
What are the Units of ?

Nathalie Gontier

Topoi An International Review of Philosophy

ISSN 0167-7411 Volume 37 Number 2

Topoi (2018) 37:235-253 DOI 10.1007/s11245-017-9474-8

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Topoi (2018) 37:235–253 DOI 10.1007/s11245-017-9474-8

What are the Units of Language Evolution?

Nathalie Gontier1

Published online: 19 April 2017 © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2017

Abstract Universal Darwinism provides a methodology I-language Internal language to study the evolution of anatomical form and sociocul- E-language External language tural behavior that centers on defining the units and levels of selection, and it identifies the conditions whereby natu- ral selection operates. In previous work, I have examined 1 Introduction and Outline how this selection-focused evolutionary epistemology may be universalized to include theories that associate with an Language origin and evolution studies face two major prob- extended synthesis. Applied evolutionary epistemology lems (Part 2). Scholars study numerous language-associ- is a metatheoretical framework that understands any and ated phenomena because they disagree on what language all kinds of evolution as phenomena where units evolve is and how it evolved (Sect. 2.1); and at present, no crite- by mechanisms at levels of an ontological hierarchy; and ria exist to choose amongst opposing theories (Sect. 2.2). it provides three heuristics to search for these units, levels Consequently, obtained data and results remain juxtaposed, and mechanisms. The heuristics are applicable to language and a unified theory on language and its evolution remains and , and here, we give an in-depth absent. of how the unit-heuristic can be implemented into Here, we circumvent the definitional problem and show language origin and evolution studies. The importance of how applied evolutionary epistemology (AEE) provides a developing hierarchy theories is also more fully explained. uniform methodology for evolutionary linguists (part 3). AEE (Gontier 2010a, b, 2012) is a methodology derived Keywords Applied evolutionary epistemology · from how Universal Darwinists study how evolution occurs Evolutionary · Units · Levels · Evolutionary by means of , but it also incorporates theo- mechanisms · Hierarchy theory ries associated with an extended synthesis. AEE defines evolution as the phenomena where units evolve at levels of Abbreviations an ontological hierarchy by mechanisms. LE Language evolution Implementing AEE into evolutionary linguistics, there- EE Evolutionary epistemology fore, involves a systematic search for the units, levels, and AEE Applied evolutionary epistemology evolutionary mechanisms involved in LE (part 4). I intro- SVT Supra-laryngeal vocal tract duce three heuristics whereby we can identify, examine and evaluate all three and I give an in-depth analysis of the unit- heuristic (part 5). I end by pointing out future prospects for research (part 6). For an in-depth analysis of the level- and * Nathalie Gontier mechanism-heuristic, I refer the reader to Gontier (2017). [email protected]

1 Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab, Centre for Philosophy of Science, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

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2 Two Problems for Evolutionary Linguistics communication as the transfer of a signal/ message/ information between a sender and a receiver. A sig- We first analyze the definitional problem and then exam- nal/ message/ information may refer broadly to emo- ine the methodological problem that confronts evolutionary tions, facial expressions, vocal calls and gestures of linguists. both human and other animals (Darwin 1872), or it may refer specifically to co-verbal gesturing (Goldin-Meadow 2.1 The Definitional Problem 2007) or body language that accompanies modern lan- guage. And although systems can Evolutionary linguistics today combines data from linguis- be understood narrowly as signals (Maynard Smith 1974; tics, anthropology, , , neurology, Krebs and Davies 1978), they can also encompass behav- and psychology. Scholars disagree on what language is ioral repertoires that include maternal bonding (Altmann and this impacts how they study its evolution. Some under- 1974) or grooming (Dunbar 1998). Animal communica- stand language as a unique human capacity, others say it tion systems are often -specific, but they also con- evolved from animal communication systems, and still oth- vey meaning interspecifically (in predator–prey relations, ers assume the existence of an intermediate protolinguistic for example); and Witzany (2014) has recently drawn stage. to intra-organismal communication that occurs Bio-linguists define language as an individual and between different bodily organs or between a host and its inborn neurocognitive capacity (Lenneberg 1964). Chom- microbiome. sky (1999) and co-workers (Berwick and Chomsky 2016) Finally, beyond language and communication, a rising divide this faculty of language into three components; the number of scholars today investigate protolanguage. Origi- sensorimotor system that enables language output (speech nally, the term referred to a hypothetical stem obtained or gesturing), the conceptual-intentional system that pro- from comparing manuscripts, or it denoted a hypothetical vides the input for language (thought that underlies the urlanguage acquired from using internal reconstruction lexicon), and the cognitive capacity to merge that enables methods (Schleicher 1861–1862). Today, it also refers to a recursion (that characterizes ). Merge hypothesized but considered real communicative/linguistic is defined as the basic property of human language, and system used by early modern humans and perhaps other recursion defines the faculty of language in the narrow hominins (Bickerton 1990; Tallerman 2011; Wray 1998). sense (FLN). The other two systems are part of the faculty Scholars thus continue to disagree on the of of language in the broad sense (FLB), and components of it (animal) communication, proto-language, and language are shared with other animals (Hauser et al. 2002). The dis- and proposed definitions are often intensional/functional, tinction between the FLN and FLB is a reinterpretation of exclusive, outdated, and incongruent with actual scientific what Chomsky originally called I-(nternal) and E-(xternal) practices. Definitions are intensiona/functional because language. Both the FLB and FLN are recognized to be part they seek to find the essential or functional characteris- of an “-internal environment” that they oppose tics of language. They are exclusive because they single to an “external environment” that is divided into “social”, out one phenomenon to the exclusion of all others (e.g. “cultural”, “physical”, and “ecological” layers or realms. the biological capacity versus the sociocultural transmis- With this distinction, they take the hierarchical nature of sion of language versus language as a system). They are reality into account. outdated because some definitions are over 100 years old In humans, the FLB is said to enable a “secondary sys- (e.g. de Saussure’s (1916) language, langue, and parole), tem of communication” (Berwick and Chomsky 2016: and they were often formulated within a non-evolutionary 64), but for Chomsky, language primarily facilitates inter- context (e.g. Shannon–Weaver’s model). Instead, defini- nal thought. E-language is traditionally studied by dia- tions remain based upon classic dichotomies including the chronic linguists, anthropologists and psychologists. These innate-acquired or biological–cultural, animal–human or have shown that, although words might be inventions of continuity–discontinuity, or historical diffusion–biological an individual’s conceptual-intentional system, for these evolution divides. Finally, definitions are incongruent with to become learned by others and integrated into a soci- actual scientific practices because scholars do not study ety’s lexicon, sociocultural interaction and transmission communication, protolanguage or language as monolithic is required. E-language-related phenomena including lan- wholes and from within a specific biological, neurologi- guage acquisition, variation, change, and diffusion there- cal, cultural or linguistic domain. Instead, they realize that fore often require group-level explanations that go beyond the entities referred to are heterogeneous. That is why they I-Language. focus on a wide variety of genetic and anatomical features, (Animal) communication systems are also defined dif- neuro-cognitive capacities, individual and group behavioral ferentially. Weaver and Shannon’s (1963) model defines patterns, or the properties of linguistic systems.

