine, a substance having specific, elevated range (22). Chronic use of some acetylcholine-like pharmacological activity (31) has classes of addictive drugs like opiates results in the been shown to attenuate anhedonia associated with development tolerance to the euphoric effects. Post- alcohol dependence (32). use dysphoria then dominates the reward circuit hedonic tone, and people who are addicted use drugs 5. ANHEDONIA HYPOTHESIS AND DOPA- to get back to normal (‘get straight’). The brain circuits MINE CHARACTERIZED AS A “PLEASURE” that mediate the pleasurable effects of addictive MOLECULE drugs are different anatomically, neurophysiologically and neurochemically from those mediating physical Before the RDS concept, the anhedonia dependence, as well as, from those mediating craving hypothesis of neuroleptic action (33) was, from NAc and relapse (pre-frontal cortex –cingulate gyrus its inception, the DA hypotheses of reward (34) or and central amygdala). Gardner, (24), pointed out that reinforcement (35). Dackis & Gold placed significant drug addiction involves a progression from occasional value on the role of DA depletion in cocaine-seeking (recreational) to impulsive and finally compulsive behavior and relapse (36). Moreover, the dopamine (habitual) use. The behaviors progress from reward- hypotheses were themselves deviations from an earlier driven to habit-driven drug-seeking. Moreover, they noradrenergic theory of reward introduced by Larry correlate with neuroanatomical progress from the Stein (37). The anhedonia hypothesis (38) was that ventral striatum NAc to dorsal striatal control over brain dopamine plays a critical role in the subjective drug-seeking behavior. pleasure associated with positive rewards. According to Wise (39, 40), the hypothesis “was intended to draw Variations in vulnerability to drug addiction the attention of psychiatrists to the growing evidence are due to genetics, yet exposure as an adult or that dopamine plays a critical role in the objective during childhood and in utero, to environmental reinforcement and incentive motivation associated factors such as stress, trauma, and social defeat also with food and water, brain stimulation reward, and epigenetically alter brain reward mechanisms and psychomotor stimulant and opiate reward” (39). symbiotically impart vulnerability to addiction. The etiology of substance abuse and even schizophrenia Neuroleptics are drugs used to treat hold very well to the ‘bio-psycho-social’ model (25, schizophrenia a condition involving anhedonia. They 26). Human neuroimaging studies add credence to act like D2 receptor inhibitors known to block the the hypothesis that addiction to cocaine (27) or other postsynaptic interaction of dopamine released into substances correlates with a hypodopaminergic the . Some studies revealed that neuroleptics dysfunctional state within the reward circuitry of attenuated the positive reinforcement that we normally

311 © 1996-2018 Molecular role of dopamine in anhedonia associate with pleasure in laboratory animals (41, dopamine receptors, has been reported to decrease 42). Psychiatrists, have correctly pointed out that the euphoria induced by IV in healthy acute actions of neuroleptics, blockng postsynaptic volunteers (58, 59). The cannabinoids (THC) can dopamine interaction, were reflected in animal studies increase sucrose palatability so that after pretreatment whereas in human schizophrenia neuroadaptations to with THC sucrose, acquires the ability to induce DA chronic neuroleptic administration, appear to alleviate release in the NAc shell and after repeated exposure symptoms indued by elevated DA in schizophrenia, to this hedonic taste, this property will undergo without effecting the symptoms of neuroleptic induced adaptation (habituation) (60). decreased DA including anhedonia and RDS (25, 43). Finally, Bressan and Crippa (61) reviewed Wise (40) also points out that despite preclinical data concerning the role of DA in reward its limited heuristic value for the understanding and pleasure behaviors. They utilized a computer- of schizophrenia, the anhedonia hypothesis has based search of the literature, augmented by sponsored biological theories of reinforcement, extensive bibliography guided article reviews to find motivation, and the neuroepigenetics of addiction (44). basic information on dopamine and symptoms such as Brain dopamine plays a major role in reinforcement dysphoria, anhedonia, and depression. Their results of response habits, conditioned preferences, and indicated that central dopaminergic neurotransmission in cellular models of learning and is complex, having multiple actions at each level of the memory (45). The idea of the central role of DA in mesocorticolimbic reward pathway. Moreover, DA has reinforcement is also the basis of the psychomotor a role in reward processing and indeed influences the stimulant theory and most neuroadaptation theories of ability to experience pleasure. The authors highlight addiction, and also to conditioned reinforcement and that dysfunction of reward circuit DA transmission is reward deficiency prediction. Properly understood, related to symptoms including apathy anhedonia, and it is also fundamental to the theories of incentive dysphoria found in several neuropsychiatric disorders. motivation (46). It is known that distinct populations Disorders that involve DA dysfunction include; of D1- and D2- expressing medium Parkinson’s disease, depression, drug addiction, and spiny neurons (D1-/D2-MSNs) comprise the NAc neuroleptic-induced dysphoria. However, there are and stimulation of D1-MSNs promote activity, while others (11, 62) who refute the idea that dopamine is activation of D2-MSNs inhibit motivated behavior. indeed a “pleasure molecule” and question its role in Heinsbroek and colleagues (47) most recently orgasmic response during copulation. reported that either increasing activity in D1-MSNs or decreasing activity in D2-MSNs augmented cue- 6. REWARD GENES AND ANHEDONIA: PO- induced reinstatement. In fact, they also found using TENTIAL THERAPEUTIC TARGETS optogenetic implementation, that GABAergic long- term depression (LTD) was abolished in D2-. but not in Many reward based genes have distinctive D1-MSN of mice trained to self-administer effects regarding mood including anhedonia. A cocaine. Moreover, in cocaine-trained mice a mu PubMed search of these reward genes and associated antagonist restored GABA currents polymorphisms in psychiatric disorders or “Psychiatric in D2-, but not D1-MSN synapses, thus, increased Genetics” has resulted in over 18,000 papers. A enkephalin tone on presynaptic mu receptors was selective sampling includes many important references responsible for occluding the LTD. Accordingly, a having relevance to both hedonic and anhedonic behavioral function for D1-MSN innervation of the responses (13, 63-110). ventral pallidum identified by these results suggests that loss of LTDGABA in D2-MSN, but not D1-MSN Regarding anhedonia per se, a brief search input to ventral pallidum may promote cue-induced provides a few recent strong examples of how specific reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior (49). gene polymorphisms affect the mood and more specifically anhedonia. Understanding these gene- The notion that DA might be necessary for environment interactions may provide important insight pleasure itself came in part from the subjective reports for future therapies. There is mounting evidence that of patients (48) and healthy volunteers (49, 50) given the NAc has a central role in the pathophysiology of neuroleptic treatments. The dysphoria caused by anhedonia. The hypothesis has been that anhedonia, neuroleptics is quite consistent with the concept that is a core symptom of depression, and might be related they attenuate the normal pleasures of life. Consistent to dysfunction of the NAc brain region a fundamental with this view (51, 52) drugs like cocaine and component of the reward circuitry. Bessa et al. (111) amphetamine and even palatable food substances are have shown that medium spiny neurons in the NAc presumed to be addictive because of the pleasure they have hypertrophied in animals displaying anhedonic impart (53) by increasing extracellular dopamine levels behavior. These animals have also shown increased (54-56). Furthermore, although controversial, (57) expression of the genes that encode synaptic the neuroleptic , a competitive antagonist at brain-derived synapsin 1, brain region neurotrophic

312 © 1996-2018 Molecular role of dopamine in anhedonia factor, and neural cell adhesion molecule (genes symptoms of anhedonia. Felger et al. (117) found that associated with dopaminergic regulation). The authors in vivo microdialysis demonstrated decreased release propose that stress induces anhedonic behavior is of DA after four weeks of Interferon (IFN)-alpha related to specific changes in the neuronal morphology administration compared to saline. PET neuroimaging and the gene-expression of the NAc. also showed decreased DA release after four weeks of IFN-alpha as evidenced by reduced displacement of Clinically, the gene expressions that caused the DA 11C- following amphetamine by stress are, in effect, reversed after treatment administration. Additionally, four weeks of IFN- with . Furthermore, transcriptional alpha associated with decreased