VOLUME 11 NUMBER 2 YORK COLLEGE OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF MEW YORK JAMAiCA-BAYSSDE SEPTEMBER 20,1973 Panel Picks Enclosed Mall For New Campus by Sam Mora minimum to insure honesty of around it. The positive aspect of expression and feedback without Plan Two is that the campus is York College recently approved fear. designed like an old Roman villa. a campus plan to be presented to The York College Master Plan There is a large piece of land to the BHE in October. This plan is has been in progress since 1970. give the feeling of a real campus, the first real sign that York is The original allotment of land has and still fill the requirements of getting its campus. The York been diminished by 90,000 sq. feet ( classroom space. The positive master plan has been in progress because of budget cuts. Another aspects of plan one is that it will be since 1970 and has experienced consequence of the budget cuts is an all weather campus that could several changes since then. that only the campus core will be be used in comfort in any season. Gruzen and Partners presented built in the near future. The The committee selected plan one four plans to a York College Gruzen and Partners firm sub- for this and other sundry reasons. campus committee. The com- mitted four plans to York for it's The committee felt that plan two mittee, which only made new campus. Each plan, by tried to isolate the campus from recommendations, included Ms. Jo definition, has to include the same the community and since one of Lewis and Jonas Wynn (Social amount of classroom and office York's missions has been to Sciences), Dr. Timothy Dineen space in the coming year. The become part of the community, the (Pol. ScL), Prof. Venis Marsh natural sciences present a special committee felt this aspect to be (Academic Development), Prof. problem because of the laboratory detrimental. Other things that William Loughlin (Health and space which is not divided up as is worked against plan two is that Phys. Ed.), Dr. John Onwumelu regular classroom space. Of the maintaining a large piece of open (Hist, and Philosophy), Ms. Elaine four plans presented, only two land costs more money than Feldsteir. (Eng.), Dr. Sarah were given consideration. Plan one maintaining an enclosed area. In D'Albert! (Foreign Languages), had a covered mall running down addition, plan two calls for tall Dr. Jane Schuyler (Performing the middle of the campus. The skinny buildings which cost more Arts), Dr. Eric Liban buildings are all attached by to construct than the low profile (Mathematics), Dr. Eugene M. tunnels and staircases. In essence, buildings which are in plan one. Levin (Natural Sciences), Dr. it is a completely covered campus; Daniel Stern (Student Develop- one will not have to go outside to The committee recommended ment), Dr. Fred J. Harsaghy, get any classes. There is an open plan one to President Bassin, who photo by James Theodorou (Library), and students Christine mall at one end of the campus and accepted the committee's Campus Facilities Officer Raymond Pavia who served as an ad- Capuano and Steven Bernstein, trees surrounding the outside of recommendation. The plan now visor for the committee and a liason to the architects both members of the College the buildings. goes to the Board of Higher Senate. The makeup of the Plan Two had a different Education for approval in mid- committee was designed to get scheme: there is a large open October. If the board approves the Drug Education equal representation from the pentagon shaped piece of land in plan, construction will begin in school. Administration and the middle of the campus with L- 1975. Occupancy of these department heads were kept to a shaped buildings constructed buildings will be in 1977. ,- at York Expanding President Milton G. Bassin of assistance and saying, "I am York College of the City University delighted to have this opportunity of New York has announced that to congratulate you and wish you the college will inaugurate a good luck in the program." PJY Establishing Courses For Inmates program this fall to provide Dean of Educational Services potential health educators with Wallace K. Schoenberg of York, a Joaquin N., a, 23 year-old Puerto at Greenhaven want to get the Instructors, who are members of skills and knowledge in the area of resident of Roslyn Heights, L.I., Rican who is serving a sentence for education and job training they the staff of the CUNY center, drug education. has designated Prof. Morton Fine illegal possession of'drugs, started need to qualify for positions in include its new director Dr. Frank (Health Education), of Scarsdale, college this summer in a program social work fields. Bonilla, former political science The program, financed by a N.Y. and Prof. Bertrand J. Arm- he hopes will lead to professional "We want to make sure that professor at Stanford University. small Federal grant from the strong (Education), of St. Albans, social work training. He's one of what happened to us doesn't In addition to developing Department of Health, Education Queens, as coordinators of the about 100 Puerto Rican New happen to other people," is the educational programs the task and Welfare, will include training program. Yorkers who are taking freshman way Joaquin explained their hopes force at the center is conducting a in pharmacology and in feelings, They will be part of a team, courses for credit under auspices for the future. A large number of survey of Puerto Rican inmates. attitudes and inter-personal including five students, who will of City University of New York in the men have families in the Little is known about the number aspects of drug use. work at the college and in the the first bilingual college program Bronx; some of them already are in prisons and detention centers in After being advised of the grant community to enhance ever offered to Spanish-speaking planning to attend CUNY's Hostos the city and state, the types of by the HEW Office of Education, educational programs in drug inmates of correctional institutions Community College there when crimes they have committed, their United States Senator Jacob K. abuse prevention. The HEW grant in the state, including New York they are free to come home, Hostos age and backgrounds and the kind Javits wrote to York, offering his is for $2,170. City. offers a range of bilingual liberal of legal services they received The men will attend classes arts and career courses for during the arraignment and trial: throughout the year and transfer Spanish-speaking students who An analysis will also be made of credits to CUNY colleges when are learning English while they the number of Puerto Rican they are released. They are in- work for college degrees. judges, attorneys, policemen and mates at Greenhaven Correctional The program at Greenhaven correction and parole personnel. Facility in Stormville, N.Y., 70 was developed by a task force at. The center was established early miles north of . The the center consisting of CUNY this year with a grant of $485,150 educational program in which they students, faculty and volunteers from the Ford Foundation. Dr. recently enrolled is given by the from the community and by the Bonilla was appointed by the university's new Center for Puerto men at the prison. A similar Board of Higher Education in Rican Studies. Requirements for program for women is scheduled February. The proposal for the admission to CUNY classes at to start at Bedford Hills center was prepared by ad- Greenhaven are the same as for Correctional Facility, Bedford ministrators, faculty members and any other branch of the City Hills, 40 miles north of New York students in CUNY Puerto Rican University: students must have a City next winter. One of the first studies departments and by high school diploma. (Those who objectives of the task force is to representatives of the Puerto have not graduated may attend insure that Spanish-speaking Rican community in New York preparatory classes at the prison to inmates throughout the state City. For further information, get a high school equivalency receive meaningful education and contact Dr. Frank Bonilla, 354- certificate.) Many of the freshmen job training in their own language. 5410. Page 2 PANDORA'S BOX September 20,1973

