Rosenbergia , Length 50 Entirely Margins of Tinge; Greyish Black Forelegs. Moreover Tinctly Genus Apriona. Rosenberg, Has Brough
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ROSENBERGIA MANDIBULARS. 11 NOTE V. On a new genus of Longicorn Coleoptera belonging to the group of the Batoceridae BY C. Ritsema+Cz. n. Rosenbergia , g. Characteristics of the but with genus Batocera, acutely produced mesosternum, entire scape which is neither in- cised nor scarred at the tip, and smooth antennae and forelegs. Moreover the apical joint of the antennae is trans- versely divided behind the middle, although not so dis- in the tinctly as genus Apriona. I have named this in honor of the well known genus C. traveller in the Malayan Archipelago Baron B. H. von Rosenberg, who has brought home one of the two species which will here be described. 1. Rosenbergia mandibularis, sp. n. 50 breadth Length mm., at the shoulders 17 mm.; length of the — to antennae 83 mm. Dark piceous, approaching black; entirely covered with a close fulvous tomentum, which is the lateral finer and thinner along a streak on blackish margins of the elytra which is therefore of a more tinge; round the the is ferrugineous, on eyes pubescence the tarsi it is intermixed with stiff black hairs and on the black be- antennae it is of a more greyish color, which comes darker towards the end; moreover the middle of Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. 111. 12 ROSENBERGIA MANDIBULARS. several of the median joints of the antennae is inconspi- cuously spotted with a greyish pubescence. head the sub- Impunctate. The very large; eyes large, the mandibles and flat approximate in front; very large knicked at the middle, the outer margin of the basal por- tion straight and terminating in a small but distinct tooth, the the outer margin of the apical portion and inner mar- gin curved. A naked and glossy somewhat bottle-shaped lobes of the The small spot between the upper eyes. scape not 3rd of the antennae quite half as long as the joint, the 3rd joint one fourth longer than the 4th, the 4th — 10th slightly decreasing in length, and the apical joint, is which suddenly pointed at the tip, one third longer than the 10th joint. lateral Between the spines, which are strong and acute, and obliquely directed upwards, the disk of the thorax shows some sinuated transverse wrinkles, and behind these few naked small in a very granules more or less arranged two groups. The scutellum triangular, broadly rounded and at the deeply emarginated apex. The much attenuated towards the with elytra apex, a transversely directed acute tooth at the shoulders, and with black some widely spread glossy granules on the basal at the portion; base of the suture, just behind the emar- of the gination scutellum, two longitudinal granules are the present; elytra are truncated and provided with four spines posteriorly; moreover they show on the disk of the half three basal large although faint gibbosities, just as in Abatocera leonina Thorns.,, one conjointly on both elytra the the and divided by suture, remaining two a little more backwards and placed more laterally. The lateral posterior angles of the fifth ventral segment are acutely produced. A single male specimen from Doreh (von Rosenberg). Obs. This specimen is mentioned by the late Dr. Snel- len van n°. in Yollenhoven as Apriona 24 Tijdschrift voor JMotes from the Ley<leu Museum, Vol. HI. ROSENBERGIA VETUSTA. 13 Vol. XIY 217 Entomologie. (1871) p. ; pi. 9, fig. 4, whereas Apriona n°. 25 of the same Author (I c. pi. 5, fig. /3 and 9, pi. fig. 5) is a female specimen of Abatocera leonina Thorns, 2. Rosenbergia vetusta, sp. n. Length 40,5 breadth at the shoulders 14 mm., mm.; antennae — length of the 51,5 mm. Black; entirely covered with a close whitish tomentum, more or less fuscous on the tibiae outside intermixed with stiff black , hairs on the tarsi, and of color a mouse-grey on the fifth and following of the the joints antennae; middle of some of these joints however is inconspicuously spotted with a greyish pu- bescence. Impunctate. The head the large, eyes large, sub-ap- in proximate front; a naked and glossy bifurcate spot be- tween the lobes of the and upper eyes, some naked and flattened granules the hind of the along margin upper lobes. The of the antennae half 3rd scape as long as the joint, the 3rd joint one third longer than the 4th, the 4th—10th of equal length, the lltli joint one third lon- ger than the 10th. The with two raised pronotum transverse lines close to the anterior and three similar margin, ones on the middle of the disk, of which the median one is widely interrupted in the middle and the posterior one shortened at both sides; behind these raised lines as well as on the base of the lateral which spines are straight and naked at the tip, some naked flattened be granules may observed. The late- ral margins of the scutellum nearly parallel, the apex broadly rounded. Ihe elytra much attenuated towards the with apex, a short transversely directed tooth at the shoulders and , pro- vided on the basal half with glossy black slightly trans- verse which set granules are very densely on the shoul- ders. On half of the the posterior elytra a few similar Notes from the Leyden Museum, "Vol. lU. VETUSTA- 14 ROSENBERGIA although not raised granules are present, and two longi- tudinal ones on the suture just behind and touching the scutellum; the elytra are truncated and provided with four spines posteriorly; the sutural spines are much more deve- loped than the lateral ones. The of the fifth ventral apical margin segment very slightly emarginated. A single male specimen from Doreh (Hoedt). somewhat Obs. This species resembles the figure of a white variety of Apriona punctatissima Kaup from Sanghir, given by R. Oberthiir in Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Yol. XIV (1879). Tav. I, fig. 3. Leyden Museum, November 1880. JSot-os from the Leyden Museum, Vol. HI.