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Examples of the latter include specific such as the or cultural artifacts (Atkinson et al. 2008; Mendoza FOXP2 or MICROCEPHALIN (Jackson et al. 2002; Straffon 2016; Gray and Jordan 2000); and Lai et al. 2000, 2001; Vargha-Khadem et al. 2005); the 5. Classic linguistic studies that demonstrate the peculi- anatomy of orofacial muscles (Gaspar et al. 2014), hand arities of human language (Chomsky 1965). bones (Marzke 1999), and the supra-laryngeal vocal tract (Fitch 2000; Lieberman 2007), that, respectively, permit The above-listed fields and methodologies are further facial expressions, gesturing and articulate speech; facilitated by help sciences, including: regions such as Broca and Wernicke’s area and specific neurons such as mirror neurons (Fadiga et al. 2000); neuro- 6. Ontogenetic research encompassing brain imaging cognitive capacities including memory, planning, theory of studies (Christiansen and Chater 2016) and compara- mind, and empathy (Christiansen and Chater 2016; Corbal- tive psychological research on normal and pathological lis 2002); individual and sociocultural behavioral patterns human beings; such as pointing, imitation, mimesis, pantomime, or learn- 7. Comparative primatological sciences (Gontier and ing and teaching (Dor 2015; Leavens et al. 2005; Racine Pina 2014; Leavens et al. 2005; Matsuzawa 2001; et al. 2014; Goldin Meadow 2007; Zlatev 2014); and prop- Racine et al. 2014); erties of human , including grammar (enabled by 8. Computational simulations (Tamariz and Kirby 2016; recursion), and the lexicon (characterized by displacement) Kirby 2016; Steels 2011) and in vivo experiments on (Chomsky 1965). iterated learning (Tamariz and Kirby 2016) and trans- The question, therefore, becomes: Given that we disa- mission chain studies (Mesoudi and Whiten 2008); gree, how can we circumvent defining language and still 9. Biological and cultural evolutionary theories that study its evolution? Before we answer this question, we explain the mechanisms of evolutionary change. hone in on how the diverse definitions of language impact the various methodologies used to examine LE. (1–3) involve evolutionary biological studies that enable genealogical descent studies on how language-related phe- nomena evolve and spread amongst individuals, group and 2.2 The Methodological Problem species (Croft 2000; Mufwene 2001). (4) Involves studies that enable geographic and ecological dif- Because there are so many disciplines involved, there fusion studies on how behavioral and group traits associ- exist plenty of fields and methodologies to examine how ated with language, and the languages themselves, change/ the diverse phenomena associated with language evolved. evolve and spread. And (5) encompasses linguistic studies These include: that do not necessarily involve an evolutionary outlook, because we may study languages as closed synchronic 1. Evolutionary developmental phenotype to systems. linkage studies in so far as anatomical features, neuro- Distinguishing biological from sociocultural evolution cognitive capacities, and behavioral traits are reduc- (9) has brought diversity into how we understand evolu- ible to genes, scholars investigate this tion. Some argue that cultural evolution follows Lewontin’s and its transmission modes (Misyak and Christiansen (1970) Darwinian principles (Mesoudi and Whiten 2008), 2011); others say that biological and symbolic evolution co-evolve 2. (Comparative) paleontological research on hominin (Deacon 1997), and still others explain cultural evolution anatomy (Tattersall 2014; Wood and Grabowski 2015); as a process distinct from biological evolution because the 3. (Comparative) neurological and cognitive studies that former can be directed or guided while the latter is blind investigate the (homologs of) language-associated (Boyd and Richerson 1985). Though these distinctions brain areas (Corballis 2002; Fadiga et al. 2000); have proven useful, for they demonstrate that there are dif- 4. (Comparative) sociocultural transmission studies: lan- ferent kinds of evolution, it complicates clear identifica- guage change and many of the behavioral and socio- tion of what domain, the biological, the cultural, or both, is cultural traits that associate with language cannot involved in the evolution of specific traits. be reduced to biological evolution (genes, anatomy It furthermore complicates immediate linkage of traits or neurocognition), but we can study their sociocul- to the mechanisms whereby they evolve. Scholars used to tural transmission modes; work that is facilitated by straightforwardly endorse that language is an historical/diachronic and comparative linguistics as and that it evolved by means of natural selection (Pinker well as linguistic and cultural where and Bloom 1990). But beyond natural and sexual selec- scholars make use of and network tion (Pinker 2003), a myriad of mechanisms have now models to map the diffusion and descent of languages been invoked in LE, including mechanisms of evo-devo

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(Dor 2015; Chomsky and Berwick 2016), the ratchet effect selection; and I go on to demonstrate how AEE differs from (Tomasello 2000); the Baldwin effect (Lachapelle et al. the latter because it embraces an extended synthesis. Con- 2006); hybridization, etc. And from within cultural and trary to the Modern Synthesis, that defines evolution by linguistic phylogenetics, scholars have, besides classic pat- Darwin’s theory of natural selection, AEE does not single terns of gradual descent with modification, detected pat- out one evolutionary theory. Instead, it remains neutral on terns of punctuated equilibria, drift and reticulations or the mode of evolution. It furthermore recognizes unit, level, horizontal exchange in how languages diffuse and diversify and mechanism plurality as well as the need to establish an, (Atkinson et al. 2008; Gray and Jordan 2000; Shijulal et al. or multiple ontological hierarchies. 2010; Mendoza Straffon 2016). Finally, the other help sciences (6–8) provide what Botha 3.1 Roots of AEE in the Units and Levels of Selection (2006: 132) calls windows of LE. A window is a phenom- Debate and Evolutionary Epistemology enon itself distinct from LE, that enables to draw inferences on how language possibly evolved. Examples include com- Evolutionary epistemology (EE) (Campbell 1974a; Bradie puter simulations, experiments, contemporary home signs, 1986) developed from research on how natural selec- , Pidgin and Creole languages, or cul- tion theory, that explains anatomical form, can, in addi- tural transmission of tool use by chimpanzees. But though tion, explain the evolution of sociocultural, linguistic and computational simulations and in vivo experiments are cognitive behavior. EE associated with the rise of ethol- helpful in generating and testing hypotheses on a possible ogy, and comparative psychology which are context of use of certain traits, they are potentially biased disciplines that now evolved into the current field of evo- toward certain premises. And inferences on evolution from lutionary psychology. It also associates with evolutionary ontogenetic (comparative) studies assume the principles biology and philosophy of biology, where scholars have of continuity and uniformity. That is, we must assume that investigated how natural selection theory can be “universal- the present is like the past. But biologists have long shown ized” (Dawkins 1983; Cziko 1995). that ontogeny does not necessarily recapitulate phylogeny The founders of the Modern Synthesis understood evo- (see Gontier for a review 2006), and also environmental lution as the phenomenon where (the unit) conditions might change over time. Simulating the original become naturally selected (the mechanism) by the environ- sociocultural and biological conditions, therefore, prove ment (the level) if they are adapted to it (the conditions), difficult (Gontier 2015). And per definition, windows differ while maladaptive organisms are naturally weeded out (the from the actual units, levels and mechanisms wherefrom assumptions). language evolved. Finding these is the main focus of the How then, have Neo-Darwinians defined these units, meta-methodology proposed here. levels and the conditions whereby natural selection occurs? The answer is, differentially, because they never reached a consensus view. In fact, attempts to define either brought 3 Toward a Unified Methodology: Applied forth what we today call the units (Lewontin 1970) and lev- Evolutionary Epistemology els (Brandon 1982) of selection debate. Adherents of the Modern Synthesis take the phenotype Applied evolutionary epistemology (AEE, Table 1) is a as the basic unit of selection (Mayr 1997). But Dawkins metatheoretical framework that understands evolution as (1982: 162) has argued that genes are the “true” units of the process whereby units evolve at certain levels of an selection because only these have “fecundity, longevity ontological hierarchy by one or more mechanisms; and and copying-fidelity”. The properties of genes and phe- it provides three heuristics that enable the identification, notypes, as units of selection, have since been “universal- examination, and evaluation of phenomena as either three ized” into replicators, i.e. “any entity in the universe of (Gontier 2010b, 2012). which copies are made” (Dawkins (1982: 162), and inter- I briefly explain how this universal methodology derives actors, i.e. “an entity that directly interacts as a cohesive from how evolutionary biologists and evolutionary episte- whole with its environment in such a way that replication mologists study evolution as it occurs by means of natural is differential” (Hull 1980: 381). And Griesemer (2000:

Table 1 Applied evolutionary epistemology Universal skeleton of evolution Evolution occurs when unit/s evolve at level/s of an ontological hierarchy by mechanism/s A derived universal evolutionary methodology Studying evolution involves a search for units, levels and mechanisms, and locating them in an ontological hierarchy

