·~- Intercollegiate Press and College Humor .... ·null -ra{tt .. ~ li=NorthCM=a::!e:;:n~egiate , Mail Ser.vice ~ 4;l~ U Press Association nlll -=======:::::ll -.IL{'~. V",- Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College ·,.~~ ·~ ~~~~~~====== :.0 Vol. 13, No. 25 WAKE FOREST, N.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1930 <J 11 Cents Per Copy ==================================================================~==========================~==========================~~~~======== HIGHTOWER STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT -----------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ Summer Session To Open l Head Student Body for 1930-1931 )!Wadesboro Boy Wins Over June !0; Dr. Bryan, Dean of ------,,-._____ __. Candidates Wade Brown and College, To Be Director .:. PaulHutchinsFor.HighOffice + + 1,------------------------ ~ Faculty Will Be Com- l IN RACE FOR v.-P. ..·:. IN RACE FOR v.-P. 1 Vice-Presidency Unde­ posed of Thirty-four . ·~ termined; Bandy and Members Earp in Close Race TOTAL OF NINETY-SIX PUBLICATIONS OFFICERS COURSES TO BE OFFERED CHOSEN BY ACCLAMATION Summer Bulletin States Empha­ Kyle Hayes Is Chosen Secretary open- sis To. Be Placed On Edu­ of the Student Body By cation Courses Acc1amation The summer s-ession of Wake For­ Felda Hightower, of Wadesboro, N. est College will open Tuesday, .June C., outstripped Candidates Wade 10, with Dr. D. B. Bryan as J).irector. Brown, of Blowing Rock, and Paul All classes meet regularly on ·the sec­ Above~ are shown the newly ;lected presi!le-nt: and secr·etary of the Stude-nt Hutchins, of Lexington, to succeed to ond day, and absences are counted Body fot• the scholastic term 1930-1931: Fcl<la Hightowct·, right, president; from that day. Kyle Ha~·es, left, sec•·etat-y. the presidency of the Wake Forest Th-e recent issuance of the Summer College Student Body for ·the term .. · School Bulletin of the college gives 1930 and 1931 in the elections held full particulars to all interested in here in Wingate Hall last Tuesday, any of the departments of instruction. Dramatic Club Presents 3 The faculty will be composed of 34 April 15. .Tames W. Earp, of Selma, members, of which all but five are and Ray Bandy, of Newton, are in regular members of the faculty. The Plays 'ro Smail Audie~ce JOHN W. EARP RAY F. BANDY a close race for the vice-presidency, Educational Department will have the while Kyle Hayes, of North largest share of the faculty, as a· great A Comedy and Two Tragedies Are Presented By Local Club In Wilkesboro, was elected by acclama- part of the members of the Summer High School Auditorium; Other College Activities • b I k T k tion secretary and treasurer. School are interested in only that Dr. Carpenter To TJm er a e a en The editors and business managers, field. Adverse To Success of Club with the" exception of the business There will be several entirely ·new manager of OLD GOLD AND BLACK, were courses given this summer. Miss. Isa­ .Study At Hopkins •ty The Dramatic Club of Wake Forest lent performance. "'I'he ·Valiant" In Legal Frateml unopposed and were the choice of the belle Bowen, of the New York School students by acclamation. The Howler of Fine and Applied Arts, will teach College recently pr-esented three one­ proved the feature of the program, four courses in drawing, and Profes· Dr. Bloodgood, Cancer Expert, act plays in the 'Vake Forest High ~nd as a tragedy, prov-:;d to be so Local Professor of Law Is Fra- is to be edited by Irvin C. Kitchin, of sor Charles Troxel will give three Invites 40 Physicians To Study School auditorium, under the direc­ tragical that it brought sobs in the ternity Annual Honor Wake fFCorest, whi~Ie Rayburn N. Joy- tion of Mrs. C. C. Carpenter. audience. · ner, o anton, wz I manage the bus- courses in Music. At Gorvan Laboratories iness end of it. Following is a list of the various Owing to the weather conditions and ·, A large number of students and Ml emb er departments, giving the number of conflicts of s t u d ent act iVJtles,· · sueh as townspeople who did not sze the plays I B. A. Strickland, of Whitakers, was the Golden Bough Banquet and the h'ave expressed their desire that the elected editor of the Student with M. courses offered in each and the total Dr. Coy C. Carpenter, professor of Playa be repeated, which w1·11 be done I E. W. Timberlake, .Jr.• professor of S. Cashion· as business manager. number of .semester hours credit Pathology of the Wake Forest School Freshman cap-burning, only a small ~ crowd of ·about 130 witnessed the per- in the _near. future. If possible the law at the institution, was initiated 0Ln Gor.n AND BLACK will be edited given by the department. of Medicine, has been invited by Dr. Sem.Hn. Joseph C. Bloodgood, of ..Johns Hop­ formance. club wlll gtve anoth·sr performance April 11 at honorary member of Beta by Joseph M. Minton, of Franklin, Va. Credit.. ' Albritfon ·''·'SChool: ·· -of~~r.ses kiiis University, recoghiz.ed' as an out­ The performance of these three one- ·~:~·fore. _or during commencement. · Gamma ·chapter of Gamma· Eta Gam· The member&--ef-·tire Student·-Gm:m• Bible .