• Interview with Lorenzo Tucker. Remembering Dorothy Dandridge. • Vonetta Mcgee • the Blaxploitation Era • Paul Robeson •
• Interview with Lorenzo Tucker. Remembering Dorothy Dandridge. • Vonetta McGee • The Blaxploitation Era • Paul Robeson •. m Vol. 4, No.2 Spring 1988 ,$2.50 Co-produced with the Black Film Institute of the University of the District of Columbia .,.... ~. .# • ...-. .~ , .' \ r . t .• ~ . ·'t I !JJIII JlIf8€ LA~ ~N / Ul/ll /lOr&£ LAlE 1\6fJt1~ I WIL/, ,.,Dr 8~ tATE /lfVll" I h/ILl kif /J£ tlf1E M/tl# / wlU ~t11' BE 1II~ fr4lt11 I k/Ilt- /V6f Ie tJ]1f. 1t6/tlfV _ I WILL No~ ~'% .,~. "o~ ~/~-_/~ This is the Spring 1988 issue of der which we mail the magazine, the Black Fzlm Review. You're getting it U.S. Postal Service will not forward co- ~~~~~ some time in mid 1988, which means pies, even ifyou've told them your new',: - we're almost on schedule. - address. You need to tell us as well, be- \ Thank you for keeping faith with cause the Postal Service charges us to tell us. We're going to do our best not to us where you've gone. be late. Ever again. Third: Why not buy a Black Fzlm Without your support, Black Fzlm Review T-shirt? They're only $8. They Review could not have evolved from a come in black or dark blue, with the two-page photocopied newsletter into logo in white lettering. We've got lots the glossy magazine it is today. We need of them, in small, medium, large, and your continued support. extra-large sizes. First: You can tell ifyour subscrip And, finally, why not make a con tion is about to lapse by comparing the tribution to Sojourner Productions, Inc., last line of your mailing label with the the non-profit, tax-exempt corporation issue date on the front cover.
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