Marshall Mcluhan, Seer of Cyberspace - Dr
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When the Oklahoma Chautauqua Committee selected and began planning for our 2020 Theme: 20th Century Visionaries: Catalysts for Change we had no idea how true that theme would prove to be. Not one of us envisioned that we would need to postpone our entire Chautauqua summer event because of a global pandemic. Nor could 20th century visionaries: ccatalystsatalysts for change we have imagined that by 2021, we would still not be in a position to safely welcome back our talented scholars, loyal supporters, and attendees for in-person presentations and workshops. EveningEvening PerformancesPerformances atat 7:007:00 p.m.p.m. WoWoWorkshopsrrkshopskshops offoffereeredd dadaililyy atat 11:0011:00 a.m.a.m. andand 2:002:00 p.m.p.m. There have been many visionaries of our time – names we are all familiar with – Margaret Thatcher, Sam Walton, Rosa Parks, ForFor moremore iiinnnformation,formation, pleaspleasee callcall thethe librlibraaary:ry:ry: 580-477-2890580-477-2890 Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela. Merriam-Webster, in part, defines a visionary as someone having or SSeeee ououourrr FFFaaacecebookbook PPPage:agagee:: @S@S@SPLSAltusPPLSALSAllttusus oror ooouruurr wwwebpeebpbpage:age: marked by foresight and imagination. Some of us might define a visionary as one with dreamy or supernatural vision. But in reviewing a host of internet-generated definitions, we see visionaries as being not just successful entrepreneurs but those SPONSORINGSPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS:ORGANIZATIONS: who do exhibit great vision, wisdom and imagination in areas that impact society and its politics, philosophy, technology, Southerrnn Prairie Librbraryary SSysystem health, economics, architecture, agriculture, etc. either regionally, nationally or globally. Southern Prairie Library System ShortgraShortgrassssss ArtsArts andand HuHummmaaanitiesnities CouncilCouncil This year we are excited to be virtually “hosting” five Visionaries of the 20th Century whose work changed the way we WesternWestern TrailTrail HistHistoororricalical SocietSocietyy understand and see our world, portrayed by outstanding Chautauqua scholars: WesternWestern OklahoOklahommaa StateState CollegeCollege –– FFrFrriendsiends ofof thethe WWWOOOSCSC PerforPerformminging ArtsArts Gene Roddenberry, The Ultimate Trekkie - Dr. Doug Mishler Community Community Partners:Partners: SpecialSpecial ThanksThanks To:To: AAltltuususs SSWSWW AreaArea EconEconoomommicic DDeveDeevveeloloppmentpmmeenntt CCoCoorprp CityCity ooff AAltusltus Gertrude Bell, Queen of the Desert - Karen Vuranch AAllttuusssutlA CChhaammbbeerrrebmahC oofffo CCoommmmeerrcceecremmoC e ChautauquaChautauqua 20212021 HostHost CommitteeCommittee FFrriieennddsssdneirF oofffo tthheeeht LLiibbrraarryyyrarbiL SAHCSAHC AnnualAnnual FestivalFestival ofof TreesTrees Marshall McLuhan, Seer of Cyberspace - Dr. John Dennis Anderson KKKEYBEEYYBB MeMeMediaddiiaa SSSpecialtiesppecialtiesecialties Contributors,Contributors, SponsorsSponsors andand ParticipantsParticipants TheThe MiMissssiiionoonn CCCorpoorrpporaoratitiooonnn