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COHESIVE FORCES in a BLEND of FIBERS a THESIS Presented To COHESIVE FORCES IN A BLEND OF FIBERS A THESIS Presented to The Faculty of the Graduate Division By Leroy B. Herring, Jr. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Textiles Georgia Institute of Technology September, 1966 In presenting the dissertation as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology, I agree that the Library of the Institute shall make it available for inspection and circulation in accordance with its regulations governing materials of this type. I agree that permission to copy from, or to publish from, this dissertation may be granted by the professor under whose direction it was written, or, in his absence, by the Dean of the Graduate Division when such copying or publication is solely for scholarly purposes and does not involve potential financial gain. It is under­ stood that any copying from, or publication of, this dis­ sertation which involves potential financial gain will not be allowed without written permission. 3/IT/65 b COHESIVE FORCES IN A BLEND OF FIBERS Approved: ClwLLnnan ' C\ Date approved by Chairman 5JL/I_D^ EDICATION , this thesis to my wonderful, patient wife I gratefully de-d-'^L e made this educational venture possible, Joan. Her sacrificies -'.= and her,.^^- , -'-it.-unh , cinandu love have been boundless . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Professor R. K. Flege and Professor J. W. McCarty, both of the A. French Textile School, for their valuable guidance and helpful suggestions. Special thanks are given to Dr. Lynwood A. Johnson of the School of Industrial Engineering for his assistance regarding the statistical method used in this investigation. The author extends his appreciation to Mr. Paul D. Emery and Mr. Ben Jones of West Point-Pepperell, Inc. for providing raw materials and technical services. Finally, the author is indebted to Dr. James L. Taylor, Director of the A. French Textile School, for providing him an opportunity to attend graduate school. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS vii SUMMARY viii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of the Problem 11. INSTRUMENTATION AND EQUIPMENT 12 Raw Materials Used Processing Equipment Physical Testing Equipment III. PROCEDURE 20 Preparation of Materials IV. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 24 V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 34 Conclusions Recommendations APPENDIX 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY 49 V LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Operating Data for H & B Revolving Flat Card 14 2. Operating Data for Roving Frame FS~3 15 3. Operating Data for Whitin Spinning Frame 16 4. Operating Data for Uster Evenness Tester 17 5. Operating Data for Uster Automatic Single-end Tester . 18 6. Operating Data for SKF Spintester 19 7. Analysis of Variance for Weight and Twist 31 8. Fiber Fineness Test Using Sheffield Micronaire 37 9. Fiber Strength Test Using the Pressley Tester 38 10. Fiber Length Analysis Using the Digital Fibrograph ... 39 11. Results of Test on 100% Cotton Card Sliver, 100% Dacron Card Sliver, Dacron-Cotton Blend Draw, and 65% Dacron and 35% Cotton Finsher Draw 40 12. Averages of Data Obtained from 3.7 Hank Roving and 1.75 Turns per Inch 41 13. Averages of Data Obtained from 3.7 Hank Roving and 2.75 Turns per Inch 42 14. Averages of Data Obtained from 3.7 Hank Roving and 3.25 Turns per Inch 43 15. Averages of Data Obtained from 3.0 Hank Roving and 1.59 Turns per Inch 44 VI LIST OF TABLES Table Page 16. Averages of Data Obtained from 3.0 Hank Roving and 2.75 Turns per Inch 45 17 . Averages of Data Obtained from 3. 0 Hank Roving and 3.25 Turns per Inch 46 18. Averages of Data Obtained from 100% Cotton Card Sliver . 47 19. Averages of Data Obtained from 100% Dacron Card Sliver . 47 20. Averages of Data Obtained from Pre-Draw Sliver 48 21. Averages of Data Obtained from Finisher Draw Sliver ... 48 ^. V 1 1 UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Sequence of Operations 21 2. The effect of Twist on Breaking Strength 25 3. The Effect of Twist on Breaking Tenacity • 27 4. The Effect of Breaking Strength on Breaking Tenacity . 28 5. Cohesion and Linear Density of Sliver Samples 29 6. Cohesion and Linear Density of 3.0 Hank Roving with Three Levels of Twist 32 7. Cohesion and Linear Density of 3. 