
Intercollegiate Press and College Humor .... ·null -ra{tt .. ~ li=NorthCM=a::!e:;:n~egiate , Mail Ser.vice ~ 4;l~ U Press Association nlll -======:::::ll -.IL{'~. V",- Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College ·,.~~ ·~ ~~~~~~======:.0 Vol. 13, No. 25 WAKE FOREST, N.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930


Summer Bulletin States Empha­ Kyle Hayes Is Chosen Secretary open- sis To. Be Placed On Edu­ of the Student Body By cation Courses Acc1amation

The summer s-ession of Wake For­ Felda Hightower, of Wadesboro, N. est College will open Tuesday, .June C., outstripped Candidates Wade 10, with Dr. D. B. Bryan as J).irector. Brown, of Blowing Rock, and Paul All classes meet regularly on ·the sec­ Above~ are shown the newly ;lected presi!le-nt: and secr·etary of the Stude-nt Hutchins, of Lexington, to succeed to ond day, and absences are counted Body fot• the scholastic term 1930-1931: Fcl[iss Elizabeth Harris. of tho out the only other English-speaking amen. Nine others who have worked will be followed at the next eminent Roman statesman, and is au- most popular mstructors threw the Latin Dcpm·tment; Alfred De Jon~c expedition which has attempted to ex- at the tomb have died more or less r·egistl•ation pet•io

~ ~~ ~~ ~ 7filJ k I Eastern seaboard to the Tourna- 00 I u ~tJO u anu w ar i ment of Roses game and win. French Gi~l Sends The School of Law l 'Ve knew Wade while he was Jms AN~ THAT - Nashville VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY ~'ES:r. in position to ask for-and get ITHER CoLLEGE-s Easter Greetings Tennessee Tee] ~O. ·r· · .·o ~0 -the governorship of Alabama, Member of The Association of American Law Schools 1 11 l!WiLLlAM~ ;t·. ~~\11\11 11~ ',;.; ~ if he had desired it, and we na- Appro"ed by The American Bar Association .,.,~ ~ n ··'t :)~ tives hoped that he would be- ILetter Is Vivid Portray-~, ~ THREE YEAR' COURSE -EARL C. ARNOLD, Dea.n Easter 1 7.' ~ . .. ~ come a fixture as head coach I al 'of French Easter I l7 · there; but a hundred million dol- t>O..,~...,.,«:. ~ 1 SUMMER..,SESSION BEGINS JUNE 23 lars will not be denied for long. ~~~~~:.! I Customs REGULAR SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 24 andS Wade will be as successful "Our Easter hat are buy!" Issued Weekly by the Student.· and. popular at Duke as he has We'll be glad when all these April For catalogue and information address secreto.Tj, Sclwol of Law I I Dia~ Fool issues are r-eplaced by the regu­ or all the letters pertaining to Body of Wake Forest College ; been farther south. He is the lar papers so we can find something Easter which have been received this I kind of leader who · naturally ridiculous enough to fill up this coi­ vear by the students of Wake Forest 1 ~-----~~~~~~~~~~~""("------Averette Ge1 N ew Stctff in Cha1·ge oI Iand inevitably inspires those umn. College, probably this was the only maire Superiere school for boys. So Students In Dramatics This Issue i around him. His boys-those --W.F.Ca-- one which carried an ecstatic phrase we laugh very much with them, but ion Over L who have played under him-al- ('OUCerning French millinery. The very often we were obliged to look Arrange Summer Tours ------i They tell us writer is a French scho.ol girl. after the lady principal, because if Battle of Editol'inl Stat! i h' h' d th · t~mt comp~l~ory ?lasse~ I On~ • Editor-in-CMcf \most wars 1p 1m, an e1r are unknown m the 1Jmversity or t•an picture her as she sits demurely she had seen them and wee, wee would A series of unusual tours, designed ~t~~HE~lg~~~T~~::::::::::::::::::::::Iiianag_ino EEdd~tor trust and confidence is not mis- Assoctate • 1tor I Vienna and that a room which was! at her desk, presu~ably ~onning he: (or should) be punished. INe see the for students with an interest in the THREE THOUS J. E. MILLER...... placed. Andy Cohen, who went surwosed to seat 110 students was Latin or her Ancient