
Acta Protozool. (2014) 53: 29–38 http://www.eko.uj.edu.pl/ap Acta doi:10.4467/16890027AP.13.0019.1116 Protozoologica Special issue: Marine Heterotrophic Guest editors: John R. Dolan and David J. S. Montagnes Review paper

Living Together in the : A Survey of Marine Symbioses


Biology, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York, U.S.A.

Abstract. Our best evidence is that life arose in the marine environment, and over many millennia of evolutionary proliferation, punctuated by occasional massive extinctions, have developed remarkably elegant and sometimes complex relationships with prokary- otic and eukaryotic symbionts. Current evidence of the range of marine protist taxa possessing symbionts, including their diversity and physiological functional relationships, is reviewed within an ecological context. Some perspectives are presented on potential opportunities for new avenues of research in unraveling the remarkable adaptive value of two or more genetically diverse marine unicellular organisms living in a close structural and physiological relationship.

Key words: Algal symbionts, bacterial symbionts, marine endosymbiosis, microbial physiology, molecular genetics, plankton ecology.

INTRODUCTION relationships. Undoubtedly, many (en- closed by host ) were engulfed originally in Current geological evidence indicates that life arose food ­ as prey. Subsequently, through a capacity at least 3.5 billion years ago, very likely in deep to avoid the normal digestive processes of the predatory habitats (e.g. Furnes et al. 2004). During the ensuing host, some of these ingested organisms acquired the ca- millennia, the evolutionary expansion of life in the ma- pacity to live and reproduce within the affordances of rine environment produced remarkably diverse organ- the host intracytoplasmic environment. This inference isms, especially among the protists and their microbial is based largely on current evidence of induced sym- co-inhabitants, including . The complex eco- bioses in laboratory experiments (e.g. Jeon 1995, Gas- logical interactions among these single-celled organ- trich and Anderson 2002, Kodama and Fujishima 2010) isms, including an apparently early adaptation to ingest and by earlier theoretical models (e.g. Mereschkowski other smaller organisms as food by , pro- 1905, Sagan [née Margulis] 1967). vided a unique physiological circumstance to bring ge- This review of in some marine protists netically diverse organisms into close intracytoplasmic focuses especially on plankton, ranging from brackish to open ocean environments. The emphasis is on the di- Address for correspondence: O. R. Anderson, Biology and Paleo Environment, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, New versity and physiological adaptive aspects of protistan York 10964, U.S.A.; Tel. 845-365-8452; E-mail: [email protected] endosymbiosis. Three categories of symbiosis are cur- lumbia.edu rently recognized: (1) , where both organisms 30 O. R. Anderson benefit, (2) commensalism, where one benefits vide evidence of some of the diverse ways life has come and the other is unaffected, and (3) , where the to evolve in close symbiotic associations among marine host is exploited, sometimes pathologically. Examples of planktonic micro-organisms. A survey of symbiotic as- endosymbiosis that are either commensal or mutualistic sociations in major host taxonomic groups is presented, will be considered based on the best current evidence. followed by a perspective on future potential lines of Not all published examples can be addressed within the inquiry. Algal symbioses are commonly observed in scope and length of this review and other more com- oceanic environments (e.g. Fig. 1). However, bacterial prehensive sources are available (e.g. Cavanaugh 1994, and cyanobacterial endosymbioses are also encountered Gast et al. 2009, Stoecker et al. 2009). The goal is to pro- and some examples are included in this review.

