The Cowl in the F.B.I
The 1919 Cowl Established in 1935 VOL. LVVI, NO. 32 PROVIDENCE COLLEGE • PROVIDENCE, R.I. March 8, 1989 Child Expert to Reveal His Psychiatry Dr. Robert Coles, professor of At Harvard, Dr. Coles teaches in psychiatry and medical humanities the Medical School, the College, at Harvard University, will deliver the Business School, the Law an address at Providence College School, the Graduate School of on Wednesday, March 15. The Education, and the Kennedy talk, an event in the President’s School of Government. He is also Forum on Culture and Values, will a research psychiatrist for the Har be delivered at seven o’clock in vard University Health Services. Lecture Hall III of Moore Hall. Originally intending to be a The lecture is open to the public pediatrician, Robert Coles was en without charge. couraged to become a child His topic will be “ The Moral psychiatrist by William Carlos Life to the Young” , which is the Williams, physician and poet. The subject o f one of his recent books. literary aspect of his scholarship He has also written The Political has been manifest in much of his Life o f Children (1986), and is cur writing, including studies of rently studying the spiritual life of Walker Percy, Flannery O’Con children. He was awarded the nor, James Agee, Elizabeth Among the approximately 700 Seniors who attended the 89 days party last Friday were from left to Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for his multi Bowen, and George Eliot. right, Debbie Herlihy, Sharon Fry, Murphy Peng, Christina Burrows. volume work entitled Children o f He attributes the origins of his C risis.
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