Nova Southeastern University NSUWorks The urC rent NSU Digital Collections 3-24-1999 The Knight Nova Southeastern University Follow this and additional works at: http://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_newspaper NSUWorks Citation Nova Southeastern University, "The Knight" (1999). The Current. Paper 176. http://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_newspaper/176 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the NSU Digital Collections at NSUWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Current by an authorized administrator of NSUWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF NSU' s Vo~ume 9 Issue 1.2 FARQUHAR CENTER .... ,FOR 'UNDERGRADUATE STUD:J:ES 24 March 1.999 ,~ T~ NSU Opens Its New . Medicinal Garden by Angel E. Sanchez Basic Lij"eSUpport Editor in Chief the press, and others in­ Edllca#onday•. Learn terested in the greatness llI()reaboutitonpage4 On February 28, 1999, Nova and benefits of the gar­ Southeastern University Health Pro­ den. The idea ofthis gar­ fessions Division School of Phar­ den began during the macy in conjunction with Broward presidency ofDr. Lewis. Community College and the Univer­ Dr. Lewis stated the fol­ .", , '" • '0''' • sity ofFlorida opened its Medicinal lowing, "We live in •·$e~flt~l'~sUl~I11t.·jjl'lte Garden. The Medicinal Garden is cyber space-virtual real­ ·•• Well1J~sseentet!sSaler located in' front of Parker Building. ity, is nice to see the real $t:XStl1'J1eyR,~1l1ts"{)n . This garden too1<: over a year to be thing, not only for the p(lge~i completed. There was a lot ofwork students and pharmacist and effort put into finishing the gar­ that we derive medicine den. In this garden hundreds ofplants from but for other stu­ that can be used for medicinal pur­ dents and the community poses were planted. This will serve as well... I think it is a as a habitat and a place ofresearch ........ ~eetj,'eft(lffl,.1tm9"'~4· . fascinating garden. I was .SlIroritiesele¢tl'tJ"res:ults> for better use ofthese plants. Every­ also considering a gar­ one attended this great event includ­ It's OffiCUl" - Presiding over the ribbon cutting ceremonyfor the (jn!pRges:8...9.·.·· den for the blind with Medicinal Garden are,from left to right, Fred Lippman, B.Sc., ing deans and professors from NSU texture aromatic plants R.Ph., Division; Nova Southeastern University President Ray and surrounding universities, stu­ and tape players... This Ferro, Jr.; and William D. HaNigan, Ph.D., Dean ofNSU's dents, the surrounding community, College ofPharmacy. see NOVA onpage 23 Retidl~Yoll.,.nOt(l" ..... Q~ctliJ(itie1talTlteraj1ist? .1'hen.··What~i'eY()'!?".on The Boys ·page12in.··the.editol'ial·· section.. ofSpring ReadNSUSports.Uj1date·· onpage15 .. are BacK by Michael L. Citron Sports StaffWriter After a fantastic year in baseball with the chase to break the single-season homerun J1e4dil.~tllltJ'11tterica' record between Mark McGwire of the St. Icon:<l'he.Yll"kee.Clipper"· Louis Cardinals and Sammy Sosa ofthe Chi­ o1tjJl!ge16 cago Cubs, what more could the fans want? MajorLeague Baseball is back and itis more popular than ever! see BALL on page J5 24 March 1999 JPROM 1999 World Music Night ()lubsand· with NSU Radio . "A Knight at the Movies" Friday, February 19, NSU's O·rganlzatl0nS April 8, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. at the "Knight-Time" Radio showcased Alphal'hiOmega music from all over the globe as This. organiZlitiOll is a national. cO',ed se:Nice .'0>,' part of Unity Week. This very fratenrlty.Meelingsare on Wednesdays aISp.tn. in RecPlex Patio TheFlightDeck,second floor oflheRosenthal Stu­ special TGIF was hosted by some dent CentCl".l'lease:contact Meredith· bye-mail at What does lProm mean? Last Thursday based on 10 categories: ofNSU's most eclectic D.l. 's who [email protected]:edu or year it meant Betas grooving, The­ originality, adherence to theme, dia­ [email protected].• Check played all sorts of music ranging out our web pagc:athttp://www.nova,edw.,nattjo/ tas stripping, Phi Sigs getting funky logue, lip sync, dancing, costumes, from modem Spanish, Irish, to apo and the Radio Station doing Scooby set design, choreography, audience reggae styles. Everybody in the Beta Thea PI Doo.... What will it mean this year? reaction, and overall effectiveness. Flight Deck enjoyed the variety of This organiZlition is a social.fraternity dedi­ The fourth annual lProm is be­ Top three groups will advance to the cate4to.the: .cultivlltiOll.ofthe:.illte:llc:ct,. un$IiUie4 music, good food, but most ofall, friendship, •and •unfaltering fidelity.