Help Wanted Last year, the Student Programming Committee (S.P.C.), through the hard work and cooperate effort of it's membership, provided the college and community with numerous activities. The S.P.C. offered free afternoon movies each week, monthly "cof- feehouses," several feature films, and two major concerts. All of the offerings were well received, and most ran perfectly. It is sad to hear (but not honestly unexpected) that the President of the club Hillary S. Kalman has announced that this activity, like so many of York's other Editor-in-chief student activities, may not be able to carry out all of the programs they had planned on for this semester. The reason is the expected: lack of personnel. Managing Editor .News Editor For those who'd delegate the aforementioned as insufficient Raymond Harley Jack. Katzanek cause for alarm, we doubt you'd find in your number who've at- tended an S.P.C. function, and fewer who have actively served any Feature Editor Photo Editor organized student club. The lack of student interest, effort and Joe Raskin . James Theodorou input into activities is most assuredly a cause for distress! From the start, Pandora's Box has devoted countless column inches toward publicity for the student activities; activities which, by the way, you are financing. Last year the paper presented a full -Pandora welcomes your editorial comments in the forms series of articles in attempts to familiarize you with ways to get of letters to the editor. Letters should be typed and must something for your money. be signed in full. Names will be withheld on request. We Our own efforts can be no more than a vague introduction. From will try to publish as many different opinions on a variety then on, involvement is at your own initiative. of topics as space allows. Address your comments to: Please don't get us wrong. It's not "the school, the school, the Pandora's Box, 150-14 Jamaica Avenue, room 420E, school," that dominates these thoughts. There is much to gain in telephone number 969-4326. participating. If you can give up one of the four part-time jobs Editorial opinions expressed herein are not necessarily you've been using for an excuse to remain uninvolved, you'll find the opinion of the staff or of each of the editors, but rather the time and effort truly rewarding. Check out the club schedules the majority of the editorial board. ^ where posted or printed in this paper during the year, and take a chance on what we're sure will be well worth the sojourn to the fourth. Letters to the Editor smoking for the fifty minutes they are in the class. No Smoking Paul J. Zidow NO SMOKING! This edict is Promises, posted in nearly all of the classrooms at our college but is rarely obeyed by the students Who Cares(?) therein.' Promises Our classrooms in the Main - The events of Summer loved so Building are extremely small and well are passed and the majority of there is a noticeable lack of students are back physically. Most Once upon a time in a little village known as Bayside, there was a ventilation. The' Humanities of us have weathered the storm of college living in a tin can. It didn't really start in a tin can, at first it building is not as poorly ventilated registration with only a few cuts or was a Jewish Center. That's not what we are here to talk about, it's as the Main but the classrooms are bruises. Now we begin a semester the promises. not very large and are often very of listening, perchance learning. Tile promises came as they left. An early ruler, King Dumont crowded. For those of us who do In past such semesters we've The First, once whispered to us about the promises. "Don't believe not smoke cigarettes and are had lighthearted moments joking those promises," he said. "Make 'em swear." bothered by their smoke, it is very about York's downfalls. We've It didn't matter much then anyway. If you want something bad difficult to concentrate on what is welcomed freshmen with the enough you can get used to tin cans, mobile 'ministrators, and being said in the classroom when suggestion of a six-pack of massive mudslides. someone nearby is smoking. I am AlkaSeltza and a deck of cards. And so it was year after year that the peoples' journey to the sure that this is one of the reasons We the upper classmen pass on the promised land was put off. When the people arrived in the the NO SMOKING signs are apathy and disgust toward the promised land they quickly learned to appreciate the advantages of posted. school we were met with. We allow aluminum with windows. But ahead there was a greater promise I try to pay attention to what is the outside world to view York in yet. A misty area in the far reaches of the imagination, known as being said in my classes so that I the same lighthearted manner. We the fourth floor. It would be for THEM, the students, that's what cah learn. When someone near me forget York is but six years old. the tin cans were all about. smokes a cigarette I am prevented We forget York is ex- But there came another ruler, Dashing Dean Dan Duh First, and from learning because I con- perimental... and we forget York's he said, "behold I will live with my people." And all was well. centrate more on avoiding the survival depends upon its students. In the enthusiasm of this declaration, someone slipped. smoke than on what is being said I propose that we, the students Somehow the forces of the fifth descended on- the fourth and at the time. Therefore, I think it re-evaluate the school, rediscover captured the best of its central plains. far that if persons have to smoke its programs, and institute the And so it stands today, that the better part of the promised land they should step outside so that ones missing. Afterall a school is has been garnered by the Registrar's Aliens and another promise they will not prevent me from only as good as the students in- has bitten the proverbial dust. learning. If this disturbs the in- volved. "Oh give me a home...." structor or the other students, then Pam Simmons the students should refrain from One Who Cares. It could be ODZOOKENST Is this th' VepT And some say valuable. It's th' HOLV cup that's it'sinHeaven.Then.a What *No Deposit... Look,Gort Lemme GRAIL!! Many supposed bunch oP*Knights" does No Return." I've just see it. legends have t'have the have vowed to Find it unearthed sprung up power o£ it,& ...hrnrn...there's say? (•III! I this cup? about itf healing? writing on it...

©W73 September 20.1973 PANDORA'S BOX Page 3 • From The City Desk From Under The Right Wing! A Sunuita wiik Saw Once More Into The • by Joe Raskin Well. I trust that your summer too topical (Yet, they are the ones used to work or still do work Breach,. Dear Friends. has not been full of failures, like responsible for Archie Bunker and within the environs of 1600 mine have been over the past few Maude's abortion. You figure it Pennsylvania Avenue who are in by R.E. Harley years. It seems crazy, but because out.). There were so many things to real trouble. of that, it feels really good to be see, and so many questions to ask. Then you come to the whole It's one of those interesting little progress must be served. Of back here in school. Could you Was Nixon involved? Was question of what all of this means. facts of life that says "all things course. imagine someone in high school, Haldeman involved? Was Erlich- I keep on reading about how the could use a little improvement." There's a fly in President or junior high, or even public man involved? Was Mitchell Watergate Affair was a triumph This almost universally true; take Bassin's ointment, though. It has school saying that? involved? Was — for American Democracy since television commercials—Please. come to our attention that certain A result of my lack of full-time involved? (fill in the blank with everything was blown into the open (Henny Youngman, 1654.) For people involved with the planning employment, and other cir- your own patsy). Who was lying? by the press and by parts of the instance, the Wonder Bread and building of the campus believe cumstances, the major portion of For that matter, who was telling government. To a degree it is, but commercial would attract a lot that it would not be feasible to put my summer was spent in front of the truth? Who is John Wilson, it's hard to see things that way. If a more people if it were done this toupee on Jamaica. Besides that, the ol' television set. Understand and who made him up? Whose private guard employed by the way: the cost of putting one of those now that daytime television is not side did he think Daniel Inouye Watergate Hotel hadn't stumbled CHEERFUL, BLOND CHERUB domes on an area of 50 acres is • the most thrilling experience in the was on in World War Two? Would into something suspicious in front "Why do you squeeze the bread, really incredible. The "Super- world. All of those incurable Joseph Montoya surprise everyone of the headquarters of the Mommy?" dome" in New Orleans is now {finesses, extra-curricular activities by asking an intelligent question? Democratic National Committee, TALL, SLIM MOMMY expected to cost around 300 with the local clergyman, all of Would Edward Gurney give none of this would have happened. "Ever since Daddy's accident, million dollars; while it's doubtful those weird controversies mingled someone heart failure by not Do you think many people would that's the way Mommy gets off, that the mall would cost anything in with those idiotic game shows sticking up for President Nixon? have cared about Howard Hunt dear. close to that, it should be that ask third-grade questions and Could the President get through a and Gordon Liddy breaking into remembered that the New Orleans manage to exploit human greed to speech without someone getting the office of Daniel Ellsberg's Which somehow brings us back project was originally going to cost its fullest - yecch! Give me Star the desire to hum The Battle psychiatrist if nothing else had to York College. We all know that about 70 million. Trek or All In The Family or Hymn Of The Republic? Those transpired? Who would have we could use a change, which Which brings us to the next M.A.S.H. anyday. questions and more were answered known? Who would have cared? consists primarily of getting a question: what the hell do we need However, there was this one every day, as witness after witness No doubt about it. Watergate campus. Everyone has seen that an enclosed, air