7 Hank Roving with Three Levels of Twist 33 V 1 1 1 SUMMARY In the past few decades, there has been an increasing interest in the blending of synthetic fibers with cotton. This study attempted to determine the effect of cohesion in a blend of fibers and to use a new proposed test method to learn if adequate and reproducible results could be obtained for use in the textile industry. This investigation covered the effect of three levels of turns per inch on 3.0 and 3.7 hank roving of a 65% Dacron-35% cotton blend. In this investigation Good Middling Medium White Pima SI Cotton (1-5/32 staple length) and Dupont's polyester fiber Dacron (1-1/2 inches staple length and 1-1/2 denier) were selected. Hank rovings were pro­ duced with a count of 3.0 having 1.59, 2.75, and 3,25 turns per inch, and 3.7 with 1.75, 2.75, and 3.25 turns per inch. The roving specimens obtained were analyzed and static cohesive forces calculated. The results of data obtained showed a ten-fold increase in the force required to draft a roving sample when the twist was increased 1.5 turns per inch. Statistical analysis revealed that the effects of different levels of twist were significant at the 98 per cent level. Weight effects were not significant, nor was the interaction between weight and twist. Static cohesive force and linear density were plotted with various levels of turns per inch to illustrate the relationship of the variables under study. IX After an analysis of this graphical presentation, the following conclusions were reached: 1. Static cohesion forces are greatly affected by the degree of twist placed in the sliver or roving, 2. Static cohesion forces are related to the degree that each fiber is represented in the blend. 3. Static cohesion forces are related to the number of drawing processes to which a sliver has been subjected. 4. Static cohesion forces are not related to linear density (tex) 5. Increases in breaking strength are accompanied by an in­ crease in breaking tenacity. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The reduction of production costs, in conjunction with maintenance or improvements of yarn quality, is of vital concern to all spinners of cotton and man-made fibers, particularly at the present time. Great cost reductions can undoubtedly be achieved by the use of high spin­ ning drafts and short processing in the card room, but under these conditions, the maintenance of a high and constant quality of roving becomes increasingly important and effect process control is essential. In considering roving quality, the uniformity is obviously of great concern; but roving strength and bulk density are also of great concern. Roving strength has a direct bearing on spinning performance and yarn quality; roving twist, which controls the strength of the roving, also has a direct bearing on processing costs. If the roving is too soft, stretching and breaking in the ring frame creel will occur. On the other hand, if the roving is too hard, the resistance to drafting is likely to increase yarn irregularity and cause slippage or "spewing" in the rollers (1). It is well known that, although positively held and directed, the fibers themselves cooperate in the alignment process on all staple yarn manufacturing systems. The behavior and movement of staple fiber during processing is refiected in yarn propertieG . Depenciing on rro- cessing conditions, the cohesion of staple fiber roving and yarns can either enhance or prohibit uniform drafting and can lead to actual drafts which are quite different from those for which a frame is mechanically set. The cohesion of loose sliver and roving, and the efficiency with which they can be processed, is dependent on fiber surface contact and characteristics (2). Before proceeding further, it is in order to define the term "cohesion" and to distinguish it from "adhesion." Cohesion is referred to as the act or state of cohering; a cleaving together, i. e. , to cling or adhere closely. Adhesion, on the other hand, is the adhering or the actual sticking together of substances in contact with each other (1). Therefore, cohesion is the clinging together of like objects; for example, fibers in a sliver or roving: Adhesion is the sticking or adhering of two unlike objects such as the placement of a band-aid on your arm or fibers sticking or adhering to the rolls or aprons. Fiber cohesion is defined as the attraction between two or more fibers. This attraction is due to the combined effects of the surface characteristics, length, crimp, finish, and linear density of the fibers (3). Previous workers (4) have developed the principles of the technique for measuring minimum twist of cohesion and the application of these techniques to the study of the cohesion of worsted and other yarns. These studies led to the establishment of the general properties of the coetticient ot minimum twist of cohesion 2nd to the coefi.Cient ^i co.i'%: • . and its fundamental properties. However, the necessity for simplifying the measuring techniques to make them practicable for use with conventional apparatus has led to the establishment of new measuring procedures. The influence exerted by such factors as the test length and the pre-tension applied to the yarn have been studied.
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