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R044R0 0PtedON TELEVISION INCLUDING NOV 29 -DEC 5, 1954 THE TELEVISION INDEX VOLUME 6 NUMBER 48 PRODUCTION PROGRAMMING TALENT EDITOR: Jerry Leichter ASSOC ED: Alvin Sullum 551 FifthAvenue *New York 17 MUrray Hill 2-5910 BUS MGR: Marjorie Oxley PUBLISHED BY TELEVISION INDEX, INC. WEEKLY REPORT THIS WEEK - - NETWORK DEBUTS & HIGHLIGHTS Tuesday(30) NBC- 12:15-12:30pm EST; SPECIAL; InternationalLivestock Exposition; from WNBQ (Chi), stations indefinite. Sponsor- Charles Pfizer & Co (Feed supplements and farm products) thru Leo Burnett Co.,Inc(Chi); Acct Superv- Charles Busting; Acct Exec- Ed Thiele. Production information not available at press time. John Cameron Swayze is m.c. for a hog-judging contest, in conjunction with the International Livestock Exposition, the programoriginating from the Normandy Room of the Conrad Hilton Hotel, Chicago. Films of last year's contest will also be shown. Program pre-empts 12:15-12:30 segment of theBetty White Show this date only. See also next item. NBC- 3-4pm EST; SPECIAL; InternationalLivestock Exposition; from WNBQ(Chi), no. of stations indefinite. Sponsor- Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.(Tractors, Farm Equipment, Road Machinery) thru Bert S.Gittins Advertising(Milwaukee). No account or production information available. NBC farm commentator Everett Mitchell and Mal Hansen, farm service directorfor WOW & WOW-TV(Omaha) share m.c. duties for the 7th consecutiveyear for NBC -TV's telecast of the Internat- ional Livestock Exposition at Chicago'sInternational Amphitheater, with Hansen handling the arena events and Mitchell thestudio -originated features. The program will include specialreports and integrated films. The program pre-empts for one day only, the Tuesday segments ofthe following dramatic serials: The Greatest Gift, 3-3:15pm; Golden Windows,3:15-3:30pm; One Man's Family, 3:30- 3:45pm; and Concerning Miss Marlowe, 3:45-4pm. Sunday(December 5) NBC- 4-4:30pm EST; RETURN & NET CHANGE; JuvenileJury; from WRCA-TV(NY), to the net. Sustaining. Pkgr- Barry, Enright & Friendly(NY); Prod Supery By - Mike Oppenheimer; Dir- Craig Allen(tentative). Jack Barry, as host, is assisted by a panel of five youngsters, ranging in agefrom 5 to 10 years, who offer sol- utions for problems posed by visiting youngsters. Each week's panel is drawn from a pool of eight children, rotated fromweek to week.The program debuted over NBC-TV on June 19, 1951, and was seenat different periods until it moved to CBS -TV, Oct 11, 1953. Last show on CBS was Sept 14, 1954. In its new NBC spot it replaces Out on the Farm; last show Nov 20. (Beginning Jan 9, 1955, Juvenile Jury will be sponsored by Pharmaceuticals,Inc (Geritol) thru Edward Rletter Associates, Inc(NY); Acct Exec- Edward Rletter;Agcy & Comm Superv- Don its CBS run.). Blauhut. Pharmaceuticals, Inc., was sponsor of the show during - Page 203 - TRTS WEEK(More) Copyright 1954 by Television Index, Inc. Ross Reports On Television, Service Subscription Rates (U.S., Canada, Mexico): $110 per year (or $30 quarterly, minimum one year subscription). Additional or multiple subscriptions at lower rates. Service includes: Unlimited telephone and mail information service, except research; weekly reports on current television production, programming; talent movements; annual industry directories; periodic reports on special aspects of television; and The Television Index card file. THIS WEEK(Cont'd) Sundey(December 5) NBC- 5:30-6pm EST; SPECIAL; March of Medicine, LIVE & FILM; from WTVJ(Miami), 63 stations live & delayed. Second program in 1954-55 series. All credits are same as for the first program on Oct 31 (See page 188 for all credits). The Miami telecast is in connection with AMA clinical sessions and will feature a striking advance in heart surgery. OTHER NETWORK CHANGES & ADDITIONS NBC- Churchill at 80, ON FILM; SPECIAL Nov 28; Sun, 2-2:30pm EST, one time; from WRCA-TV(NY), to the net. Sustaining. Pkgr- NBC-TV(NY); Prod- Ted Mills; Dir- John Goetz; Film Ed- John Gaffney; Managing Ed- Reuven Frank; Writer- John Lynch. A special NBC-TV film review of highlights In the career of Sir Winston Churchill marking his 80th birthday, including sidelights from friends and parliamentary opponents. HallmFrk Hall of Fame - Macbeth; SPECIAL Nov 28; Sun, 4-6pm EST; from WRCA-TV(NY) in compatible color, no. of stations indefinite. Sponsor- Hall Brothers, Inc (RA-11mArk Greeting Cards) thru Foote, Cone & Belding(Chi); Acct Exec- Homer Heck; Agcy Supery & Comm Superv- Bob Simpson(NY). Pkgr- NBC-TV; NBC Exec Prod - Jack Rayel; Production & Adaptation- Maurice Evans; Stager & Dir for Evans - George Schaefer; Assoc Prods- Mildred Freed Alberg & RmmAtt iogers; NBC Prod & TV Dir- Hudson Faussett; Assoc Dir- Sutton Roley; Music Composed & Dir- Lehman Engel; Sets- Otis Riggs; Costumes- Joel Taylor.Maurice EVans and Judith Ander- son co-star in a special television production of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," the third annual presentation by Evans of these specials; the two previous produc- tions were "Hamlet" and "King Richard II." Weekend Workshop; DEBUT Nov 20; Sat, 12noon-lpm EST; WNBQ(Chi)2 also to NBC o- 1 and -o stations: WRCA-TV(NY), WNBK(Cleve), WRC-TV(Wash). Open. Pkgr- WNBQ(Chi).