Fig. 1. Light microscopic images of living symbiont-bearing open ocean protists. a – radiolarian showing the central capsule (Cp) contain- ing the nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm, and external to it, long-tapered, radiating known as axopodia (Ax) appearing as a bright halo, including numerous golden-hued algal symbionts on the axopodia (arrows). Scale bar: 500 µm; b – planktonic foraminiferan bearing a calcitic shell (Sh) and peripherally radiating calcite spines that are covered by pseudopodial cytoplasm bearing scattered algal symbionts (arrows). The small greenish, rounded shell chamber contains dense clusters of symbionts within the intrashell cytoplasm. Scale bar: 100 µm; c – composite image of a portion of a colonial radiolarian with numerous central capsules containing symbionts (arrows) in the peripheral cytoplasm of the central capsules. The entire is enclosed within a optically clear spherical gelatinous sheath. This portion of the colony is illuminated from the lower right-hand side. Scale bar: 500 µm; d – the dinoflagellateNoctiluca scintil- lans (green form) with numerous living prasinomonad algal symbionts (Pedimonas noctilucae), appearing as clumps of green particles, scattered throughout the cytoplasm. Scale bar: 200 µm. Marine Protist Symbioses 31

Symbioses in Major Taxonomic ture medium by gentle rupture of the host, the bacteria Groups of MARINE Protists can infect homologous as well as heterologous Parau- ronema stocks, including peculiarly a distantly related , Miamiensis avidus (e.g. Soldo et al. 1992). The Amoebae (naked amoebae, lacking a shell or ) xenosomes, while compatible with and stable in a host Amoebae, in general, are among the least studied species are capable of killing other ciliate species. Tox- members of marine plankton. This may be attributed icity, however, varies among the strains of the ciliate partially to the sampling techniques typically used. xenosomes. The molecular genetics of the xenosomes Amoebae are delicate and net sampling often destroys have been investigated substantially. For example, non- them before they can be isolated. Moreover, amoebae killer xenosomes contain two plasmids that are similar must attach to a surface to feed, thus only -rich in length and genetic composition, while killer xeno- plankton is likely to support detectable populations of somes contain four plasmids, two which appear to be amoebae (e.g. Anderson 2011). Nonetheless, some evi- genetically similar and two that are distinct. A multi- dence has accumulated on the presence of endosymbi- copy may help the symbiont survive in the al- onts in amoebae from diverse open ocean and brackish ien environment of the host. Using riboprinting, pre- environments. liminary results indicated that xenosomes share some A large (probably Korotnovella sp.) associ- degree of with two bacterial symbionts, mu ated with tufts of the planktonic cyanobacterium, Oscil- and pi, found in the freshwater ciliate Pararmecium au- latoria (Trichodesmium) in the Sargasso Sea, contained relia. The presence of some homology in the two xeno- at least two kinds of intracellular endobacteroids: a larg- some may indicate that the marine and fresh- er bacterium enclosed by a double-membrane water species share a common evolutionary ancestry, or and a smaller, electron-dense rod enclosed by a single that there has been lateral transfer by some means be- membrane (Anderson 1977). Their abundance and ap- tween freshwater and marine species. The xenosomes, parent healthy status as viewed in transmission electron however, share little homology with free-living forms microscopic ultrathin sections suggest they are symbi- such as E. coli and S. faecalis. This suggests that during otic (Fig. 2a). No further evidence is available on the early evolution the xenosomes may not have been ac- physiological role of the endobacteroids. The molec­ quired from ancestors of current free-living forms, or if ular phylogenetics of bacterial symbionts in Neopara- they were ancestral to modern forms, during the course moeba aestuarina, isolated from the Ross Sea, Antarc- of subsequent evolution and adaptation in the host, the tica (Moran et al. 2007), and other Neoparamoeba spp., xenosome genome may have been substantially modi- have been analyzed in relation to host phylogeny by fied. Limited information is available on the physiol- Dyková et al. (2008) who report that phylograms re- ogy of interactions with the host. However, Soldo et constructed from corresponding SSU rDNA sequences al. (1992) reported that the consumption rate of host amoebae and their bacterial symbionts revealed of xenosome-bearing hosts is 20 to 30% higher