conditioned, show that was rather fascinating. sat down to play To Tell The was a series of very lucky breaks. It little brown folder that has a lovely climate-controlled mall for in the It mixed suspense, drama, satire, Truth. was lucky that the plumbers were sepia etching of what the new first place? The only time you and jokes perfectly. All of the roles But who was telling the truth? caught. It was lucky that the Judge campus will look like. Beautiful. really need air conditioning is in were handled with skill and most Somewhere along the line everyone presiding on the case was John Like a mausoleum. With the the summer, and there aren't very everyone was completely contradicted nearly everybody else. Sirica, someone who was willing to exception one building which many masochistic types who hang believable, depending on who you John Erlichman spent his entire push the case through until looks like an aggravated beehive, it around here during that time of listen to. Another World? General time on the stand totally everything was revealed. It was resembles all of the other blank- year. (But there is an advantage. If Hospital? Search For Tomorrow? disagreeing with what everyone lucky that the Senate committee's faced campuses that have sprung the college falls into debt, we could Nope. The Watergate Hearings, from Richard Nixon to Bernard membership was filled with up in the last 20 years. always put in a Sam Goody's and starring Sam Ervin, Howard Barker has said. There ought to be Senators who found that their Now the best thing about this an Alexander's, and it would fit Baker, Daniel Inouye, Edward more perjury and contempt of country was being corrupted by academic penitentiary is that the right in with the rest of Jamaica). Gufney, Herman Talmadge, court cases coming out of this people who didn't care about what architects have left room for large Possibly the only answer is that Lowell Weicker, Joseph Montoya, hearing than in any case in the Democracy really was. We were all . expanses of grass and trees. Eager President Bassin is trying to extort Daniel Schorr, Carl Stern, Sam history of American justice (The quite lucky. Someone saw all of young freshmen in their beanies enough money from the new Donaldson, and a cast of case that can be made here is that this in time to do something about and saddle shoes will be able to campus to repanel his office. Or thousands, depending on which there is no justice in America, but it. We saw all of this happen on the pause under the shady oaks and something. witness was telling the truth. I'll let that one slide for awhile). So tube. In a few days from now, the reflect on the mysteries of Getting away from-that, a new Those hearings were absolutely the question exists: Who the hell is hearings will be back on. The minerals, the problems of addition to the York "family" this incredible. I had more fun wat- telling the truth? It's up to Sam Nixon tapes business will reach the Pythagorus, and the subtlies of year is the taking over of the old ching them then at any time since Ervin and friends to decide. Supreme Court. It will be very Swift. Young ladies in their sweat St. Monicas complex. The schobl CBS decided that the Smothers Depending on who you listen to, interesting to see what happens socks can stop and dream about is already being used by the social Brothers were getting a little bit there are a whole lot of people who next. nudging the 7 pin into the 10 and science people, and there are plans other things that delight the afoot to turn the church building tween The Lines feminine heart. Everyone is so full into a theatre. Good enough; but of sweetness that the campus will what happens to the church when be declared off limits to diabetics. the new theatre facility is ready? However, there now seems to be The church is the second oldest in a slight problem. The one and only Queens and it's a beautiful little Aiming Camouflages Milton Bassin, President of York place besides. I have my own College, has decided that it would relation to it as it's the school and 5 by Hillary S. Kalman be very nice if there was an en- church where my father went closed mall over the open areas of several centuries ago. As long as ..a-man is well off, he dured, but in your hearts nurture sacred and immemorial task of all the campus. The mall would be air So now that you're back, fellow can afford to do wasteful and the vengence which at some later the unfortunate on earth: not only conditioned and climate guinea pigs, these are a few of the foolish things. When well-being day will repair the disaster! to bear our lot but to assume it controlled. Of course, under those little things that you can look gives way to affliction, life begins Today we are not victors. Our completely, to make ourselves one circumstances, we would have to forward to. Women and children to educate us. When a misbehaved role has changed. And whether we with it, to understand it-until our do without birds and trees and first, and don't jump; just lower child resists punishment and are able to go on living in the world misfortune is no longer felt to be flowers and- all 'that jazz, but' -yourself into the water. correction on the ground that and to prosper depends entirely on an alien fate, hailed down upon us other children are equally our ability to recognize our role, on from distant clouds, but becomes misbehaved, we smile and know our sincere willingness to bear the part and parcel of ourselves, the answer. But we Americans consequences of our situation. permeating our being and guiding Pandora's Box have been just such misbehaved Affliction has moved our people our thoughts. children. Throughout the Vietnam to open up their eyes. Like every We must travel the path we have war we kept saying that our authentic action, this action welled started out on, the hard lonely enemies, to say the least, were no from the fertile depths of the path of sincerity and love, to its —Post-Mortem better than we were. When ac- unconscious. It was awakening end. For never again must we cused, we pointed to the govern- from profound illusions. It was a revert to what we were: a powerful ment. In response to critics of our breach with a tradition. It was the people with a great deal of money. absolute state, we said that first glimmer of an insight: "Since Even if it offered an opportunity to —Tuesday, Sept. President Nixon is in power. And the national ideals of our so-called recover all our old power and so on. leaders were a fraud, aren't establish world hegemony, we The days of affliction have humanity, reason and good will must not take that path again, or come. Hopefully they will bring the better way?" even flirt with the thought of it. To 12 Noon with them a beginning of Yes. We have chosen the do so would be to renounce education. We Americans are very hardest path a man, not to say a everything which, prompted by badly off, we do not know how we people, can travel: the path of deep affliction and desperate self- Room 420E shall live tomorrow, if at all. Now sincerity, the path of love. If we knowledge, we have done and more than ever we are under great travel it to the end, we shall have begun to do in the past few weeks. temptation to indulge in useless won. Then this painful state of Sincerity is a good thing, but it And out of our will to fulfill our administration of human effort. gestures and feelings. We read economy shall cease to a festering is worthless without love. Love is fatej to be ready and willing for the Such good will, will enable our letters and poems, articles and wound and become our deserved self-mastery, the power to un- new, out of our trust in the simple future ambassadors abroad to comments that speculate on all the good fortune, our better future, derstand, the ability to smile in eloquence of our affliction, our replace the hypocritical busyness evil instincts of a punished child. our pride and possession. sorrow. Love of ourselves and our suffering humanity, a hundred with a new and creditable defense Here and there Americans are The path of love is so hard to fate, fervent acceptance of what is new energies will grow. Once one of the interests of our people as a beginning once again to think travel because there is so little in store for us, even when we has assumed the whole of one's whole. It will speak from the (that is, inhumanly). Our present faith in love, because it meets with cannot fathom and understand it- fate, one's eyes are opened to the mouths of our poets and artists situation is likened to the situation distrust on every hand. Of this we that is our goal. Later on perhaps particulars. The "good will" of the and from all our endeavor; slowly of the Great Depression of 1929, too are made aware as we start on other nations will join us on our ancient promise will help our poor and quietly but profoundly, it will and the same inferences are drawn our new path. path-for the present we need only to bear their poverty, will help our win for us what we have lost in our as were then drawn: grit your Ours is the role and the task of the will and decision to carry on as workers to convert from self- dealings with the government: teeth, endure what must be en- the vanquished. The task is .the we have started...... seeking capitalism to the selfless, .confidence and love.