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363) has argued that most behavioral or cultural units Turning to the assumptions, Darwin’s selection the- of selection are reproducers (and see also Oyama et al. ory assumes a struggle for existence due to a scarcity of 2001). In sum, scholars originally tried to single out one resources and therefore a more likely elimination of the true unit of selection, that they defined intensionally by unfit, before they reach reproductive maturity. Adaptive listing essential properties, but today we find evidence organisms are attributed better values because they for the ontological existence of all these entities. Conse- spread their inheritable traits to future generations. Fitness quently, we now need to recognize unit-pluralism: differ- thus provides a quantum whereby we measure adaptation. ent entities can be units of selection. The identification of units and levels of selection, and The locus or level where a unit is subjected to natural the identification of the working order or conditions of selection is traditionally defined as the environment. This change whereby natural selection operates, function as also used to be understood as a homogenous structure, one the criteria whereby scholars argue that an entity evolves that coincides with the outer physical environment. But by means of natural selection. It also enables an imple- here too, evolutionary scholars have introduced a more mentation of natural selection theory into the sociocultural nuanced view. The outer environment is not only made up domain. But most of all, the recognition of unit and level of non-living physical entities such as rocks, soil or water, plurality elicits the need to build hierarchy theories of evo- it is also roamed by other organisms, where through preda- lution (Hull 1980) that deal with the ontological layered- tor–prey relationships, organisms increase or decrease ness of the phenomena under study. the selection of other organisms (Van Valen 1971). And Genes, for example, can be selected at the genomic or beyond the external biotic or abiotic environment, organ- organismal level during gene regulation, or they become isms also have an inner environment that is heterogeneous selected at a group level (sex-linked genes, for example, (Lewontin 1970), simply because organisms are composi- only spread amongst specific members of a group, males tional structures made up of different body parts. A gene, or females), or at a species level (when they become fixed for example, may be active in the heart but not the lungs, in a species, an example is the FOXP2 gene to which we and this implies the presence of a selection process of the return later). Organisms, groups, and species together form unit at certain but not other levels. Consequently, we need an embedded genealogical hierarchy where the entities are to recognize level-pluralism: units may evolve at different linked through (Tëmkin and Eldredge levels, and these levels are nowadays studied from within 2015). This hierarchy mimics artificial classification sys- multilevel selection theory (Okasha 2005). tems, with that important difference that we understand Turning to the conditions whereby natural selection the genealogical hierarchy as composed of real entities, i.e. operates, Darwin’s evolutionary theory works on several “biological individuals” that occupy space and time (Ghis- observable principles. Organisms display variation in elin 1975). traits, offspring resemble their parents, and traits facilitate But genes can also become de/activated (and thus de/ or disable survival and reproduction. Lewontin (1970) uni- selected) by viruses or other species, and then the change versalized these conditions or Darwinian principles into is ecologically induced. Beyond the genealogical hierarchy, differential variation, inheritance and differential fitness. especially Tëmkin and Eldredge (2015) therefore differenti- The Darwinian principles provide a logical skeleton or a ate an ecological hierarchy that is made up of organisms, heuristic of how natural selection operates, and it enables , communities, ecosystems and the biosphere. an expansion of Darwinian theory to research domains While the genealogical hierarchy focuses on the genetic that surpass the study of biological form. Variation can be transmission of information, the ecological hierarchy genetic but also behavioral or cognitive; behavioral “inher- allows for more general processes of matter and energy itance” does not require germline transmission because it exchange. Finally, gene-regulation can be induced by abi- happens through sociocultural transmission (learning and otic factors, including carcinogens such as ultraviolet light. teaching); and differential fitness can be quantified by the Much debate exists on how we should define evolution- number of offspring or by the success whereby behavio- ary hierarchies. Are they singular (Okasha 2005), dual ral traits remain part of a cognitive or cultural repertoire. (Tëmkin and Eldredge 2015) or multiple? Is causation Besides Lewontin’s logical skeleton, we may also think of reducible to the bottom (genetic) level (Dawkins 1982), evolution by means of natural selection as a process that or do processes of downward causation exist (Campbell operates by a “blind variation and selective retention” heu- 1974b), where upper levels alter lower levels of the hier- ristic, as Campbell (1974a), the founder of evolutionary archy? The Baldwin (1896) effect, for example, enables an epistemology, suggested. When we cannot point out units explanation, in Darwinian terms, of how social heredity that vary blindly and that are selectively retained, then evo- occurs and this can, in turn, alter the trajectory of biologi- lution by means of natural selection does not occur simply cal evolution. In other words, the sociocultural environment because the conditions for change are absent. can impact biological evolution, something that has now

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240 N. Gontier been proven in what regards lactose tolerance at a genetic numerous additional mechanisms and processes whereby level that is due to prolonged consumption of milk at a cul- evolution occurs, including drift (Kimura 1968), and tural level, because of pastoralism. hybridization, hereditary , and lateral gene trans- When a dual, or multiple hierarchies are adhered to, the fer (for an overview see Gontier 2015). Macroevolutionary question becomes whether and how the hierarchies interact. scholars have detected patterns of punctuated equilibria How do hierarchies evolve and how do transitions between that are induced by a variety of mechanisms (for an over- levels occur (Maynard Smith and Szathmáry 1995)? Pro- view see Serrelli and Gontier 2015). And from within evo- viding answers to these questions is very much work in lutionary developmental schools (Hallgrîmsson and Hall progress, but existing research demonstrates that develop- 2011), scholars have demonstrated that organisms display ing adequate hierarchy theories is necessary just because properties such as developmental plasticity, epigenetic there exists unit and level pluralism. inheritance, and genetic assimilation that all may induce Finally, the layeredness of the evolutionary process evolutionary change. These theories have identified new makes us realize that entities may switch status. An organ- units and levels, not of natural selection per se, but units ism, for example, may be a unit of selection at the level of and levels of those particular mechanisms and processes the environment, but it may also be a level where replica- (Gontier 2010a, b, 2012). tors are selected. No principle of exclusivity can be main- Put negatively, definitions of units and levels of evolu- tained, units may be levels at one scale, and levels may be tion are often biased toward natural selection theory. Put units at another. positively, we need not throw away the baby with the bath- Recapitulating, studying how evolution occurs by natu- water, because the endeavor whereby Neo-Darwinians have ral selection has involved research into the entities or units tried to universalize natural selection theory can and is set- (replicators, interactors, reproducers) and the levels where ting the example for how we can now examine and univer- these entities evolve. The recognition of unit- and level salize extended evolutionary theories. Scholars researching plurality, and considering that units may be levels at one an extended synthesis continue to search for units whereon scale and levels may be units at another scale, necessitates and levels whereat mechanisms are active, and they also try hierarchy theories that explain how units and levels interact to identify the conditions whereby non-selectionist mecha- and relate to one another. And beyond the units and levels nisms induce evolutionary change. of selection debate, scholars have also sought to define the On a meta-level, we can derive an even more universal principal conditions whereby selection operates, conditions skeleton and methodology from how scholars study evolu- they have often defined in the form of a heuristic, princi- tion. AEE’s universal skeleton states that when evolution ples, or a logical skeleton. This defines the basic Neodar- occurs, units evolve at certain levels of an ontological hier- winian methodology and in the next part, we will derive archy by certain mechanisms. This appears to be a mini- from this an even more universal methodology to study mum requirement for any kind of evolution to occur, and in evolution, one that from within the extended synthesis also previous work, I have proposed a more pragmatic and neu- recognizes mechanism plurality. tral way whereby we can identify units, levels, and mech- anisms of any and all kinds of evolution (Gontier 2010a, 3.2 Defining Units, Levels, and Mechanisms b). Instead of providing intensional/essential definitions of from Within an Extended Synthesis either three (as has been done in the past), I propose two alternative ways to define phenomena as units, levels, and Beyond natural selection, scholars working from within mechanisms of evolution. One definition is extensional, the an extended synthesis (Pigliucci 2007) have identified other ostensive (Table 2).

Table 2 Ostensive and extensional/denotative definitions of units, levels and mechanisms and their associated epistemic questions Epis- Extensional/denotative definition Ostensive definition (definition by pointing) temic question

Unit What The entity that evolves X is a unit if one can minimally point out one level where x evolves, and one mecha- nism whereby x evolves Level Where The locus where evolution occurs X is a level if one can minimally point out one unit that evolves by minimally one mechanism at x Mecha- How The means/conditions whereby X is a mechanism if one can minimally point out one unit that evolves at one level by nism/ evolution occurs means of x process

