BIOTROPICA 35(1): 84±93 2003

Food Web Structure and Basal Resource Utilization along a Tropical Island Stream Continuum, Puerto Rico1

James G. March 2 and Catherine M. Pringle Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, U.S.A.

ABSTRACT Tropical stream food webs are thought to be based primarily on terrestrial resources (leaf litter) in small forested headwater streams and algal resources in larger, wider streams. In tropical island streams, the dominant consumers are often omnivorous freshwater that consume algae, leaf litter, insects, and other shrimps. We used stable isotope analysis to examine (1) the relative importance of terrestrial and algal-based food resources to shrimps and other consumers and determine (2) if the relative importance of these food resources changed along the stream continuum. We examined ␦15N and ␦13C signatures of leaves, algae, macrophytes, biofilm, insects, snails, fishes, and shrimps at three sites (300, 90, and 10 m elev.) along the Rı´o Espı´ritu Santo, which drains the Caribbean National Forest, Puerto Rico. Isotope signatures of basal resources were distinct at all sites. Results of two-source ␦13C mixing models suggest that shrimps relied more on algal-based carbon resources than terrestrially derived resources at all three sites along the continuum. This study supports other recent findings in tropical streams, demonstrating that algal-based resources are very important to stream consumers, even in small forested headwater streams. This study also demonstrates the importance of doing assimilation-based analysis (i.e., stable isotope or trophic basis of production) when studying food webs.

Key words: Caribbean; ; Greater Antilles; lotic; ; Puerto Rico; rain forest; RCC; river; species interactions.

THE RIVER CONTINUUM CONCEPT suggests that as the tinua (Hunte 1978, Marquet 1991, Fie`vet et al. physical structure of a river changes from head- 2001, March et al. 2001) and play a major role in waters to mouth, the relative importance of allocht- determining benthic community composition and honous versus autochthonous resources to consum- the rate of organic matter processing (Pringle et al. ers will also change (Vannote et al. 1980). For ex- 1999, Crowl et al. 2001, March et al. 2001). Initial ample, in forested headwater stream sites, alloch- studies in small headwater streams suggest that thonous inputs such as leaves may form the base assemblages are highly dependent on ter- of the food web, while in wider low-elevation sites, restrial detritus as a food resource (Covich 1988 a, autochthonous algal resources may be more im- b; March et al. 2001). Research has also shown that portant to consumers. Studies examining this pat- shrimps can have strong negative effects on algal tern in temperate streams, characterized by fishes abundance (Pringle 1996, Pringle et al. 1999, and insects, generally support this hypothesis March et al. 2002). While we know that shrimps (Winterbourn et al. 1984, Doucett et al. 1996); are important in regulating standing stocks of both however, no published information exists about re- algae and leaves, we know little about the relative source-use patterns along tropical island stream importance of these basal resources to shrimps, or continua. Recent research in the tropics, in both if the relative importance varies along river contin- small streams (Salas & Dudgeon 2001) and large ua. river floodplains (Lewis et al. 2001), suggest a Stable isotopes are a useful tool to identify basal greater reliance of consumers on algal-based re- resources utilized by consumers. Terrestrial and sources. aquatic often differ in their 13C signatures Freshwater shrimps are an important compo- (Fry & Sherr 1989). Because 13C signatures of con- nent of tropical streams worldwide. They are es- sumers reflect those of the plants they eat, analysis pecially important in tropical island streams, where of 13C signatures have been used successfully to they are often very abundant along entire river con- estimate the relative importance of different basal food resources in stream food webs (Winterbourn 1 Received 19 March 2002; revision accepted 20 Decem- et al. 1984, Rounick & Hicks 1985, Hamilton et ber 2002. 2 Current address: Biology Department, Washington and al. 1992, Doucett et al. 1996). Furthermore, anal- 13 Jefferson College, 60 South Lincoln St., Washington, ysis of C signatures provides an advantage over Pennsylvania 15301, U.S.A. e-mail: [email protected] gut content analysis because it measures the

84 Tropical Island Stream Food Web 85

TABLE 1. Physical parameters at each site.

