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3-24-1999 The Knight Nova Southeastern University

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NSUWorks Citation Nova Southeastern University, "The Knight" (1999). The Current. Paper 176.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Digital Collections at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Current by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF NSU' s Vo~ume 9 Issue 1.2 FARQUHAR CENTER .... ,FOR 'UNDERGRADUATE STUD:J:ES 24 March 1.999 ,~ T~ NSU Opens Its New . Medicinal Garden by Angel E. Sanchez Basic Lij"eSUpport Editor in Chief the press, and others in­ Edllca#onday•. Learn terested in the greatness llI()reaboutitonpage4 On February 28, 1999, Nova and benefits of the gar­ Southeastern University Health Pro­ den. The idea ofthis gar­ fessions Division School of Phar­ den began during the macy in conjunction with Broward presidency ofDr. Lewis. Community College and the Univer­ Dr. Lewis stated the fol­

.", , '" • '0''' • sity ofFlorida opened its Medicinal lowing, "We live in •·$e~flt~l'~sUl~I11t.·jjl'lte Garden. The Medicinal Garden is cyber space-virtual real­ ·•• Well1J~sseentet!sSaler located in' front of Parker Building. ity, is nice to see the real $t:XStl1'J1eyR,~1l1ts"{)n . This garden too1<: over a year to be thing, not only for the p(lge~i completed. There was a lot ofwork students and pharmacist and effort put into finishing the gar­ that we derive medicine den. In this garden hundreds ofplants from but for other stu­ that can be used for medicinal pur­ dents and the community poses were planted. This will serve as well... I think it is a as a habitat and a place ofresearch ...... ~eetj,'eft(lffl,.1tm9"'~4· . fascinating garden. I was .SlIroritiesele¢tl'tJ"res:ults> for better use ofthese plants. Every­ also considering a gar­ one attended this great event includ­ It's OffiCUl" - Presiding over the ribbon cutting ceremonyfor the (jn!pRges:8...9.·.·· den for the blind with Medicinal Garden are,from left to right, Fred Lippman, B.Sc., ing deans and professors from NSU texture aromatic plants R.Ph., Division; Nova Southeastern University President Ray and surrounding universities, stu­ and tape players... This Ferro, Jr.; and William D. HaNigan, Ph.D., Dean ofNSU's dents, the surrounding community, College ofPharmacy. see NOVA onpage 23

Retidl~Yoll.,.nOt(l" ..... Q~ctliJ(itie1talTlteraj1ist? .1'hen.··What~i'eY()'!?".on The Boys ·page12in.··the.editol'ial·· section.. ofSpring

ReadNSUSports.Uj1date·· onpage15 .. are BacK by Michael L. Citron Sports StaffWriter

After a fantastic year in with the chase to break the single-season homerun J1e4dil.~tllltJ'11tterica' record between Mark McGwire of the St. Icon:

JPROM 1999 World Music Night ()lubsand· with NSU Radio . "A Knight at the Movies" Friday, February 19, NSU's O·rganlzatl0nS April 8, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. at the "Knight-Time" Radio showcased Alphal'hiOmega music from all over the globe as This. organiZlitiOll is a national. cO',ed se:Nice .'0>,' part of Unity Week. This very fratenrlty.Meelingsare on Wednesdays in RecPlex Patio TheFlightDeck,second floor oflheRosenthal Stu­ special TGIF was hosted by some dent CentCl".l'lease:contact Meredith· bye-mail at What does lProm mean? Last Thursday based on 10 categories: ofNSU's most eclectic D.l. 's who [email protected]:edu or year it meant Betas grooving, The­ originality, adherence to theme, dia­ [email protected].• Check played all sorts of music ranging out our web pagc:athttp://www.nova,edw.,nattjo/ tas stripping, Phi Sigs getting funky logue, lip sync, dancing, costumes, from modem Spanish, Irish, to apo and the Radio Station doing Scooby set design, choreography, audience reggae styles. Everybody in the Beta Thea PI Doo.... What will it mean this year? reaction, and overall effectiveness. Flight Deck enjoyed the variety of This organiZlition is a social.fraternity dedi­ The fourth annual lProm is be­ Top three groups will advance to the cate4to.the: .cultivlltiOll.ofthe:.illte:llc:ct,. un$IiUie4 music, good food, but most ofall, friendship, •and •unfaltering fidelity.• Contact us at ing held onThursday, April 8, at 7:00 finals at Hollywood Squares where the diversity ofpeople. We would beta@polaris,nova.eduformoreintormation. p.m. at the RecPlex. This year's they will be judged by the celebrity like to thank the Flight Deck, the theme is "A Knight at the Movies" Joe CampusEutertainDlentCommittee(CEC) squares featuring center square, Unity Week committee, and all of This conrinitteeis a branch ofthe.NSUSOA where student groups will do spin Lakovitch, Vice President for Student the clubs and organizations that dedicate4toplann.iIlg andhnplemeniirigcampllS life offs oftheir favorite movies. Groups Affairs. activities;COntactHeatheratgilchristh@aoLcClIllfor made Unity Week a success. more. information. will put together aiD-minute skit Beta Theta Pi fraternity has won NSU Radio is always looking composed ofdancing and lip syncing JProm for three years in a row. This Delta Pbl E,.ilon for fresh new talent for the air­ Thisorganiu,­ that center around the theme. Top year, more groups than everwill com­ waves, so if you are interested tact· dpe@po!aris.nov.«Iufor.gcoeral.information, three JProm acts have the honor of pete for the grand prize and attempt please call us at 262-8457. Ifyou [email protected] rush information. perfonning the following night dur­ to defeat the defending champs! You would like more infonnation on ing the Secret Square portion ofHol­ won'twant to miss this event!! Come the radio station and upcoming IlI!!IUb.Eetufl.d~n.AlDS LI!lb~n (JIEAL) lywood Squares. Why? To compete Meelillgs Me held 't'hurSl!aysat6pm.• in The early and get a good seat. No one events, stop by the office in the FlightDeclt,l' for the $1,000 grand prizeH ! really knows what lProm means... Rosenthal Student Centerorcheck (9S4)38Z-999S or J

Storytelling with N.A.T.U.R.E.

by Angelique Nixon IN MANY COMPANIES IT TAKEs YEARS Contributing Writer items. Everyone left with small gifts from N.A.T.U.R.E. of incense and To PROVE You CAN LEAD... Nova's Advancement Towards candles. This is our 4th CoffeeHouse Understanding & Researching the and we intend to have many more in Environment (N.A.T.U.R.E.) par- the future. ticipated in the very successful 2nd We would like at this time to thank annual Unity Week from February the Unity Week Committee, The Fiight 15th to 20th. As well as helping Deck, SALSA, ISA, IMAN, RSA, The with all the activities during that Knight Newspaper, NSU "Knight week, N.A.T.U.R.E. sponsored a Time" Radio, Residential Life, CEC, CoffeeHouse with Native American NSUSGA, and Student Life for their Storytelling on February 18th• cel- dedication to making Unity Week a ebrating diversity in The Flight success and helping to prove that clubs Deck. A de- and organiza- lightful story- tions can unite teller, Carole "To change the world one on campus! Cyprus, from activity, one animal, one Let us ensure the Seminole person at a time." that events Indian Tribe such as those of Florida, ------during Unity presented an Week are en­ enchanting evening full of tribal couraged and supported in the future. tales and stories. Carole shared sto- Ifyou are interested in joining the ries from her childhood and those N.A.T.U.R.E. club or you would like passed down to her by her family to see our campus become more "en­ and friends. She intrigued and lead vironmentally friendly", please feel us into the Seminole World with her free to attend our meetings every enchanting stories. Wednesday at 5pm in The Flight Deck. ,N.A.T.U.R.E. transformed The Our meetings are open to everyone, Flight Deck into an array of night and we always welcome new ideas and time motifs accented by tribal suggestions. Our mission statement is: sounds and incense smells, with a "To change the world one activity, one WE'LL GIVE You 10 WEEKS. relaxing coffee house'atmosphere. animal, one person at a time." Ten weeks may not seem like much time to prove you're canable of being a leader But If

