Ingham County News November 18, 1954 -Page 3
' Wmner of 1954 Mtchigan Press 1 General Excellonce Award .·u nty Ne' WI 5QpJ1ngp~~u~;n:~;:y the MasotJ Senior Play 0 Thursday and friday Nights. C ' Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 46 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, November 18, 1954 4 Sections - 26 Pages She Found Golden fleece --------.----.. Newsl11dex Lawyers Seek · Want arts, Pnges G and 7, Put•t L. Residents Ask Rhoda Kelly Sings of Greece ANN RENJ~l~ l~OBmNS, 8, 1ow~s het• Iltth Soclnl news, Par:cs ~ und 5, New Trial for Boals who will quici,Jy gmw up into "big boots as llill'i< fl'om a Hllmmer HPC'nt In Purl 1; Pngo 4, Part 2. ' C:JI'I'<'r•, Hlwrtn Kr>!ly IH Joyously Churc•h news, Page 5, Putt 2. he is a Boxer. lie's a son of Muggsy, u family pet Fancier Lights Hlllf.pllg lhl' Pl'llhcH of the people LettcJ•s, page 3, Part 2. Renee is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Rob· of thnt andcnt lund She !ounrt Editorials, Page 2, Part 4. Mason Woman bins. She's in the third gmde., Beside het• ls r t lw Gnlrten I•'IPcr·c• .mel !~arm news, Pages 4 and 5, Br.cm1se the flliher-ln·law nf cousin, Cordelia, the duugh!et· of Mt·, and Mrs For Boulevard in II, slw H<ilcl, were liospltallty Pnrt 4. J~nwood Stowe served on the t:lam Cotton, She's G and a fil'sl-gl'Uclet• al the If boulevru II folks want liornc anrt love> of IJI'Cilom, Legal notlccs, Page 8, Pnrt nil jury panel, Mrs.
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