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07/03/02 The University of Surrey Students’ Newspaper Issue no: 1028 FREE Election Special Inside News In Brief BY RICHARD SAWYER SWIMMING ON MARS? The Mars Odyssey Spacecraft has discov- ered evidence of water, in the form of frozen hydrogen, on the planet Mars after ten days UPROAR CAUSED BY OWAIN JAMES, THE CURRENT NUS PRESIDENT of data gathering. The water is believed to A Fix? be located near the planets southern polar region stored in significant, but unknown, BY TRISTAN O’DWYER quantities of ice. William Boynton, of the EDITOR University of Arizona, US, said: “If this is confirmed, it is fantastic. There is the equivalent of at least several percent water south of 60 degrees latitude.” Who says Sabbatical Officers around the country were outraged Total Recall was fiction? this week after the NUS President sent a letter seeking to influence voting in the upcoming NUS elections. The elections, which are due to take place at this years NUS Conference in April, are to select the new NUS DRUGS TEST FAILURE FOR President, Treasurer, Secretary and other positions, BRIT including the “block of twelve”, a part time executive. The letter, sent by NUS President Owain James, him- Britain’s first medal winner for alpine ski- self a former member of the Labour party, and Treasurer ing, Alain Baxter, who won bronze in the Geraint Hopkins to Student Union Presidents, urges vot- slalom event at Salt Lake City, has failed ers to vote against any Labour candidates or Labour sup- a drugs test. The (Scottish) athlete tested ported candidates, in favour of independent candidates. positive for methamphetamine, a prohibited The letter says “it was NUS run by Labour Students, substance that could improve reaction times. Baxter denies knowingly taking ‘speed’, as which let us down when the Government abolished it is more commonly known, and awaits the grants and introduced tuition fees.” The letter goes on to results of a second testing, which should it name several Labour candidates including the President prove positive could result in the athlete of NUS Scotland, Mandy Telford. being stripped of his medal. Ms Telford, the Labour Students’ choice for the job, put up a strong defence, pointing out that she was not involved in NUS politics when Labour first introduced tuition fees, arguing that it was “two generations of stu- FURTHER ISRAELI ATTACKS dent politicians ago.” Indeed, it is under her term in office that the Scottish Palestinian attacks have prompted retalia- parliament has decided to scrap tuition fees. She also tion by Israeli gun ships on targets in the insists that she had “consistently stood up to the Labour west bank. Gun ships attacked security party in Scotland” when it was in the best interests buildings belonging to the Palestinians in of students. She added: “The way we work in NUS the Gaza strip, killing two people when their Scotland is very different from NUS England. We don’t NUS President Owain James and (inset) his signature on the letter that has caused concern car was hit by rockets. The actions incited just complain about things. We say, let’s discuss exactly what alarm over the continued violence in the area we want so that we’re not in a position where the government Speculation has been rife regarding the real reasons behind this letter, and prompted President Bush to say pledge comes up with something.” and many believe that this is the result of a deal between Owain James he will “redouble his efforts” in order to end Geraint Hopkins however dropped out of the race at the weekend to and Geraint Hopkins. The letter names a candidate who is running the cycle of violence in the Middle East. In allow the other independent candidate, Brooks Duke, said to be Mr against one of Mr Hopkins’ preferred candidates, Dervish Mertcan, a separate development, reports from Saudi Owains preferred candidate, more of a chance of winning. He said: in the election for the National Treasurer role. Some believe that Arabia say that Syrian President Bashar al- “When Labour are in power it’s better for the NUS to be run by stu- Mr James agreed to write the letter criticising Andrew Perfect, Mr Assad has backed a Saudi peace plan for the dents. They [Labour students] just roll over and allow Labour to get Mertcan’s opponent, in return for MR Hopkins withrawing from the Middle East. away with whatever it wants.” race, leaving the road clear for Brooks Duke. Another candidate named in the letter said “people at conference A letter condemning the behaviour of Messrs James and Hopkins Regulars should vote ifor the best candidate. Student Unions and NUS are has been sent by several sabbatical officers from around the country News 1-3 political by nature, but