Analysis of Engine Bids by Engineer Electric And
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^ ALTO SOLCJ VOLUME XXXIX LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1931 NO. Ig Mr. and Mrs. Christian Fahrni ANALYSIS OF jCedger ELECTRIC AND RECONSTRUCT CENTENNIAL QUEEN CALL MEETING Celebrate Their Golden Wedding GOES UNDER KNIFE €n tries ENGINE BIDS SHEEP TRUCKS In the midst of their children'ell. Their children are Christ HOTEL BLOCK TO CONSIDER and many friends Christian!Fahrni, South Boston; Mrs. Most B«ing • Collection of Var- and Anna Fahrni celebrated their Tallant. Mr. Fred Fahrni. South BY ENGINEER ious Topics of Local and COMING SOON golden anniversary on Thursday, Lusveli; Mr. John Fahrni, Mr. Kr- Sept. 17. The Swiss Ladies* Aid nest Fahrni and Mrs. Alice Den- NEXT SPRING General Intereit FOOD BUDGETS society surprised them on this{ny, of Lowell, They also have day. After a lining Scripture twelve grand children. Mr. MAM FAC Tl RERS ^ I B ^ I T STILL TRY,XG T0 pi T IT 0VEB EXHIBITS OF INTEREST TO reading and song: "Silver Threads Fahrni was horn Januarx 12,18511, PLANS OF NEW OW NERS CALL RIR\L Sl'PFRVISORS, WEL- Among the Gold." Hev, John Claus in Schwarxenegg, Switzerland, PR0P06A1A—COST APPtOX- Al a oMht. bo.ird BOTH THE FARM WIFE AND FOR ONE-STORV STRLC- FARE WORKERS AND PTA gave an address. Mr. and Mrs. and his wife May 17, 1801, in Ob- IMATEL^ ?6>t000—CON8L1I* of supervisors hrld in (irnnc) THE FARMER — POIXTRY Fahrni received many tokens of erlangenegg. Switzerland. Mrs. Tl RE WITH FOl'R STORFS— LEADERS MEET IN GRAND ERS POWER CO CONNEC- '<J,I,','S 'as' Priday ;i new ronimil- love and a delightful lunch was Fahrni is a highly respected e PRODI CERS MILL ALSO WQILD CONSIDER HOTEL RAPIDS TODAY—MISS AGNES ' !' c was named lo reeunsidiT Ihr served. They were married Sept..member of the German M. E, riON SI GGE8TED. N. Division ave. projecl. The HAVE THEIR INNING. 17. IfWl in Schwanenegg. Canton church and secretary of the Li- PROPOSITION. SORENSON TO FPEAK. special session was called as a Bern. Switzerland. In 18% they dies' Aid for many years. May .... , | result of efforts on the part of came to America and settled in God bless them and be their light An adjourned regular meeting certain parties, who are insistent The Rural Klectricilv truck J. A D. London, Grand Bapids Invitations have just been om rh l wn S ,a, 1 Vergennes township. The last in the errning of their light. contractors who recently ac- of the village council was held on i„ their endeavors to obtain from £ ^ . ' | |' Ih^n ^ars th.yTivH in l mailed to a hundred rural super- in r oun, f ,r ,Vk , 1."IW - —J. ednesday evening for the pur- ihc rural portion of Kent county I* ^ 1 > 1 " ; ^1 —. quired possession of the Waver'y visors, cil) and county welfare pose of further consideration of financial aid for the N. Division ("«*• S.plemlH-r ijlh and 2!»th , - hotel, one of Lowell's old land- workers, leatlers of parent-teach- the question of providing eracr- project in addition to the aid al- ^e meeting Ihe i* h will be on £ West Dies marks. have had a crew of men er associations and others inter- genes power for the municipal ready voled for the S. Division the farm of Arthur Peale on at work for the past few weeks, ested in welfare work lo discus* !,n water and electric light plant in widening. township, about three tearing out the interior walls of food problems al a meeting lo be mi & c of Unexpectedly Friday LOWELL HIGH case. s of low water. .condition s | The following named rural ^ tL Ihc second and third floors. This held lo lay. (Thursday,! in Ihe such as have prevailed the oast supervisors should be given cred- 0" 5,,h work is now about completed. supervisors' room, third boor of summer. Ibe present auxiliary ,1 for voting against the niiuinilwl11 ** on ,hf Mobel1 V»ct»r- Ben K. West, for more than 40 The new owners informed the the county building. engine not being of suflicient ca-iof the new committee of flfteen: lane farm in Paris township on \ears a prominent figure in the VARSITY TEAM Ledger on Tuesday morning that They have been mailed from cMy to earn the load which Sups. Bergstrom. Buebler, But- Hie lnfirmar> ntad. Both nut; business, public and social affairs according to their present plans the oflice of the Grand Bapids ings arc In Hie afternoon startingjof Grand Bapids, died unexpi'ct- they do not intend to do much Ks been thrown upon il. trick. Davics, Dintaman. Feens- EMMA KBOPF