„"/ Page 4 PANDORA'S BOX September 20,1973 "Welcome Freshmen" To all Club Presidents & members Come to the who wish to attend: There will be a general meeting concerning clubs & the Freshmen Activities Fair Oct. 2,1973 Oct. 16, 1973 It is important that you attend. 12-2 PM Main Lounge Thank You. ONE MAN PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT A festival tAbwi0 ||t|tU£fU Oct. 26,27. (By) IMUMCN prints by: Stephen Hamersky, Jr. Heights Public Library All help, input, etc. welcomed. 280 Cadntan Plaza West Contact A. Pagino-4272, Mon., Tues., Wed.- 10A.M.-9P.M. J. Cooper-Oordon-4270 Thurs., Fri.- 10A.M.-6P.M. 4th floor Main Building, or S. Herzog LA5-4568 August 13-September 30 York College Basketball •U!AKT£D Candidates Any jCiucng Himm 1st Meeting Thursday, Sept. 20th 4:00P.M. Hillside Center 304J Hdlp ?ut Tegetha Qmmk, Wowe Vw[wm, Etc, l|ca Ate

If Unable To Attend, Contact Dr. Bash At Hillside Center Ptoe (Mad The S.P.C. (312) To Fill Out Questionnaire 435 (Wain BMg.) £xt 4292 Judaic Studies HEBREW WOMEN'S GROUP Hebrew 101 —Elementary Hebrew 1. AL Mon.-Thurs. 8a.m. 4 credits Hebrew 102 — Elementary Hebrew 2. BM Mon., Wed., Thurs. 9a.m. Tues. 10a.m. 4 credits Hebrew 105 — Intermediate Hebrew 1. N Tues. 11a.m. Thurs. 10 & 11a.m. 3 The York College Women's Group credits ® Hebrew 301 —Modern Hebrew Literature. P Tues. 2p.m. Thurs. 1 & 2p.m. 3 credits will meet every Tuesday in YIDDISH ^Yiddish 101 —Elementary Yiddish 1. DN Tues. & Wed. 11am. Thurs. 1 & 2p.m. 4 credits $ Yiddish 221 — Yiddish Literature in Translation. BMon., Wed., & Fri. 9a.m. room 005 12-2 PM 3 credits POLITICAL SCIENCE ^PoliticalScience 259 — Modern Israel. C Mon., Wed., & Fri. 10a.m. 3 credits For further information contact ^denotes new course For more information regarding these courses contact the Judaic Studies Shelly, LA5-4568. Committee,Room 436M « September 20,1973 PANDORA'S BOX Page 5 Athletic Clubs Given Varsity Status by Jo Anne Kani enlarged; the line-up now consists of volleyball, Softball, tennis, Over the summer, York's badminton, paddleball, and fledgling athletic program received basketball. a huge shot in the arm when it was Inital student reaction was announced that the Faculty- favorable, but not all. Said one Student Athletic Committee had girl: "The next step should have formed 6 new clubs and had been to build - up the athletic designated varsity status to 5 program; as it is, it's rather sickly. others. How about forming a volleyball and a softball club?" When the committee was In order for a club to be formed, formed, it was decided that it student interest must be shown. would act on student interest in This can be done by way of the forming of new clubs and petitions, which can be circulated determining which established in any manner (bulletin boards, clubs had fulfilled the person-to-person, etc.) On the requirements for varsity status. petition must be the students The newly-formed clubs are names, addresses, and phone women's basketball, canoe & numbers. The petitions then must kayak, swimming, tennis, (all three be brought to Prof. Stuart Bailin are co-ed,) baseball, and wrestling (Director of Athletics,) and Dr. (men only.) They join co-ed Ivan Kusinitz (Department gymnastics and men's soccer in the Chairman) on the third floor of the race for the varsity designation Hillside Jewish Center (petitions and more money. may also be presented to any Making the jump from club member of the Committee.) At the status to varsity are cheerleaders, next meeting, the petitions will be track & field, cross-country, reviewed and research done before lacrosse, and basketball. the committee is re-convened. Something new has been added According to a student member this year in the form of a junior of the committee, "it's really not varsity basketball team, which will that difficult. The sooner you start probably be used as a training your campaign, the sooner the ground for the varsity squad. committee can act on your We've finally made the big time Intramurals have also been proposals." BassAppointed

by John Coltelli which has gained a great deal ot distributed to various newsstands). First Woman respect is The Village Voice. Liberation is a monthly which was Although it is not a traditional begun (believe it or not) seventeen Perhaps one of the most' im- underground journal it does in- years ago. More than a newspaper, portant institutions of the New volve itself with items that it is a magazine which analyzes the Chancellor Left is the existence of un- wouldn't ordinarily be reported. In news, and hopefully tries to raise derground newspapers and addition to reporting on all news consciousness levels. The appointment of the first which she held from 1969 to 1970, magazines. They provide a very (international, national, and local) When I asked Kathy Brown (a woman vice-chancellor in public Ms. Bass prepared cases and good alternative to the established it has a special section on what's member of the collective) shy higher education in New York drafted opinions dealing with the papers and magazines which never going on in the Village and Liberation had been so successful State was announced this week by broad range of labor law in the really involve themselves with vicinity. This is fantastic on those for so many years, she said that it the Board of Higher Education. public sector. events concerning the new politics dreary rainy days we all know was because of its ability to The new CUNY vice chan- and counter-culture. Underground about. You can always find change. In the beginning, .the Ms. Mary P. Bass, assistant in cellorship was established by the papers keep the individual turned something interesting and magazine was much more passive charge of the Family Court Board of Higher Education in on to what's happening in the inexpensive to do by simply in nature but has certainly . Division of the New York City Law March to deal with the growing community and the country, reading this section. changed. In addition, Dave Department, was-named to the volume of legal actions resulting although the community seems to The papers which would really Dellinger who began Liberation, newly created position of vice from administration of labor be the most important aspect. be considered under-underground has stayed actively involved in the chancellor for legal affairs and contracts with the university's Although a large number of are the East Village Other, movement throughout the years. general counsel of the City faculty, actions in the areas of civil underground papers are begun Liberation, Rat, etc. These papers One of the aspects of Liberation University of New York. and women's rights, and the rapid each year very few seem to last very and others like them are the ones which Kathy discussed with me Ms. Bass, who received her acceleration of campus con- long. Perhaps the reason for the that should really be given the concerned its intellectualism. Sfie undergraduate and law degrees struction and rental activity. emergence of so many publications most attention. As far as com- feels that many people are im- from the University of Chicago, A search committee, chaired by is the relative ease with which one munity news, organizing, publicity mediately turned off when they see has served 'in the city's Law BHE member Herbert Berman, a can begin. A fairly well-established of happenings, etc. goes, these the intellectual level the magazine Department since 1970. Until lawyer, screened over paper can be started with about papers are the best. works at. Kathy also feels that one March of 1972 she was head of the 50 candidates before recom- 3,000 dollars. Although the cir- Among these journals perhaps of the most important features of Education Section of the Cor- mending Ms. Bass for the position. culation won't be very large and the best one is a magazine called the paper is that it puts national poration Counsel's Litigation A native of , Michigan, the profit will be very small (if Liberation. Liberation is a and local issues in "context" with Division, where she supervised and Ms. Bass is a member of the any), many do find starting a remarkable magazine which what's happening in the com- participated in trial level Illinois and New York State Bars. paper worthwhile. Many un- should really be looked into. At munity. In conclusion, all I can say proceedings involving the Board of She began her career as a member derground publications to make it present it has a circulation of is to pick up a copy of Liberation Education, the 31 community of the Legal Aid Department of easier are run as collectives with about 6,500. (about 5,000 of these and read it, I'm sure it'll be school boards, the Board of Higher the Jewish Family and Community everyone sharing the respon- are subscribers and the rest are enlightening. Education, the Board of Service in Chicago, representing sibilities. Some though, trying to Examiners, and the educational indigents in landlord-tenant, break traditional ties, find it retirement systems.v domestic relations and contract necessary to accept advertising as From 1970 to 1972 Ms. Bass was matters. She is a member of the a means of lowering production a member of the Law Depart- American Civil Liberties Union, costs. ment's Appeals Division, where Common Cause, and the Sierra Underground journals are often Fri. Sept. 28 at 9 P.M. she wrote briefs and argued cases Club. begun for different reasons. Some at' before federal, state and local Arthur H. Kahn, who has been may begin in retaliation to a courts. general counsel to the Board of certain event. Others begin to As executive assistant to the Higher Education since 1966, will further a cause such as Gay 206-10 Hillside Ave.. Queens director of the city's Office of become special counsel to the Liberation papers, G.I. papers, (corner of Francis Lewis Blvd.) Collective Bargaining, a post board. etc. Still others are simply started 2 TOP ROCK BANDS CASUAL DRESS I to provide an alternative to the I existing publications. It has been $50 within the past four or five years FASTER I that the greatest amount of un- OCT. 19-22 Rates From •17*23 Per Day I derground material has emerged. For Further Info: Write To COMETOGETHER, 5 weeks guaranteed course At present, there are over fine- DOUBLE or TRIPLE your' P.O. Box 14, Fresh Meadows. 11365 speedXtaderstand more, retain I hundred publications with readers more. Nationally known I ranging from a few hundred to profesaor. Class fonainf now | over five-hundred thousand. or call (212) RQ2- One paper which has been READING SHLLS 864-5112' around for quite a few years and Page 6 PANDORA'S BOX

