Venous Air Embolism, Result- Retrospective Study of Patients with Venous Or Arterial Ing in Prompt Hemodynamic Improvement
Ⅵ REVIEW ARTICLE David C. Warltier, M.D., Ph.D., Editor Anesthesiology 2007; 106:164–77 Copyright © 2006, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Diagnosis and Treatment of Vascular Air Embolism Marek A. Mirski, M.D., Ph.D.,* Abhijit Vijay Lele, M.D.,† Lunei Fitzsimmons, M.D.,† Thomas J. K. Toung, M.D.‡ exogenously delivered gas) from the operative field or This article has been selected for the Anesthesiology CME Program. After reading the article, go to http://www. other communication with the environment into the to take the test and apply for Cate- venous or arterial vasculature, producing systemic ef- gory 1 credit. Complete instructions may be found in the fects. The true incidence of VAE may be never known, CME section at the back of this issue. much depending on the sensitivity of detection methods used during the procedure. In addition, many cases of Vascular air embolism is a potentially life-threatening event VAE are subclinical, resulting in no untoward outcome, that is now encountered routinely in the operating room and and thus go unreported. Historically, VAE is most often other patient care areas. The circumstances under which phy- associated with sitting position craniotomies (posterior sicians and nurses may encounter air embolism are no longer fossa). Although this surgical technique is a high-risk limited to neurosurgical procedures conducted in the “sitting procedure for air embolism, other recently described position” and occur in such diverse areas as the interventional radiology suite or laparoscopic surgical center. Advances in circumstances during both medical and surgical thera- monitoring devices coupled with an understanding of the peutics have further increased concern about this ad- pathophysiology of vascular air embolism will enable the phy- verse event.
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