High elevation Mid elevation Low elevation Elevation (m) 300 90 10 Stream order 2 3 4 Channel width (m) 13 15 19 Mean daily dischargea (m3/sec) 0.19 1.11 2.56 % Canopy cover 69 33 21 Drainage area (km2) 3 14 33 a Calculated from USGS data (1 October 1995–30 September 1998). amount of carbon assimilated from each food ested. Stream width widens and canopy cover de- source as opposed to that ingested. This is impor- creases in a downstream direction (Table 1). The tant because food sources can differ greatly in qual- Espı´ritu Santo enters the ocean ca 6kmdown- ity. Assimilation efficiencies of leaves are typically stream of the low-elevation site. low compared to algal resources (Benke & Wallace Ten species of omnivorous freshwater shrimps 1980, Whitledge & Rabeni 1997). Stable isotopes inhabit rivers of the LEF, representing three fami- are also useful in determining trophic level because lies: , Atyidae, and Xiphocarididae. the 15N signature is generally enriched by 2.5 to The palaemonid shrimps carcinus 3.5‰ with every trophic transfer (Peterson & Fry (L), M. faustinum (De Saussure), M. crenulatum 1987, Hershey & Peterson 1996). Holthuis, M. acanthurus (Wiegmann), and M. he- In this study, we used stable isotope analysis to terochirus (Wiegmann) are thought to consume de- describe the basic structure of the food web along composing leaf litter, fine particulate organic mat- a tropical island stream continuum in Puerto Rico. ter, algae, macrophytes, insects, mollusks, small We addressed the following questions: (1) What is fish, and other shrimps (Covich & McDowell the relative importance of different basal food re- 1996). The atyid shrimps, represented by Atya la- sources (e.g., algae and leaves) to shrimps and other nipes Holthuis, A. scabra (Leach), A. innocous consumers? and (2) Does the relative importance (Herbst), and Micratya poeyi (Gue´rin-Me´neville), of algal and leaf resources to consumers vary along consume fine particulate organic matter, leaf ma- the stream continuum? terial, algae, and small sessile insects by brushing with their cheliped fans (Pringle et al. 1993). They METHODS use these same cheliped fans to filter feed when flow conditions are suitable (Covich 1988b). Xip- STUDY SITES AND NATURAL HISTORY. We conducted hocaris elongata (Gue´rin-Me´neville) consumes leaf this study along the Rı´o Espı´ritu Santo in north- matter, periphyton, fine particulate organic matter, eastern Puerto Rico. Three 100 m study sites were insects, small flowers, and fruit using tiny pincers selected. The high-elevation site (300 m elev.) is in (Covich & McDowell 1996, Pringle 1996). Gut the second-order Quebrada Sonadora in the Carib- content information for these shrimp taxa is lim- bean National Forest, which is synonymous with ited. Pringle et al. (1993) found mostly silt/detritus the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF). Land use and ‘‘unidentified green material’’ in both A. lanipes consists of tabonuco forest characterized by Dacr- and X. elongata. No gut content studies exist for yodes excelsa Vahl. Allochthonous inputs enter the Macrobrachium spp. from this river; however, in river system throughout the year with two peaks, ponds in Jamaica, M. carcinus consumed mostly from March to May and September to October detritus but also algae, leaves, seeds, aquatic (Covich & McDowell 1996). The mid-elevation insects, fish, mollusks, and other crustacea (Lewis site (90 m elev.) is located ca 3.1 km downstream et al. 1966). In southern Australian streams, atyid from the high-elevation site in a third-order por- and palaemonid shrimps were omnivorous; how- tion of the Rı´o Espı´ritu Santo. The low-elevation ever, biofilm was a significant portion of their diet site (10 m elev.) is in a fourth-order segment of the (Burns & Walker 2000). No information is avail- Rı´o Espı´ritu Santo, ca 4.2 river km downstream able on