WALTER J. ONG LIBRARY As inventoried by John Walter, PhD 2009

The scholarly and personal library of Walter J. Ong, S.J. Includes his own archival copies of the books he authored (some wrapped for preservation in brown paper), translations of his books into various languages, reference works, scholarly and trade publications, and books given and inscribed to him by students and colleagues. Descriptions include the presence of annotations, inscriptions, and inserts. Please request items by number.

Please refer to Pius Library’s Archives and Digital Services Department for the Walter J. Ong Manuscript Collection.

1. Ong, Walter J. American Catholic Crossroads: Religious-Secular Encounters in the Modern World. 1958. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981. -file and revising copy

2. Oaks, Dallin D, ed. Linguistics at Work: A Reader of Applications. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998.

3. Ong, Walter J. Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology: Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1971. -file and revising copy, no annotations

4. Ong, Walter J. La presenza della parola. Trans. Rosanna Zelocchi. 1967. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 1970. (Italian translation of The Presence of the Word) -file and revising copy, no annotations -xerox of dust jacket on inside cover

5. Ong, Walter J. Retrouver la Parole: Introductions à l’Histoire de la Culture et de la Religion. Trans. Barbara O’Connor and Jean-Philippe Fabien. N.p. Mame, 1971. (French translation of The Presence of the Word) -file and revising copy, no annotations

6. Ong, Walter J. Frontiers in American Catholicism: Essays on Ideology and Culture. 1957. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. -revising copy w/ no annotations

7. Ong, Walter J., ed. Knowledge and the Future of Man: An International Symposium. New York: Holt, Rienhart and Winston, 1968. -includes business card from Alfred C. Edwards, chairman of Holt, Rienhart, and Winston.

8. Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality, and Consciousness. 1981. Hosei UP, 1992. (Japanese Translation.)

Walter J. Ong Library

9. Ong, Walter J. Conversazione sul Linguaggio. Trans. Gabriele De Veris. 1973. Rome: Armando, 1993 (Italian translation of Why Talk? A Conversation About Language with Walter J. Ong.) -file and revising copy, no annotations -includes card from Armando Editore “With Compliments”

10. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. 1982. 1995. (Greek Translation) -no annotations

11. Rhetorica 5.1 1987 -w/ annotation (Sharratt, Peter. “Recent Work on Peter Ramus (1970-1986),” 7- 58)

12. Oldrini, Guido. “Le ‘Tre Leggi’ Della Logica Ramista.” Rinascimento. 32 (1992): 83-100.

13. Ong, Walter J. “Christianus Ursitius and Ramus’ New Mathematics.” Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance 35 (1974): 603-610.

14. PreText: An Inter-Disciplinary Journal of Rhetoric. 7.3-4 (1986) -Literacy/Orality Wars issue; no annotations

15. Ong, Walter J. Oralida Y Escritura: Tecnologías de la Palabra. 2nd ed. Trans. Angélica Scherp. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1997. -Spanish translation; no annotations -includes note from publisher Routledge dated 22 June 1998

16. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. 1967. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970. -revising copy; no annotations

17. Ong, Walter J. Sözlü ve Yazili Kültür: sözün teknolojilesmesi. Trans. Sema Postacioglu Banon. Beyoglu, Istanbul : Metis Yayinlari, 1995. - Turkish translation of Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. 1982 -no annotations

18. Ramus, Petrus. Scholae in Liberales Artes. Intro. Walter J. Ong. Hildesheim; New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970. -revising copy w/ no annotations.

19. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. 1982. Oralność I Piśmienność. Lublin: Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992. -Polish translation; no annotations

20. Duţu, Alexandru. Dimensiunea Umană a Istorie: Direciţii in Istoria Mentalităţilor. Bucureşti: Editura Meridiane, 1986. -Romanian


Walter J. Ong Library

-gift insert: “recd. 5-18-87 from Prof. Alexandru Duţu” -anthology w/Ong’s work in it -insert note between pages 282-283

21. Ong, Walter J. Oralidad Y Escritura: Tecnologías de la palabra. Trans. Angélica Scherp. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1987. -Spanish translation; no annotations

22. Ong, Walter J. Oralität und Literalität: Die Technologisierung des Wortes. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1987. -German translation; no annotations -File and revising copy -includes publisher’s postcard insert

23. Ong, Walter J. Muntlig Och Skriftlig Kultur: Teknologiseringen av ordet. Trans. Lars Fyhr, Gunnar D. Hansson, Lilian Perme. Göteborg: Anthropos, 1990. -Swedish translation; no annotations -note inside cover: “1st copies received 11-26-90 (6 copies)”

24. Ong, Walter J. Muntlig Och Skriftlig Kultur: Teknologiseringen av ordet. Trans. Lars Fyhr, Gunnar D. Hansson, Lilian Perme. Göteborg: Anthropos, 1991. -Swedish translation; paperback edition; no annotations -note inside cover: “Reprinting November 1991 (2000 copies)”

25. Ong, Walter J. Oralità e Scrittura: Le tecnologie della parola. Trans. Alessandra Calanchi. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 1986. -Italian translation; no annotations

26. Ong, Walter J. Interfacce della Parola. Trans. Gino Scatasta. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 1989. -Italian translation of Interfaces of the Word; no annotations

27. Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality, and Consciousness. 1981. Hosei UP, 1992. (Japanese Translation.)

28. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. 1982. (Japanese translation published by arrangement with Methuen & Co. Ltd. through The English Agency (Japan) Ltd.) -File and revising copy received 2-20-92

29. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977. -W/annotations and note

30. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. -file and revising copy w/annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

31. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. 1967. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981. -file and revising copy w/ annotations

32. Ong, Walter J. Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977. -revising copy w/ annotations

33. Ong, Walter J. Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology: Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1971. -file and revising copy w/ annotations

34. Ong, Walter J. American Catholic Crossroads: Religious-Secular Encounters in the Modern World. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1959. -revising copy w/annotations and bookmark

35. Ong, Walter J. American Catholic Crossroads: Religious-Secular Encounters in the Modern World. 1959. New York: Collier Books, 1962. -revising copy with annotation

36. Ong, Walter J. Frontiers in American Catholicism: Essays on Ideology and Culture. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1957. -revising copy w/ annotations

37. Ong, Walter J., ed. Knowledge and the Future of Man: An International Symposium. New York: Holt, Rienhart and Winston, 1968. -file and revising copy w/ annotations

38. Ong, Walter J. The Barbarian Within and Other Fugitive Essays and Studies. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962. -revising copy w/ annotations (mostly corrections)

39. Ong, Walter J. In the Human Grain: Further Explorations of Contemporary Culture. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967. -author’s revising copy w/ annotations

40. Ong, Walter J. ed. and intro. Darwin’s Vision and Christian Perspectives. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1960. -revising copy with annotations

41. Baumann, Gerd, ed. The Written Word: Literacy in Transition. Wolfson College Lectures, 1985. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. -author’s copy received 7/3/86 -includes Ong’s “Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought”; w/ Ong’s annotations of other articles in collection

42. Sharratt, Peter. “Recent Work on Peter Ramus (1970-1986).” Rhetorica 5.1 (1987): 7-58. -w/annotation


Walter J. Ong Library

43. Daly, John F. “Ramus: Recently Discovered Unpublished Edition of his Mathematical Works.” Manuscripta 17 (1973): 80-90. -offprint w/ annotations

44. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word. (Chinese or Korean trans?) -file and revising copy w/ inscription to Fr. Ong

45. Ong, Walter J., ed. Knowledge and the Future of Man: An International Symposium. Trans. Mitsuru Inuta. Xxxx: xxxx, xxxx. -Japanese translation -file and revising copy w/ annotations and correspondence

46. Ong, Walter J. Selected Essays and Studies 1952-1991. Vol. 1 of Faith and Contexts. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992. -file and revising copy w/ annotations

47. Ong, Walter J. Supplementary Studies 1946-1989. Vol. 2 of Faith and Contexts. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992. -file and revising copy w/annotations

48. Ong, Walter J. Further Essays 1952-1990. Vol. 3 of Faith and Contexts. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995. -file and revising copy w/ annotations

49. Ong, Walter J. Additional Studies and Essays 1947-1996. Vol. 4 of Faith and Contexts. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999. w/annotations

50. Ramus, Petrus, and Audomarus Talaeus. Collectaneae Praefationes, Epistolae, Orationes. Intro. Walter J. Ong. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969. -revising copy w/ annotations (check marks)

51. Ong, Walter J. Ramus and Talon Inventory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1958. -w/ annotations

52. Ong, Walter J. Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue: From the Art of Discourse to the Art of Reason. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1958. -revising copy w/ annotations, includes correspondence

53. Ong, Walter J. Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue: From the Art of Discourse to the Art of Reason. 1958. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1983. -revising copy w/ annotations; includes a photocopy of edition’s preface, annotated MERLIN record of: Winthrop, John. The Journal of John Winthrop, 1630-1649. Ed. Richard S. Dunn, James Savage, and Laetitia Yeandle. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1996; blank bookmarks; note with P. Ramus biographical info


Walter J. Ong Library

54. Ong, Walter J. Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue: From the Art of Discourse to the Art of Reason. 1958. New York: Octagon Books, 1974. -file and revising copy, includes photocopy of chart inserted at the chart

55. Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality and Consciousness. 1981. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1989. -file and revising copy w/annotations -1st copy received 7/31/89

56. Ong, Walter J. La Lucha por la Vida: Contestacion, Sexualidad y Conciencia. Trans. Juan Novella Domingo. Madrid: Aguilar, 1982. -Spanish translation of Fighting for Life -file and revising copy w/annotations

57. Ong, Walter J. Hopkins, the Self, and God. 1986. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. -file and revising copy w/annotations and bookmarks

58. Ong, Walter J. Hopkins, the Self, and God. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986. -file and revising copy w/annotations and inserts

59. Ong, Walter J., ed. Knowledge and the Future of Man: An International Symposium. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., 1968. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968. -revising copy w/annotations

60. Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality, and Consciousness. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1981. -file and revising copy w/annotations

61. Ong, Walter J. Realizing Catholicism: Faith, Learning, and the Future. Dayton: The University of Dayton, 1989. -Marianist Award lecture given by Ong 1/26/89 upon reception of award -pasted-in correction

62. Why Talk? A Conversation about Language with Walter J. Ong. Conducted by Wayne Altree. San Francisco: Chandler & Sharp Publishers, Inc., 1973. -file and revising copy w/annotations -part of the National Humanities Faculty Why Series

63. Why Talk? A Conversation about Language with Walter J. Ong. 1973. Conducted by Wayne Altree. Novato, CA: Chandler & Sharp Publishers, Inc., 1978. -Revising copy w/annotations

64. Ong, Walter J. Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977. -revising copy w/annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

65. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. New York: Methuen, 1982. -lecture copy w/annotations and inserts -paperback

66. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. New York: Methuen, 1982. -file copy w/annotations and inserts -paperback

67. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. New York: Methuen, 1982. -file and revising copy w/annotations and inserts

68. Saint Louis University Bulletin: Publications and Research in Progress of Faculty Members and Students 1957-1958. 54.11 (October 1, 1958). -w/annotations

69. Saint Louis University Bulletin: Publications and Research in Progress of Faculty Members and Students 1958-1959. 55.13 (October 1, 1959). -w/annotations

70. Saint Louis University Bulletin: Publications and Research in Progress of Faculty Members and Students 1965-1967. (August 1, 1968). -w/annotations

71. Saint Louis University Bulletin: Publications and Research in Progress of Faculty Members and Students 1967-1968. (September 1, 1969). -w/annotations

72. Saint Louis University Bulletin: Publications and Research in Progress of Faculty Members and Students 1969-1970. -w/annotation front cover

73. Saint Louis University Bulletin: Publications and Research in Progress of Faculty Members and Students 1974-1976. -w/annotations

74. Saint Louis University Bulletin: Publications and Research in Progress of Faculty Members and Students 1976-1978. -w/annotations

75. Publications and Research: Scholarly Publications and Research of the Saint Louis University Academic Community 1992-1994. -w/correspondence

76. Sharratt, Peter. “Nicolaus Nancelius, Petri Rami Vita.” Humanistica Lovaniensia Journal of Neo-Latin Studies 24 (1975).


Walter J. Ong Library

-off-print w/annotations

77. Barth, Else Margarete. De Logica van de Lidwoorden in de Traditionele Filosofie. Leiden, Netherlands: Universitaire Pers Leiden, 1971. -translation w/annotations

78. Risse, Wilhelm. Bibliographia Logica: Verzeichnis der Druckschriften zur Logik mit Angabe ihrer Fundorte. Vol. 1. Hildesheim, Germany: Georg Olms, 1965. -German w/annotations and gift inscription

79. Pepper, Robert D. Four Tudor Books on Education. Gainesville, FL: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 1966. -w/annotations and gift inscription

80. Ramus, Petrus. Dialecticae Institutiones: Aristotelicae Animadversiones. Mit einer Einleitung von Wilhelm Risse. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog), 1964. -w/annotations and gift inscription

81. Ramus, Peter. “That There is But One Method of Establishing a Science.” Renaissance Philosophy New Translations. Trans. Eugene J. Barber and Leonard A. Kennedy. Ed. Leonard A. Kennedy. Mouton, Canada. -offprint w/annotations and gift inscription

82. Fraunce, Abraham. The Arcadian Rhetorike. Ed. Ethel Seaton. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1950. -w/ annotations, bookmark

83. Verdonk, J.J. Petrus Ramus en de Wiskunde. Assen : Van Gorcum, 1966. -w/ annotations

84. Hooykaas, R. Humanisme, science et réforme: Pierre de la Ramée (1515-1572). Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1958. -w/ insert and annotations

85. Boehnér, Philotheus. Medieval Logic: An Outline of Its Development from 1250-c.1400. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1952. -w/ annotations

86. Smith, G.C. Moore. Gabriel Harvey’s Marginalia. Stratford-Upon-Avon: Shakespeare Head Press, 1913. -w/annotations

87. Ramus, Peter. Arguments in Rhetoric Against Quintilian: Translation and Text of Peter Ramus’s Rhetoricae Distinctiones in Quintilianum. Trans. Carole Newlands. Dekalb, IL: Northern Illinois UP, 1986. -w/ annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

88. Ramus, Peter. The Logike of the Moste Excellent Philosopher P. Ramus Martyr. Trans. Roland MacIlmaine. Ed. Catherine M. Dunn. Northridge, CA: San Ferando Valley State College, 1969. -w/ annotations

89. Waddington, Charles. Ramus (Pierre de la Ramée) Sa Vie, Ses Écrits et Ses Opinions. Paris, C. Meyrueis et Ce, 1855. -w/ annotations

90. Graves, Frank Pierrepont. Peter Ramus and the Educational Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1912. -w/ annotations

91. Meerhoff, Kees and Jean-Claude Moisan. Autour de Ramus: Texte, Théorie, Commentaire. Québec: Nuit Blanche, 1997. -w/ annotations and gift inscription

92. Mullally, Joseph P. The Summulae Logicales of Peter of Spain. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame, 1945. -w/ annotations

93. van der Velden, H. E. J. M. Rodolphus Agricola, Roelof Huusman : Een Nederlandsch Humanist der Vijftiende Eeuw. Leiden : A.W. Sijthoff, 1911. -with annotations

94. Meerhoff, Kees. Rhétorique et Poétique au XVIe Siècle en France. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1986. -w/gift inscription

95. Mazzacane, Aldo. Scienza, Logica e Ideologia nella Giurisprudenza Tedesca del Sec. XVI. Varese: Giuffrè, 1971. -w/gift inscription

96. Oldrini, Guido. La Disputa del Metodo nel Rinascimento: Indagini su Ramo e sul ramismo. Firenze: Le Lettere, 1997. -w/gift inscription

97. Barth, E.M. Evaluaties. Assen: Van Gorcum & Comp. N.V., 1972. -w/translated booklet

98. Sharratt, Petert. “Ramus, Perelman and Argumentation, a Way Through the Wood.” Argumentation 5 (1991): 335-345. -offprint, w/ gift inscription

99. Risse, Wilhelm. Die Logik der Neuzeit. Vol. 1. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Friedrich Frommann, 1964. -w/ gift inscription

100. Beaujour, Michel. Le Jeu de Rabelais. Paris: L’Herne, 1969.


Walter J. Ong Library

-w/ gift inscription

101. Villoslada, Ricardo G. La Universidad de Paris durante los Estudios de Francisco de Vitoria O.P. (1507-1522). Romae: Apud Aedes Universitatis Gregorianae, 1938.

102. Ramus, Peter. The Logike 1574. Leeds, England: The Scolar Press Limited, 1966.

103. Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques. 70.1 (1986). -Ramus issue

104. Argumentation 5.4 (1991). -Essays on Ramus, Guest ed. Peter Sharratt.

105. Wulf, Maurice de. Histoire de la Philosophie Médiévale. 6th ed. Vol. 2. Louvain: Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, 1936.

106. Petri Hispani. Summulae Logicales. Ed. I.M. Bocheński, O.P. Torino: Domus Editorialis Marietti, 1947.

107. Japola, Józef. Tekst czy głos? Waltera J. Onga antropologia literatury. Lublin: Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998. -Polish book about Ong -includes correspondence

108. Ong, Walter J. Ramus Method, and the Decay of Dialogue: From the art of discourse to the art of reason. 1958. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983. w/annotation

109. Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality, and Consciousness. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1981. -includes bookmark w/note

110. Soukup, Paul A., ed. Media, Culture and Catholicism. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1996. -includes essay by Ong and related to Ong -w/annotations

111. Ong, Walter J. Realizing Catholicism: Faith, Learning, and the Future. Dayton: The University of Dayton, 1989. -Marianist Award Lecture 1989 -includes added text

112. Ong, Walter J. Realizing Catholicism: Faith, Learning, and the Future. Dayton: The University of Dayton, 1989. -Marianist Award Lecture 1989 -includes added text

113. Ong, Walter J. Realizing Catholicism: Faith, Learning, and the Future. Dayton: The University of Dayton, 1989.


Walter J. Ong Library

-Marianist Award Lecture 1989 -includes added text

114. Ong, Walter J. Realizing Catholicism: Faith, Learning, and the Future. Dayton: The University of Dayton, 1989. -Marianist Award Lecture 1989 -includes added text

115. Views on Individualism: Presentations by Israel M. Kirzner, Walter J. Ong, Mancur Olson, Kurt Baier. Ed. Donna Card Charron. St. Louis: St. Louis Humanities Forum and Missouri Committee for the Humanities, 1986. -includes gift card note insert

116. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Methuen, 1982. New York: Routledge, 1991. -w/annotations

117. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. New York: Methuen, 1982. -w/annotations

118. Ong, Walter. Oralidade e Cultura Escrita: A Tecnologização da Palavra. Trans. Enid Abreu Dobránszky. São Paulo, Brasil: Papirus Editora, 1998. -Portuguese translation of Orality and Literacy -bookmark page 78

119. Ong, Walter. Oralidade e Cultura Escrita: A Tecnologização da Palavra. Trans. Enid Abreu Dobránszky. São Paulo, Brasil: Papirus Editora, 1998. -Portuguese translation of Orality and Literacy -received 9/16/98

120. Ong, Walter. Oralidade e Cultura Escrita: A Tecnologização da Palavra. Trans. Enid Abreu Dobránszky. São Paulo, Brasil: Papirus Editora, 1998. -Portuguese translation of Orality and Literacy -received 9/16/98

121. Ong, Walter. Oralidade e Cultura Escrita: A Tecnologização da Palavra. Trans. Enid Abreu Dobránszky. São Paulo, Brasil: Papirus Editora, 1998. -Portuguese translation of Orality and Literacy -received 9/17/98

122. Ong, Walter J. Oralność I Piśmienność: Słowo poddane technologii. Trans. Lublin: Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992. -Polish translation of Orality and Literacy -signed on title page

123. Ong, Walter J. Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology: Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture. 1971. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990.


Walter J. Ong Library

124. Ong, Walter J. Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology: Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture. 1971. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990. -date on cover 10/13/94

125. Ong, Walter J., ed. Knowledge and the Future of Man: An International Symposium. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.

126. Ong, Walter J., ed. Knowledge and the Future of Man: An International Symposium. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.

127. Ong, Walter J. Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977. -unopened plastic wrapped hardcover edition

128. Ong, Walter J. Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture. 1977. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982.

129. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. Yale University, 1967. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981.

130. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. 1967. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.

131. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. -unbound, partial manuscript w/some marked out sections

132. Views on Individualism: Presentations by Israel M. Kirzner, Walter J. Ong, Mancur Olson, Kurt Baier. Ed. Donna Card Charron. St. Louis: St. Louis Humanities Forum and Missouri Committee for the Humanities, 1986.

133. Ong, Walter J. Conversazione sul Linguaggio. Trans. Gabriele De Veris. Roma: Armando, 1993. -Italian translation of Why Talk? A Conversation about language with Walter J. Ong conducted by Wayne Altree

134. Ong, Walter J. American Catholic Crossroads: Religious-Secular Encounters in the Modern World. Macmillan Publishing Co., 1959. Westport: Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1981.

135. Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality, and Consciousness. Cornell University Press, 1981. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1989.

136. Ong, Walter J. Faith and Contexts: Supplementary Studies 1946-1989 with References and Index for Volumes One and Two. Vol. 2. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992.


Walter J. Ong Library

137. Ong, Walter J. Faith and Contexts: Selected Essays and Studies 1952-1991. Vol. 1. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992. 138. Ong, Walter J. Faith and Contexts: Additional Studies and Essays 1947-1996. Vol. 4. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999.

139. Ong, Walter J. Faith and Contexts: Further Essays 1952-1990. Vol. 3. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995. -note “defective copy pp. 72-100”)

140. Ong, Walter J. Faith and Contexts: Further Essays 1952-1990. Vol. 3. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995.

141. Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality, and Consciousness. Japan: Hosei University Press, 1992. -Japanese translation

142. Ong, Walter J. Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality, and Consciousness. Japan: Hosei University Press, 1992. -Japanese translation

143. Ong, Walter J., ed. Knowledge and the Future of Man: An International Symposium. Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1968. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968.