$ Prod- George Heineman; Dir- Paul Robirson. Jim Hamilton, assisted by Kay West - fall, explain and demonstrate -tow -to-do and major and minor maintenance and handyman problems. (Program was listed in local station section, page 201, be- cause of previously incomplete information). NEW NETWORK SPONSORSHIPS EMERSON DRUG CO (Bromo-Seltzer) will become alternate week sponsor of Chance of a Lifetime (Fri, 10-10:30pm EST) over the DuMont net, effective Dec 17, replacing P. Lorillard Co (Old Gold Cigarettes), both thru Lennen & Newell, Inc(NY). Lentheric, Inc., which became alternate sponsor on Sept 17, continues. MI/1111111U 11111 IS 11111 iiiii ila 111 iiiii 11111111111111111111 11144/11 11 01(1111111111111N 1111111111111111 111111111 1111111111111111111 41111111111/111111/1111111111 11 MIMI mimed Is of 1/111111 MIMI 11111 111111111 LOCAL STATION ACT1Vi1Y WABC-TV(Ch 7) - Dollars and Donuts,Wed, Thurs, Fri, 8:30-9pm EST, scheduled to debut New York Nov 24 (See page 201), postponed indefinitely. Tinker's Work Shop continues Mon thru Fri, 8-9am EST, as originally scheduled. KABC-TV(Ch 7) - Familiar Faces; DEBUT Nov 26; Fri, 10-10:30pm PST. Sponsor- Holt Hollywood, LA Motors and San Fernando Valley Motors thru Craig, Dean, Riley & Olsen(LA). Pkgr- Sid Crockett; Prods- Bob Olsen, Ed Becker; Dir- George Flournoy. Artist Sid Crockett does caricature sketches and actress Nina Bara provides audio clues while four guest panelists compete for high scores in attempt- ing to identify the well-known persons being sketched. The program had been seen for one year over KGO-TV(San Francisco). KABC-TV - Nitecap Theater, LIVE & FILM; DEBUT Nov 29; Mon thru Fri, 10:30pm- lam PST. Participations. Louie Quinn, disc jockey, gag writer, comedian; tells gags, stories, interviews people (Continued next page) Tr,h, I,-1. _ _ , LOCAL STATION ACTIVITY(Cont'd) KABC-TY(Ch 7) - Nitecap Theater(Continued from previous page): and sandwiches in Hollywood, LA a late movie each night. The program will be informal and off -beat. KNXT(Ch 2) - Pet Showcase; STATION CHANGE Nov 20; Sat,5:30-6pm PST. Participa- Hollywood, LA tions. Prod- Norma Serviss. Tommy Dixon m.c.'s the program which features animal acts, purebred dogs and cats and pet shop proprie- tors in the LosAngeles area. The program has previously been seen over KTLA(LA). KNXT - Fsnily Fun Time; LIVE & FILM; DEBUT Nov 22; Mon thru Fri, 9-9 :30am, 3-3:30rm PST. Participations. Wee Battersea is m.c.-host for two programs daily, the afternoon session a variation of the morning program. Be will interview well-known chefs, give news of interest to the housewife and interview audience guests during the morning show. Diana Brewster joins him for the afternoon segment, presenting fashion features and news for women.Each program will also in- clude a Walter Lantz cartoon short. The morning program replaces California Living, with Mercedes Bates, while the afternoon show replaces Movie Matinee. rormmt-Trimrinrrn 1111rnr irrnrirrurnmngrrmrrannttritrtmrnrammilnrrnrrrnmirown-nrrirmintriirnrrnrirrI IONI IOU II MB 11 IIIII II N 11111 II IIIIIIulit PRODUCTION AND PROGRAMMING NEWS FILM DIGEST: KNXT(LA) has purchased 179 Walt- NEWS & COMM: Ted Bergmann, managing dir- er Lantz cartoons for showing ector of the DuMont TV Net on the daily Space Funnies and issued a statement on Nov Wes Battersea shows. The cartoons, produced for19 denying that DuMont has contemplated, "nor Universal International, include 92 Oswald the have we any intentions of, entering into negotia- Rabbit" shorts KTTV(LA) believes it is tions" with anyone "which contemplate the dispos- marking an innovation in children's programming ition or the abandonment of the DuMont Television by presenting the Robert Cummings' My Hero series Network." On Nov 23 Mr. Bergmann made a speech as part of the Sheriff John show daily, from before a group meeting of the 4A's which indic- 5:30-6pm. The series, distributed by Official, ated the extent of DuMont's future problem in has been retitled Mr. Beanblossom. An odd dis- competing with three other networks when station tinction, not too much emphasized by KTTV, is clearances are critical. A DUMont survey shows that Cummings is replacing cartoons formerly in the top 148 market groups of the country, 14 shown in the time slot.The Cummings films weremarkets have at least 4 stations, 27 have 3 sta- previously "test run" at 7pm to get a reaction; tions, 55 markets have 2 stations and 39 have 1 the six -week test indicated a 50 per cent juven- station each. DuMont's "best estimate of the ile audience. future picture" is that a reasonable expectation would be for 24 markets to have 4 or more stations.