food preference. from the mid-elevation site. Land use is mostly res- All of these shrimp species undergo extended idential and pasture at the mid- and low-elevation larval development and are amphidromous (Covich sites, but the riparian zone is predominantly for- & McDowell 1996, Johnson et al. 1998); adult 86 March and Pringle females release planktonic larvae that drift down- with an electroshocker and by angling. A single stream to the estuary (March et al. 1998). Larvae crab was collected by hand at the high-elevation spend 50–110 days in the estuary before migrating site. Samples were stored frozen or dried until pre- back upstream as metamorphosed postlarvae (Cha- pared for stable isotope analysis. ce & Hobbs 1969, Hunte 1978, Benstead et al. 2000). Adult shrimps differ in their distribution SAMPLE PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS. All samples along the elevation gradient; high-elevation sites are were re-dried at 60ЊC for at least 48 hours. Rep- dominated by atyid shrimps (mostly A. lanipes) and licates of leaves and macrophytes were ground into X. elongata, while Macrobrachium spp. and X. elon- powder with a ball mill. Insect samples were com- gata comprise the majority of the shrimp assem- posites of multiple individuals. At both the mid- blage at lower-elevation sites (March et al. 2001, and low-elevation sites, leptophlebiid and baetid 2002). mayflies were combined to obtain sufficient mass The insect assemblage at all three sites is de- for isotope analysis. Samples of muscle tissue were pauperate relative to continental tropical streams taken from snails, shrimps, and fishes. Individual and is composed mostly of collector–gatherer in- snails, shrimp, and fish were analyzed separately. All sects such as baetid and leptophlebiid mayflies (Ep- samples were combusted to CO2 and N2 and an- hemeroptera) and chironomids (Diptera; Pringle et alyzed in a Carlo Erba NA 1500 CHN analyzer al. 1993, March et al. 2001). connected to a Finnagan Delta C mass spectrom- Two genera of grazing freshwater snails, Neri- eter. Stable isotope signatures were calculated as fol- 13 15 tina spp. and Thiara (Tarebia) granifera (Lamarck), lows: ␦ Cor␦ N (‰) ϭ [(Rsample Ϫ Rstandard)/ 15 14 13 inhabit mid- and low-elevation sites. They occur in Rstandard] ϫ 1000, where R is ( N/ N) or ( C/ high densities at the low-elevation site where they 12C). Standards were PDB carbonate for carbon appear to reduce algal standing stocks (March et al. and atmospheric N2 for nitrogen. 2002). We used a standard single isotope (13C), two- source (algae and leaves) linear model created by SAMPLE COLLECTION. We collected samples of Phillips and Greg (2001) to estimate an index of leaves, biofilm, algae (mostly filamentous), macro- trophic significance of algal and leaf material to phytes, insects, snails, shrimps, and fishes at three consumers. We corrected for fractionation in con- sites along the stream continuum during June 1999 sumers using a fractionation value of 0.4‰ ␦13C (Table 2). Leaves and macrophytes were sampled (but see McCutchan et al. in press) for each trophic from the stream, rinsed thoroughly to remove all level and assumed 1 trophic transfer for insects (all fine particulate organic matter and insects, and sampled were non-predatory), 2 for Neritina spp., placed in a plastic bag. To sample biofilm, we Thiara granifera, Sicydium plumieri, Epilobocera si- scrubbed rocks with a toothbrush over a dissecting nuatifrons, and Atya and Xiphocaris shrimps, which pan and then removed live insects from the result- consume insects and basal resources, and 2.5 for ing slurry. The slurry was then filtered onto a pre- predatory fishes and Macrobrachium shrimps, combusted glass fiber filter (0.7 ␮m). We sampled which potentially consume shrimps, insects, and algae (mostly filamentous) by scraping substrata basal resources. with a razor blade