DM/2018/01741 Proposal
Application DM/2018/01741 Number: Proposal: Proposed development of 15 dwellings and associated works Address: Land Off Well Lane For Development Of 15 Houses Cwm-fagor Road, Devauden Applicant: c/o Agent Plans: Site Levels CD Gray 9512 Dwg 101 P2 - P2, Site Sections (04) 200 - , Drainage Strategy - August 2018, Other Pre-application Consultation Report - October 2018, Transport Statement Transport Statement - October 2018, Location Plan LOC 01 - A, Other Planting Schedule - , Ecology Report Revised Ecology Report - Pure Ecology - February 2019, Other Hedgerow Planting Details 2019/16 - , Other Trees and Planting Beds 2019/17 - , Tree Protection Plan Tree Protection Plan 2018/19 - Rev C, Other NATIVE BLOCK PLANTING DETAILS 2019/15 - REV A, Landscaping Plan PROPOSALS DETAIL OPPORTUNITIES - REV G, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 15 Plots 1+2 - REV C, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 16 Plots 4+5 Type A - REV C, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 17 Plots 8+9 Type C - REV C, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 18 Plots 6+7 Type C - REV C, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 19 Plot 10 Type E - REV C, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 20 Plot 11 Type E - REV C, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 21 Plot 12 Type F1 - REV C, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 22 Plot 13 Type F1 - REV C, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 23 Plot 14 - REV E, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 24 Plot 15 - REV E, Elevations - Proposed 1810 (04) 25 Plot 3 Type B - REV C, Garage Plans 1810 (04) 25 Plots 10-13 - REV B, Garage Plans 1810 (04) 27 Plot 14+15 garages - REV B, Proposed Roof Plan 1810 (04) 101 Roof Plan - REV N, Site Plan 1810 (04) 102 - REV M, RECOMMENDATION: APPROVED SUBJECT TO S106 AGREEMENT Case Officer: Mrs Jo White Date Valid: 22.10.2018 This application is presented to Planning Committee due to the number of objections received.
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