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Extensional definitions say what a phenomenon denotes. imitation and invention, neurophysiology of action- In our case, a unit stands for the entity that evolves, the schemes, discrimination of sound patterns, level designates the locus or place where the unit evolves, biomechanisms of sound production, and modalities of and the mechanism indicates the conditions whereby language production and perception. Examples of the the change of units at levels occurs. The extensional defini- FLB-conceptual-intentional system include theory of tions furthermore link to specific epistemic questions. The mind, the ability to acquire non-linguistic conceptual unit is the what of evolution, the level is the where, and the representations, referential vocal signals, imitation, and mechanism is the how. voluntary control of signal production (Hauser et al. Ostensive definitions encompass an identification of the 2002: 1573). The latter may all be understood as pos- phenomenon referred to by demonstrating its existence. sible units of language evolution. Finally, Berwick and This often involves pointing out where phenomena belong Chomsky (2016) especially point toward evo–devo mech- in an ontological hierarchy. As such, a unit can be identi- anisms when they argue that the capacity to merge pos- fied by pointing out the level where and the mechanism sibly results from a prolonged activation of an enhancer whereby it evolves; a level can be identified by pointing out sequence that underlies the development of neural fiber a unit that evolves at this level and a mechanism whereby tracts that connect dorsal and ventral brain areas. this unit evolves at that level; and a mechanism is recog- In a very real sense, most evolutionary linguists are nized as such when we can point out one or more units per definition Neodarwinian evolutionary epistemolo- whereon it is active at certain levels. gists, because following Pinker and Bloom (1990), they AEE recognizes unit, level and also mechanism plu- have endorsed the view that language evolved by means of rality. Biological and sociocultural evolutionary scholars natural selection. Embracing universal Darwinism (Dawk- are currently demonstrating that units (the elements that ins 1983) or universal selectionism (Cziko 1995) has evolve) and levels (the place where evolution occurs) are proven useful in evolutionary linguistics because schol- often simultaneously subjected to more than one evolution- ars have modeled how replicators (Szathmáry 2006) and ary mechanism (the conditions whereby evolution occurs). memes of sociocultural and linguistic evolution, such as Theorizing on mechanisms also no longer justifies adher- the lingueme (Croft 2000) become faithfully transmitted. ence to any principle of exclusivity. A gene, for example, Nonetheless, the approach has limitations because most that is subjected to positive selection at both the genetic linguistic units are not faithfully replicated. At most, they and environmental level, can also become transmitted hori- reproduce through social practices such as teaching and zontally, by hybridization or lateral gene transfer. learning (Mesoudi and Whiten 2008), and cultural trans- mission experiments have demonstrated that this transmis- sion occurs via more loosely defined Darwinian principles 4 Implementing AEE into Evolutionary (Steels 2011; Tamariz 2014; Tamariz and Kirby 2016). Linguistics Most importantly, the scholars involved have tackled the question of transmission at an individual and group level. We first examine how implementing AEE into evolution- But more mechanisms have been implicated. Schol- ary linguistics need not start from scratch because schol- ars have demonstrated that language diffusion occurs by ars have, albeit often implicitly, already tackled questions drift (Jespersen 1909; Greenberg 1960; Sapir 1921), that on hierarchies, units, levels, and mechanisms. Secondly, we language evolution/change can occur both slowly and present the three AEE-heuristics that enable a more explicit rapidly (Gray and Joran 2000; Atkinson et al. 2008), and identification, examination, and evaluation of units, levels, that many traits associated with the biological capacity to and mechanisms of LE, and we explain how they will ena- evolve a particular language, are not , but exap- ble to establish hierarchies of LE. tations (Gould and Vrba 1998; Tattersall 2014) or neutral traits (Kimura 1968). Some are even maladaptive. Our 4.1 Possible Units, Levels, and Mechanisms of LE supra-laryngeal vocal tract, for example, might enable us to produce a rich vocal palate, but it also facilitates choking Chomsky and co-workers’ I- and E-language distinc- (Lieberman 2007). tion has dealt with questions of units, levels, and hier- A swift consideration of the literature, therefore, pro- archies. I-language contains the FLN and FLB and is vides a series of possible units, levels, mechanisms, part of an “organism-internal environment,” while they and hierarchies (Table 3). And as the brief exemplifica- divide the “external environment” into a hierarchy made tion shows, also hierarchy theories are numerous, simply up of social, cultural, physical and ecological layers or because our epistemologies can take on different view- realms (levels). Amongst examples of the FLB-sensory- points of ontology. Amongst other, we can develop hierar- motor system, Hauser et al. (2002: 1573) included vocal chies based upon anatomical, genealogical, sociocultural/

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242 N. Gontier drift? / exaptations) traits symbiosis, hybridization)? fer, stasis) Queen hypothesis, Red hypothesis, information means whereby and the of evolution, and tempo is transmitted) conditioning, classic observational operant learning, learning imitation, instruction, direct by emulative learning?) of mechanisms) nature lution and discussions on the Evolutionary mechanisms and processes mechanisms Evolutionary Natural selection? Sexual selection? Neutral evolution/ evolution/ selection? Neutral selection? Sexual Natural / neutral discussions on adaptations to (Relates - trans gene (e.g. lateral mechanisms evolutionary Reticulate and epigenetics? of evo-devo Mechanisms pulse (e.g. the turnover processes? Macroevolutionary (e.g. climate change) processes Physical mode the of mechanisms, nature discussions on the to (Relates effect, (e.g. theratchet Baldwin effect, mechanisms Cultural - evo biological and cultural between distinction the to (Relates behavioral phenotype behavioral super-families? of a existence or the co-evolution gene-cultural hierarchies; non-biological “super-organic”) Levels Organismal (anatomy-based) hierarchy: (anatomy-based) Organismal embryological, neurological, cellular, genomic, e.g. genetic, Genealogical (descent-based) hierarchy: group, species? e.g. organism, (extra-genetic): hierarchy Sociocultural/Ecological families, groups/communities, language language organism, (abiotic)? hierarchy Physical and ontological evolution on multilevel debates to (Relates Possible units, levels, evolutionary mechanisms/processes and hierarchies involved in LE involved and hierarchies mechanisms/processes evolutionary units, levels, Possible 44, 45, Wernicke) and its subcomponents (e.g. modules or and its subcomponents 44, 45, Wernicke) as mirror such neurons)? specific neurons in navigation coordination, hand-eye emotions, empathy, goal-oriented behavior, foresight, time and space enabled by and planning)? hand bones, and its subcomponents, (e.g. thegesturing SVT muscular structures)? gesturing) verbal )? sociolect, a specific language)? ponents)? hierarchies) gene) and gene clusters? and gene gene) Genes (e.g. the FOXP2 area that the Brodmann’s underlie FLB (Broca, areas Brain memory, ToM, capacities (e.g. intentionality, Cognitive and movements in orofacial involved traits Anatomical pointing, co- expressions, capacities (e.g. facial Behavioral morpho- (e.g. displacement, recursion, traits Linguistic phenomena (e.g. linguemes, idiolect, dialect, Sociocultural and its subcom - (e.g. protolanguage language to Precursors and ontological on multi-unit evolution debates to (Relates 3 Table Units

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243 What are the Units of Language Evolution? ecological and physical hierarchies (but for a more elabo- heuristics will furthermore provide better insight into how rate view, see Gontier 2017). the hierarchies associated with LE take shape. Nonetheless, evolutionary linguists have often tackled Suppose then that we have an x that is presumed to be core evolutionary epistemological questions in the margins relevant for LE. X is relevant for LE if and only if we can of their research instead of bringing them to the forefront. prove it is at minimum either a unit, level or mechanism Instead, they have given preference to theory formation. of LE. The units, levels and evolutionary mechanisms that Such is understandable, because asking about units, lev- allow language to evolve can be found by following the els, and mechanisms, and establishing the hierarchy of lan- heuristics set out in Table 4. guage-related phenomena is all but evident. How, for example, do we study the evolution of the supra-laryngeal vocal tract (SVT) that enables speech? Do 5 An In‑Depth Analysis of the Unit‑Heuristic we reduce it to a genetic level and search for the genes that make up the SVT, or do we study the anatomy of the SVT, First, we give a full version of the unit-heuristic and then the brain regions that control it, or its products (sounds)? At we walk through the heuristic point by point. present, scholars walk all research avenues, and all provide valuable data. The SVT furthermore is a compositional 5.1 Full Version of the Unit‑Heuristic structure that is decomposable into sub-units, including the lips, teeth, palate, tongue, velum, epiglottis, pharynx, the Table 5 gives an elaborate version of the unit-heuristic. hypoglossal canal and its nerves, and the hyoid bone. Here too, scientific practices demonstrate that all these structures can and have been studied individually, all somewhat trace 5.2 Walking Through the Heuristic back to genes and specific brain areas that control their function, and all underlie behaviors that are irreducible to How then, can we investigate whether x is a unit of LE? genes. This necessitates a hierarchical understanding of the structures. And similarly, the SVT is but one subcompo- 5.2.1 The Question Mark‑Phase nent of a larger phenomenon we call language. Language can therefore but be a super-unit that is itself decomposable (1) When we do not know without examination of x that into several sub-units. it is a unit of LE, we recommend to try and prove that x is All this implies unit-pluralism, level-pluralism, and a unit, by going to the Yes-phase and answering questions mechanism-pluralism, and the question becomes how 2 and 3. As said, x is a unit of LE if one can minimally we can structure the data into an, or multiple hierarchies, point out one level where x evolves (2), and one mecha- because, as the middle column of Table 3 demonstrates, nism whereby x evolves (3). In the uncertain situation, one options are diverse. example of either suffices to demonstrate that x is indeed a unit, and then you may move on to the yes-phase. When 4.2 The Three AEE‑Heuristics that Enable neither one level (2.a.) nor one mechanism (3.a.) are identi- an Identification, Examination and Evaluation fiable, the heuristic directs you to the no-phase (9). of the Units, Levels and Evolutionary Mechanisms When uncertain about x, trying to prove the yes-phase of LE is preferred over the no-phase (9.) because the no-phase asks whether x is a level and/or an evolutionary mechanism How then does AEE enable a structuring of the data? In (9.a.). Identifying x as a level or a mechanism, however, what follows, we demonstrate how AEE can generate, does not a priori exclude x from being a unit. An organ- constrain and help evaluate research avenues by follow- ism may simultaneously function as a unit that evolves by ing three heuristics that help identify the units, levels, and means of natural selection at the level of the environment, mechanisms of LE. and that same organism may be a level where units such as AEE circumvents intentional definitions because it genes are targeted by selection. stands neutral toward language definitions, and it avoids intensional definitions of the units, levels, and mechanisms 5.2.2 The Yes‑Phase involved. Instead, it asks to demonstrate, ostensively, that an entity under examination is a unit by pointing out the If you skipped the question mark-phase and immediately level whereat and the mechanism whereby it evolves. AEE argued that x is a unit of LE, then this action is only justified is a pragmatic way to unite the various datasets and it also if minimally one level (2.) and minimally one mechanism enables one to distinguish windows from the actual phe- (3.) was identified where and whereby x evolves (because if nomena involved in LE. Successfully implementing the x evolves, it must evolve somewhere and somehow).