from areas in the stream where shrimps were unable to forage (e.g., overhanging RESULTS edges of boulders in fast flow). We carefully re- 13 moved insects and detritus under a dissecting scope ␦ C OF FOOD RESOURCES AND CONSUMERS. Basal to obtain a more accurate algal signature. The most food resources (algae and leaves) differed in their abundant insects at each site were collected with a ␦13C signatures at each site (Fig. 1). At all sites, small kick net from all major types (cobble, algal resources were considerably more enriched in bedrock, and leaf packs). Insects were later trans- ␦13C than leaves. Biofilm had a ␦13C signature in- ported to the laboratory and stored in an aquarium termediate to algae and leaves at each site. The in filtered water for several hours to void their guts. macrophyte Anacharis densa was found only at the Snails were abundant only at the low-elevation site low-elevation site and had a distinctly depleted and were sampled by hand. Shrimps were sampled ␦13C signature. Insect ␦13C signatures at all sites with unbaited minnow traps and an electroshocker. were between leaf and algal signatures. Mixing They were measured (carapace length) and identi- models showed that insect shredders obtained more fied to species when possible (small Macrobrachium carbon from terrestrially derived detritus than algae shrimps were unidentifiable). Fishes were sampled (Table 2). This was consistent at both the mid- and Tropical Island Stream Food Web 87

TABLE 2. Carbon and nitrogen isotope values and an index of algal reliance for consumers at each reach. The range of carapace length for shrimps is in parentheses.

Percent algal dependence

␦13C ␦15N % Mean (linear SE Consumers/organic matter sources N x¯ SD x¯ SD model) (%) High-elevation Reach Macrobrachium crenulatum (28–37) 9 Ϫ22.23 0.61 6.97 1.19 58 3 Macrobrachium spp. small (14–18) 7 Ϫ19.67 0.90 6.81 0.24 79 5 Atya lanipes large (17–19) 6 Ϫ23.07 0.56 5.74 0.28 52 3 A. lanipes medium (11–13) 6 Ϫ21.52 2.02 5.29 0.49 65 8 A. lanipes small (6–10) 8 Ϫ22.19 0.87 5.41 0.54 60 4 A. innocous large (17–19) 3 Ϫ22.97 0.06 5.71 0.30 53 3 A. innocous medium (14–16) 3 Ϫ23.10 0.23 5.73 0.24 52 3 A. scabra (9–11) 2 Ϫ23.14 0.13 5.69 0.24 52 3 Xiphocaris elongata large (11–13) 5 Ϫ22.31 0.87 4.94 0.17 59 4 X. elongata medium (8–9) 4 Ϫ19.07 1.72 5.26 0.29 86 9 X. elongata small (6–7) 5 Ϫ17.56 1.19 6.64 0.33 99 7 Sicydium plumieri 3 Ϫ17.77 2.92 6.49 0.64 97 15 Epilobocera sinuatifrons 1 Ϫ23.78 4.91 46 9 Leptophlebiidae 3 Ϫ24.25 0.72 2.51 0.20 46 4 Stream Leaves 5 Ϫ30.01 0.14 0.13 0.68 Algae 5 Ϫ18.24 1.32 1.40 0.63 Biofilm 10 Ϫ22.96 1.51 5.12 1.34 Mid-elevation Reach Macrobrachium carcinus (40–51) 2 Ϫ20.13 1.03 7.31 0.37 65 14 M. crenulatum (31) 1 Ϫ23.75 5.73 34 11 Macrobrachium spp. small (13–16) 5 Ϫ19.44 0.81 7.11 0.11 71 14 Xiphocaris elongata medium (9–10) 5 Ϫ15.43 0.53 6.06 0.31 106 21 X. elongata small (6) 5 Ϫ17.60 1.02 7.84 0.17 88 18 Agonostomus monticola 5 Ϫ18.92 0.88 8.93 0.56 75 15 Anguilla rostrata 1 Ϫ19.41 8.68 71 16 Gobiomorus dormitor 1 Ϫ17.56 8.02 87 19 Sicydium plumieri 4 Ϫ16.69 1.70 7.57 1.77 96 20 Leptophlebiidae, Baetidae 2 Ϫ22.11 0.69 4.35 0.57 53 11 Phanocerus sp. 2 Ϫ25.88 0.04 1.28 0.03 21 4 Stream Leaves 5 Ϫ28.79 0.40 0.62 0.12 Algae 2 Ϫ17.03 3.25 2.16 0.30 Biofilm 11 Ϫ20.15 0.19 3.38 0.43 Low-elevation Reach Macrobrachium acanthurus (27) 1 Ϫ19.16 9.44 82 25 M. heterochirus (not measured) 1 Ϫ21.53 7.03 59 21 Macrobrachium spp. medium (10–11) 5 Ϫ20.99 3.16 9.88 2.35 71 17 Macrobrachium spp. small (3–6) 5 Ϫ20.27 1.30 9.34 0.65 64 20 Xiphocaris elongata medium (8–10) 5 Ϫ19.85 2.20 8.11 0.32 78 18 X. elongata small (5) 4 Ϫ19.80 0.90 7.42 0.12 78 20 Eleotris pisonis 1 Ϫ20.46 9.53 70 23 Gobiomorus dormitor 5 Ϫ19.28 0.42 9.03 0.84 81 18 Sicydium plumieri 1 Ϫ21.55 8.72 61 21 Neritina spp. 5 Ϫ21.48 2.94 8.55 0.35 62 19 Thiara granifera 5 Ϫ20.84 0.92 7.29 0.19 68 16 Leptophlebiidae, Baetidae 1 Ϫ23.30 6.13 48 20 Chimarra albomaculata 1 Ϫ21.78 6.42 63 22 Phanocerus sp. 1 Ϫ25.30 3.66 28 18 Stream Leaves 4 Ϫ28.55 0.29 1.47 0.75 Algae 1 Ϫ18.36 5.96 Biofilm 1 Ϫ24.11 6.42 Macrophytes 4 Ϫ32.79 0.55 7.99 0.89 88 March and Pringle