D2R binding but profiling of the NAc for Rho GTPase-related genes, no change in the DA transporter. Importantly, during known regulators of synaptic structure, resulted in a IFN-alpha administration, sucrose consumption was sustained reduction in RAS-related C3 botulinum toxin attenuated and correlated with decreased DA release substrate 1 (RAC1) expression after chronic social at four weeks as measured by in vivo microdialysis. stress. Golden et al. (112) found that overexpression From these results, the authors conclude that chronic of constitutively active RAC1 in the NAc of mice after peripheral IFN-alpha exposure reduces striatal DA chronic social defeat stress; reverses anhedonia. release and occurs with anhedonia-like behavior in Interestingly, TREK1 is another crucial gene expressed non-human primates. in reward-related regions. The TREK1 genetic variation may associate with anhedonic Cocaine is often proposed as the extreme but symptoms of depression as well as the Trace Amine- an ideal model for all stimulant addiction can be self- Associated Receptor 1 (TAAR-1) (113). Dillon et al. administered, to the point of death, in animal studies. (114) found that the total number of “protective” TREK1 Withdrawal from psychostimulants, like cocaine or was associated with stronger responses to , in animal models, are useful for monetary incentive gains in several other reward- screening antidepressants (118). In humans post related regions, including the dorsal anterior cingulate cocaine or amphetamine addiction leads to a ‘burn out’ cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and mesial prefrontal which looks very much like depression with psychomotor cortex. The authors conclude that future studies in retardation. However, once that passes, individuals depressed samples should evaluate whether variation in recovery report hyperphagia and hypersexuality in neural responses to rewards could contribute to associated with anhedonia. This anhedonia is a major the association between TREK1 and factor in craving and relapse. The DSM-V recognizes response in humans. that social, occupational and recreational activities decrease and are replaced by repeated drug use Law et al. (115) found that in mood disorder, while previously rewarding experiences like food, job, early stressors, such as parental separation, are and family become devalued as dependent persons, vulnerability factors which provoke hippocampal gene despite serious negative consequences to seek and expressions. They conclude that deprivation in the use the drug. early life of a nonhuman primates, without subsequent stressors, has long-term effects the expression of Findings by Carelli and West (119) reveal genes implicated in synaptic function and plasticity that cocaine-conditioned cues elicit a ‘cocaine-need within the hippocampus. The reductions in state’ that is aversive, encoded by a distinct subset 1A and GAP-43 receptor expression are similar to of NAc neurons, and rapid dopamine release that findings in mood disorder and support the possibility induces cocaine-seeking behavior. Other experiments that these reductions reflect an early developmental (88) revealed that bidirectional control (inhibition or contribution to anhedonia vulnerability. It is well excitation) of specified midbrain dopamine neurons established that drugs of abuse alter expression of immediately and bi-directionally modulate (120) AMPA-type subunits (GluRs) in (induces or relieves) multiple independent depressive the NAc. Todtenkopf and colleagues (116) found that symptoms such as anhedonia caused by chronic elevated GluR1 in NAc shell increases intracranial stress. These authors also found that optogenetic self-stimulation (ICSS) thresholds, similar to the recruitment of these dopamine neurons potently effects caused by treatments that cause anhedonia alters neural encoding of anhedonia in downstream and dysphoria (pro-depressive effects) in rats and in the NAc of freely moving rodents. This work humans, for example, drug withdrawal, like kappa- suggests that processes affecting anhedonia may opioid . On the other hand, elevated GluR2 involve alterations in the neural encoding of action in decreases ICSS thresholds, an effect like that caused limbic circuitry (121). Accordingly, even high-fat diets by drug abuse reward. attenuate dopamine signaling with an increase in anhedonia associated behaviors in rodents similar to Human neuroimaging studies have drugs of abuse (122). The similarity further suggests demonstrated that inflammatory cytokines target that agonistic dopaminergic functioning may induce basal ganglia function and presynaptic DA, leading to anti-anhedonia.