144. Ong, Walter J. La Lucha por la Vida: Contestacion Sexualidad y Conciencia. Trans. Juan Novella Domingo. Madrid: Aguilar, 1982. -Spanish translation of Fighting for Life, Cornell UP, 1981

145. Ong, Walter J. Interfacce della Parola. Trans. Gino Scatasta. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 1989. -Italian translation of Interfaces of the Word -unopened plastic wrapped hardcover edition

146. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Japan: 1991. -Japanese translation

147. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Japan: 1991. -Japanese translation -unopened plastic wrapped hardcover edition

148. Ong, Walter J. La Presenza della Parola. Trans. Rosanna Zelocchi. Bologna: Societá editrice il Mulino, 1970. -Italian translation of The Presence of the Word

149. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. 1995. -Greek translation 150. Ong, Walter J. Oralitá e Scrittura: La tecnologie della parola. Bologna: il Mulino. -Italian translation -unopened plastic wrapped paperback copy


Walter J. Ong Library

151. Ong, Walter J. Oralidad y Escritura: Tecnologías de la palabra. 1987. Trans. Angélica Scherp. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1997. -Spanish translation of Orality and Literacy, Methuen, 1982

152. Ong, Walter J. Retrouver la Parole: Introductions à l’histoire de la culture et de la religion. Trans. Barbara O’Conner and Jean-Philippe Fabien. France: Mame, 1971. -French Translation of The Presence of the Word, Yale UP, 1967

153. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Korea: Moonye Publishing Co., 1996. -Korean Translation

154. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Korea: Moonye Publishing Co., 1996. -Korean Translation

155. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Korea: Moonye Publishing Co., 1996. -Korean Translation

156. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Korea: Moonye Publishing Co., 1996. -Korean Translation

157. Ong, Walter J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. Korea: Moonye Publishing Co., 1996. -Korean Translation

158. Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word. -Korean? Translation

159. Ong, Walter J. Sözlü ve Yazili Kültür: Sözün Teknolojileşmesi. Trans. Sema Postacioğlu Banon. Istanbul: Metis Yayinlari, 1995. -Turkish translation of Orality and Literacy, Methuen, 1982 -original copyright Metis Yayinlari, 1991

160. Ong, Walter J. Sözlü ve Yazili Kültür: Sözün Teknolojileşmesi. Trans. Sema Postacioğlu Banon. Istanbul: Metis Yayinlari, 1995. -Turkish translation of Orality and Literacy, Methuen, 1982 -original copyright Metis Yayinlari, 1991

161. Ong, Walter J. Muntlig Och Skriftlig Kultur: Teknologiseringen av ordet. Trans. Lars Fyhr, Gunnar D. Hansson, Lilian Perme. Göteborg: Anthropos, 1990. -Swedish translation of Orality and Literacy, Methuen, 1982

162. Burgaleta, Claudio M. José de Acosta, S.J. (1540-1600): His Life and Thought. Chicago: Loyola Press, 1999.


Walter J. Ong Library

-gift inscription and bookmark

163. Opacka, Anna. Trwanie I Zmienność: Romantyczne ślady oralności. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 1998. -Polish work w/gift inscription and correspondence

164. Kelber, Werner H. “Walter Ong’s Three Incarnations of the Word: Orality – Literacy – Technology.” Philosophy Today. 23.1/4 (Spring 1979) 70-74. - only includes this article’s pages; w/annotations

165. Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication. Ed. E.S. Carpenter. Toronto, Canada: Rous & Mann Press Limited, 1953. -December 1953; w/annotations.

166. Time, Memory, and the Verbal Arts: Essays on the Thought of Walter Ong. Ed. Dennis L. Weeks and Jane Hoogestraat. Selinsgrove: Susquehanna University Press, 1998.

167. Ganss, George E. Jesuit Educational Tradition and Saint Louis University: Some Bearings for the University’s Sesquicentennial. Saint Louis: Sesquicentennial Committee. -pamphlet

168. Queen’s Work. Ed. Harry J. Cargas. 56.5 (February 1964).

169. Queen’s Work. Ed. Harry J. Cargas. 56.5 (February 1964).

170. Queen’s Work. Ed. Harry J. Cargas. 56.5 (February 1964).

171. Saturday Review. 44.13 (April 1, 1966). -reference to Ong p. 14

172. Aardwolf. 2.3 (December 1969 – January 1970).

173. “The Spirit of Holiness in Men of Power.” Life. 58.15 (April 16, 1965).

174. Philosophy Today. Ed. Robert Lechner. 23.1/4 (Spring 1979).

175. Pretext: An Inter-Disciplinary Journal of Rhetoric. Ed. Victor J. Vitanza. 7.3-4 (Fall/Winter 1986).

176. Media, Consciousness, and Culture: Explorations of Walter Ong’s Thought. Ed. Bruce E. Gronbeck, Thomas J. Farrell, and Paul A. Soukup. Newbury Park, CA/London/New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1991. -not checked for annotations -includes file copies, correspondence in file folders

177. The Varieties of Sensory Experience: A Sourcebook in the Anthropology of the Senses. Ed. David Howes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. -insert; paperback copy


Walter J. Ong Library

178. The Varieties of Sensory Experience: A Sourcebook in the Anthropology of the Senses. Ed. David Howes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. -insert; hardcover copy

179. Media, Consciousness, and Culture: Explorations of Walter Ong’s Thought. Ed. Bruce E. Gronbeck, Thomas J. Farrell, Paul A. Soukup. Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1991. -w/correspondence and gift inscription

180. Media, Consciousness, and Culture: Explorations of Walter Ong’s Thought. Ed. Bruce E. Gronbeck, Thomas J. Farrell, Paul A. Soukup. Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1991. -file copy w/annotations and bookmark

181. Slattery, James J. Ong, Jaynes, Gazzaniga: A comparison of views of the development of human thinking. A paper to presented at the Fourth International Conference on Thinking University of Puerto Rico August 17-21, 1989. -received from author 9/20/89

182. Palmeri, Anthony J. Division, Unity, and Consciousness Raising: Burke and Ong on Technology. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Central States Speech Association, Schaumburg, Illinois, April 15, 1988. -received from author -w/annotations

183. St. John, William R. Some Considerations on “The Word” in the Theology of Karl Rahner and Walter J. Ong. Written by a University of Chicago graduate student in Chicago, Illinois 15 February 1977. -received from Dr. Randolph F. Lumpp

184. Hodapp, Susan. The Historicity of The Presence of the Word by Walter J. Ong. April 1977. -received from Dr. Randolph F. Lumpp -paper done by an undergraduate student at Regis College in Denver, CO.

185. Leutwiler, Robert. Walter J. Ong, S.J.: An Overview, Part One. Speech Communication Association of Puerto Rico December 7, 1990. -paper received from author 10/8/91 -w/annotations

186. Photocopies of cover and title page of Time, Memory, and the Verbal Arts: Essays on the Thought of Walter Ong. Includes correspondence.

187. Schoenhoff, Doris M. The Barefoot Expert: The Interface of Computerized Knowledge Systems and Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1993. -file copy w/annotations -foreword by Ong

188. “A Festschrift for Walter J. Ong.” Oral Tradition. Ed. John Miles Foley. 2.1 (Jan. 1987) Slavica Publishers, Inc.


Walter J. Ong Library

-file and revising copy w/gift inscription, insert, annotations

189. Nauer, Barbara. Rise Up and Remember. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977. -w/inscription

190. Beck, Henry Charlton. Forgotten Towns of Southern New Jersey. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1961. -w/gift inscription, annotations, map insert

191. Media, Consciousness, and Culture: Explorations of Walter Ong’s Thought. Ed. Bruce E. Gronbeck, Thomas J. Farrell, Paul A. Soukup. Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1991.

192. Winetrout, Kenneth. “Father Ong: Antidote for McLuhanphobia.” The English Record. Ed. Robert W. Blake. 18.4 (April 1968) 42-46.

193. Dance, Frank E.X. “Ong’s Voice: ‘I,’ the Oral Intellect, You, and We.” Text and Performance Quarterly. 9 (1989) 185-198.

194. Tuman, Myron C. A Preface to Literacy: An Inquiry into Pedagogy, Practice, and Progress. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1987.

195. Kuhns, William. The Post-Industrial Prophets: Interpretations of Technology. New York: Weybright and Talley, 1971.

196. Literacy for Life: The Demand for Reading and Writing. Ed. Richard W. Bailey and Robin Melanie Fosheim. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1983.

197. Enos, Richard Leo. The Literate Mode of Cicero’s Legal Rhetoric. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1988. -works cited includes Ong’s work

198. Valesio, Paolo. Ascoltare il Silenzio: La retorica come teoria. Trans. Assunta Pelli. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 1986. -Original edition: Novantiqua: Rhetorics as a Contemporary Theory, Bloomington, Indiana UP, 1980. -received from publisher -annotations; works cited include Ong

199. Park, Jeong-Mi. Religious Experience in the Novels of Walker Percy. A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Saint Louis University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1984. -dissertation directed by Ong; gift inscription

200. Saint Louis University: 150 Years. Ed. Rita G. Adams, William C. Einspanier, B.T. Lukaszewski. -paperback w/Ong’s photo


Walter J. Ong Library

201. Saint Louis University: 150 Years. Ed. Rita G. Adams, William C. Einspanier, B.T. Lukaszewski. -hardcover w/Ong’s photo

202. “Knowledge and the Future of Man: Saint Louis University Sesquicentennial.” Archive. Ed. Mary Rose Morabito. Vol. 52. (1969). -Ong on several pages

203. Tebeaux, Elizabeth. “Ramus, Visual Rhetoric, and the Emergence of Page Design in Medical Writing of the English Renaissance: Tracking the Evolution of Readable Documents.” Written Communication. 8.4 (October 1991) 411-445.

204. Cahiers: Roumains d’Etudes Littéraires. 2 (1985). -includes works citing Ong and works in English

205. Sarno, Ronald A. Using Media in Religious Education. Birmingham: Religious Education Press, 1987.

206. The Wilson Quarterly. Ed. Peter Braestrup. (Spring 1986). -includes works referring to Ong

207. Tristania. 7.1-2. (Autumn 1981-Spring 1982). -gift inscription

208. Essien, Patrick P. Proverbs as Cultural Tools of Education in Nigeria (Annang as a Base). Calabar: Cross River State Newspaper Corporation, 1980. -gift inscription -foreword by Ong

209. Ganss, George E. Jesuit Educational Tradition and Saint Louis University. Sesquicentennial Committee Saint Louis University. -pamphlet w/no date -includes annotations; cites Ong

210. Opacka, Anna. Ślady Oralności: W “Panu Tadeuszu” Adama Mickiewicza. Katowice: Para, 1997. -received 5/12/97 from Prof. Jósef Japola Lublin, Poland -Title: ______Orality in “Lord Thaddeus” by Adama Mickiewicza -w/annotations; cites Ong

211. Wimsatt, W.K. Day of the Leopards: Essays in Defense of Poems. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1976. -gift inscription -cites Ong

212. Ganss, George E. The Jesuit Educational Tradition and Saint Louis University: Some Bearings for the University’s Sesquicentennial 1818-1968. Saint Louis: The Sesquicentennial Committee of Saint Louis University, 1969.


Walter J. Ong Library

-w/letter, annotations, bookmark -Ong helped proofread

213. Robinson, Forrest G. The Shape of Things Known: Sidney’s Apology in Its Philosophical Tradition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972. -gift inscription -cites Ong

214. Hannaway, Owen. The Chemists and the Word: The Didactic Origins of Chemistry. Baltimore; London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. -gift inscription; annotations -cites Ong

215. The Philosophy of Discourse: The Rhetorical Turn in Twentieth-Century Thought Volume 1. Ed. Chip Sills and George H. Jensen. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers Heinemann, 1992. -w/annotations -cites Ong

216. The Philosophy of Discourse: The Rhetorical Turn in Twentieth-Century Thought Volume 2. Ed. Chip Sills and George H. Jensen. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers Heinemann, 1992. -blank bookmark

217. Mohan, Devinder. “Limits of Contemporary Contextualism and Romantic Poet’s Language: Walter Ong, Murray Krieger and Gaston Bachelard.” Panjab University Research Bulletin. 14.2 (October 1983). -reprint -gift inscription; annotations

218. Barth, E.M. and R.T.P. Wiche. Problems, Functions and Semantic Roles: A Pragmatists’ Analysis of Montague’s Theory of Sentence Meaning. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1986. -gift inscription -cites Ong

219. Testa, Aldo. Critica del Linguaggio e Nuovi Atti e Testimonianze di Critica Della Religione. Roma; Bologna; Urbino: Biblioteca del Dialogo, 1972. -gift card; annotations

220. Dengler, Ralph W. “Hot” and “Cool” Catechesis: A Content Analysis of Technological Determinism in Selected Sixteenth Century and Twentieth Century Texts Based on the General Inquirer System. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, 1972. -1971 dissertation -cartoon inserted; cites Ong

221. Steele, Peter. The Autobiographical Passion: Studies in the Self on Show. Australia: Melbourne University Press, 1989.


Walter J. Ong Library

-gift inscription; cites Ong

222. Toolan, David. Facing West from California’s Shores: A Jesuit’s Journey into New Age Consciousness. New York: Crossroad, 1987. -gift inscription; annotations -cites Ong

223. Swaim, Kathleen M. Before and After the Fall: Contrasting Modes in Paradise Lost. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1986. -gift card; annotations -cites Ong

224. Zumthor, Paul. La Lettre et La Voix de la “Littérature” Médiévale. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1987. -gift inscription -cites Ong

225. Kostelanetz, Richard. Master Minds: Portraits of Contemporary American Artists and Intellectuals. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1969. -copyright 1967 -newspaper clipping -cites Ong

226. Ganss, George E. Saint Ignatius’ Idea of a Jesuit University: A Study in the History of Catholic Education. Milwaukee: The Marquette University Press, 1954. -annotations; inserts

227. New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation. 16.3 (Spring 1985). -annotations -works citing Ong

228. Communication and Lonergan: Common Ground for Forging the New Age. Ed. Thomas J. Farrell and Paul A. Soukup. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1993. -gift inscription; letter; annotations -works citing/related to Ong

229. O’Connor, M. Hebrew Verse Structure. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1980. -gift card/signed -annotations -cites Ong

230. Sławek, Tadeusz and Donald Wesling. Literary Voice: The Calling of Jonah. 1994. -review manuscript -cites Ong -annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

231. Van Beeck, Frans Jozef. God Encountered: A Contemporary Catholic Systematic Theology. Volume Two/2: The Revelation of the Glory, Part II: One God, Creator of All That Is. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1994. -gift inscription, bookmark, annotations

232. Reiss, Timothy J. Knowledge, Discovery and Imagination in Early Modern Europe: The Rise of Aesthetic Rationalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. -gift inscription; annotations -cites Ong

233. Brizzi, Gian Paolo. Il Catechismo e la Grammatica. Volume I: Istruzione e controllo sociale nell’area emiliana e romagnola nel ‘700. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 1985. -annotations; card -cites Ong

234. French Renaissance Studies 1540-70: Humanism and the Encyclopedia. Ed. Peter Sharratt. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1976. -bookmark; annotations -cites Ong

235. Grafton, Anthony and Lisa Jardine. From Humanism to the Humanities: Education and the Liberal Arts in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Europe. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1986. -annotations; bookmark w/comments -cites Ong

236. Miller, Perry. The New England Mind: From Colony to Province. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1953. -gift inscription; inserts

237. Yates, Frances A. The Art of Memory. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1966. -annotations

238. Boswell for the Defence 1769-1774. Ed. William K. Wimsatt, Jr. and Frederick A. Pottle. New York; Toronto; London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1959. -gift inscription; bookmark

239. Weltin, E.G. Athens and Jerusalem: An Interpretative Essay on Christianity and Classical Culture. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1987. -gift inscription

240. Wilbur, Richard. Advice to a Prophet and other poems. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1961. -gift inscription; bookmark

241. Williams, Raymond L. Gabriel García Márquez. Ed. David Foster. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1984. -gift inscription


Walter J. Ong Library

242. Scott, Jr., Nathan A. The Broken Center: Studies in the Theological Horizon of Modern Literature. Hartford: Connecticut Printers, Inc., 1966. -gift inscription

243. Wright, Ralph. Ripples of Stillness. Boston: St. Paul Editions, 1978. -gift inscription

244. Wimsatt, Jr., W.K. Philosophic Words: A Study of Style and Meaning in the Rambler and Dictionary of Samuel Johnson. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1948. -gift inscription

245. Poirot, Eugene M. Our Margin of Life. Raytown, Missouri: Acres U.S.A., 1978. -gift inscription

246. Milward, Peter. The Greek Ideal of Man. Annotations by Ryo Nonaka. Tokyo: Kinseido, 1981. -gift inscription; insert

247. Thoreau, Henry D. The Illustrated Walden with Photographs from the Gleason Collection. Ed. J. Lyndon Shanley. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973. -gift inscription; insert

248. Orientalism and History. Ed. Denis Sinor. 2nd Ed. Bloomington; London: Indiana University Press, 1970. -gift inscription; insert

249. Wimsatt, Jr., W.K. The Verbal Icon: Studies in the Meaning of Poetry. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1954. -gift inscription; annotations

250. Vitz, Paul C. Sigmund Freud’s Christian Unconscious. New York; London: The Guilford Press, 1988. -gift inscription

251. Spitz, Lewis W. Life in Two Worlds: Biography of William Sihler. Saint Louis; London: Concordia Publishing House, 1968. -gift inscription

252. Spretnak, Charlene. The Spiritual Dimension of Green Politics. Sante Fe: Bear & Company, 1986. -gift inscription; annotations

253. Testa, Aldo. The Dialogic Structure of Language: Words and Men. Urbino, Italy: Cappelli Editore, 1970. -gift inscription; insert; signed

254. The Chesterton Review. 14.3 (August 1988).


Walter J. Ong Library

-note on cover

255. Tate, Allen. The Forlorn Demon: Didactic and Critical Essays. Chicago: Regnery, 1953. -gift inscription; insert

256. Sommer, Jason. Lifting the Stone. London; Boston: Forest Books, 1991. -gift inscription

257. Wright, Ralph. Life is Simpler Towards Evening. Francestown, New Hampshire: The Golden Quill Press, 1983. -gift inscription; letter from author

258. Scott, Jr., Nathan A. Negative Capability: Studies in the New Literature and the Religious Situation. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1969. -gift inscription

259. Silver, Isidore. Three Ronsard Studies. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1978. -gift inscription

260. Miller, Perry. Nature’s Nation. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967. -insert; received as gift

261. Merton, Robert K. On the Shoulders of Giants: A Shandean Postscript. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1965. -gift inscription; insert; annotations

262. Magner, Jr., James Edmund. To Whom You Shall Go. Francestown, NH: The Golden Quill Press, 1978. -gift inscription; inserts

263. Guenther, Charles. Phrase/Paraphrase. Iowa City: The Prairie Press, 1970. -gift inscription; insert

264. McCown, James Hart. Visit to a Small Alaskan Village: June 21-August 22, 1988. Mobile, AL: Brill, 1988. -gift inscription; inserts

265. Hamburg, Anne-Marie. Estuaire: Poèmes. Paris: Périples, 1971. -gift inscription; insert

266. Takayanagi, Shunichi. Reading the Bible 1: Gospel according to Matthew. Japan: Chikuma-Shobo, 1988. -book in Japanese -bookmark; inserts -blue cover strip damaged in packing

267. Takayanagi, Shunichi. Reading Wisdom Literature. Tokyo: Chikuma-Shobo, 1990.


Walter J. Ong Library

-book in Japanese -gift inscription, inserts

268. De Moret-Bonacci, Anne-Marie. Le 8eme Chant. Monte-Carlo: Poètes de Notre Temps, 1961. -gift inscription; annotation

269. Logan, John. Ghosts of the Heart: New Poems by John Logan. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1960. -gift inscription

270. McCown, James Hart. With Crooked Lines: Early Years of an Alabama Jesuit. Mobile, AL: Spring Hill College Press, 1990. -gift inscription

271. Lee, Sansup. Elizabethan Literary Opinion: A Study in Its Variety. Seoul: The Graduate School, Yonsei University, 1971. -gift inscription

272. McCown, J.H. Elephants Have the Right of Way: A Year of Content in East Africa, June 21, 1968-June 21, 1969. Castroville, TX: The Tranchese Foundation, 1974. -gift inscription

273. Martin, M.B. Christianity and Its Cultural Bondage. St. Louis: Robert Bleile & Assoc., 1972. -gift inscription

274. Knapp, Joseph G. The Presence of the Past: The Beginnings of the Civil War in St. Louis: the History of Hazelwood-Fordyce House from Camp Jackson and General Frost to St. Louis University and Harriet Frost Fordyce. St. Louis: St. Louis University Press, 1979.

275. A Pilgrim’s Testament: The Memoirs of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Transcribed by Luis Gonçalves da Camara. Translated by Parmananda R. Divarkar. Saint Louis: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1995.

276. Brizzi, Gian Paolo. Il Catechismo e la Grammatica. Volume II: Istituzioni scolastiche e riforme nell’area emiliana e romagnola nel ‘700. Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 1986.

277. Magnan, William B. and Marcella. The Streets of St. Louis: A History of St. Louis Street Names. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Virginia Publishing Co., 1996.

278. McLuhan, Marshall. : The Making of Typographic Man. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962. -annotations

279. McLuhan, Marshall. La Galaxie Gutenberg: Face à l’Ère Électronique, les civilizations de l’âge oral à l’imprimerie. Traduction de Jean Paré. Paris: Mame, 1967.


Walter J. Ong Library

280. McLuhan, Marshall. Pour Comprendre Les Média: Les Prolongements Technologiques de l’Homme. Traduction de Jean Paré. Montréal: Éditions HMH, 1968. -gift inscription; annotation

281. McLuhan, Marshall. : The Extensions of Man. New York; Toronto; London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. -annotations; insert

282. Letters of Marshall McLuhan. Ed. Matie Molinaro, Corinne McLuhan, William Toye. Toronto; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. -Newspaper clipping; annotations

283. McLuhan, Marshall and Barrington Nevitt. Take Today: The Executive as Dropout. Don Mills, Ontario: Longman Canada Limited, 1972. -gift inscription; annotations

284. A Special Issue of The Antigonish Review on Marshall McLuhan. 74-75 (Summer-Autumn 1988). -includes essay by Ong

285. McLuhan, Marshall and Bruce Powers. The : Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. -advance proof; original title: The Resonating Interval: Anticipating the Human Effects of the New Media -annotations (Ong numbered the pages)

286. Gamaleri, Gianpiero. La Galassia McLuhan: Il Mondo Plasmato Dai Media? Roma: Armando Armando, 1983. -gift inscription

287. McLuhan, Herbert Marshall. The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man. New York: The Vanguard Press, Inc., 1951. -part of cover taped to inside

288. Marchand, Philip. Marshall McLuhan: The Medium and the Messenger. New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1989. -gift inscription; annotations

289. McLuhan, Marshall. Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations. New York; Frankfurt; Villefranche-sur- Mer: Something Else Press, Inc., 1967. -gift inscription

290. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 1: 1624-1642. Ed. Don M. Wolfe. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. -inserts

291. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 2: 1643-1648. Ed. Ernest Sirluck. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959.


Walter J. Ong Library

292. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 3: 1648-1649. Ed. Merritt Y. Hughes. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.

293. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 4: 1650-1655, Part 1. Ed. Don M. Wolfe. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966.

294. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 4: 1650-1655, Part 2. Ed. Don M. Wolfe. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966.

295. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 5: 1648?-1671, Part 1. Ed. French Fogle. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971.

296. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 5: 1649-1659, Part 2. Ed. J. Max Patrick. Trans. Paul W. Blackford. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971.

297. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 6: ca. 1658-ca. 1660. Ed. Maurice Kelley. Trans. John Carey. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973.

298. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 7: 1659-1660. Revised Edition. Ed. Robert W. Ayers. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980.

299. Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Volume 8: 1666-1682. Ed. Maurice Kelley. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982. -revising copy; includes essay and translation by Ong -annotations

300. Historical Rhetoric: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Sources in English. Ed. Winifred Bryan Horner. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1980. -annotations

301. The Present State of Scholarship in Historical and Contemporary Rhetoric. Ed. Winifred Bryan Horner. Colombia; London: University of Missouri Press, 1983. -foreword by Ong -annotations; bookmark

302. The Interpretation of Dialogue. Ed. Tullio Maranhão. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 1990. -annotations; bookmark

303. O’Leary, Stephen D. Arguing the Apocalypse: A Theory of Millennial Rhetoric. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. -signed by author -bookmarks

304. Readings from Classical Rhetoric. Ed. Patricia P. Matsen, Philip Rollinson, and Marion Sousa. Carbondale; Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1990. -card from editors p.58-59


Walter J. Ong Library

305. Jost, Walter. Rhetorical Thought in John Henry Newman. Colombia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1989. -gift inscription; annotations

306. O’Connor, Lillian. Pioneer Women Orators: Rhetoric in the Ante-Bellum Reform Movement. New York: Colombia University Press, 1954. -gift inscription; bookmarks; annotations

307. Rhetoric Review. 7.1 (Fall 1988). -complimentary; insert; annotations

308. Vickers, Brian. Classical Rhetoric in English Poetry. London: Macmillan and Co, Ltd., 1970. -annotations

309. Tyler, Stephen A. The Unspeakable: Discourse, Dialogue, and Rhetoric in the Postmodern World. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1987. -annotations; insert

310. Carruthers, Mary J. The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture. Cambridge; New York; Port Chester; Melbourne; Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1990. -annotations; bookmarks

311. Cissna, Kenneth N. and Rob Anderson. “Theorizing about Dialogic Moments: The Buber- Rogers Position and Postmodern Themes.” Communication Theory. 8.1 (February 1998). 63-104. -unbound copy; insert

312. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate. 2.2 (1992). -insert; annotations

313. Enos, Richard Leo. Greek Rhetoric Before Aristotle. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 1993. -bookmark

314. Richard Leo Enos, ed. Advances in the History of Rhetoric: Disputed & Neglected Texts in the History of Rhetoric. A Collection of Selected Papers Presented at ASHR Conferences in 1996. 1.1 (1996). -insert

315. Plato. Phaedrus and the Seventh and Eighth Letters. 1973. Trans. Walter Hamilton. New York: Penguin Books, 1978. -bookmarks; annotations

316. Swearingen, C. Jan. Rhetoric and Irony: Western Literacy and Western Lies. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. -annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

317. Smith III, Robert E. “Hymes, Rorty, and the Social-Rhetorical Construction of Meaning.” College English 54.2 (February 1992). 138-158. -annotations -unbound pages

318. Schaeffer, John D. Sensus Communis: Vico, Rhetoric, and the Limits of Relativism. Durham; London: Duke University Press, 1990. -gift inscription; annotations; bookmarks

319. Lanham, Richard A. A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms: A Guide for Students of English Literature. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. -annotations

320. Patton, Elizabeth. “From Tulliola to Polyphemia: Women and the Rhetoric of Renaissance Pedagogy.” Diss. Columbia University, 1994. -annotations

321. Bizzell, Patricia and Bruce Herzberg, eds. The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings from Classical Times to the Present. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, 1990. -bookmarks; annotations

322. Enos, Richard Leo. Roman Rhetoric: Revolution and the Greek Influence. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 1995.

323. Murphy, James J., ed. A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press, 1983.

324. Adams, Hazard and Leroy Searle, eds. Critical Theory Since 1965. Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1986. -annotations

325. Pratt, Mary Louise. Toward a Speech Act Theory of Literary Discourse. Bloomington; London: Indiana University Press, 1977. -annotations

326. Paulson, William R. The Noise of Culture: Literary Texts in a World of Information. Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 1988. -annotations; bookmark

327. Porush, David. The Soft Machine: Cybernetic Fiction. New York; London: Methuen, 1985. -annotations

328. Philosophy and Literature. 11.1 (April 1987). -annotations

329. Lowe, Donald M. History of Bourgeois Perception. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1982.


Walter J. Ong Library

-annotations; bookmark

330. Merrell, Floyd. Deconstruction Reframed. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 1985. -annotations; bookmark

331. Cross Currents: Religion and Intellectual Life. 41.1 (Spring 1991). -annotations; bookmarks

332. Holman, C. Hugh and William Harmon. A Handbook to Literature. 5th ed. New York; London: Macmillan, 1986. -annotations; insert

333. Applebee, Arthur N. Tradition and Reform in the Teaching of English: a History. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1974. -annotations

334. Religion & Literature. 22.2-3 (Summer-Autumn 1990). -annotations; bookmark

335. Wesling, Donald and Tadeusz Sławek. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. -insert

336. Fraser, Russell. The Language of Adam: On the Limits and Systems of Discourse. New York: Colombia University Press, 1977. -annotations

337. Kernan, Alvin. The Death of Literature. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1990. -inserts; annotations

338. Achtert, Walter S. and Joseph Gibaldi. The MLA Style Manual. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1985. -insert; bookmark; annotations

339. Tompkins, Jane P., ed. Reader-Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-Structuralism. Baltimore; London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. -annotations

340. Engler, Balz. Reading and Listening: The Modes of Communicating Poetry and their Influence on the Texts. Bern: Francke Verlag Bern, 1982. -annotations

341. DeMaria, Jr., Robert. Johnson’s Dictionary and the Lanuguage of Learning. Chapel Hill; London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1986. -inserts; annotations

342. Tippens, Darryl, Stephen Weathers, and Jack Welch, eds. Shadow & Light: Literature and the Life of Faith. Abilene, TX: A.C.U. Press, 1997.


Walter J. Ong Library

-inserts; annotation; bookmark

343. Hanelman, Susan A. The Slayers of Moses: The Emergence of Rabbinic Interpretation in Modern Literary Theory. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1982. -annotations; bookmark

344. Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983. -annotations; insert; bookmark

345. Neel, Jasper. Plato, Derrida, and Writing. Carbondale; Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1988. -annotations

346. Wright, Elizabeth. Psychoanalytic Criticism: Theory in Practice. London; New York: Methuen, 1984. -annotations 347. Fiske, John and John Hartley. Reading Television. London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1978. -annotations

348. Bennett, Tony. Formalism and Marxism. London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1979. -bookmark

349. Hawkes, Terence. Structuralism & Semiotics. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1977. -annotations

350. Norris, Christopher. Deconstruction: Theory and Practice. London; New York: Methuen, 1982. -annotations

351. Holub, Robert C. Reception Theory: A critical introduction. London; New York: Methuen, 1984. -annotations

352. Borgmann, Albert. Crossing the Postmodern Divide. 1992. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 1993.

353. Baker, Nancy L. A Research Guide for Undergraduate Students: English and American Literature. 3rd ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1989.

354. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1999.

355. Pretext: A Journal of Rhetorical Theory. 8.3-4 (Fall/Winter 1987).

356. Clayton, Jay and Eric Rothstein, eds. Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1991.


Walter J. Ong Library

357. Bleich, David. The Double Perspective: Language, Literacy, and Social Relations. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

358. Philosophy and Rhetoric. 18.4 (1985).

359. Brandt, Deborah. Literacy as Involvement: The Acts of Writers, Readers, and Texts. Carbondale; Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1990.

360. Kaplan, Charles, ed. Criticism: The Major Statements. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986.

361. Salusinszky, Imre. Criticism in Society: Interviews with Jacques Derrida, Northrop Frye, Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman, Frank Kermode, Edward Said, Barbara Johnson, Frank Lentricchia, and J. Hillis Miller. New York; London: Methuen, 1987.

362. Greene, Gayle and Coppélia Kahn. Making a Difference: Feminist Literary Criticism. London; New York: Methuen, 1985. -insert

363. Elam, Keir. The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama. London; New York: Methuen, 1980.

364. Bassnett-McGuire, Susan. Translation Studies. London; New York: Methuen, 1980.

365. Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith. Narrative Fiction: Contemporty Poetics. London; New York: Methuen, 1983.

366. Belsey, Catherine. Critical Practice. London; New York: Methuen, 1980.

367. Freund, Elizabeth. The Return of the Reader: Reader-response criticism. London; New York: Methuen, 1987.

368. Epstein, E.L. Language and Style. London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1978.

369. Hebdige, Dick. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. 1979. London; New York: Methuen, 1981.

370. Stock, Brian. The Implications of Literacy: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983. -annotations

371. Foley, John Miles. Traditional Oral Epic: The Odyssey, Beowulf, and the Serbo-Croatian Return Song. 1990. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 1993. -gift inscription

372. Clanchy, M.T. From Memory to Written Record: England, 1066-1307. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1979. -annotations; bookmark


Walter J. Ong Library

373. Lord, Albert B. The Singer of Tales. New York: Atheneum, 1976. -annotations

374. Doane, A.N. and Carol Braun Pasternack, eds. Vox Intexta: Orality and Textuality in the Middle Ages. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. -annotations; bookmark

375. Foley, John Miles. The Theory of Oral Composition: History and Methodology. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1988. -gift inscription; annotations

376. DeFrancis, John. Visible Speech: The Diverse Oneness of Writing Systems. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989. -insert; annotations; bookmarks

377. Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy. Cambridge; London: The MIT Press, 1999. -gift inscriptions; annotations -foreword by Ong

378. Foley, John Miles. Oral-Formulaic Theory and Research: An Introduction and Annotated Bibliography. New York; London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1985. -gift inscription

379. Havelock, Eric A. The Muse Learns to Write: Reflections on Orality and Literacy from Antiquity to the Present. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1986. -annotations; insert

380. Foley, John Miles, ed. Oral Traditional Literature: A Festschrift for Albert Bates Lord. Columbus: Slavica Publishers, Inc., 1981. -gift inscription

381. Foley, John Miles. Immanenet Art: From Structure to Meaning in Traditional Oral Epic. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1991. -annotations -received from publisher at bidding of author

382. Foley, John Miles, ed. Comparative Research on Oral Traditions: A Memorial for Milman Parry. Columbus: Slavica Publishers, Inc., 1987. -gift inscription

383. Heim, Michael. The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. -insert; annotations

384. Kernan, Alvin. Printing Technology, Letters & Samuel Johnson. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987.


Walter J. Ong Library

-annotations; bookmark

385. Havelock, Eric A. Preface to Plato. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963. -annotations; bookmark

386. Dewey, Joanna, ed. Semeia 65: Orality and Textuality in Early Christian Literature. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1994. -inserts; bookmark; annotations

387. Havelock, Eric A. “The Alphabet as Creator of Modern Culture.” The Antigonish Review 66- 67 (Summer-Autumn 1986) 175-193. -annotations

388. Scholars and Research Libraries in the 21st Century. ACLS Occasional Paper, No. 14. 27 April 1990.

389. Graham, William A. Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the History of Religion. Cambridge; New York; New Rochelle; Melbourne; Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1987. -annotations

390. Bolter, Jay David. Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing. Hillsdale, NJ; Hove; London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1991. -annotations

391. Kelber, Werner H. The Oral and the Written Gospel: The Hermeneutics of Speaking and Writing in the Synoptic Tradition, Mark, Paul, and Q. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983. -annotations

392. Meyrowitz, Joshua. No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. -annotations

393. Goody, Jack, ed. Literacy in Traditional Societies. Cambridge; London; New York; Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1968. -annotations; bookmark

394. Thought: Fordham University Quarterly. 61.243 (December 1986). -annotations

395. Castleman, Craig. Getting Up: Subway Graffiti in New York. Cambridge; London: The MIT Press, 1982. -inserts; annotations

396. Thoughts: Fordham University Quarterly. 63.251 (December 1988). -insert; annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

397. Leith, Philip. Formalism in AI and Computer Science. New York; London; Toronto; Sydney; Tokyo; Singapore: Ellis Horwood, 1990. -inserts; annotations

398. Tannen, Deborah, ed. Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy. Vol. 9 of Advances in Discourse Processes. Norwood, NJ: ABLEX Publishing Corporation, 1982. -annotations

399. Tuman, Myron C. Literacy Online: The Promise (and Peril) of Reading and Writing with Computers. Pittsburgh; London: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1992. -annotations

400. Lanham, Richard A. The Electronic Word: Democracy, Technology, and the Arts. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993. -annotations; bookmarks

401. Zumthor, Paul. Introduction à la Poésie Orale. Paris: Seuil, 1983. -insert; gift inscription; annotations

402. Stephens, Mitchell. The Rise of the Image, the Fall of the Word. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. -advance, uncorrected reading copy -insert; annotations

403. Gellrich, Jesse M. Discourse and Dominion in the Fourteenth Century: Oral Contexts of Writing in Philosophy, Politics, and Poetry. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995. -presentation copy received from publisher -bookmark p.84-85

404. Jensen, Joli. Redeeming Modernity: Contradictions in Media Criticism. Newbury Park; London; New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1990. -annotations

405. Biebuyck, Daniel and Kahombo C. Mateene, eds. and trans. The Mwindo Epic: From the Banyanga (Congo Republic). Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1971. -annotations; inserts

406. Farrell, Thomas J. Walter Ong’s Contributions to Cultural Studies: The Phenomenology of the Word and I-Thou Communication. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc., 2000. -gift inscription; annotations; bookmarks

407. Harvard Magazine. 90.4 (March-April 1988). -annotations

408. Fritschi, Gerhard. Africa and Gutenberg: Exploring Oral Structures in the Modern African Novel. Berne; Frankfort on the Main; New York: Peter Lang, 1983. -gift inscription


Walter J. Ong Library

409. Oliver, Robert T. Communication and Culture in Ancient India and China. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1971. -annotations

410. Heim, Michael. Electric Language: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1987. -annotations

411. Olson, Alan M., Christopher Parr, and Debra Parr, eds. Video Icons & Values. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991. -gift inscription

412. Gumpert, Gary and Robert Cathcart, eds. Inter/Media: Interpersonal Communication in a Media World. 3rd ed. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986. -inserts; annotations

413. Stephens, Mitchell. A History of News: From the Drum to the Satellite. New York: Penguin Books, 1988. -annotations

414. Bulletin: The American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 40.4 (January 1987). -annotations

415. Sussman, Henry S. High Resolution: Critical Theory and the Problem of Literacy. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. -annotated bookmark

416. Tannen, Deborah, ed. Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse. Vol. 12 of Advances in Discourse Processes. Norwood, NJ: ABLEX Publishing Corporation, 1984. -annotations

417. Maxwell, Kevin B. Bemba Myth and Ritual: The Impact of Literacy on an Oral Culture. New York; Frankfort on the Main; Berne: Peter Lang, 1983. -insert; annotations

418. Ferrarotti, Franco. The End of Conversation: The Impact of Mass Media on Modern Society. New York; Westport; London: Greenwood Press, 1988. -annotations

419. Illich, Ivan. Du Lisible au Visible: La Naissance du Texte, Un Commentaire du Didascalicon de Hugues de Saint-Victor. Trans. Jacques Mignon. Paris: Cerf, 1991. -inserts; annotations

420. Lindhardt, Jan. Frem Mod Middelalderen TV – det levende billede i det åbne rum. [Towards the Medieval Period. The living picture in open space]. København [Copenhagen]: G.E.C. Gad, 1993. -insert; annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

421. Lindhardt, Jan. Tale og skrift – to kulturer. København [Copenhagen]: Munksgaard, 1989. -gift inscription

422. Capaccioni, Andrea and Gabriele De Veris. Biblioteche: Una Bussola Per Non Perdersi. Roma: Armando, 1996. -gift inscription; annotations

423. Catalogue 315: Sourcebooks in the History of Photography: Theory and Technology of Optics, Light, Colours, Physiology of Colour-Vision, Rare Books from the 16th-19th Centuries. Part 28 of Printing and the Progress of Man: A Series of Catalogues. Vaduz, Liechtenstein: Buchantiquariat InterlibrumVaduz, n.d.

424. Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 125.4 (Fall 1996).

425. Okpewho, Isidore. The Epic in Africa: Toward Poetics of the Oral Performance. 1975. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979.

426. Whitaker, R.A. and E.R. Sienaert, eds. Oral Tradition and Literacy: Changing Visions of the World. Selected conference papers from conference at the University of Natal in Durban, July 1985. Durban, South Africa: Multicopy, 1986.

427. Chandler, Daniel. The Act of Writing: A Media Theory Approach. Aberystwyth: University of Wales, 1995.

428. Zumthor, Paul. Oral Poetry: An Introduction. Vol. 70 of Theory and History of Literature. Trans. Kathryn Murphy-Judy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990. -foreword by Ong

429. Parks, Ward. Verbal Dueling in Heroic Narrative: The Homeric and Old English Traditions. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990.

430. Sanders, Barry. A Is for Ox. New York: Pantheon Books, 1994.

431. Sienaert, E.R. and A.N. Bell, eds. Catching Winged Words: Oral Tradition and Education. Selected conference papers from conference at the University of Natal in Durban, July 1988. Durban, South Africa: Multicopy, 1988.

432. Heath, Shirley Brice. Ways with Words: Language, life, and work in communities and classrooms. 1983. Cambridge; London; New York; New Rochelle; Melbourne; Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1984. -annotations

433. Jones, Richard Foster. The Triumph of the English Language: A Survey of Opinions Concerning the Vernacular from the Introduction of Printing to the Restoration. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1953. -annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

434. Williams, Joseph M. Origins of the English Language: A Social and Linguistic History. New York: The Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1975. -annotations

435. O’Connell, Daniel C. Critical Essays on Language Use and Psychology. New York; Berlin; Heidelberg; London; Paris; Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 1988. -gift inscription

436. Anderson, Wallace L. and Norman C. Stageberg. Introductory Readings on Language. 1962. New York; Chicago; San Francisco; Toronto; London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. -annotations

437. Coulmas, Florian. The Writing Systems of the World. 1989. Oxford; Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1990. -annotations

438. Gregersen, Edgar A. Language in Africa: An Introductory Survey. New York; Paris; London: Gordon and Breach, 1977. -annotations

439. Gleason, Jr., H.A. An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. 1955. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961. -annotations; inserts

440. Michaels, Leonard and Christopher Ricks, eds. The State of the Language. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 1980. -annotations; bookmarks

441. Ogawa, Yoshio and Jun’ichi Sato. Colloquial Japanese in Four Weeks. Tokyo: Daigakusyorin, 1963. -gift inscription; inserts

442. Pyles, Thomas and John Algeo. The Origins and Development of the English Language. 3rd ed. New York; San Diego; Chicago; San Francisco; Atlanta; London; Sydney; Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1982. -annotations

443. Allen, Harold B. Readings in Applied English Linguistics. 2nd ed. New York: Appleton- Century-Crofts, 1964. -annotations

444. Stubbs, Michael. Language and Literacy: The Sociolinguistics of Reading and Writing. 1980. London; Boston; Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. -annotations

445. Harp, Richard L., ed. Dr. Johnson’s Critical Vocabulary: A Selection from His Dictionary. Lanham; New York; London: University Press of America, 1986. -inserts; annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

446. Tyler, Stephen A. The Said and the Unsaid: Mind, Meaning, and Culture. New York; San Francisco; London: Academic Press, 1978. -annotations; bookmarks

447. Bickerton, Derek. Language & Species. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 1990. -inserts; annotations

448. Robb, Kevin, ed. Language and Thought in Early Greek Philosophy. LaSalle, IL: The Hegeler Institute, 1983. -annotations

449. Nyíri, J.C. Tradition and Individuality: Essays. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992. -annotations; bookmark

450. MacKay, Ian R. A. Introducing Practical Phonetics. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1978. -inserts; annotations

451. Hoare, Alfred. A Short Italian Dictionary. 1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1955. -annotations

452. Jespersen, Otto. Language: Its Nature Development and Origin. New York: The Norton Library, 1964. -annotations

453. Cooper, Lord Ashley. Lord Ashley Cooper’s Dictionary of Charlestonese as Compiled for the News and Courier. Charleston: n.p., n.d.

454. Freeman, Dale. How to Talk Pure Ozark in One Easy Lesson. 1961. Springfield, MO: H-F Enterprises, 1963. -gift inscription; insert; annotations

455. Enkvist, Nils Erik. From Phoneme to Discourse: A Half-Century of Linguistics. The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association read at University College, London, on 11 January 1991. n.p.: W.S. Maney & Son Ltd, n.d. -annotations

456. Sapir, Edward. Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech. 1921. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1949. -annotations

457. Peters, Robert A. A Linguistic History of English. Boston; New York; Atlanta; Geneva, IL; Dallas; Palo Alto: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1968.


Walter J. Ong Library

458. Robins, R.H. A Short History of Linguistics. 2nd ed. London; New York: Longman, 1979.

459. Liverpudlian or What is Who Called Where?! Chicago: Marquis Biographical Library Society, 1970.

460. Cuyás, Arturo. Appleton’s New English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionary. 3rd ed. New York; London: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1940.

461. Mandelbaum, David G., ed. Edward Sapir: Culture, Language and Personality, Selected Essays. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960.

462. Chisholm, Jr., William S. Elements of English Linguistics. New York; London: Longman, 1981.

463. Bright, William, ed. Sociolinguistics: Proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964. 1966. The Hague; Paris: Mouton & Co., 1975.

464. Major, Clarence. Dictionary of Afro-American Slang. 1970. New York: International Publishers, 1971.

465. Hall, Jr., Robert A. Linguistics and Your Language. 2nd ed. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1960.

466. Morgan, George Allen. Speech and Society: The Christian Linguistic Social Philosophy of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1987. -received from publisher -“review copy” card p. 96-97

467. Peters, Robert A. Student Workbook to Accompany A Linguistic History of English. Boston; New York; Atlanta; Geneva, IL; Dallas; Palo Alto: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1968.

468. Tjyntoq, Kvao. Chinese for Everybody: Alphabetic Chinese on Scientific Grounds with a New Reading System for the Characters. Macau: Mission Printing Press, 1970.

469. Brennan, William. Dehumanizing the Vulnerable: When Word Games Take Lives. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1995.