FIGURE 1. Carbon (␦13C) and nitrogen (␦15N) signatures of basal resources and consumers at the (a) high-, (b) mid-, and (c) low-elevation reaches. Points are means Ϯ1 SE. Points without error bars are a single sample. Shrimp samples are averaged for each genus. Tropical Island Stream Food Web 89 low-elevation sites where insect shredders were direction (Fig. 1). The mean signature of biofilm found. Insect shredders were so rare at the high- was higher than leaves at all three sites. The mac- elevation site that they were not sampled. Collec- rophyte A. densa at the low-elevation site had a very tor–gathering leptophlebiid and baetid mayflies re- enriched ␦15N signature (Fig. 1). Mean insect ␦15N lied almost equally on both algal and leaf-derived signatures generally were higher than algal or leaf carbon at all three sites (Table 2). The collector– resources but lower than biofilm. Insect shredders filtering caddisfly Chimarra albomaculata was only were 2.2‰ higher than leaves at the low-elevation found at the low-elevation site and depended more site but only 0.7‰ higher than leaves at the mid- on algal-based than leaf-based carbon. elevation site. Collector–gatherer and collector–fil- In general, shrimps assimilated more algal- than terer insects showed a mean ␦15N signature similar terrestrial-based resources at all three study sites to biofilm at the low-elevation site, greater than (Table 2); however, there was variation among taxa biofilm at the mid-elevation site, and less than bio- and among size classes within taxa. Atya lanipes re- film at the high-elevation site. Snails and the algi- lied slightly more on algal-based resources than A. vorous fish S. plumieri had ␦15N signatures be- innocous or A. scabra. Also, medium and small A. tween 0.9 and 2.3‰ higher than biofilm at the lanipes relied more heavily on algal-based resources low-elevation site. At the mid-elevation site, S. plu- than larger A. lanipes. Xiphocaris shrimps showed mieri had a ␦15N signature 4.2‰ higher than bio- variation among size classes and among sites. At film and 3.2‰ higher than insects. At the high- the high-elevation site, medium and small Xipho- elevation site, S. plumieri had a ␦15N signature sim- caris relied more heavily on algal resources than ilar to that of biofilm. Xiphocaris elongata and Atya large Xiphocaris. At the mid-elevation site, medi- shrimps had mean ␦15N signatures similar to S. um-sized Xiphocaris relied more on algae than small plumieri. There were no dramatic differences in ones. There was no difference between Xiphocaris ␦15N signatures among size classes of shrimps at size classes at the low-elevation site. Smaller Ma- any site. Predatory fishes and the predatory shrimp crobrachium shrimps also showed a greater reliance Macrobrachium spp. showed the highest ␦15N sig- on algal-based resources than larger ones. One ex- natures at the low-elevation site. Their signatures ception is a single M. acanthurus at the low-eleva- were ca 3‰ greater than insects. At the mid-ele- tion site, which had a very high reliance on algal vation site, predatory fishes were ca 4.6‰ higher resources (82%). The only shrimp taxa that did not than insects but only 1.7‰ higher than shrimps. have a mean index of algal reliance greater than 50 percent was M. crenulatum at the mid-elevation DISCUSSION site; however, we only sampled one individual at this site. BASAL FOOD RESOURCES LEADING TO CONSUMERS. Snails (Neritina spp. and T. granifera) were only Carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of both al- abundant at the low-elevation site and relied on 69 gae and leaves were within the range of