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Table 4 Abbreviated version of the unit, level and mechanism heuristics (read from left to right and top-down)

IS XAUNIT OF LE? ? Try to provethatxis aunitofLE (1 example suffices); Go to yes. Y Where? Identify the Notone level found? X is not a unit; Go to no. E level/s where x evolves One/multiple level/s? How, by whichmechanism/s did x evolve? S (Justification) (Justification) Since when? When did x first originate in time and when didxbecome aunitofLE? How does x interact with Is x divisible into one or more sub- or super-units? other units? If so, are they also units in LE? Is x also a level and/or ?&yes: Go to the level and/or mechanism-heuristic. mechanism? How relevant is x? Is x sufficient and/or necessary for LE or for theories thereof? N If not a unit, is x a level ?orYes: Go to the level and/or mechanism-heuristic. O and/or a mechanism? No:Is x a window of LE? Yes: Treatxaccordingly. No: Treat x as irrelevant for LE.

IS XALEVEL OF LE? ? Try to provethatxis alevel of LE (1 example suffices); Go to yes. Y Howmany/what units No units areidentified? X is not a level; Go to no. E evolve at x? One/multiple unit/s? By which/Howmanyevolutionarymechanisms did S (Justification) the unit evolve at x? (Test) What is the ontological Is xanabstract notionthatfacilitatestheoryformation, or an existing entity ? status of x? Since when? Locate theoriginofxin time or indicate when it becomesnecessary to invoke x as an abstract notion in LE theories. How does x interact with Is x divisible into sub- or super-levels? other levels? If so, are they also levels in LE? Is x also a unit and/or ?&yes: Go to the unit and/or mechanism-heuristic. mechanism? How relevant is x? Is x sufficient and/or necessary for LE or for theories thereof? N If not a level, is x a unit ?orYes: Go to the unit and/or mechanism-heuristic. O and/or mechanism? No:Is x a window of LE? Yes: Treatxaccordingly. No: Treat x as irrelevant for LE.

IS XAN EVOLUTIONARY MECHANISM OF LE? ? Try to provethatxis an evolutionary mechanism involved in LE;Go to yes. Y On how many units is x Notone unit: x is not an evolutionary mechanism involved in LE. E active? One/multiple unit/s. At how manylevelsisxactive? (Test) S (Justification) Howdoesxwork?What conditionsneed to be metfor xto occur? (Requires universalheuristics of the working orderof the mechanism.) Since when? Locate in timewhenthese conditionsare met regarding each unit and each level. How does x interact with Is x divisible into sub-or super-mechanism/s? other mechanisms? If so, are they also mechanisms of LE? Is x also a unit and/or ?&yes: Go to the unit and/or level-heuristic. level? How relevant is x? Is x sufficient and/or necessary for LE or for theories thereof? N If not a mechanism, is x a ?orYes: Go to the unit and/or level-heuristic. O unit and/or level? No: Is x a window of LE? Yes: Treatxaccordingly. No: Treat x as irrelevant for LE.

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245 What are the Units of Language Evolution?

Table 5 Is x a unit in/of language evolution (LE)? (read from left to right and top-down)


l, th t in ls, and - en nit general, in differ iple leve ee nau life in genera n of life yb ted for in all LE it at mult possible

ion of

one level, and how the un ut olutio s.

sa conjointl xa x on, etc.). riation. of of the same uti

.g. the evol (E.g. the ev (E tion tion ariation ion? aria on the same unit at hv ut ly volu hv ac ind, brain evol fe ac evol

onward for each va so se of it Ha ivity. accounted for in all LE-theorie Trea te : ds kind

us to no be 1. 2. in LE n of mank er 1. 1. io of rk . Go th

E: fo evolut unit Start from un 4.c.2. 4.c.2. othe fL to to ni


au are not units, and it will enable hierarchy formation. are not units, and it will enable hierarchy formation. au at at ly

been X has constantly been a unit of LE, go to yes. by a y. ve m-heuristic. , etc.). tl

Demonstrate en ere is mechanism and level excl it. e: inconstant one another regarding this unit. a unit at certain th n how different mechanisms act simultaneous ariations: Explain how different mechanisms act simultaneously on un conjointly oluti on

: clude entities th im as me e to yv as plain how a single unit evolves at multiple levels, the same mechanism is active on epend nt

sw Explai s, exclude entities th

ts, ex the mechanis Ex nd

xh it si levels : ti from unit onward for every super-unit ti specif er ha ni vels th level: to Explain why ind, brain ev et :

le au he ultiple Repeat nk ariation

el Repeat from unit onward for every sub-unit. ne

: : is tify new uni tify new un ev her regarding this prov iple yw yv tm to it es es of LE and as a unit that does not necessarily need to vels interact/relat lt ot el to Are they units in other kinds of evolution? Are they units in other kinds of evolution? sa sa rY rY : : mu on ry here ion of ma No ?o No ?o Impossible Specif evolutionary theory. Specif e these from within ut at at el .T at 2. 1. 2. 1. 1.

1.2. . 1.1. chanism chanism e to one an eve lw

ract/relate to one another regarding this unit. ltilev articular unit l nism nism ry . .c.1 .1 at

(1 example suffices). when x was not, and again beca level (if it did); and/or when did not evol certain mechanism and again evolved by it (if did). the evol 4.c.2. 4.c.3. 5.a. 5.b.1. 4.c.2. 5.b.1. = How to prove no 5.a. Will allow to iden Will allow to iden me eo me ry

example of each suffices). Investig le le : echa echa (1 each

LE 3

ion th isms inte at em em of nd Investigate these from within the level-heuristic. LE multip multip olut on on :

ls, and how the different le 2a of LE by by by by of nit X is not a unit, go to no.

: Are these Treat x as a general (universal) unit of LE that needs to be present during certain period in and accoun au hanism/s Treat x accordingly. Explain why there are other units involved in LE (if are). Are these sub- iple leve Treat x as a peculiar/p Treat x as irrelevant for LE until proven otherwise. Explain why it is insufficient to explain LE. volves volves el/s volves volves lt . . : : . : . s: s: s: s: s: s. ec . . ev questions tified Xe Xe Ye Ye No No No Ye Ye Ye No No mechanism, go to the mechanism-heuristic. Xe ?4 Ye Xe No X is not a unit, go to no. ame me dl dm

ires multilevel ev ires multi-mechanism theo ires multi-mechanism and mu a

en 2. 1. ti 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. ie ie bec id ied: if if in swer if unit at mu 9.a. theories 8.a. Implies that level/s or mechanism/s, or both, are inconstant 3.c.2. 3.d. 4.c.1. 4.c.2. 4.c.3. Implies that both the level/s and the evolutionary mechanism/s are constantly present and acting upon x. 5.a. 5.b.2. 8.a. 8.b.2. 9.b.1. how the different mechan different mechanisms interact/rel 3.d. 5.b.1. 3.c.1. super-unit/s also units of LE? 8.b.1. 5.a. unit/s also of LE?

is Requ Requ Requ Justifies that x is a constant unit. an nx nt fx

dent dent he de nd Identify all, then go to 3. no y or yi yi ? si m? ya ew tf into wl wl li ? rigi tr chanism Go to 3. ard) im

e level/s ne ne super- sary LE eo ? levels Go to the level and/or mechanism-heuristic.

th Try and treat x as leve me Try and treat x as a level, go to the level-heuristic. : nt re re nw of el th le le echanis be constantl x a window? es eces

ivisible into ei ne ne ufficien .o ev

ea ea y of ionary nit yes: yes:

it Is .b rY . . . to to el em xn nx sx ut xd er er xs ? au E? Th Th Locat Is Ca No No No Multip Multip Is Locate Is No ?& ?& ?o No Ha On On m4 ? Go to yes and rL E: 2.a. 4.a. 8.a. 7.a. 6.a. LE 9.a. unit/s 2.b. 2.c. 2.d. 3.a. 3.b. 3.c. 3.d. 4.b. 4.c. 5.b. 6.b. 7.b. 8.b. 9.b. mechanisms? Identify all. absorbed fo (fro been 5.a. Depends on the continuity and invariabil where it is a unit and the evol mechanism/s whereby x evolves. sub-units?