470. Ellul, Jacques. The Humiliation of the Word. Trans. Joyce Main Hanks. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1985. -annotations

471. Collins, Ronald K.L. and David M. Skover. The Death of Discourse. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996. -inserts

472. Lonergan, Anne and Caroline Richards, eds. Thomas Berry and the New Cosmology. 1987. Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1988. -annotations; bookmark


Walter J. Ong Library

473. Biernatzki, William E. Roots of Acceptance: The Intercultural Communication of Religious Meanings. Roma: Editrice Pontifica Università Gregoriana, 1991. -annotations

474. Spretnak, Charlene. The Resurgence of the Real: Body, Nature, and Place in a Hypermodern World. Reading, MA; Menlo Park, CA; New York; Don Mills, Ontario; Harlow, England; Amsterdam; Bonn; Sydney; Singapore; Tokyo; Madrid; San Juan; Paris; Seoul; Milan; Mexico City; Taipei: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1997. -gift inscription; inserts; annotations

475. Coward, Harold. Sacred Word and Sacred Text: Scripture in World Religions. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1988. -annotations

476. Bly, Robert. Iron John: A Book About Men. Reading, MA; Menlo Park, CA; New York; Don Mills, Ontario; Wokingham, England; Amsterdam; Bonn; Sydney; Singapore; Tokyo; Madrid; San Juan: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1990. -annotations

477. Tavuchis, Nicholas. Mea Culpa: A Sociology of Apology and Reconciliation. Standford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1991. -gift inscription; annotations

478. Moore, Robert and Douglas Gillette. King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine. 1990. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991. -annotations

479. Hall, Thor. The Future Shape of Preaching. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971.

480. Kelber, Werner H. “Scripture and Logos: The Hermeneutics of Communication.” -advance copy from author -unbound copy w/annotations

481. Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Truth and Method. Trans. Garrett Barden and John Cumming. New York: Crossroad, 1975. -bookmarks; annotations

482. Pavur, Claude Nicholas. Nietzsche Humanist. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, n.d. -bookmark; insert

483. Shapiro, Gary and Alan Sica, eds. Hermeneutics: Questions and Prospects. 1984. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1988. -annotations; insert

484. Science in Context. 1.1 (March 1987). -insert; annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

485. Abram, David. The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World. New York: Pantheon Books, 1996. -insert; annotations

486. Weinsheimer, Joel C. Gadamer’s Hermeneutics: A Reading of Truth and Method. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1985. -insert; annotations

487. Magliola, Robert. Derrida on the Mend. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 1984. -gift inscription; inserts; annotations

488. Egan, Kieran. Primary Understanding: Education in Early Childhood. New York; London: Routledge, 1988. -annotations; bookmark

489. Simms, Norman. The Humming Tree: A Study in the History of Mentalities. Urbana; Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1992. -received from publisher

490. Lundin, Roger, Anthony C. Thiselton, and Clarence Walhout. The Responsibility of Hermeneutics. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; Exeter, England: The Paternoster Press Ltd., 1985.

491. Faik-Nzuji, Clémentine. Enigmes Lubas – Nshinga – Etude Structurale. Kinshasa: Editions de l’Université Lovanium, 1970. -bookmarks

492. Gleason, Ralph J., ed. Jam Session: An Anthology of Jazz. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1958. -annotations; insert; signed by George Kennard

493. Books for the Culture Wars. Spence Publishing (Late Fall 1999). -catalog for buying books

494. Newbold, R.F. “Nonverbal Communication and Parataxis in Late Antiquity.” L’Antiquité Classique: Revue publiée avec l’appui du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale et de la Culture et de la Fondation Universitatire. 55 (1986): 223-244. -extract from publication Classic Antiquity -annotations

495. Kirkwood, G.M. A Short Guide to Classical Mythology. New York: Rinehart & Company, Inc., 1959.

496. Haase, Wolfgang and Hildegard Temporini, eds. Rise and Decline of the Roman World. Vol. 26.1 Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992. -gift inscription; bookmark

497. Saint Louis University School of Medicine Seminar in Psychiatry and Literature 1988-89.


Walter J. Ong Library

-annotations; insert -bound copy of works from the seminar

498. Saint Louis University School of Medicine Seminar in Psychiatry and Literature 1995-1996. -list of works; letter

499. Saint Louis University School of Medicine Seminar in Psychiatry and Literature 1990-1991. -list of works; letter

500. Saint Louis University School of Medicine Seminar in Psychiatry and Literature 1989-1990. -annotations; inserts -bound copy of works from seminar

501. Saint Louis University School of Medicine Seminar in Psychiatry and Literature 1987-1988. -annotations -bound copy of works from seminar

502. Otis, William Bradley and Morriss H. Needleman. Outline – History of English Literature, To Dryden. Vol. 1 of Outline – History of English Literature. 2 vols. 3rd ed. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1939. -annotations; inserts

503. Needleman, Morris H. and William Bradley Otis. Outline – History of English Literature, Since Milton. Vol. 2 of Outline – History of English Literature. 2 vols. 2nd ed. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1939. -inserts; annotations

504. Gibson, Walker. A Style Study for Readers and Writers. New York: Random House, 1969. -gift inscription

505. Grollmes, Eugene E. At the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C.: Between the Lines. Washington, D.C.: Duplicate Impressions, Inc., 1988. -gift inscription

506. Hanff, Helene. 84, Charing Cross Road. New York: Avon, 1970. -insert

507. Norman, Marsha. ‘Night, Mother. New York: Hill and Wang, 1983. -annotations

508. Hornstein, Lillian Herlands, et al., eds. The Reader’s Companion to World Literature. 1956. New York: New American Library, 1958. -annotations

509. Mack, Maynard, et al., eds. The Continental Edition of World Masterpieces, Continental Literature through the Renaissance. Vol. 1 of The Continental Edition of World Masterpieces. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1974. -annotations


Walter J. Ong Library

510. Baugh, Albert C., ed. A Literary History of England. New York; London: Appleton-Century- Crofts, Inc., 1948. -annotations

511. Mack, Maynard, et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Literature of Western Culture through the Renaissance. Vol. 1 of The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. 4th ed. New York; London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1979. -annotations

512. Bradley, Sculley, et al., eds. The American Tradition in Literature. Vol. 2. 4th ed. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1974. -annotations

513. 1983 MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures, British, American, Australian, English-Canadian, New Zealand, and English- Caribbean Literatures. Vol. 1 of 1983 MLA International Bibliography. 5 vols. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1984. -bookmark w/notes

514. Abrams, M.H., et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 2. 2 vols. 4th ed. New York; London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1979. -annotations

515. Abrams, M.H., et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 1. 2 vols. 4th ed. New York; London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1979. -annotations; bookmark

516. Bradley, Sculley, et al., eds. The American Tradition in Literature. Vol. 1. 4th ed. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1974. -annotations; bookmarks -missing pages/defective copy

517. Kermode, Frank, et al., eds. The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, The Middle Ages through the Eighteenth Century. Vol. 1. New York; London; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1973.

518. Kermode, Frank, et al., eds. The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, 1800 to the Present. Vol. 2. New York; London; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1973.

519. Anderson, G.L., ed. Masterpieces of the Orient. Enlarged ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1977.

520. Elton, William. A Guide to the New Criticism. Revised ed. Chicago: Poetry, 1953.

521. Barnet, Sylvan, Morton Berman, and William Burto. A Dictionary of Literary, Dramatic, and Cinematic Terms. 2nd ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1971.


Walter J. Ong Library

522. Ruland, Richard, ed. The Native Muse: Theories of American Literature From Bradford to Whitman. Vol. 1. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1976.

523. Ruland, Richard, ed. A Storied Land: Theories of American Literature From Whitman to Edmund Wilson. Vol. 2. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1976.

524. Jones, Neal T. A Book of Days for the Literary Year. New York; London: Thames and Hudson, 1984.

525. Moody, William Vaughn and Robert Morss Lovett. A History of English Literature. Fred B. Millett, ed. 8th ed. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1964.

526. Approaches to Teaching World Literature, 61 Volumes. New York: Modern Language Association. -catalog of books

527. Grebanier, Bernard D.N. The Essentials of English Literature, The Nineteenth Century to the Present. Vol. 2. Woodbury, NY: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 1948.

528. Mack, Maynard, et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, Literature of Western Culture since the Renaissance. Vol. 2 of The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. 4th ed. New York; London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1979.

529. Mack, Maynard, et al., eds. The Continental Edition of World Masterpieces, Continental Literature since the Renaissance. Vol. 2 of The Continental Edition of World Masterpieces. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1974.

530. Grebanier, Bernard D.N. Essentials of English Literature from Its Beginning to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Vol. 1 of Essentials of English Literature. Revised ed. Woodbury, NY: Barron’s Educational Series, INC., 1959.

531. Hughes, Merritt Y., ed. John Milton Complete Poems and Major Prose. New York: The Odyssey Press, 1957. -insert; annotations; bookmark

532. Kammen, Michael. People of Paradox: An Inquiry Concerning the Origins of American Civilization. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975. -gift inscription

533. Baker, Herschel. The Wars of Truth: Studies in the Decay of Christian Humanism in the Earlier Seventeenth Century. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1952. -gift inscription

534. Barthel, Joan. A Death in Canaan. New York: E.P. Dutton and Co., Inc., 1976. -gift inscription

535. Patterson, Frank Allen. The Student’s Milton: Being the complete poems of John Milton with the greater part of his prose works, now printed in one volume, together with new


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translations into English of his Italian, Latin, and Greek poems. Revised ed. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1961. -annotations

536. Kenner, Hugh, ed. Seventeenth Century Poetry: The Schools of Donne and Jonson. New York; Chicago; San Francisco; Toronto; London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1964. -gift inscription

537. McLuhan, Marshall and Eric. Laws of Media: The New Science. Toronto; Buffalo; London: University of Toronto Press, 1988. -insert

538. Kenner, Hugh. Flaubert, Joyce and Beckett: The Stoic Comedians. Boston: Beacon Press, 1962. -gift inscription; insert; annotations

539. Koriyama, Naoshi. By the Lakeshore and Other Poems. Tokyo, Japan: The Hokuseido Press, 1977. -gift inscription; annotations

540. Levertov, Denise. A Door in the Hive. New York: New Directions Books, 1989. -gift inscription

541. Donoghue, Denis. Connoisseurs of Chaos: Ideas of Order in Modern American Poetry. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965. -gift inscription; annotations

542. Kenner, Hugh. Wyndham Lewis: The Makers of Modern Literature. Norfolk, CT: New Directions Books, 1954. -gift inscription; annotation

543. Freeman, James A. and Anthony Low, eds. Milton Studies XIX: Urbane Milton, the Latin Poetry. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1984. -gift inscription

544. Hanford, James Holly. John Milton, Englishman. New York: Crown Publishers, 1949. -annotations

545. Fritschi, Gerhard. Die Englische Romantik: Bergriffsbestimmungen und Akzentsetzungen in Literaturgeschichten seit 1863-72. Zürich: aku-Fotodruck, 1971. -gift inscription

546. Greene, Thomas. The Descent from Heaven: A Study in Epic Continuity. 1963. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1975. -insert

547. Stover, Clara. The Life of Russell Stover: An American Success Story. New York: Random House, 1957.


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-gift inscription; insert

548. Baron, Gabrielle. Introduction au Style Oral de l’Évangile d’après les Travaux de Marcel Jousse. Paris: Le Centurion, 1982. -inserts

549. Fish, Stanley Eugene. Surprised by Sin: the Reader in Paradise Lost. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 1971. -insert

550. Barth, Robert J. Coleridge and Christian Doctrine. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1969. -gift inscription

551. Logan, John. Spring of the Thief: Poems 1960-1962. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1963. -gift inscription

552. Knoepfle, John. The Chinkapin Oak: Poems 1993-1995. Springfield: Rosehill Press, 1995. -gift inscription

553. Smith, Albert E. Two Reels and a Crank. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1952. -gift inscription

554. Elliott, Emory. Power and the Pulpit in Puritan New England. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1975. -gift inscription

555. Feirstein, Frederick, ed. Expansive Poetry: Essays on the New Narrative & the New Formalism. Santa Cruz, CA: Story Line Press, 1989. -insert

556. Cope, Jackson I. The Metaphoric Structure of Paradise Lost. Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1962. -gift inscription

557. Dunne, Gerald T. Hugo Black and the Judicial Revolution. New York: Simon Schuster, 1977. -gift inscription; insert

558. Reports of the President and the Treasurer 1999. New York: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2000. -insert

559. Reports of the President and the Treasurer 2000. New York: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2001. -annotations

560. Brown, John L. Shards. Washington, D.C.: Proteus Press, 1982.


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-gift inscription

561. Brown, John L. Another Language. Milano: All’Insegna Del Pesce D’Oro, 1961. -gift inscription

562. Blackwell, Louise. My Web and My Place. Tallahassee, FL: The Wayward Press, 1976. -gift inscription

563. Farrell, James T. Judith. Athens, OH: The Duane Schneider Press, 1969. -gift inscription; signed

564. Hill, Geoffrey. Canaan. Boston; New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997. -gift inscription

565. Frye, Northrop. The Great Code: The Bible and Literature. New York; London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1982. -gift inscription; insert; annotations

566. Carpo, Mario. Architecture in the Age of Printing: Orality, Writing, Typography, and Printed Images in the History of Architectural Theory. Trans. Sarah Benson. Cambridge, MA; London: The MIT Press, 2001. -annotations; bookmark w/note

567. Baldwin, T.W. William Shakspere’s Small Latine & Lesse Greeke. Vol. 2. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1944. -annotations

568. Burks, Don M., ed. Rhetoric, Philosophy, and Literature: An Exploration. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 1978. -gift inscription; insert

569. Knoepfle, John. Begging an Amnesty: A book of poems. Birmingham, AL: Druid Press, 1994. -gift inscription

570. Beaujour, Michel. Miroirs d’Encre: Rhétorique de l’autoportrait. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1980. -gift inscription

571. Kenner, Hugh. Gnomon: Essays on Contemporary Literature. New York: McDowell Obolensky, 1958. -gift inscription

572. Hopkins, Kenneth, ed. The Enfant Terrible Again: Newly Discovered Notes. North Walsham, Norfolk: Warren House Press, 1974. -gift inscription


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573. Hernon, Peter. A Terrible Thunder: The Story of the New Orleans Sniper. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1978. -gift inscription; annotations

574. Lutaud, Olivier. Les Deux Révolutions d’Angleterre (Documents politiques, sociaux, religieux). Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1978. -gift inscription

575. Kenner, Hugh. The Counterfeiters: An Historical Comedy. Bloomington; London: Indiana University Press, 1968. -gift inscription

576. Brown, John L. Dialogos Trasatlanticos. Trans. Marta S. de Castellanos. Mexico: Editorial Limusa-Wiley, S.A., 1966. -gift inscription

577. Boerner, Peter. Tagebuch. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969. -gift inscription; annotations

578. McAnany, Emile G. and Robert Williams. The Filmviewer’s Handbook. Glen Rock, NJ: Paulist Press, 1965. -gift inscription

579. Shawcross, John T. Pennant Key-Indexed Study Guide to John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Philadelphia: Educational Research Associates, Inc., 1966. -annotations; insert

580. Miller, Perry, ed. American Thought: Civil War to World War I. New York; Toronto: Rinehart & Co., Inc., 1954. -gift inscription

581. Rosenthal, Raymond, ed. McLuhan: Pro and Con. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1969. -annotations

582. Scholes, Robert, ed. Learners and Discerners, A Newer Criticism: Discussions of Modern Literature by Harry Levin, John Frederick Nims, R.W.B. Lewis, Hugh Kenner, Ihab Hassan. Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia, 1964. -gift inscription

583. Wimsatt, Jr., William K. Alexander Pope: Selected Poetry and Prose. New York; Toronto: Rinehart & Co., Inc., 1951. -gift inscription

584. Carrithers, Jr., Gale H. and James D. Hardy, Jr. Milton and the Hermeneutic Journey. Baton Rouge; London: Louisiana State University Press, 1994. -gift inscription; annotations; insert


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585. Mahl, Mary R., ed. Seventeenth Century English Prose. Philadelphia; New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1968. -annotations

586. Kizer, Carolyn. Knock Upon Silence: Poems by Carolyn Kizer. Seattle; London: University of Washington Press, 1968. -gift inscription

587. Brinkley, Roberta Florence, ed. English Poetry of the XVII Century. 1936. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1942. -annotations

588. Patrick, J. Max, et al., eds. Style, Rhetoric, and Rhythm: Essays by Morris W. Croll. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1966. -annotations

589. Milton, John. A Fuller Institution of the Art of Logic, Arranged after the Method of Peter Ramus. Trans. Allan H. Gilbert, ed. Vol. 11 of The Works of John Milton. New York: Columbia University Press, 1935. -inserts; annotatins

590. Brinkley, Roberta Florence, ed. English Prose of the XVII Century. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1951. -annotations

591. Brown, Raymond E., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, and Roland E. Murphy. 1968. The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990. -gift inscription; annotations; inserts

592. Praz, Mario. The Flaming Heart: Essays on Crashaw, Machiavelli, and Other Studies in the Relations between Italian and English Literature from Chaucer to T.S. Eliot. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1958. -annotations

593. Willey, Basil. The Seventeenth Century Background: Studies in the Thought of the Age in Relation to Poetry and Religion. 1934. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., n.d.

594. Ross, James Bruce and Mary Martin McLaughlin, eds. The Portable Renaissance Reader. New York: The Viking Press, 1953. -annotations; bookmark

595. Patrides, C.A., ed. The English Poems of George Herbert. 1974. London: Dent; Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1975. -inserts

596. Millar, Susanna. The Psychology of Play. 1968. Middlesex, England; Baltimore; Victoria, Australia: Penguin Books, 1971.


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597. Erikson, Erik H. Childhood and Society. 2nd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1963. -annotations

598. Huizinga, J. Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture. 1955. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1960. -annotations

599. Lewis, C.S. English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, Excluding Drama. 1954. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965. -annotations

600. Beeching, H.C., ed. The Poetical Works of John Milton. London: Oxford University Press, 1928. -annotations

601. Sylvester, Richard S. The History of King Richard III. Vol. 2 of The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St. Thomas More. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1963. -inserts; annotations

602. Rollins, Hyder E. and Herschel Baker. The Renaissance in England: Non-dramatic Prose and Verse of the Sixteenth Century. Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1954. -annotations; inserts

603. Neilson, William Allan and Charles Jarvis Hill, eds. The Complete Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. Boston; New York; Chicago; Dallas; Atlanta; San Francisco: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1942. -inserts; annotations

604. Smith, J.C. and E. de Selincourt, eds. The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. 1912. London; New York; Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1947. -insert; annotations

605. Brown, Raymond E., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, and Roland E. Murphy, eds. The Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. -inserts; annotations

606. Shaaber, M.A., ed. Seventeenth-Century English Prose. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1957. -annotations; inserts

607. Joseph, Miriam. Shakespeare’s Use of the Arts of Language. 1947. New York: Columbia University Press, 1949. -inserts


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608. McDonald, Charles Osborne. The Rhetoric of Tragedy: Form in Stuart Drama. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1966. -inserts; gift inscription

609. Bradt, Kevin M. Story as a Way of Knowing. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1997. -inserts

610. Jones, H.S.V. A Spenser Handbook. 1930. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1958. -annotations

611. Sidney, Philip. An Apology for Poetry. Ed. Forrest G. Robinson. Indianapolis; New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1970. -gift inscription

612. Fish, Stanley E. Self-Consuming Artifacts: The Experience of Seventeenth-Century Literature. 1972. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 1974. -annotations; bookmarks

613. Hamilton, K.G. The Two Harmonies: Poetry and Prose in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963. -inserts; annotations

614. Nohrnberg, James. The Analogy of The Faerie Queene. 1976. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1980. -gift inscription

615. White, Helen C., Ruth C. Wallerstein, and Ricardo Quintana. Seventeenth-Century Verse and Prose, 1600-1660. Vol. 1. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951. -annotations

616. Lawlis, Merritt, ed. Elizabethan Prose Fiction. New York: The Odyssey Press, Inc., 1967. -gift inscription

617. Connor, James A. God’s Breath and Other Stories. New York; Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1988. -gift inscription

618. Baker, Herschel. The Later Renaissance in England: Nondramatic Verse and Prose, 1600- 1660. Boston; Atlanta; Dallas; Geneva, IL; Hopewell, NJ; Palo Alto; London: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1975. -annotations

619. Lamson, Roy and Hallett Smith, eds. The Golden Hind: An Anthology of Elizabethan Prose and Poetry. 1942. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1956. -annotations

620. Witherspoon, Alexander M. and Frank J. Warnke, eds. Seventeenth-Century Prose and Poetry. 2nd ed. New York; Burlingame: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1963. -insert; annotations


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621. Deck, Allan F. Francisco Javier Alegre: A Study in Mexican Literary Criticism. Vol. 13 of Sources and Studies for the History of the Americas. Rome; Tucson: Jesuit Historical Institute, 1976. -gift inscription

622. Keller, Helen Rex. The Reader’s Digest of Books. 1929. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1941. -inserts; annotations

623. Miller, Perry. The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1939. -gift inscription; annotations

624. Miller, Perry. The Life of the Mind in America: From the Revolution to the Civil War. Books 1-3. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1965. -annotations

625. Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. The Structure of Behavior. Trans. Alden L. Fisher. Boston: Beacon Press, 1963. -gift inscription; annotations

626. Ploetz’ Manual of Universal History. 1883. Trans. William H. Tillinghast. Ed. Harry Elmer Barnes, et. al. Boston; New York; Chicago; San Francisco: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925. -insert; annotations

627. Park, Myung-Seok. Communication Styles in Two Different Cultures: Korean and American. Seoul, Korea: Han Shin Publishing Co., 1979. -gift inscription; annotations

628. Goldenson, Robert M., ed. Longman Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry. New York; London: Longman, 1984. -insert

629. Noonan, Jr., John T. Persons and Masks of the Law: Cardozo, Holmes, Jefferson, and Wythe as Makers of the Masks. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1976. -gift inscription

630. Bardwick, Judith M. Psychology of Women: A Study of Bio-Cultural Conflicts. New York; Evanston; San Francisco; London: Harper & Row, 1971. -annotations

631. Holland, Norman N. The I. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1985. -annotations

632. Sale, William. Existentialism and Euripides: Sickness, Tragedy and Divinity in the Medea, the Hippolytus and the Bacchae. Berwick, Victoria, Australia: Aureal Publications, 1977.