published and 76 percent algal resources, respectively (Table values for each resource (Boon & Bunn 1994, 2). The omnivorous crab Epilobocera sinuatifrons France 1995). Biofilm (which is a mixture of algae, was only found at the high-elevation site and relied microbes, and both algal and leaf detritus) had a on slightly more leaf-based than algal-based carbon. ␦13C signature intermediate to leaves and algae, Predatory fishes (Agonostomous monticola, An- which is consistent with other stable isotope studies guilla rostrata, Gobiomorus dormitor, and Eleotris pi- in streams (Rosenfeld & Roff 1992). ␦15N signa- sonis) only occurred at mid- and low-elevation sites tures of biofilm were higher than algae and leaves, and relied on mostly algal-based resources. The especially at the high-elevation site. Biofilm samples green stream goby (S. plumieri) showed a very were potentially enriched due to microbial biomass strong reliance on algal-based resources at the high- and activity (Caraco et al. 1998). Although mac- and mid-elevation sites and had a greater reliance roscopically visible insects were live-picked from on terrestrial-based resources at the low-elevation biofilm samples, contamination with parts site compared to the upper two sites (Table 2). or microscopic fauna may have also contributed to the elevated biofilm ␦15N signatures. 15 ␦ N SIGNATURES. Basal resources varied consid- Based on isotopic signatures, the macrophyte erably in their ␦15N signatures. The mean signature A. densa did not appear to be consumed by shrimps of leaves at each site was less than 1.5‰. The mean or other consumers. This supports the general find- ␦15N signature of algae was higher than leaves and ing that herbivory on macrophytes is minimal varied among sites, increasing in the downstream (Gregory 1983) and often restricted to specialized 90 March and Pringle taxa (Newman 1991). While previous studies have (insects, fish, mollusks, and other crustacea) was shown that crayfish consume macrophytes (Lodge part of their diet (Lewis et al. 1966). 1991), our data suggest that this is not the case The greater reliance of the crab E. sinuatifrons with shrimps. on leaf-based detritus than shrimps is not surpris- Basal resource utilization varied among insect ing because E. sinuatifrons is semiterrestrial and as- functional feeding groups. The shredder Phanocerus sociated with leaf packs when in the stream (Co- sp. mostly depended on leaf-based carbon while vich & McDowell 1996). The ␦15N signature of collector–gatherer leptophlebiid and baetid may- E. sinuatifrons suggests that it also consumes in- flies used algal- and leaf-based resources almost sects. In support of this, a recent feeding study equally. Collector–gatherer insects likely consumed found mayflies to be an important food resource biofilm as well as leaf and algal resources directly. for E. sinuatifrons (Henry et al. 2000). A recent 15N addition in a nearby small stream All of the fishes relied more on algal- than ter- found that leptophlebiid mayflies assimilated a restrial-based resources. Predatory fishes were more highly labeled portion of the epilithon (biofilm; 13C-enriched than insects, suggesting that they ob- Merriam et al. 2002). The collector–filterer cad- tained their algal-based carbon via consumption of disfly C. albomaculata obtained slightly more of its shrimps and/or directly from algae. Agonostomus carbon from algal resources. This finding is in monticola likely obtained its algal-based carbon agreement with results of a previous study on a from both sources since it has been observed con- congeneric species that found two-thirds of the ma- suming shrimps in these streams (J. G. March, terial ingested was algae (Coffman et al. 1971). pers. obs.) and algae has been found in guts of A. Grazing snails relied more on algal- than leaf- monticola in Jamaica (Aiken 1998). Anguilla rostra- based