Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-1939

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Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-1939 The Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-1939 Agustin Guillam6n Translated by Paul Sharkey © Copyright: 1996 Agustin Guillamon Translation: Paul Sharkey The Friends of Durruti Group 1937-1939 ISBN 1-873176-54-6 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this title is available from the Library of Congress. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library . The Friends of Durruti Group 1937-1939 was published orginally in Spanish in Cuaderno Numero 3 of Balance, serie de estudios e investigaciones [Balance, Apartado 22010, Barcelona] This English-language edition published by: AK Press AK Press P.O. Box 12766 P.O. Box 40682 Edinburgh, Scotland San Francisco, CA EH89YE 94140-0682 An enormous thank you is offered to comrade Frederico Arcos for allowing AK Press access to his copies of EI Amigo delPueblo to illustrate this book. Design and layout work donated by Freddie Baer. Contents Preface to the English-language Edition _____v I. Introduction and Chronology _________ 2. Towards July 19 _____________8 3. From July to May: Uncontrollables or Revolutionaries? ______15 4. Origins of the Friends of Durruti; The Opposition to Militarization and Balius's Journalistic Career _ 22 5. The Friends of Durruti Group from its Inception up to the May Events 36 6. The May Events 47 7. After May 61 8. Balius' Pamphlet Towards a Fresh Revolution 77 9. Balius's Thoughts from Exile in 1939 88 10. The Friends of Durruti's Relations with the Trotskyists 94 II. Conclusions and Concluding Note 107 EL AMIGDoELPUEBLD POATAVOZ DE LOS AMIGOJ DE DUggUTI A6.I-N6 •• • u.e. ,.lIra JldII• •1 CIttC,. 1Nr1Cl.­ l1li HHCra CICIrH d iCIIICrfIrtiC 11.ler­ .. u.llelllll. lIftel.. e. 11 -•• _lieII elldl np. .1 111'''' Rain JnlCllrll� I II ••- JlCl'Ikk.... 1II 1C1 COl u.1II tiC e •• cllIl­ , ...."It .. f•• III •••lIre IItrcd. e. ,,,ell'. ..IID.c. ,.ran••. I... yc.- IIrl JmlIIIOIi'ral­ •• adWe ......c. cl cerez.. lie •••I 110- III1a. I.C" IItr let Ira•••• II.m. lI.r.' "rei""II ,II1II,•• .. rli. nIl ee .. tI. • n .. IlUllCrl rtll-H' ,rl. 111 ••"UII' ....ICC ..... .... ratleI ......Ja lll· ....e .....III .. II- ...... IIkKIIr· .. It tIC ftCIlrt. a• •M. ell d .. C.... acre.... ,cacCJC' .... I. III' ItnIIIII ... ftIICcr, • CICt'• • tNo lomol pro"t'oc:adoreI2 tSomo. 101 mil mOl de .iemprel Durl'Uti es nuestro guta! Su bandera es la nues1raT INadle nos la arrebataraY Es nuestraT Viva la F. A. 1.1 Viva la C. N. T.l Preface to the English-language Edition of The Friends of Durruti Group 1937-1939 Agustin Guillamon's monograph on the Friends of Durruti Group affords readers of English the most comprehensive and thorough explora­ tion and account of the history and ideas of that group. Few groups if any have suffe red from such widespread misunderstanding, exaggeration and interested misrepresentation. Guillamon has brought new evidence to light and disposes effectively of some of the most enduring misrepresentations. Liberals, Stalinists, marxists and libertarians have vied with one an­ other in their condemnation and misrepresentation of the group and its message. Italian Stalinists accounted association with the group grounds enough upon which to execute political opponents. On May 29, 1937, the Italian Communist Party paper II Grido del Popolo carried an item which referred to Camillo Berneri as "one ofthe leaders of the' Friends of Durruti' Group, which ( .. ) provoked the bloody insurrection against the Popular Front Government in Catalonia [and] was given his just desserts during that revolt at the hands of the Democratic Revolution, whose legitimate right of self-defense no antifascist can deny." There is no evidence at all to connect Berneri with the Friends of Durruti. On behalf of the "Errico Malatesta" group, Domenico Ludovici, an Italian anarchist, retorted that "The unfortunate comrade Berneri was not a member of the 'Friends of Durruti' Group, not that there would be anything wrong in that and it would never excuse the cowardly murder of which he was the victim. No doubt the democratic 'journalist' from II Grido del Popolo must be a PREFACE v co-religionist of the perpetrators of the barbarous act hence the concern to represent the 'Friends of Durruti' as the provocateurs of the bloodshed, which everybody, the whole world, save IIGrido del Pop% , knows were of 'democratic' derivation." 