fL s ? t to m

. E? oe x? LE ni


fL th in of sd au E?

lo l wi s by it . volv chanis is with all ve fL un ? xe ance eve l/ leve me leve l

tx vel ev mo xa ha at h ya ya ya le el is does nis x is a unit of LE et wh er ed Compare en /s sx interact whic ov th at tifi pr oe wh is by e, mecha en e? conjointl conjointl conjointl to units? id w, wd x x x ires hierarchy theory ? ry volv LE Ho Since Ho Is Is Is What Wher 3 justify that .T

Identify new level/s or examine whether x evolves at known levels. 3. mechanism Identify new mechanism/s or examine whether x evol known mechanisms. 4. 5. known LE units. 6. 7. 8. and/or of other each

2. 9. xe 2+ Requ ?1 Y E S N O

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But during the yes-phase, research cannot end here, it is targeted by selection at, let’s say, the level of “speech”, because x might be evolving by multiple mechanisms at or the “SVT” that enables speech, or the “language brain multiple levels. A gene can simultaneously be targeted regions” that control the movements of the SVT. by selection at the genomic and the organismal level; or a For one, this example demonstrates the need to develop gene might be evolving by drift at a genomic level, while it adequate hierarchy theories whereby we classify data on might become transmitted through hybridization. units and levels, an issue we return to under question 5 of Beyond identifying x as a unit, a series of other ques- the heuristic. Secondly, it demonstrates that entities are tions are generated by the heuristic that enable a more often multifunctional. The FOXP2 gene might be evolving thorough examination and evaluation of the unit x. The at both the level of the gut and the supra-laryngeal vocal yes-phase is therefore divided into three sub-phases: an tract, but these structures do not appear to entertain any identification-, a question generating and constraining-, direct relation, and the gene is probably regulating differ- and an evaluation-phase. ent proteins at these different loci. This question on (func- tional) variation is further analyzed under 4. 5.2.3 The Identification‑Phase (2–3) (3) The how-question asks about the mechanism/s whereby During the identification-phase, we ask where x evolves x evolves at each identified level. Here too, you can exam- (leading to level-identification) and how x evolves (ena- ine whether x evolves by known evolutionary mechanisms, bling mechanism-identification), and as said, both ques- or you can identify a new mechanism of LE that then needs tions need to be answered to prove or justify that x is a unit to be tested from within the evolutionary mechanism- of LE. We now turn to these questions one by one. heuristic (3.b.). Put negatively, a search for mechanisms is only exhausted when x has been examined to evolve by all (2) The where-question asks about the level or locus where known mechanisms involved in LE. x is a unit of LE. It is identifiable in two ways: either you investigate whether x is a unit at known levels of LE, or you X possibly evolves by one (3.c.) or more (3.d.) evolu- identify new level/s where x evolves (by a certain mecha- tionary mechanisms, at one (2.c.) or more (2.d.) levels lead- nism). Put negatively, x can only be excluded from being ing to the following four possible outcomes: a unit of LE if it has been proven not to be a unit at every recognized level. Moreover, the status of “not being a LE- 1. The unit x evolves by one mechanism at one level unit” must be re-evaluated every time a new level is discov- (3.c.1.), and then we need to explain why there is ered. Finally, identifying a level (2.c.) only partially justi- mechanism- and level-exclusivity; fies that x is a unit, because also the mechanism/s whereby 2. X evolves by one mechanism at multiple levels (3.c.2.), x evolves at that level need to be identified (3.). and then we need to explain how one unit evolves at multiple levels by the same mechanism as well as how During the identification-phase, you should aim at the different levels interact (2.b.1.)—this relates to exhaustion and identify all levels where x evolves. When multilevel evolution theory; we cannot identify one level where x evolves, then x is not 3. X evolves by multiple mechanisms at one level (3.c.3.), a unit (2.a.). When new levels are identified, these need to and then we need to explain how different mechanisms be examined independently from within the level-heuris- act simultaneously on the same unit at one level, as tic (2.b.). As such, the unit-heuristic is not only a device well as how the different mechanisms interact (if they designed to test or identify units, it additionally allows to do)—this relates to multi-mechanism evolution theory; identify new levels. 4. X evolves by multiple mechanisms at multiple levels Regulatory genes, for example, are highly conserved (3.c.4.), and then we need to examine how different throughout the , generally indicating strong selec- mechanisms act simultaneously on the same unit at tion pressures for preservation. The question is where, multiple levels, as well as how the different mecha- at what level/s such genes are targeted by selection. The nisms and the different levels interact with one another FOXP2 gene (Lai 2000, 2001), for example, is a regula- regarding this unit (if they do)—this requires both tory gene indicated to facilitate orofacial movements that multi-mechanism and multilevel evolutionary theory. underlie articulate speech, but it is also active during the formation of the heart and the gut. All might be levels, i.e. Pointing, for example, is often implicated in gesture- loci where the gene becomes targeted by selection. Proving first or multimodal theories on LE. Butterworth (2003), that the FOXP2 gene is targeted by selection at the level has hypothesized that pointing is genetically determined of the gut, however, will not prove that the gene is a unit and that it evolves by means of natural selection; Leavens specifically involved in LE. For that, we should prove that et al. (2005) argue that pointing is part of the phenotypic,

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247 What are the Units of Language Evolution? behavioral repertoire of primates and that diverse envi- and mechanisms, necessitates us to consider the dynamics ronmental stimuli trigger the behavior epigenetically; and of these elements. Not all are present, all the time and eve- Tomasello (2000) understands it as a form of cultural learn- rywhere, and we need to find a way to cartography these ing enabled by the ratchet effect. If either one of them is dynamics. Question 4.c. digs further by asking whether x, correct, and the other is wrong, this would exemplify from the moment it became a unit of LE onward, has con- outcome 1, and then pointing either evolves at a genetic, stantly remained a unit of LE. When we cannot straight- a behavioral or a cultural level, respectively by natural forwardly provide an answer (4.c.1.), it is recommended selection, epigenetics or the ratchet effect. If all are right, to try and prove that it has inconstantly been a unit of LE their theories on pointing exemplify outcome 4, and then (4.c.1.1.). One counterexample suffices to prove that x has we need to explain how pointing evolves at all these levels been an inconstant unit. simultaneously, and by a diversity of mechanisms. Demonstrating that x is an inconstant unit of LE entails My aim here is not to solve the issues raised. The authors demonstrating one of three things (4.c.2.): either the level/s that make the claims are better able to do so. Instead, the where x evolves are inconstantly present; or the evolution- heuristic provides a structure wherein we can frame these ary mechanism/s whereby x evolves are inconstantly active questions. Answers will require applied evolutionary epis- upon the unit; or both the level/s and the evolutionary temology that combines unit-, level-, and mechanism plu- mechanism/s are inconstant. If either of these three options rality with hierarchy theory. is the case, the variations need to be specified (4.c.2.1.). It thus needs to be specified when x was not a unit at a certain 5.2.4 The Question Generating and Constraining‑Phase level and again became a unit (if it did); and when x did not (4–7) evolve by a certain mechanism, and again evolved by it (if it did). When questions 2 and 3 are answered, you have identified The FOXP2 gene was subjected to a selective sweep x as a unit of LE. At this point, the heuristic becomes an (Enard et al. 2002), but how did it evolve before this investigative tool and provides you with questions that sys- sweep? At present, we don’t know. In general, selection tematically examine when x evolved, whether x portrays only happens when there is a struggle. When the environ- variation, which variations are relevant to LE, and how x mental conditions become less harsh, selection might turn situates itself within the evolutionary hierarchy that under- into drift and any ongoing selection process will be destabi- lies LE. lized. And a lexicon, for example, might evolve at the level of the when population size makes it necessary (4) The first question that is generated is the since when to communicate adequately to as many as possible (Dunbar question. Having proven that x is a unit of LE, it becomes 1998), but the environmental conditions might not always necessary to ask if x, from its origin onward, has always have allowed for big groups. What happened if over certain been a unit of LE. Do this by first locating the origin of x periods of time the group became smaller, due to e.g. gla- in time (4.a.), and secondly by examining if this date coin- ciation events? cides with the origin of x as a LE unit for each level where Specifying these variations in time will also enable it is a unit (4.b.). scholars to identify elements that used to be units of LE, but have since stopped to be units (either because the unit This approach allows you to detect variations (in both x no longer exists, or because x is no longer a unit of LE). function and form), and it helps to solve ongoing debates And this implies that studying LE does not necessarily end on whether x is an adaptation “for” LE (Dawkins 1982; when all current units of LE are exposed. Pinker and Bloom 1990) or an exaptation (Gould and Each variation in time of the unit needs to be treated as Vrba 1998; Hauser et al. 2002; Tattersall 2014). When the a possible different unit, from unit onward (4.c.2.1.1.), and date at which x originated differs from the date at which x it is interesting to investigate whether each variation has became a unit in LE, then x is an exaptation. X is an adap- likewise been a unit in other kinds of evolution (4.c.2.1.2.). tation only when the dates converge (see Gontier 2006 for This will further enable to make clear whether x has been a a discussion). unit that arose specifically in a LE context or not. All mammals, birds, and amphibians, for example, pos- The origin of the FOXP2 gene (Lai et al. 2000, 2001; sess tongues, but the tongue cannot be a unit in LE from Vargha Khadem et al. 2005), for example, outdates the the time of amphibians onward, since they do not display origin of our species. It is a very old gene that arose from language (although many have complex communication opisthokonts (animals and fungi) onward and different spe- systems). cies, such as mice, song birds, and chimpanzees, exhibit Recognizing that language is a heterogeneous phenom- species-specific variations. The gene can evidently not be enon and thus that it involves a multiplicity of units, levels, considered a unit in human LE in these different, older