H1story, sm· boys when we return at home. dramatic arts, have been an:anged 1 0 SEE OLD B Staff Officers 'from Alabama's baseball team to assigned to a class of_ 2~ and there rounded by other demo!sell~s of mod- '!Do you like ladies? And ladies who for this summer by the ,Phurch and was pl-Enty of room lett for more. est demeanor; one can Imagme a note smoke? ·what career do you prepare? Drama League of America in cooper- the New York Giants, ·frankly ~.A~!:. s~~·z~~.Jr;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::s~:::Vt! I Rhodes Scholarships would be even passed surreptitiously from hand --to I am very anxious to receive a letter ation with the outstanding exponents Double Steal G r. w. wn.cox ...... As=tent 81'!.~~ I declared that the very best more popular if they led to Vienna.lltand, a note giving the address of a from you. I'll like to be an actress, of the arts in . The tours earned Tally ~~AsNA~l ~~~~~:~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::iii·;'dici:~ [thing he received from college That also eYidentl}· means that stu-1 delighUnl forei~n lad; the~ the spark!: or farmer's wife, or teacher, but a offer an interesting combination of R l\1 WOODWA!IO ...... Cl tl · • fl f Wall ace ning and Te( s.' L. ·MollGA:s ...... Dcbat:zl was 1e · 1n uence o dents are the same the world over. of adventure m J~anne ~ eyes, a~ farmer's wife who have only to look wide roving with the feeling of get- 1 With Two Ell G. A. o·nniAN ...... i ··:·f"":Pt• Wade's personality and example. There has IJ.'?en tulle of building a j then the _letter >vntten m her. veiY after the children, to play tennis, to ting somewhere, under t_he leadership .J A. W ALLACB...... 1}1 oc~e .1 I 1 .Eighth; Jit G: A. 1\lAilTIN ...... EuSoc•~;~ i Numbers of others have made tew and larger - dministration build·[ best Eng:hsh under the chapexonage love her husband! I think it is the of some noted personalities. Be E M. HAimls ...... Thca . I • • ~ng here we no~Y have a betten• plan [of a large and cortvenieut ~tlas: · principal! I'll like yet to have little Burns Mantle, leading dramatic E: L. S>mH ...... cov!Ffu~ 1s1m1lar statements. 0 Just l1llt on a volnntarr [ "It was with very much JOyce that chickens. critic and author of the annual "Best 2 LouisE HoLDING ...... ; ...... A ... dsv ,~a~r i Dttke 1's to be congratulated ~han th~t Raleigh, April DR. G. W. P.\sCHAL ...... Factdty v , 1 class-atten.danee rnle and use the!1 receive your address. Now I hope .to "At S--- , it is a town, we have Plays" series, will lead a long sum­ and a southpaw we MRs. E. '1'. CltlTTENO~:s, Library Correspcmdcnt ion arranging for the services of 11 m~ney for 'enlarging Gore Field, or 1_ave a ne\~ friend, because I am, ver: a dog. It is Black, but Black is a no~sy mer dramatic tour; leaving New York yesterday as N · C Staff Writers ! their new mentor this early. buying rootlJalJ plav.nrs Loud of friend. I llave not m) POl· dog and he is always fond to ki,ss July 6th and returning September Forest offered the l • • - • 1 trait, and I'll have it- not verY', very me 'or my sister or the people who Sth. Among the theaters F. n. n.wMoNo w. N. DAY :when he does not take active famo~s an Easter Monda: --w.F.c.-- ! rtuick, only I suppose on the month come at home. A day, he took an which wfll be studied from both sides L. L. CRAxa :charge until 193L "Wallace dating back to the Fil·st Camiibal: "The chief has har I o( July. But, I can give you my. de- ;mcer by his coat and my sister was of the footlights are the Everyman, century. The two l\lamtgct·ial Dc11artmcnt ! wade is more than a football f\~Yer." . i scription. It is not the sam: thmg, so laughing that she cannot call Lyric, Drury Lane, Boar's Head, and H c CA!lROLL ...... ~ ...... Bttsincas Mcmagcr, h I . . t't t' " nd line were _just abou R: H. Lr:GR,\:SD ...... Aclvcrt~s!nv Manag~T : coac ; le IS an Ins l u IOn, a Secoud ditto: "SerYes him right. I