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-gift inscription; annotations

633. Poirot, Eugene M. Permission To Life. Kansas City, MO: Acres U.S.A., 1986. -insert; gift inscription

634. Rifkin, Jeremy. Biosphere Politics: A New Consciousness for a New Century. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1991. -insert; Ong cited

635. Hofling, Charles K. Textbook of Psychiatry for Medical Practice. 3rd ed. Philadelphia; Toronto: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1975. -gift inscription; inserts; annotations

636. Sisk, John P. Being Elsewhere. Cheney, WA: Eastern Washington University Press, 1994. -gift inscription

637. Gallin, Alice. Independence and a New Partnership in Catholic Higher Education. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996. -gift inscription

638. Collins, James. The British Empiricists: Locke, Berkeley, Hume. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1967. -gift inscription

639. Collins, James. The Continental Rationalists: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1967. -gift inscription

640. Collins, James. Spinoza on Nature. Carbondale; Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984. -gift inscription; annotations

641. Menninger, Karl. Whatever Became of Sin? 1973. New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1974. -gift inscription

642. De la Cruz, Sor Juana Inés. A Woman of Genius: The Intellectual Autobiography of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. Salisbury, CT: Lime Rock Press, Inc., 1982. -gift inscription

643. Spretnak, Charlene. States of Grace: The Recovery of Meaning in the Postmodern Age. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993. -gift inscription

644. O’Toole, Robert F. The Unity of Luke’s Theology: An Analysis of Luke-Acts. Vol. 9 of Good News Studies. Ed. Robert J. Karris. Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, Inc., 1984. -gift inscription; insert


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645. Takayanagi, Shunichi. Karl Rahner Studies. Tokyo: n.p., 1993. -in Japanese -gift inscription; insert

646. Altizer, Thomas J. J. Oriental Mysticism and Biblical Eschatology. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1961. -gift inscription

647. O’Brien, George Dennis. God and the New Haven Railway and Why Neither One is Doing Very Well. 1986. Boston: Beacon Press, 1988. -annotations; bookmark

648. Hofling, Charles K. Custer and the Little Big Horn: A Psychobiographical Inquiry. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1981. -gift inscription

649. Erikson, Erik H. Gandhi’s Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1969. -gift inscription

650. Deck, Allan Figueroa. The Second Wave: Hispanic Ministry and the Evangelization of Cultures. New York; Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989. -gift inscription; annotations

651. Donze, Mary Terese. Down Gospel Byways: 18 Stories of People Who Met Jesus. Liguori, MO: Liguori Publications, 1983. -gift inscription

652. Donze, Mary Terese. Teresa of Avila. New York; Ramsey: Paulist Press, 1982. -gift inscription

653. Faherty, William Barby. The Catholic Ancestry of Saint Louis. Number 2 of Bicentennial Historical Series. Saint Louis: Bureau of Information, 1965. -gift inscription

654. Duke, Paul D. Irony in the Fourth Gospel. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1985. -gift inscription; insert

655. Boyd, John D. Christ is Our Light: Meditations on the Paschal Mystery. Denville, NJ: Dimension Books, 1976. -gift inscription

656. Hofling, Charles K. and Jerry M. Lewis, eds. The Family: Evaluation and Treatment. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1980. -gift inscription

657. Foley, John. Creativity and the Roots of Liturgy. Washington, D.C.: The Pastoral Press, 1994.


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658. Kadowaki, J.K. Zen and the Bible: A priest’s experience. 1980. Trans. Joan Reick. London; Boston; Melbourne; Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982. -gift inscription; annotations; inserts

659. Pelikan, Jaroslav. Jesus Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture. 1985. New York; Grand Rapids; Philadelphia; St. Louis; San Francisco; London; Singapore; Sydney; Tokyo; Toronto: Harper & Row, 1987. -annotations

660. Kelber, Werner H. Mark’s Story of Jesus. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979. -gift inscription

661. Altizer, Thomas J. J. The Self-Embodiment of God. New York; Hagerstown; San Francisco; London: Harper & Row, 1977. -gift inscription

662. Altizer, Thomas J. J. The Gospel of Christian Atheism. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1966. -gift inscription; annotation

663. Sipe, A.W. Richard. A Secret World: Sexuality and the Search for Celibacy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1990. -gift inscription

664. Gittins, Anthony J. “Sacrifice, Violence, and the Eucharist.” Worship 65.5 (September 1991): 420-435. -annotations -unbound copy of article

665. Psychology of Religion Newsletter 18.2 (Spring 1993).

666. Gibb, Jack R. Trust: A New View of Personal and Organizational Development. Los Angeles: Guild of Tutors Press, 1978. -bookmarks

667. Clasby, Nancy Tenfelde. New Jerusalem: Myth, Literature, and the Sacred. Scranton: The University of Scranton Press, 2000. -annotations

668. Huff, Peter A. Allen Tate and the Catholic Revival: Trace of the Fugitive Gods. New York; Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1996. -gift inscription; annotations

669. Ayo, Nicholas. The Creed as Symbol. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1989. -inserts; annotations


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670. Hellwig, Monika K. Understanding Catholicism. New York; Ramsey: Paulist Press, 1981. -inserts

671. Bangert, William V. A History of the Society of Jesus. St. Louis: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1972. -gift inscription; annotations

672. Ziock, Hermann. Lehnert & Landrock’s Guide to Egypt with 4 coloured maps, many sketches and diagrams and 46 plates. Cairo, Egypt: Lehnert & Landrock, 1965. -annotations

673. Bush, Douglas. English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600-1660. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962.

674. Lee, W.F., ed. Music Theory Dictionary: The Language of the Mechanics of Music. 1965. New York: Folk World, Inc.; London: Hansen Publications, Ltd., 1966.

675. Tipler, Frank J. The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead. New York; London; Toronto; Sydney; Auckland: Doubleday, 1994.

676. The Family of the Future, the Future of the Family: Proceedings of the ITEST Workshop October, 1998. St. Louis: ITEST Faith/Science Press, 1999.

677. Coccia, Orestes P. Ontologic Silence: Introduction to a Post-Kantian Episemological Issue and a New Theological Perspective. Originally delivered as a lecture to members of the philosophy and theology departments at Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH., on the book Immediacy: The Dialectics of Non-Rational Consciousness, Prophet, Poet and Physicist.

678. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy: Available Works. Essex, VT: Argo Books, n.d.

679. Igboanusi, Edmund Chukwudalu. “Private Language in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein: Its Relevance for Social Communications.” Diss. Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, 1994.

680. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 2001 Annual Report. Standford, CA.

681. Records of the [American] Academy [of Arts and Sciences] 2001. Cambridge, MA: Norton’s Woods, 2001.

682. Magnan, William B. and Marcella C. The Streets of St. Louis: A History of St. Louis Street Names. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Virginia Publishing Co., 1996.

683. Wilson, Edward O. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press, 1975.

684. Martz, Louis, ed. English Seventeenth-Century Verse. Vol. 1. 1963. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1973.


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685. Martz, Louis L. The Poetry of Meditation: A Study in English Religious Literature of the Seventeenth Century. 1954. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1962.

686. Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Ed. David Bevington. Toronto; New York; London; Sydney; Auckland: Bantam Books, 1988.

687. Milton, John. Paradise Lost: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism. Ed. Scott Elledge. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1975.

688. Kenner, Hugh. The Art of Poetry. New York: Rinehart & Company, Inc., 1959.

689. Milton, John. Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books. Ed. Merritt Y. Hughes. Indianapolis: Odyssey Press, 1962.

690. The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton. Ed. Douglas Bush. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965.

691. Mohl, Ruth. John Milton and His Commonplace Book. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing, Co., 1969.

692. Shawcross, John T. and Ronald David Emma, eds. Seventeenth Century English Poetry. Philadelphia; New York: J.B. Lippincott Company, 1969.

693. Barilli, Renato. La Retorica. Milano: ISEDI Istituto Editoriale Internazionale, 1979.

694. Everything We Look Upon is Blest: Claire Hahn Becker, 1924-1978.

695. Why Read and Write? A Conversation about Literacy with Harry Berger, Jr., Conducted by Louis E. Haga. San Francisco: Chandler & Sharp Publishers, Inc., 1974.

696. Kenner, Hugh. Studies in Change: A Book of the Short Story. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1965.

697. Birenbaum, Harvey. Myth and Mind. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988.

698. Hanford, James Holly. A Milton Handbook. 4th ed. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1961.

699. Critical Essays on Milton from ELH. Baltimore; London: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1969.

700. Eliot, T.S. Essays on Elizabethan Drama. 1932. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1956.

701. Samuel, Rinna. Israel and the Holy Land. Ed. Alexander Dorozynski. New York: Golden Press, 1967.

702. White, Helen C., Ruth C. Wallerstein, and Ricardo Quintana. Seventeenth-Century Verse and Prose, 1660-1700. Vol. 2. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952.


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703. The Complete Poetry of Robert Herrick. Ed. J. Max Patrick. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1963.

704. George Herbert and the Seventeenth-Century Religious Poets: Authoritative Texts, Criticism. Ed. Mario A. di Cesare. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1978.

705. Ascham, Roger. The Schoolmaster (1570). Ed. Lawrence V. Ryan. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967.

706. Seventeenth-Century English Poetry. Ed. R.C. Bald. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1959.

707. Warren, Austin. Richard Crashaw: A Study in Baroque Sensibility. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1957.

708. John Donne’s Sermons on the Psalms and Gospels with a Selection of Prayers and Meditations. Ed. Evelyn M. Simpson. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1963.

709. Richard S.M. Hirsch, ed. R.I., the Most Pleasant History of Tom a Lincolne. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1978.

710. Hiram Haydn, ed.. The Portable Elizabethan Reader. New York: The Viking Press, 1955.

711. Tuve, Rosemond. Elizabethan and Metaphysical Imagery: Renaissance Poetic and Twentieth-Century Critics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1947.

712. The Complete Works of St. Thomas More. Vol. 4. Ed. Edward Surtz and J.H. Hexter. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1965.

713. Hogan, Patrick Colm. Philosophical Approaches to the Study of Literature. Gainesville; Tallahassee; Tampa; Boca Raton; Pensacola; Orlando; Miami; Jacksonville: University Press of Florida, 2000. -gift inscription; insert; annotations; bookmark

714. Harold Hooper Blanchard, ed. Prose and Poetry of the Continental Renaissance in Translation. 2nd ed. New York; London; Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1959.

715. J. William Hebel, et al. Tudor Poetry and Prose. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1953.

716. Richard S. Sylvester, ed. English Seventeenth-Century Verse. Vol. 2 of The Norton Library Seventeenth-Century Series. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1974.

717. McLuhan, Marshall and Quentin Fiore. The Medium is the Massage. New York; London; Toronto: Bantam Books, 1967.


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718. King, Thomas M. Enchantments: Religion and the Power of the Word. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1989. -Complimentary review copy

719. Virginia M. Shaddy, ed. International Perspectives in Comparative Literature: Essays in Honor of Charles Dédéyan. Vol. 15 of Studies in Comparative Literature. Lewiston; Queenston; Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1991.

720. Baldwin, T.W. William Shakspere’s Small Latine & Lesse Greeke. Vol. 1. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1944.

721. Oral Tradition 1.1 (January 1986).

722. Oral Tradition 1.2 (May 1986).

723. Oral Tradition 1.3 (October 1986).

724. Foley, John Miles. Hispanic Balladry. Issue of Oral Tradition 2.2-3 (May-October 1987). -annotations -“Hispanic Balladry”

725. Oral Tradition 3.1-2 (January-May 1988).

726. Oral Tradition 4.3 (October 1989).

727. Foley, John Miles. Arabic Oral Traditions. Issue of Oral Tradition 4.1-2 (January-May 1989).

728. Oral Tradition 5.1 (January 1990). -annotations

729. Foley, John Miles. South Pacific Oral Traditions. Issue of Oral Tradition 5.2-3. (May- October 1990). -annotations

730. Oral Tradition 6.1 (January 1991).

731. Foley, John Miles. Serbo-Croatian Oral Traditions. Issue of Oral Tradition 6.2-3 (May- October 1991). -bookmark

732. Oral Tradition 7.1 (March 1992).

733. Oral Tradition 7.2 (October 1992).

734. Oral Tradition 8.1 (March 1993).

735. Oral Tradition 8.2 (October 1993).


Walter J. Ong Library

736. Foley, John Miles. African Oral Traditions. Issue of Oral Tradition 9.1 (March 1994).

737. Oral Tradition 9.2 (October 1994).

738. Oral Tradition 10.2 (October 1995).

739. Oral Tradition 11.1 (March 1996).

740. Oral Tradition 11.2 (October 1996).

741. Slavica Publishers Catalog 59 (Winter 2001). -annotations; insert

742. The Institute of Jesuit Sources & the Seminar on Jesuit Spirituality Catalog: New and Recent and Classic Publications. (2001-2002).

743. Schmidt, Edward W. Portraits and Landscapes: Scenes from Our Common Life. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 27.2 (March 1995).

744. Stockhausen, Gerard L. I’d Love to, but I Don’t Have the Time: Jesuits and Leisure. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 27.3 (May 1995).

745. Anderson, George M. Jesuits in Jail, Ignatius to the Present. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 27.4 (September 1995).

746. Shelton, Charles M. Friendship in Jesuit Life: The Joys, the Struggles, the Possibilities. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 27.5 (November 1995).

747. Wright, Gary R. Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits: Indexes for the First Twenty-Five Years, 1969-1993. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits (December 1995).

748. Begheyn, Paul. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits: Publications in English, 1900- 1993. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 28.1 (January 1996).

749. Veale, Joseph. Saint Ignatius Speaks about “Ignatian Prayer.”. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 28.2 (March 1996). -annotations

750. Clooney, Francis X. In Ten Thousand Places, in Every Blade of Grass: Uneventful but True Confessions about Finding God in India, and Here Too. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 28.3 (May 1996).

751. Starkloff, Carl F. “As Different As Night and Day:” Ignatius’s Presupposition and Our Way of Conversing across Cultures. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 28.4 (September 1996).


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752. Starkloff, Carl F. “As Different As Night and Day:” Ignatius’s Presupposition and Our Way of Conversing across Cultures. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 28.4 (September 1996). -gift inscription

753. Beckett, Edward F. Listening to Our History: Inculturation and Jesuit Slaveholding. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 28.5 (November 1996).

754. Hamm, Dennis. Preaching Biblical Justice: To Nurture the Faith That Does It. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 29.1 (January 1997).

755. Padberg, John W. The Three Forgotten Founders of the Society of Jesus: Paschase Broët, Jean Codure, Claude Jay. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 29.2 (March 1997).

756. Byrne, Peter D. Jesuits and Parish Ministry. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 29.3 (May 1997).

757. Keenan, James F. Are Informationes Ethical. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 29.4 (September 1997).

758. Ferlita, Ernest C. The Road to Bethlehem-Is It Level or Winding? Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 29.5 (November 1997).

759. Shore, Paul. The Vita Christi of Ludolph of Saxony and Its Influence on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 28.4 (September 1996).

760. Starkloff, Carl F. “I’m No Theologian, but . . . (or So . . . )?:” The Role of Theology in the Life and Ministry of Jesuits. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 30.2 (March 1998). -bookmark

761. Torrens, James. The Word That Clamors: Jesuit Poetry That Reflects the Spiritual Exercises. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 30.3 (May 1998).

762. Fullam, Lisa. Juana, S.J.: The Past (and Future?): Status of Women in the Society of Jesus. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 31.5 (November 1999). -annotations

763. Langan, John P. The Good of Obedience in a Culture of Autonomy. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 32.1 (January 2000).

764. Blake, Richard A. Listen with Your Eyes: Interpreting Images in the Spiritual Exercises. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 31.2 (March 2000).

765. Shelton, Charles M. When a Jesuit Counsels Others: Some Practical Guidelines. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 32.3 (May 2000). -annotations


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766. Barry, William A. Past, Present, and Future: A Jubilarian’s Reflections on Jesuit Spirituality. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 32.4 (September 2000).

767. Starkloff, Carl F. Pilgrimage Re-envisioned: Mission and Culture in the Last Five General Congregations. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 32.5 (November 2000). -annotations

768. Faith, Justice, and American Jesuit Higher Education: Readings from the Formula of the Institute, the Constitutions, the Complementary Norms, GC 32, Pedro Arrupe, S.J., and GC 34; and an Address by Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 33.1 (January 2001).

769. Keenan, James F. Unexpected Consequences: A Jesuit and Puritan Book, Robert Persons’s Christian Directory, and Its Relevance for Jesuit Spirituality Today. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 33.2 (March 2001).

770. Veale, Joseph. Saint Ignatius Asks, “Are You Sure You Know Who I Am?” Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 33.4 (September 2001). -annotations

771. Barry, William A. and James F. Keenan, eds. How Multicultural Are We? Six Stories by Claudio M. Burgaleta, Gregory C. Chisholm, Eduardo C. Fernandez, Gerdenio M. Manuel, J-Glenn Murray, and Hung T. Pham, all of the Society of Jesus. Issue of Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 33.5 (November 2001).

772. Mentalities Mentalités 1.1 (1982). -annotation

773. Mentalities Mentalités 1.2 (1983).

774. Mentalities Mentalités 2.1 (1984). -annotations

775. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 4.1 (1987). -annotations

776. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 4.2 (1987).

777. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 6.1 (1989).

778. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 6.2 (1990).

779. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 7.1 (1990). -annotations

780. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 8.1 (1993).

781. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 8.2 (1993).


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782. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 9.1 (1994).

783. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 9.2 (1994).

784. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 10.1 (1995).

785. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 10.2 (1995).

786. Mentalities Mentalités: interdisciplinary journal interdisciplinaire 11.1 (April 1996).

787. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 11.2 (January 1997).

788. Mentalities Mentalités: an interdisciplinary journal/un journal interdisciplinaire 12.1-2 (December 1997).

789. RIMU 1.2 (April-May 1984).

790. RIMU 1.5 (1984).

791. RIMU 1.6 (1984).

792. Communication Research Trends 13.4 (1993).

793. Communication Research Trends 14.1-2 (1994).

794. Communication Research Trends 14.3 (1994).

795. Communication Research Trends 14.4 (1994).

796. Communication Research Trends 15.1 (1995).

797. Communication Research Trends 15.2 (1995).

798. Communication Research Trends 15.3 (1995). -annotations

799. Communication Research Trends 15.4 (1995).

800. Communication Research Trends 16.1 (1996).

801. Communication Research Trends 16.2 (1996).

802. Communication Research Trends 16.3 (1996). -article by Ong


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803. Communication Research Trends 16.3 (1996). -article by Ong

804. Communication Research Trends 16.4 (1996).

805. Communication Research Trends 17.1 (1997).

806. Communication Research Trends 17.2 (1997).

807. Communication Research Trends 17.3 (1997).

808. Communication Research Trends 17.4 (1997).

809. Communication Research Trends 18.1 (1998).

810. Communication Research Trends 18.2 (1998). -article by Ong -annotations

811. Communication Research Trends 18.3 (1998).

812. Communication Research Trends 18.4 (1998).

813. Communication Research Trends 19.1-2 (1999).

814. Communication Research Trends 19.3 (1999).

815. Communication Research Trends 19.4 (1999). -cites Ong

816. Communication Research Trends 20.1-4 (2000-2001). -insert; annotations

817. MLA Annual Update (Fall 1999).

818. MLA Newsletter 31.3 (Fall 1999).

819. MLA Newsletter 32.1 (Spring 2000).

820. MLA Newsletter 32.3 (Fall 2000).

821. MLA Newsletter 33.1 (Spring 2001).

822. MLA Newsletter 33.2 (Summer 2001).

823. PMLA 112.6 (November 1997).


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824. PMLA 113.1 (January 1998).

825. PMLA 114.3 (May 1999).

826. PMLA 114.5 (October 1999).

827. PMLA 115.1 (January 2000).

828. PMLA 115.3 (May 2000).

829. PMLA 115.5 (October 2000).

830. PMLA 115.6 (November 2000).

831. PMLA 115.7 (December 2000). -annotations; reprint of Ong article

832. PMLA 116.1 (January 2001). -bookmarks; annotations

833. PMLA 116.2 (March 2001).

834. PMLA 116.3 (May 2001).

835. PMLA 116.5 (October 2001). -bookmark

836. PMLA 116.6 (November 2001). -annotations; bookmarks

837. PMLA 115.4 (September 2000). -inserts; annotations

838. PMLA 113.4 (September 1998).

839. Profession 2000 (2000).

840. Profession 1999 (1999).

841. Christianity and Literature 48.3 (Spring 1999).

842. Christianity and Literature 50.1 (Autumn 2000). -article by Ong -annotations; bookmark

843. Christianity and Literature 50.1 (Autumn 2000). -article by Ong


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844. Christianity and Literature 50.1 (Autumn 2000). -article by Ong -annotations

845. Religion and the Arts 1.4 (Winter 1997). -bookmark

846. Religion and Literature 33.3 (Autumn 2001). -annotations -review of Ong-related book

847. Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education 16.2 (Winter 1996).

848. Malatesta, Edward J. The Society of Jesus and China: A Historical-Theological Essay. Issue of Discovery: Jesuit International Ministries 7 (June 1997).

849. Van Gerwen, Jef. Antipersonnel Land Mines: An Ethical Reflection. Issue of Discovery: Jesuit International Ministries 6 (September 1995).

850. Haight, Roger. Jesus and Mission: An Overview of the Problem. Issue of Discovery: Jesuit International Ministries 5 (December 1994).

851. Bowering, Gerhard. Jesuits and the Islamic World at the Beginning of a New Millenium. Issue of Discovery: Jesuit International Ministries 4 (December 1993).

852. Claver, Francisco. Jesuits and International Mission and the Basic Ecclesial Community: Vehicle par Excellence for Inculturation. Issue of Discovery: Jesuit International Ministries 3 (May 1993).

853. Brackley, Dean. The Christian University and Liberation. Issue of Discovery: Jesuit International Ministries 2 (December 1992).

854. Amaladoss, Michael. Mission and Missioners in Today’s Global Context. Issue of Discovery: Jesuit International Ministries 1 (January 1992).

855. NNF News 1 (1998).

856. CCICA Annual 1997 16 (1997).

857. Faherty, William Barnaby. Men to Remember: Jesuit Teachers at Saint Louis University, 1829-1979. St. Louis: St. Louis University Press, 1997.

858. Population Issues: Cairo, Copenhagen, Beijing. Proceedings of the ITEST Workshop October 1995. St. Louis: ITEST Faith/Science Press, 1996.

859. Patenting of Biological Entities. Proceedings of the ITEST Workshop October 1996. St. Louis: ITEST Faith/Science Press, 1997.


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860. Creation and Evolution. Proceedings of the ITEST Workshop October 1997. St. Louis: ITEST Faith/Science Press, 1998.

861. Christianity and the Environmental Ethos. Proceedings of the ITEST Workshop March 1996. St. Louis: ITEST Faith/Science Press, 1996.

862. Religion and the Arts 2.1 (Spring 1998).

863. Religion and the Arts 1.3 (Summer 1997).

864. Religion and the Arts 1.2 (Spring 1997).

865. Religion and the Arts 1.1 (Fall 1996).

866. Religion and Literature 30.1 (Spring 1998).

867. Religion and Literature 31.3 (Autumn 1999).

868. New Language Planning Newsletter 4.2 (December 1989).

869. New Language Planning Newsletter 4.3 (March 1990).

870. New Language Planning Newsletter 5.4 (June 1991).

871. New Language Planning Newsletter 5.3 (March 1991).

872. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 40.1 (Fall 2001). -annotation

873. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 39.4 (January 1986). -annotations

874. FRRC News 2 (1996). -annotation

875. ITEST Membership Directory 1990. -Ong member and listed

876. NNF News 3 (2001). -annotations

877. Milton Society of America Annual Dinner and Meeting Royal Sonesta Hotel New Orleans December 28, 2001. -annotations

878. Cross Currents 49.1 (Spring 1999). -inserted letter


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879. Mosaic 21.2-3 (Spring 1988). -annotations on cover

880. Mendoza, María C. Chavarría. Con La Voz de Nuestros Viejos Antiguos (Eséha Echíikiana Esóiho. Lima: Fomciencias, 1984. -unbound copy of book -annotation first page

881. Pavliscak, Pamela, Seamus Ross, and Charles Henry. Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges, The United States Focus. ACLS Occasional Paper 37 (1997).

882. Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education 12 (Fall 1997). -annotation

883. Book Gazette (Winter 1995). -annotation front page

884. Jomphe, Claudine. “Comment disposer le long poème? Quelques réflexions de la Renaissance française sur l’historien, l’orateur et le poète.” Paper. Saint Louis University, n.d. -paper given to Ong

885. Redefining Literacy (Summer 1992). -annotations

886. Cross Currents 35.1 (Spring 1985). -annotations

887. Communio International Catholic Review 17.2 (Summer 1990). -annotations

888. College English 62.6 (July 2000).

889. College English 62.4 (March 2000). -annotations

890. National Endowment for the Humanities 1999 Annual Report.

891. National Endowment for the Humanities 1996 Annual Report.

892. NEH in the Digital Age: A Report to Congress and the Country. 1997. -insert

893. MHRA Annual Bulletin of the Modern Humanities Research Association 67 (November 1995).


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894. MHRA Annual Bulletin of the Modern Humanities Research Association 69 (November 1997).

895. MHRA Annual Bulletin of the Modern Humanities Research Association 73 (February 2001). -insert 896. Theology Today 57.2 (July 2000). -bookmark

897. Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education 11 (Spring 1997).

898. NNF News 3 (1999).

899. NNF News 3 (2000).

900. Nouveautés DROZ (mars [March] 2001).

901. Katz, Stanley N. Report of the President, 1986-1997. ACLS Occasional Paper 38 (1997).

902. Computing and the Humanities: Summary of a Roundtable Meeting. ACLS Occasional Paper 41 (1998).

903. Friedman, Jerome, Peter Galison, and Susan Haack. The Humanities and the Sciences. Presented on May 1, 1999 in Philadelphia, PA as part of the ACLS Annual Meeting. ACLS Occasional Paper 47.

904. Bender, Thomas, Stanley Chodorow, and Pauline Yu. The Transformation of Humanistic Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Opportunities and Perils. ACLS Occasional Paper 40 (1997).

905. ACLS Annual Report 1996-1997. New York: American Council of Learned Societies, 1998.

906. Correspondence: An International Review of Culture and Society 7 (Winter 2000/2001). -annotations

907. Committee on Intellectual Correspondence Newsletter 2 (Spring/Summer 1998). -annotations

908. Correspondence: An International Review of Culture and Society 5 (Winter 1999-2000).

909. Membership Directory of the Academy. Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2001.

910. Records of the Academy 2000. Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2000. -bookmarks

911. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 2000 Annual Report.


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912. Smith, G.S. Russian Poetry: The Lives or the Lines? The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association read at University College London on 17 March 2000. Reprinted from The Modern Language Review 95.4 (October 2000).

913. Daedalus 130.1 (Winter 2001).

914. America 183.1 (1-8 July 2000). -annotations

915. America 183.20 (16 December 2000).

916. Harvard Magazine 103.1 (September-October 2000).

917. Laguna, José. And if God Were Not Perfect? Towards a sympathetic spirituality. Issue of Booklets Cristianisme I Justícia 99 (December 2000).

918. I Carrera, Joan Carrera. In Search of the Kingdom: Morals for the New Millennium. Issue of Booklets of Cristianisme I Justícia 98 (November 2000).

919. The Third Millennium-a challenge for the church. Issue of Booklets Cristianisme I Justícia 91 (November 1999). -annotations

920. Review for Religions 59.1 (January-February 2000). -annotations

921. Day, Michael. Oral Tradition and the Contemporary Novel. Kobe Miscellany 13 (1986). -gift inscription

922. Alpha Sigma Nu: National Jesuit Honor Society Newsletter (Fall 1997).

923. The Hopkins Quarterly 26.3-4 (Summer-Fall 1999).

924. The Hopkins Quarterly 27.3-4 (Summer-Fall 2000).

925. Milton Society of America Annual Dinner and Meeting The Midland Hotel Chicago December 28, 1999. -insert

926. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 53.2 (November/December 1999).

927. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 53.3 (January/February 2000).

928. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 53.4 (March/April 2000).


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929. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 53.5 (May/June 2000).

930. 2000 and Beyond: A Plan for Renewal, Executive Summary of the Strategic Plan. Spec. issue of Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 53 (Winter 2000).

931. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 54.1 (Fall 2000).

932. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 54.2 (Winter 2001).

933. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 54.3 (Spring 2001).

934. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 54.4 (Summer 2001).

935. Stained Glass Association of America Sourcebook 2001.

936. Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs 55 (June 1998).

937. Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs 54 (March 1998).

938. Christians & Scholarship 1.1 (April 1998).

939. JESCOM Bulletin 43 (January 1998).

940. JESCOM Bulletin 46 (July 1998).

941. Harvard Graduate School Alumni Association Newsletter (Summer 1998).

942. The Key Reporter 63.3 (Spring 1998).

943. Origins: CNS Documentary Service 23.29 (6 January 1994). -annotation first page

944. The Delta Factor: Newsletter of the Walker Percy Society 7.1.

945. Ethics and International Affairs 20 (Fall 1997).

946. T.S. Eliot Society News & Notes 15 (Fall 1991).

947. The Delta Factor: Newsletter of the Walker Percy Society 5.2.

948. Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance. Unité mixte de recherche, Unité de Formation et de Recherche.

949. Newsletter Center for Reformation Research 118 (February 1997).

950. Renaissance News & Notes 10.2 (Fall 1998).


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951. ACCU Update 25.5 (May/June 1998).

952. Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology Bulletin 31.3 (Summer 2000).

953. ACCU Update 25.6 (July/August 1998).

954. Gateways: Information Technology Services Newsletter 7.3 (April/May 1998).

955. Gateways: Information Technology Services Newsletter 7.4 (June/July/August 1998).

956. Folger Institute Newsletter 26 (Summer 1998).

957. Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology Bulletin 27.4 (Autumn 1996).

958. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 51.3 (January/February 1998).

959. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 51.5 (May/June 1998).

960. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52.1 (September/October 1998).

961. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Announcement of Fellowship Competition United States and Canada 2002: List of Fellowship Recipients 2001.

962. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Announcement of Fellowship Competition United States and Canada 2001: List of Fellowship Recipients 2000.

963. The Association for Religion and Intellectual Life Sponsors.

964. North American Broadcast Section World Association for Christian Communication Newsletter (27 February 1998).

965. Twenty-Fifth Saint Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies. Manuscripta Vatican Film Library Pius XII Memorial Library October 9-10, 1998.

966. Conference on College Composition and Communication 2000: Convention Preview.

967. Call for Papers and Advance Information 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2-5 May 2002.

968. Modern Language Association Annual Convention 27-30 December 2001.


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969. NCTE Call for Program Proposals (November 1998).

970. Summer Institute for Teachers of Literature June 11-14, 2000.

971. Symposium on Emblematics May 15-16, 1998.

972. The Sixth International Milton Symposium will be held at the University of York, England 19-23 July 1999.

973. XVIe Siècle Editions: Honoré Champion, Editions Slatkine, Slatkine Reprints et Diffusion, Premier Semestre 2001.

974. Call for Papers Southeast Conference on Christianity and Literature April 8-10, 1999.

975. Call for Papers Knowing Mass Culture/Mediating Knowledge, a conference at the Center for Twentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee April 29-May 1, 1999.

976. Call for Papers Mideast Conference on Christianity and Literature October 23-23, 1998.

977. Mideast Conference on Christianity and Literature October 23-24, 1998.

978. Twenty-Sixth Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference.

979. 1998 NABS-WACC Conference Registration.

980. Faith and Media Conference of the North American Broadcast Section.

981. 1998 Program Highlights NABS-WACC Faith & Media Conference.

982. RCC 2000: Faith Stories in a Changing World.

983. The Bar-Hillel Colloquium for the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science 1997-1998.

984. The Midwest Center of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences invites you to the 1814th Stated Meeting and induction of new Fellows.

985. The Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs.

986. Communication and Culture: Newsletter of The Centre for the Study of Communication and Culture Saint Louis University 5.1 (September 1998).

987. The Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies 1997-1998 Programs.

988. Intersections of the Sacred & Profane Midwest Conference on Christianity and


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989. Malraux, Andre, The Voices of Silence, trans. Gilbert, Stuart, Princeton, NJ: Princeton U Press, 1978. w/ annotation and gift inscription

990. Brooks, Cleanth & Warren, Robert Penn, Understanding Poetry, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

991. Pound, Ezra, ABC of Reading, New York: New Directions Books, 1960. w/ annotation

992. Howell, Wilbur Samuel, Eighteenth-Century British Logic and Rhetoric, Princeton, NJ: Princeton U Press, 1971. w/ annotation

993. Brinnin, John Malcom & Read, Bill, The Modern Poets: an American-British anthology, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1963. w/ annotation

994. Robinson, James K. & Rideout, Walter B., A College Book of Modern Verse, White Plains, NY: Row, Peterson and Company, 1958. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

995. Brooks, Cleanth, The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1947. w/ annotation

996. Easthope, Anthony, Poetry as Discourse, New York: Menthuen & Co. Ltd., 1983. w/ annotation

997. Eliot, T.S., On Poetry and Poets, New York: The Noonday Press, 1957. w/ annotation

998. Aristotle, The Rhetoric of Aristotle, trans. Cooper, Lane, New York: Appleton- Century-Crofts, Inc., 1960. w/ annotation and bookmark

999. Richards, Ivor Armstrong, Practical Criticism: a study of literary jundgment, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1929. w/ annotation and bookmark

1000. Frye, Northrop, Anatomy of Criticism Four Essays, Princeton, NJ: Princeton U Press, 1957. w/ annotation and bookmark

1001. Booth, Wayne C., The Rhetoric of Fiction, Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1961.


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w/ annotation and inserts

1002. Kellogg, Robert & Scholes, Robert, The Nature of Narrative, New York: Oxford U Press, 1966. w/ extensive annotation

1003. Kittay, Jeffrey & Godzich, Wlad, The Emergence of Prose: and essay in prosaics, Minneapolis, MN: U of Minnesota Press, 1987. w/ annotation

1004. Gioira, Dana, Daily Horoscope, Saint Paul, MN: Graywolf Press, 1986. gift inscription

1005. Morse, J. Mitchell, Matters of Style, New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1968. w/ extensive annotation

1006. Nims, John Frederick, Western Wind: and introduction to poetry, New York: Random House, 1983. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1007. Brinnin, John Malcom & Read, Bill, The Modern Poets: an American-British anthology, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co, 1963. w/ annotation and bookmark

1008. Kenner, Hugh, The Art of Poetry, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1959. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1009. Lawrence, D. H., Studies in Classic American Literature, Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1955. w/ annotation

1010. Fowler, Roger, Linguistics and the Novel, London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1977. w/ annotation

1011. Brown, Huntington, Prose Styles: five primary types, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1966. w/ extensive annotation

1012. Aristotle, Aristotle’s Poetics, trans. Hutton, James, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1982.

1013. Parrinder, Patrick, Science Fiction: its criticism and teaching, New York: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1980.

1014. Wellek, Rene & Warren, Austin, Theory of Literature, New York: Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich, 1977.


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1015. Perrine, Laurence, Sound and Sense: an introduction to poetry, New York: Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich, 1987.

1016. Aristotle, Aristotle’s Poetics with an introductory essay, New York: Hill & Wang, 1961.

1017. Leavis, F.R., A Study of the English Novel, Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1954

1018. Aristotle, On the Art of Poetry, trans. Bywater, Ingram, London: Oxford U Press, 1920.

1019. Aristotle, Aristotle’s Poetics: translation and analysis, Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1961. 1020. Bredvold, Louis I., The Intellectual Milieu of John Dryden, Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan Press, 1934.

1021. ed. Ellmann, Richard & O’Clair, Robert, Modern Poems: a Norton introduction, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1989.

1022. Leavis, F.R., Revaluation: tradition and development in English poetry, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1947.

1023. Leavis, F.R., New Bearings in English Poetry, Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan Press, 1960.

1024. Joyce, James, The Portable James Joyce, New York: Viking Press, 1947. w/ annotation

1025. Bright, James W., An Anglo-Saxon Reader, New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1894. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1026. Missing Exhibit Book. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1027. ed. Randall, Dudley, The Black Poets, New York: Bantam Books, 1971. w/ annotation

1028. Everett, Walter K., Faulkner’s Art and Characters, Woodbury, NY: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 1969. w/ extensive annotation

1029. Friedrich, Marianne M., Character and Narration in the Short Fiction of Saul Bellow, New York: Peter Lang, 1995. gift inscription

1030. Guterman, Norbert, A Book of Latin Quotations, Garden City, NY: Doubleday &


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Company, Inc., 1966. w/ annotation

1031. Murphy, James J., Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: a history of rhetorical theory from St. Augustine to the Renaissance, Berkeley, CA: U of California Press, 1974. w/ annotation

1032. Lacy, Norris J., The Arthurian Encyclopedia, New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1986. w/ annotation & gift inscription

1033. Ionesco, Eugene, Exit the King, New York: Grove Press Inc., 1963. w/ annotation

1034. Whitman, Cedric H., Homer and the Heroic Tradition, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1958. w/ annotation and gift inscription

1035. Karcher, Johannes, Theodor Zwinger und seine Zeitgenossen; Episode aus dem Ringen der Basler Ärzte um die Grundlehren der Medizin im Zeitalter des Barocks, Basel: Verlag von Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1956. w/ annotation

1036. Platter, Thomas, Autobiographie, Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1964. w/ annotation

1037. ed. Bessinger, Jr., Jess B., & Yeager, Robert F., Approaches to Teaching Beowulf, New York: The Modern Language Association of America: 1984. gift inscription

1038. Torrens, S.J., James, Presenting Paradise: Dante’s Paradise, Translation and Commentary, Scranton: U of Scranton Press, 1993. gift inscription

1039. Jenkins, Elizabeth, The Mystery of King Arthur, New York: Dorset Press, 1975. gift inscription

1040. Klaeber, Fr., Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg, New York: D.C. Heath & Company, 1941. w/ extensive annotation

1041. Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. F.N. Robinson, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1957. w/ annotation and inserts

1042. Alighieri, Dante, Inferno, ed. Bergin, Thomas G., New York, Appleton-Century- Crofts, Inc., 1948. inserts


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1043. ed. Beaurline, Lester A., A Mirror for Modern Scholars: essays in methods of research in literature, New York: The Odyssey Press, Inc., 1966. w/ extensive annotation

1044. Altick, Richard D., The Art of Literary Research, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1963. w/ extensive annotation

1045. ed. Hoffman, Frederick J. & Vickery, Olga W., William Faulkner: Three Decades of Criticism, New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1960. w/ annotation

1046. Kierkegaard, Soren, Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death, trans. Lowrie, Walter, Princeton, NJ: Princeton U Press, 1954. bookmark

1047. Kafka, Franz, Selected Short Stories of Franz Kafka, trans. Muir, Edwin & Muir, Edwin, New York: The Modern Library, 1952. w/ annotation

1048. Edmonson, Munro S., Lore: an introduction to the science of folklore and literature, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., 1971. w/ extensive annotation

1049. A Manual of Style, Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1937. w/ annotation and inserts

1050. ed. Widdowson, Peter, Re-Reading English, New York: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1982. w/ extensive annotation

1051. Steinberg, S.H., Five Hundred Years of Printing, Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1961. w/ annotation

1052. Pocket Pal: a graphic arts production handbooks, New York: International Paper Company, 1979. w/ insert

1053. ed. Barnet, Sylvan; Berman, Morton; Burto, William, An Introduction to Literature: fiction, poetry, drama, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1985. w/ extensive annotation

1054. Curtius, Ernst Robert, European Literature and the Middle Ages, trans. Trask, Willard R., New York: Pantheon Books, 1953.

1055. ed. Bolgar, R.R., Classical Influences on European Culture A.D. 500-1500:


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Proceedings of an International Conference Held at King’s College, Cambridge April 1969, London: Cambridge U Press, 1971.

1056. ed. Clogan, Paul Maurice, Medievalia et Humanistic: Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Culture, New York: Cambridge U Press, 1976.

1057. Auerbach, Erich, Literary Language & its Public in Late Antiquity and in the Middle Ages, New York: Pantheon Books, 1965.

1058. Tanenhaus, Gussie Hecht, “Bede’s De Schematibus et Tropis a Translation” in The Quarterly Journal of Speech, v. xlviii, October 1962, n. 3 (offprint)

1059. ed. Murphy, James J. Medieval Eloquence: studies in the theory and practice of medieval rhetoric, Berkeley, CA: U of California Press, 1978.

1060. Alighieri, Dante, Paradise, ed. Bergin, Thomas G., New York, Appleton-Century- Crofts, Inc., 1954.

1061. Plutarch, Plutarch: Selected Essays on Love, the Family, and the Good Life, trans. Hadas, Moses, New York: Mentor Books, 1957.

1062. James, Henry, Portrait of a Lady,ed. Edel, Leon, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1956.

1063. ed. Kearns, Francis E., The Black Experience: an anthology of American literature for the 1970s, New York: Viking Press, 1970.

1064. ed. Lind, L.R. Ten Greek Plays in Contemporary Translations, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1957.

1065. Alighieri, Dante, Purgatory, ed. Bergin, Thomas G., New York, Appleton- Century-Crofts, Inc., 1953.

1066. Vitale, Philip H., Basic Tools of Research: an annotated guide for students of English, Great Neck, New York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.1963.

1067. Altick, Richard D. & Wright, Andrew, Selective Bibliography for the Study of English and American Literature, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1979.

1068. Anderson, Michael; Guicharnaud, Jacques; Morrison, Kristin; Zipes, Jack D., et alia, Crowell’s Handbook of Contemporary Drama, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1971.

1069. ed. Barth, S.J., J. Robert, Religious Perspectives in Faulkner’s Fiction: Yoknapatawpha and Beyond, Notre Dame, IN: U of Notre Dame Press, 1972.

1070. Barnet, Sylvan; Berman, Morton; Burto, William; Instructor’s Manual to Accompany An Introduction to Literature, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1985.


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1071. ed. Gibaldi, Joseph, Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures, New York: The Modern Languages Association, 1992.

1072. ed. Scully, James, Modern Poetics, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965. w/ annotations

1073. ed. Nelson, John Herbert; Rosenthal, M.L.; Sanders, Gerald De Witt, Chief Modern Poets of Britain and America, Volume II., New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970. w/ annotations & bookmark

1074. ed. Nelson, John Herbert; Rosenthal, M.L.; Sanders, Gerald De Witt, Chief Modern Poets of Britain and America, Volume I., New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970.

1075. ed. Heyen, William, American Poets in 1976, Indianapolis, IN: The Bobbs Merrill Company, Inc., 1976.

1076. ed. Ellmann, Richard; O’Clair, Robert, The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1973. w/ extensive annotation & bookmark

1077. Feidelson, Jr., Charles, Symbolism and American Literature, Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1959. w/ annotation and inserts

1078. ed. Flores, Angel, An Anthology of French Poetry from Nerval to Valery in English Translation, Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1958 w/ annotation

1079. Coutts-Smith, Kenneth, Dada, New York: Dutton and Company, 1970. w/ annotation and inserts

1080. Keene, Donald, Japanese Literature: an introduction for Western readers, New York: Grove Press, 1955. w/ annotation

1081. trans. MacIntyre, C.F., French Symbolist Poetry, Berkeley, CA: U of California Press, 1961. annotation and inserts

1082. Laforgue, Jules, Seleected Writings of Jules Laforgue, ed. and trans. Smith, Jay, New York: Grove Press, 1956. w/ annotation

1083. The Hopkins Quarterly, special double issue, v. xiii, n. 3&4, Oct. 1986-Jan. 1987. w/ annotation


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1084. Hopkins, Gerard Manley, The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Gardener, W.H. and MacKenzie, N.H., New York: Oxford U Press, 1970. w/ annotation and inserts

1085. Fraser, G.S., The Modern Writer and His World, Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1964. w/ annotation and inserts

1086. Symons, Arthur, The Symbolist Movement in Literature, New York: E.P. Dutton and Company, 1958. w/ annotation

1087. Hopkins, Gerard Manley, Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Bridges, Robert; Gardener, W.H., New York: Oxford U Press, 1948. w/ annotation and inserts

1088. Gibson, Walker, Tough, Sweet and Stuffy: an essay on modern American prose styles, Bloomington, IN: Indiana U Press, 1966. w/ annotation and gift inscription

1089. Lynch, S.J., William F., The Image Industries, New York: Sheed and Ward, Inc., 1959. w/ annotation

1090. Morse, J. Mitchell, Matters of Style, New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1968. w/ annotation and inserts

1091. Rosenthal, M.L., The New Poets: American and British Poetry since World War II, New York: Oxford U Press, 1967. w/ annotation

1092. Conference Program, Newman Centenary Conference “Tradition, Values, and Progress: The Intellectual Ethos of John Henry Newman 29 November-2 December” sponsored by St. Louis University. w/ annotation

1093. Weyand, S.J., Norman, Immortal Diamond: Studies in Gerard Manley Hopkins, New York: Sheed & Ward Company, 1949. w/ annotation and inserts

1094. ed. Kenner, Hugh, T.S. Eliot: A collection of critical essays, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, Inc., 1962. w/ annotation

1095. T.S. Eliot Review, The T.S. Eliot Society of Japan, n. 1, 1990. gift inscription


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1096. Cotter, James Finn, Inscape: the Christology and Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Pittsburgh, PA: U of Pittsburgh Press, 1972. w/ extensive annotation

1097. Mathew, John, Occasional Poems, Dallas, TX: Philips Printing, (no year, but author inscription dated 1995) gift inscription

1098. Fraser, G.S., Ezra Pound, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1960. w/ annotation

1099. Kermode, Frank, Wallace Stevens, New York: Grove Press, Inc. 1960. w/ annotation

1100. ed. Cox, James M., Robert Frost: a collection of critical essays, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. w/ annotation

1101. Gleckner, Robert. F. & Enscoe, Gerald E., Romanticism: Points of View, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. w/ annotation

1102. Schwartz, Joseph & Rycenga, John A., The Province of Rhetoric, New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1965. w/ annotation

1103. ed. Wand, David Hsin-Fu, Asian-American Heritage: an anthology of prose and poetry, New York: Pocket Books, 1974. gift inscription

1104. Storey, Graham, A Preface to Hopkins, New York: Longman Group Ltd., 1981. gift inscription

1105. Knoll, Robert E., Storm Over the Waste Land, Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1964. w/ annotation and inserts

1106. Ackroyd, Peter, T.S. Eliot: A Life, Simon & Schuster, 1984. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1107. Bruns, Gerald L., Modern Poetry and the Idea of Language: a critical historical study, New Haven, CT: Yale U Press, 1974. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1108. ed. Ellmann, Richard & O’Clair, Robert, The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, 2nd Edition, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1988. w/ extensive annotation and inserts


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1109. Eliot, T.S., The Complete Poems and Plays 1909-1950, New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich Publishers, 1971. w/ extensive annotation

1110. ed. Untermeyer, Louis, Modern American Poetry, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1950. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1111. Williamson, George, A Reader’s Guide to T.S. Eliot: a poem-by-poem analysis, New York: Noonday Press, 1953. w/ annotation and inserts

1112. Hopkins, Gerard Manley, A Hopkins Reader, ed. Pick, John, Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1966. w/ annotation

1113. ed. Gardner, W.H. Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1963. w/ annotation

1114. ed. Munro, John M., English Poetry in Transition 1880-1920, New York: Pegasus, 1968. w/ annotation

1115. Kermode, Frank, Romantic Image, New York: Vintage Books, 1957. w/ annotation

1116. ed. Brinnin, John Malcom & Friar, Kimon, Modern Poetry: American and British, New York: Appleton-Century-Corfts, Inc., 1951. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1117. Perkins, David, A History of Modern Poetry: from the 1890s to the High Modernist Mode, Cambridge, MA: Harvard U Press, 1976. w/ extensive annotation

1118. Behr, Caroline, T.S. Eliot: a chronology of his life and works, London: Macmillan Reference Books, 1983. w/ annotation and inserts

1119. ed. Walsh, Chad, Today’s Poets: American and British poetry since the 1930’s, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1964.