than a high level of congruence, indicating strong evidence that of xenosome-free hosts. Moreover, host glycogen for coevolution of these two eukaryotic organisms. The is consumed at a significantly higher rate in xenosome- bacteria belong to a large group of endobiotic bacte- bearing P. acutum compared to those without the sym- ria categorized as Perkinsiella amoebae-like organisms bionts. Remarkably, 30% of the symbiont mol- (PLO). To the best of my knowledge, no marine amoe- ecules were derived from the host, indicating a complex ba has been identified with algal endosymbionts. How- metabolic relationship. ever, at least one freshwater amoeba Mayorella viridis Methanogenic (methane-producing) disc-shaped, contains zoochlorellae (Page 1988). symbiotic bacteria have been identified in the ma- rine ciliate frontata (Fenchel and Finlay 1991). The bacteria are arranged in close contiguity Considerable knowledge has been attained on bac- with hydrogenosomes, organized in alternating layers terial symbionts, known as xenosomes, in the marine resembling stacks of coins. The timing of symbiont hymenostome ciliate Parauronema acutum. They are reproduction is controlled by the host-. The located in the cytoplasm where they grow and divide in bacteria remain constant at about 3,500 per cell during close synchrony with the host. When released into cul- the growth phase. The host is known to obtain an ener- 32 O. R. Anderson

Fig. 2. Transmission electron microscopic ultrathin section images of symbionts in some open ocean protists. a – free-living open ocean amoeba with two kinds of intracytoplasmic bacteroids (arrows): round to oval within double membranes, and curved dense rod within a single-membrane vacuole; b – dinoflagellate symbionts as found in planktonic foraminiferans and radiolarians; c – putative prymnesiid symbiont from a radiolarian; d – prasinomonad symbiont from a large spongiose skeletal radiolarian. Figs. b–d: N – nucleus, V – vacuole, arrows – light absorbing (adapted from Anderson 1983). All scale bars: 2 µm. Marine Protist Symbioses 33 getic advantage from the bacterial symbionts (Fenchel proximately as a hyperbolic function with increasing and Finlay 1991). This may confer survival advantage light intensity from zero to 200 µmol photons m–2 s–1, where exogenous sources of energy are limited. reaching a maximum at 50 µmol m–2 s–1. -con- Cyanobacterial symbionts as well as marine pro- taining ciliates were positively phototactic. The ciliate teobacteria have been documented by transmission showed excellent growth with Rhodomonas lens and electron in an open ocean , Co- Tetraselmis chui as prey. Growth in the light was sub- donella sp. (e.g. Foster et al. 2006). The stantially greater than in the dark with both sources of had three to four thylakoids throughout the cytoplasm, food, but varied with other food sources. glycogen in packets scattered between thylakoids, and Additional evidence of the role of sequestered plas- carboxysomes in central clusters. Putative cyanobac- tids, in this case from , in Myrionecta terial-like endosymbionts also have been documented rubra (= ), a ciliate that is glob- in an unusual cercozoan tetraflagellate (Auranticordis ally distributed in neritic and estuarine habitats, showed quadri­verberis) isolated from marine interstitial sand that light-saturated rates of for individ- –1 –1 samples (Chantangsi et al. 2008). ual ciliates ranged from 13 to 88 pg C cell h , a rate Algal symbioses are less common in marine ciliates that was within the mid-range reported for community compared to freshwater ciliates. However, measurements made during Mesodinium blooms in red- (the capture of functional and relatively long lasting waters and within the range reported for phytoplank- plastids from ingested prey) is more widely documented­ ton (Stoecker et al. 1991). Furthermore, Johnson et al. in marine ciliates (e.g. Haberlandt 2012, Lindholm and (2006) report that Myrionecta rubra maintained chloro­ Mork 1989, Stoecker et al. 2009), thus reducing their phyll per cell and maximum cellular photosynthetic dependence entirely on autotrophic prey as a source of rates that were 6–8 times that of the prey alga, Gemini- carbon nutrition. The presence of cytoplasmic plastids gera cf. cryophila. However, while maximum chl-spe- in oligotrich ciliates, among the most abundant protists cific photosynthetic rates were identical between the in the sea, provides additional sources of nutrition in host and alga, M. rubra was less efficient at light har- vesting in low light (10 and 25 µmol photons m–2 s–1) addition to heterotrophic modes of nutrition. Moreover, and had lower overall quantum efficiency. With