I hut, you kno"·· I am not ~~ m~e that Black. It was picturesQue really! One Shakespeare Memorial in England; and it was a good J. W. How~:LL ...... rhst . •4.clvcrt:s:ng ~~atwg~r 8 ,·aluable addition to allY COl- told him not to eat that gra~s widow." I you cannot to pass your llfe With n~t da~ I went with one of my friend in Odeon, Marie Antoinette, Studio, and fans, and victory G. A. o·BniAN ...... - .. Asst. A~vcrtts!ng .l.t.tfZIIUUCT: ' -(Charity and Children!. my photo! I am tall_eno~~h an~l b:g·m~adows and fields. but to pass from New Pigalle in Paris; La Scala in ::R::... .:F..:·..:B:::·.:.:'N.:.:'D:.:Y:.::...::.--·.:.:--.:.:--·.::.·--_ .. _._ .. _..._ ... _ .. _.. c_,_r_cu_l_at_w_•_• ._M_a._n_ag_c_r; leae in America. So far as we hander, Bill Aver: ' "' , enough. I have blacl, han, the) UI e I one to another there was a very, very Milan; Grosses Schauspielhaus, Schil- sunscan·TioN PmcE: are concerned, he is the out- --w.F.c.-- hohbevas Opera, Josephstadt, Raimund, Akad­ NORTH CAROLINA lNTERCOLLEGIATE bag to a Ford ancl Circles the bases. 1 red, a turned-up nose, only ~ . little. in the' air! the head and the arms in emie, and Redoubtensaal der Hof­ seven innings, but PHESS ASSOCIATION coach in the country. Wade is· The p!ay-~rs have been advised to get: And you? Surely you are a fair boy the meadows and my feet and legs berg in Vienna; National, Municipal, • stanza, when Stat• Ar,p:.-oved by one of the few men who can on the bag and ride aJ·ound so the~·; with blue eyes? Yon have a doze~ ot under the river. It was so fun! Deutsches, and Kleine Buhne in with 'the aid of t MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION, RALEIGH make his men practice football ,,-m not get lost on tlw paths in a I sisters and . brothers'? An amencan "Do you know J--- B--- of Prague. Conferences are being ar- was on the bottoiJ game. i family is lil>e that for me! I have only Your college'! one of my friends Via- ranged with Sir Barry Jackson, Max board tally. This Entered as second-class matter January 22,: six n1onths in the year-and like until the Techs' 1916. at the posto!lice at Wake Fo~est, .!'forth it We do not knOW what the re- --w.F.c.-- one sister: Anne-Marie. she is 20 years iette is writing to him. Yesterday Reinhardt, Gordon Craig, Strand Ca,..olina under the act of March 3, 18 •9a • A BostOll man recently went on his old. My father is ingeneer, I have no when we go to the theatre we put Jessner, the Capeks, Molnar, and when a walk, Ft: . · ' : cently acquired director of ath- Plonk's hit to ce All matters of business should be addressed' l t' 'll . t th Bl Devl'ls honevmoon without his wi f e. Sal.ll mother, my name is Jeanne. Ye.s! bla-'-'''K at OUI' eyes, red on moutll and many others. Important collectionsh to the llusiness Manager, Box 218, and all: e ICS \VI COS e Ue , there· was not room for~ his Wl·r e am1 Oh! You know Jeanne is a gay girl "poudt·e (]e ri"z" Oil our clieek. It is of dramatic material in many· t d of Et e Plonk's lick put O!h.er ~attcr should? be addressed to the: but he iS a bargain at any pl'ice and he was sque' Ed1tor-m-Ch1cl, Box -18. I mother iu his roadster. at moments, and sad at others!!! '"ei·v• bad • beca'tJse the 'lady principal museums will be investtga11 d de t · x:- r grove's bunt. Ad,·ertising rates quoted on re

Page Four OLD GOLD AND BLACK Cupid Overtakes ~1---. -----'~ ~ B · T G d · Another Student Tbeatncal News I SOUT.HERN apbsts oo oo " ELE ~ BAPTIST For Quaker Nine Wiggins Drug Store +·------ and Charles l<,arrell, THEOLOGICAL Rx Druggist Clarence Baker Is Victim of Fite ~ the sct·een's popular sweethearts, last seen together in that gay picture, SEMINARY Varsity Ap~lies the Sc~ub Brush However. Results Are "Sunny Side Up," are again co-starred · To Whitewash GUilford Mother's Day Candies Now·Arriving Pleasing in a !h·ely, tuneful musical romance. JOHN R •. SAMPEY, Pres. College 13-0 "Th·e Society Blues." coming to the Louisville, Kentycky WHITMAN'S - NORRIS - Any Size Homer said in the Iliad that ior Palace Theatre during the weel' of FEATURES nine days the arrows went up and; April 28th. A Greensboro, April 16.