the elections should be based on who is best to national newspapers. suited for the job, not whether a candidate supports this or that politi Letters 4 cal party. Barearts 6-20 Services 22 Sport 24 Student Council - Thursday Week 9, 1PM 2 News 07/03/02 Editorial Team Outrage At NUS President’s Letter Editor Tristan O’Dwyer Deputy Editor The following is the Student Union Presidents urging them not to vote Once again we would like to condemn this action Richard Watts text of a letter written for any Labour supported/supporting candidates in and ask all Students who will be voting to think for News and Political Editor by me and signed by the upcoming National Executive elections. Under themselves. It’s THEIR choice. Reuben Thompson Sabbs from across the the guise of encouraging a more independent NUS Music Editor country that was sent it seems that back room deals have been made to Regards Kevin Marston to various national ensure that certain candidates win. The letter goes on Film Editor newspapers. Many to name certain individuals to vote against. Tristan O’Dwyer, VP Communications, Surrey S.U. Navroop Sehmi The two authors are in the highest elected posi- Adam Jakeway, President, Surrey S.U. Sports Editor other officers voiced concern at Mr James’ tions in the NUS, and for them to be behaving this James Buller, VP Societies and Culture, Surrey S.U. Dave Chapman way is extremely undemocratic. Messrs James and Celia Parkyn, Media & Communications Officer, Production Editor actions but did not wish to sign this let- Hopkins will no doubt claim that they did not use UCL Union Vacant Ursula Brown, Education and Welfare Officer, UCL Tristan O’Dwyer ter. At time of going the advantages of their positions to send the letter, Features Editor Union to press we do not and indeed the letter did not appear to be on NUS Vacant Editor paper. However, this is beside the point. As people Kate Holmes, Education and Welfare Officer, know if any of the Arts Editor in high authority they have a lot of influence and a Southampton University S.U. papers will print the Jana Kristensen lot of trust placed in them. To argue that they can Lisa Widdows, VP Education and Welfare, Surrey letter. separate themselves as individuals and officials S.U. Contributors would be absurd. John Geeson, VP Finance & Development, Surrey Dear Sir, Richard Sawyer At a time when officers around the country are S.U. Michael Chambers striving to ensure that their sabbatical elections are Pete Wood, VP (Communications) Southampton As Students’ Union officers from around the country Julia Walker run smoothly and fairly this strikes us as being utter University S.U. we would like to wholeheartedly condemn the action hypocrisy, and the kind of behaviour that brings stu- Jessica Hill, Communications Officer, University of taken by the President and Treasurer of the National dent politics into disrepute. Sussex S.U. [email protected] Union of Students. Suzanne Wilson, VP Communications & Campaigns, A letter was sent by these two individuals to all Bristol S.U. barefacts is an editorially independent newspaper, published by the University of Surrey Students’ Union Communications Office. The views expressed within the paper are those of Armed Siege Shuts individual authors, and do not necessarily repre- MORE SHIT FOR THE sent the views of the Editor, the Editorial Board, the University of Surrey Students’ Union or the University of Surrey. VICE-CHANCELLOR Down Guildford Town This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part, stored in any form, copied or distributed, without the express permission WHAT NOW FOR THE POOR BLOKE? Centre of the publisher. All submissions must include the author’s name and Union or Staff Number. Submission is no guarantee BY RICHARD WATTS BY JULIA WALKER his council flat - he’s now in cus- of publication. Deputy Editor tody at Guildford police station. Anonymous and Pseudonymous articles will not be Fuildford town centre was brought to a published. Despite restricting access to the town, standstill in the early hours of Tuesday barefacts reserves the right to edit submissions. Barefacts has learnt of another incident that has been of cause for some people deliberately broke through © USSU Communications Office 2001 5th of March. Police arrested a man concern for the Vice Chancellor, Professor Patrick Dowling, following safety cordons to get to work, whilst the from a flat in Bedford Road who was Deadline for Publication the revelation of his pay increase we reported on two weeks ago. It is police carried out this major operation. believed to have been in possession of Features and Arts: Friday 2pm rumoured that his personal toilet, which is located next to his office on The A31 Gyratory and Woodbridge a firearm.