respect as grazers on primary producers and prey for metazoan to metabolic nutritional efficiency,G. cf. cryophila pos- plankton, they constitute an important source of mixo- sessed a greater capacity for synthesizing protein from trophic fixation of carbon (e.g. Stoecker et al. 1988), photosynthate, while M. rubra used 3.2 times more thus augmenting their more general role as a link in fixed C for synthesizing lipids. As with other klepto- ocean planktonic food webs (e.g. Dolan et al. 2002, plastidic ciliates, the plastids (though not permanent- Montagnes et al. 1988, Ota and Taniguchi 2003, Perez ly genetically integrated) undergo replication and the et al. 1997). number are regulated by M. rubra, allowing the ciliate In some cases, kleptoplasty can provide carbon nu- to function as a . tritional resources at higher concentrations in the host than in the original algal prey where the plastids were captured. Among the more detailed studies to document Dinoflagellates, commonly symbionts within other the adaptive value of kleptoplasty for the host, Mc- protists as reviewed below, also harbor bacterial or al- Manus et al. (2012) examined the advantages and costs gal endosymbionts. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates (e.g. of sequestering plastids by Strombidium rassoulzade- , and Citharistes) in the Gulf gani, a planktonic mixotrophic ciliate that obtains a nu- of Aqaba, (ranging from 3 to 6 cells l–1), were tritional subsidy by photosynthesis. They reported that found to contain cyanobacterial symbionts within in- the ciliate contained 60 times the carbon content of its tracellular “phaeosomes,” formed by unicellular cyano- algal prey, but more than 100 times the bacteria of the or Synechocystis types content. However, C-14 tracer studies showed that in- (Gordon et al. 1994). The peak occurrence of the sym- organic carbon uptake in the light (expressed per unit biont-bearing dinoflagellates correlates with the onset chlorophyll) was about half that of the algal prey. Due of limitation in late summer and autumn due to the higher chlorophyll content in the ciliate, how- to extreme thermal stratification. The sequestration of ever, the C turnover in ciliate and alga was about equal the cyanobacteria within the phaeosome may provide (0.13 and 0.14 d−1, respectively). Growth increased ap- the necessary anaerobic environment to support N fixa- 34 O. R. Anderson tion by the cyanobacterial symbionts in the oligotrophic observed in the cytoplasm of the dinoflagellate cells, water. The authors propose that the cyanobacterial as- but were absent from the nucleus. CFB associated sociation may be mutually advantageous to host and with the cytoplasm appeared to reflect a degradation symbiont, because the cyanobacteria may exude a large process occurring in moribund dinoflagellate cells, but proportion of their fixed carbon to the host, thus in- the systematic colonization of dinoflagellate nucleo- creasing host and accelerating oxygen con- plasm by betaproteobacteria suggested a true symbiotic sumption in their immediate proximity and activating relationship. the N-fixing nitrogenase for a longer time than their also harbors a green prasino- free-living peers. phyte algal symbiont (Pedimonas noctilucae), con- Cyanobacterial associations of Richelia intracellu- firmed by transmission electron microscopy (Sweeney laris within in this locale have also been re- 1978). This dinoflagellate occurs as two forms, the ported (e.g. Kimor et al. 1992) and may confer a similar green symbiont-bearing form (e.g. Fig. 1d) and a color- physiological mutual advantage as the dinoflagellate/ less one lacking the symbiont. The green form pro- cyanobacterial symbioses in these oligotrophic waters. duced large blooms (3 × 106 cells l–1) in the northern Foster et al. (2006) confirmed the presence of cy- during the 2000 spring intermonsoon anobacteria in Histioneis sp. and one other open ocean bloom, covering a vast area between 17–21 degrees dinoflagellate Ornithocercus sp. collected along cruise N and 66–70 degrees E (Madhu et al. 2012), confirm- transects between 622–972 km northwest of Hawaii in ing earlier reports of similar blooms in the northeast the Pacific Ocean. and the Spring Intermonsoon (Gomes et al. The large, bloom-forming dinoflagellates Noctiluca 2008). The presence of the symbiont in these naturally scintillans (= Noctiluca miliaris) harbors endocytic occurring N. scintillans populations may contribute to bacteria, forming a turbid mass within a small fraction their explosive growth, making the northeastern Ara- of a population (typically ~ 1% in some locales). The bian Sea highly productive (mean 607 ± 338 mg