CURRICULUM VITAE[ C.V] Name : Dr. Sadashiv Shashikant Patil Present Designation : Head, Department Of Marathi Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Yashwantrao Mohite College Of Arts, Science & Commerce,Pune -411038 Contact :
[email protected] Phone:+9120-25433383. Cell:+ 91 9730192280 Educational Qualifications : M.A , M.Phil., Ph.D.,SET, NET Exam Subject Ph.D. Sangli Jilyatill Gramdevatanvishyak Maukhik Sahiyach Abhayas M. Phil. Dr. S.L. Bhairappa ynchya dhon Marathi anuvadith kadambryach Abhyas Teaching Experience A] Under-Graduate Level : 8 years Awards and Honours :[ 03] 1) Recived Certificate of Excellent Examiner from The Director of Higher Education (Government of Maharashtra) for the Essay-Compitation orginazed in various colleges in and across Pune city. 2) Was invited as an Examiner for the Elocution Competition organized by Narayan Meghaji Pratishthan. 3) Worked as an Examiner for six years Abhijit Dada Kadam State Level Elocution Competation organized by Shankarao More Vidyalaya, erandwane. Publications: A] Research Papers Published: [08 ] 1) Published the paper entitled “Gramdaivate ani Lokgeete” Saksham Samiksha ISSN No.2231-4377, vol-1, Issue: Jan-Feb-March, 2012, Page No.40-43. 2) Published the paper entitled “Palusache Gramdaivat Shri Dhondiraj Maharaj Rathotsav ani Paryavaran Samasya” Saksham Samiksha ISSN No.2231-4377, vol-1, Issue: April-May-June, 2013, Page No.25-27. 3) Published the paper entitled “Loksanskrutitil Gramdaivatanvishayak vivid Drustikon” Saksham Samiksha ISSN No.2231-4377, vol-1, Issue: April-May-June, 2015, Page No.91-94. 4) Published the paper entitled “Sangli Jilhyatil Gramdaivatancha Abhyas” Akshar Vaidharbhi ISSN No.0976-0296, vol-2, Issue: May, 2012, Page No.84-90. 5) Published the paper entitled “Gramdaivatanchi Parshvabhoomi ani Swaroop” International Journal of Multifaceted and Multilingual Studies.