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248 N. Gontier species. Nonetheless, it might be a unit in mice commu- to investigate these as possible units of LE in their own nication because it has been proven to underlie their ultra- right, and how they are possibly involved in other kinds of sonic vocalizations, and the gene is active during songbird evolution. learning (see Berwick and Chomsky 2016 for an overview). It is especially the FOX domain that is of interest to Research originally suggested that the human-specific vari- evolutionary linguists because in this region ant of the FOXP2 gene originated some 200,000 years ago link to orofacial deficits required for articulate speech. In (Enard 2002; Zhang et al. 2002), and in comparison with non-pathological individuals, the transcription factor reg- the chimpanzee orthologue, it underwent 2 specific amino ulates expression of the CNTNAP2 gene that encodes for acid changes that have since been the target of positive neurexin, a presynaptic protein involved in connecting neu- selection. Krause et al. (2007) later showed that Nean- rons at the synapses; the CTBP1 gene that encodes for a derthals shared the same variation, and conjectured that C-terminal-binding protein 1 that functions as a repressor the variant might be shared by both species’ last common by switching genes of; and the SRPX2 gene that underlies ancestor, pushing the origin of the amino acid substitutions synapse formation in the cerebral cortex. All sub-units back to 300–400,000 years ago. It is this variation common of the FOXP2 protein thus appear to be units involved in to both species that is likely involved in the evolution of brain evolution in our and other species. Mutations in the orofacial movements that facilitate articulate speech (for a CNTNAP2 gene are implicated in Gilles de la Tourette syn- discussion, see Gontier 2008). The evolution of ultrasonic drome (Verkerk et al. 2003), schizophrenia, and autism. communication in mice, or songbird learning, are examples Variations of the polyglutamine tract are implicated in of other kinds of evolution where variants of the gene serve speech sound disorder in Chinese populations (Zhao et al. as a unit. As such, the heuristic enables one to distinguish 2010). SRPX2 reduction is linked to impairments in ultra- these kinds of evolution from the ones actually involved in sonic vocalization in mice (Sia et al. 2013). Following the LE. heuristic provides a useful tool for identifying these vari- Similarly, the voice, for example, might be a unit of ations, examining their relevance for LE, and identifying natural selection at the level of speech, and it might simul- which are possibly involved in other kinds of evolution. taneously be a unit of sexual selection at the level of the The second sub-question asks whether the unit under species. But the voice is irrelevant for the evolution of examination is absorbable into one or more super-units opposable thumbs. (5.b.), and if so, whether these, in turn, are independent If it has been impossible to specify variations, x has con- units of LE (5.b.1.), or other kinds of evolution (5.b.1.2.). stantly been a unit of LE (4.c.3.1.). Or, stated otherwise, To continue our example of the FOXP2 gene (Lai et al. it is justified to call x a constant unit (if you skipped the 2000), we know that it is located on chromosome 7 (7q31, question mark-phase and went immediately to yes), only at the SPCH1 locus). Chromosome 7 is a super-unit where if it can be proven that the level/s and the mechanism/s the FOXP2 gene is part of, simply because it contains were constant (4.c.4.). Also in this case, it is interesting to numerous genes, and the heuristic, therefore, recommends see whether x has been a unit in other kinds of evolution an independent investigation of it. This, in turn, will justify (4.c.4.1). a full decomposition of the chromosome into its various genes (its sub-units). Chromosome 7, in turn, forms part of (5) The next question continues to tackle the problem of the human genome that can be regarded as an example of variation, not by investigating the continuous nature of the a super-unit. A mere examination of the FOXP2 gene as a unit, but by asking how the unit x interacts with other units possible unit of LE, thus justifies a full screening and inde- of LE. Answers require the establishment of a hierarchy of pendent investigation of the genome for possible units of units. The first sub-question asks whether the unit is divis- LE; and it enables a better categorization of which sub- and ible into several sub-units (5.a.). If so, these sub-units need super-units are actually relevant for LE and what entities to be investigated as possible independent units from within are part of other kinds of evolution (such as the evolution the unit-heuristic (5.a.1.); if not, they need to be examined of the brain, synaptic connections, ultrasonic vocalization, as possible units of other kinds of evolution (5.a.1.2.). etc.). The question on sub- and super-units furthermore helps Again turning to the FOXP2 gene, this gene encodes in establishing a workable hierarchy of units that link epis- for the FOXP2 protein that contains the fixed forkhead- temology (theory formation) to ontology (reality). Units box DNA-binding domain responsible for gene regula- are best regarded as Matruskas, structures that are both tion, as well as a large and highly variable polyglutamine decomposable into smaller substructures and composable tract, a zinc finger, and a leucine zipper. The latter are sub- into larger superstructures. Asking about sub- and super- units of the protein (and thus the gene), and so we need units will expose new units of LE that in turn need to be

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249 What are the Units of Language Evolution? investigated independently, from unit onward. ​For sure, this identification of specific units that evolve at these levels by is not an easy task, but it is nonetheless a necessary one. specific mechanisms. Sign language, for example, is decomposable into hand gestures, facial gestures etc., and grouped into non-verbal, In so far as the transcription factor regulates gene expres- natural languages that differ from spoken ones. But where sion, it might even be considered a mechanism of LE, but do we classify a behavior such as pointing? For one, point- such needs to be studied independently from within the ing is demonstrably present in primate communication mechanism-heuristic (7.a.) and will depend upon finding systems, although functional variation occurs (Tomasello and defining stable conditions whereby the gene induces 2000). Secondly, scholars who endorse multi-modal theo- change. ries on LE or gesture-first theories (Corballis2002 ; Leav- Here too, the same criteria define levels and mecha- ens et al. 2005; Zlatev 2014) often implicitly understand nisms: if something is a level, it means that units can be or classify pointing, as a (sub-)unit of non-verbal commu- identified as well as evolutionary mechanisms that are nicative behavior. Non-verbal communicative behavior, in active upon those units, at those levels. Mechanisms are turn, might be part of a (type of) protolanguage (Bicker- only mechanisms if they are active upon units at levels. ton 1990). But, and thirdly, pointing may also be consid- If uncertain, the test begins from (respectively) level and ered a (sub-)unit in co-verbal gesturing, and, as the name mechanism onward. For a full discussion, see Gontier implies, co-verbal gesturing implies the accompaniment of (2017). speech (Goldin-Meadow 2007). As such, pointing can be a unit in primate communication (Leavens et al. 2005; Toma- sello 2000), protolanguage (Wacewicz and Zywiczynski 5.2.5 The Evaluation‑Phase in press) and co-verbal gesturing (Goldin-Meadow 2007). These might be considered different levels where pointing The yes-phase enabled you to identify x as a unit, and it as a unit evolves, or they might altogether be considered has allowed you to generate and constrain specific research different kinds of evolution because their evolutionary tra- avenues. Now you may evaluate the obtained information jectories might be divergent instead of unilineal. and investigate what role this information plays in a unify- Pointing-behavior itself is also variable. Apes point ing theory on LE. with all fingers extended, while humans point canonically, with only the index-finger extended (Butterworth 2003). (8) The final step to take when x is indeed a unit, is to Scholars distinguish “imperative” pointing, from “declara- investigate how relevant the unit x is or has been in LE by tive” pointing, and Tomasello (2000) argues that only the asking whether the unit is sufficient (8.a.) and/or necessary latter demonstrates the presence of theory of mind, which (8.b.) for language to evolve. These questions are not raised is refuted by Leavens et al. (2005). In conflicts like these, to investigate what is “essential” to LE. Rather, they serve the heuristic advices to treat all different types as varia- to evaluate the importance of the unit and they enable to tions and to investigate these variations independently as get an overview of the results that have been achieved by different units, that possibly evolve at different levels, and examining this unit. The questions also enable an assesse- that beyond LE, are possibly involved in different kinds of ment of the work that still needs to be done. evolution. Suppose, for example, that there exist an all-encompass- (6, 7) Another query is whether the unit x is conjointly a ing Language Acquisition Device (-module/gene, Chom- level (6) or a mechanism (7) of LE. Especially when the sky 1965) that is a unit of LE. Examining this LAD from unit is divisible into sub-units, and when the unit itself is within the above heuristic (as well as all its sub-units—if thus a super-unit, the latter might be a level or locus where there are such sub-units) will, for the most part, have solved these sub-units evolve. Pointing, for example, might be a the problem of how language evolved. If, on the other hand, level where theory of mind evolves, because it serves as a gene or module for “Merge” is found, it will only explain a vehicle where the trait can become environmentally recursion typical of universal grammar and mathematics. expressed. Or, focusing on its particular sub-units, it can Or, if the human-specific shape and position of the tongue be the locus where index-finger extension becomes the tar- have been demonstrated to be units of LE, this will leave get of a certain mechanism. And the genome, chromosome the researcher with the task of examining numerous other 7, the FOXP2 gene, and the FOXP2 protein, for example, units, before he will solve the problem at hand. might (depending upon the hierarchy theory used) all be If the unit x is sufficient for LE to occur (8.a.1.), it needs considered levels where the FOX region (the transcrip- to be explained why there are other units involved (if there tion factor) evolves. Such needs to be investigated from are). It seems likely that there does not exist such a sin- the level-heuristic onward (6.a.) and will depend upon the gle unit x, but this nonetheless needs to be proven. If it is