We had a fantastic tum out and ev- Nature and the Environmental you're tough, smart and determined, ten weeks and d lot of nard work could make you an

eryone seemed to Awareness Commit- Offlccr of Ii/annes And Officer Candidates School IOCS! 15 wherr you II get the chance to prove have a great time. ------tee are planning a you've got what It takes to lead a Ide full of eXCitemel1r, full of (i,ai/enge, full of hOl>or Anyone Most importantly, Nature and the huge Earth Day Cel- can say they've got what It takes to be a leader, we'!! give ten wfeks to prove it For we all gained a little ebration on April more Information calli-SOD-MARINES, or contact us on the Internet at www Manoes, com wisdom, joy, and Environmental 22nd withatreeplant- sadness from our Awareness ing and a vegetarian Marines storyteller, as she Committee are BBQ. Look for fur- The Few. The Proud. shared with us many ther information MARINE OFFICER inten s e, fu n ny, planning a huge about Earth Day and happy, sad, and in- Earth Day other N.A.T.U.R.E. spirational stories. Celebration on events in The Knight Throughout the Newspaper or you evening, we all en- April 22nd with a can e-mail us at joyed delicious ap- tree planting and a Illltlm@x>Jam.oova.trlJ. petizers, desserts, coffee, and many vegetarian BBQ. other scrumptious _ . , ...... II~~~;.> Basic Life Support Education Day: Ir~~~~~f.I~~JlIS: Ilreakingthe Four-Minute Barrier ..'.' :-' .. -:-.,:-:-: .. -.. ' :., .. - . • .. :::-» .. ': ,:::<::::::\."::'::""'" . by Ed Fry . .. , Educational'Chair, !i:t>",'jt/lge2:> . -' Broward County . :, :.::: .: :::::::::::::.:-:::::::::': :::' :" :::': ;-: :::::.::::::::::~, ::::" ~ ::::::::~: :::::::: : N.S.U. Pre-Med. Society Registered Cardiac Arrest ·~~::.t'*:~~T.~raig;:: by Rhythm .' ••••••••·.•• •.•••••••• ·•· ••• ·: : Following strict accordance of .»:fll~~m..~llt. . the American Heart Association, ·.=~~~~I~.l~E· public education is an essential step .• ·.·: to reducingheartdisease. The steps 1It~ ofthe chain ofsurvival insure that ••n. early access and advanced life sup­ port enroute to a victim ofsudden illness. Combined with early by­ stander CPR, chances.ofsurviving a cardiac arrest are greatly in­ creased." When all factors of the ~haiIl· ofsurvival are tied together,

On average;

irreversibler brain damage' .will occur . within 4-6 minutes (according to the American Heart Association). Get the'Inside'Word on Medical School, individuals thatfall victim to a heart Admissions from attack have a greater chance of walking out ofthe hospital and re­ an Expert... turning home where they belong. Everyday frantic 9-1-1 calls are Informational seminar with the former ..... received from bystanders and fam­ Asst. Dean of Admissions at ily members ofacutely ill patients. University of California, Many times the call is for a patient San Diego School of Medicine, _ie, Maria Lofftus, JD that is unresponsive and without.a <~¥;< •>.« •. <»<» .< .•... pulse. Myquestion is: ''Whatwould you do?" Topic: Moo School Admissions .According to statistics gathered . Date: April 6th from Broward County Fire Rescue, Location: Nova Southeastern ·.I~fI~·.:.~~; patients who have an acute cardiac University, Mailman Bldg. Room 309 ·•.••. ·.•.• .. arrest and, receive on scene care Time:5pm W\lr...~...... 1 .....,... ,.,'....,.,.,.. , ...::... -.; -..... ":": ::.::'::::<:::',:. ::::::':::::...... ••.. :::'::.:;<:.::::::":' ::-::<::':.:' ::':':':~:<::.:;::):>: ,,>:-', (ROSC) bybystandersstanda much better chance of surviyal :than pa­ c.~~~\. tients whodo not receive'care.until >i~@ri ><> .. the paramedics arrive. On average, ::.:':,"::::.:,::'.. :.:'.':;.::.': irreversible brain damage will oc­ .':.- !:.' ,., 1-811-IAP-TEST cur within4-6 minutes (acc9rding -' totheAmericanHeartAssociation). see THE FOUR on page 7 24 March 1999

Pro PIa Stadium urces Inte ,n Ro· ···alf Intern Recrviter .~ Ba Guess, Assistant Vice-President of Sales Heffernan Interactive nc., Field Market Intern Come in and explore the opportunities. Career Resource Center Horvitz Administration Building • • (964) 262.... 7201 www.nova"edu/cwis/crc The Wellness Center!s Safer Sex Survey Results byJenLenz Contributing Writer Nova Southeastern University invites you to the The Wellness Center and S.H.A.P.E.. wganizedmany events for Sexual Respon­ sibility Week, which was February 8-12?niey dedicated the week to educating stu­ Festival of the Future dents about safersex by organizing information tables and events. However, in order featuring to organize an event to fit the needs of the campus co:gununity, it is important to understand behaviors and attitudes towards condom usage and risky behaviors. The AVirtual Realityl Wellness Centeranonymously surveyed 1:43 students in the Goodwin Residence Hall Interactive Groundbreaking to find out exactly how safe these residents were when engaging in sexualactivity. The results were as follows: (NOTE: NIA represents "Not Applicable") . for the new Library, Research, YES NO N/A and Information Technology Center 1. Have you ever had sexual intercourse? 77.6% 21.7% <1% 2. Have you ever had sex Without a condom?· 48.3% 26.6% 25.2% 3. Do you use condoms consistently? 53.8% 40.6% 5.6% Tuesday, March 30, 1999 • 4:00 p.m. 4. Do you use any other form ofBirth Control? 32.6%40.6% 27.3% R.S.V.P. 262·2116 5. Has alcohol or any other drug ever affected 33.6%.64.3% 2.1% your judgement on whether or not to have We$t of the Wilti. and Norma Horvitz Administration Building sex/use a condom? . 6. Do you use condoms during oralsex? ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER N/A ~~NOVA . 4.9% 8,4% 82.5% 4.2% SOUTHEASTERN U•IVER '$ ITY 7. How would you rate your probability ofcontracting ~ the virus that 330tCollege Avenue causes AIDS? ' Fort Lauderdale,Florlda 33314..7796 STUDENTS' RESPONSES Less than 25% 92.3% . 25%-50%, 4.9% 51%-75% '2.1% 76%-100% <1%'" Attention Teachers!

,8. How often do you get tested' for Sexually Transmitted Diseases? City ofPembroke Pines, located in Ft. Lauderdale Every 6 months 12.6% area, is opening a Cbarter­ Every year 16.1% Middle School this fall and Every 2 years 3.5% -, is hiringcertified teachers in 'Do not get tested regularly 65% all areas through Vincam, a N/A 2.8% professional Employer. The ,Charter' Elementary School FREE ANONYMOUS .HIV students surVeyed ~o not get tested testedregularly andhave engaged , ~lso has several openings. TESTING COUPONS AND regularlY for HIV: inriskybehavior, you can get free Weoffera completebenefits CONPOMS ARE AYAJltABLE 'We hear people say all the time ,HIV testing coupons from the package Including 401K, ATTBEWELLNESS.CENTE& " thattheyknowhow to prOtect them­ Wellness Center. The Wellness andthe chanceto make a dif­ For more infotmation,please call selves and are aware ofthe risks with Center provides free condoms ference in a new environ­ the Wellness Center at 262-7040, ',HIVIAIDS. However, from the re­ and has· a weal$·ofinformation mentwith a new educational orstop bythe FarquharCenterAn- suItsofthis survey, itis apparent that onsafersex. In additi~ condoms concept. nex rooms 101-104. people are not taking all ofthe nec- are available in the G09dwin After compiling the results, it essaty precautions to defend them­ Restrooms. Ask yourRA 'for' ForMore Information, seems thatstudents continue to take selves against pregnancy, rontract­ more details. Formore informa­ Call Mrs. Teny at risks andare notalways practicing ingsexuallytransmitted diseases, or,_ tiononthe Wellness Center'sser­ (954) 437-1111 or safer sex. Forty-eight percent of the AIDS virus~Events,suchas vices, or if youhave any ques­ Fax your Resume, to the people surveyedadmitteci to Sexual Responsibility'Week,are·a tions,',pleasefeel free to call ~at (954)437-1117 camp~sto having sex without,acontbn,andnecessityoncollege in­ 262-7040., " It's better lobe safe 33%8ay tha~ alcohol or.dJ'ugshas, form themisinformed andto remind "sorry.than j~ent TEACHERS -ALL affeCted their aboutsex " those,who are sin;lplynottaldtigpre­ ,~AS ·con~ themselv~. and using 'a, in,the paSt.: Cautions, to protect MEDIA SPECIALIST· , Still" ~ththese resutts,6S%ofthe Forthose you who do IlOtget . , "i ,. ': ~ of .. , ' '. , " . ~~~~o~~~~:~ri~r:er ir_',,.,_ilj'lRiitij frompag~4 The best chance to keep vital organs alive, specifically the heart and :~;i:;~~~~;~~il.41 brain, is through the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) within four minutes ofonset. This is what the Nova Southeastern ~~§t~iit~!§ft~~ w~\.:Ba#Ji~jli~~ Pre-Med. Society set out to do. In September 1997, the Society face~o~~~ :h:~~~:l~~:~~~ boastscanbe$ubnlitted~Jnllowt1lr()U~ hosted its first "Basic Life Support Education Day" to educate its mem­ bership in basic life support. Within a year, the newly trained basic life ~; support providers became basic life and pool), nurses, Nova Students'yourtheR1e~l.1ggestion(withyt))lt< support instructors. Thanks to the and on occasion, faculty membersnatneandaddfess)aHheRosenthal American Medical StudentAssocia­ of Nova Southeastern. It was anStlldentCenter;Thewimung se1ec~ tion, Broward County Fire Rescue honor to teach those that have gonetionwiU~antl0uncedatthe]'GIF(andl~tlln~ttallci~ttaU~~C~~$ training center, and Merck, we are now in our second phase ofthis "Ba­ edu~ate ,Pt'ogtaItlonReaily;Questions? Community Project." please teach someone else. The life(x84()8)forl1loreil1fo1"R1~ti()n.. Qa1l1~$eat(954)921"3942. As Basic Life Support Instruc- they save may be your own!sen9il1Y()urt~emei9¢asJ9AAyt« <: >.$ff~(fA.MP:11$Q1i:pa~9

