The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record
•<p -^^ tj .*^ ">>.<? ^0. ' •- fo '-. -'-' °i. y \. • % 4' o ' • • * n!^ ^, \.^^ .;^^^<^. %/ /^^% Vo^^ ^» %/ ;^^ ?:^ /% v^- ,0^% >^.^ /\^Wo^^%%^^,0 if. >--ii^ ^ ;V 'X^^^^^-; %/ ^_^. ^^ :m<'. ^.Z /^^\ %,^ ^W" ^ '^^ ' .v-^ -^^ .'y'r^^ 'U-o^ ' 4V~^j]lilli|i'> - \^ *^ 'itW '-'':i \vv i .-^ ^- ^^0^ 5^>j^"- • "^ : „.;^= V.,,. „.. ^-v •..„ . , .-e^'^ »0 " n ^ y'''"\ . -^fi^'^ ,0- %. 'r^^^/ ^f^ -^"o^ --m^S '>^/ ^^^ : THE NEW iciualagital ani '^iagraj^^ ' ^ccort Vol. VI. NEW YORK, APRIL, 1875. REV. JOHN JONES, FIRST MINISTER OF FAIRtj. CONN., 1644-1664. By John J. Latiing, of New York. The Rev. John Jones was, as his name imphes, of Welsh extraction. The families in Wales bearing his patronymic, however, are so numerous that an attempt to trace his pedigree from any published records would seem to be a task almost impossible. He is stated to have been " Edu- cated and regularly ordained as a preacher of the Gospel in England," where he married and had several children. What is said, in some ac- counts, of his being identical with the " Johannes Jones " son of William Jones, of Abergavenny in Monmouth, matriculated at Jesus College, Cam- bridge, April 30th, 1624, at the age of 17, is now admitted to be entirely erroneous. As appears from the interesting autobiography of Rev. Thomas She; .re,. he came a fellow passenger with him in the ship Defence from London^j landing at Boston 3d Oct., 1635. Although neither his name nor that Shepard appears in the Custom House list of passengers of the vessel, ye this list contains the names of Sarah Jones aged 34, Sarah Jones, 15^ John II, Ruth 7, Theophihis 3, Rebecca 2, and Elizabeth 6 months, un-j" doubtedly his wife and children.
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