I I What To find ~* YORK CI

As you may have realized, York College is a rather unique educationaWHRl T TO FIND. Wl institution, one that is literally splattered over the face of the earth. As a result, it's rather hard to find things. We'd like to catalogue things for you, and show exactly where everything is. Please note that offices are moved quite frequently, and what is in one place now may not necessarily be there later on in the year: HOW TO M ONTGOM ERY WARD BUILDING Jamaica Avenue and 150th Street Basement Classrooms Student Cafeteria Student Book Exchange Buildings and Grounds Department First Floor Classrooms Main Lounge Security Desk Security Office Second Floor Library . Circulation Desk Card Catalogue Reference Materials Periodicals Smoking Lounge Microfilm Library Offices Reading Services Classrooms Third Floor Classrooms Library Circulation Books (entrance from second floor) Audio-Visual Department Mathematics Department Offices English Department Offices Fourth Floor Division For Student Development Office Of The Registrar Counseling Offices Student Publication Offices Student Caucus Office Student Programming Committee Student Organization Offices SEEK Division Offices Fifth Floor Administrative Offices Bursar's Offices Business Offices School Printing Offices all photos by James Theodorou Mail Room School Medical Offices HOW TO

Usually, one of the largest annoyances in this school is the effort required to call up a department or an office in this school. Most times, it involves a series of calls that can result in just hanging up the phone, "and forgetting about what had to be discussed. In an attempt to cut down on this, here are the most important phone numbers in the school: DEPARTMENT/DIVISION PHONE NUMBER Department of Academic Development 969-4253 Dean Of Administration 969-4141 Admissions Office 969-4215 Allied Health Sciences 423-5347 Humanities Auditorium 969-4176 Division Of Behavioral Sciences 969-4187 Bookstore 969-4003 Bursar's Office 969-4090 Business Manager 969-4104 Campus Facilities Office 969-4151 Dean For Continuing Education 969-4154 Division Of Educational Services 969-4191 Early Childhood Program 969-4180 Exceptionally Gifted Children 969-4193 Student Teacher Placement 969-4236 Educational Technology (Audio-Visual) 969-4111 English Department 969-4064 Extended Day Session 969-4111 : -* Dean Of Faculty 969-4144 Foreign Languages Department 969-4035 Grants Office 969-4062 Gymnasium (Hillcrest Center) 969-4113 Storeroom and Office 969-4117 Department Of Health and Physical Education 969-4056 y • . .,*' ,'.1-;'.:':i»:*«j^i Departments Of History and Philosophy 969-4172 Division Of Humanities 969-4120 'JL in?*.. Information (Switchboard) 969-4040 Institutional Research 969-4011 L 969-4140 X Page 7 OLLEC WHERE TOi FIND IT • IT QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS fHERE TO FIND (Bayside) 56th Avenue between Springfield and Cloverdale Boulevards Cafeteria Building Classrooms Laboratories I FIND IT Student Lounge Science Offices Classroom Building Other Classes in Queensborough Science and Technology Buildings and Portable Classropms SOCIAL SCIENCES/MATHEMATICS/EDUCATION CENTER 160 - 08 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica Avenue between 160th and 161st Streets Second Floor Classrooms Education Department Offices Offices Of The Summer School Third Floor Social Science Offices Classrooms HUM ANITIES BUILDING 90 - 36 150th Street 150th Street Between Jamaica and 90th Avenues Basement Student Lounge First Floor Humanities Department Offices Second Floor Classrooms ^ Third Floor ' Classrooms Fourth Floor Auditorium Classrooms HILLSIDE CENTER (Jamaica Jewish Center) 150 -91 87th Road 87th Road between Parsons Boulevard and 150th Street Basement and Sub-Basements Gymnasium Locker Rooms Physical Education Laboratory Physical Education Supply Room Swimming Pool . Second Floor Classrooms Third Floor I .Classrooms .J Music Department Offices Fine Arts Department Offices Physical Education Offices (Other Physical Education Classes are held in various locations in vicinity) FIND IT

Language Laboratory 969-4006 Library Acquisitions 969-4020 Chief Librarian 969-4026 Circulation 969-4015 Public Services 969-4026 Lost And Found 969-4012 Mailroom 969-4008 Mathematics Department 969-4075 Medical Office 969-4160 Division Of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 423-5190 Natural Sciences Department 423-5160 Pandora's Box 969-4326 Department of Performing Arts and Fine Arts 969-4062 Department of Political Science and Psychology 969-4184 President's Office 969-4133 Printing Services 969-4128 Public Information Office 969-4136 Reception First Floor (Montgomery Ward) 969-4032 Fifth Floor (Montgomery Ward) 969-4010 Registrar 969-4106 Security Offices Montgomery Ward Building 969-4032 Humanities Building 969-4123 SEEK Office 969-4253 Senate Office 969-4125 Department Of Social Science 969-4187 Stockroom 969-4093 Student Caucus 969-4292 Division Of Student Development 969-4248 Student Placement 969-4236 Student Programming Committee 969-4292 Swimming Pool 969-4116 Department Of Teacher Preparation 969-4195 PageS PANDORA'S BOX September 20,1973 Student Program Committee 1973-1974 by Joe Raskin December 21- March 21-The Mouse that Roared March \-Portnoy's Complaint April 3-Mad Dogs and English- In the course of human events, a April 26-Super Fly men student entering this school will DAY MOVIES April 24-Valley of the Dolls wonder when they will do October 3-The Blob May \-The Nanny something around here that is October 10-The Committee May 8-King Kong interesting, if not exciting. As October 17-Dial M For Murder May \5-The Wizard of Oz always, the answer is supplied by October 3\-The Hunchback of the York College Student Programming Committee. Every Notre Dame Flo Verrico believes that this year, the S.P.C. schedules a series November 1-The Notorious year's schedule will be much of movies, concerts, and other Landlady better, since there will be no activities that are created for the haphazard experimentation with November \4-The Three Stooges different events. The S.P.C. is now enjoyment of the hard-working in Orbit Yorkies. Last year's program was fairly sure of what is going to work November 21-Zulu and won't work. Accordingly, the most successful one to date, November 28-Duck Soup and it looks will be even better. things will be far mote formal, and December S-My Little Chickadee will go much more smoothly. The Flo Verrico is starting her December \2-The Learning Tree one problem that the S.P.C. will second year as President of the December 19-Born Free have is that they do not have an S.P.C, and we talked about what January 2-Derby extraordinarily large staff. New the S.P.C. would be doing this February 13-The Endless Summer members will be welcomed with year. The coffeehouse format for February 20-Inside Daisy Clover great relief, if not with open arms. the concerts will be kept for this February 21-Marooned The S.P.C. is headquartered in year, due to the success of last March 6-Murderers Row room 435 of the Montgomery year's concert. The coffeehouse, March 13-The Birds Ward building. which featured David Bromberg, March 20-Never Too Late Caucus Notes: Robert Klein, and Buzzy Linhart was completely sold out for both RECORDS show. This year, there will be two Neal Haynes coffeehouse concerts, with acts to by Jim Casa see a number of young mothers be named later, on December 7 The Allmans with their small children. Haynes and May 10 as well as two other During their first weeks in says that some sort of day care different programs on November 2 college, most of York's freshmen center at York is something to and March 29. think about. -. The curious thing about the bv Joe Raskin Ride Again!! (or should it read freshperson?) are in a state of confusion which 3) lobby information booth; success of the coffeehouse concerts ("Ramblin' Man," incidentally, they have.not encountered since judging by student election tur- was that it was only an experiment There was this time when I was may be about to crack into the top- their initial high school days. nouts, little is known about the at first. York was not experiencing working for this insurance fund on 40 radio audience soon. Released Before they become hopelessly Caucus. Haynes therefore feels great success in attracting top acts