Anti-tuberculosis society a n d Bcprt>senlatis*es of the l-air- tra. Ferneau. Frazier. I^ubach, at 1:3u o'clock. iedlv last Friday morning while more with the block until earlv anybody interested in the topic This truck carries exhibits ofjenroule t»> Blodgett hospital next spring, when they will bink'Morse Co., the De IJ Newland, \V. A. I'eterson. Post, WINS OPENER ...... ri-•"7 «... .1- MI«S Ivropl. Unvell's "Food for health when funds are Verf»e Co^ and the WortMnjtoii Syers, Walsh, WVnger and Veiler. interest lo both the farm wife where he was scheduled lo re- imodel all of the first floor, culling Centennial quet n, worked all day low" is urged lo alien I. I manufacturers of Deisel || to The Ledger that the am„ ,! the farmer. Stoves, lightin. g rive treatment for a minor ail- down the abnormally high ceiling Xuesiiav at her duties in the Low-, Miss Agnes Sorenson. county hx urrv ,ni1 engines were present, also repre-Norlf, |(uision projet i is a waste- .' toners, pumps, feed mcnt. STl BBORN Bt T OUTCLASSED • "'herwise modernUing the t.|| s.jfe bank, apparently enjoy- home demonstration agent, will m sentatives of the Consumers Pow- fu| effort, throwing awav need-j .*• water heaters, poultry) Mr. West was born in Lowell I i ff HirH of rwxvn uipinc d • rer ii. • i . , ing her usual >1 health. Soco present the subject inf>»muilly, af- er Co. with a proposition lo sup- less sums on real estate, for PQV'P"11,0' an'j "lh«r equipment > ears ago and lived here until LEEHK.H OF(.RAND RAPIDS Part of their plans include the reachin. the home of her ter which the meeling will be ply whatever current Ihe village which the rural resident would '"b-resl. Specialists will be he was I'i years of age. when he GOES DOWN TO 39 TO 0 DE- of a new store at the parents. Mr. and Mrs Chris K-opf. thrown open for questions and on h nii ln Mns rT 1 0 1 might need lo carry it through pay exactly as much, in pn.por * * luestions. :moved to Grand Bapids with his FFAT IV vifHT riUF iiL-pr " t" ' block, fronting she became vers ill and Dr. Shep- discussion Miss Sorenson has emernency conditions. ||ion f0 |,is assessed valuation, as Sheep MeetimrN Sept. 29-30 father to engage in business. NIGHT GAME HERE.:on Broadway. ard was called who diagnosed her 'l*' prepared minimum budget The various bids and proposals a city resident. The Michigan Sheep Breeders'l After leaving school Mr. Weslj Hunter l Steed occupy the two casc as appendicitis. At o'clock order lists and menus for distri- 0 c b ock on,, n were anal\zed by Mr. Norris, of TTiese are not the times in |Association in connection with was engaged in the drug business i Lowell high school won Its J !"" , , 1: ^ 1 * P^ she was taken to Blodgrtt hospital bution. which should be helpfd Ann Arbor, ccnsulting engineer which to be wasteful or careless th...e. extension denarlment at in the location now occupied by counts varsils football game ,1 n Si T ' " b\ l»r, Shepard \ Aitland and ;•! f"r those who must provide fami- employed by the council. C U Ur 11 O r, ock she XV;,S ,aced with tax money. IMichigan Stale college will have Henry's drug store. Mr. West is 0f this season last Friday night vii.,KfJ , K ?i ' . P on the lies with food this winter. Briefly. Mr. Norris* analysis in- urv, on jits purebred ram truck in Kent 'i l\ f when she defeated the stubborn ' r the old^afittta Stresses Good Food dicated that the cost of a power h r lobby and •race wun ine dining (>„ W'ednesday morning Miss county for four mwlings, S<plem- |^^ "/ ; "'J,n ^ but outclassed Lee high eleven. room and unit of about 500 h. p. capacity THE CHI RCH St PPER ber 29th and 3Mh. The truck w,n ^ W. Pat- 39 lo 0. The victory gives evi- kilcnen in the rear. Kropfs condition was reported "Nourishing food is just as which would cost the village approxi- will slop at Ihe following places: '"'JO". "oll^ood. Calif, also dence thai Lowell has another adjoins Hunter £ Steed very favorable and Lowell peo- cheap as poor food." staled Miss mately 96.1.000. perhaps more- The season for the church sup- Ml%% (,ra re on Ihe east, will be rebuilt as a pie are hoping for Ihe s|>eedy rt- Sorenson. "and many people do per and the festival is here. These Tuesday, September 29111 at 9*01. ^slker of I^wdl, powerful football team. covering all items necessary. A s a 1 M r store or for some other purpose covery of their queen. lot know that ten cents worth of delightful events crowd Ihe late al Klingman Bros., in Gaines ' V™"' .