2895 DAVIE RD. (Located just off1-595 on Davie Rd. at Nova Drive) A PERSONAL MESSAGE Vter S ~,'ondPrfui years Al Clnd his FUfllIlY, W£IIlt to tlla~k you for !l1Oking lIS still yO!if family restaurafll. Please come bU~'k tlgaln an~ bt' pan oft?lIr fumd\: GIna LOVI That Taste' NEW LUNCH BUFFET 12NOON-2PM ALWAYS FRESH-MADE TO ORDER . 95 Includes: Salad Bar, 4 Hot Trays, r---llll-KfIJt-r;IClll---1 $4 Pizza & Beverage We offer a 10% discount with a student ID : 1/11.a·a : By 'one dinner at Couple CATERING : Sausage ~ Egg Bre~kf~st Sandwich : . FORALL regular price and get Night OCCASIONS Davie locatIOn only. Vahd WIth coupon only. I 2nd dinner (equal or (Tuesday) L~~~~~~~~~~~L~h~~~~~~~~~~~~ lesservalue) Half Off 2 Pasta HAPPY r------, (not valid with Early Bird Dishes for I SAnDlilOR SPEOIAI I or other offer) $12.95 HOUR Soup and Salad 2FORI KIDS FREE MONDAY Beverage Included :I 1/'I.aO :I 12 and Under One Child per Adult 4-7 PM I Chesseburger Deluxe I ONE Complimentary Glass of House Wine 10% OFF I Davie location only. Valid with coupon only. I with this ad (with a purchase of a dinner entree) Max. 2 glasses per ad Senior Citizens L_ S~!l.°l.<;2~b,!rl~~~0l.~.2f~~._E~.;..5.L3.l.~~ _ ~ Page 8 The Knight Newspaper 24 March 1999 ""4r"i!!,!~ Sorority Election Results ~E :L:L Delta Phi Epsilon is proud to anJ:.lQunce the results oftheir Recently a new group ofwomen joined Phi Sigma Sigma. Thanks to . t~ 1999-2000 electIons: Erin McDonald and the rest ofthis year's officers for their hard work and President-Trudy Hartje Athletics-Yessenia Gomez dedication. Good luck to the new board! VP ofOperations-Stefanie Fundraising-Lucia Pantoja The sisters ofPhi Sigma Sigma would like to announce the results of Maltese New Member Educator-Tina their recent elections: VP ofProgramming-Amiee Politis Archon- Krista Kepple Congratulations to our newly Algiere New Member Educator Assistant- Vice Archon- Jennifer White initiatedSisters: VP ofMembership Development- Megan Connors Bursar- Lisa Meadows Jennifer White Nikki Cazzalino Pearl Coordinator-Tara Scribe/Tribune-Jennifer Dejong Krista Kepple VP ofRecruitment-Michelle Stankiewicz Member-at-Large- Dana Schulman Traci Maynard Hansley Alumni-Zena Therrien Recruitment Chair- Camille Cuifo Congratulationsroournew VP ofAcademic Affairs-Vanessa Sargeant ofArms-Laura Prill New Member Orientation Chair- members: Leret Ritualist-Christa Whitter Traci Maynard Sarah Burrows, Janelle, Alma Treasurer-Rocio De Ojeda Rush-Laura Prill Panhellinic Delagate- Jennifer· & Alyson Dion Secretary-Melissa Hellerman Public Relations-Megan Connors Dejong Historian-Melissa Fogle Parent .R.·1;:t:m;s-:il4'l.Iya Risk Mgmt-rvi;:g;G~ Ur<:.:;~n.berg KOS·..'DkG/ Sisterhood- Megan Greenberg Scholarship-Carolyn Qubeck STUDENTS & FACULTY Sunshine-Heather Goobie Social-Zena Therrien Self-Tara Stankiewicz Senior Coordinator-Lucia Pantoja COMPUTERS Community Service-Beth Bledsoe Special Events-Rocio DeOjeda Refurbished with warranty The sisters ofDelta Phi Epsilon would like to commendtheir sisters for all ofthe hard work and devotion put forth this year. A special goes to this year's executive board, led by Andrea Solheim, for their perseverance, commitment, OR and love for their sisters of ~(f)E! ·'.

Interested in Writing for the Newspaper? Interested in Minoring in Communications? Take Intro to Journalism in Fall 1999 with The Knight Newspaper's very own Faculty Advisor. Ms. C:a.roline 6eertzl

Tell your academic advisor that you want class COMM 2110 2Dl on Mondays. Wednesdays. and Fridays from 10:10 - 11:!50 a.m. This eight-week class begins in August. Sign up NOW and yotr articles are almost ~ to get publishedl 24 March 1999 Page 9