Union Square. One of the other as the single off the album, it has submerged in the chaos, there is that an information booth (the to appear in concerts. Since there employees in the place was a guy experienced an incredible climb one organization at York that is lobby would seem to be the best are fewer students here than who had an amazing habit every up the charts. Strange as it may willing to give them the utmost in place) could definitely help the elsewhere, it was impossible to time that a record by the Allman seem, the Allmans could be on parental love; that being the students to know more about their compete with the other schools. It Brothers Band would come on the Cousin Brucie's show in the space Student Caucus. The York student government. was simply impossible to put out radio. He would hear the opening of several weeks!) "Ramblin' Handbook defines the Senate as: 4) teacher evaluation; in recent that much money for one concert. strains of something like Man," written by lead guitarist "the composed body of years, the Caucus and the faculty The coffeehouse concert was tried "Revival" or "Whipping Post" on Dicky Betts, is one of those'endless • representatives of the faculty, have not seen eye to eye on many as an attempt to get out of the rut the radio, and he would start highway type of songs, which students and administration". The issues. The current form of that the concert failures had put screaming: usually features the singer telling Caucus is the group of student evaluation benefits no one except the school in. It worked, and will "QUIET, MAN! IT'S THE how he or she has to keep on representatives and for all the administration. The results are be used again this year. The one ALLMANS!" moving down the road. It works, practical purposes acts as the not published and the faculty are hoped-for change will be that The file room, which is where he and works extremely well, if for students' union. given back the forms with slightly stronger beverages will be worked would fall silent, since nothing else, because for some served this year, but it is still up in most everybody had been deafened reason, it reminds me of a Woody The Caucus' office is located in thoughts left for future reference. Guthrie song. "" which is the main building in room 435. Haynes says that there should be the air, because the school has not by the sonic waves. But that wasn't yet been issued a liquor license. enough. There was still more noise also written by Betts, is another Freshmen should become familiar another evaluation where the marvelous song, an instrumental with the Caucus and its duties, results would be published in some Ms. Verrico is also hoping that a that could be heard away from the casino night can be set up, file room. number that mixes together the should' they be in need of help. form of paper. organ playing by Greg Allman, On the more general basis, The main task the Caucus will although the whole format has not "FUCK IT, SHUT THE HELL yet been set. It is scheduled for UP OUT THERE!", he yelled out 's pianos, Les Caucus leader, Neal Haynes points have this year is to try to get Dudek's acoustic , and to some important business at together with the faculty to draw April 5. at the main office, and im- mediately everyone fell silent. Not Dicky's lead in a marvelous, hand: 1) night students; since up a Charter. The Charter is the As usual, the S.P.C. will be soaring manner. It really stirs up York's night session is really an document that defines the Senate having a large schedule of movies too many people had ever seen a raving lunatic in the flesh before. memories of certain parts of "In extended day session as of now and its jurisdiction. Since neither in the daytime and at night. The Memory Of Elizabeth Reed" and many of the courses are on the group was able to agree with each films will be shown in room 404 in But there was still some noise. The kid ran to a window that the instrumental parts of "Blue introductory level. This year, the other on main points, President the Humanities Building. Ad- Sky." Caucus will look into the Milton Bassin has the power over mission is $.50 for the nighttime overlooked Union Square, and possibility of extending the night what the Senate can and cannot movies, and free for the daytime repeated his message to the people 's "Wasted classes to higher level. do. It is a sad state and Haynes films. out on the street, only much Words" and another song by 2) day care center; look around hopes that these problems can be NIGHT MOVIES louder. Again, silence descended. Dicky Betts, "Southbound" are your classes. On occasion, you will soon solved. October 19-Summer of 42 Finally, it got quiet enough to hear the other two songs on the album the Allmans. The kid dashed back that really got to me. Both are into the file room in time to hear done in the traditional Allmans the song ending.. The next few style - the bluesy vocals, the moments would be filled with soaring, soaring instrumentals, SOUTHERN FOLK every possible form of shouted and the absolutely uncomplicated obscenities ever to be heard by style that is used in recording the human ears. album - it's all great. The band is ART OPENING on target all of the cuts. The late Beginning September 18th and the past, others depict pleasures of ting. Sister Gertrude paints, prays Well, that experience was is credited with running through November 4th the present and still others contain and preaches in a 3 by 5 foot enough to make any dedicated playing bass on two of the cuts, the Museum of American Folk dreams for the future. prayer room in New Orleans. folk-rock freak into the type of with taking over Art, 49 W. 53rd St., N.Y.C., will Clementine Hunter, now 90, Many of her paintings show her person who would wish that for the five other cuts on the focus on three prominent folk began to paint when she was in her standing between the Lord and someone really tie Greg Allman to album, and both played in fine artists from the South, Bruce 60's. In this and in other respects Christ as their bride being a whipping post. I even wished form. The drumming by Butch Brice, Clementine Hunter, and she can be compared to Grandma surrounded by angels, or beating that Elizabeth Reed would return Trucks and is uniformly Sister Gertrude Morgan. All three Moses, only she is Black and she is down the devil or entering the City from the dead so that they would excellent, which is par for the are self-taught, talented Black from Natchitoches, Louisiana near of New Jerusalem. Her paintings be minus another song. That is, course for them. artists from Louisiana. the Melrose Plantation. are remarkable because they are so until I got a listen to the latest The Allman Brothers are an Bruce Brice,the youngest of the Clementine's paintings illustrate simple, so personal and so offering from the pride of Georgia, amazing band in the apce of about three artists being in his early her life and her religion-- devoted. entitled Brothers And Sisters. a year, death took both Duane thirties, is a strong and expressive weddings, cotton picking, Allman, one of the finest of all artist concerned with today's social Saturday night parties, funerals, This show will run from Sep- Everything on this record, which guitarists, and Berry Oakley, one problems. He is best known for his plantation life and biblical scenes tember 18th to November 4th at is produced by Johnny Sandlin and of the best bass players around, murals painted in the French are just a few of the many subjects the Museum of American Folk Art , is from their ranks. Yet, they were Quarter area of New Orleans. she chooses. in New York. Admission is 50 • great. Anyone who listens at all to able to handle the very obvious Brice works in oils, watercolors Sister Gertrude Morgan, in her cents, children 12 and under are ; FM radio has heard the two most mental and emotional strains, and and acrylics creating scenes of 70's, has retired from street free. Closed Monday,s open played cuts on the album, keep going, turning out their best lively inter-acting people. Some preaching and now expresses her Tuesday through Sunday 10:30 to "Jessica" and "Ramblin' Man," album of all to date, in Brothers, paintings record the troubles of strong religious beliefs by pain- 5:30. and know how great both are. And Sisters! September 20,1973 PANDORA'S BOX Page 9 Grafootie

All right, gang! Grafootie is back, To the B.I.C. Gang—Welcome Ellis Larkins (through 12/2) Gregory's fired up and rarin' to go! This year back to another exciting term at 9/20 The Sopwith Camel My Father's Place grafootie bags are all over the York College. It's been a nice quiet JSD Band map! You can find them in thesummer....Oh welU.Fondly yours (through 9/24) basement, first, second, third and K.P. Loudon Wainwright III fourth floors of the Monkey Ward, (through 9/23) Max's Kansas City and they'll soon be in every York Buzzy Linhart College building in Jamaica and S.P.C.—I love you. Guinea Wop, (through 9/23) Kenny's Castaways Bayside. The deadline is every Guinea Wop Wednesday. That's the story! Alice Tully Hall From the BIG MACHER 9/21 Morgana King Slade Capitol Theatre Dear Rabbit—You are my symbol Blue Oyster Cult (Passaic, New Jersey) Maria is deep! (Heh) of SEX. —No, Maria, this is not from Loye> c Gilbert O'Sullivan Philharmonic Hall Bryan P.S. This time, it's printed. Jean Shepherd Carnegie Hall Hey, Warren, 1 got news for you. Lousy Lorraine, 9/22 King Crimson Academy of Music I'm not graduating. C.A. Left lowly librarians to lounge Paul Butterfield's Better Days —Hey Cary-I got news for YOU. I lavishly in limbo Jack Traylor and Steelwind ;new it three months ago. W.L. Lusty Librarian Albert King Symphony Hall T-Bone Walker (Newark, New Jersey) Labelle Fern, My dog is responding t» your Lousy Lori, linging. Cool it, bay-bay. Philharmonic Hall Leave us poor lovely lustful 9/23 Olatunji librarians to lounge lazily in lovers Nina Simone limbo Wanted: Fine brother to meet fine, Like, M and F Mongo Santamaria mthusiastic sister. GL 4-5269 Weistbury Music Fair Dear Tony F.—Knowing you and 9/24 The Spinners (through 9/30) Dear Carl, I MISS YOU! All love, knowing you care has made life The Temptations Philharmonic Hall Cookie better. Love always, Me. Labelle (Another show on 9/26)