·............. :............. 6 16 standing cancer and research man in act plays was · an eminent success. The Dramatic Club this year has ma, professional le~al organization. cil and the Student Legislature will beo Congratulations were extended to the exceeded the 'expectations of many, elected by the various classes of the Biology ··········--·············-·· 6 10 the country, to spend with 40 other Each ·clmpter of the fraternity is Chemistry ...................... 5 21 prominent medicians three days at characters personally • by the faculty and is to remain as a permanent stu- college. These elections will be held and the townspeople, for their excel-.I dent activity next year. 1 allowed to take into membership one some time in the near future. 72 the Gorvan Laboratories at Johns Education ·········'············ 25 honor member each year. Professor English ·············-·-·········· 7 21 Hopkins in special research on cancer Geology .......................... 2 6 diagnosis and treatment. Timberlake was chosen this year be· W. H. Ford In Revival Mathematics .................. 3 9 The study includes men through­ cause of his reputation among the out the country who are interested Ministers Elect Varsity Engages Modern Languages...... 16 48 members of the bar and fot· his in- Work At Thomasville 13 in diagnosis and research as it con­ Physics ····-·····~··-·····-····-··· 3 tensive work in instruction in the Psychology and Philos- cerns specimens removed at opera­ Class Officers In Final Debate law at this colleg~. Newly Elected P:t·esident of the 1\lin- • ophy -··············-·-·-···-··~· 4 12 tion. It will include a number of isteaial Class IS Eulat-ging Social Science.... ·-·····-···· 10 30 border-line cases where there has Professor Timberlake studied law Evangelistic \Vork Physical Education...... 4 4 been a difference of opinion as to the W. H. Ford Is New President; Varsity and Freshman Debaters at the University of Virginia and has Drawing ........................ 4 4 proper diagnosis. Long Elected To Office of See Action Agaipst David­ taught at Wake Forest College for The daily papers this week have Music ·····················-····--·· 3 3 The forty men invited by Dr. Blood­ a number of years. carried reports of a gr.eat m.eeting good to the Gorvan Laboratories on Vice-President son and Wingate Initiation cer~monies were . held in which w. H. Ford, Wake Forest soph­ this special and timely research mis­ th-e afternoon m the Euzehan Lit- omore is nolding this week and n xt sion are physicians and college pro­ Dr. Cullom To Fill erary Society hall and were followed I at Ford, before fessors whose ability and service is Meeting on Wednesday after the I The varsity debating team will Th~masville. enr~ll­ Three Engagements by the annual banquet that evening Iing last fall at Wake Forest ,;as p s­ recognized throughout the country, Easter recess the Ministerial Class bring 1;_he pres-ent season to a close at the Carolina Hotel in Raleigh. tor of the First Baptist Church, aof and it is a re1lecUon of considerable elected its officers for the coming year. with the meeting of Davidson College Heriot Clarkson, associate justice of Andrews, N. C., and up to the time of 'Vill Appear At Cary High Scbool, merit that one of the Wake Forest j The precedent of electing a senior as tonight. This debate will be held at the North Carolina Supreme Court, his registration at Wak-e Forest, held Louisville, Ky., and Ocean Medical School should bll the recipient and Dr. Francis P. Gaines, pr.ssident the record for -the number of evangel­ Park, 1\laine of this unusual honor and privilege. president was broken by electing W. :.\Htchell College in Statesville, N. C. Dr. Carpenter's services here with H. Ford, who is a sophomore. It was Wake Forest will be represented in of Wake Forest College, have been istic church additions in the State of initiated into the ! local chapter of Georgia. He was recently elected to Dr. W. R. Cullom of the local de­ the Wake Forest Medical School have pointed out that by virtue of experi- this last encounter by Franklin :M. partment of R'eligion and Albritton Gamma Eta Gamma, as honorary the presidency of the ministerial class. attracted considerable favor. During ence and outstanding ability Mr. Ford Averitt, of Fayetteville, and Graham members during the past two years. professor of Bible here, will fill three the past year he' has don.e more than Some of the se·rmons which occur on very important engagements in the 25 autopsi-es for the school, most of was the logical man to fill the office.
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