LAM Bell Sigma Alpha Mu would like The Brothers ofBBIIwould Theta Delta Chi would like to announce the results from their like to congratulate the newly to congratulate their brothers recent elections. elected executive boardfor next into their newly electedposi­ tions. They would also like to Shawn Mostal will be the year: thank Charlie Millerfor all his new President, and Craig Dean Jared Tacher- President dedication andhard work. will take over as the new Vice Jedd Soto- Vice President Doug Grosso- President President. The brothers of~M would Christopher Zapalski- Treasurer Nick Claudio- Vice President like to extend their gratitude to Jen Joseph- Corresponding Sec'y Shane Solheim- Treasurer Adam Bensonfor all ofhis hard Andrew Sacher- Rush Joe Virginio- Secretary work and dedication for the past Chris Blackwell- Pledge Educator Eric Mikolitch- Rush two years. Roger Roa- Recording Sec'y Julio Buenano- Social Chair LAE Site and Trip Supervisors $10-13/hr A New Fraternity at NSU Unit and Rec Leaders by Marya Kosenkov & Megan Greenberg $6.50-8/hr ContributingWriter and Greek Life Editor Water Safety Instructors The Greek system at NSU is proud to announce the addition ofa new $10.28/hr Fraternity on campus. After careful consideration, the Inter-Fraternal Lifeguards Council (IFC) decided that the new fraternity, SigmaAlpha Epsilon (1:AE), $9/hr could join NSU's Greek system. Summer camp jobs at Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the largest fraternity with 220 chapters in the United States and Canada. City ofPembroke Pines This chapter at NSU will be known as the Florida Nu chapter. The through Vincam, a profes­ installation ofthe new colony at NSU took place on Saturday March 13, sional employer. All 1999. It is with great delectation that the founding father class ofSigma positions require H.S. Alpha Epsilon - Florida Nu Chapter at NSU is: diploma and 1+ yrs. Robert Reyes- Eminent Archon experience. WSIs and Mike Gable- Eminent Deputy Archon lifeguards must have Chris Liese- Eminent Treasurer ARC lifeguard training Ryan McGee- Eminent Recorder cert., ARC orAmerican Nick Zagaria- Intramural Chairman Joe Salpietro- Rush/Social Chairman Heart Associstion CPR Marc Cesario- Risk Management Chairman and ARC First Aid Card. Terry Weech- Pledge Educator WSIs must also be ARC Edmond Fry- Warden WSI certified. Angel Sanchez- Eminent Chronicler/ Correspondent Shawn Parkoff- Philanthropy Chairman Fax Resumes to Francisco Gonzalez Mr. Richard at Jason Major (954) 437-1117 Matthew Brown or Call David Marzouca 437-1111 ~EiWll_mmm~::~ ~ "...,."....., "The Other Sister" Is Another Hit For Director Garry Marshall by Deana Daneau Entertainment Editor tion to live on her own and succeed , at vocational school forces her fam- On February 26, Buena Vista Pic- ily to acknowledge her abilities and tures released their newest romantic desires, and to face their own fears comedy, The Other Sister, which ofletting go. While on her quest for ranked as one ofthe top three high- self-fulfillment, Carla falls in love est grossing films of that weekend. with Danny (Giovanni Ribisi), a For writer/director Garry Marshall, mentally challenged school mate, this is great news; but it's not a sur- who shares her dreams ofconquer­ prise to those who know and love his ing life's roadblocks. work. Industry veteran Marshall Lewis' portrayal ofCarla is noth­ achieved success with TV's Happy ing less than outstanding. Facial ex­ Days and Laverne & Shirley and sta- pressions, outbursts ofemotions, and bilized his film career with heavy even her character's speech impedi­ hitters like A League ofTheir Own ment are all right on the money. As and Pretty Woman. As for The Other oflate, Lewis has let it be known that Sister, Marshall handles some diffi- this is her first film since complet­ cult subject matter with a familiar ing a drug rehabilitation program. comic sensitivity that qualifies this She was able to commit herse1fto film as some ofhis best work yet. her craft and to this character as % The Other Sister is the story of clean, sober, and lucid and the re­ 10 OFF WITH THIS COUPON Carla Tate (Juliette Lewis), a young suIts clearly paid off. Also worthy retarded woman, returning home of praise is Giovanni Ribisi in the • ~ CUBAN CUISINE from a long stay at a special board- role ofDanny. Ribisi's portrayal is ing school. Carla dreams ofindepen- intense, yet sensitive, funny, and yet i~aA\ dence and a "normal" life and tear-jerking.' He compliments -+fiffi+- (~JlSl\ UOIIEtJ U.I~S'l·JllJIll\N'I' struggles to gain the support of her Lewis' Carla as Fred does Ginger. Iiltt~ . 4801 S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE overprotective mother, Elizabeth The supporting roles of Diane (Diane Keaton). Carla's determina- Keaton and Tom Skerritt as Carla's • . (954) 434-8454 parents are also played with a range ofemotion COME AND VISIT US IN THE ATRIUM CENTER and sensibility. The Other Sister is a ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF GRIFFIN ROAD ON UNIVERSITY DRIVE delightful romantic com­ edy that deserves official TRY OIR CIBM BIFFO -MONDAY THRI FRIDAY recognition of the talent that makes it so special. Collaboratively, every­ LUNCH BUFFET $5.95 one involved sets forth ALL YOU CAN EAT FROM II :AM-2:30 PM the message that the Carlas of this world are worthy of self-fulfill­ 01 NNER BUFFET $9.95 ment, recognition of FRIDAYTHRU SUNDAY their achievements, and love. J)INNI~II (;J\lrrl~ o,rl~II Perhaps next year J\ 1..1\ "rrrII LiO The Other Sister will be SI~IJ~(;rrIONS recognized with love from the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sci­ ence. FULL BAR 24 March 1999 .~7:l_~·_T_'_·~_··.._·.·_...... _·'_... _. .... _Page 11 KING CROSSWO~D Super Crossword

ACR.OSS star occupant ACROSS N.¥. history oyster fann 43 SprIng floWer oxygen 1 Bathday 38 Say 16 Scoundrel 1 LOW-cut shoe 14 Went at an 12Tapestry 2 Rusalan river 44RaIl bird 14 COSmetic 3 "The ...... 45 Theater cake? suddenly 20 Estival 5 Playground easy galt wall hanging Item ~hl9ht 5& Kill a dragon MMosqUto Love" (song) luminary 87 Fragrant 5 Sudan's 40 Rani's quaff 10 heTlne S7lnc1an ge... 4FtoWerof Helen blossom neighbor Wraparound 2127th Musketeers" 58 Wild with 16JapaI'l8S8 various 47 Resounds ..Ornamental 9 Holyfield 42 "-the ... president author worry vegetable colors 41 SUn. f8lk plan'.s ploy ra,mparts .•• 22 Concept 15 Hemingway. 80 Old World 17 Musk or 5 Bed cover 52 Man or ape 11 F!'Merlng· 12 Othello's 43 "Harry arid 23 "Hangin' to lOme ,sandpiper water 6 Come to $3-s.mpIe plant of the McPherson ntIan foe Tonto" With Mr. 11Sandarac 62PrtIlIIdIInt fOlIoiwer know Os"1!t, , andg8!'!8ral 18 Fl8Whlgh 7Spr1~ 55 Ceases .alllily car winner Cooper" tree , t: 13 Stromboli ZOPersian 63SIlowy In the air 8 Conti 58 Picric pests 13 Red and spillover. 48 "M*A*S*H" star fairies water plant 100 Fairway turns loud noise 51'Removes Co,.: 14 "-little mirieu 24 Arab 21 Ground 15Tourist 102 WIfe of Paris I Ancient, apple seeds 15Wild plu-,. teapot..... 49Smalftalk potentate beetle shelter 103 Pub~jec- asc:8tic 61 TV's"- 17 Israel's 15 Epony- '50 Continental 26 Inlet ,.22 Anhurian ' 87 Marsh birds tile . 10 Trulllp8tlke Landing" Golda mous sit- prefix 27 Fine, lady 61Goa1s ' 105 BUllwinkle, spring flower 64-segno "Most com star 51 Firmament ,;. slangily 23 Punjab 70 Asian fOr one 11 Japanese (music "nfrultful 'pri~ apricot direction) 101 Landed 28 Give a makers of 106 Mine 17 Unruly 52 Santa's ,silk fabrics entrance 12 Playwright 66 Campers' property " sacKful 24 Claude of bunch hoot filmdom 71 He sang , 107 South African Connelly gear 102 Black Sea 18 Not fully 53 Abba of 29 c Basin 25 Wild "Runaround lriles 13 Palm 68 Code or can port dry Israel' accessory 26 Fork's prong SUe" , 111 Inc:ome after coc:katoo fOlJawer 104 French aunt 19 See DOWN 31 Reach 27 Some roses 72Spi1ng.; expenses 14 Qrawlng 70 Every mOllie- 106 Author/cri1ic ' 18 Across 1 Imogene's 34 Com spike 21 Prankish flOwering 112 Blue-tufted , rooms extra's hope JameS' and family 21 Under co-star 35 Evening fairy shrub· border plant 15 Garden 71 Painter 31 Harbingers 75 Dutch p'll1ter 116 Banker's annuals Rivera 107 Jack or the clock 2 Crew need I affair 01 spring 76 Flowering concem 16Cuc:koo$ 72 Chests for doodle 24 Verdi 3 Canl,ile 37Acouple , 33 BookbIrider's vine - , 117 Boredom 17 Word before sacred lead-In piece count of cups? sheepskin 80 Charles 111 Beasts 01 coneortar articles 108 Poolside 25Shevat 4 Pulverize 38 Buttons' 34~lIke Dutton burden 18 SUmmer 73 "The Mark garb follower 5 Untalkative males halrnet sitcom 121 Celesllal 'refreshers 01-" 101 James- 26 Trade one 39 Watergate 36 Presently 81 Roman bear 28 Tree trunk 74 Nest-building 'Jones 30 Chemin 6 Angelic woe 37Lookl matron's long, 122 Hillside 30Actr8ss fish 110 Dagger de- ,strings 40 Command 40 KItchen gannentdugout, Shelley 75 Turned about 112 Italan wine 32 MOnk's hood a fixed point center ( 31 Newscast- 7 "Haill" to to Fido appuance 83 "The-ol 123 Stone pillar '/ ~2Boardor $an Fran- 124 Convenient 34 SpecIal point 16-:one's way 113 London er Robens Caesar 41 Gospels' back lead-ln cisco" carryalls ofvtew '. ,(travels) . trolley " )32 Unrefined ' 8 From sun follow.up ',6 ObIterate 85 Canadian 125 Branchfike 35D~eates 77 First duke of 114 TV's "Gomer 33 Financial- to-sun 44 Greek 47KentuekY prov, projecllng 37 Style of jazz Nonnandy PyI8,~" ~es 9 He played conson:utt bluegrass p'rts 38 One of the 78 BUlge at rear 115 Roman / . ..SteeP. su ~ect Ace 45 Gist ... YIeIds.from rugged rock 126 Chinese wax Muses' 01 human eanh ,35 Drv Ventura 46 History pressure 88 Semlrural 127 Abounds 31 Wore skull goddess 36 Chaplin 10 llnconlrol- chapter 5O~fOr reg!on 128 Girl's name 40 Pretty and 71 Make 118 City on the prop lable 47 Thllher GeneTlemey 10 Tin Pan Alley 121 Men's olg. glowing. to amends Danube ~7,"Ga.~hghl·· IIPram 51 Commanded - output ,DOWN a Scotsman 82 Prefix 1ZOScale S2 Neighbor ~ 11 Mweof 1 french, 41 Ward off Incbllng member 3 10 11