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The role of chronic stress in rodents suggest Types of the interactions with reward an effect on dopamine D1 receptor excitation of deficiency are determined by; nature, the concurrent which is responsible in neuroadaptations, and modulating variables like part of inducing anhedonia. Lim et al. (123) found stress levels or baseline neurobiology and neuro- that despite increases in behavioral measurements psychopathology. The additive and potentially of anhedonia elicited by stress, measurements synergistic interaction between reward deficiency and of behavioral despair are not increased; they are anti-reward (127) were discussed above. Competition prevented by blocking these melanocortin 4 receptor may be the another prominent interaction because (MC4R)-mediated synaptic changes in vivo. Further in incentive sensitization produces the opposite to an animal model with experimentally induced chronic reward deficiency, increases in motivational salience social defeat stress (CSDS) reduced dopaminergic (26). Increases in motivation which lead to further activity was observed (123). This work suggests that hypofunctionality of the brain circuits mediating reward specific alteration of dopaminergic reward processes and motivation, clinically noticeable as a diminution of might be altered by CSDS induced anhedonia. drives and capacity to experience pleasure (26), viz., Additionally, in the social defeat model of depression RDS (2). in rats, hypothalamic dynorphin and orexin were diminished, noteworthy because most hypothalamic Interventions with the goal of restoring the orexin cells co-express dynorphin. Accordingly, these balance between reward and anti-reward networks in observations suggest that in anhedonia, orexin and patients with chronic pain may help to decrease their dynorphin function may be out of balance between risk for suicide (129). Elman and associates suggest the mesocortical dopaminergic regions and the the Combined Reward Deficiency and Anti-Reward hypothalamus (124, 125). Model (CReAM) in which biopsychosocial variables can modulate brain reward, motivation, and stress 7. ANTI-REWARD SYSTEM functions can interact in a ‘spiraling downward’ fashion which exacerbates the intensity, chronicity, and The decrease in dopamine production comorbidities of chronic pain syndromes (127). is progressively worsened by the release of the k opioid receptors’ , dynorphin. This type of Certainly, the role of serotonin, orexin, and between-system anti-reward neuroadaptation is dopamine have been studied and elucidated regarding also characterized by the massive outpouring of stress induction and influence on corticosterone stressogenic like norepinephrine activity (130). Most recently Zoratto et al. (131) and corticotropin-releasing factor, which worsen have shown that in adult tryptophane-depleted and anhedonia. Additionally, anhedonia needs to be corticosterone augmented rats, offspring showed examined in the context of the incentive motivation significantly increased anhedonia-related behaviors; theory which considers the brain reward function reduced striatal and increased hypothalamic BDNF as composed of core motivational and emotional and reduced dopamine and serotonin in the prefrontal processes termed “wanting” and “liking” respectively. cortex and turnover in the hippocampus. Zoratto et al. Decreases in striatal dopamine concentrations (131) proposed that neonatal variations in functionality underlying reward deficiency prompt sensitization in of the serotonergic system and HPA axis may the key effector systems. Effector systems include pre- contribute to induce anhedonia in adulthood. and post-synaptic dopamine receptors, presynaptic dopamine transporters, and the enzymes involved It is well established that the nucleus in dopamine’s metabolism are all are responsible for accumbens shell (NAc S) is implicated in controlling transforming normal motivational “wanting” responses stress responses through corticotrophin-releasing into the heightened salience engendered by drugs or factor (CRF). As well as studies indicating that CRF drug-related cues. This sensitization is construed to be in the NAc S increases appetitive motivation, there is an animal homolog of human craving (126). “Aberrant indirect evidence indicating that NAc S CRF may also learning theory” is a closely related concept which cause aversive responses and that these behaviors suggests that new rewards are predicted by interactions such as anhedonia may be mediated through local between tonic and phasic spikes in dopaminergic DA and acetylcholine (ACh) systems (132). Chen neurons phasic firing by the expectancy of the old et al. found that NAc S CRF can induce some rewards or encoding (learning) new rewards (57, 65). aversive behaviors; they include approach behavior. Hence, neural adaptations to hypodopaminergia of swim depression (a mouse model of depression), reward deficiency may not only lead to low signal-to- anhedonia, and anxiety. They propose that these noise detection capability for natural rewards, but also behaviors through enhanced activation of ACh and DA to the motivational significance of cues that predict in the NAc S, respectively, support a role for this brain delivery of drugs, are overlearned meaning that drugs area in mediating the effects of stress and anhedonia are constantly perceived to be better than expected and involvement of multiple neurotransmitter deficits (92, 127, 128). (132-135).