ooff AAltltuuus,ss,, OKOK Altus Times Marie Skłodowska Curie, Visionary Scientist – Susan Marie Frontczak Altus Times AAAltusltltuuss MMMiniiinnii SSStoragettoorraaggee && AAAltusltultuss CaCaCarrr WWWaaashsh KWHWKWHW AM/FMAM/FM RadioRadio MMMusuusseueumm ooofff ttthehhee WWWesterneesstteerrnn PPPrrraaiirriieeeiria Jennie Buchanan Frank Lloyd Wright, Contrarian Architect – Dr. Ted Kachel Jennie Buchanan TrudyTrudy CalvilloCalvillo In a time in world history when there is a strong focus on science, technology and mathematics, it may seem to some OOOkkklalahhomaoma ChChauChaauutatauquuquauquaa 20212021 CCommitteeommittee MemMembberers:s: that the humanities and humanities degrees are receiving substantially less promotion in education. One of Chautauqua’s missions is to provide a free, fun, and informative way for all of the communities we serve to appreciate and to continue KKatthhyyhtaK y BBaayyeerrssreyaB s KKatthhyyhtaK y HHaalleelaH e LLiilllliieeilliL e CCaarryyraC y SSttiinncchhccoommbbmochcnitS b learning from the humanities. The humanities provide an avenue to critical thought: an aptitude for speaking and writing BarbBarbaararraa BrBriinkminnkkmmanan MarMaryy KKruskaKrruusskkaa IvIvaa NellNell TeTemmpmpplelerr leading to effective communication skills; the ability to question, analyze and reflect; being open minded and respectfully BarbaraBarbara BurlesonBurleson KrystaKrystalKrystall MMarMaarrtitinn DDonnaDoonnnnaa TTuckerTuucckkeerr acknowledging differences. By exploring and understanding the many diverse human experiences we gain insight, as a TaTammmmyy DDavaviisiss JJacacqqueuellylyynn PParrishPaarrrriisshh KKimKiimm WWilmesWiillmmeess community, on where we came from, who we are today, and who we want to become. JJududieie GGaGaallagllaghherer JaJanniceice PellamPellam MarMarggaretaret WWoWoorrelrrelll RRobobeertertrt GGuttormsenGuuttorttormmsseenn BarBarbaraBarbbaraara PPrivettPririvvetettt ElleEllenEllenn YYatesYateatess Oklahoma Chautauqua cannot achieve this mission and these goals without your support. As self-funded organizations, MMoollllyylloM y RReeiiddieR d our participating cities appreciate your enthusiasm for and continued support of these events. On behalf of Oklahoma Chautauqua and the participating communities, thank you! DAIDAILLYY WORKSWORKSHHOPSOPS TuesdaTuesdaTuesday,yy,, MayMay 2525 ThursdThursdThursday,aayy,, MMMayaayy 222777 FridaFridaFriday,yy,, MMMayaayy 2828 And now, grab something lovely to drink and an interesting snack, sit back in your comfortable easy chair in the safety of your 1111::0000 aaam:mm:: WWWrrrightight andand ‘‘TThehe WWWomeoommeen.’n.’ 1111::0000 aam:amm:: TTheThhee LiLiteratureLitterateratuurere ooofff WWorldWoorlrldd WaWarWarr III... 1111::0000 aam:amm:: MMcLMccLLuhanuhan andand SSixtieixtiess PPopop own living room, and immerse yourself in the world of our Visionaries! But know this: we hope to see you in person in 2022! SScholarcholar -- DDDr.rr.. TedTed KKacheachell SScholacholarr -- KKKarenaarreenn VVVurauurraanchnch andand CounteCounter-r-CultCultuuure.rree.. SScholacholarr -- DDDr.rr.. JJJohnoohhnn DDennienniss AAndenderrsosonn Cheers! 