Ignorance You're Not an Occupational Can Only J:herapist? Then What Are You? by Daniel D. Morrell, MOTS, needed without the years of train­ person can not wash, eat, dress, or Lead To ContributingWriter ing. I don't know about everyone toilet themselves, they would see an else, but I would rather a skilled spe­ Occupational Therapist for treat­ Pretend you walk into a hospi­ cialist treating me than a "Jack of ment. For years Occupational Failure tal or a rehabilitation clinic and you all trades" with less training. Therapists have been educated and by Angel E. Sanchez are in desperate need oftreatment. Recently, the physical therapy trained to treat these individuals and Editor in Chief You ask for someone that can help profession claims they can provide the training needed as evolved with you with your problems and treat­ treatment in activities of daily liv­ the changes in time. This is what On Tuesday, March 9, the de­ ment is given. Later you find out ing (ADLs) where Occupational makes Occupational Therapists spe­ bate for the 1999-2000 Student. that while a specialist is treating oth­ Therapy (OT) has been specializing cialists in their field. Occupational Government for the undergraduate ers, another person representing a for nearly a century. This reminds Therapy has been treating patients program took place in front of the different profession had treated you. me of the nurse practitioner. It is of mental health, physical disabili­ Parker Building around noon. This Are you shocked oramazed? Don't fearful to think that these professions ties, pediatrics, and geriatrics with was done so students can see who be, this happens daily all across the are looking towards expanding their those skills needed for independent is running and make the right choice United States. job security by claiming to provide functioning. These skills pertain to as to whom they want to vote for. I recently worked for a local the treatment abilities ofother spe­ those tasks that enable us to live our Unfortunately, some students do not health careers camp that gave a cialists that are trained more in that lives and be part ofsociety. Occu­ seem to care about who becomes the large number of underprivileged specific area. Occupational Therapy pation is described as the activity of new SGA president. Most likely high school students a chance to is concerned in the area ofoccupa­ humans that includes serious, pro­ these students are the ones that will learn more about the health profes­ tion and independent functioning. ductive pursuits and playful, cre­ complain and demand changes once sions. Many of these students are OT is needed when a person is hav­ ative, and festive behaviors" the election process has taken place members of low-income families ing difficulty maintaining indepen­ (Willard and Spackman, 1993). and throughout the president's term that can not provide educational dent living. In other words, when a in office. These students interrupted opportunities for their career-seek- see HEALTHon nextpage the debate by being loud and rude. ing children. This camp is an op- r;:======::::; A couple of times they were asked portunity for these children to see to be quiet, but they made remarks whatjobs are available and to learn and continued with their loudness. what it takes to be a doctor, thera­ GET RELIEF FROM••• There were a lot of students pist, nurse, dentist, optometrist, present that were interested in hear­ pharmacist, and many more. STRESS, ing what both parties had to say; un­ While traveling to different hos­ fortunately, they were unable to be­ pitals and clinics, I had an opportu­ MUSCLE TIGHTNESS, PAIN cause of those loud students. For nity to hear what each profession those students, who plan to go into had to say about their field ofstudy/ the "real world," my suggestion to career. One thing that was very dis­ DR• .JERRY D. you is to learn to have some respect turbing to me was the fact that many for fellow students and peers. Those professionals are crossing the FRIEDMAN D.C. R. Ph who listen and pay attention to what boundaries oftreatment and provid­ Chiropractic Physician is happening around them can make ing care to an individual as if they changes and succeed in life. Igno­ are capable to fill the shoes ofmul­ rance can only lead to failure, and tiple trained specialists. At one lec­ OFFICE LOCATED IN THE last time I checked, NSU does not ture, I heard a Nurse Practitioner de­ ARROWHEAD SHOPPES teach that. Therefore, take a step scribe why these young teenagers back and take advantage of your should not waste so many years of Minutes from the campus education to make a difference on medical school training to become campus. a doctor when they can become a '. Nurse Practitioner and provide the SPECIAL STUDENT RATES same care. Obviously, a Nurse ALL INSURANCE ACCEPTED (EXCEPT HMO'S) Practitionerdoes not have the train­ EVEN IF NOT IN THE "PLAN BOOK" ing that an Osteopathic Physician (DO) or Medical Doctor (MD) has, but this Nurse Practitioner claims to be able to.provide 99% ofthe care 236-2366 24 March 1999 The Knight Newspaper