9/25 Rahsaan Roland Kirk (through 9/30) Village Vanguard TO ALL THOSE WHO Everybody in the Summer Frosh Slade Sunshine In WONDER WHAT GOES ON IN program—especially Ken and New Hope (Asbury Park, New Jersey) THE BACK OFFICES OF THE Zelda—IS NUTS! LIBRARY: There are 3 lovely girl The Raspberries Carnegie Hall students (aged 20, 20, 21) willing 9/26 Stories and able to explain everything to FOR SALE: Lafayette 15,000 TA Danny O'Keefe (through 10/1) Max's Kansas City you—in great detail. Meet us at 12 AM-FM Stereo receiver. 6 weeks noon on Friday, September 20. Or, old; store price $340, sale price 9/27 Ramblin' Jack Elliot (through 9/29) The Metro if you don't make it, the 27th. See $190. Call Jim at 693-4196 ya! Gabor Szabo Carnegie Hall ¥ , , . ,. , , •*, Dear Linda: Happy Birthday, 9/29 Laurindo Almeida John, have a nice dimple! Your j^g jjmmy. John Fahey secret admirer ' Dr. John Philharmonic Hall Kissy toes! 9/30 Freddie King Dear Howie and Rithie—Is the Grand Canyon the biggest hole you saw on your trip? Dear Lori: Poor Roberta has had Gregory's—1149 First Avenue Muscles to put up with us for all this time— The Bitter End—147 Bleecker Street I think she needs something to Max's Kansas City—213 Park Avenue South Jiggle, jiggle calm her down. My Father's Place—19 Bryant Avenue, Roslyn, L.I. Kenny's Castaways—84th Street and Third Avenue The Metro—188 West 4th Street Dear Munchkin, It has been rumored that Prof. Philharmonic Hall and Alice Tully Hall—Lincoln Center, Broadway and W. 66th St. How about some one on one? Hux was seen with a cute blond on Capitol Theatre—326 Monroe Street, Passaic, New Jersey The Volleyball kid the Southern State Pkwy. one Symphony Hall—1020 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey night in July. Dear Boccio, Academy of Music—14th Street and Third Avenue Don't look now, but we enrolled Carnegie Hall—57th Street and Seventh Avenue you in 32 courses""""" . . Smily: No more atoms? They are Happy Edumacation going to Cut off your power suppiy. Randy eats rose hips! (He's in the Cookie SBX-just ask him) FRI. & SAT. SEPT. 21 & 22 NOON TO MID Keep your rusty-dusty offa my WCBS-FM PRESENTS anything, anywhere at any time. RICHARD NADER'S 1 A S A' To wife: It's passing 6 months now Gaeta M—Get the bag! Get the FIRST IN THE WORLD A 7 9U and we're going strong. bag! 40 or 50 years, To the people that grok; Love Starship to Mars: Oct 31st. To all my "friends"—Remember Welcome back the 29th FAIR, AUTORAMA The Man From Mars TF Lyn G. Cookie How about a beer? SOCK HOP & SH Guess STARRING My dog has fleas! Who? Steve Bernstein-hiho, Steveoreno! I've got five dollars that say that DICK CLARK there's no way that the St. Louis Dear CD., Please come back and KING KONG AND KING KATZ Cardinals will win the pennant. ROCK & ROLL at least say "hi!" Bayside is ARE RELATED! They both claw What do you say? STARS ON STAGE IN PERSON - "Notting" without you. people. J.B. Raskin Ken and Jim The Band-Aid Counter p.s. Pirates all the way! GARY U. S. BONOS FLAMINGOS • THE DRIFTERS DEL VIKINGS • THE CRYSTALS WELCOME, NEW JOEY DEE 4 THE STARLITERS To Harriet-It has been clinically Dear Bill-We saw you dance at YORKIES! Writing and seeing THE CHIFFONS • THE ANGELS FUN proven that Gallo Wine is con- the k> know where its at, your own grafootie and having it ducive to making a person a drag. Lo—s Tarantellas FOR EXHIBITORS' SPACE RESERVATIONS CONTACT: appear in this paper is the only RALPH M. NEWMAN, BOX 301, BRONX, N.Y. 10467 OR (714) 773-2649 OR (212) 688-2232 The 1/2 Gallon of Gallo kid. form and means of com- TICKETS AT OVER 1S0TICKETRON OUTLETS. CAU 212 644-4400 FOR LOCATION NEAR YOU munication in this nut house ,., , To "Mr. President," Peyote at college!!!! Seems like you ve never been away winter's Concert A true Yorkie of Old ©Dossou iKSfi Coliseum from York, huh? TandG Miichel Field Complex. Uniondntft. L I [ml MA f September 20,1973 PANDORA'S BOX Page 10 11

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***t+M^^ September 20,1973 PANDORA'S BOX Page 11

Eric Weissberg : CONCERT : : Latest and : RECORDS by Jack Katzanek harmonies soar like eagles. (Yes, I his acoustic guitar gently. I guess f And Greatest did say that the group was a he sounds like a white, mediocre Pete Fornatale probably said it quintet, but I forgot the name of version of Richie Havens. Aside best in his WNEW advertisement the drummer. Forgive me.) from , an upbeat song called by Frank Wagstaff Rusty contributes with his latest of last week's bill at the Bitter The group did some numbers "Battle Royal" he excited virtually instrument, a' growling, powerful End. In his familiar, mellow tones from their new album, entitled nobody. Several weeks ago, a very slide guitar, which' Richie he said, "There's more to Eric Rural Free Delivery. Their There was also a guest ap- remarkable record came put. It's nicknamed "the bear." It's a Weissberg than'Dueling .'" repertoire runs from a Carole King pearance by none other than called , the latest record splendid song, the best One Paul As per usual the bespectacled number to a song by Hank Robert Klein. He had appeared on by that remarkable bunch of has written since he replaced Jim musicologist from Williams, "Workingman's Dick Cavett's program too, the musicians from out Colorado way Messina, with really challenging knows what he's talking about. Blues." Another song which previous night and was scheduled that answers to the name of . lyrics. For Eric Weissberg and proved excellence was "A Salty to play Carnegie Hall the following There's no question about it, gang. Then - you hit side two; and Deliverance is a multi-talented Dog," where bassist Brown, night, and I guess he just decided and the guys really, here's where Crazy Eyes really gets group of singers and musicians, Weissberg, and Mandel alternate to drop by. His personal ap- really outdid themselves this time. overwhelming. The title cut, and they go a country mile farther the lead singing load. It was really pearances, which include York Crazy Eyes is one of the two or written by Richie, opens the side, than the little instrumental ditty fine music, and in fact if I had to College, and his debut album, three best albums of the year, far and it comes on like a steamroller. from the movie from which the pick a low point in the show, it was "Child of the Fifties", are earning and away the best album Poco has Clocking in at just under ten group gets its name. their fairly famous Dueling Banjos him the reputation as one of the ever done. It's an unusual album, minutes, it's the longest song Poco Deliverance is a five-man group epic. I don't think the members of leading contemporary comedians as it covers territory that the group has ever performed, as well as that plays good ole' down-home, the group take this number around. Klein rapped for about a has never even gotten close to being the longest one that Richie shit-kickin' . Main seriously. Weissberg and Mandel half hour, doing his Fred Cap- before. More than any other has been involved with. It's man in the group is Weissberg. He intentionally make mistakes on pasella imitation, commenting on album, it features the other magnificent, it's incredible, it's is a virtuoso on , pedal steel their respective banjo and guitar groupies, and doing his familiar members of the group. For the something no Poco fan ever guitar, and fiddle. Steve Mandel parts, and everyone gets a good, lampoons of pathetic public first time in a long time, Rusty dreamt about in their wildest plays acoustic guitar. (It sounds a laugh. service commercials, the Little Young plays a large role on the dreams. It's Poco in front of a little strange, a bluegrass group Also on the bill was a Rascals, My Little Margie and the album. In short, this is an album whole orchestra. Arrangers Bob with names like Weissberg and singer/guitar player named Nick famous 57th Street panhandler, that will constantly surprise and Ezrin and Alan MacMillan took Mandel.) Charlie Brown is a fine Holmes. His nickname for himself Pleeeaaassse!!! delight all of Poco's fans, and it the song's three short verses, and electric guitar player and Tony is the "Soulful Crooner," and he Messrs. Colby and Weintraub will surely win them many more. framed them in waves of music. At Brown plays bass. AH four render sings mournful songs with a can rest assured that I got my one point, there's a powerful horn vocal efforts, and their vocal mournful voice while strumming three bucks' worth. Crazy Eyes opens with Paul arrangement. All (of a sudden, Cotton's "Blue Water," a really Rusty's dobro pours out of one splendid song. Like most of the speaker, backed up a string songs on the album, it is helped section. It's not unlike some of