carbon; however, they assimilated up to 38 ta likely obtained its algal signature primarily from percent terrestrially derived organic matter. Fine shrimps, as it tends to eat the most abundant mac- particulate organic matter was the likely source of roinvertebrate at a site (Tesch 1977). Sicydium plu- terrestrial carbon since snails were not important mieri is a grazer (Erdman 1986) and accordingly shredders at this site (March et al. 2001). relied almost completely on algal-based resources at Variation in dependence on algal versus leaf the high- and mid-elevation sites. The ␦15N sig- based detritus among shrimp taxa can potentially nature also suggests some consumption of insects, be explained by feeding mode. Atya shrimps filter which have also been found in their guts (J. G. feed and sweep the substrate with their cheliped March, pers. obs.). fans. These feeding modes likely result in greater consumption of fine particulate organic matter and RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF BASAL FOOD RESOURCES biofilm, both of which likely contain terrestrial- ALONG THE CONTINUUM. We expected to see a based detritus, microbes, and algae. Accordingly, greater reliance of consumers and especially Atya had a ␦13C signature similar to biofilm. Based shrimps on leaf material at the high-elevation site on its ␦15N signature (ca 3‰ above insects), Atya than at the lower two sites for several reasons. First, also appeared to assimilate insects. Atya have been initial observations at the high-elevation site re- observed to reduce insect abundance (e.g., larval vealed low standing stocks of algal biomass and Chironomidae) in the field and insects have been continuous input of leaf litter. Second, a recent ex- found in their guts (Pringle et al. 1993). In contrast periment showed that the shrimp assemblage sig- to Atya, which appear to indiscriminately feed with nificantly increased rates of leaf decay at this high- their cheliped fans, Xiphocaris and Macrobrachium elevation site, but not at the lower two sites (March shrimps have tiny pincers that may allow them to et al. 2001). Third, similar stable isotope studies selectively ingest more algae. along river continua in New Zealand (Winter- Previous studies have shown that shrimp assem- bourn et al. 1984) and Canada (Doucett et al. blages can have negative effects on sessile insects 1996) found greater reliance on terrestrial-derived (March et al. 2001, 2002). Our ␦15N signatures organic matter in headwater sites; however, we support these findings and suggest that all three found that shrimps relied primarily on algal-based shrimp taxa feed on insects to some degree. Ma- resources at all sites. crobrachium were more enriched in ␦15N than all The lack of shift towards terrestrial resources at other shrimp taxa, suggesting a greater reliance on the high-elevation site may be due to the high rel- insects and/or shrimps. This is supported by ob- ative availability of algae and high assimilation ef- servations of their behavior, as well as gut content ficiency of algae by shrimps. While light levels in data from Jamaica showing that animal material forested streams can often be limiting (Hill et al. Tropical Island Stream Food Web 91

1995), a recent experiment at this site has suggest- important component of shrimp diet, especially ed that low standing stocks of algae were due to following defoliation disturbances such as tropical shrimp grazing pressure (March et al. 2002). When storms and hurricanes. shrimps were excluded for 35 days, algal biovolume increased 186-fold. This grazing study (March et FUNCTIONAL TROPHIC ROLE OF FRESHWATER SHRIMPS. al. 2002), in conjunction with a litter decay study Recent studies have emphasized the importance of (March et al. 2001), showed that shrimps were understanding both the functional and trophic role consuming both algae and leaves; however, algae