(Sport } Ball Time Sports Update NSU's Men's Basketball wins from coverpage against Florida Memorial, 60-58. has arrived in Seniors Sherard Hernandez and South Florida. The thing that makes Rob Robinson played in their last it so exciting is that most facilities regular season home game. are in small towns, where the locals Hernandez had 12 points, game­ by Salina Vavia Saturday, February 13 gear up for this every year. There is ~~ftball high 10 boards and 3 assists. Sports Editor wins both games against nothing like making a road-trip to a Robinson and sophomore Eric the v1siting St. Leo University, 3-2 dis~nt training camp, where a pro­ Windell also scored 12 points. Here is a recap ofNova South­ and 5-3. With freshman Jaime Saw­ feSSIOnal baseball team resides for eastern University's Baseball, yer reached on base by a fielder's the Spring. I have been going to Tuesday, February 16 Men's and Women's Basketball, choice, freshman Dana Deis came in Spring Training games since I was A huge come from behind win Golf, and Softball games that were to pitch run. Then, freshman Jenny six years old. Some of the places I for the Knights baseball team, who played from the week of February Ridenoure hit a single to right field. visited during this break were Ft. had an incredible rally scoring five 8 to February 15. Sophomore Diane Ocampo stepped Lauderdale to see the Baltimore Ori­ runs at the bottom of the ninth in­ up and hit a home run to win the first oles, Jupiter to see the St. Louis Car­ g~me. ning to beat the visiting Florida Monday, February 8 Ridenoure (1-0 record) dinals, and Port St. Luice to see the Tech Panthers, 9-8. Only with one The Knights Golf team placed pItched a complete game striking out New York Mets. The scenery and out, junior Charles Cerrato was the fifth (311) in the opening round in 3. Senior Sherri Waddell went 2-for­ aura ofthe stadiums is difficult to de­ first to be Hit By Pitch. Freshman the Brevard Community College 2. scribe. Most of the parks are con­ Rolando Bello and sophomore Matt Invitational, Cocoa Beach. Fresh­ Senior Shannon Sawyer and sis­ structed so the fans can be up-close Cleveland followed with base hits. men Chris Rowse and Ryan Cobb ter freshman Jaime Sawyer each hit to the field. This allows the specta­ Walks were given to both junior both shot 77's. Following behind a jack in the second game. Shannon tors to be able to see the game in a Charlie Vaughn and senior Noberto was freshman Justin Burkhart with Sawyer's was a 2-run homer in the different perspective. Spring Train­ Lopez and sophomore Tommy a 78, senior Mark Aldridge with a second and went 2-for-3, while ing games allow the fans to relax and Ayala was HBP. Sophomore Chris 79 and freshman Matt Morrissey Jaime Sawyer's was a solo shot and enjoy a game in a stadium that usu­ Villano went 2-for-4 with 3 RBIs, with an 85. went I-for-2. Junior Cam Morgan (1­ ally only holds a Minor League team. a double and 1 run scored. Bello orecord) went 6 innings giving up In addition, tickets to the games are went 2-for-5 with 1 RS, while Tuesday, February 9 only 5 hits. Overall record: 2-0. less than ten dollars, which permits Lopez went 2-for-4 with 1 run bat­ The Knights Golfteam contin­ Spring Training to become a family ted in and 1 run scored. Freshman ued play in the final rounds and Women's basketball wins against event. The cracking ofthebat, cheer­ Kevin Scharfman took the win go­ placed fifth overall at Cocoa Beach. Palm Beach Atlantic College, 64-54, ing ofthe fans, and the Spring breeze ing 2 innings, throwing 3 K's, and Freshmen Chris Rowse and Ryan and clinched the No.1 seed to host blowing on the back of my neck is only allowing 1 hit. Cobb both finished play with 153. the Florida Sun Conference Cham­ exhilarating. Senior MarkAldridge combined to­ pionship Tournament. Junior Fans can also obtain autographs AS OF TUESDAY, tal was 157, freshman Justin Tajuana Lee had 14 points and 7 from their favorite players at these FERUARYI6: Burkhart ended with 161 and fresh­ boards, while junior Nitashi Ealey games, because ofthe intimate atmo­ man Matt Morrissey finished with scored 10 points with 4 rebounds.· sphere. I know Spring Training has Women's Basketball finished 170. Freshman Meghanne Hickey had a ~rrived, when I hear a young boy cry­ their regular season 13-6 overall game-high with 4 assists. mg for Cal Ripken's signature, and 9-1 in conference. The Lady Wednesday, February 10 HCaaaal- Caaaal." This Spring, I Knights will host the FSC's Cham­ In historic fashion, the Knights Men's basketball loses to Palm was lucky enough to obtain many pionship Tournament on February baseball wins its first home night Beach Atlantic College, 68-64. Se­ autographs, including McGwire and 26-27. game against No. 18 Barry Univer­ nior Rob Robinson led the NSU with Ripken. Both ofthese true legends sity (NCAA Div.II), 2-1. NSU's 17 points and 11 rebounds and se­ deserve so much respect for what Men's basketball is in second pitching dominated the Buccaneers nior Sherard Hernandez scored 10 they have done for the sport. After place in the 'FSC with an overall squad thanks to solid performances points and game-high 12 rebounds. the 1996 baseball strike, most fans record of 17-12 and conference byjuniorJim Birch (1-1 record) and Junior Jeff Payanis and sophomore were unenthusiastic about the game record of 8-4. This weekend is es­ sophomore Stephen Thomas (1 Eric Windell each had 5 assists. ofbaseball. It was as though a part sential for NSU, who are on the road save). Birch went 7.1 innings al­ of them was taken away after the Friday, February 19 against first­ lowed 1 earned run, 3 hits, and Monday, February 15 shortened season. There were no ri­ place Embry-Riddle and Saturday, struck out 3. Thomas earned the The Lady Knights win their last valries during playofftime orcrown­ February 20 against Flagler Col­ save by striking out 3 and giving up regular season game against Florida ing of the coveted World Series lege. The battle for post-season play only 1 hit. Sophomore Luke Albert Memorial College, 46-36. Junior championship. Professional baseball is close with three teams (NSU, went 2-for-4 with a RBI and junior Telesicia Nash had 12 points, 4 re­ had lost its spark! However, all of Warner Southern, and Flagler) all Ryan Pretz went 2-for-3. The win­ bounds and 4 steals, while sopho­ this changed the next season, when fighting for the No.2 seed. ning run game in at the bottom of more Heidi Turczynski scored 10 Cal Ripken broke 's con­ the sixth inning when senior Ben points, had 5 rebounds, 3 assists and secutive streak of 2131 games RECORDS: Prill scored on a Barry error. Over­ 2 steals. Junior Shamel Carr had a played. I will never forget that night, 'ill record: 1-4. game-high 3 blocks. when he went around CamdenYards Baseball 2-7 overall

Softball 2-0 overall see SPRING 011 page 18 16 The Knight Newspaper

times." DiMaggio left us more than release ofthis song during the 1960s just records. He was an example of opened the eyes ofmanyAmericans, On March 8, 1999, the baseball dignity in an undignified world. who were looking for a hero to idol- world lost a true legend in Joe Searching for role models ize. DiMaggio was that model. DiMaggio. He died in his Holly­ and he~s in the decades'ofdepres- Former Los Angeles Dodger man­ wood, Florida home at the age of84. sion and war, the American public ager, Tommy Lasorda once said, "If Most people today think of found in DiMaggio an ideal image - you said to God create someone who DiMaggio, as more of a celebrity, of~tself. DiMaggio had many songs was what a baseball player should because ofhis marriage to film star wntten about him during his life. be and all ofthe great attributes God Marilyn Monroe and the commer­ One in particular was Paul Simon's would create Joe DiMaggio .:. and cials he did for various products, like "Mrs. Robinson," which has a verse he did." Mr. Coffee. However, people should dedic~ted to DiMaggio. "Our,~ation DiMaggio, while living in remember DiMaggio for his excep­ turns Its lonely eyes to you. The South Florida, donated a great deal tional play and his demeanor offthe ofmoney to build the Joe DiMaggio diamond as well. DiMaggio is an Children's Hospital. DiMaggio also archetype and a model of excel­ had a charity baseball game every lence, which people pattern their year at Fort Lauderdale Stadium to lives after. raise money for the hospital and The late announcer Mel other foundations. He had a love for Allen nicknamed DiMaggio, "The children and wanted to give back to Yankee Clipper, which was a fa­ the community. His memory will mous sailing ship~ because he live on for future players to emulate moved like a sailing vessel gliding on and offthe field. DiMaggio was majestically across the outfield in able to touch all the bases in his life. pursuit of a fly ball." When the "Jolt'n Joe has left and gone away." Yankees were at their best, Jolt'n But, can the new generation keep Joe was their leader. He led his DiMaggio's legend alive? I know team to nine World Championships that I will! during his career. Wow, has any. -I e other athlete ofsuch stature brought his team greatness in so many years? Glrls Just ""1VV"annal Have Fun Very few can compare to DiMaggio. One ofDiMaggio's greatest by Salina Vavia runs scored. Sophomore Nikki Hyatt achievements was his 56 consecutive Sports Editor and freshman Stephanie Gleicher game hitting streak in 1941. This 58­ had two hits apiece. year record still stands to this day. I As for Nova Southeastern feel that this consummation is more University's softball team, they Friday, March 5th prestigious than Mark McGwire's headed up to Orlando where they NSU dealt another loss to Ur­ breaking of the single-season played in the World Wide of Sports bana College, 14-1 and a loss to No. homerun record. Yankee Hall of Spring Training Games. The squad 9 Houston Baptist, 5-2. Against Ur­ Farner, said, "I never did awesome going 9-0 overall. Here bana College, freshman Stephanie saw him make a mistake. He was is the breakdown ofthe tourney and Gleicher hit a grand slam home run, able to move quickly from a stand­ some other games they picked up while going 2-for-4 and scored six ing position. Itseemed like he knew during Spring Break: runs total. Junior Cameran Morgan where the ball was going to be at all earned the win allowing only one Wednesday, March 3rd earned run. Against Houston Baptist, The Knights sweep Urbana Col­ senior Shannon Sawyerhit two home lege (OH) in the double header, 10-0 runs. Freshmen Cheryl Bond and and 8-0. Senior Shannon Sawyer Jenny Ridenoure each hit solo home threw the first game. Sophomore runs. Ridenoure took the win and Diane Ocampo went 4-for-4 with one delivering four strikeouts. RBI and 3 RS and Sawyer went 2­ for-3 with 2 runs batted in and one Saturday, March 6th run scored. Freshman Jenny Softball wins all three games: Ridenoure pitched the second game, Houston Baptist 1-0, Augustana (IL) who threw a one-hitter and 10K's. 3-1, and Concordia (NY) 8-0. Senior Sawyer went 3-for-3 with 2 RBI and Shannon Sawyer ripped another 2 RS. Ocampo went 2-for-3 with a homerun scoring their only run, but homerun, one run batted in, and two see SOFTBAU on page 18 24 March 1999 The Kni~ht Newspaper Page 17