-Wake For- n env1 ronment Conducive to est played 13 to 0 better baseball than townI · the army of the Achaians. To the lilting melodies of four new Spiritual Growth, A Happy Leave Y 0 d E J Finally Achilles called an essemllly to. song hits which they both sing from We d•d in g of Religion and Guilford yesterday In th-e Memorial OUr r ers ar y consult with regard to the plague. It' time to tirue, these delightful players Learning in Genuine Christian Istadiuru and won the game by that ~~==~~~===~::::::::::::~::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::~ seemg that for nine months Cupi ISS t.ennie ~- c 'tS e. ·were ·'mar- love. And lovers tlley l'emat'tt, deSlli·te Beauty and Architectural I . troubl·e on I Y m . t h e eighth, when the infected environment," according to ~e 1 1~ e 1mon • "· ·• lllll1 ay, .... pri1 the presence of a European nobleman, Charm, World Prestige, Etc. ,j· ~Ieador In Form Deacons scored their runs. Frank M., Gregg, of Atlantic Cit'", Student~ 2 •~·Ir 1 9 " 0 ·B d f supposedly engaged to Janet, not to II \Vhile this was tal"t'ng' place, Joe Score: w h o ,wrote a letter saying as much, to·• ' s. a >er was gra uatel rom mention various and sundry com plica- - Meador, Wake Forest right-hander, Wake Fo1·est Ab. R. H. E. the Yale Daily News. 1 1 1 ~~~ ~. Votes1 M~~s Hill C~~lege ~nk 1929. tions to which they pay little, if auy, of the past; yet it is different. It has. was gently, but firmly, bearing down Allen, ss ...... 4 1 1 o He said that th 11 h' h 1 r. am1 1 rs. a ·er are making att-ention. somehow, a new charm, a new ami on the losers. Meador used a neat Mills, 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 e po ' w JC was th;ir _hom~I at ri>r~seut in "\Vake For· The songs featured in this picture, more subtl-e appeal which is quite im- curve, a high fast one and an occa- Foust, If ...... 4 0 0 0 ~:~~: ~:d1~:~e News a~spices, has Mist;; es · smce t 1 r. a ·er is pastor of sev· which J\Iiss Gaynor and Charles Far- possible to define, but which makes it· sional change of pace. He was in Gillespie, c ...... 4 0 o 0 is a poor plac:I~an0 p~r~~ ~ that Yale era1 conn ry c 1mrches. r··ell sing delightfully, are ''Just Like a self felt very powerfully. Even Dick keen form in all departments of his Cobb, cf ...... 4 0 o 0 H sen etr children. Story Book," a hit num!Jer if there has never done a more surpassing craft, scatt-ering six hits in the first Benton, 3b ...... 4 o o 1 e said .in part: Motion Br ever was one; "High Society Blues," piece of work than his portraval of six innings, walking one in the eighth Bell, rf ...... 4 1 2 o "You have conclusively established Famous "Stein Song" "I'm 'In the Market for You," and Sam Lee, the American boy ~ho is and striking out five. Reynolds, 1b ...... 3 1 o 0 several other facts in the minds of a Result Will Be Preserved "El·eanor:· In these sequences, too, brought up by a Chinaman, believing ·wake Forest gave its pitcher first- Newsome, p ...... 3 1 o o the American parents. First, that accompanies himself that he himself is Chinese, and bear· class support, not a semblance of an ---- Yale is a poor place to send his boy Votes Orono, i\Ie., April 24.-The Uuiver·l on the ukulele and does a right smart ing the bmnt of the inevitable con1lict error being made until Mills, second, Totals ...... 34 4 4 2 or girl. Secondly, you have conclu- sity of Maine "Stein Song," for yean; job by this popularized Hawaiian in· between Orient and Occident whkh muffed a hard-hit ball from zacharY's Elon Ab. R. H. E. sively explained why so many Yale EARP W~NS just the official song of a small fresh·/ strument. He also teaches Janet Gay. aris-es when a Chinese youth enters bat in the ninth. Mills got his hand Harrington, ss ...... 