C m–2 diversity of the endocytic bacteria was investigated by d–1) even during oligotrophic periods such as the spring denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and intermonsoon. However, in prior studies of the color- compared to that of free living bacteria in the surround- less and symbiont-bearing N. scintillans from the Seto ing environment (Seibold et al. 2001). The DGGE anal- Inland Sea, Japan by Furuya et al. (2006), no differ- ysis showed that the consortium of endocytic bacteria ences were found in growth rate between the colorless was distinctly different from the free-living marine bac- heterotrophic N. scintillans (0.28 d–1) and the symbiont- teria. Moreover, among other findings from molecular containing individuals (0.33 d–1). The culture condi- genetic analyses, 16 bacterial isolates taken from single tions were likely more favorable for phagotrophy than Noctiluca cells, characterized by 16S rRNA phyloge- in the Arabian Sea. The authors conclude that phagotro­ netic analyses, showed that most (14 strains) belonged phy promotes faster growth, but symbiosis may sup- to several groups of the γ subdivisions of Proteobacte- port survival under food limitations. The ecological ria, two isolates were related to the Vibrio group and one significance of green N. scintillans was examined by isolate to Moraxella. The ecological and physiological Hansen et al. (2004) who reported the photosynthesis significance of these diverse and abundant endosym- rate and relative effects of illumination and phagotro- bionts is not known; although, laboratory experiments phy on growth in laboratory cultures. Photosynthesis indicate that the bacteria may influence the growth of of cells collected from the field, without added prey, Noctiluca (Kirchner et al. 1999). increased with irradiance to ~ 200 ng C cell–1 d–1 at an Bacterial endobionts in the cytoplasm and nucleo- irradiance of ~ 250 to 300 µmol photons m–2 s–1. When plasm of Gyrodinium instriatum, an athecate photosyn- supplied with prey, growth rates were 0.09–0.24 d–1 thetic dinoflagellate, often abundant in seawater and at irradiances of 45 and 150 µmol photons m–2 s–1 and coastal along the Portuguese coast, have been prey concentrations of 1,610 and 2,740 µg C l–1, respec- confirmed by transmission electron microscopy and tively; much higher than the growth rates without prey confocal TSA-FISH analyses (Alverca et al. 2002). All (0.058 and 0.14 d–1 at irradiances of 45 and 150 μmol endonuclear and most of the endocytoplasmic bacteria photons m–2 s–1). A comparison of the contribution of labeled were identified as belonging to the betapro- photosynthesis and phagotrophic nutrition to the carbon teobacteria; whereas, large clusters of Cytophaga- metabolism showed that phagotrophy only contributed Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (CFB) were labeled and significantly to the direct growth of the greenN. scintil- Marine Protist Symbioses 35 lans at an irradiance of 150 µmol photons m–2 s–1, when the association (Decelle et al. 2012). The symbionts of prey concentration was very high. radiolarians include dinoflagellates (Fig. 2b), brown- pigmented cells, probably prymnesiida (Fig. 2c), and Planktonic foraminiferans prasinomonads (Fig. 2d) (e.g. Anderson 1983, 1990; Because of their significant role in carbonate bi- Gast and Caron 2001). In some cases endocytoplas- omineralization in the open ocean and the importance mic bacteroids occur within some spongiose skeletal of their calcite shells in ocean sediments as micropal- species (Anderson and Matsuoka 1992). The bacteroids eontological evidence, planktonic foraminiferans have have been identified as cyanobacteria in Dictyocoryne received considerable ecological research attention, truncatum and Spongostaurus sp. (Foster et al. 2006). including the role of their algal symbionts. The most Furthermore, Yuasa et al. (2012) using morphologic common algal symbionts associated with planktonic and molecular evidence have reported the presence of foraminiferans are dinoflagellates (Fig. 1b) (e.g. Ander- cyanobacterial symbionts in Dictyocoryne profunda. son and Bé 1976, Anderson and Lee 1991, Gast and There is good C-14 tracer evidence that the eukar- Caron 2001), although other algal groups (e.g. chryso- yotic algal symbionts provide photosynthetic-derived monads) are also present in some non-spinose species carbon compounds for host nutrition (e.g. Anderson (Hemleben et al. 1989). At daybreak, the symbionts 1978; Anderson et al. 1983). The amount of C-14 (contained within membrane-bound vacuoles) are labeled carbon contributed to the radiolarian central moved from the intrashell cytoplasm onto the