The Perfect Storms, Featuring Kean a Member of the Kean University Art Show Held at the Arts Guild of Dia,” He Continued
A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, November 15, 2007 Page 23 Symphony, Kean Faculty Arts Guild of Rahway Juried To Create Perfect Storms Show Features Area Artwork WESTFIELD – On Saturday, No- The evening’s storms continue with By MARYLOU MORANO in contemporary art. This year’s show vember 17, at 8 p.m. at the Presbyterian Tchaickovsky’s famed violin con- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times includes fine examples of oil and Church in Westfield, the Westfield Sym- certo, featuring Kean University’s Ms. RAHWAY – Multiple area artists acrylic painting, sculpture, photogra- phony Orchestra (WSO) will present Roffman. exhibited work in the Merck 2007 Juried phy, drawing, prints and mixed me- The Perfect Storms, featuring Kean A member of the Kean University Art Show held at the Arts Guild of dia,” he continued. University soloists Sharon Roffman, concert artist faculty since 2002, Ms. Rahway (AGR). Other participating artists included James Musto and Richard Hobson. Roffman received a prize in the 2003 Three artists from Westfield – Leon Bober, Nicholas Impalli, Elisa In a collaborative effort, WSO con- Naumburg Foundation International Michael Metzger, Andrea Ewald and Kessler Caporale, Maxine King, ductor David Wroe will partner with Competition. She made her solo de- Gina Minichino – received awards. Zenia Olesnyckyj, Nancy Ori, Joan Kean University to showcase some of but playing this Tchaikovsky Con- Mr. Metzer won “Best in Show” Marie Permison, Pico Reinoso, Fausto the university’s musical talent. certo with the New Jersey Symphony for his oil painting, “Black Flatlands,” Sevila, Monica Shimkus, Carolyn The concert opens with The Tempest, in 1996 under the baton of Music Ms.
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