of stream consumers (Mihuc 1997, Whitledge & are generally considered a higher quality resource Rabeni 1997, Parkyn et al. 2001). For example, by than leaf detritus (Hall et al. 2001). Whitledge and combining experimental manipulations (Parkyn et Rabeni (1997) found that crayfish assimilated 39 al. 1997) with diet and stable isotope analysis percent of algae and only 14 percent of leaf detri- (Parkyn et al. 2001), Parkyn and others were able tus. A combination of high availability of algae and to determine that the New Zealand freshwater the higher quality of algal resources supports our crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons) was an important finding that shrimps are assimilating mostly algal processor of organic matter (shredder), yet derived resources. Moreover, our results support Minshall’s most of its carbon from aquatic insects (a higher (1978) contention that algal-based resources can be quality food). Similarly, we have found that fresh- a major energy source for consumers even in rela- water shrimps (mostly X. elongata) are the main tively small shaded streams. Similar findings were shredders at the high-elevation site (March et al. recently reported for forested streams in Hong 2001), yet derive most of their carbon from algal Kong where insects appeared to rely more on algal- resources (this study). We encourage researchers to than terrestrial-based resources (Salas & Dudgeon conduct both experimental manipulations and sta- 2001). Another recent study in a rocky mountain ble isotope or trophic basis of production studies stream found that algal carbon sources provided a (Hall et al. 2001) to understand species effects and major contribution to macroinvertebrate produc- the relative importance of different food resources tion (McCutchan & Lewis 2002). to consumers. Shrimps may rely more on terrestrially derived carbon in smaller headwater streams (i.e., than those sampled in this study) with greater canopy ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cover. Isotopic signatures of shrimps have been ob- This work was partially funded by a National Science tained in a smaller headwater stream in this catch- Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant to ment, but isotopic signatures of autochthonous and J. G. March and C. M. Pringle (DEB 97–01299) and a terrestrial resources were not distinct (Kilham & USDA Forest Service grant 10-21-RR551-093 to C. M. Pringle. This study was designed to complement ongoing Pringle 2000), precluding determination of their research of the Long-Term Ecological Research Program relative importance. In a small, heavily shaded in the Luquillo Experimental Forest funded by a grant headwater stream in an adjacent catchment as this from the National Science Foundation (DEB 94–11973) study, Merriam et al. (2002) found very low stand- to the Tropical Institute of Studies of the Uni- ing stocks of algae and primary production was also versity of Puerto Rico and the International Institute of Tropical Forestry, USDA Forest Service. We would like very low; however, atyid shrimps assimilated a to thank F. Scatena, J. Zimmerman, and the staff of El highly labeled portion of the epilithon, which may Verde Field Station for logistical support and advice. We have been filamentous algae that was present dur- would especially like to thank E. Greathouse, L. Guzman, ing their study but not measured. Whether algal and H. Ruan for help in the field. T. Maddox of the Analytical Chemistry Lab (University of Georgia) ran our resources are more important than leaf detritus to isotope samples. Finally, we are thankful to J. Benstead, shrimps in these heavily shaded streams is not yet M. Paul, and two anonymous reviewers for providing known. But it is likely that algal resources are an helpful comments on the manuscript.


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