10-10-2012 IMPORTANT: See Exam Preparation at the end of Syllabus!!! You are responsible for bringing textbooks and Bible to every class. Email me a clearly identifiable digital photo of you (only you—no group photos, phone pix acceptable) before the second day of class…save the file in the following format: first last name (U247 001). SYLLABUS RELS U247-001: New Testament as Literature 8:05-9:20 am (Mon-Wed) Spring 2013 Location Pending Instructor: Sister Terri Bednarz, R.S.M., Ph.D. Office Hours: MW 9:30-11:30 am Email:
[email protected] MW 1:00-2:30 pm Phone: 504-343-9474 *appointment recommended Office: 402 Bobet Hall NOTE: When emailing me, please indicate your full name and the section number of your course. I do not respond to emails unless this information is provided in the email. Course Description: In this introductory course to the New Testament literature, we learn the fundamentals of how the Christian Scriptures came to be, and we identify the critical issues that challenge our interpretations of biblical texts. Our studies cover the basic structure, background, content and theologies of New Testament literature with insights into the social, cultural, literary, and religious contexts in which the early Christian texts arose. We apply critical approaches to biblical texts, and we learn how these approaches produce various interpretations of biblical texts. We explore how our own cultural assumptions affect how we view and understand NT texts. Course Goals: To understand the background, structure, content and distinctive literary features of each NT book.