Sanctioned bv 8~X Theta Delta Chi Prese11ts

&:1 A Roller Hockey Tournament at the brand new Hollywood, Stanley Goldman Hockey rinks on the corner of Johnson and Knights Roads All Proceeds go to

r The United ~~-~---J/ Cancer Research Society

For More Information Contact: Director of Operations - Scot Roseman (954) 747-4872 or (954) 983-4171 [email protected] .Page 18 The Knight Newspaper 24 March 1999 Spor-t Achievement Zone- Skill Four Softball from page 16 by Salina Vavia that was all that was needed to beat Sports Editor Houston. Freshman Jenny Ridenoure took the win striking out six. Saw­ yer took the mound against Augustana havingjustone unearned run score and picking up the win. Freshmen Stephanie. Gleicher and

-Alison Balkman each had two. hits. Junior Cameran Morgan got the win against Concordia .and· struck out . four. Senior Sherri Waddell hit two ho~e runs, while freshman Cheryl bond and sophomore Nikki Hyatt each had a home run oftheir owrt~

··~tlt~t~E.~Et~E.T ·I~. ItE~EI'IIEII Spring Training. ARE YOU GRADUATfNG·IN DECEMBER? from]1Qge 15 I:F YOU ARE iNTERESTED IN A and shook the hand, of practically McGwire's achievementputshim . GRADUATION CEREMONY IN every fan ingratitude. Thegamewas the realm with such grealball-play starting to regain its popujaritya~ ersas and Rank Aaron 'DECEMBER, but not immediately.. Both Ripken and.McGwire com Last year, :Mark McGwiredid into Spring Training hoping to agai .CONTACT JESSICA RIVERA ;something that naone would ~ve take the]eague by storm. Thei @474-7321. ORriveraj@p«;>laris thQughtpossible. He broke a 3Sachievements,durlng theirca~ year~oldrecord of61homerunsin a willgo down irtthe recordbooks.­ single season, held by Roger Mari~.: .. ··~tJ:l~ th.tA!meri¢a's atio IF YOU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING GET McGwire shattered that record by· ..• past nmecankeep providing en ending the year with a .remark--···O/ .·joyIllent and fulfillment for th DONE, I NEED YO:URHELPANDTHISISTHE able70 homeruns. - ~ fans inthe years tacorne. WAY TO START!!! Fans started filling up "For infonnation on wher the empty seats left af- you can go to see aSpring Tram ter the strike to see history . inggameofyour favorite teatu ~ in the making. He has cer- ~~. click on www.majorleague tainty epitomized the game. t\ ..... ,. 24 March 1999 The Knimt Newspaper Page 19



" --~ Youwon1t want to miss this eventl Last /year, we got FUNKY and FREEKEDOUT at Jpro~. Thisyea~r" more fun ,and·, great times are ,sure to J-Prom is an annual comel competition where student " " " groups put to~ether music~1 . A. , ,SkitS. ' _,""IB_' # .f''.'"",.", .. The top 3 acts willbe laeePle• .PaH..- .. , chosen to perform,at ' ." '.', - " . 0 Ho]JywoodSquaresl .1:00"1ft • .. ·.C.•..•.••.... ,· ContactStuderitLife. at [ .128p··for rnoreihfQrmation. ·15 ." ,'.

--",-_._._--,- Page 20 The Knight Newspaper 24 March 1999 •• CIl.losaIlcf .. •• O~ganizati()IlS • Classifie !i"ompage4: the Pan!lellellii:•AssllcfatillD M~f$atNSUD1e¢l$M!lIidaY~·!I~6;$Opll1jn.· ••• the RCdR()ollia~· the Rosmthal$fudt:i!tCeriti:t. + $1250 COMPUTER SALE ••.. PlInhel\enic#t1le gtl"CIlljng\l9tlY t'orall of the. . TUTORING ••• sororities· Otlcalllpus(I~j$~~l1lP()S.ed~fa r~ur . .. .member ~CllUtive. bc>iitd;@"¢e~befcabinet; .... Fundraiser open to student .•• anddel~!l~fr6OJ~~~ij~·Meetm~lIre~ SCIENCE AND MATH fOrth<>Se)V~~atein~edj.lIeat1ling1nOl'C gr-QUps & organizations. Eam 17" Monitors for sale aboUt. Including: TtrePaDlteUeniilAsscMngeorad(I(l#ythingiotM .. Biochem. NEe-IBM-Sony name brands .abD\lem!ti171Uition;pledSe(joiltactA~II·at with warranty. t1Je~lg.pla,;u;"ov( .... LEAVE NOTHING TO Qualified callers receive a FREE Baby Boom Box. CHANCE Computer Rentals also available! CoMentor 1-800-932-0528 x65 For info. call Jose Harvin I I I II (305) 448-1995. (305) 682-1907 EUROPASSES PASSES STARTING AT $233 Day Camp Counselor for MCAT BRITRAll PASSES AS lOW AS $70 Kaplan students IT RIIK YOUTH INTENSIVE REVIEW EURAILPASS YOUTH July 5-Aug. 13 Taught by Physicians 3MONTHUNUMITED - $1089 get into Law School. Some extended days FREE TIMETABLE • FREE HAP Case closed. and overnights required. from scratch. ~SSUED ON THE SPOT

9 out of10 Kaplan LSAT students go to one of their top 3 school choices. -lWl~R_n::hSludyofstudlilnts81Ihetop50lawschools Pay ranges up to "Leave nothing to chance" ~~ $250.00/week CoMentor Council on International Call today to enrolll Educational Exchange _(305) 448-1995 One Datron Center, Ste. 220 4ID Call Gary at: Science and Math 9100 South Dadeland Blvd I·•••·IA.·TEIT Miami, FL 33156 ___-.AOL brMnI: ...... 954-360-7210 tutoring available. Phone: 305·670-9261 "lSAT••,...... ,tr8dIIIwIIldlMa..w8cl'lllllllAltllillionCCUlc:l. MASTERS PROGRAM The Terror ofAbuse _ IN frompage 11 PHYSICAL THERAPY opened the door, hereleased my block away, and relayed to them arm, and grabbed my hair. He lifted what they had witnessed. My • Six·semester professional program can be completed in two calendar years and leads to the MPT degree. me from my feet, suspended from grandma came knocking at the door. Curriculum designed to meet Commission on my hair, and swung me into the At first, I was afraid to answer. I • Accreditation in Physical Therapy (CAPTE) criteria. house. It seemed like things were heard her call my name. I dragged • Didactic program offered at our modern medical school moving in slow motion. I could see that chair over to the door and campus located in Dominica, W.I. the refrigerator approaching before opened that lock effortlessly. I • Faculty composed of biomedical scientists as well as licensed PIT's recruited from U.S. programs. I hit it. I fell to the floor, terrified, fellinto the safety ofher arms. Modern instructional facilities featuring state-of-the-art- exhausted, and numb with pain. I I still feel the pain and the shame • multimedia computer and laboratory equipment. could no longer control my bladder from the many beatings ofmy child­ • Clinical training sites in the U.S. andapudilleofurineformedaround hood. I am now 43 years old, and I • Three entry dates per year: January, May, September me as I sat on the floor. My father keep wiping my tears as I came over, gave me one last kick, wrote this account ofmy terror. My and. told me "clean up your mess, father is long gone, a victim ofheart Keeping Cool Means fonnance situations in your life," says ami don't leave the house!" Thank­ . failure, He thought that I forgot all Murphy. Also, an importantnote is that there Being Successful is no one sure fire way to Keeping Cool all :tidIy, he left, closing and locking the ofthe abusive punishments, but I did from page /8 doJrbehind him. No words can de­ the time. You have to take the ideas from not. I never will forget the legacy he Ifyou can master keeping cool, you inside you and balance them with the SIl:Jibe myshame. left me. One last thought: Please, illieam how to stay calm and look con­ thoughts ofDr. Shane Murphy. WheD my friends saw whatwas before you raise your hand to your Ident, handle stressful situations in a pro­ Our next skill is on Concentration- fo­ iappening to me, they ran to my child, thinkabouthowyou wantyour uctive manner, and perfonn at yourbest. cus on perfonnance. Remember that ifyou ~d~aren~' house, Which. was a child t9 remember yo~~ 'Themost importantpart ofKeeping Cool care about your perfonnance, itis nonnal to < • ~' ." ." to applyyourskillinrelaxingto the-per..; be w()rried~ . 24 March 1999 The Knight Newspaper Page 21 Basic Life Support Education Day

.Do you know what to do in an emergency-? Join the Pre-Med. Society in a seminar to learn the basic steps oflife support. The class is offered free with no experience necessary for all that are interested in learning what to do when faced with an emergency. Fast track is available for those who meet the AHA requirements. Parker Science Annex Classroom 6 Held from 9:00 am-5:00 P.M. April 10, 17 and 25, 1999 You need only to attend one day! Nova Southeastern University Pre-Med. Society American Medical Student Association

