Newfaculty Meimbers

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Newfaculty Meimbers The Official Publication ο{ the Bard College Community Vol. 2, Νο. 1 Annandαle-on-lludson, .\"ew 1Όrk October 7, 1959 WINTER Expanded Orientation COLLEGE NEWFACULTY ENROLLMENT Program ls lnstituted From January 4 to February 10, MEIMBERS 1960, Bard students may elect lt ίs very fίttίog that Bard's Orίentatίon Commίttee honor the ln the An, Musίc, Draιm, and Dance Dίvίsίon, there are fίve to attend the recently formed college's IOOth enterίng class wίth as full•scale a program as new faculty members, ίncluding the head of the drama depanment, winter college. wa s carrίed out this year. _September, 1959 marks the first time Mr. Wίllίam Drίver. that the Orίentation Committee, working wίth the Dean's Office ΠΙΕΜΕ OF COURSES Assistant Professor Wίlliam Driver holds a degree of Master and the admissions Office, has attempted so extensive a program. The courses offered by the of Ans in Classics and Philosophy from Menon College, O:ι:ford The Commίttee, under the leadershίp of Davίd Robίsoo, staned winter college will be concemed Universίty, where he was secretary of the Oxford Uoiversity Dra­ workίng at the end of last tenn. Durίng the summer, committee with "dying tradίtions and new matics Socίety. For several years he was both actor and director memb ers contacted entering students vίa mail, Bell telephone intentions," or the study of the in England in repertory companies such as the Nottίngham Play­ system and even house visits. But theίr biggest job came during changes which have taken place house, the Manchester Lίbrary Theatre, and the Old Vίc. He was the Orientatίon days from September 5 untίl Septeneer 14. place between the nineteenth aod also active in televisioo and motίon pίctures in England. Upon comίng to the Unίted States he held the positίon of Director of the twentieth centuries and the e:ι:• ORIENT Α no~ Α SUCCESS? more iιnportant aspect of making a scholastic adjustment was not cenc of their influence on con• Poets' Theaue, Cambrίdge, .Massachusetts. Several new students were Mordecai Gorelίk, described lowshίp for----- cwo years. Most re- dealt wίth enough ίn tbe orograιn, ,, temporary sociology, psychology, asked for theίr opinions about lίterature, hίstory, and meta• by Presίdent Case as one of the cently he held a Fulbrίght grant ΑΝΝ ΗΟ, freahmaιι, from Tarry• the orientatίon pιogram, and how physίcs. Α few of the courses to outstandiog figures of the Am· wh ich enabled him to speod a town, New York. Orίentation they thought ίt can be improved be offered are The Emergence of erican theaue, has been ap- year painting in France. week was cenaίnly a success, next year, how ίt dίffered from Modem Europe, Changίng Per· poioted Vίsίtίng Lecturer ίο , . The extra day wa s needed and Drama and will offer a course Mr. s as other schools they might have spectίves ίn Lίterary E:ι:pression, ίn :'ιblow appoιntment ιs helpful, and the ίoformal ac• stage desίgo under the title of a panιal repl~cement for Profes• attended, and, ίn general if ίt Structures of Cultural Metamor­ tίvitίes were very good. If maps "Scenίc Imagίoatίon," This sor S~efan Hιrsch who has been was a succes s. The ιnajority phosίs, Modem Ρ sycbology, aod of the campus had been sent to felt that orientation was a suc­ the Breakdown of Nioeteenth ι:ourse has been given by Mr. granted a. Bard College Faculty entering students sometime Gorelίk in New York to a group Fellowshιp ~or the curr~nt year. ces s especίally ίn regard to the Ceotury Rationalίsm aod Radί· during tbe sumιner, much. con· timing of events. Enough ac­ lίmited inίtίally to professίonal Profess~ H~sch and. Mιss ~lsa fusion could have been saved, calίsm. tivities were planned so that stage desίgoers and later en• Rogo, bιs wιfe, has JU~t saιled 8 CREDITS Also, the period when new stu• larged to permit professiooal for France wher~ tbey wιμ sp~nd panicipants ίn the program did dents broke ίnto five groups for directors aod producers to enroll. of .yeat not get bored, but also had enough Α student enrolling in the ~uch ~he comιng ιn paιnt· discussion wa s not very effective winter college may elect to take Mr. Gorelίk was a student of the ιng and Ι? coιnpletιng a book on time to meec people and just talk. because not many questions were only ooe course, carryίng eίght late Roven Edmund Jones aod an ο? wbιchthey ~ave ~eeo borh Almost all agreed that the pre• asked and ίt was extreιnely dif· was desίgner for apprOΣίmately wc;'rkιng for some tιme: rofessor credίts, which wίll meet for three lίminary regisuation conferences ficult to bear, two hour seminars a week. In ad· fifty Broadway plays ίncludίng !firsch ca?