222:::0000 pppm:mm:: TheThe SSSykeyykkees-Picots-Picot AgrAgreeeemmmenteenntt andand 222:::0000 pppm:mm:: ““Marie“MMaarriiee CuCurrieie’s’s LegaLegaccy.”cyy..”” 222:::0000 pppm:mm:: Wright’Wright’ss OOklahklahooomammaa PPPresenrreesseenncece.. TTodaodayyy’s’’ss MiddleMiddle EastEast ConflictConflict.. ScholarScholar -- SusanSusan MMMaaarierie FFFrrrontczakontczak SScholarcholar -- DDDr.rr.. TedTed KKacheachell Sandra K. Moore SScholacholarr -- KKKarenaarreenn VVVurauurraanchnch Oklahoma Chautauqua Chair and the Chautauqua WWeeddnneessddaayy,,,yadsendeW MMaayyyaM 226662 SSaattuurrddaayy,,,yadrutaS MMaayyyaM 229992 Committees of Altus, Enid, Lawton and Tulsa 1111::0000 aaam:mm:: WWWaaagongon TTTrrraiainn tttooo thethe SStatarrrs:ss:: hhowow aa 1111::0000 aaam:mm:: “““MarieMariMariee Curie:Curie: WhaWhaWhattt AAAlmostllmmoostst spspaceace ccowboyowboy showshow SStatarr TTTrekrreekk tttrarraansnsffformedoorrmmeedd StoppedStopped HeHer.r.”” AAAmermmeerricanican populapopularr enteenterrrtttaiainnnmmment.ent. ScholarScholar -- SusanSusan MMMaaarierie FFFrrrontczakontczak SSSccchoholalarr -- DDDr.rr.. DougDoug MMMiiishshlelerr 222:::0000 pppm:mm:: “““ToTToo gogo whewherrreee nono mmmanaann hashas 222:::0000 pppm:mm:: “A“Arrreee YYYouoouu PuttingPutting MeMe OnOn???””” gongonee bbbefore:eeffoorree:: eexpxplllorioorriingng GGGeneeennee MMMarsaarrsshallhall MMMcLccLLuhanuhan,, WWWiseiissee RoddRoddeenbnbeerrrryyy’s’’ss uuutttopopiaiann sosocietalcietal vvvisiiissiionon...””” SScholacholarr -- DDDr.rr.. JJohohnn DDennienniss AAndenderrsosonn SSSccchoholalarr -- DDDr.rr.. DougDoug MMMiiishshlelerr This program is funded in part by Oklahoma Humanities (OH) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of OH or NEH. CHAUTAUQUA MAY 25-29, 2021 ALTUS 20th century visionaries: ccatalystsatalysts for change EveningEvening PerformancesPerformances atat 7:007:00 p.m.p.m. WoWoWorkshopsrrkshopskshops offoffereeredd dadaililyy atat 11:0011:00 a.m.a.m. andand 2:002:00 p.m.p.m. ForFor moremore iiinnnformation,formation, pleaspleasee callcall thethe librlibraaary:ry:ry: 580-477-2890580-477-2890 SSeeee ououourrr FFFaaacecebookbook PPPage:agagee:: @S@S@SPLSAltusPPLSALSAllttusus oror ooouruurr wwwebpeebpbpage:age: SPONSORINGSPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS:ORGANIZATIONS: SSoutheoutherrrnnn PrPraiairrieie LiLibrbrbraryaarryy SSSysyysstemtem ShortgraShortgrassssss ArtsArts andand HuHummmaaanitiesnities CouncilCouncil WesternWestern TrailTrail HistHistoororricalical SocietSocietyy WesternWestern OklahoOklahommaa StateState CollegeCollege –– FFrFrriendsiends ofof thethe WWWOOOSCSC PerforPerformminging ArtsArts Community Community Partners:Partners: SpecialSpecial ThanksThanks To:To: AAltltuususs SSWSWW AreaArea EconEconoomommicic DDeveDeevveeloloppmentpmmeenntt CCoCoorprp CityCity ooff AAltusltus AAllttuusssutlA CChhaammbbeerrrebmahC oofffo CCoommmmeerrcceecremmoC e ChautauquaChautauqua 20212021 HostHost CommitteeCommittee FFrriieennddsssdneirF oofffo tthheeeht LLiibbrraarryyyrarbiL SAHCSAHC AnnualAnnual FestivalFestival ofof TreesTrees KKKEYBEEYYBB MeMeMediaddiiaa SSSpecialtiesppecialtiesecialties Contributors,Contributors, SponsorsSponsors andand ParticipantsParticipants