To appear in a shortened version in The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ed. by Keith Allan. I’ll appreciate your comments on this one, because this project is going to grow into a bigger one. Please write to
[email protected]. 6/10/2011. The Origins and the Evolution of Language Salikoko S. Mufwene University of Chicago Collegium de Lyon (2010-2011) 1. Introduction Although language evolution is perhaps more commonly used in linguistics than evolution of language, I stick in this essay to the latter term, which focuses more specifically on the phylogenetic emergence of language. The former, which has prompted some linguists such as Croft (2008) to speak of evolutionary linguistics,1 applies also to changes undergone by individual languages over the past 6,000 years of documentary history, including structural changes, language speciation, and language birth and death. There are certainly advantages, especially for uniformitarians, in using the broader term. For instance, one can argue that some of the same evolutionary mechanisms are involved in both the phylogenetic and the historical periods of evolution. These would include the assumption that natural selection driven by particular ecological pressures applies in both periods, and social norms emerge by the same 1 Interestingly, Hombert & Lenclud (in press) use the related French term linguistes évolutionnistes ‘evolutionary linguists’ with just the other rather specialized meaning, focusing on phylogenesis. French too makes a distinction between the more specific évolution du langage ‘evolution of language’ and the less specific évolution linguistique ‘linguistic/language evolution’. So, Croft’s term is just as non-specific as language evolution and évolution linguistique (used even by Saussure 1916).