4 1 1 3 g~~duates fail in life. Third, the only PROTEST water college, now sp1·-ead all over [nor to play, but that. as you have al· upon the rocky road of life in these on it, then dropped the ball and zach Abernathy, 2b ....~ ...... 5 o o 0 t .;ng to do now is for every univer- the known world by the University j ready guessed, is merely Farrell's . I was safe by a whisker. Briggs, p ...... 2 0 0 0 Sl Y .to establish the alcohol-minded- of :Maine's distinguished alumnus, i bright excuse for being near l\Iiss Gay· Photographically "Son of the Gods" ll'll S Afi C. Clark, cf ...... 4 1 2 0 ness of its stud-ents. / Dissatisfactio1 1 1 Rudy Vallee, is to be "saved." I nor. But it works. ;\'liss Gaynor is sets a new high mark for the screen- M • s mrs e d \Villiams, 1b ...... 3 o 1 0 "That is only fair and honest on Several C01 A committee of students. with willing, Farrell is happy, and everyone not only in the scenes which are made r ills, on the other hand, played ball Holt, c ...... 4 1 1 0 the part of the universities. With Ankles, senior of Peabody. has a good time. in Technicolor. but in the black ami all the way that fell short of being Roberts, 3b ...... 3 0 1 2 facts before them, the parents To :Be Pr ~eorge I ~hese 1 riass., as chairman. has been appoint- The supporting cast is a good one whit·e sequences, which are of rare sensational because he had nothing of Gresham, If ..... :...... 2 2 1 1 now exactly what to expect. With ed to look up the ol'igiual manuscript I1 and features and Wil· excellence. that type to handle. He struck all N. Clark, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 these facts establish-ed as they have The Student 0 0 and take measures to have the song liam Collier. Sr., as the high-toned, Frank Lloyd directed "Son of the as b-eing one of the best second base- Caddell, rf ...... 2 0 In Yale by the Yale Daiiy News, my Monday evenin~ preserved. I socially prominent parents of Janet, Gods," which was adapted for the men they'd seen in a long tim·e, not ____ condusions would be as follows: 6·4 a motion t< It was written by Professor Adel-/1 and Lucien Littlefield and Louise Fa· screen by Bradley King from a novel that his work yesterday proved it, Totals ...... 31 5 7 6 "If Yale has 71 per cent alcohol- the vice presic crt \V. Sprague, then a student at zenda, as the newly-rich, well-meaning by Rex Beach. but he did show the signs. He knocked Score by innings: mindedness in 1930, it would be quite b Boay as postec ~aine, }d~p~ed from the !llilita:r j parent~ of Farrell. Two other excel· The coming of this picture is one down Shore's liner in the second and Wake Forest ...... 000 OOO 040_ 4 reasonable. to assume that such dom- ' arch P01e 26 years ago, pernns-~lent rol-es are contributed by Joyce of the r·ed-letter events of the season. cut it from a likely triple to a single. Elon ...... 120 010 01._5 inating environment would influence the Student Cm sion having been obtained from the Compton as Farrell's romantic sister It has both romance and realism; it The ball went between •the pla)"er Home run: c. Clark. Struck out: at least 20 per cent more students the annual elec publishers of the march, written by 1 and by Gregory Gaye as the Count: has comedy and tragedy. in fact, it and second; Mills had to throw his By Briggs 5, Newsome 5. Stolen bases: by 1934, so that 90 per cent of the offices of the the army bandmaster, Fenstad. who forgets to come to his own engage- has just about everything. gloved hand across his body from left Briggs, Harrington. students would be the actual alcohol- Student Gaven The words written ;in ·about an ment reception. A novelty cartoon, "Autumn,'' Clyde to r_ight. It was a sweet piece of mindedness of the present body be- the ensuing' Y• hour by Lincoln Ross Colcord, now , who directed "Sunny Dooer in a musical act, and a Para-~ fieldmg. WISCONSIN TO ABANDON