1120. Mariani, Paul L., A Commentary on the Complete Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Ithaca, NY: Cornell U Press, 1970.

1121. ed. Hazo, Samuel, A Selection of Contemporary Religious Poetry, Glen Rock, NJ: Deus Books Paulist Press, 1963.


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1122. ed. Edwards, S.L., An Anthology of English Prose: From Bede to R.L. Stevenson, New York: Dutton & Company, Inc., 1969.

1123. Casey, S.J., William Van Etten, Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Jesuit in Poets’ Corner, Chicago, IL: Loyola U Press, 1990.

1124. Levin, Harry, The Wasteland from Ur to Echt, 1972. (pamphlet)

1125. Perspective: Quarterly of Literature and the Arts, v.7, n. 3, autumn, 1954.

1126. ed. Greenberg, Robert A. and Hepburn, James G., Robert Frost an Introduction, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961.

1127. ed. Scott, Carolyn and Scott, James, Gerard Manley Hopkins, St. Louis, MO: B Herder Book Co., 1969.

1128. Flores, Angel, An Anthology of German Poetry from Holderlin to Rilke in English Translation, Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1960.

1129. Waugh, Patricia, Metafiction: The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction, New York: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1984.

1130. Foulkes, A.P., Literature and Propaganda, New York: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1983.

1131. Jackson, Rosemary, Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion, New York: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1981.

1132. ed. Fowlie, Wallace, Mid-Century French Poets: Selections, Translations and Critical Notices, New York: Grove Press, 1955.

1133. Gardner, Helen, The Art of T.S. Eliot, New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1959.

1134. Bolgar, R.R., The Classical Heritage and Its Beneficiaries, Cambridge: Cambridge U Press, 1958. w/ annotation

1135. Phillips, Margaret Mann, The ‘Adages’ of Erasmus: A Study with Translations, Cambridge: Cambridge U Press, 1964. w/ annotation and inserts

1136. Baldwin, William A Treatise of Morall Philosophie, Gainsville, FL: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 1967. w/ annotation and gift inscription

1137. Dutu, Alexandru, Humanisme, Baroque, Numieres: l’exemple roumain, Bucarest: Editura Stintifica Si Enciclopedica, 1984. inserts


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1138. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, On Copia of Words and Ideas, Milwaukee, WI: Marquette U Press, 1963. w/ annotation

1139. Petrarch, Petrarch: Four Dialogues for Scholars, Cleveland, OH: The Press of Western Reserve University, 1967. gift inscription

1140. ed. Helton, Tinsley, The Renaissance: A reconsideration of the theories and interpretations of the age, Madison, WI: U of Wisconsin Press, 1964. gift inscription

1141. Homer, The Odyssey, trans. Fitzgerald, Robert, Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1963. w/ annotation

1142. Homer, The Illiad, trans. Fitzgerald, Robert, Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1975. w/ annotation

1143. Homer, The Odyssey volume II, The Loeb Classical Library w/ English trans. Murray, A.T., New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1924. w/ annotation

1144. Homer, The Odyssey volume I, The Loeb Classical Library w/ English trans. Murray, A.T., New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1919. w/ annotation

1145. Baldwin, Charles Sears, Renaissance Literary Theory and Practice: Classicism in the Rhetoric and Poetic of Italy, France, and England, New York: Columbia U Press, 1939. w/ annotation

1146. Lewis, C.S., The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition, New York: Oxford U Press, 1958. w/ annotation and inserts

1147. Sophecles, Three Theban Plays: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, trans. Banks, Theodore Howard, New York: Oxford U Press, 1956. gift inscription

1148. Seneca, The Stoic Philosophy of Seneca: essays and letters of Seneca, trans. Hadas, Moses, Garden City, NY: Anchor Books 1958. w/ annotation

1149. ed. Schiffhorst, Gerald, The Triumph of Patience, Orlando, FL: U Presses of Florida, 1978. w/ annotation and inserts

1150. Erasmus, The Praise of Folly, Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan Press, 1958. w/ annotation and inserts


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1151. Julian of Norwich, Showings, trans. Collodge, O.S.A.m Edmund and Walsh, S.J., James, New York: Paulist Press, 1978. inserts

1152. Haydn, Hiram, The Counter-Renaissance, New York: Grove Press, Inc. 1950. inserts

1153. Howell, Wilbur Samuel, Logic and Rhetoric in England, 1500-1700, Princeton, NJ: Princeton U Press, 1956. w/ annotation and inserts

1154. ed. Hebel, J. William, and Hudson, Hoyt H., Poetry of the English Renaissance 1509-1600, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1929. w/ extensive annotation

1155. Kristeller, Paul Oskar, Renaissance Thought II: Papers on Humanism and the Arts, New York: Harper & Row, 1965. w/ annotation

1156. Rivers, Isabel, Classical and Christian Ideas in English Renaissance Poetry: A Students’ Guide, London: George, Allen & Unwin, 1979. w/ annotation

1157. More, St. Thomas, Utopia, ed. Surtz, S.J., Edward, New Haven, CT: Yale U Press, 1964. w/ annotation

1158. ed. Sylvester, Richard S. and Harding, Davis P., Two Early Tudor Lives, New Haven, CT: Yale U Press, 1962. w/ annotation and inserts

1159. ed. Lamson, Roy and Smith, Hallett, Renaissance England: Poetry and Prose from the Reformation to the Restoration, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1956. w/ annotation

1160. Spenser, Edmund, Books I and II of The Faerie Queene: The Mutability Cantos and Selections from the Minor Poetry, ed. Kellogg, Robert and Steele, Oliver, New York: The Odyssey Press, Inc. 1965.

1161. Chambers, R.W., Thomas More, Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan Press, 1958. w/ annotation

1162. O’Nell, John, Essaying Montaigne: a study of the Renaissance Institution of Writing and Reading, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982. w/ gift inscription

1163. Allegorica, v. viii, n. 1&2, 1983. (Medieval Sequences Selections from the Facetiae of Poggio Bracciolini) w/ gift inscription


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1164. ed. Sylvester, Richard S., St. Thomas More: The History of King Richard III and Selections from the English and Latin Poems, New Haven, CT: Yale U Press, 1976. w/ annotation and gift inscription

1165. ed. Webster, John, William Temple’s Analysis of Sir Philup Sidney’s Apology for Poetry, Binghamton, NY: Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, 1984. w/ gift inscription and insert

1166. Seigel, Jerrold E., Rhetoric and Philosophy in Renaissance Humanism: The Union of Eloquence and Wisdom, Petrarch to Valla, Princeton, NJ: Princeton U Press, 1968. w/ annotation

1167. ed. Hebel, J. William; Hudson, Hoyt H.; Johnson, Francis R.; Green, A. Wigfall, Prose of the English Renaissance: Selected from early editions and manuscripts, New York: Appleton- Century-Corfts, Inc., 1952. w/ extensive annotation

1168. ed. Hunter, Jr., William B., The Complete Poetry of Ben Johnson, Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1963. w/ inserts

1169. ed. Delany, Paul; Ford, Jeffrey; Hanning, Robert W., Sixteenth-Century English Poetry and Prose, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976. w/ annotation

1170. Gilbert, Neal W., Renaissance Concepts of Method, New York: Columbia U Press, 1960.

1171. ed. Hillerbrand, Hans J., Erasmus and His Age: Selected Letters of Desiderius Erasmus, trans., Haworth, S.J., Marcus A., New York: Harper and Row, 1970.

1172. ed. Himelick, Raymond, The Enchiridion of Erasmus, Bloomington, IN: Indiana U Press, 1963.

1173. Machiavelli, Niccolo, The Prince, ed. Bergin, T.G., New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1947.

1174. de Montaigne, Michel Eyquem, Selections from the Essays of Montaigne, ed. Frame, Donald M., New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1948.

1175. Haile, H.G., Luther: an experiment in biography, Princeton, NJ: Princeton U Press, 1980.

1176. Knight, G. Wilson, The Christian Renaissance, New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc., 1962.

1177. Burckjardt, Jacob, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, New York: The Modern Library, 1954.


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1178. ed. Gallagher, Ligeia. More’s Utopia and Its Critics, Chicago, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1964.

1179. ed. Rogers, Elizabeth Frances, St. Thomas More: Selected Letters, New Haven, CT: Yale U Press, 1961

1180. ed. Adams, Robert M., Utopia Sir Thomas More: a new translation backgrounds criticism, New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1975.

1181. Castiglione, Baldesar, The Book of the Courtier, trans. Singleton, Charles S., Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1959.

1182. Cervantes, Don Quixote of La Mancha, trans. Starkie, Walter, New York: Mentor Books, 1957.

1183. Hofling, Charles Andrew, Itza Maya Texts with a Grammatical Overview, Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1991. w/ gift inscription and inserts

1184. Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, College Edition, Cleveland, OH: The World Publishing Co., 1954.

1185. Lechner, O.S.U., Sister Joan Marie, Renaissance Concepts of the Commonplaces, New York: Pageant Press, 1962. w/ annotation, gift inscription, Ong wrote introduction

1186. Catechism of the Catholic Church, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano: St. Paul Books and Media, 1994. w/ inserts

1187. (Display item) Men Absolutely Trained

1188. Catechism of the Catholic Church, Citta del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Washington: United States Catholic Conference, 2000. w/ annotation and inserts

1189. North, Robert, Medicine in the Biblical Background and Other Essays on the Origins of Hebrew, n. 142 in Analecta Biblica, Rome: Editrice Pontificio Instituto Biblico, 2000. w/ annotation, gift inscriptions and inserts

1190. Gleason, Ph.D., Philip, “Vehicle of the Great Tradition: Saint Louis University and Catholic Higher Education” First Annual de Lubac Lecture, St. Louis, MO: St. Louis U, 1996. w/ annotation

1191. Theological Studies, v. 54, n. 4, December 1993. w/ annotation

1192. ed. Washington, Peter, Prayers, New York: Alfred A. Knoft, 1995.


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w/ annotation and gift inscription

1193. Barry, S.J., William A., “Our Way of Proceeding”, issue 9 in series 4 of Studies in Jesuit Topics, St. Louis, MO: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1997.

1194. Bannon, S.J., John Francis, The Missouri Province S.J.: A Mini History, St. Louis, MO: The Missouri Province, 1977. w/ insert

1195. Christianity and the Human Body: a Theology of the Human Body, Proceedings of the ITEST Workshop, October 2000, St. Louis, MO: ITEST Faith/Science Press, 2001. w/ insert

1196. ed. Neusner, Jacob, 2000-2001 Catalogue of new titles in print Judaic and Religious Studies, Global Publications, Bingham University w/ inserts

1197. ed. Bonachea, Rolando, E., Jesuit Higher Education: Essays on an American Tradition, Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne U Press, 1989. w/ annotation

1198. Morriss, Frank, Two Chapels: Newman and the Case for Modern Martyrdom, Grand Marais, MI: The St. George Press, 2000. gift inscription, insert

1199. Vilnay, Ph.D, Zav, The Guide to Israel, Jerusalem: Da’at Press, 1968. w/ annotation and inserts

1200. Denzinger, Henrici, Enchiridion Symbolorum: Definitionum et Declarationum de Rebus Fidei et Morum, Barcinone: Herder, 1957. w/ annotation and inserts

1201. ed. Abbott, S.J., Walter M., The Documents of Vatican II, New York: Guild Press, 1966. w/ annotation and inserts

1202. Cross Currents: The Wisdom of the Heart and the Life of the Mind, v.51, n.2 summer 2001. w/ annotation and inserts

1203. Menand, Louis, The Marketplace of Ideas, (offprint) American Council of Learned Societies Occasional Paper n. 59 w/ annotation

1204. Documents of the 33rd General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, Saint Louis, MO: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1984. w/ annotation

1205. O’Malley, John W., “How the Jesuits Changed: 1540-56” (offprint) in America, v. 165, n. 2, 1991


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w/ annotation

1206. “The Common Rules”, revised edition after 30th General Congregation. (Jesuit Rule)

1207. Ruprecht, Jr., Louis A., “Mark’s Tragic Vision: Gethsemene”, Religion and Literature, v. 24 n.3, autumn 1992. w/ annotation

1208. Viviano, O.P., Benedict T., The Kingdom of God in History, in Good News Studies v. 27, Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, Inc., 1988. w/ annotation

1209. Clancy, S.J., Thomas H., An Introduction to Jesuit Life: The Constitutions and History Through 435 Years, St. Louis, MO: The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1976. w/ annotation

1210. Code of Canon Law: Latin-English Edition, trans. Canon Law Society of America, Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1983. w/ annotation and inserts

1211. Mentalities/Mentalitiés: an interdisciplinary journal/ un journal interdisciplinaire, volume/tome 15, number/numero 1, 2000.Hamilton, New Zealand: Outrigger Publishers, 2000.

1212. Pauly, Ph.D., John, “Public Journalism in International Perspective” in Communication Research Trends: A Quarterly Review of Communication Research, v.19, n.4, 1999, St. Louis, MO: Center for Communication and Culture, 2000. (copy 1)

1213. Pauly, Ph.D., John, “Public Journalism in International Perspective” in Communication Research Trends: A Quarterly Review of Communication Research, v.19, n.4, 1999, St. Louis, MO: Center for Communication and Culture, 2000. (copy 2)

1214. Pauly, Ph.D., John, “Public Journalism in International Perspective” in Communication Research Trends: A Quarterly Review of Communication Research, v.19, n.4, 1999, St. Louis, MO: Center for Communication and Culture, 2000. (copy 3)

1215. Ong, S.J., Walter J., “Information and/or Communication: Interactions” in Communication Research Trends: A Quarterly Review of Communication Research, v.16, n.3, 1996, St. Louis, MO: Center for Communication and Culture, 1996. (copy 1)

1216. Ong, S.J., Walter J, “Part One: Digitization Ancient and Modern: Beginnings of Writing and Today’s Computer” and & Biernatzki, S.J., W.E., “Part Two: A Review of Some Recent Studies on the Origins of Notation and Writing” in Communication Research Trends: A Quarterly Review of Communication Research, v.18, n.2, 1998, St. Louis, MO: Center for Communication and Culture, 1999.

1217. Ong, S.J., Walter J., “Information and/or Communication: Interactions” in


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Communication Research Trends: A Quarterly Review of Communication Research, v.16, n.3, 1996, St. Louis, MO: Center for Communication and Culture, 1996. (copy 2)

1218. Christianity and Literature, v. 49, n.3, Spring 2000, Carrollton, GA: State U of W. Georgia, 2000.

1219. Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education, v.20, n.2, Spring 2000, Washington, D.C.: Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, 2000.

1220. Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, “Italy: Resilient and Vulnerable, Volume 1: the European Challenge”, volume 130, n. 2, 2001 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2001.

1221. Cross Currents: The Wisdom of the Heart and the Life of the Mind, v.50, n.4 winter 200/2001, New Rochelle, NY: Association for Religious and Intellectual Life, 2001.

1222. Catalogue from Jewish Lights Publishing, Woodstock, VT, Winter/Spring 1997-98 (addressed to Ong)

1223. Jesuits of the New York Province, With Christ Alive: Reflections on the Risen Christ, the Acts of the Apostles and Our Jesuit Vocation

1224. Rockhurst High School, Kansas City, MO, Alumni Directory 1979.

1225. ed. Molinari, S.J., Paul, Companions of Jesus: Spiritual Profiles of the Jesuit Saints and Beati, 2nd edition, Rome: Postulation General of the Society of Jesus, 1984.

1226. ed. Mueller, S.J., J.J.; Rule, Ph.D., Ann; Stoecklin, R.S.M., Sr. Carol, Valuing Our Differences: The History of African American Catholics in the United States, Brown-ROA, 1993.

1227. Serrano, S.J., Josep F. Maria I, Globalization: Ah, yes…it’s a marvelous excuse for many things”, Barcelona, Cristianisme i Justicia Booklets, 1965.

1228. Kolvenback, S.J., Peter-Hans, To Friends and Colleagues of the Society of Jesus, Rome, 1991. (Message from the Superior General of the Society of Jesus)

1229. Cats, Broadway musical program, London: Dewynters Ltd., 1987 w/ inserts

1230. Grollmes, Eugene E., At the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C.: Between the Lines, Washington, D.C.: Friends of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 1988. w/ gift inscription and inserts

1231. Demers, Peirre E., The Evolution of Images in the Poems and Plays of T.S. Eliot, Taipei, Taiwan: Bookman Books Ltd., 1983. w/ annotation


Walter J. Ong Library

1232. Donoghue, Denis, Emily Dickinson, in Pamphlets on American Writers n. 81, Minneapolis, MN: U of Minnesota Press, 1969. w/ annotation

1233. Barrett, William, What is Existentialism?, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1964. w/ inserts

1234. Kaufmann, Walter, Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre, New York: New American Library, 1975. w/ extensive annotation

1235. Altick, Richard, The Art of Literary Research, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1981. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1236. Camus, Albert, The Plague, trans. Gilbert, Stuart, New York: The Modern Library, 1948. w/ inserts 1237. Bernanos, Georges, The Diary of a Country Priest, trans. Morris, Pamela, Toronto, Ontario: Macmillan Company, 1962. w/ annotation

1238. Kenner, Hugh, Samuel Beckett: a critical study, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1961. w/ annotation and gift inscription

1239. Buber, Martin, I and Thou, 2nd edition, trans. Smith, Ronald Gregor, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1958. w/ extensive annotation

1240. Marcel, Gabriel, Man Against Mass Society, Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery Company, 1962. w/ annotation

1241. Kenner, Hugh, The Invisible Poet: T.S. Eliot, New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc.1959. w/ extensive annotation

1242. Guenther, Charles, The Hippopotamus: selected translations 1945-1985, Kansas City, MO: BkMk Press – UMKC, 1986. w/ annotation, gift inscription and inserts

1243. Renascence Essays on Values in Literature, v. xl, n.2, winter 1988 - special issue: Walker Percy, Milwaukee, WI: Marquette U Press, 1987. w/ annotation, gift inscription and inserts

1244. ed. Kermode, Frank, Selected Prose of T.S. Eliot, New York: Harcourt, Brace


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Jovanovich Publishers, 1975. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1245. Kafka, Franz, The Castle, New York: The Modern Library, 1969. w/ annotation

1246. Tindall, W. Y., James Joyce, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1950. w/ annotation

1247. Morris, William E., Nault, Jr., Clifford A., Portraits of an Artist: a casebook on James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, New York: The Odyssey Press, Inc., 1962. w/ annotation

1248. Saunders, Chauncey, An Introduction to research in English Literary History, New York: Macmillan Company, 1952. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1249. Parkinson, Edward J., Ph.D., “The Turn of the Screw”: A History of its Critical Interpretation, Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1991. (doctoral dissertation directed by Ong) w/ annotation, insert (photograph)

1250. ed. Bree, Germaine, Camus: a collection of critical essays, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. w/ annotation

1251. Buber, Martin, Between Man and Man, trans. Smith, Ronald Gregor, Boston: Beacon Press, 1955. w/ annotation and inserts

1252. Millgate, Michael, William Faulkner, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1961. w/ annotation

1253. Camus, Albert, The Rebel: an essay on man in revolt, trans. Bower, Anthony, New York: Vintage Books, 1956. w/ annotation

1254. Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer, New York: New American Library, 1950. w/ annotation and inserts

1255. ed. Dean, Leonard F., Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Backgrounds and Criticisms, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1960. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1256. Beckett, Samuel, Waiting for Godot: a tragic comedy in two acts, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1954.


Walter J. Ong Library

w/ extensive annotation 1257. Hoffman, Frederick J., Samuel Beckett: the language of self, New York: E.P. Dutton and Company Inc., 1964. w/ annotation, gift inscription and inserts

1258. Beckett, Samuel, Malone Dies, trans. Beckett, Samuel, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1956. w/ annotation

1259. ed. Cowley, Malcolm, The Portable Faulkner, New York: The Viking Press, 1946. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1260. Collins, James, The Existentialists: a critical study, Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery Company, 1952. w/ annotation

1261. Barrett, William, Irrational Man: A study in Existential Philosophy, Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1958. w/ annotation and inserts

1262. Dostoevsky, Fyodor, Notes from Underground and The Grand Inquisitor, selection and translation by Matlaw, Ralph E., New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc., 1960. w/ extensive annotation

1263. Camus, Albert, The Stranger, trans. Gilbert, Stuart, New York: Vintage Books, 1954. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1264. ed. Schrader Jr., George Alfred, Existential Philosophers: Kierkegaard to Merleau-Ponty, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967. w/ annotation

1265. ed. Kaufmann, Walter, Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre, New York: Meridian Books, 1956. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1266. Rahner, Karl, On the Theology of Death, New York: Herder and Herder, 1961. w/ annotation

1267. Copleston, Frederick, Contemporary Philosophy: Studies of Logical Positivism and Existentialism, Paramus, NJ: Newman Press, 1972. w/ annotation

1268. Collins, James, Interpreting Modern Philosophy, Princeton, NJ: Princeton U Press, 1972. w/ annotation and gift inscription

1269. Mauriac, Francois, Therese: a portrait in four parts, trans. Hopkins, Gerard, Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1956. w/ annotation


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1270. ed. Bentley, Eric, Naked Masks: Five Plays by Luigi Pirandello, New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1957. w/ annotation

1271. Kierkegaard, Soren, Fear and Trembling and Sickness Unto Death, trans. Lowrie, Walter, Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1955. w/ annotation

1272. Gasset, Jose Ortega y, The Dehumanization of Art and other writings on art and culture, Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1956. w/ annotation

1273. Sartre, Jean –Paul, No Exit and three other plays, trans. Abel, Lionel, New York: Vintage Books, 1955. w/ annotation

1274. Faulkner, William, The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying, New York: Random House, 1946. w/ annotation

1275. Harner, James L., Literary Research Guide: a guide to reference sources for the study of literatures in English and related topics, 2nd edition, New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1993.