1 Curious that the Italian anarchists of the Ascaso Column, whose scrupulous commitment to principle over pragmatism fre­ quently set them at odds with their Spanish colleagues, seem to have fo und little if anything to criticize in the performance of the Friends of Durruti. Even with the benefit of ten years of hindsight, Ernesto Bonomini could speak approvingly of the group.z As to the allegation that the Friends of Durruti had instigated the fighting in Barcelona in May, they rebutted that when it came from Las Noticias. "They must think us real idiots, because, had the groups they named [the Friends of Durruti and the Libertarian Yo uth] been the insti­ gators of the revolt, no way would we have surrendered the streets."3 If the Friends of Durruti certainly did not instigate the events of May 1937, they equally certainly were among the few with a ready re­ sponse to them. They had been alive to the encroachments of the revived Catalan State and bourgeoisie for quite some time and had been yearning for a return to the uncomplicated radical confrontations that had brought such promise with the victory over the fascists in July 1936.4 Such a fe eling was a rather diffu se presence in many sectors of the libertarian movement in Catalonia. The dalliance of the organizations' higher committees with politicians and their pursuit of a unified and disciplined policy as an aid to them in their dealings with the latter had led to certain unwelcome changes in the everyday practices of those organizations. By January 1937 Ideas was issuing reminders of the proprieties of trade union federalism with the capitalized warning: "The so-called higher committees ought to be bound by the act:ords of the trade union organization. The unions dis­ pose and the cCllmmittees see to it that the dispositions are imple­ mented. That is what federalism is, whatever else is done is dictator­ ship and that cannot be tolerated for one minute more."s That same month the Libertarian Yo uth paper Ruta was pointedly reminding its read­ ers that "All we can expect of self-sufficingmin orities seeking to set them­ selves up as infallible guides is dictatorship and oppression."6 There seem to have been three major preoccupations among those uneasy with the stagnation and ebbing of the revolution: 1. the attempt to relegate the revo!lution to second place behind the war effo rt; 2. the ero­ sion of accountability of the higher committees; 3. the suspicion that some compromise resollution brokered by outside powers was being hatchedJ Many reckoned that their very own leaders had been seduced and cor­ rupted by association with politicians. VI THE FRIENDS OF DURRUTI GROUP 1937-1 939 The Friends of Durruti shared and addressed all of these concerns. Alone among all the dissidents in the libertarian camp, they sought to de­ vise a coherent set of alternatives. But the enforcement of discipline and the strength of sentimental attachment to organizations hobbled their ef­ fo rts and reduced their audience. The mixture of discipline and sentiment is clearly seen in the letter which two members of the Friends of Durruti published in the pages of Solidoridod Obrero on May 29, 1937. Following a threat by the regional committees of the CNT and FAI and by the CNT's Local Federation in Barcelona to expel all members of the Friends who failed to publicly disassociate themselves from the Group, Joaquin Aubi and Rosa Munoz resigned from it, albeit specifying that "I continue to regard the comrades belonging to the 'Friends of Durruti' as comrades: but I say again what I have always said at plenums in Barcelona: 'The CNT has been my womb and the CNT will be my tomb.'" That dictum in fa ct could serve as an epitaph for the Friends of Durruti as a whole. It does not appear that the committees' decision to proceed wi th expulsions was ever activated, and that in itself seems to confirm the degree of rank and file support fo r the Friends, as does the CNT national plenum of regionals' endorsement of Catalonia's intention to "expel from the Organiza­ tion the leoding lights of the 'Friends of Durruti' Group and to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that no split ensues as a consequence of this."!! Again the Friends had to remind their "superiors" of the norms of the organization. No one ever joined the CNT, the Confederation. All CNT members belonged to local unions and fe derations and sovereignty resided in these. "We can only be expelled from the confederal organization by the assemblies of the unions. Local and comarcal plenums are not empowered to expel any comrade. We invite the committees to raise the matter of the 'Friends of Durruti' in the assemblies, which is where the organization's sovereignty resides."9 A similar concern with constitutional procedure can be seen in the Friends' reaction to the news that the arch-Tr eintista Angel Pestana, leader of the Syndicalist Party, had been readmitted into the CNT fo ld. "We can­ not understand how Pestana had been admitted without having been re­ quired to wind up his Syndicalist Party, a precondition stipulated on other occasions when there was talk of his possibly rejoining." to Preoccupied as it was with preserving the CNT-FAI's clout within the Republican coalition, the leadership of that conglomerate was ever alert to infiltration and to abuse of its initials.
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