I5s0uri Storical Review
I5S0URI STORICAL REVIEW, CONTENTS Joseph Pulitzer, Part I* George S. Johns John Evans, Explorer and Surveyor, Part I A. P. Nasatir The Building of the University of Missouri an Epoch Making Step W. S. Dearmont Joseph B. McCullagh, Part Ilv Walter B. Stevens The Beginning of the Whig Party in Missouri, 1824-1840 Leota Newhard Emigrant Missourians in Mexico and Oregon Frederick A. Culmer The St. Louis School of Thought, Part II Cleon Forbes Experiences of Lewis Bissell Dougherty on the Oregon Trail, Part IV Ethel Massie Withers Historical Notes and Comments Missouri History Not Found in Textbooks STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of MISSOURI VOL. xxv January, 1931 NO. 2 OFFICERS OF THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI, 1928-1931 GEORGE A. MAHAN, Hannibal, President. LOUIS T. GOLDING, St. Joseph, First Vice-President. WALTER B. STEVENS, St. Louis, Second Vice-President. WALTER S. DICKEY, Kansas City, Third Vice-President. CORNELIUS ROACH, Kansas City, Fourth Vice-President. B. M. LITTLE, Lexington, Fifth Vice-President. ALLEN McREYNOLDS, Carthage, Sixth Vice-President. R. B. PRICE, Columbia, Treasurer. FLOYD C. SHOEMAKER, Secretary and Librarian. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Term Expires at Annual Meeting, 1931 ROLLIN J. BRITTON, Kansas ISIDOR LOEB, St. Louis. City. C. H. McCLURE, Kirksville. T. H. B. DUNNEGAN, Bolivar. JOHN ROTHENSTEINER, BEN L. EMMONS, St. Charles. St. Louis. STEPHEN B. HUNTER, CHAS. H. WHITAKER, Cape Girardeau. Clinton. Term Expires at Annual Meeting, 1932 PHIL A. BENNETT, Springfield. ELMER O.JONES, LaPlata. W. E. CROWE, DeSoto. HENRY KRUG, JR., St. Joseph; FORREST C. DONNELL, WM. SOUTHERN, JR., St. Louis. Independence. BOYD DUDLEY, Gallatin. CHARLES L.
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