f~re it graduat-es. So that a boy or the vice presidE well-known author of s-ea stories- Side Up," dir-ected this latest Gaynor· mount Sound News will complete the Zachary was accorded no backing · ·- gt~l from a temperate home would :R. F. Bandy, then a room-mate of Sprague-have I Farrell picture. program. to speak of and couldn't win. Wake EXPERIMENTAL COLLEGE have a pretty poor chance of keeping vote. not been changed. The song itself,' ,. * * * * * • .. Forest scored almost at will by tak- clean in such an infected environ· The motion however, has been widely transposed The very latest Richard Barthelmess Audiences who go to the State The- ing advantage of every break. Allen Madison, Wis., April 24.-The Uni- ment. protest of the c and jazzed by hundreds of orchestras picture, "Son of the Gods," a First Na- atre next Thursday, Friday, and Satur- led the attack with two singles, a versity of Wisconsin's Experimental "The second conclusion would be tee to supervi~ and bands. tiona! production on a scale so lavish day expecting to be thrilled will not double and a sacrifice. Foust hit a College, an innovation among educa- that the moral leadership of the counting of the 1 and artistic that it is a delight to the be disappointed, for the mighty George pair of doubles. tiona! institutions in the nation, will United States, if such conditions exist that after eigl:

eye, is coming to the State Th-eatre Bancrof~ will be there in "Ladies Love The box score explains the game in be definitely abandon-ed at the end of in the universities, has definitely ~ .. , ' - thF>--.Dl'<>Se)ll'.e.) next Monday, Tuesday, and \Vednes- B:ute~." He ra~es and thunders with detail. It happened just as the fig- the present semester, President Glenn passed from the big schools. it · was disco; --FREE!-- Iday. hts vtgorous vmce, hoe pummels ,and ures )indicate. Frank has announced. "The third conclusion from the in- had been mac This Coupon and 25 cents You must see it. That is the first 1 pounds with his fearsome fists, and he 'Wake Forest Ab. R. H. o. A. The experimental college was start- dicated alcohol-mindedness of Yale, if. and that in r tie between l\1 will admit any Wake Forest comment that occurs to this critic. laughs and roars with his whole power- Allen, ss ...... 4 3 3 1 2 ed three years ago with Alexander such conditions exist in the other uni- The president Student (Matinee only) to You simply can't afford to miss it if ful propensity for burly virility. Mills, 2b ...... 5 2 1 3 4 Meiklejohn, former president of Am- varsities, the only thing for a pa~ent after returninl you care anything for the best in mo· "Ladies Love Brutes" is the story Foust, If ...... 5 2 2 2 0 he;;t College, as its head. SEE and HEAR !:~~e~s :~n!:! :~:rb~o~: ~~ic~ :~: tion, went ov· tion pictures. For Richard Barthel· of a building contractor who has risen Gillespie, c ...... 6 0 0 6 1 onor students, among them some under better control and where th~ en· roborated the mess has never had a finer role· he from the ranks and who has amassed Cobb, cf ...... 5 1 1 2 0 I sons of P_rofessors, and picked stu- = man of the COI has never been presented in a ~ore a fortune. He decides to become a Benton, 3b ...... 5 1 1 1 4 dents from other colleges were en- vironment is clean and his boy and All Next Week election. appealing and human story; and he force in the social life of New York so Bell, rf ...... 5 2 1 2 Irolled in the college. girl have at least an even break of It is report has never been supported by a more 1 that he may make even greater suc- Reynolds, 1b ...... 5 2 2 10 ~ Prdesibdent Frank said the college corn;ng. home clean after his other 1 men who wer splendid cast. cesses in his role of the "Sky-scraper Meador, 11 ...... 