surface capsule by the symbionts in an illuminated culture of the spines and peripheral pseudopodial network by (3–4 h) for a solitary species (Thalassicolla nucleata) host , forming a spectacular ar- and a colonial species (Collosphaera huxleyi) ranged ray of yellow-green symbionts distributed among the from 0.73 × 10–2 to 2.55 × 10–2 µg for T. nucleata and spines. At evening, the symbionts are withdrawn into ~ 14 × 10–7 µg for C. huxleyi (the latter has much the shell, apparently as a form of protection. Although smaller central capsules). The amount of C-14 labeled no evidence has been gathered to show that the symbi- C was positively correlated with the photosynthetic onts of planktonic directly provide food to of the host symbionts. Among the C-14 the host, there is indirect evidence. Shell growth is more labeled organic compounds in the central capsules, robust when illuminated. But in prolonged absence of carbohydrates, lipid and were detected. In illumination, shell growth stops and the foraminiferan most species of radiolarians, the algal symbionts are undergoes reproduction, releasing numerous flagellated distributed peripherally in the array of cytoplasmic swarmers (e.g. Hemleben et al. 1989). The swarmers axopodia or pseudopodial network during the day, lack symbionts, and apparently must acquire them from and withdrawn close to the central capsule as evening the surrounding environment at each new generation. approaches, similar to the diel process in planktonic foraminiferans. Radiolarians reproduce by release of Radiolarians and acantharians flagellated swarmers, devoid of symbionts, and each Radiolarians are largely open ocean silica-secreting generation of radiolarians must acquire a new supply protists producing remarkably elegant glassy silicate of symbionts from the natural environment. skeletons of varied geometric forms. They occur as Although radiolarians and planktonic foraminifer­ solitary (Fig. 1a) and colonial (Fig. 1c) species; the lat- ans are not considered to be major members of the ter with numerous individual radiolarian cells intercon- open ocean plankton, based on their relatively sparse nected by cytoplasmic strands and enclosed by a clear abundances, the photosynthesis of their symbionts can gelatinous sheath, varying in shape from spheroidal to be substantially more than that of primary producers elongated and tube like, sometimes segmented. Acan- in a similar volume of water in the surrounding open tharians, considered close relatives of radiolarians, pro- ocean, particularly in oligotrophic regions such as the duce typically spinose skeletons composed of strontium Sargasso Sea (Caron et al. 1995). Solitary and colonial sulfate (celestite). Algal symbionts in acantharians in- radiolarians had the highest primary production rates clude dinoflagellates and prymnesiida (e.g. Febvre and among the sarcodines studied, including Acantharia. Febvre-Chevalier 1979). Moreover, there is evidence The total symbiont production contributed a small frac- that spp. are common associates of acan- tion (generally < 1%) of the total primary production in tharians, globally; and that symbiont biogeography, surface waters. However, by combining the production rather than host , is the main determinant of rates measured in the study with seasonal abundances 36 O. R. Anderson of all of the symbiont-bearing sarcodines, these assem- tion during the development of symbiotic associations blages may have contributed an average of ~ 5% to total in experimental conditions (e.g. Jeon 1995, Nakajima annual primary production (Caron et al. 1995). et al. 2009), or during the varied activities that occur in normal cell cycles by host and symbiont. For example, what are the control mechanisms to ensure that there SOME PERSPECTIVES ON FUTURE is a relatively stable number of symbionts during host RESEARCH vegetative and reproductive stages? In those species where the host loses its symbionts during reproduction The evolution of a close, intracytoplasmic relation- and must access them in the next generation, environ- ships between two or more species of diverse genetic mental sampling and qPCR may help to determine the origin as occurs in endosymbiotic associations is an in- distribution and quantity of symbionts in the host en- triguing topic from an intellectual perspective in addi- vironment available for reinfection. One of the more tion to its theoretical scientific importance. During evo- interesting, yet challenging, research questions is how lution, there is good evidence that organisms tended to the temporal cycles of activity and metabolic responses develop adaptive strategies to prevent invasion by other