Ίe to Bard ιn 1942 a~d were helpful. Some people sug­ "Me Ι Wh"t " "G ld Β ,, ιs a senιor member of the Dι- dίtίοο, wίll (Conιinueιl Page 3, Col.3) the winter college n η ι e, ο eo oy, . f Α Μ • ο d gested that the pre-regisuation "All My Sons," and "Hatful of vιsιon ο n, usιc, rama an offer a number of concens, fίlms, program be extended so that one lectures and other actίvίties, Raίn." He has also been pro- Dance. can discuss more thoroughly ductίoo designer for many fίlms Mr. Allen Brίngs has been ap­ TUITION with his advίsor what courses to Clubs for R.K .Ο., Republic Studi~, ~td. Insuuctor ίιr .Wμj5 Mf..- cnoose. , 1 For th&se· studer.ts . ~tί g 20th s fs both a c:ι κnJ ~nglιsb 13rιlJ8 proΠs11ι:Jlllt to enroll, the inclusίve fee wHJ aod French fίlm companίes. He pianist and a composer who has Below are some vίews on the Active be approxίmately six·hundred has taught ίn this country aod publicly performed and recorded Orientation program expressed What to joίn? There isn't any dollars plus a small assessment abroad, is the author of "New some of hίs own work. He is a by a few of the new students. problem at Bard conceming meιn­ communίty Theatres forOld" and of artίcles graduate of Queens College, re­ bershίp ίn clubs. Each club ίs for dues. Funher in• ΟΟΝ AVIROM, frea/ιmaιι, from open to all students. The meet­ formation concerning the winter in leading encyclopedίas. He ceίved his master's degree at Far Rockaway, New York. fellowshίps ίngs are announced by bold college may be obtained at the has held research Columbia and obtained a Mosen· 'Όrientation week iιnpressed me .posters on the bulletin board. Dean•s Office. Anyooe plannίng from the Guggenhίem Foundatίon thal Fellowsbip. He recently as beio1t satίsfactory. The pro­ to attend the sessίon ίs urged and the Rockefeller Foundation. comρleted a tour of duιy with The following ίs a brίef run-down gram seemed the result of ιιiuch to act ίmmediately. of some of the various clubs on Also appoίnted to the Drama tbe U.S. Army in Germaoy. ρlanning and it ιnaoaged to ίntro­ campus, Departmeot ίs Mr. Reese Sarda Mr., who is duce and 1oosen up tbe ίncomίng Si χ St ιι <1 y of Hyde Park, New York. Mr. teachίng Physίcs this year, has students. Also the inuoduction The Psychology dub aίms ro Sarda ίs a young wrίter. actor, come to Bard from Berkeley, to dorm life and general school ίncrease the ίnterest of the stu­ At Clinic stage desίgner, and stage tech· Califomίa. wbere he has been en• polίcy was well taken care of. dent body ίn this subject. Stu· There were perhaps too many nician. He wίll be ίn cbarge of gaged for the past two years in dents' papers are read and dis­ Sί:ι: Bard psychology ma jors stagecraft at the College uodet research on elecuical discharges 'hean•to-hean• talks on the cussed at meetίngs. Lectures on are participatίng ίn a research the supe"ision of senίor mem• ίn gasses, Prίor to this research 'unίque' advantages of thίs 'u· ίnterestίng topίcs, are given by project on aggression at the Rip bers of the depanment. project , he taught physίcs at nίque' school. All in all the ίnvited well·known authorities Van Winkle Foundation ίn Hud­ Georgia Tech fοι twelve years. orientation week was quite ade· son. The six involved are Amy ίn the fίeld. Plans are now beiog Mrs. Vίda G. Demίng, Assist• Mr. Herremao did his uoder· quate; the comιnittee should be mιde for movies and a trip to the Green, Brenda Steίnberg, Chickίe ant Professor of Drama, pan­ graduate work at Staoford Unί- well thought of." Mokίno lnstitute, a center for the Dachuck, Mitzί Neurenberg, Dick time, ίs the only former member . versίty, and received other de­ use of pyschotherapy ίn drama. Gomel, and Elly Cbatzky. of the Drama Depanme nt return­ PHIL COFFINO, freaλman, from grees at the Unίversity of Calί· ίng thίs year. Mt. Vernon, New York. Orίenta· The Social Studies Club spon· Every Mooday this year, these fornia. tίon week should have been sers lectures as well as an an· studeots will spend four hours "The new drama faculty at Because Mr. Herreman arrived shorter and more intensive. There nual Intemational Weekend. At at the Foundatioo. The first of Bard this year," Mr. Case saίd, at Bard ίn late summer, he had were too many inte"als ίn wbich this event, one chosen theme is these hours will be devoted to ''offers excίtίng possίbίlίties in an opponunίty to attend some of there was noching to do. Also, dίscussed with visiting foreign a semίnar discussion lead by Dr. thedevelopmentofcollegetbeaue the conferences should defi· the Orίentation Program for the students. This year, for the first Eron of the Foundatίon.
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