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250 N. Gontier insufficient (8.a.2.), it needs to be explained where it falls definitional types are rather central in current theorizing, short in explaining LE. with the Chomskian tradition focusing on the former and If the unit x is necessary for LE (8.b.1.), x needs to be the Neodarwinian on the latter (see Gontier 2006 for a dis- treated as a general (and perhaps even universal) unit of LE. cussion). Here, these questions are circumvented. X is a This means that the unit x must have been present, at least unit if it evolves at a level by a certain mechanism; x is a during a specific period in time, during LE. And, important level if certain units evolve at x because they are subjected from an epistemological perspective, every theory that tries to certain mechanisms; and x is a mechanism if it is active to explain LE needs to consider the evolution of this unit. upon certain units at certain levels. Intensional definitions If x is unnecessary for LE to occur (8.b.2.), neither of the that explain the nature of units, levels and mechanisms can, two points are required. Rather, the unit may be regarded at best, only be specified once all units, levels and mecha- as peculiar to LE in general or as a particularity of a certain nisms are identified. Then we can investigate what all have (aspect of) the evolution of (a specific) language/s, and it in common (if they indeed have something in common), must thus not necessarily form part of a general theory on and differentiate essential from accidental properties. LE. The epistemic questions central to this approach are how, where, since when, how many, etc. Not one of them 5.2.6 The No‑Phase makes it necessary to think teleological. Especially the issue of time and dating (the since when question) is high- (9) If x is not a unit of LE, you need to investigate whether lighted in the heuristic. Evolution always occurs within x is either a mechanism or a level of LE, and if neither, a certain time frame for the whole concept of evolution whether it is a window on LE (9.b.). A window of LE is implies that something comes into being that did not exist defined by Botha (2006: 132) as a phenomenon that is at a previous moment in time. Coming to terms with plu- itself distinct from LE, but that nonetheless enables to draw rality necessitates investigations into the dynamics of when inferences on the . Windows differ from and how long and how many times units, levels, and mech- the actual units, levels, and mechanisms of LE, but they anisms result in language, because there is no good reason provide insight into possible contexts of use of the units. to assume homogeneity and endurance or stability of all If the unit x is conjointly a level or a mechanism (9.a.), elements involved. This is especially the case when we sur- x needs to be treated accordingly, from within the heuris- pass the genetic realm and move on to cultural levels. The tics presented in Table 4. When x is not a level, mechanism heuristics will also deliver knowledge on who evolved lan- or window, x should be treated as irrelevant for LE until guage, and where this evolution occurred. proven otherwise (9.b.2.). It is important to note that the heuristics are not merely devices that categorize the current data available on the units, levels, and mechanisms of LE. Rather, the heuristics 6 Prospects are genuine investigative tools. The heuristics furthermore systematize, generate, con- The above demonstrates how an applied evolutionary epis- strain, and allow you to evaluate the different research temological approach can help evolutionary linguistics. It avenues. The search engines provide an answer to the ques- formulates new research questions and it shows how we tion: when do we stop looking for new units/ when can we can examine existing data for new insights on LE. The assume to have found all of them? The answer is that you application of AEE to as complex and heterogeneous a can stop looking for new units: phenomenon as LE demonstrates how evolutionary epis- temology itself can and must be extended into a method- 1. When no new units can be identified that are subjected ology wherein not only multilevel selection is recognized, to evolutionary mechanisms at certain levels; but where we come to terms with unit, level, and mecha- 2. When the division or absorption of known units into nism pluralism. Hence, we need to develop a hierarchical sub- or super-units cannot identify new units of LE; framework that allows us to search for the many different 3. When all identified levels have been, after conclusive (super- and sub-)units, (super- and sub)levels, and (super- examination, included or excluded as units or mecha- and sub-)mechanisms and we need to conceptualize their nisms; and interaction. 4. When all identified evolutionary mechanisms have It is clear that LE, as well as language itself is, at best, been, after conclusive examination, included or fuzzy, and no single unit, level or mechanism will do. The excluded as units or levels. merits of the heuristics developed here is that they nei- ther require intentional definitions of what language is nor It is amazing how simple the different questions can functional definitions of what language evolved for. Both be framed, and how difficult it is to provide an answer

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251 What are the Units of Language Evolution? to every single one of them. It needs to be emphasized Scientists are doers, while this work is written from a that every single question raised by the heuristic regard- philosophical and thus theoretical perspective, and my aim ing a certain x that might be involved in LE, involves an is to focus on the underlying epistemology that grounds and individual research project. Nonetheless, all these dif- justifies the steps taken along the way. ferent research routes can be brought together into one Finally, it needs to be noted that the heuristics do not all-encompassing research plan. At the onset, the focus mimic how language evolved. Thus, it is not because the should lie at sub-units, sub-levels and sub-mechanisms heuristics are algorithms that I assume that language and the more knowledge we have of these, the more we evolved algorithmically. Rather, these algorithms are can build “the big picture” by investigating super-units, argued to be a “how to study LE”, they provide a manner super-levels and super-mechanisms. This will naturally whereby we can break into the evolutionary events. bring forth hierarchies and over time, consensus on the This approach is characterized by first dividing the ontological layeredness might be reached. research subject into parts; subsequently studying the parts The heuristics will only function properly when data- independently, thirdly studying the relation between the bases of the units, levels and mechanisms, and the hierar- parts; and fourthly, by justifying, confirming and by try- chies they form, are developed that are accessible for eve- ing to falsify every single step along the way. This does not ryone (Gontier 2010a, b, 2012). AI and the internet could imply that I assume that the sum total of the parts equals play a major role here. This might sound like a huge the whole because fifthly, we should also investigate how amount of work, but evolutionary biologists have for the combination of parts results in characteristics that are many years now, started to gather their data into genome irreducible to those parts. Most evolutionary processes are and protein banks that are freely accessible for everyone. characterized by such emerging events. Scholars are more and more able to process large data- Whether the heuristics will actually provide all the rel- sets, not in the least because of progress made within bio- evant data on how language evolved (how the units, levels informatics approaches. In this regard, a recent initiative and mechanisms evolved, interact, etc.), and thus whether it should be mentioned called D-Place (Kirby et al. 2016). will enable us to build one single all-encompassing theory This is a databank that aims to link cultural information on LE, is a question that I cannot answer at present. I am to language phylogenies and to geographic locations and convinced, though, that it will take us a long way down the environmental features. Such a database could also func- road. tion to identify and store the units, levels and mecha- nisms of LE. Acknowledgements The work was written with the support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a When natural history scholars just started the investiga- Ciência e a Tecnologia, grant ID SFRH/BPD/89195/2012 and project tion into the origin and evolution of language, they first and number UID/FIL/00678/2013). Cordial thanks go out to the editors of foremost focused on theory formation, and a race began this special issue for inviting me to contribute, and to the referees for over which theory was more plausible than another, but their helpful comments. most ended up as just-so stories. 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