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8. ANHEDONIA STATE OF THE ART specific new brain-wide functional interactions induced which are predictive of the degree of anhedonia in Over the last two years, some important individuals. Interestingly, Shen et al. (141) revealed papers have extended our knowledge about that D1-D2 receptor heteromer induces development anhedonia. Signaling deficits in central, subcortical DA occurring in the NAc induces rapid anti-depressant regions may underlie symptom severity, in particular, (hedonia) and anxiolytic actions. They suggested anhedonia in healthy subjects and schizophrenia. that the development of D1-D2 receptor heteromer After genotyping for some dopamine-related gene may have value as a novel therapeutic target. Enman polymorphisms (DRD4, DRD2/ANKK1, DAT1, and et al. (142) found evidence showing that reduced COMT) assessing DA receptor type 2 (D2R) binding, D2 activity but not D1 activity caused anhedonia Eisenstein et al. (136) found that elevated subcortical and therefore also reduced cocaine-induced reward dopaminergic signaling capacity is associated with behavior. Finally, Morie et al. (143) using high –density less negative symptom severity. This finding supports electrical mapping in cocaine abusers showed that the RDS concept. They also found that higher striatal anhedonia is independent of executive dysfunction. D2R binding was associated with less physical and Executive dysfunction was found in their map to most social anhedonia. This work suggests that subcortical strongly associated with duration (severity) of drug DA function may contribute to negative symptom abuse. severity and self-reported anhedonia, independent of diagnostic status. From a clinical perspective, Stemat Berridge and Kringelbach (144) accurately and Katzman (137) further support an umbrella suggest that “pleasure is mediated by well-developed concept such as RDS, by suggesting that patients mesocorticolimbic circuitry and serves adaptive diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD), functions. In affective disorders, anhedonia (lack of SUD, and ADHD, all have low hedonic tone. The pleasure) or dysphoria (negative affect) can result from neuropathology of depressive-like behaviors is based breakdowns of that hedonic system.” on an anhedonic trait /state supported by the fact that the VTA DA neurons encode reward and motivation. 9. CONCLUSION Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors type-α (PPARα) acutely regulate VTA dopamine neuron Neurobiological reward processing firing via β2 subunit-containing nicotinic acetylcholine dysregulation is how, pleasure in previously receptors (β2*nAChRs) through phosphorylation, and rewarding stimuli, is lost. Anhedonia is actualized this effect is predictive of antidepressant-like effects. as a core symptom of MDD. The brain’s mesolimbic Scheggi et al. (138) proposed that regulating PPARα dopamine reward circuit is integral to processing with subsequent normalization of dopaminergic activity the rewarding salience of stimuli to guide actions should reduce anhedonia. (wanting), while, pleasure itself, ( liking), may be generated within the limbic circuitry hedonic hot spots It has been hypothesized by many that (144).The manifestation of anhedonia and associated striatal dopamine receptor neurons D1expression symptoms of depression like appetite changes, have associated with positive reinforcement and feelings of sadness, and psychomotor effects, reward, whereas D2 neurons associate with negative reflect altered brain reward circuitry as a common reinforcement and aversion. However, most recently, underlying disease process. Studies of cocaine self- Soares-Cunha et al., (139) found that in control administration, abstinence, and post-abstinence in animals and in a model that presents Anhedonia laboratory animals and humans has emphasized the and motivational deficits; activating NAc D2 neurons importance of dopamine, pleasure, and anhedonia increases cue-induced motivational drive. Conversely, (117). Mapping the neurogenetic antecedents of RDS optogenetic inhibition of D2 neurons decreases behaviors may provide a method for risk assessment motivation. Their results suggest that the classic of an individual for developing anhedonia. However, view of D1-D2 functional antagonism does not hold especially following long-term drug abuse of, for true for all dimensions of reward-related behaviors example, psychostimulants, it is likely that anhedonia and those D2 neurons may play a more prominent reflects drug induced epigenetic mesolimbic changes pro-motivation role than originally anticipated. Also, compounded by genetic antecedents. The response work of Ferenczi et al. (140) strongly suggests that is low hedonic tone (137) suggesting that agonistic by using optogenetic functional magnetic resonance dopaminergic functioning may induce anti-anhedonia. imaging (fMRI) to visualize neural activity in rats, Thus, treatment to attenuate anhedonia is to provide seen locally, striatal activity is driven by dopamine natural activation of dopaminergic receptors (D2/ neuron stimulation. Whereas locally medial prefrontal D3) at the brain sites for craving and relapse and cortex (mPFC) excitability increases, reduce striatal to increase dopamine sensitivity. Additional studies response and drives for behavioral dopaminergic are necessary. In the meantime, diet, exercise, and stimulation. This chronic mPFC overactivity stably other approaches to ‘normalize’ the dopamine system suppresses natural reward-motivated behaviors and make sense.

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