of host and symbiont (e.g. the diel changes in distribu- organisms, including various immunological defense tion of algal symbionts within the cytoplasm of some mechanisms and other means of preventing invasion oceanic sarcodines, and transfer of photosynthates to through protective surface structures. A phagotrophic host) are regulated. Modern molecular genetics coupled style of nutrition, that apparently developed early in with additional more refined C-14 tracer studies, and bi- the origin of single-celled , provides an ef- ochemical assays in short- and long-term time ficient means of capturing food; but it also opens the series studies, may help to elucidate these phenomena. predator’s cytoplasm to invasion by ingested organisms It is also important to understand the origin and de- that develop adaptive strategies to exploit the host’s in- velopment of different forms of endocytic symbiotic tracellular environment. This can lead to parasitism in associations, e.g. when the symbiont is enclosed within the most exploitative adaptation, or a more supportive a membranous vacuole versus where the symbiont is adaptive association as in mutualism and commensal- freely suspended in the cytoplasm. What are the genom- ism. In view of this adaptive dilemma, further research ic differences between these two types of symbioses, may elucidate what properties of the symbiont and host and what differences if any are characteristic of algal are most significant in determining which kind of as- versus bacterial endosymbioses of these two types? We sociation is formed. have relatively limited evidence of the nutritional in- Open ocean organisms have become adapted to teractions of symbiont and host in open ocean plank- widely diverse habitats varying in physical, chemical, tonic symbiotic organisms, and much more fundamen- and nutritional value. The open ocean in some loca- tal ecophysiological research is needed to unravel the tions is highly oligotrophic, and among other locales nutritional and metabolic pathways involved, including is the site of some of the most dramatic forms of host- how much of the host energy and material demands are symbiotic associations, some of them reviewed here. met by the symbionts, and what affordances are pro- Although we are making substantial progress in under- vided by the host. Is an oligotrophic environment more standing how a relatively permanent association occurs likely to produce endosymbiotic associations, or have between a host and its endosymbionts, cytologically organisms with the capacity to develop endosymbioses (Kodama and Fujishima 2009, Reisser 1992) and in invaded and exploited these environments? Given the terms of ecological factors (e.g. Nakajima et al. 2009, importance of understanding the diversity of life within Strom 2008), much remains to be done in deciphering marine planktonic ecosystems, and the flow of energy the molecular and physiological mechanisms involved. and matter among the constituent species, a more thor- The use of modern molecular genetic methods to probe ough understanding of marine symbioses is likely to the genetic mechanisms for a relatively permanent en- open new insights into the dynamics of how marine docytoplasmic association between two or more alien planktonic communities have evolved over geological species is most promising, including the genetic basis time spans and have become one of the most elegant for avoiding of the incipient symbiont by the and significant components of our global biogeochemi- host. This may include mRNA evidence of activa- cal environment. Marine Protist Symbioses 37

Acknowledgements. I thank Drs. Joaquim Goes and Helga Gomes Febvre, J., Febvre-Chevalier C. (1979) Ultrastructural study of zoox- for contributing the image of Noctiluca scintillans. This is Lamont- anthellae of three species of Acantharia (: Actinopoda) Doherty Earth Observatory contribution number 7655. with details of their taxonomic position in the Prymnesiales (Prymnesiophyceae, Hibberd, 1976). J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. (U.K.) 59: 215–226 REFERENCES Fenchel T., Finlay B. J. (1991) Synchronous division of an en­ dosymbiotic methanogenic bacterium in the anaerobic ciliate Alverca E., Biegala I. C., Kennaway G. M., Lewis J., Franca S. Plagiopyla frontata Kahl. J. Protozool. 38: 22–28 (2002) In situ identification and localization of bacteria as- Foster R., Carpenter E. J., Bergman B. (2006) Unicellular cyanobi- sociated with Gyrodinium instriatum (, Dino­ onts in open ocean dinoflagellates, radiolarians, and : phyceae) by electron and confocal microscopy. Eur. J. Phycol. 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