the FILMS Pat Garrett along by extra instrumentation things has done in the and recording effects, something past—"Take Me To The Pilot" and Billy The Kid that really hasn't been used before and "Burn Down The Mission" on a Poco album. I like it. It has a immediately comes to mind. And bv Andrew Gobioff know", he never misses. Chaplin humorous mystique that very firm beat, and is very it works. Oh boy, does it ever work. Throwing a knife at someone legend reputes him. listenable, although for some There have been times in the past without missing is no great In one scene, Kristofferson reason Paul sounds a lot like John when string and horn In recent years we have wit- achievement for Dylan. He's had decides to get out of the way of Pat Fogarty on this cut. It has a arrangements have absolutely nessed the rise, (and fall?) of the plenty of practice hurling verbal Garrett (James Coburn). On the distinctly Creedence Clearwater ruined a record. Not in this case, "pop" movie. The formula for this knives at people for years. Anyway, way to Mexico, he runs into some style to it, but we won't hold that though. It would be impossible to type of movie is very simple. The he throws the knife, and at that friends of his who have apparently against Mr. Cotton. This song think of this song without the ingredients are a thin plotline, or point the movie becomes an in- been ambushed by some of his swings right into "Fools Gold," arrangements. You have to hear it no plot at all, shallpw dialogue, tellectual experience because the enemies. One of them, an elderly and instrumental by . for yourself. lots of silliness, lots of music, and viewer picks up such useful bits of man, is on the ground, dying while Essentially, it's a -song that John Cale's "Magnolia" is next. the biggest pop star or stars of the information as the length of time it he talks to Billy. He approves of features a back-and-forth in- Once again, the arrangements, year. Classic examples of this type takes a person to bleed to death Billy's plan to go Mexico, but tells terplay between a banjo and a this time done by Ben McPeek, of movie would be A Hard Day's and the depth that a knife can Billy that he hasn't the courage to fiddle. It's quite good, although work, and work quite well in Night, and Help, though it really penetrate inside a person's neck go, and will turn back, and as a this territory was slightly covered backing Richie in doing this dates back to the days of Bill Haley before killing him. We also get to result was shot. Billy walks before by Eric Weissberg and ballad. It doesn't come off as well and the Comets and the movies see the competition between around, thinking for a couple of Steve Mandel on "Dueling as the. title cut in the end, but it is Blackboard Jungle and Rock different rivulets of blood all trying minutes, and then announces Banjos." still quite strong. "Let's Dance Around the Clock in 1956. Then, to spurt out and escape at the loudly: "I'm gonna go back." The next song is the real torm- Tonight," written by Richie there is the opposite type of movie, fastest rate. I heartily recommend Later, he is killed. This friends, is breaker on the album, Timmy finishes off the album in high style. in which some stars and music are this film to all the faculty of York's my major criticism of this movie. Schmit's "Here We Go Again." It It's the single off of the album, and found for a plot which was written history department, because they Though all the acting is very good, starts out as one of the country- like every Poco single, it went to carry the movie by itself. will learn the rate of speed that the cliche-ridden dialogue and plot influenced songs that Poco has absolutely nowhere. What the hell. Of the above two, I greatly knives used to travel through the and the utter predictability of the excelled with for years, but on the If "A Good Feeling To Know" prefer the latter. However, I must air during the nineteenth century. plot have left what could have been first chorus, the tempo shifts, and didn't make it as a single, nothing say that the fact that this one has a Later someone tries to ask a salvageable production with all the song becomes something quite will. "Let's Dance Tonight" is a plot is the beginning of it's Dylan his name. Dylan replies in the plausibility of a love scene different, a smooth work, with a fine song, a traditional Poco song, troubles. Pat Garrent and Billy the his thick midwestern-north between Rex Reed and Otto lovely, building style. There are no one of those ass-kicking, country- Kid is a western movie with music country accent "That's a good Preminger. This movie is enough rough edges on this song, which is beat songs. Yet, at the same time starring James Coburn as Pat question." In another scene he to make the real Billy the Kid surprising, since Timmy's best it's a somewhat anti-Poco song. Garrett and Kris Kristofferson as keeps referring to himself as Alias. jump out of his grave, do work to date, like "Restrain" from When once we heard Richie sang Billy and featuring Robert Allen When asked "alias what?" he somersaults, vomit, and jump A Good Feeling To Know, have about how there was just a little bit Zimmerman as playing replies "Alias anything you want." back in. Another tragedy is that been songs with the rough edges of magic in the Poco a kid who won't tell anybody his So for the rest of the picture they Kristofferson doesn't sing here. All hanging out all over the place. sings, we now hear "This rock 'n' name. In other words Robert call him Alias. Does the dialogue the music and vocals are by Dylan, Usually, Timmy's songs are as roll feelin' got my head reelin'." Zimmerman alias Bob Dylan. In excite you? Dylan has other big who as of late has become like Mr. subtle as a punch in the mouth. It's a rollicking way to end the addition the movie has various scenes, like later when he's forced Jones. It is very appropriate to However, "Here We Go Again" is album, but it's still somewhat other stars in minor roles. To at gunpoint to read the labels of have Dylan sing in a western, exactly the opposite, and it works strange. Oh well, you figure it out. mention a few: Jason Robards, canned foods. Maybe this movie because his voice sounds like the beautifully. "Brass Buttons" is I'd rather listen to the record. Slim Pickens, Chill Wills and Rita should have been canned. Every howl of a coyote at the sight of a next, written by , Crazy Eyes is a beautiful album'. Coolidge. scene where Dylan the Kid ap- rattlesnake around the midnight. late of and the Flying There's nothing else you can ask Early in the film, "the Kid," pears in is obviously meant to be If you've already swallowed this Burrito Brothers. This is Richie from the guys after this. It's a played by Kristofferson, has to tremendously funny, while the rest picture by the time you read this, Furay's one real vocal contribution complex album, the most complex escaped from jail. So he's shown, of the film is supposed to be you can try washing it out of your to side one. It's a slow, moving one they've ever done. For the first smuggling a gun into an outhouse. dramatic and serious. If there is esophagus with sulphuric acid, song, something that Richie has time, Poco is joined by a large The escape scene that follows is of anything serious or dramatic which could only improve this been doing, and doing beautifully group of outside musicians, with course dramatic and exciting, about this movie, it is when Baby picture. In fact, it might not be a for years. It's in the tradition of people like , Paul because after watching Kris Blue first steps out into the bad idea to locate every copy of "Sad Memory" and "Kind Harris, and Joe Lala (from Steve Kristofferson shit in an outhouse, sunlight. The sight of how con- this movie and dump them all into Woman," and works as well as Stills' band....hmmm...)playing anything would seem dramatic servative politics, family life, and a giant vat of sulphuric acid. It those two masterworks. The first along on several cuts. It is a great and exciting. But hold on, don't fishing expeditions with Johnny would be a public service. Big fans side concludes with 's album, Poco's best. It may not leave yet, there's more. As soon as Cash have degenerated this once of James Coburn will want to see "A Right Along," a real really be country music, but that Billy escapes, out strides Pretty mighty, poet-singer, was almost this film. People who are anxious powerhouse of a song. Paul plays little bit of magic is still quite Boy Dylan, youthful exuberance, enough to bring tears to my eyes. to see Kris act, and don't mind the the hell out of his guitar, and evident. Way to go, Poco. boyish grin, sexy brown curls The rest of the movie though, fact that he doesn't sing in this standing up and smiling at you seemed to me to be camp, low film will want to see it. People who, friends of Sam Peckinpaw and recommend that instead, you take from the top of his head. Anyway level, comedy. In all fairness to like myself, are fanatical Dylan- Gordon Carroll, the producers of a walk through Central Park, and Baby Bobby hurls a knife at R.A, Zimmerman, he does to a freaks will want to see Pat Garrett this movie, will want to see it. But get mugged. You'll find it a more someone and, as all Dylan-Freaks certain extent have the natural and Billy the Kid. Close personal for the genera] movie-goer, I pleasant experience. PANDORA'S BOX September 2G. 1973

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