E-Mail: [email protected] For more information Page 22 The Knight Newspaper 24 March 1999 MobileComm®· "The Most Reliable Network In Paging!" OFFERS: Nationwide paging at the price of local networks! . call or bring your local pager to MooileComm® today and we will connect it to our City Link Network. Your Cost 95 Only: Per Month

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.With over 300species already planted. the NSUMediciMJ Garden gave visitors plenty to marvel at Page 24 The Newspaper 24March 19! From Last Issue: Dear Gwnevere, I am a bisexual female. The othernight I was drurik an ended up in bed with a guy. Itwas the most incredible sex I'v ever had. I am currently in a relationship and I truly love m girlfriend. I have seen this guy since the night ofour encounte He seems interested in me and I am definitely attracted to hin Do you need beauty or love advice? Should I tell him about my sexual preferences or should I jn: Are you scared to ask for help? stop seeing him? Sincerely, Sexually tom apart. H4~~~/~, Dear Sexually tom apart, First ofall, it sounds as though you are not to sure abOl 11, ~ ~ W, G.w~t1£ your sexual preferences. Take some time offand reflect on wh. you truly want. Remember that honesty is always a good polic: ~'~~.:kJ You must be straight with your girlfriend and let her know ho' • l' you feel. Ifyou decide to continue seeing this guy you must Ie ~tdlet~~ her know, and be honest with him as well. ~ltwt~. Sincerely yours, Lady Gwnevere Dear Gwnevere, w,G.w~t1£ I just started dating a guy. He is very sweet and does 3301 College Ave. not seem like a player, AT ALL. Lately, however, I've been Parker Bid. # 332 meeting m'any women from his past. Some ofthem even told me how great he was, and to not let him go. What guarantee Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 is there that he will stay committed to me ifhe's left so many [email protected] girls who thought he was great? Do you think I should dump *Lady Gwnevere is not a licensed psychologist him before he dumps me? Am I being paranoid?

Sincerely, Threatened and Scared. The Knight Newspaper Dear Threatened and Scared, Deadlines for the 98-99 Winter Semester B'efore· you do anything extreme, take a deep breath. You are definitelybeingparanoid. Ifyou think this guy is truly great you Article Deadline Advertisiu& Deadline Street Date should give him ~n opportunity based on the way he treats you and I·· not on his past girlfriends. Caution, don't fall to hard because your 12 March 12 March 17 March24 instincts might be right. Stay alert, relax, and enjoy the relation- 13 March 26 March 31 April 7 ship. 14 April 9 April 14 Apri121 Truly yours, Lady Gwnevere ·.,:1~~~ff K ••itll•• •..1,. •-111·1• Editor in Chief ChiefPhotographer Angel E. Sanchez Victor Garcia ing, opinion, and arts. All community out how you can become involved wit] Advisor Associate Editor members are invited to contribute anything; the SCO. Kyle B. Washburn Caroline Geertz they desire to The Knight. Disclaimer; Consultant Layout Editor The Knight is readily available at sev­ Editorials, commentaries, and adveI Dr. Chris Jackson Piper Griff eral sites around the campus and the local tisements expressed in this publication dl S. C. O. Business Manager Campus Life Editor community, including the East Campus not represent the views ofthe Universit Rocio de Ojeda Alyson Dion site, the Oceanographic Center in Dania, or its officials, The Knight staff or othe S. C. O. Associate Manager Greek Life Editor and the Davie-Cooper City Chamber of advertisers. Editorials, commentaries, all< Megan Greenberg Jessica Rivera Commerce. advertisements reflect only the opinion 0 Business Department Advisor Sports Editor Address all distribution concerns to authors. The Knight will not publish un Prof. James Dean Salina Vavia Angel Sanchez, Editor in Chief, at (954) signed letters except in special circum StaffSport Writer 262-8455. stances, at the editors' discretion. Th The Knight Newspaper serves Nova Michael Citron The Knight is now also available Kni&h! reserves the right to edit letters fo Southeastern's Farquhar Center for Under­ Student Government Editor online. clarity, brevity, and accuracy. Hunter.Wooleyhan graduate Studies from its office on the third The deadline for submissions for this Website Editor floor ofthe Parker Building at NSU's main year's thirdteenth issue is 26 March 1999.­ Tony Thomas campus. The advertising deadline is 31 March 1999. Entertainment Editor The Knight is NSU's established ve­ E-mail the Advisor at Internet address Deana Daneau hicle for the transmission ofstudent report- "[email protected]." to find Page 24 The KniKht Newspaper 24March 1999 From Last Issue: Dear Gwnevere, I am a bisexual female. The other night I was drunk and ... endedup in bed with a guy. Itwas the most incredible sex I've ever had. I am currently in a relationship and I truly love my girlfriend. I have seen this guy since the night ofour encounter. He seems interested in me and I am definitely attracted to him. Do you need beauty or love advice? Should I tell him about my sexual preferences or should I just Are you scared to ask for help? stop seeing him? Sincerely, Sexually tom apart. H4~~~,~· Dear Sexually tom apart, First ofall, it sounds as though you are not to sure about 11, ~ ~ lAAt G#'~~ your sexual preferences. Take some time offandreflect onwhat you truly want. Remember that honesty is always a good policy. ~'~~.:te You must be straight with your girlfriend and let herknow how .. you feel. Ifyou decide to continue seeing this guy you must let -uJ-vt J14 ~ ~ her know, and be honest with him as well. ~ltwt~. Sincerely yours, Lady Gwnevere Dear Gwnevere, lAAtG#'~~ I just started dating a guy. He is very sweet and does 3301 College Ave. not seem like a player, AT ALL. Lately, however, I've been Parker Bid. # 332 meeting many women from his past. Some ofthem even told me how great he was, and to not let him go. What guarantee Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33314 is there that he will stay committed to me ifhe's left so many [email protected] girls who thought he was great? Do you think I should dump *Lady Gwnevere is not a licensed psychologist him before;he dumps me? Am I being paranoid?

Sincerely, Threatened and Scared. The Knight Newspaper Dear Threatened and Scared, Deadlines for the 98-99 Winter Semester Before you do anything extreme, take a deep breath. You are definitelybeing paranoid. Ifyou think this guy is truly great you ~ Article Deadline Advertisin& Deadline Street Date should give him an opportunity based on the way he treats you and not on his past girlfriends. Caution, don't fall to hard because your 12 March 12 March 17 March 24 instincts might be right. Stay alert, relax, and enjoy the relation­ 13 March 26 March 31 April 7 ship. 14 April 9 April 14 Aprll21 Truly yours, Lady Gwnevere K ••itll•• Editor in Chief ChiefPhotographer Angel E. Sanchez Victor Garcia ing, opinion, and arts. All community outhow you can become involved with Advisor Associate Editor members are invited to contribute anything the SCO. Kyle B. Washburn Caroline Geertz they desire to The Kni2ht. Disclaimer; Consultant Kni~ht Layout Editor The is readily available at sev­ Editorials, commentaries, and adver­ Dr. Chris Jackson Piper Griff eral sites around the campus and the local tisements expressed in this publication do Business Manager Campus Life Editor S. C. O. community, including the East Campus not represent the views ofthe University Alyson Dion Rocio de OJ eda site, the Oceanographic Center in Dania, or its officials, The Knight staff or other S.C.O. Associate Manager Greek Life Editor and the Davie-Cooper City Chamber of advertisers. Editorials, commentaries, and Jessica Rivera Megan Greenberg Commerce. advertisements reflect only the opinion of Business Department Advisor Sports Editor Address all distribution concerns to authors. The Kni~ht will not publish un­ Prof. James Dean Salina Vavia Angel Sanchez, Editor in Chief, at (954) signed letters except in special circum­ StaffSport Writer 262-8455. stances, at the editors' discretion. :rill< The Knight Newspaper serves Nova Michael Citron The Knight is now also available ~ reserves the right to edit letters for Southeastern's Farquhar Center for Under­ Student Government Editor online. clarity, brevity, and accuracy. Hunter.Wooleyhan graduate Studies from its office on the third The deadline for submissions for this Website Editor floor ofthe Parker Building at NSU's main year's thirdteenth issue is 26 March 1999.~ Tony Thomas campus. The advertising deadline is 31 March 1999. Entertainment Editor The Knight is NSU's established ve­ E-mail the Advisor at Internet address Deana Daneau hicle for the transmission ofstudent report- "[email protected]." to find