HIGH STREET AREA Strategy 2019 - 23 JuneMarch 2020 2020 | |Issue Issue 3 WANT FEATURED? If youNext would Issue like featured in the next issue please contact glasgowcitycentrestrategy
[email protected] 2020 Next issue elcomeelcome to to the the third third edition edition ofof the High Street Street Area Area Strategy Strategy October 2020 Newsletter.Newsletter. This newsletternewsletter is is produced produced bi-annually bi-annually for for residents, residents, businessesbusinesses andand retailers in thethe areaarea to to remain remain up up to to date date with with WW INDEPENDENT RETAIL FUND thethe work work and and progress progress ofof thethe five yearyear actionaction planplan for for the the High High Street Street AreaArea PROJECTS UPDATE Strategy.Strategy. For For each each editionedition of the newsletternewsletter we we will will provide provide updates updates of whatof is • First phase of works in now upcomingupcoming activities and how andyou canhow get you involved. can get involved. underway • • CityWorks Property will begin (Glasgow) at top of High LLP hasStreet launched a Tenant Support Package and issued regular PASTcommunications PRESENT POSSIBLE to tenants advising of GCC and government •support Chance available for retailers/residents for businesses and visitors to get involved in the duringchanging the Covid-19 face of the streetemergency. • Contact
[email protected] • •City Past, Property Present, RentPossible Reviews havelaunches now been on 30th completed. November at St Andrews Street • The Independent Retail Fund CITYhas beenPROPERTY suspended CONDITION during SURVEY the Covid-19 emergency, but work • on Conditionssite will resume survey completed as soon on as possible,commercial in accordance properties as partwith • of rolling programme he High Street Area Strategy continue as planned.