1276. Lynch, S.J., Patrick J., “Secularization Affirms the Sacred: Karl Rahner” (offprint) in Thought v.61, n.242. September 1986. w/ annotation

1277. Tindall, William York, A Reader’s Guide to James Joyce, New York: Noonday Press, 1959.

1278. de Lubac, S.J., Henri, The Drama of Atheist Humanism, trans. Riley, Edith M., Cleveland, OH: Meridian Books, 1963.

1279. Matthiessen, F.O., The Achievement of T.S. Eliot: an essay on the nature of poetry, New York: Oxford U Press, 1958.

1280. Conrad, Joseph, Lord Jim, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1958.

1281. Karl, Frederick R., A Reader’s Guide to Joseph Conrad, New York: Noonday Press, 1960.

1282. Ellmann, Richard, Yeats: The Man and the Masks, New York: E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1958.

1283. Unterecker, John, A Reader’s Guide to William Butler Yeats, New York: Noonday Press, 1959.

1284. Barnes, Wesley, The Philosophy and Literature of Existentialism, Woodbury, NY: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 1968.


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1285. Auerbach, Erich, Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, trans. Trask, Willard, Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1957.

1286. Buber, Martin, Eclipse of God: studies in the relation between religion and philosophy, New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1952.

1287. Melville, Herman, Moby-Dick or, The Whale, ed. Feidelson, Jr., Charles, Indianapolis, IN: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1964.

1288. Beckett, Samuel, Krapp’s Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces, New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1960.

1289. Beckett, Samuel, Endgame: a play in one act, followed by Act without Words: a mime for one player, New York: Grove Press, Inc. 1958.

1290. Marcel, Gabriel, Homo Viator: introduction to a metaphysic of hope, trans., Craufurd, Emma, New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1962.

1291. Marcel, Gabriel, Creative Fidelity, trans., Rosthal, Robert, New York, Noonday Press, 1964.

1292. Mauriac, Francois, Vipers’ Tangle, trans., Wells, Warre B., Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1957.

1293. Marcel, Gabriel, The Mystery of Being: II. Faith and Reality, trans. Hague, Rene, Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery Company, 1960.

1294. Marcel, Gabriel, The Mystery of Being: I. Reflection and Mystery, trans. Hague, Rene, Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery Company, 1960.

1295. St. Louis: Fifty Generation of European Tree Sparrows Just Can’t Be Wrong, (brochure) St. Louis, MO: St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association, c.1975. w/ insert

1296. WordPerfect Workbook for IBM Personal Computers, Orem, Utah: WordPerfect Corporation, 1989. w/ annotation and inserts

1297. Kaegi, Ph.D., Adolf, A Short Grammar of Classical Greek with Tables for Repetition, St. Louis, MO: B. Herder, 1914. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1298. Landry, Joseph A., Graded French Word and Idion Book, Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1938. w/ annotation and inserts

1299. A La Claire Fontaine, Quebec: Le Comite de la Survivance Francaise Universite Laval, no year


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w/ annotation and inserts

1300. de Blanchaud, L.-es-L., R. Progressive French Idioms, London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1960. w/ annotation

1301. ed. Quinn, Arthur Hobson, The Literature of the American People: an historical critical survey, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1951. w/ annotation

1302. ed. Drabble, Margaret, The Oxford Companion to English Literature, 5th edition, Oxford: Oxofrd U Press, 1985. w/ annotation

1303. Mawson, Litt. D., Ph.D., C. O. Sylvester, Roget’s International Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1942. w/ annotation

1304. ed. Marchant, M.A., J.R.V., and Charles, B.A., Joseph F., Cassell’s Latin Dictionary, New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1944. w/ annotation

1305. Catalogus Provinciae Franciae Societatis Jesu, Seine: Imp. Franciscaine Missionnaire, 1951. w/ annotation and inserts

1306. Catalogus Provinciae Lugdunensis Societatis Jesu, 1948. w/ annotation

1307. Catalogus Provinciae Angliae Societatis Jesu, Roehampton: 1949. w/ annotation and inserts

1308. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences: Annual Report, Stanford, CA: Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1997. w/ annotation and inserts

1309. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences Bulletin, v. xlv, n. 8, May 1992, Cambridge, MA: Daedalus, 1992. w/ annotation

1310. St. Louis University General Catalogue 1968-1969, v. 64, n.14, St. Louis, MO: St. Louis University Bulletin, 1968. w/ annotation

1311. Petit Larousse illustre, Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1974. did not examine

1312. Rolfe, Litt.D., William J., A Satchel Guide to Europe, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1926.


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w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1313. Chaffurin, Louis, Guide Interprete Larousse Interpreter Guide: Francais-Anglais English- French, Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1937. w/ annotation

1314. Bauche, Henri, Le Langage Populaire, Paris: Payot, 1951. w/ annotation

1315. Fraser, W.H.; Suair, J.; Parker, Clifford S., French Composition and Reference Grammar, Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1942. w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1316. Kruisinga, E., A Grammar of Modern Dutch, London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1949. w/ annotation and inserts

1317. St. Francis Xavier Parish Directory 1997, Ballwin, MO: Liturgical Publications of St. Louis, 1997. w/ annotation

1318. Faherty, S.J., William Barnaby, St. Louis A Concise History, St. Louis, MO: Masonry Institute of St. Louis, 1989. w/ gift inscription and insert

1319. ed. Braun, Sidney D., Dictionary of French Literature, Greenich, CT: Fawcett Publications, 1958. w/ annotation

1320. Bulletin of Washington University Undergraduate Programs 1988-89, series II, v. lxxxv, n. 3, August 1988, St. Louis, MO: Washington University, 1988. w/ annotation

1321. Bacon’s Up-To-Date Pocket Atlas of London, Edinburgh: G.W. Bacon & Company Ltd., (publication date??? perhaps c. 1947).

1322. Kelly, Susan Baake, Mastering WordPerfect 5, San Francisco: Sybex, 1988. w/ annotation and inserts

1323. (Display Item) All About Houseplants, w/ annotation

1324. (Display Item) Exotic Aquarium Fishes, w/ annotation

1325. ed. Baugh, Albert C., A Literary History of England, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1948. w/ annotation


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1326. Records of the Academy 1999, Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1999.

1327. 1997-1998 Jesuits of the Missouri Province Appointment Calendar, St. Louis, MO: Jesuits of the Missouri Province, 1997.

1328. Theological Studies at Saint Louis University Faculty Profiles, St. Louis, MO: Saint Louis University, 1996.

1329. St. Francis Xavier Parish Directory 1996, Ballwin, MO: Liturgical Publications of St. Louis, 1996.

1330. Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology Membership Directory, St. Louis, MO: ITEST, 1996.

1331. Campus Ministry Saint Louis University Frost Campus 1995-96, St. Louis, MO: Saint Louis University, 1995.

1332. Reports of the President and the Treasurer 1998, New York: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1999.

1333. “Announcement of Fellowship Competition United States and Canada 1999: List of Fellowship Recipients 1998”, (brochure) New York: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1999.

1334. Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences: Annual Report, Stanford, CA: Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1999.

1335. “Announcement of Fellowship Competition United States and Canada 2000: List of Fellowship Recipients 1998”, (brochure) New York: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2000.

1336. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences Bulletin, v. li, n.4, March/April 1998, Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1998.

1337. Dubois, Marguerite-Marie; Keen, Denis J.; Shuey, Barbara, Larousse’s French- English English-French Dictionary: Two volumes in one, New York: Pocket Books, 1971.

1338. (Display item) House Plants to Grow If Your House Has Bo Sun,

1339. (Display Item) Plants as Therapy,

1340. Hodges, John C.; Whitten, Mary E., Harbrace College Handbook, 10th edition San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1986.

1341. Weinstein, David, Ben-Yehuda’s Pocket English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionary, New York: Washington Square Press, 1964.


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1342. The Classic Greek Dictionary in Two Parts: Greek-English and English-Greek, New York: Arthur Hinds and Company, c. 1892.

1343. (Display Item) Complete Field Guide to American ???, w/ inserts

1344. Padovani, Giuseppe, Guide Interprete Larousse Interpreter Guide: Francais-Italien Italiano- Francese, Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1937. w/ annotation

1345. Hugo’s Simplified System: Italian Conversation Simplified: A Collection of Frequently Occurring Conversational Phrases Introducing Important Idioms, London: Hugo’s Language Institute, no date, c. 1912? w/ annotation

1346. Hugo’s Simplified System: Italian Grammar Simplified: An Easy and Rapid Self- Instructor, London: Hugo’s Language Institute, no date, c. 1912? w/ annotation

1347. de Toro, Michel, Guide Interprete Larousse Interpreter Guide: Francais-Espagnol Espanol- Frances, Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1936. w/ annotation and inserts

1348. Cabat, M.A., Louis, Unified Spanish: A Review Text for Grammar and Civilization, New York: Oxford Book Company, 1951. w/ annotation and inserts

1349. Dumont, G., Guide Interprete Larousse Interpreter Guide: Francais-Allemand Deutsch- Franzosisch, Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1937. w/ annotation and inserts

1350. Berger, Ph.D., Marshall D., Russian in a Nutshell, New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1958. w/ annotation and inserts

1351. Bascan, L., Manuel Pratique de Prononciation et de lecture Francaises, London: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1938. w/ inserts

1352. Bennet, Charles E., New Latin Grammar, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1952. w/ annotation

1353. Miscellaneous packet of telephone instructional booklets

1354. Harnack, Andrew; Kleppinger, Eugene, Online! A Reference Guide to Using Internet Sources, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997. w/ annotation and inserts

1355. User’s Manual: CyberMax Computer, Inc., Allentown, PA: CyberMax Computer, Inc., 1998


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w/ inserts

1356. (Display item) Arabic Phrase Book, w/ annotation

1357. (Display item) Bringing in the ??? w/ inserts

1358. (Display item) Fishes,

1359. (Display item) Birds of North America, w/ annotation and inserts

1360. Crouzet, P.; Berthet, G.; Galliot, M., Grammaire Francaise: simple et complete pur toutes les classes, Toulouse: Edouard Privat, 1907. w/ annotation and inserts

1361. Henle, S.J., Robert J., Latin Grammar, Chicago, IL: Loyola U Press, 1958. w/ annotation

1362. Cherel, A., Spanish Without Toil, Paris: Assimil, 1957. w/ inserts

1363. (Display item) MS Word 2000 Manual,

1364. Kykkotis, I., English-Gree and Greek-English Dictionary, London: Percy Lund, Humphries and Co. Ltd., 1957. w/ inserts

1365. Langham, G., Paris In a Week and a Day at Versailles, Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1949.

1366. Hugo’s Simplified System: Italian Grammar Simplified: An Easy and Rapid Self- Instructor, London: Hugo’s Language Institute, no date, w/ annotation

1367. Zim, Herbert S.; Shaffer, Paul R., Rocks and Minerals: A Guide to Familiar Minerals, Gems, Ores and Rocks, New York: Golden Press, 1957.

1368. (Display items) The Encyclopedia of Plants,

1369. Connell, S.J., Rev. Francis M., A Short Grammar of Attic Greek, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1944.

1370. Hacker, Diana, A Pocket Style Manual, Boston: Bedford Books, 1996.

1371. Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 6.2 User’s Guide, Seattle, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 1993.

1372. Complimentary Shell pocket translator “Bon Voyage”.


Walter J. Ong Library

1373. Quicken for Windows User’s Guide, original packaging unopened.

1374. Saint Louis University Student Handbook Daily Planner 1996-1997.

1375. (Display item) How to Know the American Mammals,

1376. Beyond Setup (Compaq user’s guide) Houston, TX: Compaq Computer Corporation, 1993.

1377. America Online for Windows free trial offer.

1378. Compudyne Color Monitor Operation and Installation Guide, Addison, TX: Compudyne.

1379. Compaq Internal Data + Fax Modem User’s Guide, Houston, TX: Compaq Computer Corporation, 1993.

1380. Xerox TabWorks from XSoft Quick Start Guide, Palo Alto, CA: Xerox Corporation, 1993.

1381. GA-6VXE7+ VIA 693A AGPSet User’s Manual (Socket 370 Processor Mainboard), Taipei, Taiwan: Celeron/Pentium, 2000.

1382. Dictionary of the German and English Languages: German-English and English-German, The E.F.G. Pocket Series, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1945.

1383. Dictionary of the French and English Languages: French-English and English-French, The E.F.G. Pocket Series, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1945.

1384. Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages: English-Italian and Italian-English, The E.F.G. Pocket Series, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, no date.

1385. New Pocket Dictionary of the Spanish and Enlgish Languages, The E.F.G. Pocket Series, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, no date.

1386. Rupert, S.J., Christopher Thomas, Relationship Criticism, (dissertation) C.T. Rupert, 1984. w/ annotation

1387. Villet, Jonathan, A New and Improved Advertising Man from Developing Africa, (senior thesis essay), J. Villet 1992. w/ annotation

1388. Chisari, Giovanni Massimiliano, La Voce Di Walter Jackson Ong. Dal Discorso Al Testo: Ricerche Nella Teoria Letteraria., (thesis/dissertation) Giovanni Massimiliano Chisari, 1995. w/ gift inscription

1389. Karpen, James L., The Digitized Word: Orality, Literacy, and the Computerization of Language, (dissertation) J.L. Karpen, 1984. w/ annotation, inserts, and correspondence records


Walter J. Ong Library

1390. Vosteen, Thomas Raymond, Aproaching Rene Daumal Via the Sacred, the Fantastic, and Laughter, (thesis) T.R. Vosteen, 1990. w/ annotation

1391. Mannes, Ruth A., “Deep Talking”: Toni Morrison’s Rhetoric and the Thories of Walter Ong, (thesis) R.A. Mannes, 1993. w/ annotation

1392. Nolde, O.S.B., A.B., Sister M. Simon, Whitney’s A Choice of Emblems and Three Commonplace Collections of Erasmus: A Study in the Interaction of the Emblematic and Commonplace Traditions, (dissertation) Sr. M.S. Nolde O.S.B., A.B., 1964. w/ annotation

1393. Lakers, O.F.M., Fr. John J., Christian Ethics: An Ethics of Intimacy, Quincy, IL: Franciscan Press, 1996. w/ extensive annotation

1394. Youngkin, Betty R., The Contributions of Walter J. Ong to the Study of Rhetoric: History and Metaphor, Lewiston, NY: Mellen U Press, 1995. w/ gift inscription and insert

1395. Morriss, Frank, Saints in Verse, Wheatridge, CO: Colorado Catholic Academy Press, 2000. w/ gift inscription and author’s signature

1396. Petit, Carlos, Discurso Sobre el Discurso Oralidad Y Escritura en la Cultura Juridica de la Espana Liberal, (dissertation) Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Huelva, 2000. w/ annotation and inserts

1397. Friedrich, Marianne, Character and Narration in Bellow’s Short Fiction, St. Louis, MO: Marianne Margarethe Friedrich, 1992. w/ annotation and gift inscription

1398. La Experiencia Literaria, Invierno 1993-1994, Mexico: Facultad de Filosofia Y Letras Colegio de Letras Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1993. w/ paper clip bookmarks

1399. Guerra, Maria Blanca de Lizaur, Arte Verbal ‘Dominante-No Prestigiado’ Un Viejo Fenomeno Bajo Una Nueva Luz, (dissertation) Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Facultad de Filosofia Y Letras: Maria Blanca de Lizaur Guerra, 1993. w/ gift inscription, inserts and paper clips

1400. Veris, Gabriele de, Walter J. Ong: La Parola Tra Oralita e Scrittura, (dissertation) Perugia, Italy: Gabriele de Veris, 1997. w/ annotation


Walter J. Ong Library

1401. Fitzmaurice, Andrew, Leviathan’s Ramist Rhetoric, (thesis) Sydney: Andrew Fitzmaurice, 1988. w/ inserts

1402. Schoenhoff, Doris M., The Barefoot Expert: The Interface of Computerized Knowledge Systems and Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993. (manuscript, Ong wrote forward) w/ annotation

1403. Essien, M.A., Patrick Paul, The Use of Annang Proverbs as Tools of Education in Nigeria, (dissertation) St. Louis, MO: Patrick Paul Essien, 1978. w/ gift inscription

1404. Marold, Kathryn A., Constituent Elements of the Electronic Noetic: An Exploratoy Study, (dissertation) Denver, CO: Kathryn A. Marold, 1994. w/ gift inscription

1405. Trufant, Laurel Warren, Metaphors in the Contruction of Theory: Ramus, Peirce and the American Mind, (dissertation) University of New Hampshire: Laurel Warren Trufant, 1990. w/ extensive annotation, letter from Ong to author

1406. Webster, Ph.D., Thomas Frederick, Bunyan’s Oral Scripturalism: Adamic Language and Peligious Culture After the English Revolution, (dissertation) University of California, Berkeley: Thomas Frederick Berkeley, 1993.

1407. Casaregola, Vincent Gerard, Inventions for Voice: Humanist Rhetoric and the Experiments of Elizabethan Prose Fiction, (dissertation) University of Iowa: Vincent Gerard Casaregola, 1989. w/ extensive annotation

1408. Mahony, Robert Joseph, Lu Hsiang-shan and the Importance of Oral Communication in Confucian Education, (dissertation) Columbia University: Robert Joseph Mahony, 1986. w/ annotation, letter from Ong, letter from Mahony

1409. Rechtien, S.M., A.M., S.T.L., John G., Thought Patterns: The Commonplace Book as Literary Form in Theological Controversy During the English Renaissance, (dissertation) Saint Louis University: John G. Rechtien, S.M., A.M., S.T.L., 1975.

1410. A Smaller Classical Dictionary, Everyman’s Library, series ed. Rhys, Ernest, London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1942. w/ annotation

1411. (Display item) Atlas of Ancient and Classical Geography, w/ annotation

1412. (Display item) A Literary and Historical Atlas of Europe, w/ annotation


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1413. ed. Leconte, A., Guide Indicateur des Rues de Paris, Paris w/ inserts

1414. Darlington’s London and Environs, 4th edition w/ extensive annotation and inserts

1415. Johnson, A.H.C., Meade M., The History of Locks, Stamford, CT: The Yale and Towne Mfg. Co., no date

1416. A Literary & Historical Atlas of North and South America compiled by J.G. Bartholomew, LL.D., revised by Samuel McKee, Jr. A.B., M.A., Everyman’s Library series ed. Rhys, Ernest, London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1946.

1417. ed. Murphy, Clare M.; Gibaud, Henri; di Cesare, Mario A., Miscellanea Moreana: Essays for Germain Marc’hadour, Moreana 100: volume xxvi, Melanges Marc’hadour, Binghamton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1989. w/ annotation

1418. The Modern Schoolman: A Quarterly Journal of Philosophy, v. lxxiii, n. 1, November 1995, Saint Louis, MO: The Modern Schoolman, 1995. w/ annotation and gift inscription

1419. Studies in the Literary Imagination: Centenary Revaluation of Gerard Manley Hopkins, volume xxi, n. 1, Spring 1988, Atlanta, GA, Georgia State University, 1988. w/ annotation

1420. James Joyce Quarterly, volume 29, n. 3, Spring 1992, Tulsa, AZ: University of Tulsa, 1992. w/ gift inscription

1421. Stepanoff, N.C., Say It In Russian, New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1958. w/ paper clip bookmark

1422. (Display item) Say It In Hebrew, w/ inserts

1423. (Display item) Say It In Greek, w/ inserts

1424. Leander, Brigit; Leander, Ake, Say It In Swedish, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. 1954.

1425. Abrahamsen, Ph.D., Samuel, Say It In Norwegian, Dover Publications, Inc., 1957.

1426. Anderson, Gerda M., Say It In Danish, Dover Publications, Inc., 1958.

1427. Ferlita, S.J., Ernest, The Uttermost Mark: The Dramatic Criticism of Gerarg Manley Hopkins Dis Dramatic Works and the Performance Thereof, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1990.


Walter J. Ong Library

1428. ed. Hart, James D., The Oxford Companion to Literature, 5th edition, New York: Oxford U Press, 1983. w/ annotation and inserts

1429. Aldin’s Guide to Oxford, Oxford: Alden and Co. Ltd. w/ annotation and inserts

1430. Clark, John Willis, Cambridge: A Concise Guide Town and University, illustrated by Fletcher, Hanslip, Cambridge: Bowes & Bowes. w/ inserts

1431. ed. Groden, Michael; Kreiswirth, Martin, The John’s Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism, Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. w/ annotation and inserts

1432. The Literary Digest Atlas of the World and Gazetteer, New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1931. w/ annotation and inserts

1433. Manilla folder including Maps of Britain and Briscoe, John D’Auby; Sharp, Robert Lathrop; Borish, Murray Eugene, A Mapbook of English Literature New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1936. w/ annotation

1434. Rand McNally Quick Reference World Atlas, Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1977. w/ annotation and inserts

1435. ed. Spiller, Robert E.; Thorp, Willard; Johnson, Thomas H.; Canby, Henry Seidel, Literary History of the United States, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948. w/ annotation

1436. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition, Springfield, MA, Merriam-Webster, Inc., 1994. w/ annotation

1437. ed. Morris, William, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Boston, MA: American Heritage Publishing Co., & HousghtonMifflin Company, 1969. w/ annotation and inserts

1438. ed. Andrews LL.D., E.A., A New Latin Dictionary, New York: American Book Company, 1907.

1439. Compaq Quick Setup pamphlet, 1993

1440. ed. Auge, Claude, Larousse: Nuevo Diccionario Enciclopedico, Paris: Libreria Larouse, 1918.

1441. ed. van Wely, F. P. H. Prick, Cassell’s English-Dutch Dutch-English Dictionary,


Walter J. Ong Library

London: Cassell & Company, 1951.

1442. ed. Barker, M.A., D.Lit., Earnest A.; Vizetelly, Litt.D., LL.D., Frank H., Cassell’s New French-English English-French Dictionary, New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1930.

1443. Webster’s 21st Century Book of Quotations, Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc. Publishers, 1992.

1444. ed. Breul, M.A., Litt. D., Ph.D., Karl, Cassell’s New German and English Dictionary with a phonetic key to pronunciation, New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1936.

1445. Liddle and Scott Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1940.

1446. Language & Communication: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Special Issue: Transformations of the Word. Guest eds. Robert DeMaria, Jr. and Rachel Kitzinger. 9.2-3 (1989). w/ annotations

1447. International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education. The Characterisitics of Jesuit Education. Washington, D.C.: Jesuit Secondary Education Association, 1987.

1448. Ong, Walter J. Ramus and Talon Inventory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1958. Revising copy w/ inserts and extensive annotations throughout.

1449. Journal of Communication 31.3 (1981) Annotations Special issue on McLuhan which includes Ong’s article “McLuhan as Teacher.”