4 0 1 0 1 w~u . e abandoned, but indicated its aca emlC career is -ended, which you JANET GAYNOR Constance Bennett has the heroine's ~(ing." Accordingly he has himself prmctp1 es would be appli-ed to fresh- have conclusively proven he cannot d() at the rneetinJ role. Others among the playet·s "'ho tn. traduced to a beautiful young so-1 Totals ----- men and sophomores at the University at Yale." of the action " ...... 44 13 12 27 12 of Wisconst'n as a whole. great regret CHAS. FARRELL stand out in one's memory are Mildred ctety matron. He falls in love with Guil 1• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for them to It: Van Dorn, Anders Randolf, E. Allyn h~r when he Ie3;rns that she is soon to B fo d Ab. R. H. 0. A. ~ •w Still Keeping Their I Warren, Geneva Mitchell Claude King divorce her ernug husband. ass, ~b ...... 2 0 0 0 0 son (R.) and Byrd (W.F.) tied for helped the cb ·and a Chinese actor na ' d K' H ' But the chances for romance in the Hendnx, 2b ...... 1 0 0 1 1 third. Height, 10 feet-. tention that Sunny Side Up 1 Chang who does s·mme 1 1ngd fou " 400 , are blasted when racketeering Bunn • 3b ...... 4 0 1 2 2 High Hurdles-Bobbt'tt (R.), Byrd the evening o • 1 P y won er u 1 . . Cheek 4 Anything You Need In rect and sho -IN- work in his part But tl enemtes devtse a plot to wreck him • ss ...... 0 1 3 1 1 (W.F.). Time, 19RL 0 seconds. • · te w 110 1e cast _ . · Stout If n would have to be named in order to In the ensumg actiOn there is a terrific ' ...... 4 0 0 3 0 I' Low Hurdles - Byrd (W.F.). final. "HIGH SOCIETY do full justice, for each and . very role fistic encounte~ in which Banct\Oft ~ac~ar~, P f ..... : ...... 4 0 1 0 5 Smith (W.F.), Jones (R.). Time, the PRINTING Line-· 2 I'is played with intelligence and skilled emerges the vtctor. The conclusion · . avls, r ...... 4 0 0 1 0 28% seconds. BLUES" capacity. of this stirring tale .is a happy one. Sh?le, cf ...... 3 0 2 2 0 220-yard Dash-Bethune (W.F.), Meredi Most viv'dl h tl with Bancroft· upheld as more of a Chisholm, 1b ·················· 3 0 0 8 0 Lee (R.), Hopkins'(R.). Time 232Ln CALL PHONE. 1361 • 1 Y, owever, 1e memory E D · 7~~ With of Barthelmess abides with the specta-1 hero than ever before. · avJs, c ...... 3 0 1 7 0 seconds. when you are ready tor after leaving the th-eatre. His role ' , one of the; younger -""'" --- Broad Jump-Bethune (W.F.), LOUISE FAZENDA in "Son of the Gods" makes one think b~auties of the talking films, plays the Totals ...... 32 0 6 27 9 Byrd (~.F.), Olgers (R.). Distance, to place an order ~r~t of many other great Barthelmess roles role of the wealthy society woman. Score by innings: 1 20 feet 6 inches. · LUCIAN LITTLEFIELD Frederic March performs admirably in Wake Forest ...... 310 302 220-13 High Jump-Olgers (R.); Byrd 'Lady Wind the role of the inconsiderate husband, Guilford ...... 000 000' 000- 0 (\V.F.), Shaw (R.) tied for second. Quality car Wilde, who finally is brought to his senses by Summary: Errors-Hendrix, Cheek Height, 5 fe~t 8=:)4 inc~es. · Service night 'In 1l' the heroism of Bancroft. 5. Mills Bass 2 Bunn 2 Ch' h 0 1 Quarter-mJle-Sandtge (R.), Green In the part of Mike Mendino, a Two-bas~ hits: Allen Fou~t 2 lSB · m. (W.F.), Campbell (R.). ·Time, 54*0 1 • • unn, seconds. . ·Satisfaction PALACE Castle Theater gangster, Stanley Ftelds g1ves a pol'· Mtlls, Reynolds, Bell. Stolen bases: I "Lady Win THEATRE UALEIGH, :X. C. Monday-Tuesday traya~ tha: comes close to the work of Bell, Shore, Allen, Cobb 2, Benton. Wilde, will t IBanctoft for first honors. Others who Sacrifice hits: Meador, Allen. Double The Oxford (England) University dith College \Villiam Haines acquit themselves with distinction are play: Benton to Mills to Reynolds. debate squad is now making a tour I C Ap I TA L S:OO o'clock. r-··-··-··-··-·-·----·--·---+ I David Durand and Freddie Burke Base on balls: Off Meador 1, Zachary of the United States and Canada. "tragi-comed; is presented -IN- Frederick, ·child players who are cast 2. Struck out: By Meador 5, Zachary A hoard of 1,240 coins has been i --FREE!