partnership From Local Innovation to Global Excellence: Proposal for a French-Language University in Ontario Report of the French-Language University Planning Board – June 30, 2017 The Ontario Public Service endeavours to demonstrate leadership with respect to accessibility in Ontario. Our goal is to ensure that Ontario government services, products, and facilities are accessible to all our employees and to all members of the public we serve. This document, or the information that it contains, is available, on request, in alternative formats. Please forward all requests for alternative formats to ServiceOntario at 1-800-668-9938 (TTY: 1-800-268-7095). This page has been intentionally left blank. From Local Innovation to Global Excellence: Proposal for a French-Language University in Ontario Report of the French-Language University Planning Board – June 30, 2017 June 30, 2017 The Honourable Deb Matthews Minister for Advanced Education and Skills Development Dear Minister, On December 13, 2016, the Planning Board for a French-language University had the pleasure of welcoming you and the Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs at its very first meeting. You confirmed that this project was very important to the government and that the inclusion of a requirement to “identify governance models by and for francophones” in the Board’s terms of reference was not an empty gesture. You asked the Board to be innovative and strategic, and to suggest potential affiliations and partnerships with universities not only in Ontario, but also in Canada and around the world. In other words, you placed your trust in us. Today, June 30, 2017, we deliver this report with much pride after having completed our task under a very tight timeline.
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