English Since Shakespeare
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EnglishEnglish sincesince ShakShakeessppeaearere RecomRecommmendedended LLiiteratureterature Sheridan A Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1796) Full references to above books Barber, Charles 2000. The English Language. A Historical Introduction. Cambridge: University Press. Görlach, Manfred 1991 An Introduction to Early Modern English. Cambridge: University Press. Beal, Joan C. 2004. English in Modern Times 1700-1945. London: Edward Arnold. Görlach, Manfred 1999. English in the Nineteenth-Century England. Cambridge: University Press. Bailey, Richard W. 1996. Nineteenth century English. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Kytö, Merjaet al. (eds) 2006. Nineteenth Century English. Cambridge: University Press. Dossena, Marina and Charles Jones (eds) Insights into Late Modern English. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Barber, Charles 1997. Early Modern English. 2nd edition. Edinburgh: University Press. Bauer, Laurie 1994. Watching English change. An Introduction to the Study of Linguistic Change in Standard Englishesin the Twentieth Century. London: Longman. Hughes, Geoffrey 2000. A history of English words. Oxford: Blackwell. Stockwell, Robert and DonkaMinkova2001. English words, history and structure. Cambridge: University Press. Bolton, W. F. and David Crystal 1966. The English Language. Essays by English and American Men of Letters 1490-1839. Cambridge: University Press. Culpeper, Jonathan 2005. History of English. 2nd edition. London: Routledge. Fennell, Barbara 1998. A history of English. A sociolinguistic approach. Oxford: Blackwell. Freeborn, Dennis 1998. From Old English to Standard English. A Course Book in Language Variation Across Time. 2nd edition. London: Macmillan. Gelderen, Ellyvan 2006. A history of the English language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Crystal, David 2004. The Stories of English. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Bragg, Melvyn 2003. The Adventure of English. The Biography of a Language. London: Hodderand Stoughton. Görlach, Manfred 2003. Einführungin die englischeSprachgeschichte. 5th edition. Heidelberg: Winter. Leisi, Ernst and Christian Mair1999. DasheutigeEnglisch: Wesenzügeund Probleme. Revised 8th edition. Heidelberg: Winter. McArthur, Tom 1992. The Oxford companion to the English language. Oxford: University Press. McCrum, Robert, William Cranand Robert MacNeil2002. The story of English. London: Faber and Faber. Mugglestone, Lynda (ed.) 2000. Lexicography and the OED. Pioneers in the UntroddenForest. Oxford: University Press. Mugglestone, Lynda 2003. ‘Talking Proper’. The Rise of Accent as Social Symbol. 2nd edition. Oxford: University Press. Mugglestone, Lynda (ed.) 2005. Lost for Words: The Hidden History of the Oxford English Dictionary. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Nevalainen, Terttu2004. An Introduction to Early Modern English. Edinburgh: University Press. Nevalainen, Terttuand Helena Raumolin-Brunberg2003. Historical Sociolinguistics. Language Change in Tudor and Stuart England. Longman Linguistics Library. London: Longman. Fitzmaurice, Susan M. 2002. The Familiar Letter in Early Modern English. A pragmatic approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pyles, Thomas and John Algeo1993. The origins and development of the English language. 4th edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Schneider, Edgar 2007. Postcolonial English. Varieties around the World. Cambridge: University Press. Taavitsainen, Irma and Andreas H. Jucker(eds), Diachronic perspectives on address term systems, Pragmatics and Beyond, New Series, Vol. 107. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Trudgill, Peter and Richard Watts (eds) 2001. Alternative histories of English. London: Routledge. Winchester, Simon 2003. The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: University Press. Wolfram, Walt and Natalie Schilling-Estes 2005. American English. Dialects and variation. Second edition. Oxford: Blackwell. Hickey, Raymond (ed) 2004. Legacies of colonial English. Cambridge: University Press. Gramley, Stephan 2001. The vocabulary of world English. London: Arnold. Crystal, David 1995. The Cambridge encyclopedia of the English language. Cambridge: University Press. Hogg, Richard M. and David Denison (ed.) 2006. A history of the English language. Cambridge: University Press. Mugglestone, Lynda (ed.) 2006. The Oxford History of English. Oxford: University Press. Scragg, D. G. 1974. A history of English spelling. Manchester: University Press. Smith, Jeremy 1996. An historical study of English. London: Routledge. Baugh, Albert C. and Thomas Cable 1993. A history of the English language. 4th edition. London: Routledge. McMahon, April 1994. Understanding language change. Cambridge: University Press. Croft, William 2001. Explaining Language Change. An Evolutionary Approach. London: Longman. Aitchison, Jean 2001. Language change. Progress or decay? 3rd edition. Cambridge: University Press. Strang, Barbara 1970. A history of English. London: Methuen. Graddol, David, Dick Leithand Joan Swann 1996. English. History, diversity and change. London: Routledge. Sanders, Andrew 2004. The Oxford History English Literature. Third edition. Oxford: University Press. Carter, Ronald and John McRae 2001. The RoutledgeHistory of Literature in English. Britain and Ireland. Second edition. London: Routledge. Alexander, Michael 2007. A History of English Literature. Second edition. London: PalgraveMacmillan..