-- I PRINTING COMP'NY Little Th-eat1 as the respectiv-e sons of the hero and 6. Left on bases: Wake Forest 9 discovered among some interesting_ j This COUPON and 25 cents will 'The .Girl Said No' being coacl1e· admit any Wake Forest College I the society matron. Guilford 6. Winning pitcher: Meador: Roman relics in Lydney Park, Glou­ Wilmington and Hargett Streets I ber of the m student to SEE and HEAR II Claud Allister, as an English-bred Losing pitcher: Zachary. Umpire: cesterhsire, the country estate of Comedy MGM News especially tr. (Matinee only) tailor, furnishes an abundance of rare Stewart. Time: 1:50. Attendance: Lord Bledslo~. Variety Reel comedy. 350. .• character ab• is Mrs. Erl "Ladies Love Bt·utes" is based on a ~-----~------www Wednesday succ-essful stage play, "Pardon My portant part (W.F.), Pierce ( R.). Founded 1832 Chartered 1834 STATE Glove," which was written by Zoe c-erned. The I seconds. the question RALEIGH, N. C. i Glenn Tryon Akins. Waldemar Young and Herman Low Hurdle-Kinsey (W.F.), Cox J. Mankiewicz, who adapted the. play lynne really ~lonua3··Tuesday-'Vednesday I -IN­ (W.F.), Deatelhauser (R.). Time, WAKE FOREST COLLEGE I for the talking screen, made an admi· t;rayed by 2 27:; seconds. WAKE FOREST, N. C. splendid an Richard Barthelmess .i rably fast-moving and exciting film Two-mile Run-Squires (R.), Ones­ .. in .. 'BarflUID Was Right' standing. I production. tY (R.), Stroup (W.F.). Time, 10 A_ college of liberal arts, with an established reputation for Comedy Rowland V. Lee, the director, here sonated witt 'Son of the Gods' minutes 57¥10 seconds. h1gh standards, noble traditions, and progressive policies. Ibett-ers his fine mark made in ''Dr. Fu • by Oreon I with ~ B.ARGAIN DAY~ 1 Quarter-mile-Vial ( R.), Booker Expen':;;es Reasonable phisticated ) COXSTAXCE llEXXl~TT · I Manchu:• and "W?lf of Wall Street." (R.), Hipps (W.F.). Time, 52;1.0 sec­ Charhe Chase m a talking comedy, onds. Graduate Courses in All Departments entangled " Also Thursday-Friday "Prisoner's Song," a screen song nov­ world, Lor. I Half-mile--Sievers (R.), Booker "Al.'Tl':\IX'' ! elty, and a Paramount Sound News For Catalogue, address • . . E. B. EARNSHAW, Secretary Lottie Belle A Xon•lt~· Cartoon (R.), Vial cR.). Time, 2 minutes ! Maurice Chevalier I will complete the program. 7% seconds. in type to ~\ ~[usi<'al Al't her husbam and Pm·an1ount Souml X<'ws I -IN- High Jump - Lee (R. )., King (W.F.). Miller (W.F.). Height, 5 +-~~~~--·-·-··-·-----··--·--·-·---..--·-·---·-·--·-·-.. -n-••-··-··-+ cue. ·,· I ,. Deac Sprinters Take Meet The comi Thursdar·Fritla:r-Satm·day 'The Love Parade' From Richmond Spiders By feet 7 inches. : Broad Jurup-Kinsey (W.F.), Mill­ Lord Windern GEO. BANCROFT 1 Comedy MGM News Close Count of 66lj2 to 59Yz er (W.F.), Pierce (R.). Distance, 21 Lord Darlingt in .. Lord Augustu: j .. feet 8 ¥:! inches. BrUntley's I Mr. Ceoil Gr• ! 'Ladies Love Brutes~ , Saturday (Continned t1·om page tl17'ce) Only those events in which a Baby Mr. Dumby.... . 1 with (R. l, Yeaman (R.). Height, 10 feet 6 Deacon placed are listed. as follows: Mr. Hopper ... . Javelin-Whiteside (W.F.), Bob­ Parker (butle j :\1:\H'I( ASTOR Dorothy Mackaill inches. Lady Winderr Ii 100-Yar•l Dash-Kinsey (W.F.), bitt (R.). Holland (R.). Distance, - FBI•JllEIUC ~L\Ttf'H DRUG STORE I Duchess o£ B• Also I ... in... Hutchins (W.F.), lVIay !H.l. Time, 152 feet. Lady Agatha i 100-yard Dash-Lee (R.), HOJJ­ Lady P)ymdal CharliP Ch:t!Sl' in a Talking 'Th G "d ' 10~1o seconds. ' i t n· kins (R.), Bethune (W.F.). Time, f· "Meet Your Lady Jedburg i Conwd~·. •f>t•isol!!'l''s Song' 'I e rea lVI e 220-Yard Dash-Kinsev (W.F.), ~ Lady Stutfielc A S<'I'C<·n Srmj!; Xm·•·It~· and , j Serial Hutchins (\V.F.), J\'lay ( R.). Time, 1 O}'Jo seconds. i Friends Here" i Mrs. Cowper· Pm•amouut Sound Xt>w,. , I22Gin seconds. Pole Vault-Washburn (W.F.) :Mrs. Er)ynne 1 Comedy ·.i I i and Shaw ( R.) tied for first; Dickin- i ·-·-·~··-·-·--·-··-·+I'~l======~