• Contact us at ing held onThursday, April 8, at 7:00 finals at Hollywood Squares where the diversity ofpeople. We would beta@polaris,nova.eduformoreintormation. p.m. at the RecPlex. This year's they will be judged by the celebrity like to thank the Flight Deck, the theme is "A Knight at the Movies" Joe CampusEutertainDlentCommittee(CEC) squares featuring center square, Unity Week committee, and all of This conrinitteeis a branch ofthe.NSUSOA where student groups will do spin Lakovitch, Vice President for Student the clubs and organizations that dedicate4toplann.iIlg andhnplemeniirigcampllS life offs oftheir favorite movies. Groups Affairs. activities;COntactHeatheratgilchristh@aoLcClIllfor made Unity Week a success. more. information. will put together aiD-minute skit Beta Theta Pi fraternity has won NSU Radio is always looking composed ofdancing and lip syncing JProm for three years in a row. This Delta Pbl E,.ilon for fresh new talent for the air­ Thisorganiu,tion.is.anatiollal.sorority_.Con­ that center around the theme. Top year, more groups than everwill com­ waves, so if you are interested tact· dpe@po!aris.nov.«Iufor.gcoeral.information, three JProm acts have the honor of pete for the grand prize and attempt please call us at 262-8457. Ifyou [email protected] rush information. perfonning the following night dur­ to defeat the defending champs! You would like more infonnation on ing the Secret Square portion ofHol­ won'twant to miss this event!! Come the radio station and upcoming IlI!!IUb.Eetufl.d~n.AlDS LI!lb~n (JIEAL) lywood Squares. Why? To compete Meelillgs Me held 't'hurSl!aysat6pm.• in The early and get a good seat. No one events, stop by the office in the FlightDeclt,l'oom206.COlllactCluisCastellano.at for the $1,000 grand prizeH ! really knows what lProm means... Rosenthal Student Centerorcheck (9S4)38Z-999S or J<aiThorupatkai@jbotllP·coll) A panel made up of faculty and but regardless, it promises to be a for more.information,.VisitolD' webpagcat:http:// out our website at http:// www.thl)rup;cClIll!llEAIJhealindex,bttnf;· . staff will judge the lProm acts on great time for all! !! www.nova.edu/cwis/wnsu. Hillel . Interestedinl~ing •. nwre: llooutJe:wllblire andcultUtes?ContactCindYGold~at(S61)39S-··· 9765 or cgoldberg@flahillel.()rgformoreinforma­ tioo. Beating the Odds: Basic Life IBlUan8t1idelltAuo¢illtlon(lSA) AUslUdentsarewe1eomel.l'leasecontactRick algadht@polariS'ri.ova.¢duformoreinf6l1nall0n, Support Education Day IntemadonalM:Jl.lIlUASioehdlOll atJl(SU (I.I\.f,A;JI(;) by Ed Fry, III, Emt-P, AMSA Medical Society is sitting next to presenter in the national postercom­ Th~p#oseofl.M;A'N;istQedQc~t~~lhc:rs··· th aboot.lslam.AnYQneisacceptedl.CoiIlaCl.Rabiaat Educational Chair, you, there is a good chance that petition during the 49 annual [email protected];e4u.forrtiore:information, N.S.U. Pre-Medical Society Tony's airway obstruction can be al­ AMSA conference March 1999 in Inter-OrgulzatillllalCollncil (I9C)···· leviated before the paramedics ar­ Chicago. At the conference, an oral Meetillgsafebetdev~ryD!hCl"MOIIdayat6:00 Imagine this, you and your rive. The reason is: The Nova presentation will be given to a host p.m. in The FlightDeck's greeriroom. These meet­ friends are meeting for lunch after ings.llre.open.t().·;PI·stlidentS.• Contacl.Erick.at Southeastern University Pre-Med. ofpersonnel including guest speak­ torreser@Ji<!laris.nQv!l.edu(l)rI11Qre.in(ortnalJOII. an extremely hard morning of Society has learned Basic Life ers: Dr. Patch Adams, The United classes. Your professor infonns the States Surgeon General, and other InterV8rsityCbrlstianFeUowshlp(IVC) Support and Cardiopulmonary -for Gradu!lte, class that the test scheduled in two Resuscitation (CPR-BLS)! In fact, medical community representa­ Meetings ate held Thtirsdays. at9p.m.Any­ weeks has been moved to 72 hours tives. If the Society is chosen as one iiltere~d,h()~lilcontactKaYlaat.262_659&. the campus-based club under the ad­ from now. Because of the time visement of Dr. Robert Pomeroy best in one offive categories, their InterVarsityChrlstianFeJlow,hip(IVe) crunch, you have no idea how you boasts 25 CPR-BLS instructors! work will be published in the New -(or Ulld¢rgiaduates Meetingsarehdd TlieSdaysat.12:30 pm. in. are even going to fit meals into your Last year; members of the society PhYsician quarterly publication as The F!lght I)eclc arid Tuesdays at.8:00.p.I11.• in.the schedule. So during lunch with were awarded a grant from the well as the websites ofthe National G<lodwin Residence HaU.in the East Loungeon!h¢ your friends, everyone is in a hurry Institute ofHealth and The Center 3rd•• Flo= •.••• Please •••.• contact •••• Jessica ••• 31 American Medical StudentAssocia­ rivc:[email protected]; •••.• or ••••• Ju,tin •••••• at·· to study and they inhale (without tion (AMSA) to train and educate the for Disease Control. ItIiruvill@p6laris,nova,e4Iifotinoteinformatioo. breathing or tasting) their food public in the importance of Basic We will keep you posted on the L~derslllpDt!velo(lDleJtt when suddenly, without warning Life Support as well as keeping heart future of the Pre-Medical Society. CollUlllttet(LDC)·. Tony grabs his neck, begins chok­ Keep an ear out for their next class Thlscol11l11itlee lsa brallch orthe NSVSGA.
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