Robeft Olson Artistic Director 8( Conductor MAHLEKFE 5T XVI Schedule of Events
Boulder, Colorado January 8-L2,2003 Robeft Olson Artistic Director 8( Conductor MAHLEKFE 5T XVI Schedule of Events CHAMBER CONCERTS WEDNESDAY, January 8,7:30 PM Boulder Public Library Auditorium FRIDAY January 10, 7:30 PM Rocky Mountain Center for MusicalAhs, 200 E. Baseline Rd., Lafayette Songs_& Opera Scene, Alexander Zemlinsky Songs by Alma & Gustav Mahler SYMPOS!UM SATURDAY, January 11, 1 :00 PM lmig Music Building, Room C199 Prof. Marilyn McCoy Cowbells, Child's Play & Chaos: The Many-Contradibtions of Mahler's Sixth Symphony Dr. Stuart Feder The Tale of Three Hammer Blows Prof. Stephen E. Hefling The Tragic Dimensions of Mahlbr's Sixth Jerry Bruck Mahler's Sixth: The lnside Story SYMPHONY CONCERTS MahlerFest Orchestra, Robert OIson, conductor; Lucille Beer, mezzo-soprano SATURDAY 11 January SUNDAY 12 January See page 3 for details Funding for MohlerFest XYI hos been provided in port by gronts from: The Boulder Arts Commission, on ogency of the Boulder Gty Council rhe scientifrc ond cutturot Focitities Boutder countv commissioners ?';:";:;l::l'i,:itrl::;:z'::,"!,'the Ihe NEODATA Foundotion, odministered by the Arts ond Humonities Assembly of Boulder (AHAB) Visiting Scholor Progrom of the University of Colorodo The Dietrich Foundotion of Philodelphio The Von Dyke Fomily Foundotion Mony music lovers of the Boulder oreo ond olso from mony stotes ond countries Speciol thonks to Peok Arts for their odministrotiye ossistonce. Scientific & Cultural Facilities District llakinq It Po.r.,ible. MAHLEKFE 5T XVN Mahler's vision of the world, so clearly mirrored in his works, reflected the problems of life, of love, of achievement and failure, of happiness and fame, all from the viewpoint of death, common to all of us.
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